T IITTRSDAV. JANUARY II •| 1<>3|4 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS - t*ubllibed Every T h iw l» ? at Bprlncfleld. Lane County, Oregon. by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS Whispering R o d i By JOHN LERAR U. E. MAXEY. »Cdltor ould remain In the vicinity as long aa the water lasted »he met few cattle In the ravine and at.... rrlvlng al the pool found II empty As she rode out of the ravine along the aide pf an entering gully »"<• neared Ihe upper level, her eve caught a white object hidden among the undergrowth In the gully ahead. I’reselitly »he saw that the object was a numeral six painted upon Ihe red brown side of a hull The aulmal appeared to he lying atretched out. and eve though she could »ee little dlstlnc ly through the clumps of ratilaw and ocatlllo. Ruth fell with a quirk tlghlenlng at her throat Ihnt Ihe hull's position wx-* nniialural. Dis ntounllug. she half walked, half slid, to Ihe bottom of Ihe gully and picked her way toward the hull As she approached, half a doaen great buzzard« flapped Into Ihe air on reluctant wing» „„I Here. I'll last have a look " He .hook hla head after he had t.idled lit« rarcaaa of Number Bis 11... buaaarda bad eaten very Utils, but I hey did not go far away. I don't know Juat what to maha of I maybe If we could find a fre.h one mill. H taaly could t.U «»»•» ‘ like he'd been hurt In no fight. neither.” Mr. Snavely." «»Id Ruth aa they rode toward the oak Ires where eral buaaarda Blood or walked about, "you Will have to b . going into town for ettpplle. anou anyway why not go tomorrow and sand ut a doctor • vetei luarv dv spout of water struck the sand, to rem ind the desert that H « till 1 wai« mn»ter. Ther* had b«H»n two three feet away from the wall Springfield. O r e g o n Ruth Warren. who lived lu the averv atorma which turiiod the Everyone, from David to old Don Ea»t, 1« willed three fourth lutereel M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E in the "Dead Lantern'' ranch In Francisco, made some kind of arroyos and gullle« Into angry III Ariaona l>y her only brother who la noise Ruth hugged I he first person tie rivers All Ihe deepened ponds o n e T e a r In Advance »1.6« 8»« reported to have met hla death at hand, until »he discovered It ere full Io overflowing anil water Two Year» In Advance - »2 80 Three Month. while on bualnea* In Mexico. Ar­ lay in aniall natural pool» In many riving» In Ariaona with her hua- was Snavely. And even Suavely of Ihe deeper canons. THURSDAY. JANUARY 11. 1»S< band who haa ailing lung», and shook hands all around real run The cattle were everywhere their amall child, they learn that ntng water was too much for the WILL BUILD TH E BRIDGES the ranch ia located 86 milea from old cattleman. • here was an much water that they neareat railroad. Old Charley TO B t C O N T IN U tO The five bridges on the coast highway costing m ore the No one slept that night. They ould go where the feed was i hole Thane, rancher and rural mall car­ est and they muile good use of Ihe than i6.OOO.tHW1 are to be built on a loan from the era kept the fire going tor Ita light rier agrees to take them to the governm ent public works fund. Seventy per cent of the l»ead Lantern" gate. 6 tullee from and sat around watching the spout opportunity. The remains of Ihe SOUTHERN PACIFIC A9K8 monev will be paid back to the governm ent by tolls on the the ranch house. As they trudge of water. Every now and then, ■otlonseeil meal was stored In Ihe BALANCE OF HUGE LOAN wearily through a gulch approach­ bridges and thirty per cent will be a gift for re-employment. ing thé ranch house, a voice whis­ aotue one took a drink, and al­ hum anil Ihe hand of bottle-fed wives was scattered Already 'Go bach! . . . Go back!" At though the water was still quite The Southern Pacific Hatlroad The building of the bridges will be the greatest public pers the ranch house they are greeted muddy, declared that It was pro- every aulmal on the place aeoluvd company haa filed with Ihe Inter- works project in Oregon, except the Bonneville dam, during auapicloualy by the gaunt rancher The next morning »lie and the wtslhlrds (at. stale Commerce Cominlaalon • • “» 1934 and should m aterially relieve unemployment They partner. Suavely, and Indian Ann. bahlv the purest water In Ariaona The Mexicans worked on lltelr two Mexicans returned to discover a ir the kind of public works that will return dividends in a herculean woman of mixed negro With Ihe proper troughs It would house—Ruth knew that they were If possible why Number Six died pletnenlal application for the un- Indian blood. Suavely Is diffi­ water every head of stock Ihe Dead balance of II. »SS.eoo.m the future and no doubt this m ethod will relieve the state and cult to understand but regardless. 1-antern could ever carry and. In happy anil would stay lutlellnliely Don Francisco and Alfredo held a loan from the Recoii'tructlon Fin n f the to tal expense of the bridges in future years as well Ruth takes up the taak of trying to long consultation together but Every evening for an hour after i l j o . « V w"S7 , p e n . l v . ferries. While Hie l,rhl«es . r e of adjust their three lives to the cldentally. although Ruth did no! aupper she and Ihe girl Magda hiul could come Io no definite conrlu »nee Corporation which waa au­ concrete and steel m uch lum ber will be needed in their ranch and Its development. Ken uspeet It. the value of Ihe ranch lessons in Spanish anil English »Ion— some alekneaa aueh a . comes thorised by both the Comn.laelon neth. Ruth's husband, caught in had Increased by some thousands and Ihe RFC In May. » • » The construction it is said.______ _________ chilling rain contracts pneumonia of dollars since that last blow from When Ihe hour was up Hull» went to the etrongeat of thing» Aa the company ash. »6.3SO.OOO balano» oa and passes away before a doctor Will s sledge hark to the ranch house, for. as three companions rode on. Ihe the loan, and aeeha Io use »S.SMe arrives Ruth tries to carry on 9he black buxaarda alowly circled Into the end of the lesion approached By daylight a temporary dam had INDUSTRY SHOWS GAIN la not encouraged by Suavely In coo in make Inlereal payments and plans to try and stock the ranch or been thrown across Ihe arroyo for Alfredo always picked up hla gul the gully. Every editor of a trade paper, every m anufacturer, and Improve It. She write» to her the use of the cattle until the tar and stood near the door, his Suddenlyy Alfredo pointed aouih Ihe balance for Ihe payment of Interest and maturing equipment father In the East asking a loan water could be piped Io a pertnan eye on the fresno outside. every president of large m ercantile companies ward A group of buxxarda were with which to buy cattle She re­ bv three different business agencies, which conducted na Suavely seemed to have changed wheeling low above an oak Iree trust certificate»- enl pond. Snavely had actually The company also announced tional surveys, reported substantial gains in Industry and ceives no reply. Will Thane come» subtly sine- the discovery of the X n i s r c e for .h e l .l.e r part of 1933 and were highly optl- home to visit hla father . . . and helped Io build this dam But when water Ruth sensed that he had which ro»e front Ihe entrance of a that It contemplate« application to Ruth meets him A rancher near the cattle had been driven up the gully In Ihe opposite bank of the the 1‘ubllc Work» t ommlaalon for bv decides to retire and offers to arroyo and every one was going begun to regard her In a different ravine. mistie for 1934. *▼ a loan to provide fund» for the sell Ruth and Snavely hla livestock By noon, five more dead animal» purchase of 40.000 lo n e o f new rail« Retail sales for the first 3 weeks of December are esti­ on credit. Snavely tries to balk back to the ranch house for break way; It waa as tf she had proved she was not to be frightened, had beeu (nund within a radius of and necessary fastenings and for m ated at more than 50 percent above all of } ^ “8 the deal but Ruth buy» to the limit fast, Ruth sensed that Snavely was that ahe could no longer be treated as her three-quarter Interest In rapidly returning to normal a mile. Ruth, half alck with anxl ihe reconditioning and repair of a Dun & B ra d stre ets December sum m ary begins. Business of Dead I Jin tern ranch. After the midday meal Ruth and a child She had shown him that ety. rode back to the ranch houae in all divisions appears to be reaching favorably to the stim S *, o . ,h e natlojial recovery program The definite ..¡.ward NOW GO ON WITH STORY------ David accompanied Will to the mall she knew something about ranch­ for Snavely who hail remained at considerable number of locomo­ tives and cars. box to meet Did Charley. Before ing; and. since Ihe drouth was Ihe corral» shoeing horses trend was helped by Christm as trade of near record proimr- safely past, that she stood a chance Installm ent Fifteen they left, however. Will had to take tions. It now is generally recognized th at the R»®»indwork The old callletnan listened to Bualnea« Vlelterw—Mr. and Mr» of meeting her note But the girl "You aee." explained Wilt, the a last look at the water. Not for advancem ent is more secure than at any tim e In th what she had to say. then shrug Frank Snyder of fa r te r Station knew that Snavely was far from rain that falla between the top of single cow was at the pond; they last 4 years.” becoming reconciled Io her pres­ gist “You're liable to find a dead were clatters In Springfield Friday the mountain range and the dike had all had their water and now Careful observers note substantial improvement in car »Inks Into the ground and goes were scattered over the pasture ence on Ihe ranch; he hated her cow or two moat any lllnte—too bail about the bull, but they'll die CONSTIPATED 30 YEARS loadings earnings of transportation companies, and signs down to bedrock But It can't get On the way to the mall box the and he hute«• By DWIG 5th and “A" Streets Springfield, Oregon UTrteeoff, »uve Tw seen pcrcwal o e PufsTea- SrvtKe AHYvtUfcRCi ABOUT? would have paid for a telephone!” Out to drugstore or market in the rain — and something need- leaaly ruined. A*telephone in your home ia a low-priced form of clothing and health inaurance. It ia a link with buaineaa, w ith frienda, with a ll the p ro tective forces of a great city. A taleph on a dm’» to much,and roil» so litila, that it limply d o t not pay to be witboul Thi>u wilt purely wear away, both thou, and thia people that is with thee; for thia thing la too heavy for thee; thour art not able to perform it thyaelf alone. Acting on the old m an's sound advice, Moses associa­ ted certain other upright men with him as judges and thus It cam e about th a t the people were provided not only with a ]aw—through the Ten Com m andnienta and the com pre­ hensive Mosaic Code— but with a judiciary as well. if. T he P acific T elephone Buslnes» Office 126 • 4th street and T elegeafh C ompany Telephone 72