THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1984 TYSON GETS SAFETY WORK APPOINTMENT T O W N A N D VICINITY FARM DEBT COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY GOVERNOR Had NRA Home Code TELEGRAM BEARS NEWS OF M O THERS DEATH W. P. Tyson ha» been appolnttnl County Group Named to Assist In safely engineer on the CWA pro­ A telegram received here Tues­ Rs-Adjuotmon< of Obligations day morning by W alter N. Williams gram for this district He Is work ! Olrl Is yt— Mary Tata I» reporte«! lug under E It Brown. chief ».fety T ” e h ,r - M l- Margne, Of Farmers to Creditors told of the death of his mother at engineer who I . also manager ot •«"«« «■»' w ~ k end to lie III at her home thia week. Bradshaw, T eiaa at 4:30 the same To assist worthy farmers and I the National Safety council uf th e j »»-*“ “ « "• •'«rtlsM.rf. morning Funeral services were to Marcóla Man Haro— George Wel­ their creditor» to work out volun­ be held Wednesday of thia weak Columbia Uaslu district v i . l t . , rwn Portland— I ’ete Lam ler of Murmlv was a bu Ines» visi­ tary agreement»%»tate and county according to the telegram. Mr. Tyson has had many years | berty of Portland was a buslne»» tor In Hprlngfleld Monday. LOST 20 LBS. OF FAT commltteas are being set up experience In safety work at the visitor In Hprlngfleld Saturday. Visitor from Wendllng — C. It «'•rougbout the country Governor IN JUST 4 WEEKS Booth Kelly plant In Hprtngfleld NEW POSTAL RULE HITS G o e . to Portland— Mrs. M It Wich» of Wendllng visited l„ j Meier has appointed a farm-debt where he was chairman of the ’ DISTRIBUTION OF BILLS ! adjustment committee In every Mr» Mae Waal of Ml. Louis, Mo., safety committee for several years. lla n lly left Sunday for u huslnte» Hprlngfleld Monday. will«’» "I'm only 2X yra old and | country In Oregon. visit to Portland. A ,new postal order Issued from wul*h«d I7U 11». uutll taking on« Fall Creak Man Hers— Charle« , The county committees will serve Former Pastor Here— C. J Pike, Washington. D. C. Instructs the I iom of your Kru»i’hi*n Malt» Juil t Collacts Bounty— !.. It McCreary Neel of Fall Creek was a business under tbe general direction of the weak» ago. I now weigh lfto ilm | former pastor of the Methodist of Hlus Rlvar collected the county visitor In Hprlngfleld Tuesday. postmaster In each community to J Oregon Agricultural Advisory Coun­ alio li»»» more energy and further church Hprlngfleld was visiting bounty on one bobcat at the office CHICAGO: . . . Mrs. Guasie remove all materials on which no cil, In cooperation with tbe Oregon lunrii I'»» never hud a hungry luo- with friend» here Tuesday. Kev. Move to City— Mr. anil Mrs. J. L. W rndt'. husband helped her set up pontage Is paid from the mall boxes of the county clerk Friday. man I." State College Extension service. an N KA rode for the home, his part on the routes and to take the same ('line and family have moved her* Ful folk» should take oua half Pike Is now serving as president The I-ame county committee cori- being that he was to be home eaeh Fireman Is III— Hugh Jollff, from Eugene and are making tbelr li-a«roonful of Kruachen Halts In of the Portland Bible Institute, an sigh« but later than H P M , so tbe back to the postoffice where It slsts of E. A. McCornack, F. B. a ala»» of water «vary iiiurnlug Interdenominational school of reli­ Hprlngfleld fire chief, has keen III home at HOC East Main «tree!. •-.. i -» m s plea for a imosy. tubby will be treated as matter held for Harlow. Elmo Chase, Peter H. Pet- before liri1(, conf,,ct|onery stores, milk ' having claim» against said estate complaint ftlsetl against you In the AUTO ACCIDENT CASE are hereby uotlfled to present tha shove entitled suit on or before Visits Mother— Fred Montgom­ Albany People Here — Mr. and excess of old debt« over the product, M),d from house to bouse, I same, with proper vouchers to the four weeks from date of first pub- ery was here from Corvallis Fri Mr». D. W. Gerber of Albany and amount of new capital which can bakery producu HO„, ln „.kerlee, Huit against Oscar Millican of undersigned at the office of Donald Ihatlou of thia summons, or for Young, 43b Miner Hulldlng, within want thereof the plaintiff will take day to visit with his mother, Mr« Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Gerber ot be borrowed. The number of such and the selling of food in restaur-1 W altervtlle seeking to collect the »Is months from the date of the Judgment against you and will Rosa Montgomery. Sweet Home were here Saturday i.«ses varies, ranging from a few - onU , O1 congumption on the preml- Hum of *1*025 for damages as a I „ ................. ___________ first publication of this notice apply to the court for the relief night and Sunday to visit at the up to 200 or more per county result ot an automobile accident Washington People Hero— Mr Dale of the first publication of prayed for In the complaint and Any farmer who needs informa- i . . borne of Mr. and Mrs H. E. Gerber _ _. . . . . No grocery or food store operator at the west Junction of the Spring- this nolle« January 4, 1*34 for a decree of absolute divorce and Mr». E 8. Taylor of Skelton, tlon on the procedure to be fo l-' “ L. . CHARLES C. WHITTKN, .__ , , .. _ ... may keep his buHiness open less field bridge on December #, wan from you. Washington, were overnight gu«-«t» Mother ig III— Esther Strunk was lowed by tbe committee, or o n : . * , . , . Executor. This summous Is published ones « • ._ » « ., ai . ,: than «3 hours weekly unless fewer filed in circuit court last week by DONALD YOUNG, Attorney for each week tor four consecutive at the Sprlngueld hotel on Friday. called to her home at Camp Creek types of farm-debt adjustment . Mr. and Mrs. A. L Thomas of Me «•»tale Tu«*sday because of the Illness of agne-ment. should get In , ouch hour, were the practice In h l. store weeks. In the Hprlngfleld News, Bon la Born— Mr. and Mrs. M il­ Mlnnville. (J 411 -16-66—P 1) a weekly newspaper published at her mother. Miss Strunk Is living with the county agricultural agent ‘ ‘ ' Hprlngfleld, Lane County, Oregon, ton Illlderback of Wendllng are the with Mr. and Mrs, M A. Pohl while O. 8. Fletcher, who has a supply SUN. TILL WED. by order of the Hon 0 , F Skip- parents of a son horn to them at of application blanks upon which NOTICE TO CREDITORS worth. Judge of said Court.' made their home on Thursday, January attending high school here to register cases for consideration Notice 1» hereby given that the December ttth , 1*33 and first pub 11. 1*34. undersigned has been appointed llshed December lis t, 1*33. Assists at Wendllng— Rev. C. E. by the committee. Admlnlstratrls of the khi'ate of W H IT T E N SW AFFORD, At­ H a i Major Operation — Mlaa Crandall la at Wendllng this week John O. Mtaats, deceased, by the torney for Plaintiff. Residence Consider All Cases County Court of Lane County. Ore­ and Poet Office Address Eu­ Laura Thurman underwent an em­ assisting Rev. Everett Gardiner, The work of the committee is ergency major operation for appen­ pantor of the Methodl-t church of gon All persons having claims gene. Oregon. not limited to Federal Lank Bank (D 3118— J 4-11-13) again»! the said Estate are hereby diciti! at the Pacific hospital In that city, with a scries of special cases, but will Include adjustments uotlfled to present the same, pro- services being held each evening Eugene Sunday. S U M M O N * p»-rly verified, to the undersigned between farmer borrowers and this week. at the office of Wells A Wells, IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E other mortgage creditors. The Daughter is Born Mr and Mrs. llank of Commerce llldg,, Eugene, STA TE O F OREGON IN AND committees are without legal sta­ L. E Daugherty of Marcela are the FOR T H E CO UN TY OF LANE lutne County. Oregon, within s li Passes Examination— Fred Buell tus. although having official recog­ lu o u th a from the date of the first H A Z E L I. C A ItT M E L L. Plaintiff parents of baby daughter bum to recelv«id word Tuewday morning nition. Their whole function Is to VS JOHN O. C A R TM ELL. De­ them at Miss Nelson's Maternity publication of this notice. that he had passed tbe state em­ serve ae effectively as possible on Date of first publication, Jan. 4. fendant. home In Eugene on Friday. Jan­ 1934 balming ex» inatlon which he took To John O. Cartmell. Defendant: a voluntary basis, depending upon uary 13. 1*34. ItE ItT H A A. G ILL, Admlntatra- IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE at Portlan ihe fir t of the year. fairness for results. trig. OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ nt the past six months Returns from Portland — Mrs. Mr. BueP W ELLS A WKIJ.M, Attorneys quired Io appear and anawer the v the examination at complaint filed against you In the Harry Stewart returned Sunday studyinr (J 4 11 18-86 F 1) above entitled suit on or before from Portland whore she has b«-cn L is Angeles. PROTECTION STRESSED four weeks from date of flrat pub­ vlgltlng for the past three week« Box Amberlatum ______ ____ ______ 50c IN FOOD TRADE CODE lication of thia summons, or for Bottle Caugh Syrup ................ ............50c with her daughter, Mrs. Tberon H want thereof the plaintiff will take BUYER MUST PAY HOG Cold Tablets ___ ____ ___________ __ __ 25c Hauaaer. Judgment sgslnsl you and will Portland. Jan. 18— The average TAX SAYS CO. AGENT con-umer of grocery and food pro­ apply to the court f«»r the relief DR. C. A. BROWN prayed for In the complaint and for $1.25 Breaks Lag at Home— Mrs. Ida ducts is amply protected in the a decree of absolute divorce from D e n tis t Violations to Be Reported and Pro- SPECIAL FOR Wooley has returned home from provisions of the retail food and you secutior W ilt Be Sought Where Formerly Or. Emery'« This summons la published once the Pacific hospital with a broken grocery trade code, which became Be supplied with preventive remedies and save Tax Deducted From Seller Dentist Office each w«>k for four cona«wutlve right leg suataln«*d here Friday effective on January 6 after ap­ yourself serious illness and expense. Farmers who have hogs to sell weeks. In the Hprlngfleld News, a Phons 20-J when she fell while working about proval by President Roosevelt ac­ I weekly newspaper publl»h«>d at were cautioned again this week by cording to C. Laird McKenna. Jr„ i Springfield. Ia n » County, Oregon. her home. O. 8. Fletcher, county agricultural ! by order of the Hon G. F Skip legal advisor to the Oregon-Idaho agent, against allowing hog buyers worth. Judge of said Court, made CWA W orker Breaks Arm — to deduct the hog processing tax compliapcu district, who examined Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN l January 3nd. 1*34 and first p u b ' the code today. Stanley Keyes received a broken Naturopathic Physlolan llshed January 4th. 1*34. of *1 00 per hundred pounds live “The retail food and grocery W H IT T E N SW AFFORD. A t­ arm Friday while cranking a car WH(gh, from |hp prU.p hp payg {o, Phone 81-J trade code contains a provision that torney tor Plaintiff. on a CWA project to this city. He ),OkH Haeldt-nce and Post Office ad Is receiving medical care under no retailer of food products may In­ Office Hours: 1 to b P. M. Mr. Fletcher quoted Henry C. j dress Eugene, Oregon. crease hts prices after January 6 th • CWA administration. 404 Fourth Street (J 4-11-18-36— F 1) Wallace,, secretary of the United over the prices charged for the States Department of Agriculture S U M M O N S same article on Jnne 1, 1933 by Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs tn a statement in which he says IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF more than is made necessary by in The dairy industry is the largest in the nation. So T H E HTATE OF OREGON FOR Harvard Neu are the parents of n that all hog buyer» are expected creased costs and Increased invoice LANE CO UNTY, ' baby daughter born to them at Ihe important is it in Oregon that milk has been made a to pay the tax which eventually is Watchmaker and Jawalar (', W. Mullin, Hr., Plaintiff, va. ( hospital In Eugene on Frl- pass«*«) on to the consumer of the or replacement costs." McKenna de­ public utility to insure its purity and continued supply. HPRINGF1BI.D Chrlstophur Hchmadeke and Mrs clared. "Any retailer found 'goug-1 day. January 12. 1934. Their home p«,r |, products. When the pur So. Pacific Watch Inspector Hchmadeke. bis Christopher Dairy products are the best foods civilized people Illg' or profiteering is liable to sev-1 First Class Work kt Reasonable chaser of the hog- does not pay the wife; W illiam Hchmadnk* and Is on Hprlngfleld route 1. have found. If you are not using your share you are ere penalties under the code/' PrloM. Mrs. W illiam Hchmadeke. bis 1 tax and sells at the current market slighting your health. Loss Leaders Out I wife; George ttehmadeke and Three Get Bounties—J. I). Y a le ! prices which include the tax he is Mrs. G«>orge Hi-hmadeke. his wife; . The grocery code also forbids the General la w Practice John Hchmadeke and Mrs. John | of McKenxte bridge collected the In violation of the processing act use of "loss leaders"—selling cer­ Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for Hchmadeke, his wife; Henry only bounty on ««n«> coyote anil : Names of theee buyers togethei I. M. PPTERSON Maid O' Cream Butter Hchmadeke and Mrs. Henry Bch- rn e bobcat; Sidney Parkton of Lo- with full particulars should be sent tain articles at less than cost to a t - , tract trade— as this practice Is Attorney at-lotw madeke. his wife; Caroline Hch- »e ll coltoeted on one bobcat, and i to Dr. A. G. Black, chief of the in ad eke M iller and John Doe M il­ deemed prejudicial to labor and the C ity listi B u ild in g ler. her husband; and Emily Hch­ John Wilson of Lowell on one eou- corn-hog section. Agricultural Ail- farmer-producer 'of food products, i S p rin g fie ld , O regon Administration, Wash Justment Administration. madeke and Richard Roe, her gar at the clerk's office Friday. Thia practice results in charging I husband; and also all other per­ ington. D. C. higher prices for other article« to sons or parties unknown claim­ Any farmers who are In doubt ing any right, title, estate, lien BAPTIST AID MEMBERS j about the hog processing tax can or Interest In the real estate des­ cribed In tbe complaint hereto. HAVE ALL-DAY M E E T !,,b,aln fu*' Information from Mr. Defendants. Fletcher at hts office in the Eugene To Christopher Hchmadeke and Members of the Ladles' Aid of Public Market building. Mrs. Christopher Hchmadeke, his wife; W illiam Hchmadeke and Mrs. the Baptist church held a surprise of Pittsburgh, Pa. W illiam Hchmadeke, his wife; meeting nt the home of Mrs. L. E. George Hchmadeke and Mrs. Oeorge Stacey on her birthday Friday. The O. S. C. DEAN TO BE ON Hchmadeke. h it wife; John Hch­ REGIONAL CREDIT BOARD madeke and Mra. John Hchmadeke, members of the society spent the h it wife; Henry Hchmadeke and day quilting and had a covered dish Dr. W. A. Schoenfeld. dean of Represented By Mrs. Henry Hchmadeke. his wife; luncheon at noon. agriculture at Oregon State college, Caroline Hchmadeke M iller and E. H. TURNER John Doe Miller, her husband; and NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S 8ALE has accepted appointment to the Emily Hchmadeke and Richard Roe, board of directors of the regional 844 A HL Hprlngflald, Orw. her husband; and also all other On the 2nd day of February. 1834, persons or parties unknown claim­ at the hour of 10 A. M., at the office of the Farm- Credit adminis­ ing any right, title, estate, lien or front door of the court house in tration In Spokane. Dean Schoen­ Interest In the real estate described Eugene, Oregon. In Lane County, feld takes the place of Dr. E. M. In the complain herein. Defend­ Oregon. I will sell at auction to Ehrhart who was recently made the highest bidder for cash the fol­ ants; president of the federal land bank IN T H E NA M E OF T H E HTATE lowing described real property lo­ OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ cated In Lane County, Oregon, to- and thus Ineligible to serve also as a director. quired to appear and answer the wlt ; Ixits 7, 18, 19 and 30, Horn's Complaint filed against you In the The regional hoard of directors, Formerly Walker-Poole Addition to Eugene, as platted > above entitled suit within four under the new administrative set­ and recorded, also the Southwest weeks from the data of first publi­ quarter of the Southwest quar up, has supervision of all four of cation of thia Hummona; and If E U G E N E — 11th H P H IN U F IH L D ter ot the Southwest quarter of Ihe divisions of the farm credit you fall to answer, for want there­ aud U barnelton, 838 Maia section 38. Township 17 8outh ! administration for this district. of the Plaintiff will apply to the Telephone 723 Phons 82-J Range 4 West of the W illam ette . .», » » i . . «. «. Court for the relief as prayed for Meridian. Lane County, Oregon, ! TbM,e “ rp the federal ,and bank' In P laintiffs Complaint, to-wlt: For excepting the following: B egln -:,h,, Intermediate credit hank, the a Decraa quieting title to the fol­ nlng at a point 1.32 chains “ East ' bank for cooperative« and the pro- lowing described real estate, to- of the Southwest corner of said dltctlon credit corporation. wlt The Lot 19 in aald Horn's Addition; Beginning at a point 7.60 work as a board member w ill not running thence North 9.81 chains; chains West of the Southeast thence East 3.94 chain«; thence Interfere with Dean Schoenfeld's corner of the J S. Hwerlnger D. South 9.81 chaina; thence W est present duties at the college. L. C. No. 37 iio tf. No. 364t In 3.94 chains to the place of begin Tp. 17 South Range 3 West of nlng. together with the teña­ the W. M. and run thence West mente, hereditaments and appur­ to the East line of the Jacob tenances thereunto belonging, or Hpores anil wife D. L. C. Notf. in anywise appeartalnlng. No. 8071. thence South along the Said sale Is made under execu-1 East line of said claim 14.84 chains, thence East to a point I on Issued out of the Ctrcut Court due south of the place of begin of the State of Oregon for the ooun- ¡ nlng and thence North to tha Jy of Lane to me directed tn the i place of beginning, all In Lane case of The State lotnd Board o f : Oregon, composed of Julius Meier. County, Oregon; The Favor of Other Men FOR BETTER Uni m m two pints of bile Jule« flow dally and decreeing that the defendants Governor of Oregon; H al E. Hoss, from your liver Into your |M>wele. your Secretary of State, of Oregon; ' and each of them have no claim, In­ food deeaya In your bowel». Thl» poisons SCHOOL REPORTS whole M y . Movements ret hard and terest, estate, lien, right or title to Rufus C. Holman, Treasurer . of your Bonatl^oted. You get yellow ton or to aatd real property, and that Oregon, Plaintiff, vs Prank B I Children's Vision should be the title of the plaintiff thereto is Cooper; Pearl A. dooper, now cheeked regularly. Physical good and valid; and for such other otherwise known as Pearl A . ' change In children la rapid and and further relief as to the Court Phelp« Fred J. Fick; Nellie W . | r F nMl oharm- Everybody wen constant. When It Is a question Fick, Bllyou; may seem Just and equitable. r .c a . his nis wife; w o e ; Margaret m arg are« I. . » „you; » l u . mln.r.1 w . l . r . of eyesight or proper vision, the State Havings and Loan Assorts °IU. laxative pill». In .tl» . muk II m o > Thia Summons Is served upon child, nine times out of ten does lio n e n rn o ra tio n - L a n e Countv. tlon, a corporation; Lane County, you by publication by virtue of an not know what Is the matter • » »»n t do It, for th»v onl> order of the Hon. O. F Hklpworth, a body politic and corporate In and i-harin. with him or her. Proper vision move out hr tail end of your b o e .l« .nil Circuit Judge, dated and filed Dec of the State of Oregon; School dis­ nearly always make» for better I take »war »nouali of th . d.- II. 1933. directing thia Summons trict No. 4, a body corporate In and school work. be served on you by publishing of Lane County. Oregon ; Road Dis­ the same once each week for four trict No. 14, a body politic and cor­ All of our service charges are successive weeks to the Hprlngfleld porate In and of Lane County. Ore­ very reasonable. gon; Road District No. 80. a body extreete. If you woulT'bKn