THURSDAY. JANUARY4! 1M4 THE BPRINOFIELD NEWS " 1 DULL HEADACHE GONE SIMPLE REMEDY DOES IT Ifeadachae enuaad by conatlpa- tlun are gone after one down of Ad- larlka Tbla (Irana all poisons out of BOTH upper and lower bowela Olvaa bailer «leap, end« nervous­ ness. Flattery’« Drug Mtore. 4 M A U I H IL F W A N T IO -■ .. f 134.GOO Ota Con T O W N A N D V IC IN IT Y Quest at Hotel — Miss Doris I Maun of M yrtle Point was a guest at the Springfield hotel Sunday. Vida Man Here—«'. B Allen ol J Vida was a business visitor In j Springfield Tuesday PAOE THROE • SEWING MANUAL ISSUED BY EXTENSION SERVICE At a time whou many homo- maker* are by choice and other« Visit at Qrove— Mr. and Mrs. J. are by necessity turning more and M I.arson spent New Years at the more lo home sewing, the O. 8 C. Bam M iller home at Cottage Orove extension service has leaned a com­ prehensive Illustrated bulletin en Daughter le III— Marjorie Jolllff, titled. “A Manual for Home Sew- daughter of Hugh Jolllff, le report­ ! Ing.” by Axalea fhager. specialist In ed to be quite III at her home this I clothing and textline. week. An Introduction explains that the Visits Bister— Miss Ina Clem ent, new manual Is prepared to serve secretary at the high school, «pent three groups Those who have lit ­ the holiday week with ber sister, tle experleaqp In borne »«wing bat who find It economical to make the Mre. Ben Ha»I. at Blaytou. family's clotklng; tbe more experi­ Breaks Leg— <’. Loving, i-tuployee enced who desire a ready reference of the Booth-Kelly camp at Wend- handbook on home sewing, and ling »iialalned a broken leg lo a those who are at this time under logging accident Monday. He Is at i the necessity of receiving clothing the Eugene hospital. materials from their federal or stale government Entertain« Friends — Mrs. Ellxa Subjects handled In the manual, Winze nreld entertained at her which Is free on request. Include hum« Sunday with a dinner for a discussion of the sewing machine number of her friend» from Rose­ and other equipment, seam» and burg and Eugene seam finishes, hems and hemstitch­ Returns from Creswell — Mrs. es. fabric buttonholes, pockets, Mary O. Howe returued to Spring- plackets, bindings, pipings and field Monday from Creswell where folds, fattening and garment re­ she haa been visiting during the pair holidays. etlll. He la awaiting trial In federal court nt Portland. The manufacture of liquor la not Illegal under the preeeot la * , but each manufacturing aalt must be licensed by the federal government. Thia license aoetu so much that only the large-scale maaufacturers find It profitable to purchase them. It Is doubtfnl Is any of the small er still operators conld qnallfy tor NO TIC E IS HER EBY G IVEN that tba undaralgned bae been ap­ a federal license either with pro­ pointed Arimlalatrator of tba aatata Donna Farm er Visits—John Staf duct or quantity. of James Itesldea. dacaaaed, by tba ford, farmer In the Donna vicinity, Cuuoty Court of Lana County, Ore­ was a visitor In Springfield Tune- gon. All persona having claims day agalnat aald estate are required to present them with the proper Attends Obsidian Outing— Harry vouchers to tbs undaralgned at the Ill at Hama— Mrs, Ed Moula la law office of Jamee K King. 410 W right spent the weekend with Building. Eugene, Lane quila III at bar boma thia waak Miner the Obsidians at their annual N«w Ccunty, Oregon, within six (4) A re yon satisfied with tbs ve­ Robert Adama, o f Odebolt, Iowa Year's outlug month» from (be date of thin notice, salta yon are reeelvlag from yoor N O T IC K T O C R B O IT O R * Dated at Bugene, Oregon, (hie baa swung a loan o f 8135,000 oa Visits W ith Daughter— Mrs Rosa taent feed? Are you getting bj'1 .Hm.imu huai»!« uf biuaad «ora ea 14th day of December. 1333 desire to lower your feed- OU you J Nolle« la hereby given that tba un­ JAMES K. KINO. Admlnletra- tu« farm iu Me<- < iouaty, g a i aram eat Montgomery spent New Year day iD^coets? dersigned have been appointed, ran- with her daughter. Mrs Herb- rt toi of the Batata of James agents saatkeg lb « bias .Java Is a low priced heme mixed pecllvaly, adnilnlatratrll and ad Resides. Deceased. dairy feed which *e ra-ommend Hmeed, and her family In Eugene. uilnlatrator of tba aatata of Edgar combination to bn tod (D 14 31 38—J 4-11) aa a g o o d -------------- ------------------ I.. Keanuy. dacaaaad. by the County U. S. D. A. CALLS THIRD with your roots, silage or hay Return from Portland- Mr and Court for (.ana County, Oregon. All crops: 2 sacks M ill Run. 1 sack N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R * O. 8. C. SPECIALIST Mrs. Joe Ix-mmons returned last Coconut Meal plus dairy minerals. peraona having rlalma agalnat aald I f you kave surplus eats, barley •state are hereby notified to prea week end from Portland where they NO TIC E IS HER EBY O IV B N ; or wheat, take some of your home Corvallis. Jan. 4—H. P. Bara«, spent the Christmas holidays •■nt lb« aaine. with proper voucher« That the County Court of the Slate grown grains to your feed dealer to the undaralgned. at the office of of Oregon for Ixina County baa ap­ bead of the department of botany and trade for Coconut Meal, feed­ Donald Young. 438 Miner Building. pointed Glen O. Anderson Admin and plant pathology at Oregon ing aa follows: 4 parts your borne Returns to School— Miss Maur Eugene, Oregon, within a ll months Istrator of the Estate of Ellxa A. grown grain and 1 part Coconut _______ Your Meal pin« dairy mineral«. ------ from the date of the flrat publica­ Stevens, dacaaaad All persona bav Stale collage, and for 22 years a Ine Iximhard loft »sturday for Van­ couver. Washington, where she Is faed dealer will grind and mix member of tbe experiment ntailon tion of thia notice. lug claims agalnat aald Estate ere t h l| for you. Date of flrat publication Decem­ imt If led to present same within a ll staff there, wlU leave Oregon early teaching school. " f o " "the poultry farmer we rec­ ber 7th. 1933 montha from the date of thia no­ In the spring to become principal ommend the following Isw cost Visita Mother— Mr and Mra. W. OWNERSHIP OF STILL JE N N IE R K EEN EY. , Visit at Marshfield— Mr. and Mrs tice, duly verified, to the Admin­ home mixed growing reed: Mix 2 PAUL E. K E E N E Y . istrator at 201-4 Miner Building. botanist In tba federal experiment I John Putman and family apent tbe K. Bamell spent the week-end at CONTINUES AS ILLEGAL «— k« M ill Run with 1 sack Co­ elation staff at Washington. D C. Meal and 1 sack sun cured Ocean Lake on the coast where Administratrix and Adulnlatra- Eugene. Oregon. C. C. Beebe of Coburg wins the conut i holiday week visiting relatives at A lfalfa Meal, plus poultry mln- tor of the eatate of Edgar L Dated tbla 7tb day of December, He will also serve aa first aa-lstant they visited with Mr. Barnells distinction of being the first Lace Marshfield. Keeney, deceased , r \ n of the above teed mixes may 1833 to tbe director of experiment sta­ mother. Mrs. C. M. Porter. county citizen to be arrested for DO NALD YOUNG, Attorney for GLEN O. ANDERSON. Admin be fed with your surplus skimmed tions, James T. Jardine, formerly Visit in Washington— Mr and ratal« tatrator of the Estate of Elite Qoas to Portland— Fr-d Buell left possession of a liquor still since the m ilk with excellent results. Why of Oregon. I Dec. 7-14-31 18— J 4) Mrs. Neri William» and son, A Stevens, deceaaed. not rigure these savings? Tuesday for oPrtland to prepare repeal of the prohibition amend­ Bee See your vour I feed dgaler; he has all HARRIS. S M IT H A BRYSON. Professor Baras Is widely known j Tommy, returned Friday from Win ment. He was taken into custody me«« feeds. W - rite . . P. O. v-. Box 443. - -c - for the atate emhalmera examina th Attorneys for Administrator. throughout the state for hla long - lock. Washington where they spent Portland. Oregon, for F R E E book­ N O T IC K OP P U B L IC A T IO N (Dec 7-14-21 38—J 4) lion which he will take there next Friday by federal authorities on let "The Feeding of Coconut Meal and effective work in directing tbe 1 the holidays visiting with relatives. Department of the Interior, Oan- week. He has Just returned from charge of operating an unlicensed F or Profit ’. control nf dl««aae of Oregon farm eral Land Office at Roaaburg, N O T IC K I x ih Angeles where he completed Entertain Quests at Cabin— Mr. crops. It ha» been under hla direc­ Oregon, December 8th, 1688, OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T a course in embalming. | and Mrs. W. I I Adrian had a num­ tion tbul many of the successful NO TIC E IS HEREBY G IVEN NO TIC E la hereby given that ba ber of gueata at their cabin on To Cottage Grove Meeting— Mrs. Roy If. Payne, of Vida, Oregon, who lhat (he uuderslgned baa filed ber campaigns agalnat orchard and Horwe Creek for the New Year field crop dlaeaana have been car­ Final Account aa A dm ln lalratrli on February I I . 132». made Hom« C. F. Kgglmann will go to Cottage week-end. of (he estate of Benjamin F. Skin­ •tead entry. Serial No. 0ISS43, for ried out. Orove Friday evening to take part lx>t 1 and 8 W U N B H . Section 2», ner. deceased, In the County Conrt Thia la the third time In recent In the Installation exercises for tbe Return Home— C. W. Rychard of the Slate of Oregon for Ix n e Townablp IS 8.. Range 3 B.. W II lametta Meridian, baa filed notice County, an that said Court baa weeks that the department of agri­ has returned to bis home at Milton Spanish W ar veterans auxllltary in * I am now the sole owner of The Anderson Motors, nf Intention to make final threw- fixed the 8th day of January. 1884, culture haa reached out to take a after spending tbe holidays here that city. She la a member of the I year proof, to eetabllah claim to at the hour of tan o'clock A M, prominent Oregon »pedalisi from with his mother. Mr» Leathe D. General Ixtwtou drill team at Eu­ and will continue to conduct a first class shop for the land above described, before In the County Court Room of the the alate college alaff for wider gene. A potluck supper will be Rychard. E o. Itnmel, U. H ' ‘onimla tlonnr, Courthouse of Lane County. O re held at 6 o’clock. ..i I ug< nc i trngon "ii i in- 301 h day gon. In Eugene, Oregon, aa the service under the federal govern­ Parents of Son— Mr and Mrs. date, time and place for the hear­ ment. of January. 1934. ing of aald Final Account and of Claimant namaa aa wltneaaaa: Wallace L. Kadderly. radio pro­ Ed Oent of the (Coburg vicinity are I'll« Brendul. of Vida, Oregon, L. oblectlnna thereto, and for tbe final gram director of KOAC. wan placed the parents of a 10-pnund son born OREGON FARM BUILDINGS Parts aud aBcessories for all cars, acetylene weld- U lloleman. of Vida. Oregon, E. settlement of said estate. NOW GIVEN CLOSE STUDY HTACHY L. SK IN N E R . Admin­ In charge of the Western Farm to them at their home early Tues­ O. Glluior«. of Vida. Oregon, A. T. day morning. January 2. 1934. inc. battery re-charging and greasing will be included istratrix of the Estate of Ben­ and Home hour broadcast from Kan I ii'iii'lin. of Vida. Oregon Oregon ha» been issued a special jamin F. Skinner, deceased. H A M IL L A. CANADAY. Keglater Francisco. Next Dr E. N Bresa- Visiting Daughter — Mrs. Sus­ allotment of CWA funds from in our service. POTTER « B A ILEY. Attorneys ID 14 21 38— J 4-11) man. specialist In farm crops, par­ anna Porter of River Forest. Illi­ Washington with which to make a for Katat*. ticularly hop breeding, was Induced (Dec. 714 3138—J 4) nois Is here visiting with her son- rural home building survey cover­ GILMORE GASOLINE AND OILS to Join Secretary W allace’s staff as in-law and daughter. Rev and Mrs ing 6000 farm homes In three Ore­ aclenllclc adviser. All were offered N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Dean C. Poindexter. gon areaa. The work haa been as­ AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE substantial salary advances In addi­ signed to the Oregon State college NOTICE IS HEREBY O IVEN : DR. G. A. BROWN Principal R eturns— Glen B Wood tion to the broader opportunity. That John Mtuckey has been ap extension service, with Miss Clari- returned Sunday from Medford pointed executor of the Last W ill D e n tis t bel Nye, atate leader of home eco­ and Testament of Pearl H Hlney. Leave for California— Howard, j where he »pent the Christmas holi­ F orm erly Or, Em ery's deceased. by (he County Court of Ralph and Evan Hughes left Wed-i days visiting with his mother. Mrs. nomics extension, chairman of the Dentist Office committee In charge. Ix n e County. Oregon. All persona RAY NOTT, Prop. having claims agalnat aald estate nesday morning for California after 1 Jeanne Wood. About 60 skilled workers who Phone 20-J are required to present them, with spending tbe Christmas holidays1 have registered on the employment Portland People Visit— Mr and 5th and “A" Streets Springfield, Oregon the proper vouchers, within all here with their parents. Mr. aud month» from the 14th day of Dec­ Mrs. Wui. G Hughes. Evan a n d ' Mrs. H. 8. Proudflt of Portlano lists are being used for the survey 1833. to aald executor at the spent the week-end holidays here which must be hurried to comple­ Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN ember. law office of L L. Ray. In the Ralph will og to Loe Angeles, and visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Noah tion by the last of January. Women N aturopathie Physicien Howard to Merced The three re­ Miner Bldg In Eugene. Oregon. trained in home economics are be­ JOHN STU C K EY. Executor of turned Sunday from Tacoma where Helterbrand ing used for the field workers to Phone 81 J the l-aat W ill and Testament they visited their sister, Elisabeth, Kelso Men Visits— Howard Ro­ the extent possible. Areas have of Pearl H. Hlney. deceaaed. and other relatives. Office Hours: 1 to 8 P. M. berts arrived here Saturday morn­ been selected In western, southern L. L. R A Y . A tto rn ey fo r Batata (D 14-21-28—J 4-11) ing from Kel«o. Washington to and eastern Oregon. 408 Fuurth Street SUM M O NS visit with hie parents and sister. K Pound of Butter is Worth a Ton of Cure! Gathering this Oregon data Is IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E S U M M O N S Mrs. Ethel Johnson. S T A T E OF OREGON IN AND part of a nation-wide effort to ob­ IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF All scientists agree t hat butter supplies in the FOR T H E CO UNTY OF L A N E J T H E STATE OF OREGON FOR Returns to College— Harry W ith­ tain accurate Information on the most economical and palatable form of any food, fats, C LIFFO R D D. OATCH, Plaintiff. LANE COUNTY Watchmaker and Jgwalar American farm home building va. ADDIE D. GATCH. Defend ers left Monday for Oregon State which are a most necessary substance for health and C W Mullin. Sr.. Plaintiff, va. S P R IN G FIE LD ant. college at Corvallis after spending need» as a possible basl» for a growth. Christopher Schmadeke and Mrs. So. Pacific Watch Inspector Chrlalopher Schmadeke. hla To. Addle D. Gatch. Defendant: the holidays with hts grandmother, further recovery program touching First Class Work at Reasonable IN T H E NAM E OF T H E S TA TE this phase of reconstruction. Dr. Sherman says, “A surplus of Vitamin ‘A’ in the wife; W illiam Schmadeke and Mra. C. I. Oorrle. Sr. Prlcea. Mrs W illiam Schmadeke. hla O F OREOON: You are hereby re­ body actively increases vigor and the ability of the quired to appear and answer the wife; George Schmedeke and Father Oles— Charles Chandler WOODCRAFT NEIGHBORS body to resist disease.” Mrs. George Schmadeke. hla wife; complaint filed agalxst you In the received word of the death of his above entitled suit on or before FOR PLAN SPECIAL DRILL John Schmadeke and Mrs. John Schmadeke. hla wife; Henry four weeks from date of flrat pub­ father at Long Beach. California Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for Schmadeke and Mrs. Henry Sch­ lication of this summons, or tor last week. The body was to be Officers elect of Pine circle Maid O’ Cream Butter want thereof the plaintiff will take I madeke. hla wife; Caroline Sch­ shipped east for interment. Neighbors of Woodcraft together Judgment against you and will madeke M iller and John Doe M il­ with the guards, will meet Thurs­ ler. her husband; and Emily Sch­ apply to tbe court for the relief Queets Leave — Mr. and Mrs. madeke and Richard Roe. her prayed for In the complaint and Clyde »impson and three daughters day evening at 7:30 at the I. O. O. husband; and also all other per­ for a decree of absolute divorce F. hall to practice for their installa­ of Hood River left for their home sona or parties unknown claim­ from you. This summons Is published once Saturday after spending several tion to be held January 10. ing any right, title, eatate. lien or Intereet In the real eHlate des­ each week for four consecutive days visiting at the D. B. Murphy cribed In the complaint herein. weeks. In the Springfield News, home In this city. a weekly newspaper published ati Defendants. To Christopher ft-hmadeke and Springfield, Lane County. Oregon, Visit on Coast— Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Christopher Schmadeke. hla by order of the Hon O. F. Skip- wife; W illiam Schmadeke and Mra. worth. Judge of said Court," made Loyal E. 8cott »pent the New Years W illiam Schmadeke. hla wife; December 19th. 1933 and first pub holidays visiting on the roast at George Schmadeke and Mrs. George llshed December 21st. 1933. Reedsport Miss Margaret Oorrle W H IT T E N SW AFFORD. A t­ Schmadeke, hie wife; John Sch­ assisted at the Drug Store during torney for Plaintiff Residence madeke and Mra. John Schmadeke, and Post Offloe Address Eu­ je lr absence. h it wife; Henry Schmadeke and gene. Oregon. Mr«. Honry Schmadeke. hie wife; Bank Man at Albany— Marlon L. (D 21-38—J 4-11-18) Caroline Schmadeke M iller and oyner. assistant la the liquidation John Doe Miller, her husband; and N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S S A L E Emily Schmadeke and Richard Roe. f the First National Bank of On the 2nd day of February. 1934. her husband; and alto all other prlngfleld. will spend the next six- persons or parties unknown claim­ at the hour of 10 A. M.. at the reek» at Albany where another ing any right, title, estate. Hen or front door of the court house In Interest In the real eatate described Eugene. Oregon, tn Ixtne County, t latlonal bank Is being liquidated. In the cnmplf*ln herein. Defend­ Oregon. I will sell at auction to Daughter It Born— Mr. and Mrs. the highest bidder for cash the fol­ ants: IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE lowing described real property lo­ !. H. Napper of route 1. Creawen. O F OREGON, You are hereby re­ cated In Lane County, Oregon, to- re the parents of au Infant daugh- quired to appear and answer the wlt: Lots 7. 18. 19 and 30. Horn’s ¡>r born to them at the Lillian Van Complaint filed against you In the iarwark home. 1409 Oak street in Addition to Eugene, as platted above entitled suit within four and recorded, also the Southwest Eugene on Thursday, December 28. weeks from the date of first publi­ quarter of the Southwest quar cation of thia Summons; and If »33. ter of the Southwest quarter of you fall to answer, for want there­ section 36. Township 17 South of the Plaintiff will apply to the Vlait at Belknap— Mr. and Mrs. Range 4 West of the W illam ette Court for the relief as prayed for H. O. Dlbblee spent New Years Meridian. Lane County. Oregon, In Plaintiff’« Complaint, to-wlt: For excepting the following: Begin­ visiting with her brother, Roy Fel­ a Decree quieting title to the fol­ ning at a point 1.32 chains East lows at Belknap. Others In the lowing described real eatate, to- nf the Southwest corner of said party were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lee. wlt: lx>t 19 In said Horn’s Addition; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fellows, and Beginning at a point 7.60 running thence North 9.81 chains; chains West of the Southeast thence East 3.94 chains; thence Mrs. Roy Taylor. corner of the J 8. 8werlnger D. South 9.81 chains; thence West I,. C. No. 37 Notf. No. 364» In Returns to School— Miss Luclle 3.94 chains to the place of begin Tp. 17 South Range 3 West of nlng, together with the tene­ Millican left Monday for Ashland the W. M. and run thence West ments. hereditaments and appur­ where she Is attending the South to the East line of the Jacob tenances thereunto belonging, or Rpnres and w ife D. L. C. Notf. ern Oregon Normal school. She In anywise appeartalnlng. No. 3071, thence South along the Said sale Is made under execu­ spent the Christmas holidays visit­ East line of said claim 14.86 chains, thence East to a point tion laaued out of the Clrcnt Court ing with her parents at W altervllle Any kind of printing from a calling card to a complete due south or the place of begin­ of the State of Oregon for the ooun- and with friend» In Springfield book can be turned out by our complete printing ning and thence North to the ty of Lane to me directed In the place of beginning, all In Lane case of The State Land Board of Collect Bounties—John Peltel of Oregon, oompoaed of Julius Meier. establishment. County, Oregon; START T H E and decreeing that the defendants Governor of Oregon; H al E. Hoss. Oakridge collected the county NEW YEAR RIG HT nml each of them have no claim, In­ Secretary of State, of Oregon; bounty on one bobcat Saturday at terest, estate, lien, right or title tn Rufus C. Holman, TJreasurer of Have your »yen examined by or to said real property, and that Oregon, Plaintiff, vs Frank B. the office of the oounty clerk. J, D. TRY THE HOME PRINT SHOP FIRST an optometrist. You may be Buf­ the title of the plaintiff thereto Is Cooper; Pearl A. dooper, now Yale of McKensle Bridge collected good and valid; and for such other otherwise known aa Pearl A. the bounty on two bobcats the fering from «ye strain or many and further relief as to the Conrt Phelps Fred J. Fick; Nellie W . same day. and Prince Helfrlch ol other forma nf defective vision Fick, his wife; Margaret I. Bllyou; may seem Just and equitable. which unknowingly hampers This Summons Is served upon State Savings and Loan Associa­ Vida brought In one bobcat skin. you by publication by virtue of an tion. a corporation; Lane County, your work. Your present glasses order of the Hon. O. F. Sklpworth, a body politic and corporate In and Returns to School— Robert Rol­ ■nay need to he changed. Circuit Judge, dated and filed Dec. of the State of Oregon; School dis­ ens left Saturday for Redlands. Both eyeglasses and frames In I I , 1933. directing this Summons trict No. 4. a body corporate In and the new Shield pattern are the be served on you by publishing of Lane County, Oregon; Road Dis­ California where he Is attending the same once each week for four trict No. 16, a body politic and cor­ school at the university of the, modern style In optical wear. succeaalve weeks In the Springfield porate In and of Lane County, Ore­ tame name. He spent two weeks Examinations ara Free. gon; Road District No. 80, a body News, here visiting with his parents, Rev. Date of first publication, Dec. politic and oorporate in and of Examinations Are Free. 21, 1933. I-ane County, Oregon. Defendants. and Mrs. R. E. Rolens at the Bap­ C. A. SW ART8. Sheriff of Lane tist parsonage. He was guest at W E L L » A WELLS. Attorneys DR. ELLA MEADE County, Oregon. for Plaintiff, Residence and P. several social functions while mak­ Optometrist By A. R. HU LEO AARD. Deputy. O. Audrees, Eugene, Oregon. ing hla first vlalt to Springfield. 41 West 8th Eugene (J 4-11-18-36— F 1) (D 1128—J 4-11-13) IF YOU W A N T A WONDBtUTUL opportunity to tuska *10 a day opar atlng a "Neighborhood Store" send at« your uauie Immediately. Ilraud naw Idaa, No »xparlaoua required. W rlta quick for datalla Albart Milia. IkïU Monmouth. Cincinnati, O. * N O T IC K T O C R B O IT O R * a LotvéY Yolir Feeding Cost K New Owner i General Repair on All Can Business Directory Anderson Motors Let's Be Healthy - Edward C. Privat Springfield Creamery Co. i k- > lite Modem TREND «