PAGE rOUK BALL TEAM SEI 10 MEETEUEENE the MOVIE COB S YELLOW CAPS PUZZLE REAL TARS RPniNomcbn T l IV IW D A Y . JANUARY 18. 1984 news First Ambassadors To and From Soviet Russia Gcti New Home THREE NEW M CLUBS 3TNR1ED Whdere Prltidell, Marlin Darr, Vern Gate«. Oean WII of depending on Hartman to do the Names Committees for New thing they have not seen wealth in thè effort io help bini son. John Phillips, iu-rny Church. • • • scoring has been one of Marlon Year and Elect Trustees; inor«*. ihvu they. i < m ». an Clarence Clark. Robert Downea. Progressive 22 Plans Fun Car­ K R A K E N • . . . Hall's greatest tasks. Rtchey. t h . whirlpool H,lurt. Short Session Monday Pniil Noll. Donnld Richards and nival for February 9; Com­ Squires, Brattain. Cox. Irvin, may The good Bishop Pontoppldnn of! , h|tV7T ,|v. ,, , hnn 80 tears Jack Cook. not be as good basket shots, but Norway. In 1750. de.crlbe.l a huge I , , hayr |ieV(,r rv<„, mittees Already Working Only a short meeting of Juanita hut they can find the metal circle Rebekah lodge will be held next sea monster which he called the ■ j||y ,nn„ ail, Annual fun carnival for Progres­ "graken." He had It on the nu as has been demonstrated during Monday evening tt was decided at u( , hp W|>>|th w||(,.h „ „ NEW BRIDGE GROUP sive 22 drill team of Juanita Rebe­ thorlty of aallornien that It waa a | .......................... the season. lllro „„r the regular meeting this week. A ORGANIZED IN CITY kah lodge will be held February 9 mile and ‘ The St. Mary’s game on Tuesday special meeting of the Odd Fel­ half around, and when , .....„ l(|)> „„„ and ticket sales will start this it sank beneath the waves It night ended 17-14 for the Eugene lows has been called for 8:15 to A contract bridge club was form (It by w«ll meant auhrineu to make week. Plans for the social affair caused a whirlpool Well, there Is | gronp. This was a close game, but welcome Grand Master Winslow. ed here Tuesday when a number everybody rich were matte Friday at the monthly a whirlpool off the Norwegian again the Saints led the locals The lodge members from Coburg. of ladlea were Invited to the home meeting of the drill group. through the entire game in scoring. Marcóla. Walterville. Oakridge and coast, at certain stages of the tide P H IL A D E L P H IA J im m y of Mr- Welter J Scott Those al Committees will Include Mrs. Tractive games with Roosevelt Creswell are to meet with the local which Is dangerous to shipping anil Wilson (above) ntw manager o f the lending the first meeting were Mrs junior high school have been ar­ group in this meeting. The Rebe­ P hiladelphia Nationais. is aow an Glenn Stone. Mrs. Clara Snodgrass. which sailors call the kraken. But Walter titsieler. Mrs W K harnell. tin I sh ping up his team for the Mrs. Clarino Putman, and Mrs. ranged for the second and third kah meeting will be adjourned be­ allowing for exaggerations, there Mrs, W N Long. Mrs. Carl Olaon. i'll! W ilson, former St. Louis Stella Findley on arrangements, may be something to the old Ills The Pleasant Hill high school Mrs. Jack Henderer. Mrs Donald teams for Friday by Hail. steller, says his tram will fore that time. and Mrs Mamie Richmond. Mrs. basketball le a t ll defeatist the hop's Idea of huge sea-monster , __. . _ 'ban many now suspect. One candidate. Mrs. Wilda Orr Tisiiub Mrs Elvln May and Mrs Putman, and Mrs. Lillian Black a« For Inajanre, Newfoundland fish j Santa Clara tenuis Friday night at Hurry Stewart. A potluck luncheon Cotton, was initiated into the lodge EXPERTS TO ADDRESS boa teases. ermen caught an octopus a week or Santa Clara. The boys score waa was enjoyed at the meeting this week. New officers were installed at two ago. In their herring net, which 37 Io S3 The girls won by u score NEWSPAPER SESSION Committees for |h e year were The group will meet again an the Friday meeting preceding the weighed 570 pounds and w as: of 62 to 20 The areond string by named by Thelma Sweeney, new January 26 nt the home o f Mrs. Experts in the field of journal­ noble grand, as follows: Floral. social hour. They are Mrs Zolla twenty feet long from Its tall to j a aocre of 30 to 18. The next games Stewart. Qantrell. president succeeding Mrs the end of Its longest tentacle Nrti j will lie played at I’l- asant lllll ism from outside the state, as well Mrs. Clara Snodgrass and Maxine as leading newspapermen of Ore­ Genevieve Louk: Mrs. Putman, big enough to drag a ship down, as when they will meet the Mohawk Snodgras; linen. Mrs. Stella Find­ Guard Inspection Set gon. will gather on the campu- of ley; finance. Mr,. Alice Doane. vice-president; 'and Maxine Snod the octopus of fable was said to do. teams Annual federal Inspection of grass, secretary treasurer. Mrs. but such a creature could certainly the Cniversity of Oregon. January Elsie Lambert and Lillian Black; Mr. and Mr Lawrence Laird r«- Hi sdquarthra Company C. National Stella Eaton, Mrs. Bertha Rouse swamp a good-ailed boat. 18. 19 and 20 for the sixteenth an­ press reporter. Mrs. Genevieve j turned from their houeymoon trip Guard Unit of Springfield, will ba and Miss Edna Swarts were the In nual Oregon Press Conference. Not There Is no reason Io doubt, hut to southern California Sunday. Louk. held ul the local armory on W’ed _ _ _ . stalling officers. only will the publishers and editors J A Phelps motored Io Philo every reason to believe that where Three trustees were elected at Mrs. Alberta Walker. Mrs. Grace this one came from there are more math Saturday to up ml the wick neaduy. February 7, according to talk "shop,” and hear addresses of the meeting. They are Mrs. Pearl For School information received by C, A Lansberry, and Mrs. Marjorie Mo­ and larger ones authorities, but this year they will Schantoi. Edna Swarts. and Clara end with Ills family (here. 8103—Epaulettes and pleats- und Swarts, First Lieutenant In com have for a leading topic the pub­ hler were in charge of the enter e e e The Tri (’niumunily club of Clo­ Snodgrass. They hold office for what better than the pleats to form mand lishers' code, now of great Interest tainment for the Friday meeting verdale wua enlertalned lust Fri­ one year. broad panels from belt to hem. and BOOZE ■ ■ ■ ■ and automobiles not only to newspapermen but to day night by the Poole entertainers Mrs. Carrie Jarrett was elected the epaulettes flaring Jauntily over Before prohibition there were Former Student Vleltw—-ilesketl the general public as well. of Eugene, who put on an "Ilnur of captain of the degree staff and sleeves with soft fulness above a only about 2.000.non automobiles linker, employee of the state game O. C. Ham. Chicago, managing Fun” program livtreshmenta were plan« for the annual Fun Carnival handcuff. In the whole United State«; now farm at Corvallis, waa in Spring director of the Audit Bureau of Cir­ served after the program to be sponsored by the Progres there are more than 25.000.000 The collar leaves the neck com fb-ld Tuesday Io vlalf F h Ham­ culation. will be on the program sive 22 degree team were an- High speed has been encouraged: lin. local postmaster Mr He-kett fortable. It may be of white linen for an address before both the dail­ nounced. the fit test road speed allowed by was a pupil in Roseburg when Mr. or pique if you make the dre s of ies and weeklies session. law in 1920 was 26 miles un hour; wool crepe or velveteen If of wash Hamlin taught school there and From San Francisco w-ill come A ip rc u ltu rs l C olleg e Presi­ now there Is no limit on modern waa superintendent 20 years agu. Floyd L. Sparks, advertising ex­ BROTHERHOOD PLANS Junto Hill. Sr., left lust Satur open highways. P a tte r n , N a dent fa y s F e d e ra l P ro g ra m pert. who will address the general GROVE DISTRICT MEET duy for Ciillfornlu to spend tile rest • 1 • 3 Deai.'! !if. Vitine for $1.95 each the annual banquet; Steen M. John­ Bankers Association Journal. Mr and Mrs. Hugh Safely from TO INITIATE TONIGHT Big Bargains! booze and automobiles don’t mix son. Sheridan Sun, who will preside "Nobody knows whether the farm Alhuny visited Mrs Safety's par New Jersey has had to su pend HOFFMANS at the weeklies departmental; and adjustment program will succeed," Mrs. O. H. Jarrett will entertain ents, Mr. ami Mrs. Roy Edmlslon. I ti ti F. Bldg Joe C. Brown, Redmond Spokes­ at her home this evening at 8 writes Mr. Farrell, "lui sponsor,, de­ more driving licenses Tor driving last Wednesday. while Intoxicated In the past scribe It frankly as an experiment. man. o'clock for members of the Needle- It seeks to socialise agriculture at month, than in several years. craft club. This will be the annual least tc the extent that farmers, in The only way a motor-car can be Local Folk Study Speaking— Sev­ initiation meeting for the club and what Is believed to be the public In driven with complete safety to the eral Springfield people have en­ a social evening has been planned. terest, will restrain their production driver, the occupants of the car rolled in the public speaking course activities and that processors, dis­ and any others who happen to be being offered in Eugene on Mon­ tributors and consumers will con­ Tw o Have Pneumonia — M rs on the road, Is by a driver who day evenings by Ed. Westfield, George Smith and her small daugh­ tribute something toward paying farmers for exercising this restraint. has not had a drink of Hquor for industrial engineer. First meeting ter are seriously ill- at their home The adjustment programs definitely the past twenty-four hours. of the group wa Monday evening on East Main street with pneu­ • • • are based on the fact that prices are of this week. monia. determined primarily by eupply and R O A D S ...................... of the future demand. They also are based on the Gradually we are learning how assumption that the export business to build motor roads for high-speed in agricultural commodities will not trlfflc. There Isn't any question goon return to Its volume of fire or that the best road material Is con ten years ago. Crete; Its higher first cost Is more Dependence on Public Support P a tte r n , No than repaid by the lower cost of H0K7: resigned in “The plan offers wheat price in­ annual maintenance, If the rond Is 9 ffcMI • i surance for 1933, 1934 and 1935, for properly built. 42, 44. 46 4H, 50 WOMEN’S PURE SILK HOSE. Pr. and 52. Site 46 the domestically consumed portion w ill require 4% Roads wide enough for two car WOMEN'S $1.98 SILK BLOUSES, of the wheat crop. The insured price yards of 36 inch to pass used to be thought suffl m a t a r la I To is to be sufficiently high to give the finish w ith bias BOYS’ ALL WOOL SWEATERS, domestically consumed portion of clent; but a single alow car would binding or piping will r e q u i r e R hold up traffic for miles, so the the wheat crop pre-war purchasing MEN’S ALL WOOL SWEATERS. yards 1% inches M 87 4n Outstanding pjwer. If the plan is as effective as three-car road was tried, the mid wide. BOYS' CORDUROY OVERALL PANTS, Pr. Its eponsors hope It will be. the re­ die channel for faster cars to pass Musical Instrument mat-rials—gingham, or in cotton or duction in supply may influence the slower ones. Soon.however, COATS EMBROIDERY THREAD. 3 for rayon prints, then have collar, cuffs wheat prices so that the entire new breed of road-hogs developed, of Quality 4 OUNCE PKG. ABSORBENT COTTON, j and belt In white or In a contrast­ wheat crop will have pre-wa • pur­ who used the middle channel con chasing power. 25c SIZE COLGATE TOOTH PASTE, ing color of plain material. PHILCO 18X “If the adjustment program suc­ tlnuonsly, preventing cars in the The Smart Matron 25c SIZE LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE ceeds. Its launching probably will other direction from making speed. 8087—Printed velvet used for this mark the end of an era of extreme Now no highway Is considered INFANTS RUBBER PANTS, Pr. distinctive model. Pipings of satin Individualism In agriculture In the really modern unless It Is wide give it a smart touch. You will like United States,” saya Mr. Farrell. INFANTS BROADCLOTH CREEPERS. Each enough for four abreast with "Recent fundamental changes led out crowding. the slenderizing lines and attractive BOYS' LEATHERETTE HELMETS. Each Secretary Wallace to say, 'What we What a value this is! A seaming with Just enough flare In The Ideal motor road of the fu­ BIG FEATURES marvelous new PHILCO, MEN’S FANCY DRESS SOCKS. 2 Pr». the straight-line skirt to give ease. really have to do Is to change the ture will keep the traffic In one di Genuine P H IL C O Balanced Su­ the world's largest selling The raglan shoulder lines are es­ whole psychology of the people of rectlon separate from that going perheterodyne w ith Patented In ­ 50c SIZE VICKS NOSE DROPS the United States.’ This Is a large radio in an exquisite cab­ clined Sounding Board . . . pecially becoming to the large wo­ order. It Invoires the whole program the opposite way, by a wide parked Balanced Pow er “ Class A ” A u­ DYAN SHINE SHOE POLISH , inet of fine matched woods. dio System Shadow T u n in g man. as is also the simple effective of farm adjustment as well a« the space between the two. It will be No other radio at any­ • Automatic Volume Control closing on the waist front. 10c SIZE BARTONS SHOE POLISH, • Bass Compensating Tone larger national economic program, built of concrete on deep rock where near the price ap­ C entrol New Oversize Faille, broadcloth, sheer woolen of which farm adjustment Is a part. foundations, anil each side of It proaches the new PHILCO Electro-Dynam ic Speaker . . • MEN'S HEAVY WOOL SOCKS. Pr. P H IL C O High-Efficiency Tube«. 18X in volume and uurity or crepe I: also suggested for this If the people decline to participate will be wide enough for two or Receives police and airplan e of tone. See and hear it M tN 'S MEDIUM WOOL SOCKS. Pr. In the program to the extent neces­ j style. calls In additien to regular pre­ possibly three cars. 15c now! grams. M agnificent cabinet of sary to give the experiment a fair ceetly wood«. For pattern, »end 15 cents In coin trial, we shall never know whether WOMEN’S MOCCASIN TOE BROGUES and the man (for each pattern desired), your farm adjustment as now proposed WEALTH • The current talk of "a more name, address, style number and would have succeeded or not If It Grain Leather Brogues in moccasin toe and wing OTHER MODELS FROM $24.50 TO $180.00 equal distribution of wealth" does­ size to Patricia Dow, Springfield had been given a fair trial." tip styles with and without Kelty tongues. n’t worry me. Communists talk as News Pattern Department. 115 Values to $2.69. • SPECIAL TRADE IN ALLOWANCE ON ALL PHILCO If wealth were static, as If there Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y. JANUARY CLEARANCE $ 1 .9 8 C. E. Group Meets— A business were only so much of It, so that to meeting of the Christian Endeavor give the poor more meant taking society of the Christian church will from the rich. They forget that a We Cash CWA Checks be held tonight following the hundred years ago we were all church dinner It has been announ­ poor, and got rich not- by robbery ced by William ('ox, president. hut by creating more wealth. Money is not wealth, neither Is raw land. Wealth is the product of 77 E. BROADWAY EUGENE labor applied to land and Its pro ducts; money ia merely a convenl ----------«. 1 DBILL GROUP I» HAVE FON EVEN! NEW MEMBER Upper Willamette ^AV.RY MARSílALL DESCRIBES FARM ADJUSTMENT PLAN Thurston January Clearance Sale at WILLIAMS’ PHILCO $105 49c 98c 49c 98c S 1.29 Sc 10c 17c 19c 5c 10c 10c 25c 43c 23c 8c 25c Williams’ Self Service Store