THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THIHTIRTH YKAIt BHRINOKIKLl), I«ANB COUNTY, OREGON,TIIUKHHAY. JANUARY 11, 1934 No. 52 “ VW“ PETITION SEEKS Lions Mav Strut BOARD STUDIES In Stage Comedy ATHLETIC BODY " ■ 1 - COMPLETE FLOOD Ball SURVEY ASSURED MA • Bachelor Committee Assign­ No Actio*) Taken on Wrestl­ ed Task of Organising of Expenditures for Flret Half of Drama Group Inside Club Year Include Only Three ing Commission Pending Months of School Term Completion of Armory A home talent play, probably a Message From Mott Say* All Flood District* Included Re­ gardless of Present Statu* Team Plays Ha* Victorio* Over Albany and Reodiport on Bolts ß|jy MURE CWA WORK New Project Giving 36 Men Work for 20 Days Paaeee County, Wait More Action Mpriugfleld high school basket­ three-act comedy to be presented ball quintet will meet their hard­ Assurance that tbe federal go» APPOINTMENTS M A D E at the high school auditorium some­ PAY SOME ON BOND DEBT ALLEY WORK TO GET 26 eminent'« flood survey ot the WII- est match to date Saturday when | they tangle with the »troog Unl- time during the next two mouths : lainetle river will include the entire Financial Report Presented; was discussed at the semi monthly Expenses Must Meet Receipts Present Project* Near Allo­ Willamette valley and not Just the ; verslty High aquad. Tbe game will Or Increase Warrant Debt 1 Expenditures Only Slightly meeting of the Springfield Lions , be played In tbe Men's gymnasium cated Hour Limit; All Work , lower valley which has already club Friday noon. Says Board; Taxee Unpaid on the LAlveralty campus and will Excoed Year's Income Limited to February 15 suffered from flood conditions thia It Is also planned to prepare I start at * 30 so as not to Interfere I year was contained In a telegram BAN JOBE: . . . Anthony Catalei, School finances were studied Springfield will have an alhlelk some special entertainment, or to Present crews now working In (above I 19 year old farm boy of received yesterday by H. E Maxey, with another contest scheduled for eomiulsalon. Thia was assured Vork the play. If one la given. from a budget comparison prepared Baa Jose, Calif., who was thr first i chairman of the Willamette River the samea evening at McArthur Springfield under the CWA will be Munday night at the City Council Into the regular Ladles Night pro­ (or them by C. F Barber, clerk, by arrested, charged with violating (lie court. retained on other projects it wbs uieeltug whan a petition signed by gram to be glveu by the local club. members of District I* school Gall forma lynch law by pa.-(u- ! Flood Control association, from Indicated here yesterday in a let­ Springfield people have had only patlag la the mob hanging of lu» i Congressman James W Mott at uiora than 100 residents requested Details of thia will be worked board at their monthly meeting two chances so far this season to ter received from Burton E. Pal­ Washington. D C. coafesaed kidnapers and slayers o.’ Ihe appointniunt of that body. The out soon by the committee of un­ Monday night. Brooke Hart at Han Jose reccn''y The telegram read« "War De­ see what their high school team mer at State CWA headquarters at appointments will not * m > made, married men In the club who have The budget statement covered partment advise« Major Williams can do lu competition and bare Portland. however, until the a- la near charge of the arrangements The the first half of the school year, All of Springfield's projects with authorized to include entire Wil­ been well pleased This was In tbe er completion and e , -y ar­ members of thia committee are from July 1, to December 11. 1*33.: lamette flood area In survey wheth­ gauies with Albaoy last Friday tbe exception of the Armory work rangement« tor the q the Olen Wood, M C. Kirkland, aod and showed that out of an operal- ( er flood« caused by latest rains night, and with Reedsport on Tues­ and the alley cleanhp are now building are completed U t t at Ol Thelmer Nelson Ing budget of (27,494 00 the sum of day evening. Both games were either Hearing completion or will or not.” the petition were told If a play is decided upon, a dra­ (11,961.60 has already been expend played here and both were won have consumed the alloted number This telegram followed one re­ ell matics club will be organised to co This leaves a balance of (16,- j ceived last week stating that the by tbe local team. The Albany of hours within a day oi so and 'elude those members of the 640.60 for the remaining six-month many men will be thrown out of It la expected that the Auiei flood «urvey had been authorised, game 14-13 and Reedsport 38-20. ns club, and others as needed, period Tbla does not Include an Legion will assume the apona One thing has stood out in '.he| « « (lo m e a t If more work here Is but la n e county residents feared ran qualify for the Individual Item of (11,(00 In the annual bud ahlp ot Itoxlng and wrestling col» that Ihesurvey was one of Imme­ flral games of the season and that not approved at once. In the play to be selected got for debt service. Of this sum Odd Fellows and Rebekahs testa lu the Armory wbeu that la ’ The three projects now nearing diate flood conditions which bad la the Inability of the team to score Meet Monday; Initiation, completed. Meveral persona are be­ s .d who ran devote the neceaaary school bauds of the district In the caused damage In the lower valley without Hartman, experienced for- completion include the park work Social Due Next Week ing put forward aa promoters, but amount of time to the rehearsals. mm of (4.600 were paid off by the between Salem and Portland and ward. The fact that he has done which will include only a few men no action ou these will coma until Dramatic roaches will be obtained County Treasurer on January 2. would not Include the upper re­ most of the scoring and the team for work on the plafground con- New officers for both Juanita after a cominlaalon has been from the faculty of the high school. thia year. gion« where flood dangers exist, seemed aparently helpless without ' structlon; tbe school project which Itebekah lodge and for Hprlngfleld A financial report of the club Warrant Indebtedness at the uamed but had not yet cau«ed damage him In the lineup Is proof enough was almost completed last night; was given at the meeting last Fri­ close of Ibis period had reached 1. O. O. F. lodge number 70 were and tbe street improvement pro- this season because of unusually of thia. All Offloeha Kept Installed al a Joint Installation day. the first In the new year, and the total of (17.11* 9* favorable snow conditions in the - Coivh Hall has -ome very prom- J«ct wblcb wil> « ”)«»»• only » ¿»T All commltleea and city officers meeting here Monday evening at showed the club to lie In good Three Items Overdrawn nearby mountains. Previous tele- , ialng players working for him now. ’ or two more under ih e present were renamed for another year at Three Items In the budget have *he I. O. O. F. hall. A 8:30 potluck financial condition. gram« from Congressman Mott and Richey, a new «tudent at school, allotment of hours. TKese three the meeting Monday night which overdrawn the funds alloted them ; »upper and reporta of officers pre- Kntertaloment provided by H. Senator McNary had been uncer- i seems to have the center berth all projects are giving employment to was the first In the new year Lum M Stewart, member of the com­ accordtng to the financial state­ ceded the Installation ceremonies. tain whether army engineers would to himself Hartmen, it seems, can approximately 60 men. F Anderson remains aa chief of mittee. Inrluded guitar numbers by ment. They are text books In the Elmer E. Pyne Is the new noble make any survey in Lane county. police and street commissioner, lie To Start Allay Work play a forward berth anytime he Robert and Donald Brown of the ■urn of (106.11; Jaaltor supplies In grand of tbe Odd Fellows lodge Mr Maxey. H. R. Cully, Eugene la on leave of absence during the high school Work on the alley project will the sum of (17 21 and Incidental Other offlcera of the lodge to ba Chamber secretary, Tom R ussell,! wants to. He has some trouble with I’WA work and John Ixirah was a bad knee Joint which may keep give employment to 25 men and Is Installed were R. E Morris, vice- CWA engineer. P. M. Morse, coun­ l»aurenre C. Moffitt and John expenses (23.75 reappointed to serve during the In- him out of gome big game. It Is expected to start thia week. This Two of these Items, the School grand; Oswald Olson, secretary. Anderson will have charge of the ty surveyor, and others Interested always a dangerous threat. terval. project will provide work for program for the next meeting to Board points out, sre for mater-t and Karl Olrard. treasurer, In flood control In Lane county Im-I Squires and Braltaln have both crews now employed at the school Other city officials uamed In­ be held a week from Friday. Jan­ lals which are purchased at the Mlss Thelma Sweeney was In- mediately went to work last week and those who have been employed clude. Hugh Jolllff. fire chief; A. uary 19. opening of school and for which | stalled as new noble grand of the In an effort to make sure that the had floor experience and usually on park work, also for some of tke J. Cowart, night officer; I M Pet­ the estimated costa were set too Rpbekah lodge She received a upper valley district would be In- , start the games. Cox and Irwin, the new athletic manager of the men now on the street project. erson. city recorder; Dr. W. H low. No further expenditures In , beaut If ul corsage an she assumed eluded in the survey. The latest project to be given team, are both somewhat new. Pollard, health officer, these and other departments are h(.r office. Her assisting officers Prevention W ork Sought consideration is a new one for playing their first season. They expected to be made during the * are Eunice Oerber. vice grand; Committee apolntmenta an The Flood Control association Is have played football during the fall street development, which Is in remainder of the year. Stella Findley, treasurer; Doris nounced Include; Judiciary, J. D Interested in more than the actnal To offset these shortage« there: o irar chosen It become buried under the hund­ funds must come were (9106.21 or The four atudents, all members November and December, and have i Hinson. Inside guardian; Lee Put- sociation is busy preparing a brief (104.63 less than the amount actu­ of the senior class, were chosen already spent more than one-third man' ®“u w * guardian; M. J. Mr- In which they set torth the de­ president ot the Springfield Civic reds of others which have been mands for the survey, many state­ club for the next year at the an­ flooding his office. ally spent. by members of the school faculty of the sum budgeted They have Klln r,«ht " >PP°r< the noble Only 20 working days could be During the year the bond debt tor their scholarship, «ervlce, lead entered Into contracts with the *rand; E,nier ^ndley. left support ments of loss sustained by land nual meeting and election of of­ owners along the river, and photo­ ficers held Tuesday afternoon at asked for in the latest project be­ was reduced by (10.600 of which erahlp and character. teachers to keep the schools open ,o the noble *rand: Ro,and Mo" (10.000 were general refunding Dean J. R. Jewell, of the school eight months and must pay salaries "hler, chaplain; B. O. 8ankey, right graphs of flood conditions during the City library. She succeeds Mrs. cause the present financial set-up Paul Braltaln in the position. is operating with funds to be ex­ bonds and (600 Rankroft Improve­ of Education at the university was for five more months support to the vice-grand; and Tom past high water This will be used In seeking congressional action If Other officers are Mrs. A. B. pended by February 16. It Is be­ ment bonds. the principal speaker at the Instal­ With a monthly payroll of *2.-; Laabjr. left support to the vice Van Valaah. vice-president; Mrs. lieved that the present Congress this Is needed. Total warrants outstanding In all lation of the local chapter Monday 598 78 for teachers, this Item will . *rand- L. K. Page, secretary, and Mrs. will appropriate more funds Mr this funds amount to (29.84* 61. Thia morning. Mias Mary 8mitson. presi­ be more than 5 times that amount1 ’«stalling officers were Roland work before that time and that the 1. A. Valentine, treasurer. la a reduction of (14.671.16 from dent of the student body. Blade a during the remainder of the year Moshler. dla’^ t deputy grand A committee consisting of Mrs. CWA work will be continued. How­ the amount due January 1. 1*33 short address, and Mias Olyde Dll- This will be more than *12,983 90 ,naster' and Mrs. Stella Eaton, dls- William Donaldson. Mrs. Meda ever. the CWA offices, both couaty A large part of this however was ley sang a vocal solo. If all taxes are paid the problems , ,rlct daputy president. They were Catching, and Mrs. Clara Taylor and state are not approving any brought about by the cancellation Next elections from the Junior of the school board would be aim aaal” ed by Dorothy Girard and Os was named to meet with the book projects now which will extend be­ of warrants to offnet losses In the and senior classes will be held In pie. but they realise that they will wald O,aon depu,> «rand mar’hals. committee of the library board yond that time. banks by retaining the sinking the spring term. not be paid anywhere near the 100 1 and b' °*her officers. Work on Playground Fence Monday to consider new volumes fund says C. A. Horton, accountant percent mark They must make 0ve- Mrs. Rosa Montgomery, armory here last Thursday evening voted to Improvement ot the Libr­ 1933-34 Thursday afternoon at the home of ary during the past year. Members rapdily this week under the dl- Library (182.60; and Street Im­ to Dec 31 Mrs. Kiser and Mrs. I. D. Larl- with Rich Mountain circle from Budget Mrs. N. W Emery, president. Mrs. of the club assisted In moving the rectlon of George Perkins, superln- provement (4,7*9.86. 1933 ’1 mer. are In charge of the monthly Eugene. Emery was elected president again llbrary Into the new location, and tendent It has been decided that Total Receipts Listed social. Others officers installed for Iuka Gen. Control ( 489.0« ( 2*7 21 , sponsored their annaul flower the sqcond floor will be support- Total receipts during the year for the next year during the busi­ circle are Mrs. Grace Lansberry, Teach. Salarles 19,860.0« 7.790.96 ness meeting. cd by large truss beams hung from show at the library last spring. 1*33 amounted to (38.387.38 with a 800.00 487.66 LOCAL LODGE TEAM HAS senior vice-president; Miss Eva Other officers elected are Mrs. Supplies the roof thus making a large balance of (18,844.66 on hand Jan­ 376.00 480.11 C. E. Wheaton, vice-president, and Text Books MANY INSTALLATIONS Louk. Junior vice-president; Mrs. CHURCH BODY ADOPTS open unobstructed lower floor uary 1. 1*33. Rosa Montgomery, chaplain; Mrs. Other Teaching which can be used for basketball Warrants outstanding January 1. Mrs. L. K. Page, secretary. All of­ Expense 400.00 21.42 Roland Moshler. district deputy Nellie Carr, patriotic instructor; . WEEKLY T IT H E SYSTEM and other games. ficers were re-elected for the sec­ 1*33 were (44,43* 78. In 1*33 war Miss Jean Louk. conductor; Miss Jan. Salaries 2,100.00 980.00 grand master of the I. O. O. F. ond year. rants Issued reached (29,289.91. A slxteen-polnt program center­ 200.00 227.21 lodge for this district, and his In­ Jol-ana Putman, assistant conduc­ Members of the Library board Jan. Supplies making a total of (73,726*7. War­ JUNIOR CLASS PRESENTS Fuel .....1.... 480.00 378.60 stalling team are busy now Install­ tress; Miss Ila Putman, guard; ing around a weekly personal tith­ are Mrs. Emery, Mrs, Milton V. rants cancelled and paid during the Light A Power 300.00 63.67 ing new offlcera for the various Mrs. Genevieve Louk, secretary ing plan carried out In the manner H. S. ASSEMBLY PROGRAM Walker. Mrs. Walter B. Scott. Mrs. year 1933 Including Interest amoun­ Water 280.00 95.02 lodges In the county. Monday night and Mrs. Pearl Knowler, treasurer. prescribed In the Old Testament ted to (47.388.89. leaving a cash Wheaton. Mrs. Page, and Mrs. D. Members of the Junior claa» at A potluck supper followed the was adopted by the Christian Telephone 160.00 67.83 they Installed In Springfield, Tues­ R. Haltsman, librarian. balance on December 81 of (4843.04. the high school were In charge of church at their weekly church Installation ceremonies. Other Exp. 10.00 33.75 day night they installed the Eu­ Members of the book committee Total resources of the city the program presented at the as­ The Iuka circle accepted an In­ night last Thursday. Repair, Replace gene lodge officers at a Joint In­ of the library, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. amounted to (160.878.76. with liabi­ The plan Is a return to the Blbt- sembly period Friday morning. Furn., Rqp. 100.00 40.23 stallation Next Tuenday, January vitation to meet at the home of lities listed nt (186.436.14 according Wheaton and Mrs. Wm. Rouse, met 16. they will lnatall at Coburg, and Mrs. Abbie Ford at Marcola for cal theory of placing aside one- Numbers Included the quartet. at the library Tuesday afternoon *o Repair, Malnt. to the report. Rudg„ grnds. 460.00 240.86 on Thursday of the same week their next meeting on January 18. tenth of each week's Income for Pearl Olin, Lucile Davis, Ruth Poll­ Only one Item In the general repair some of the volumes. They — the work of the church. The plan ard. and Juanita Seaman. In vocal Library Books 120.00 75.77 they will Install at Irving. will meet again next Monday. fund wai overdrnwn. This was the being tried out by the local church numbers; a duet by the Misses 600.00 Members of the installing team PROGRESSIVE DEGREE 669.44 Annual report giving figures Insurance light nnd water fund which was Is to have the funds paid Into one Olyde Dilley and Mary Elizabeth New Furn. A are the following deputy grand of­ TEAM INSTALLS FRIDAY treasury from which necessary Whitney, class adisors; and piano overdrawn by (2 97. Other depart­ showing the extent to which the Equipment ..... 300.00 173.93 ficers; Oswald Olaon, marshal; library Is being used will be issued ments showed gains of from (1300 funds will be disbursed to the In­ solns by Miss Dilley. Ernest Black, aecretarjT Lee Put­ Emergency 600.00 Installation of officers for Pro­ In the street department to (24 next week according to Mrs. Salta- man. chnplaln; Elmer Findley, gressive 23 degree team of Juanita i dividual organisations as their Debt. Service . 11,800.00 man. In the audit Item. Members of the Library Board Total budget (39.094.00 11.963.60 treaaurer; Elmer Pyne, warden; Rebekah lodge will be held Friday merits are approved by the gov­ HUNTERS GET MANY The entire (50 for airport work Linn Stone, guardian; and John night at the regular meeting In the erning board of the church. voted resolutions of thanks to the PREDATORY ANIMALS remained unexpended. Only (28.10 Lorah, herald. I. O. O. F. hall at 7:30. Mra. Zella of the advertising fund was spent, Cllc club and to Individuals who COUNTY DEBT REDUCED Predatory animals are either be­ Cantrell will be new president; COMMERCIAL BANK (280 98 of the (500 emergency fund have assisted them with contribu­ ANNUAL SURVEY SHOWS tions or labor during the past year. coming more numerous In the ENTERTAIN W ITH BUFFET Clarlne Putman, vice-president; DIVIDEND EXPECTED was used, nnd (90.06 of (160 for the mountains or la n e county hunters The Lane county debt has been Htnte Industrial Accident commis­ SUPPER FRIDAY NIGHT and Maxine Snodgrass, secretary- are Improving their ability to track Payment of another dividend In treasurer. Mrs. Stella Eaton. Mrs. BAPTIST CHURCH PLANS reduced 36.7 per cent during the sion wns «pent. them down and dig them out of the liquidation of the Commercial Bertha Rouse and Miss Edna Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. Gossler A saving of (133.71 was made In FIRST QUARTERLY MEET seven year period from October 1*26 to July 1, 1933 according to a entertained at their home Friday Swnrta are the Installing offlcera. State hank of Springfield la ex­ their lalra. Two hunters brought the first fire department budget of Entertainment committee mem­ pected to be authorised within the In a total " of 28 skins from these Quarterly business meeting of study of debt conditions made by evening with a buffet supper In­ (1434. The police department predatory animals to collect the showed a saving of (18.31 In a the Springfield Baptist church will Rufus C. Holeman, state treaaurer. viting a number ot friends. Fol­ bers are Mrs. Alberta Walker, Mrs. near future. No official announce­ county bounty Friday from the ment of the. expected dividend pay Grace Lansberry, and Mrs. Mar­ lowing the supper the evening was (980 budget. The Recorder’s office be held this evening. A potluck The report Issued by him showa ment has been made by those In county clerk. William Clark had was budgeted (1000 of which (89 17 supper will be held at *:(0 and will that the county debt had been re­ spent with cards. Their guests jorie Moshler. Outgoing officers of the degree charge of the bank’s affairs, and one coyote, one cougar and seve»- remained. The street department be followed by a business meeting duced from (1,888.653 to (1,181.066 were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olaon. Mr. showed a balance of (1300.46 In a and the weekly devotional. Thia a total of (686.497. These figure» and Mr». H. O. Dlbblee, Mr. and team are Mrs. Genevieve Louk as It will require several weeks for teen bobcat pelts. Charles Anway had one wolf, seven bobcat, and budget Item of (3130. Balances are meeting Is being held at the close represent the combined warranted Mr». C. F. Barber. Dr. and Mrs. president; Mrs. Cantrell, vice- the preparation of the checks after one cougar pelt. Both men ar* also shown In the library, health of the first quarter of the local and bonded indebtedness of the Milton V. Walker, and Mr. and president; and Dorla Girard, sec­ the dividend has been approved from Oakridge. and authorised. retary treasurer. Mra. Larson Wright. county for the dales given. church year.' office, and clean-up funds. L006E GROUPS INSTALLJOINTLY * ‘ \ H.S. NAMES FOUR MRS. FISHER NEW CIVIC CLUB HEAD IUKA TAKES NEW OFFICER GROUP