the sprinqtolp news page four ■« - - *■ CBRN-HOG PLM into p m « Details of Benefit Payments On Reduced Production Listed at County Meeting M . INSTALLS OIFS IN EUGENE »1 PUBLIC MEET 10716238 Cam* to America from Ger­ M. A. Pohl Become« First Male Guardian Neighbor of many in 1886: Family Hae Pine Circle Since Start Lived in County 36 Years EMIT SETTLER OF WLLEÏ Bits Funeral Serviate for William Right Baardan Balog Hald At Marcóla Today William m ahl Bearden, resident Waahlugtou. Jan 11—The W lllam viie valley of the upper More than 116 permuta were pres | regular session of the 73rd since 1912 «U»»«» Mondar ftftitraouu Otto Ernest Adrian, father of W. eut for the open Inatallatloii of gres* ____ ut the United Stales I ew 111® o’clock m al i ili» Ihe ••■»•••^ home w of H. Adrian of Springfield, died at The cornhog adjustment plan Pine circle. Neighbors of Wood ! history, for several reasons Mr«. Catherin« Heed his home, 552 Weal Eighth Ave­ » a s explained to 125 l-A«'«’ ™un‘y daughter. craft Wedueaday evening al the I Etret. this is the first session under W allervllle following a hog and corn growers by O. 8. nue. Sunday following a short til iiiu ih I. at F hall and saw Maxwell A. lhl, î0 , h amendment to the fon ati two weeks llluees He was 7» yeers Fletcher, county agent, and Prof ness. He was s meat cutter, and O. O. Installed aa the first man u,„ United Stales, which Pohl E L. Potter, of the Oregon Agri had lived In Eugeue since 189S local shitted the date tor Ihe sitting of born at K elnlti. Guardian Neighbor of the Mr I»«arden was bora •« Rprln« cultural college, at a meeting held ¡Ur Adrian wa lodge since It was tusllluted here Congress front the first Monday field. Illinois on March 2». 16»*. Germany ou November 2«. 1862 and In the Chamber of Commerce rooms 1897. Mr». Glenn Stone became (|l December to the early days was oue of a large family of chll In in Eugene, on Thursday. January o n February 13. UÎ9 »* January. Second, this will I»“ *1"’ dren. He came to America In 1986 , the past guardian neighbor Vied to Mias Catherine C. kroet et S, bv the county agent. A brief >nly regular session of this Con­ Instaiied were Other officers Fredonia. Kanaa. Fifty three years summary ot the Information pres locating at Grayton. South Dakota, Milenio Gir gress. which was called lu extra i-here he lived until In the fall of Daisy Pugh. •* » » * * : ggo. in I88L 'h« f«wlly rro* * * etited at the meeting follows. session bv President Roosevelt lm moved to Albany ard. clerk; Sudte Baldwin, hunk the plains B» » •,B l0 *nd The object of the corn hog ad 1896 when he mediately after Ills Inauguration Rachel Thatcher, magician; Stella I,mated In Idaho for one year They where he married on December 9, Justment program Is to adjust pro laat spring. Next November there of the same year. They lived there! Lewi», attendant; May Stevens, then moved to r e a li , t i r s a a duction to domestic demand, which ill be another election of Rep captain of the guards; Daisy Clover wfetw th«*y Uv»4 for th«> no*t >• has been made necessary by the tor eight years before coming to resentallves. but there will he no ta t » GREEN BAY WIM. year« in 1912 «hey ot“» * 1 M,r Eugene where they have made flag bearer; Clara Taylor. Inner lack of foreign demand and exports Thoms» N aylor, blind session of the present ll sentinel; Alice Doane, outer senti­ lame ! d «luck” «la where they ealahllihed their of hog products. The plan calls for their home for the past 36 years. hood and told that she would " " ’ c ongreas. Thetr successors will DETROIT: . . Mrs. Henry Ford m s her children and huahsii 11 He was a member of the United nel; Doris Girard, musician. Myr­ lake their avals In January 1935; voluntary cooperation and no farm­ wife of Ute motor magnet. s.-> Presi home since thal time. tle Eggimann. «-orreapondent; Lily for’ the (Irsi Um» '»•« " * * k ••« *" * Mr Bearden la survived b) tour er is expected to sign a contract un­ dent ot the Women ’• National Farm ¡Lutheran church and of the Fra ao anything which the present C on­ Ktxer. Noah Helterhrand and Sam very d elirale operation restored her Children, one »on. and three d.ugh and Garde* Ass’a., presided at the {)rder o{ Kag ,„ . less he w ishes to do so. ,,J b L Above, the N aylor fam ily Sweeney, managers; and Elsie gress wants to gel done will have 1er. Thomas A Bearden of Win Hog Plan Explained to be «lone at thia session |M tOunwJ W ,!>«■ f . - « Mrt. M -r.O -rtl. h l, tw# Lambert, senior guard. Third, and moat Important of the - Past Guardian Neighbor Juetta fa r la undeniable. That II rung of Mareóla; Mr- May W ilke. six litters of pigs in 1933 and 1933. home workers. i sons. Jesse A. in Portland, and W. ma|>y „ „„deni Taylor was assisted by Mrs. Ida Items which seem likely to make man'’ Ot Wendling; and Mr. Deadmoud or ten acres of corn, exclusive of ; H. In Springfield; one daughter. thia session of Congress memor Adams, grand repnwentatlve. Mrs Bui what la causing corn cut for silage or fed green. ] . at W allervllle He also !••» * • ,w o Mrs. Lora Fisher of Oakland. Cali­ Stella Eaton and Doris Girard In able. It will have to decide whether " ' •' else la not brother», Fra«» • “'* Kd ’’• • r'1"" or the minimum of both corn and fornia. and four grandchildren. ,he United Si««va «» America l. go- ........ the Installation work Mr. Pohl Portland and 10 «randchlldrem hogs may sign contracts and re­ ; Funeral services were held Tues presented the Past Guardian Neigh Ing lo "awing to the left and S ' |o|| „„certainty aa ||n was a member of the I. O. ceive benefit payments from the day afternoon at 2; 00 o’clock from In for a Socialism In Its more radl ^ any , h,.,„ ar„ going hor pin to Mrs. Stone. O F lodge at Foeall *»«• “f Agricultural Adjustment Adminis­ the Poole-Gray Bartholomew chapel- . . . »— • mHn The program under the direction cal form, or whether the middle In Eugene. Rev Frank 8. Belstel tration. 1 of the road ' non tn h l. hand. He can yield to Metb'ullst church. of Mrs. Stone Included the Ken Producers who sign hog contracts Funeral services ere being helo officiate«!. Members of the Eagles ____ m lh fu l en tucklan orchestra: piano solo by nor ultra conservative, la going to . ¡the demands of hla w youthful en (Me afternoon at the M arcia I. O must reduce their brood sow herd' lodge of Eugene had charge of the be the guiding principle for further ! thualastlc advisers and go on lo O r Hall Inter»*«* will l>* mad« Margaret Jarrett; vocal solo by so that not more than three- graveside services at the I. O. O. Pearl Helterhrand and Paul Pot progress toward recovery. [m ore and more radical measures. In the cemetery there. PmdeGray fourths as many litters will be far cemetery where Interment was Set-up of ter; guitar solos and songs by ! designed to destroy Ihe present In Bartholomew chapel of Hprlng rowed in 1934 as were farrowed on What Congress will decide Is made. Dewey McAlpin; and talks by Mr» dustrlal and economic system In Its flrld haa charge of arrangement*. the average in 1932 and 1933. They anybody’s guess as yet. but some ( Stone and Mrs. Adams. will entirety, or he ran say, at any must also market from these litters , h„ , he experiment has gone Refreshments were served fol of the considerations which will not more than three fourths the W HITE POSTS MARK contribute toward the de.-laton are d o | M R S W £STERFIELD HAS lowing the program by a commit average number marketed in 1932 OPEN STREET DRAINS tee directed by Mrs. Edith Luxton obvious. is to strengthen and purify < >' NEEDLECRAFT MEMBERS and 1933. Thia Is Democratic Congress | present system of finance. Industry Example: Suppose a farm ers Is s a Democrat Three heavy posts painted white Members of the Nerdlecratt club sow s farrowed an average of eight That party has 316 iae»ber». as and busine a. not to discard It are appearing on the corners of agalnat only 114 Hepubllcana and were gue.ta of Mr. Floyd Weater Utters of pigs in 1932 and 1933 ano many street Intersections here. ir he does «hat. he can aolldlf) an average of 48 pigs were market- field al her home In Eugene la.« five Farmer-Labor. That, ou «he Some comments have been made the Denilcratlc party and make a Thursday Mlate-n were preaent ed from these litters. Under the re face of It. If recent political hla- M arg aret Sullivan, 16 year old as to the reason for them. The lory counted for anytyhlng. would powerful and enduring force for duction plan he could not produce N ew ark, N J. g irl, wa» the » in n * answer comes from Lum Auderson. It he takes th«' The group will meet again In two mean a decidedly Conservative at «*’ ‘ ome more than six litters nor market o f the *5 0 cash prise fo r the beet weeks on January It <»r an evaa supervisor of the CWA work here radical cou n t1 tlltst bdUM the Democratic party more than 3« pigs ((three-fourths poster, drawn for The NaU oaal tng meeting at «he home of Mrs tltude; for the £ r‘y I hll„. w ay not have who says that the posts are belug Federation o f Busine»» and Profwc ot eight and 48. respectively) In ^iouai Women ’s week,. M /r c h 11 *1«.. placed at those places where the has been almost as ooBoervaUve a» « ......... O H. Jarrell Two new members -— ------- 9 , . 1820 Indeed, united party hack of him next year roadbed has been raised during Lane Asaociation Expected to the Republican since will be initialed at «hat time. 1924. For making these reductions, the LEGION CHANGES NIGHTS the street improvement work. In Presa Short Route to Coast many of the moat radical m em ber. J It Is hardly likely that anything grower will receive an adjustment of both houses In the pa»« ,ew that can occur between now and Leaves t«r California — »»ro® some places the street elevation As Next Highway Job payment of »5.00 per head on 38 FOR REGULAR MEETINGS has been raised several feet neai years have worn the Republican I election will throw Congress bark Cowart, son of Mr and Mrs A. J. Highways and especially the d e -H ^ a l. The only parly represented [ gepubUcaa control; for ihe lies Cowart, left Wednewlay for «•‘■a hogs, or 75 per cent of the average Choose Second and Fourth Thurs­ the corner drains which must be 7 .. radical J I..I i., ib.. . .. . a.. m .4 ««sal avowedly 1» the puhtban party, in .. and out nf of i'nn* Con Angeles after spending several number marketed In 1932 and 1933. kept open to provide the n ecessary! ¥e|opIUeut of a highway program which Is days; Committee Named to gresa. 1» like a ship without rudder days here vtaltUig with his parent» less the expense of the local corn- drainage. Some motorists have I for we8te* rn Lane county to coo- Farmer Labor Post Bulletin Board I or sails It Is pretty nearly a total hog association The contracting found it difficult to make a turn, nt>c, w„ h lhe ,.ort oi Florence will Hut political labels count for lit 'lo s s at this writing. Perhap» the grower will receive the payment of NOTICE to c r e d it o r * pr(nclpal subject of dla tie or nothing In these d ay. There Semi-monthly meetings of Spring- In the Intersections and a few have most Important thing to com.- out »5 00 per head on the average num­ field post number 40 of the Am­ eperted running into these holes. ussion for the monthly meeting Notice 1» errhy given that IM is still a strong conservative ele­ of this .«salon of Conaresa will be undersign*! ha. been appo»» ted ber marketed in 1932 and 1933. erican Legion will be held on the I of the Lane County ( hamber of ment In the Democratic party, but sane and forceful leadership under Administrator of the even though he may not produce second and fourth Thursday even Returns from Portland — 1,*red j Commerce to be held at McCrady » H a z e l M ltelUia Hew Deal. That It has pleased stitching; and even several lessons ag >, when active a md—tng hid gr«nt says Mr. Galea. Evlyn Phelps. on possibilities In weaving. fortune. COUNT TO TALK BOMS Thurston Cupper Willamette J MEAT is the best Winter Food Independent M eat Co.