THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THIRTY-FIRST YEAH HPK1NGFIBLD. LANK COUNTY. OKKOON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1»84 Lodge Plans to r Official Visitor N I K OF SALES UK HEARD HERE TRIAL Grand Master of the Odd Fellows lodge In Oregon w ill come to Hprlngfleld Monday. January 22, for his official visit with I. O. O. F lodge number 70. A special meeting lo welcome the vlaltlog officer has been called at the lodge ball for 1:16 Immediately following a short weekly meeting of Juanita Rebe­ kah lodge. TWO Local School Tax Raduct. Possible; Opposition to Act Appears to Be Waning The high school debate schedule for this district was released this week and copies received by Prin­ cipal Buell at the high school. Tha schedule lists opposing teams for two debates for tbs first meetlog on February 17. Later pairings will be made following the out­ come of the first meets. ject, a continuation of the street Improvement work, has been ap­ proved and workers assigned The project was submitted last week when It seemed that most of the CW A work here was about to cease and was rushed through the vari­ ous approval bodies that local men might not he thrown back on the relief rolls. The city now has three major projects, armory, streets, and al­ leys. Some work remains on the school project, and on the chil­ dren’s playground project. Work on the alley project will Include cleaning up of all alleys within the city, removal of the weeds and leveling them Gravel will be spread on those which are used the moat. W’orkera on the street project were reduced from 60 to 16 In the new project and the alley project took up the surplus from the street and moat of thoae employed on the park projects. GRDUP OPPOSES cm Brotherhood and W. C. T. U. Plan Petition Requesting No Retail Outlet Here APPLICATIONS ARE MADE Church Croup Prefers State Liquor Store to Agency as Leaser of Two Evils Four beuaflle which w ill bn lull Opposition to the sale of intoxi­ lu Bprlngflald and In a w ry other ALLANT i M r. M /rg u v rtte cating liquors In Springfield was W A S H IN G T O N : O tk a a s U o f Albany N . Y le ike school district of the state of Ore voiced In two circles here this tratioa rumors bare Indicate new alert of the New York State Hprlngfleld opens the season V a r tia J. Coeboy, (above) recently week. The Methodist Men’s Broth­ (on ware pointed out here Monday The visit here will be a Joint In­ Heaate. lbs Brsl wemsn sear to be appo ta ited b U. 8. Attorney ia Naw with Cottage Orove and Eugene evening by C. A. Huntington. Lane erhood and the local W. C. T. U. ,-leeled to this office Tbc job pays spection and visit to the Coburg. York Is la beug groomed to taka the high. The Hprlngfleld affirm ative county legislator. I" addressing the • Kl.tKW »»•» h iim I I* unit have both stepped forward ex­ Creswell. Marcóla. W altervllle. of U. 8. A tto rn ey Oeaorol team goes to Cottage Grove, and monthly meeting of the Methodist pressing their disapproval ot the Oakridge and Hprlngfleld lodges, the negative team remains at home Men’s Brotherhood on the preaeut opening of either a sales agency or all of whom are expected to be well to meet the Eugene high team. sales tax as passed by the special a liquor store In Springfield. The represented. More than ooe hund saaalon of the slate legislature. The debate subject chosen for Brotherhood, realising the possibi­ red persons are expected for the The rtrst of these benefits out­ lity that popular demand might lead meeting according to Oswald Ol­ the state thia year la "Resolved, the State Liquor Commission to lined by the speaker. who did not son. secretary of the Hprlngfleld that the United States Should establish a retail outlet here, has pretend to argue wither for or Adopt the Essential Features ot lodge. gone on record as favoring the againat the law. but rather to offer the British Radio Control and Op­ The visiting officer Is expected a clear explanation of It and the state liquor store in preference to ------------ ! to devote most of the evening to eration Plan." manner In which II will affect the County Chamber to Support lhe g|„|n< of instructions to the Also, on February 27, Myrtle All Dealers in Milk Required the local agency plan If the drinks tax situation of the slate was that must be handled In the city. Straight Road to Saa; Ton­ lodge officers and members. The Creek and Roseburg meet in a dual To Obtain State Permit; It would provide a source of month­ The Brotherhood action followed latter part of the evening will be debate U> determine the winner ol nage Survay to Start Dairy Meeting Friday ly Income In cash and not warrants. a spirited discussion of the local given over to a social meeting at the southern half of the district. The tax returns will be made liquor situation at the monthly Route "F", the shortcut route which time light refreshments will Application forms for use In ap­ meeting of the Brotherhood Mon­ Winners of the north and aonth monthly by the retailers to the from Eugene to the Hluslaw har­ be served. plying for a milk dealers license day night. A discussion as to what will meet at Eugene on March 2 state and It In turn w ill distribute MERRIAM SEEKS POST bor at Florwoce was approved as a under the new state law which be­ action or attitude the men of the to determine the district champion­ the money among the counties major highway project by the Lane ‘NEWS” STARTS OFF ON AS STATE LAWMAKER came effective December 16 of last Methodist church should take In ship. M aks M ore T ax Payers County Chamber of Commerce at year have been received at the the matter of local liquor control THIRTY-FIRST YEAR Hl> second benefit was that the Hprlngfleld debaters are working their monthly meeting In Eugene McComack Announces Intention of City H all In Springfield. and dispensation Indicated that measure will create a much larger hard now under the direction of last week Following lengthy dla Paper Only Survivor of Publica­ Becoming Candidate for Joint All milk dealers In Oregon must while they felt that the most np percentage of tax payers than now their coach. Miss Bernice Conoly cession It was voted to have each Senatorahip In May be licensed at once according to right and reliable citlxen of the tions Haro Since Founding exists At the present time with delegation represented In the Coun-1 and hope to win their first two E. G. Harlan, chairman of the Ore­ city should be entrusted with the In 1903; Third in County taxes on only real property only starts. Thia la almost ueceaaary If Lane county politics which have gon M ilk Control board. ty Chamber body »eek endorsement about 26 percent of the population they expect to wind up the season task of dispensing the llqnor. yet of this route from their local A brief explanation of the law at the same time members of the The Bprlngfleld News today on top as they did last year when been smouldering for some months pays, whereaa under the sales lax broke out with a few small blazes groups has been given hy Harlan as fol­ group expressed themselves as starts on Its thirty-first year as a they won the district title. Miss Isw the other 76 percent will be during the past woek when Howard lows: A milk dealer is defined as The route leads directly west newspaper It has been published contributing to the fund. feeling that they would be inclined Conoly is In her second year as R. Merriam announced his Inten­ any person who purchases or han from Eugene following closely the lo thia city since It was founded A third benefit suggested by the to shun that individual's place of debate coach, and Is a former tion of being a candidate for the present gravel road to the Hluslaw In 1*01. and la the third oldest of speaker was that of creating a member of the Women’s debate State Legislature from Lane coun dies m'!k within the state for sale business if the same types of mer­ river and crosses It there proceed­ the weekly papers In the county. In this state, or who sells milk chandise could be purchased else­ greater lax roosrtoustieea Voder team at the University of Oregon. ty. E. A. McCornack. present re­ within the state, except when con­ ing due west to Mapleton to con­ The Cottage Grove Sentinel was the law proposed each Individual Eight students. Frances Stiles. presentative from this county, has sumed on the premises where sold where in the city. nect with the new highway Just established In 1890, the Hluslaw will slop to think about the coat W ill Launch Petition being completed be I wen there and Oar In 1127. and Ibe Junction City Jack Ixigan. Marjorie Burkhart. previously announced bis Intention A producer who delivers milk only of government and education every Following a general expression Allan Sneed. Benetta Miller. Luclle of seeking the Joint aeoatorahlp to a milk dealer shall not be deem­ Florence. Tlmea In 1881. time he makes a purchase and con of opinions on the matter the group Davis. Esther Strunk and Iaonard from I.lnn and Lane counties. This ed a milk dealer. Hurvey and development of tbla trlbutee the additional few centa Two papers flourished at ooe Ruth comprise the Bprlngfleld de­ Is dow held by Dr. Joel C. Booth approved a motion expressing Its route Is being pushed by the la n e Applications Are Overdue tax This will have the effect of opposition. Another motion Incor­ County development association lime In thia city. A division of opln bate team. The first four named of Lebanon. Application for a license to oper porated Into the first one provided making Individuals stop and con­ which Is now busy holding a series tons on the liquor policy of the are studying the affirm ative aide To date these are the only candi­ ate as a milk dealer shall be made sider the real necessity and bene­ that the Brotherhood circulate a of local meetings In various parts early days was responsible for this of the question, and the others are dates to express themselves al­ within 30 days after the law Is In petition among their membership fit Io be derived before readily vot­ of the county building up support say local residents who recall those atudying the negative viewpoint. though many more persons are effect. December 15. 1933. so ap­ ing mure bond Issues This age uld days. for the project political ambitions plications should be made at once. and among the members of the The three-judge system of Judg­ smouldering practice Is now one of the majoi Methodist church informing the At the same time, this aesocla Among the editors of the paper ing will be used In each debate. which they would like to further All stores shall pay an annual lie factors responsible for the present tlon and the Eugene Chamber of during the later years have been The number of Judges forming a In the state primaries thia spring. ense fee of T fl.00. (Each separate City Connell snd the Llqnor Com­ financial condition of taxpaying mission of their wishes. Other Commerce Is making plans to Charles Poole, now county coro­ decision will determine the win Both are Republicans and both place of business where milk Is churches In the city were to be ask­ districts. launch an extensive tonnage sur­ ner; Dr. Samuel H. Tyler of Eu ner In case of a tie In the district have taken an active part In the sold bv any store shall be deemed "May Pay M ora Arrears vey to d e t e r m in e Just w hat use gene; Ttw heit Henderson of competition. agrlcultaral affairs of the county a separate store for which a license ed to prepare similar petitions and The fourth benefit advanced on after having them signed place could and would be made of the Salem; and Howard Freeland. The during the past year. mast be obtained and a license fee them before the three State Com­ behalf of the new law was that It Port of Hluslaw If the shorter high­ paper has been published by the would leaaen the burden on real paid.) missioners. way were constructed. The new present editor since 1823. CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO A ll other m ilk dealers shall pay estate by Increasing the number THREE C WORKERS CO The other churches have not route would mean a saving of some a license fee determined as fol­ of taxpayers and opening up a new HAVE MUSIC SERVICE been approached with the petitions 10 miles In the distance between PRISCILLA MEMBERS TO CHURCH IN DECEMBER lows: One-fourth of one cent on source of revenue for public pur­ as yet. and have not announced Eugene and Mapleton and would "A Heavenly Treasure" w ill be each pound of butterfat contained poses. At the same time the Income HAVE SOCIAL MEETING provide a faster and stralghter Thirty-three civilian ministers In m ilk received and delivered by their attitude in the matter. the subject of the morning service tor these purposes will not be In­ Tuesday afternoon the W . C. T. route than that now followed by Mrs. Riley Snodgrass and Mrs. at the Christiao church Sunday. and two Army chaplains conducted a licensee, commencing with the creased. because for each dollar U. unit of Springfield pledged their the present Hluslaw highway which religious services In the 21 C. C. C. The choir w ill sing "The 8plrlt I K. O. Prlvat won prises In the effective date of this act. collected under the sales tax the support to the Brotherhood's stand winds Its way to the top of the The application blanks shall be game contests held by Priscilla of God" by 8. E. Atkinson. The camps of the Eugene district during, county assessor In commanded to in the matter and named a com­ Coast range and then twists along the month of December, according Bunday school will meet at 1:46 club at their meeting last Thurs­ mailed to the office of the Oregon reduce the tax levy an equal por mittee to meet with this group. the bank of la k e creek and the to the report Just released. day aa guests of Mrs. Frank Logan and the Christian Endeavor at 6:30. M ilk Control Board. 317 Mayer tlon for school purposes. This eaa Their representatives are Mrs. W il Hluslaw river to Mapleton. A total of 190 services were held. Building. Portland. Oregon. A special musical program Is be­ and Mrs. W illiam Moyer. log up on the real property tax liam G. Hughes. Mrs. Mel Rice, and ing planned for the evening ser Including those services In cities payer may enable many Individuals A meeting of the m ilk dealers In Mrs. Ernest Bertsch. Representing Members present were Mrs Ern­ to which the men were transported vice at which time Rev. Veltle EUGENE MAN OPERATES to pay up their delinquent taxes, Lane county has been called at the the Brotherhood are Ralph Fuller­ est Bertach. Mrs. Snodgrass. Mrs. In trucks. Total attendance at all all of which will be a boon to the SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY W illiam Rouse. Mra. John Seavey. Pruitt will preach on the subject, service« was ,141. according to Eugene Chamber of Commerce for ton. John Vaughn and L. L. May. “ Power of the Cross." The musi­ financial structure of the various Friday morning at which time the Mrs. Prlvat, Mra. W’ llliam Curtis, The Brotherhood Attitude the report filed by Lieut. W’ llliam districts. O. T. Gooch of the Lily W hite Mra. L. E Hopaon. Mrs. John Tom- cal numbers will include the an members of the milk board will The Brotherhood has taken the V. Barney, district chaplain. Aver­ In Lea a county the tax delinqu­ Hand lau nd ry In Eugene has tem­ seth, Mra. Cecil Mathia. Mra. Ern­ them "The Broken Heart" by the hear reports of production and attitude, that they do not care to age attendance per service was 42. ency Is about 46 percent, stated porarily taken over the manage­ est Black. Mra. Merle Casteel. Mrs. choir; a duet by Mrs. Dallas Mur- marketing costa and will study have members of their fam ily fre­ Clergymen travelled a total of more Mr. Huntington. In Multnomah ment of the Hprlngfleld lau nd ry Cora Stearmer and Mrs. E. C. phy and Mrs. Marjorie Moshier these reports before announcing quent places where liquor Is sold. than 9833 mllee to render religious The male quartet will sing also. It county It Is about 16 percent, and for W iliam H. Hobbs, owner Mr. Stuart. their standarixed price schedules They feel that this Is an Induce­ Is composed of Dallas Murphy services during the month. In Curry county where there are Hobbs Is not physically able to for m ilk and cream In Lane county. ment and temptation set up before The next meeting of the club Veltle Pruitt. Merton Ferebee and no railroads or other public utlll operate the buslnees now. and Mr. adults as well as young people. will be held January 26. with Mrs. Roland Moshier. lies to lax the delinquency has Gooch Is managing It until Mr. HIGH WATER CARRIES Prlvat and Mra. Black aa hostesses. COBURG DEFEATS GRADE The liquor store, they say, w ill not reached somewhere between 70 and Hobbs Is able to resume the per­ exert such a great influence. Peo­ WADING PEN AWAY X0 percent. In Ijm e county about sonal management. HONOR STUDENTS FORM TEAMS IN BASKETBALL ple will not have to enter It unless MANY PEOPLE OUT FOR half of (he taxes which have been Mr. and Mra. Gooch continue to seeking to make a purchase. The W illam ette Park children’s ORGANIZATION AT H. S. paid were paid by (he utilities, he (1„<,rate their laundry In Eugene Coburg grade school boys and FIRST MASONIC SOCIAL Efforts to have a liquor store wading pen which has hung peril­ said. where they are specialising In fine The first meeting of the Bprlng­ ously on the top of the dam at Jud­ girls basketball teams defeated the established in Springfield In pref­ Nearly 100 persons attended the Twenty States Hava Law clothing, silks and curtains fleld High School Honor society kins point for the past two weeks Lincoln school teams from Spring- erence to an agency have already- first social gathering of Liberty The sales tax lx no longer a new recently affiliated with the Na­ was released by the high water In field In games played Friday night. been made. The State Commission Masonic lodge and Cascade chap­ venture. It has now been put Into STAR MEMBERS PLAN The eighth grade girls. Donna tional Honor Society, was held at the river Saturday night or Sun­ has decided to open these state ter O. E. 8. and their families at effect In 20 states In (he Union the school Monday morning with day and Is has been carried on Severson. Shirley Seavey. June stores in all cities above 6000 In SOCIAL, CARD PARTY the lodge hall last Thursday even­ and although II was not so popular the election of Miss De E tta Sand down. The wading pen was an­ Burkhart. Maxine M iller. Alice Lo­ population and to set up agencies ing. Thia was the first of a series at first moat of the states would Cascade chapter, O. E. 8. will gathe as president. Evelyn Kick- chored at the Park resort, but broke gan. and Fern M iller were defeated where stores cannot be financed. not be without It now. he declared. entertain with a card party at the of monthly social gatherings to be bush Is vice-president; M arian loose during the earlier rise In the 18-12. Lulu Johnson and W yetta Nothing further than this has been The bill was not popular In chapter homo on Tuesday, January sponsored by the Masons during Shipley, secretary; snd Elisabeth river and lodged on the dam at Spriggs, first string players for the heard locally In regard to the liq­ Salem during the special session, 30, for members of the organisation the winter months. A 8:30 potluck Lincoln girls were unable to play Vail Is assistant treasurer. The Judkins Point. uor status of Springfield. Indica­ In fact, no one dared mention a and for members of Liberty Ma­ supper Is followed by card gomes In the game. treasurer must be named from the tions are that this city w ill have The seventh grade boys. Pete sales tax until all other means sug­ sonic lodge and their husbands and and dancing. H arry M. Stewart, an agency and local applications faculty. P.-T. A. MEETING IS Taylor, Alvin McBee. Dudley West- gested of raising money had been wives It was decided at the regular John Henderer and H arry Whitney There are only four members of have been made to the State Com­ are member of the committee In given up in deapalr. Only then did meeting held this week. PLANNED FOR FRIDAY lake. Laverne McPherson and W il­ mission. the local chapter of the national charge of the socials. the legislators consider revising bur McPherson last 16-9. The monthly fnmlly dinner meet­ society at this time. Further elec Monthly meeting of the Spring- the old sales tax bill to remove all ing whs held Tuesday evening. Re­ tlons to membership w ill be made field Parent-Teacher association objectionable featurea. Il was even freshments w ill be served following CHAMBERS TO CONTINUE METHODIST CHURCH TO from the senior and Junior classes w ill be held at the Brattaln school DANCE GROUP FORMS debated whether or not the name the card party It was announced. during the cecond semester. TALK ON RUSSIA FRIDAY Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. ought not to be changed, but this ORGANIZATION HERE FEATURE YOUNG PEOPLE Miss May Hewes la faculty ad net receipts wll he apportioned to E. O. Browning w ill outline to the waa refused, moat lawmakers feel­ At the eleven o’clock worship Frank Chambers of Eugene will visor for the student organisation members the W . C. T. U. essay Members of the Terpsechorean ing that the proper title was a salea the counties and thence to the service at the Methodist church the he the speaker at the regular meet­ contest, and Mrs. W. C. W right club held their first organization tax because that Is what It was. school districts on a basis of num­ subject will be: "Seek and Ye Shall ing of Hprlngfleld Lions club F ri­ WENDLING CAMP INVITES ber of classroom units. There are w ill discuss the progress of the hot meeting last Friday evening at the Huntington told the Brotherhood. Find." The Sunday Church school day It has been announced by John approilm ately 7600 of these In the home of MJss Barbara Barnell. The PUBLIC TO DANCE FRIDAY lunch plan In the local schools. Provisions A rt Outlined meets at 9:46 a. m. The Junior W. Anderson and L. C. M offitt, state and It Is estimated that each club has been meeting for almost a The bill provides for a one and league meets at 4 p. m. The Ep­ members of tha program commit­ The Wendllng C. C. C. camp will year but had not organized. They one-halt percent tax on nil retail unit will receive approximately worth League at 6:16 and the Wes­ tee. M r. Chambers will continue his play host to the people of W endl­ MRS. BLACK SURPRISED 1400 per year. The county asaesaor elected Miss Florence May as sales where the total monthly busi­ leyan League at 6-30. The third of Islk on modern Russia so he saw lng. Marcola snd Donna at a free WITH BIRTHDAY SHOWER president LaMoyne Black, secret­ ness exceeds 160 monthly. It In ex Is also required to reduce the our special series of 5 o'clock ves­ It on a trip a year ago. He told of dance to be held Friday evening ary; Faye Holverson. treasurer: peeled that the Isw will produce school district tax by whatever sum Friends of Mrs. Lillian Black per services will feature the young some of his observations at a pre­ at the Wendllng 4-L hall, accord Miss Barnell. conductress; and 14,000.000 annually, all of which Is received In this manner. This people. W e expect to have 100 of vious meeting and members of the Ing to Capt. W ilbur F. Marlng gathered at her home Sunday even will be used for school purposes. Item. It has been estimated, will Ing for a handkerchief shower and Jean Louk. reporter. Studying the them In the choir. There w ill be club have been awaiting an oppor­ commander. reduce the tuition costs for high Motor vehicle fuel already taxed surprise party on the occasion of various forms of dancing as a special musical numbers and the tunity to hear him again. The men of the company are In by. the state, sales of tangible per­ school pupils from the non high her birthday. Those present were means of developing poise and sermon will be: "L ife Is Serious." vltlng ladles to the camp for sup­ sonal property ot farmers, pro­ school districts an average of 116. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Putman. Mr. and gracefu’,..:as Is the major activity Rev. Dean C. Poindexter will per and w ill attend the dance In ducers or other dealers for resale The Hprlngfleld school district la WALTERVILLE INVITES Mrs. Lynn Stoue. Mr. and Mrs of the group. preach the sermon at both services. anticipating the recolpt of approxi­ are also exempt from the tax. PINE CIRCLE LODGE the evening. Elmer Findley, and Mr. and Mrs Each merchant will have to col­ mately 17000 front this Item. Fred Louk. INSTALLING TEAM TO Members of Pine Circle, Neigh­ GIRLS TEAM TO PLAY The law will be In effect for only lect the sales tax from the con­ VISIT IRVING TONIGHT LODGE GROUP PLANS sumer and remit It once a month two years, expiring on July 1. 1938. bors or Woodcraft, of Hprlngfleld AT ELMIRA FRIDAY O-NO CLUB MEETS AT TRIP TO MARCOLA to the state. Apportionments of 26 It becomes offcctlve March 10, of have been Invited to W altervllle to Members of the Installing team The Red Box girls basketl thia year If the referendum Is not attend a social meeting of the N GERBER HOME TONIGHT percent of lhe net receipts will be Members of Iuka circle, ladles of the I: O. O. F. lodge headed by A referendum has al­ O. W. lodge there Friday night. The team w ill go to Elm ira Friday nl| made monthly lo the counties on Invoked. Roland Moshier. district deputy auxiliary of the O. A. R. w ill hold Miss Eunice Gerber w ill enter­ for a game with the high sch ready been „ought against the law party will be held at the W. O. W. a basis of their equalised assessed grand master, w ill go to Irving to­ their regular meeting tonight at the valuations. This Is experted to by Ray GUI of the Mate Grange, hall and each man Is required to girls there. They are to play at tain at her home this everting for night to Install the newly chosen home of Miss Abbie Ford at M ar­ equal the one-mill county school but nothing has been said recently come dressed In overalls and the W lndllng on January 33. and expect the fortnightly meeting of the O-No officers of the Odd Fellows lodge cola. Miss Ford Is a member of the club. Initiation of new members to make a trip to Portland January fund tax which the assessor will about nubmlttlnx the law to the ladles must wear print dresses local group and has Invited the people, and many believe that the Fines w ill be Imposed on those 37 It-they can schedule two games. w ill also be held. Miss Gerber Is there. The team went to Coburg remove from the tax statement. members to her home for a mixed Tuesday evening of this week and the new president of the organisa­ Only one has been signed a t thia otherwise clad It has been an referendum will not be Invoked In Each Class Room to Benefit social and business meeting. Installed the officers there. tion. bounced. time. Tha remaining 76 percent of the spite of the threats .made. SHORT ROUTE Tfl COAST IS RUCKED i ► Predict Cabin« Change Crew Reduced to 35; Others Grand Master of Odd Fallows To Meat Six Lodga Groups Springfield to Open Season Start Work on Allay Clean­ up; Armory Progr At Special Mast Monday Feb. 27 With Cottage Grove And Eugene in Dual Meet Hprlngfleld’a newest CWA pro­ George P. Winslow. Tillamook. Legislator Sees Four Benefits Accruing From Oper tlon Of Naw Tax Ralel’o- * ON SCHEDULE FOR H.S. DEBATE OUT Street Project H’ins Approval NO. 1 MILK LICENSE BLANKS READY