PAOC pour — THURSDAY JANUARY 4, 1934 THE SPRINGFIELD N W S habit of not drinking, now that th e' In serious economic COMMON BOYS GET I KOAC RETAINS FULL TIME, , dustrles ------------ are ------------------------------ RURAL TELEPHONE sale of liquor is uot illegal in tuauy , conditions at present Livestock are CHANCE ON MAT CARD USERS PLAN MEETING LIST PROGRAM FEATURES state-. It was getting unfashionable | expected to be added to the basic - to drink, before the Prohibition) l commodity lisi In the farm act at Big Timers In Wrestling World Fight far Lowered Eiohangs Feet Commsrelal Station Dented Right ' the forthcoming session of con-| Can Bit in Spectators' Baals amendment was enacted Economic, To Share H eure; M arket To Bo Contlnuod; Some Lines pressure* was also strongly agsinsl During Matches Tonight I areas. Newt Outstgndlog Are Now Dleoonnoctod I the use of alcohol Some railroads, i Milk Agreement Falls None of the so-called headlluort many banks, made dismissal the Announcement of a pending dairy Corvallis. Jan. 4—Further rei’og- A meeting uf the I .a lie County penalty of drinking ou the part of Adjustment Program Outlined control plan follows a change In j or lopnotchers have been given a union of the Important position Hural Telephone association has For Stats; Dairy Control their employeea. the head of the dairy section of the' place on Herb Owens weekly been called at the Eugene Chamber held by KOAC, the stale owned Now that the saloou has been Plan Expected Soon AAA. J. 11 Mason, general mataget wrestling program. The new boys, of Coiumercw for Saturday evening, radio station located at O. R C„ outlawed in New York, and people of the Dea Moines Cooperative and those who have alwaya had to Hog raisers in any county in Ore­ Dairy Marketing association, sue aland hack and make room for the January 6. at 8 o'clock E. M. Sell- In (he educational radio field ha* cat» buy liquor ouly when seated reuk of CreHweli la president ot licet» accorded by the formal re­ at tables in a restaurant or in hot- ‘ gon will have opportunity to form ceeds Dr. Cylde I. King In this posi­ others, will have their Innings to­ the company und announces that newal of Ils present nnllmlled tle- night. S Q U IR R E L S . . . . headed west ties to take home, there will be leas their owu hog production control tion. the group will consider sending a 1 »use by the feiieral radio commis­ association, and sign up for cash Opening the card will lie III» A later significant development is Some time ago 1 noted in this imliscrlnilnate "treating " The open delegate to the telephone hearing sion. In renewing the lleettae tbe column that gray squirrel« were invitation to everybody to come In benefits under the national corn-hog that the big Chicago milk market­ match between Art Perkins, new which Charlea M Thomas, public voiuiii I bm I oii denied the petition of adjustment program, according to ing agreement, the first one com­ comer from Detroit, and Clem Ku- migrating by thousand« from Con­ and have a drink is not likely to utilities couiuilssloner fur Oregon, a eoinmerelal group Io be assigned necticut into Massachusetts. Now return. And those who drauk as a plans laid by members of the O. 8, pleted under the AAA last summer, sek. who has shown a few times will hold at Portland on January 9 pari of KOAC's lime. C. extension service, who have has been abandoned at the request gesture of protest against what in Eugene this trek of the aqutrrel tribe in Market prices within a few hours Tie- tame county rural telephone Mickey McGuire. West Salem, aearch of fresh food supplies is they regarded as an infringement been given the task of conducting of 75 per cent of those included in users have felt for some time that of the time liiey are eatabllehed lu educational campaign in thia it. This failure Is believed to have and Robin Heed, the Reedsport headed west. Numbers of them of their individual liberty have no state. Growers’ meetings will he strengthened determination of the editor, are billed for tha second they were paying too much for the leading dll»" from Portland Io New have been observed crossing the longer that excuse. announced soon by county agents, AAA officials Io launch dairy pro­ match of the evening. They will Inter-exchange service rendered York are available dally except Hudson river, some using the sev them liy the Pacific Telephone and Sunday over this siailun Th« gov of corn is included. Many believe duction control at once. probably walk away with the hon­ era! bridges which span that E D U C A T IO N ■ • outside of books market newt aervlce Telegraph company when the rural eminent 1 have Just come across a defini­ contemplated for counties with ors from Joe Parelll. the wallop­ people hud to purchase establish leased wire brings these reports stream between New York and Al­ small hog production but «luce it ing wop whom Thor Jensen lamed tion which seems worth while pass­ bany. some stealing rides on boats, SMALL MILLS MUST and maintain Ihelr owu equipment throughout the day to the exten­ many swimming—and many of ing along Ramsay MacDonald, the is learned that the corn-hog cop. OPERATE UNDER NRA lant week, and Marin« Jacobs, (lie They are now carrying forward a sion service al Corvallis As soon as tracts are comparatively simple It Prime Minister of Great Britain, Cottage Grove hoy who has climb them drowning in the effort to gel campaign which they began la«t received they are decoded and pre across. I haven't had any report of who got his own schooling in a lit­ Is believed that even a county with T ie Plant«. W h e th e r for Export or «<1 the athletic ladder in this "port. winter for lower exchange ratea pared for broadcasting. Im port T rade Muet Live them crossing on the ice. but In tle rural school In Scotland, but only a half doien growers can form The antagonism between the two Faselnatlog slorlea of tbe Oregon its own association with lesa over­ Up to Code Rule« mid December the Hudson was who is easily one of the world's "THINGS THAT M ATTER” parties over xervlca charges lias country by the state's beat known head expense and inconvenience froaen over solidly from Pough­ most educated men. said SUBJECT FOR SERMON resulled In patrons of some lines authors and historians, arranged The educated man is a man with Corn producers, of cour-e. who care Some operations of small mills keepsie to Albany. 75 miles, and refusing to pay the fees with the especially (or children between the that should make it easier for the certain subtle spiritual qualities '» J»»in lu the plan will be in the cutting ties for the export trade "Things That Matter,** la the result that they are off from ee eg«« of 9 end 16 years, form a new which make him calm In adversity, same association. are under the impression that the theme (or the II o'clock worship change service with other lines. little furred migrants. dally radio program series lust minimum wage and other wage service al the Methodist church. happy when alone, and just in his Lane Figures are Given started over KOAC, The series Nobody yet knows what particu­ dealings, rational and sane In the Census reports of 1930 credit schedules of the I.utnher Code do Rev. Dean C. Poindexter wilt S U M M O N S lar sort of food has run short In fullest meaning of that word, in Laue county with a total hog pro- not apply to such cullings, accord­ preach . The five o'clock vesper ser­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF* THE started Tuesday, January I, and STATE OF OREGON IN AND will continue through March. They the New England haunts of these all the affairs ef life.” , Auction of 6887 head, and corn pro- ing to a story Issued thia week by vice will be the first of a sorlea come on et 4:30 o'clock dally. FOR THE COUNTY OF LANE squirrels, but it is generally as­ Such men may be found every- ’ duction of 3.285 acres, out of a state the West Coast Lumbermen's asso­ of services featuring men. women, HAZEL L CARTMELL. Plaintiff sumed that hunger is driving them where. They may never have seen total of 324.539 hogs and 83.115 ciation of Beattie. Intances have young people and children. Thia VS JOHN O CARTMELL. De- westward. Another possible expla­ the inside of a college: they may »‘ res of corn. Oregon crop observ- been reported where such opera­ fondant. WOODCRAFT NEIGHBORS Sunday we will have 100 men In To John O. Cartmell. Defendant: nation, it seems to me. Is that the know little of the inside of books. : *“ra are of the opinion that these tions are said to lie paying wages the choir. Among (he muaical num­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE TO INSTALL JANUARY 10 invasion of so many forest areas But they have come to acquire what state totals are considerably high from $1.50 to $2 50 for an eight- bers will he Snnkey's old song, OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ in the East by the Civilian Con­ ks. after all. the main end of all , *r now- a,,d that possibly moat hour day. "The Ninety and Nine." The sub quired to appear and answer the Annual Inalailallon uf officers of servation Camps has frightened education, which is an understand county totals are up as well, Such owners, says the report, Ject of the hour will be: "A Man's complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before Pine circle, Neighbors <4 Wood them Into moving away from the lng of one’s Individual relation to Though this would give Oregon should be informed that the Lum­ Religion." The Sunday Church four weeks from date of first pub­ craft will be held si the I. O. O, F. vicinity of humans. the rest of the world. No college &°g raisers a theoretical allotment ber Code provides for no wages school meets at 9 45 a. ni. The lication of this summons, or for hall here next Wednesday evening • • • can teach anybody more than that, of between 175,000 and 200,000 bogs less than 42H cents per hour to any Junior League at 4 p. m. the Sen­ want thereof the plaintiff will take January 10. Thia will he an open R E C L A M A T IO N - - - - Jersey flats _________________ and benefit payments at 55 a head workman in the West Coast logging ior League at 6:15 anil the Wesley­ Judgment against you and will apply to the court for th<> relief Installation with guests invited by I motored out Into New Jersey on . i °f Jus* under a million dollars, ac- and lumber division, whether the an League at 6:30. prayed for In the complaint and for members uf the lodge. taal benefits could not be nearly work is done by the hour or by con­ a recent Sunday and. crossing the ICE CREAM PRICES UP a decree of absolute divorce from Mrs Glenn Htone Is chairman of broad stretch of flat swamp known AS NEW YEAR STARTS that high because of the minimum tract; that to pay the 42*4 cents per you the program cummltlee Mre Edith CIVIC CLUB TO ELECT as the "Hackensack Meadows"- or ! limits set for participation. hour is the obligation of the owner, This summons Is published once Prices of ice-cream climbed ut> OFFICERS ON TUESDAY each week for four consecutive ■.niton will have charge of the re­ "Jersey Flats." I wondered why without regard to the selling price M ust H ave 10 Acres In Corn week«. In the Springfield News, a freshment committee. none of the projects of public works wards in nil parts of Lane county Definite rulings have been re­ of his product or the market to weekly newxpnper published at Election of officers for the Civic on New Year's day. The Lane Coun­ undertaken by the government in ceived by the Oregon extension which it Is destined M ne County, Oregon, dub will be held Tuesday ot next Springfield. eluded doing something to make ty Ice cream Manufacturers asso- aer¥ice aeUlng the minimum limit Export Lum ber Controlled by order of the Hon. G. F Skip this immense area of waste land elation found it ueceesary to raise for Joi„,ng tbe plan a, 10 acrea 0, In the cost protection price sche­ week according to an announce­ worth. Judge of said Court.' made prices slightly under the NRA code ' corn or three ,ltters of pigs # ypar dules export lumber Is not Includ­ ment by Mr». Paul Brnttain. club January 2nd. 1934 and first pub­ valuable. 12:30 S(lage and goi„ ng prop ed. but this fact lines not In any president. This will be a regular lished January 4th. 1934. Here are more than 75.000 acres, which they adopted and which In or WHITTEN SWAFFORD. At­ a strip probably 30 miles long and creased the manufacturing costa. mcorn is Included. Manv believe way lessen the liability of the em­ meeting of the club and will be held torney for Plaintiff. averaging four miles or so wide, according to C. F. Eggimann, local ,hat between 85 and 75 per cent of ployer to pay code minimum and at the City Library. Residence and Post Office ad dress Eugene, Oregon. lying within two miles of the na­ dealer. „ the hogs raised in Oregon are on differential wages, as In Article tion’s largest city and separating All dealers In the county will farmg wbere less than three litters VII of the I.umber Code Also, the N O T IC K T O C R E D IT O R S it from the most populous district sell the ice-cream at the new fixed a year are produced. liability extends back to August 22. Notice lx hereby given that lb« The neveral communities of this has been appointed of North Jersey, which could be price hereafter. A farmer qualifying under either the date the labor provisions went section made a distiuct effort thia | undersigned Administratrix of the Ffctate uf No change in the retail price of made the greatest recreation center the corn or the hog provisions can Into effect, for underpayments of year to sponsor an unusual number John O. Staata. deceased, by the In the world, by the expenditure of the many popular flve-cent froxen join for that one crop, though if he wages to employees. County Court of Lane County. Ore­ a few millions of dollars. Put a few confections is to be made although qualifies for both he must Join for Workingmen employed In lumber of Christmas New Year's vacation gon All persons having claims activities. The Vida community hundred dredges at work, digging the wholesale price has advanced i both. Reduction of at least 20 per mills or logging camps in the Doug against the said Estate are hereby dance Saturday night had unusually notified to present the same, pro­ canals and channels and piling up proportionately. cent in corn acreage and 25 per las fir region who have not re­ large attendance Announcements perly verified. Io tho undersigned ceives! minimum code wages for up the recovered mud and sand to cent In hog production is required for another dance In two weeks at the office of Wells S Wells. lift the rest of the area permanent­ Bank of Commerce Bldg.. Eugene, | in return for rent payments on the work done since August 82. 1933. were made luine County. Oregon, within six ly above high water, and the most corn land retired and rash benefits should give all the facts to the Watch parties were held at the months from the date of the first wonderful park In America could of |5 a head on the allotment of Joint Committee on Labor. 884 Waltervllle school house, the home publication of this notice be developed here. A wedding of much interest to 75 per cent of past average annual Stuart Building. Seattle. Washing­ Date of first publication. Jan. 4. ton. In rase a settlement cannot ba ot Mr. and Mrs Del Benson, the 1934 It would have to be a National residents of the Upper Willamette hog production. Leaburg church, the home of Mr made directly with the employer. B ER TH A A. G ILL. Administra­ park, for New York won’t touch It valley was that of Lawrence I-alrd D airy Control Seems Certain and Mrs. Fred Williams. Leaburg trix. since it lies in New Jersey, and to Miss Rosena Ziniker which was Estimates sent out from Wash Parti«« during Christmas week WELLS « WELLS. AI turner■ New Jersey won't do it because solemnized at the Congregational (J 4 U 18-26- F JJ_______ Ington place the possible corn bene­ RECENT BRIDE GUEST were held Thursday evening at the New York would be the chief bene­ church in Eugene Sunday at 7 p. AT SHOWER TUESDAY home of Mr and Mrs. Fred Easton fit payments for Oregon at about N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S ficiary. And I suppose commercial m. The ceremony, a formal one., In compliment of their son. Ivan, Notice Is hereby given that the Interests would try to block It. any­ was read by Rev Martin Simon ,1M 000 an' Mrs. Lewis Mills, nee Adaline menta at 1750.000. This compares who has beeu accepted tor a four undersigned has been appointed way. Nevertheless. I still think it of the Grace Lutheran church. with $2.777.000 which will come to Perkins, was honor guest at a mis­ yea; cruise In the navy, leaving executor of the Last Will und Testa­ Violets are in blossom in the is a good idea. ment and estate of Elizabeth D. this state from the first year’s oper cellaneous «bower given Tuesday early this month. • • • Whitten, by the County Court for country as If it were spring Batch­ atlon of the wheat adjustment plan. afternoon at the home of Mrs. Don­ Wednesday evening at the home l-ane County, Oregon. All persons ART by unemployed elor buttons, larkspur, stocks, snap­ ald Toomb A number of Mrs Mills' having claims against said estate Definite announcement has now of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jack in Instead of bare, plain walls, the dragons. daisies and marigolds are hereby notified to preeent the friends were Invited and all enjoy- tbp neprborn ,„B, rlcl been made that application of a inside of America’s schoolhouses, were picked Christmas day at same, with proper vouchers to the production control plan to dairy ed a social afternoon. Mr and Mrs. I Kr)day e¥Pnlng abcu, ftf, y young undersigned at the office of Donald hospitals, post offices. Jails, police Pleasant H lll'-The speriae is show­ Mills are living on East Main products is Imminent, details of people gathered at the home of Mr. Young. 435 Miner Building, within stations and other public buildings ing leaves and annual poppy plants street Mrs. which may be announced from P*,r* "'‘( M rH E. E E E May Mav and an'1 MrB Mr" . and Mrs. Rennie Kooser with a six months from the date of the are about a foot high. may soon be as decorative as those Washington any day. Just what' Orson '«••Shn were assistant host- |arge number present who had been first publication of this notice of Europe The Civil Works Ad­ Date of the first publication of form It will take Is still uncertain, esses. absent from the community for this notice January 4. 1934 ministration proposes to put thous­ but the December break in butter some time. CHARLE8 C. WHITTEN, ands of unemployed artists at work, prlcee. coupled with the steadily OLDHAM FAMILY HAS Among young people of this sec­ Executor. painting pictures and modeling sta­ mounting surplus was followed by tion spending the holidays with DONALD YOUNO, Attorney for REUNION HERE MONDAY estate. tues for the beautification of struc­ Mr. and Mrs. Soterstead and fam­ announcement from Secretary Wal­ home folks after an absence, are (J 4-1H5-26—F 1» tures which are for public use. ily who have been living in Walter lace that a production control plan Thirty-seven members of the Old Lucile Millican. Ashland: Helen If the work is carried out under Edmiston’s house for the past few will be launched almost immedi­ ham family were present for a fam and G orge Marx. Eugene; Ivan intelligent planning and supervto- years moved to Pengra last week. ately. lly reunion held Monday at the Easton, Crow; Cleo Carter. John lon, It ought to be of enormous edu The Thurston Sunday school Conferences on the dairy situa­ home of Mrs. Pearl Schantol. Isham, Kelly Swafford, Portland; cations] value, and who knows but elected their officers for the com­ tion hare marked the holiday per­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B Old­ Cora Currant, Eugene; Myrtle what some young artist, now un­ ing year last Sunday. John End! iod. at one of which the possibility ham. A potluck dinner was en­ I O'dell. Springfield; William Thle employed. may find in this work a cott Is superintendent; Ray Baugh. ' of coinbllllng ,he'”da^ ' " p'r“ m joyed at noon and the afternoon neS. Eugene; Gordon Goodpasture. chance to show his genius, so that assistant: Miss Veda Gray, pianist; wRh . lnj),8r #|d for tbe bepf was given over to games and Eugene Carrol Lansbery is In a hundred years from now art and Mis. Je sle Beal, secretary. duperg wag pong|dprpd ag stunts. Portland for an indefinite slay. lovers will make pilgrimages to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Safely moved SPR IN G FIELD , OREGON some obscure little country school to Albany Wednesday. to see the masterpiece of the fam­ Misses Hazel Edmlston and Alice ous John Smith! Culvert spent New Year's day in That is what happens in Europe, Corvallis. where the great artists painted on the walls of churches and palaces. Principal Better— W. E. Buell Is • • • recovering from a throat ailment We a re ( (»operating with other Irluh Bloreg In their TEMPERANCE . . . . with repeal1 which has bothered him during the big REDUCTION SALE OF FOODS. Our big Btoelt 1 look for a great revival of the ; holiday season. LANE MAY FORM Y