TUB BPRINOFIBLD NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1M4 J 1 ■-1 1 v ■ enjoyed -onie of them at luncheon meeting Friday. PAGE THREE .heir Speaks at Rally — Veltle Pruitt Colineta en Ceyeto—Prlaoe Het BIX MONTHS UNDER AAA was one of tha speakers on the M- fricb collected the county bounty IN OREOON SUMMARIZED montbly rallies of the Lane county on one coyote at the office of the Christian Endeavor society held at county clerk Saturday Farmer Obtains Benefits In Many Go to Portland— Ed Soule and Cottage Grove all-day Monday. Rev. Fields Under Naw Deal In Bain Richmond spent the week-end Pruitt Is pastor of the Springfield S U M M O N S Year Juot Ended Admltteg le Hospital — We«ley in Portland, « III Sunday— Betty Jarrett, dough Christian church. IN T H K C IB C V IT COURT O F T H B ter of Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Jarrett, Gordon and H Stevenson were ad­ HTATK O F ORKOON IN AND Start of the new year finds Ore­ mitted to the Eugene hospital Sat­ was quite III at her home Sunday. FOR T IIK CO UNTY O F LANK urday. C L IFF O R D D GATCH, Plaintiff, gon's agricultural Industry well Fish an Tuesday - M H Huntly vs A D D IE D GATCH. Defend slung In adapting Itself le the al­ C o lle c t s B o u n ty — D a y to n Thom ant. most revolutionary changes brought and C. F Kgglmanu spent Tuesday NOTICE TO C N C D IT O N * To, Addle D. (letch. Defendant: ion of Vida collected the county fishing near Harrisburg about by the application of tha na­ IN T H K NAMK OF T H B STA TE Notice 1» hereby given that the bounty on two coyotes at the of­ Fo r the sake o f the health o f your fam ily you undersigned Ilea h«eu appointed O F OREGON: You are hereby re­ tional agricultural adjustment a c t.' I Quest at Hotel— Ham Black of fice of the county clerk Monday r.hould uMc ull the butter and milk producta you can Administratrix of the Estate of quired to appear and answer the What has transpired to date may I Albany waa a guest at the Sprlng- John O. Stasis. dereened. by the complaint filed against you In the he Just a beginning, but when sum afford. F orm er Student H e re — W illia m County Court of l,une County, Ore­ n hove an titled suit on or before martsed according to major com I field hotel Monday night Gregory, former student at Soring gon. All persona having (-Inline four weeks from date of first pub F o r the future prosperity o f the L a n e county Visits In Portland— Miss Edith field high school, was a visitor against the said Betate are hereby Illation of this summons, or for modltlae the record begins to look dairy industry and your com m u nity you should use all want thereof the plaintiff w ill take formidable already Here It la In Raton spent the week-end in Port there last week. notified to present the same, pro He 1« now A t - , I It»- Maid O ’Cream products you can afford. perly verified, to the undersigned judgment against you and wilt the most brief outline: land visiting with her brother, lending Junior college at l«ong apply to tbs court for the relief at the office of Welle A Welle. Wheat —Oregon growers signed (>r val Keluu who Is studying at T hose tp o Teutons coupled with fact th at butter R e a c h . C a l if o r n i a . Hank of Connnerre Bldg,. Kugene. prayed for In the couplalut and up to remove 128.100 acres from North Pacific Dental college, and mid milk give you more food value for your money I.ane County. Oregon, within e ll for a decree of absolute divorce Radishes Grow New— A number ' production and In return qualified with other friends. than a n yth in g else you can buy should convince you. uiontha from the dale of the first from you. of Hprlngfleld residents are now 1 This summons Is published once tor 12,777.000 In domestic allotment publication of thia notice. eating now radishes from their each week for four consecutive Seheelmate Visits— Adrien Nokee Ank your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for Date of first publication. Jan. 4. weeks. In the Hprlngfleld News, benefit payments for the first year. of Hnokointsh. Washington, left Fri winter garden« The warm weather 1114 Maid O’ Cream Butter All organisation work la completed a weekly newspaper published at b K K T H A A. G ILL. Adrolulstra- day for Ills home after spending a of the fall and early winter has Hprlngfleld, Lane County, Oregon, and some counties have received tris. by order of the Hon. O. F. Skip the checks for the first payments few (leys bere visiting with H 0 been a great help to thcce raising W K L L 8 * W ELLS. Attorneys. Dibble». The two attended school winter gardens. The radishes are | worth. Judge of said Court, made (J 4-11-18-86 F 1) December 11th, 1111 and first pub to growers. The northwest as s together In Washington not soft nor strong either according whole reports 14 per cent, reduc­ ' llshed December lis t, 1111. to members of the Lions club who W H IT T E N SW AFFORD. At­ tion In winter wheat acreage plant­ Attends Medical Mesi Dr. M> 1 N O T IC I T O C R E D IT O R S torney for Plaintiff. Residence ed Emergency export association ville 8. Jones attended the meetlni. and Post Office Address Ku N O T K U IB HER EBY G IVEN moved 10 million bushels of north­ of the Central W illamette Valley gene. Oregon. that the undersigned has beau ap­ west surplus. Medical society at Albany Friday (D 11-11— J 4-11-11) pointed Administrator of the estate of James Resides, deceased, by tbs evening Thirty-one physicians at­ SUM M O NS Horticulture— Northwest Tree County Court o f l.ane County. O re tended the meeting. gon All persona having clulwa IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H K Fruit Industries, Inc., formed as HTATK OF OREOON IN AND »gainst said estate are required Attend Installation— Mrs Myrtle trade group of all northwest tree FOR T H K CO UNTY OF LA N E to present them with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at the H A ZEL L. CA KTM ELL. Plaintiff fruit shippers under trade agree Kgglniann. Mrs. Maini- Richmond. VS JOHN O C A RTM KLL. De­ meats and code of operation de­ N o el Helterbrund sud E. J Hmock. law office oi James K King. 410 fendant. U lnar Building. Kugene. I-ane signed to helm orderly marketing all of Hprlngfleld. went to Cottage C< unty. Oregon, within a ll ( • ) To John O. Carlmell. Defendant: practices mora profitable for the Grove Friday evening to attend the IN T H K NA M E OF T H E STATE months from the date of this notice. Dated at Kugene. Oregon, this OF OREOON: You are hereby re producers. Walnut Industry organ­ Installation of the Spanish Ameri­ qulred to appear and answer the ised under similar agreements In can war auxiliary post there i4th day of December. I t t i JAMKH K KINO . Admlnlatra- complaint filed against you In the conjunction with California area School Opens Again— Students toi of the Batate of Jarnea above entitled suit on or before | four weeks from date of first pub- Hesldes. Deceased Corn hogs— Emergency purchase at West Hprlngfleld ended their three-weeks' holiday vacation Mon­ i llcatlon of this summons, or for (D 14-31-99—J 4-11) . want thereof the plaintiff will take of pigs and brood sows carried on day when the Glenwood school re­ - Judgment against you and will to limited extent In Ails state | apply to the court for the relief Corn-hog production control plan opened fo lowing a period of Im N O T IC I TO CREDITORE prayed for In the complaint and for Punched ^ " p o s s i b l e maximum ■ Pavem ent and r. novation under N O TIC E IH HER EB Y G IVEN a decree of absolute divorce from | .___ ... ____ I...— (n l.tin r the direction of the (W A workers benefit payment« on hog« totaling That John (Muckay has been ap | you. ________ pointed esecutor of the Last W ill This summons Is published once 1720.000 for hogs and 1123.000 on' sud Testament of Pearl H. Hlney. each week for four consecutive corn Full algnup not expected. NEW RADIO PROGRAMS deceased, by the County Court of weeks. In the Hprlngfleld News, a however, because of nature of In FOR KOAC ARE LISTED Lane County. Oregon All persona weekly newspaper published at duatry here. having claims against said estate Hprlngfleld. U n c County. Oregon, A bulletin la«u«-d thia week by are required to present them, with by order of the Hon. O. F Skip Dairying- Emergency butter sur­ the State Board of Higher Educa­ the proper vouchers, within six worth. Judge of said Court.' made months from the 14th day of Dec- January 2nd. 1134 and first pub­ plus purchasing carried on by AAA tion for radio station KOAC at to thia region Trade agreement Corvallis llata all the regular pro^ ember, t i l l , to said executor at the ' lished January 4th. 1134. lew office of L. L. Ray. In the W H IT T E N HW AFFORD. A t­ among dairy producta manufactur­ grama to be released over that sta­ Miner Bldg In Eugene. Oregon. torney for Plaintiff. ers drawn but not yet approved tion for the first three months of JO HN STU C K EY. Executor of Residence and Post Office ad­ nationally. Milk marketing agree­ 1834. the I .eat W ill and Testament dress Kugene. Oregon. of Pearl H. Hlney. deceased. ments provided for but none ap­ (J 4-11-18-36- F 1) The state-owned station Is now L. L KAY. Attorney for Estate. plied for In thia state. Production on the air from 8 a. in to 8 p m (D 14-2121—J 4-11) N O T IC E O F P U B L IC A T IO N coatrol to be launched toon but dally except Hoodsy The publica­ Department ef the Interior, Gen­ details of plan not yet available. tion lists regular dally program« eral Land Office at Roseburg. Livestock— Beef may be Included for each day of the week and also Oregon, December Sth. 1811. special programs dealing with pro N O TIC E la hereby given that Le under dairy adjustment program. feeaional endeavors at designated Roy H. Payne. of Vide. Oregon, who on February I I . 1811. made Home­ Farm credit—Reorganisation of hours. Copies of the booklet are stead entry. Serial No. 011141. for federal farm credit structure under available by writing to the station groping with peer agree End st»uane Oounty, un(j eraigne t 4lg«st I ‘ I“»’ decay» la tbs beweb. not know what Is the matter a body politic and corporate In and order of the Hon. O. F. Sktpworth, with him or her. Proper vlalon Circuit Judge, dated and filed Dec of the State of Oregon; School dis­ , nearly always makes for better ______ » 18, 1833. directing thle Summons trict No. 4. a body corporate In and •choc and you trot do’ school work. he served on you by publishing of Lane County. Oregon; Rond Dis­ ■yct«M I« pobon«d. R 8 All of our service chargee are the tame once each weak tor four trict No. 16. a body politic and cor­ I .IT T lïT jV ^ t i î u j l ' t « traoly t a d woodcJful, make successive weeka In the Springfield porate In and of Lane County, Ore­ Bounib very reasonable. uiuW of of bit« bU< flowtn» »"wintíh»1 tr**1 gon; Road District No. 60, a body -1 -U» ood up. TSov M News. ---- — *■- M .U blc I Date of first publication, Dec. politic and corporate In and of Examlnatlone Are Free. Lane County, Oregon. Defendant». 21. 1833. But don’t ato tor livor pllb. Ask for 1 C. A. 8W A R TS. Sheriff of Lane W E L L S A WELLS. Attorneys DR. ELLA MEADE County. Oregon. for Plaintiff, Residence and P. Optometrist By A. E. HULBOAARD. Deputy. O. Audrees, Eugene, Oregon. T O W N A N D V IC IN IT Y Your Beit Food It Butter Springfield Creamery Co. Watch Their Eves 4 Business D ire c to ry c Restful LIGHT Is Kind to Your Eyos MOUNTAIN STATES rO W E t COMPANY A N ew D ea l F O R O U R S U B S C R IB E R S Ghe Springfield News WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE— 1 Year $ J .0 0 WITHOUT CALOMEL O ld o r N e w K 81 Wool 6th (D 11-28—J 8-11-18) (J 4-11-16-tB-F 1) S u b s crib e rs O ffer Expires Jan . 31