THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGFIELD, LANK COUNTY, OKKOON,T ill ItSHAY. JANGARY 4, 1934 TIIIHTIKTII YEAR No. Kt 08365832 Barnell Slavs FLOOD SURVEYING Ch“ rch Gr“ ts Chamber head Pastor Monday FOR FLOOD WORK MAY START SOON Rev., Mrs, Poindexter Hold j Army Engineers Authorlied To Bogin Study of Recent Flood Areee In State MOTT SEEKS EXTENSION Upper Willamette Aeeoolation Preparing Extensive Report Of Annual Water Damage Au Immediate flood control sur­ vey of the upper W illam ette valley by United But»» » W engineer» will ba »ought at Washington by Congressman James W. Mott, ac­ cording to a telegram received b»r» today by H. B. M ax»-. president ot lb» Upper W«’

e Maa Putter. Edna Platt. Ila ■tholomew and Velda Bartholo- A . The Informal musical program given during the afternoon Includ­ ed piano solos by Norma Zlnaer, Lola Zlnaer. Margaret Jarrett. Miss Potter, and Barbara llarnell Miss Evelyn Buell played two violin aoloa with Mrs. Leota Rodenbough as accompanist. Other numbers Included accord- lun solos by Donald Toomb; vocal solos by Ham Bartholomew. Ralph Fullerton. W alter Ooaaler, and Mrs. Robert Culbertson ; and a vocal duet by Mr«. 8 8. Potter and Paul c m STILL DRY NO LIQUOR HERE I IN CITY Naw Officers and Committaas Raising of Cardan Way Road Named at Annual Meeting Park Project Neare Comple­ Last Night; Social Held tion; Many Men Complete Would Stop Water Danger Jobe; Alley Work to Start To Caee Gardena Area W. K. Barnell was reelect-d as A CW A flood control project which would provide funds (or tb» elevation of tb» Chase Gardens road «long the north bank of the W illamette river west of ttprlng- field and at tb» same time practl- ally eliminate the danger of flood waters Io tb» Chase Gardens dla riel 1« being given serious conald •ration thia week by county CWA officials. The project has the known back­ ing of P. M Morse, county sur­ veyor. and Thomas O. Russell, new ly appointed CW A engineer for l.ane county. These two officials accompanied the group wblcb made ■n actual first-hand «tudy of tlood condition« along the river Ju«t be fore the Christmas holidays Both are agreed that the raising of this road about three feet where It fol­ lows closely along tha river la tea« Ibis and necessary to prevent seri­ ous flood damage to the low but fertile farm lands of the Gardena district Thl« 1« the type of projects which are being given large sums of money In other state where flood damage« have already «truck, and It Is believed that necessary funds for this proteetlve work can be ob­ tained now when the perils now •xlstant and benefit« to be derived are explained. If such a project la approved it would result In the rebuilding of the present road which 1» exceed­ ingly rough end choppy in places. Thia Is only one of the remedial steps which ere deemed necessary to prevent high water damage to property bordering the river be ween Springfield and Junction City. Several others were Investi­ gated during the field tour recently made. president of the Bprlngfleld Cbam her of Commerce for the third con­ secutive year at the annual meet­ ing here last night. Other officer» of the local club are J. Fulop, vice- president; and I. M. Peterson, also re-elecled a» secretary treasurer Members of the Board of Direct­ or» are W. C. W right, John I). Pyle, F. B. Hamlin. H. O. Dibble«, and Bevert Jacobsen Three committee# were appoint ed following the election. They are roads and highways. H E Maxey, W C. W right, and H. O. Dibble»; membership. Jacobsen. Pyle and John Henderer; Banking. Fulop. F. B. Flanery. Plye and Wright. A «octal evening with refresh nient» was enjoyed following tbe bUMlne«» meeting. YOUTH KILLED IN HIGHWAY CRASH Glenn Jarvis Diet of Injuries; Clyde Lockwood in Hospi­ tal; Fog Causes Accident Merchants Hesitate to Make Expenditure« for Retailing (Xd Beverages ARMORY COES FORWARD STATE PLAN 18 AWAITED Request for More Street Ma­ terials Denied; More Funds For Work Here Sought Thirst of Residents Lees; Federal Fee High for Short Term Selling Permitted W ith one project uimoat com-1 ___ it la now one month since the Federal prohibition amendment having completed their employ* I Notre D ane football team In 1934. was taken from tbe constitution m»nt a« CWA worker» last night. Ho »ucc<*edg 'Hunk'* Anderson and of tha United States, state control memlier of tbe Springfield city will be In charge of all athletics, as measures hare been enacted, and council Tuesday night took s te p .1’1 Rogklta- troublesome atty ordinances have seeking a further extenalon of the been removed. Yet, It la Impossible preaent street Iniprorement project j for an Individual to buy a drink of or an additional grant of funds with more than 14 per cent alcoholic which to extend tbe work now in­ content In Bprlngfleld legally, and cluded In tbe CWA project. Tbe| the city remain»—almost dry project will have used up the per­ True, It remains possible to make mitted number of man hours soon these purchase« through (he old and will be stopped If some act loo illegal channel« which ara even Is not taken according to Jess I . more Illegal now than they were Crnss, chairman of the street com- I r “ during prohibition days. At that ging Camp Opens Monday; time the enforcement was largely a mittee. The men who concluded their 13-Week Allocations Made local problem. Now such selling la CWA work last night were engaged In competition with licensed manu­ Employees of the Springfield In the park project and had cleaned facturer« and dealers who pay for up tbe old cemetery and the city sawmill of the Booth-Kelly Lumber their licenses and who In turn are company returned to their Jobs park property on W illamette guaranteed protection against inch Heights. The remaining few hours Tuesday morning after aa annual competitors by tbe Federal govern­ shutdown during tbe holidays at alloted to this project w used ment. and thia body ha« indicated In the completion of the children's which time necessary repairs to that it will prosecute tbe violators playground project at Fourth and machinery and other equipment are, u ' M "ji?.gai “A” street». The fill for this pro-; made. to be tbe buyer ot this liquor as ft ............... - - "■■■' MILL RESUMES In bt« aurvey." The telegram waa In gnawer to a Ject will be completed soon. The The piant had been operating is to be tbe seller. requeat for m o re Information than Glenn Jarvts received fatal In­ fence 1» now being completed, and continuously since It was reopen- waa contained In an Oregonian dl« juries and Clyde Lockwood received Federal Cases Now wlll soon be ready for the actual ed |n j „ i y on a 30-bour week ache- patch from Washington which five broken ribs and a punctured Finally, when persons become of­ equipment. Some tree« and shrubs ju le prior to the annual shut-down •tated that engineer» had bean di­ lung when the car they were riding fenders of the law they are apt to will probably be planted on the iag( It la expected that rected to make a aurvey of the Potter. In early Sunday morning collided find a sure and severe Justice grounds. the 30-hour week w ill be continued W illamette flood altuallon. In a heavy fog near Creswell with meted out by some Federal Judge Alley Project Next during the next year. Member« of the flood control aa one being driven by Floyd Baugh who does not know them and who One new project w ill be started Camp fonr of •Delation are now preparing a re­ man of Klamath Falls. Neither w ill become less and leas friendly soon. The alley project which pro­ port of the present flood condition« Baughman nor Francis Fuller of company waa reopened on Monday aa his dally calendar becomes dog­ •long the upper W illam ette and Salem, bis passenger were serious vide« for the development and following a lay-off. Camp three has ged with these caaee. opeped ,g expect, lower McKenala river«. They have ly Injured. Stanley Hulegaard cleaning up of all alleys In the city n .- dayg before prohibition when thl* This week foundation blocks have 840 at Springfield during the three- cJty wag the wetteat spot In Lane of theae place« during the recent der the direction or Miss May Annual business meeting of the mona. California. Jarvts came to been poured and floor »IUs have months period. field trip of the »aaoclatlon aod 1» Hewaa, faculty member In charge county, when street cars ran down Springfield about two years ago Cbristtaa church will be held at of the local student honor work been placed In half of the building Main street and brought fall quotaa ' .«aatetlng In preparing the report with hla father frdm California the local church thia evening fol The first four senior students of It ha« been planned to prepare from Eugene, returning late In the Funeral service» were held Thurs­ Street Crews Busy lowing a potluck dinner starting the report and have the Oregon the high school to be Invited to evening with cargoes of liqnor George Valuer's street crew has at < o'clock. It ha» been announced day morning at 10:30 at the Baptist delegation go before congreea aah- Join the Bprlngfleld Chapter nt the stupefied passengers. More than by tbe pastor. Rev. Veltle Pruitt. church In Springfield. Rev. R. E. been moving around about (he city Ing for the survey. Thl« may not be National Honor Society of Secon one dosen saloons flourished here Rolens officiated and Interment repairing many blocks of city Officers for tbe new year were necessary If «he present aurvey la dary Schools will be announced at streets. They are tearing up the! during those days, we are told. elected some week« ago «o that was made at Rest Haven cemetery. this meeting and they w ill each be extended they could assume their duties with Branstetter-Simon chapel In Eu­ present surface and are making ; Reasons for No Liquor presented with certificates ot mem the start of the new year. Report« gene had charge of arrangements. clay fills over which crushed rock j W hat Is the answer? Have people benihlp The ustlonsl pin» will be Is being spread. It la this project j of the many organisation« within changed so much during the years DEBATE STUDENTS AT which the council members seek to ‘ Adams Buys Feed Business; •warded later In the year. Who the church w ill be heard tonight of prohibition? HIGH SCHOOL TO PLAY WORK ON LITERATURE theae four studenla are will not he during the meeting. have extended They realise that Nott Takes Over Anderson Yee. this and the present eco­ divulged until the program Mon ALBANY TEAM FRIDAY the present project w ill not allow | Motors. Ford Sub-Agency Consideration of a new church nomic condition has an important Member« of the debate society at day. They «fill be selected this sufficient funds for the repair of a l l ; program, a 16-polnt plan prepared tearing on the sale of liquor, ac- "^Bprlngfleld high «chool are busy week by members of the faculty Springfield high school will offi­ poor streets in the city and if more Two transactions Involving busi- by the pastor and Roland E I cording to many. now with the opening of the winter Dean Jswell la Speaker cially open the 1#34 basketball sea­ funds are not available the work ness properties In this city were Moshler. w ill be taken up by the Three more definite obstacles «’ activities. They »re reading all Dean J. R Jewell, of the school church group. The plan has al­ son at the local high school gym­ will stop only partially completed, reported here thia week. Effective The school grounds are benefit- j anuary 1, Marion Adams became seem ,o !,tand ,n the Path ot th08e r1 available material on their subject. of Education at the university will nasium Friday evening lu a game ready been approved by the gov­ dealing with the British System of be the principal speaker. Buford sell the highly Intoxlca- with the Albany high school team. ting, also from the work of th< «,1a owner of the I and M Feed and who Many fills have been mad» 9eed gtore, and Ray Nott became t>nx drinks. The first of theae is j radio program control, and are pre­ Roach will play two violin numbers, erning board of the church. The game w ill start at 7:30 accord t'W A at the Brattain school. At the high owner of the Anderson M tor com the laek of d«»lre on the Part “ and Mia» Glyde Dilley will »Ing a paring their argument«. Ing to Marlon Hall. any firm to assume thia reeponal- H all has been meeting with hla school a tile drain has been placed Hix member« of the debate ao- solo. The program w ill be open to HAPPY HOUR CLUB PLANS bllity. Second, a federal license la doty have hen chosen for partici­ the Interested public players each afternoon during the In front of the gymnasium and the V ISIT TO ART MUSEUM The affiliation of the local high school holidays and. although much top w ill be covered with dirt and i M r. Adams has been engaged rtq „ired of all who sell liquor of pation In the Inter »chool debates gravel making a parking place for in ‘ he feeo Kid seed business In more than 14 per cent alcoholic •hi« year. Two will debate each school with the National Honor Member« of the Happy Hour club of his material Is green he haa „biles Springfield for a total of 16 years content, and thia coupled with the aide of the question and one stu­ group has Just been completed. Eu will hold their monthly meeting hopes of developing a strong team. He also worked In this buslneaa In third fact, the certainty that who- The boys played a game with dent will be available for reserve geoe high school has »Iso recently next Wednesday Instead of Mon­ Enginer Makes Vielt Eugene for several years. He has ever starts selling the drinks here affiliated Itself with the national on each team. T. O. Russell appointed as CW A day afternoon. At that time the Pleasant H ill Tuesday evening and 1 beea associated with Dallas Mur- wiu have to relinquish the right, No schedules have been compiled bodv. Principal». H . B John»on and members will gather at the Murray- started out strong but weakened as engineer for Lane county le phy In Springfield for the past when and If a state liquor store yet according to Miss Bernice Con W. E. Buell of Eugene and Spring W’arner art museum on the Univer­ the game progressed. The result, Springfield W ednesday to make h 9pTetl year8 and (,ag o( iate been |g established here under the pro- oly. debate coach, who coached a field, made a «tudy of the Torch sity campus In Eugene and be both the first and second string first Inspection o e oca p owner of the store of which visions of the Know law as enact- team Into a district championship honor system at the request of the shown through this building Later teams lost. Jects H e w ill be here everv week v , . . . • J 1 j e 1 1 he now becomes sole owner. ed at the special session of the last year, her first In the local high State Teachers’ association last In the afternoon they w ill have to Inspect and advise local project state legislature. The legality of the year with a view to establishing a school, tea at the Marigold tea room near foremen. Mr. Adams announoes that he act is still uncertain, haring been state-wide honor »yatem They the campus. Mrs. Ella Lombard CRAND MASTER TO BE Nothing has been heard from the has purchased the equipment as attacked by supporters of the home found the Torch system Inadequate GUEST OF LODGES HERE school project seeking to repaint well as the good w ill of the bust- LIONS MEETING W ILL and Mrs. W. K. Barnell are the rule theory. and were not convinced of the fees the Lincoln school Inside and o u t.! ness and w ill chauge the name to BE HELD ON FRIDAY Iblllty of setting up a state «ystem hostesses Local merchants do not believe At the regular meeting of Spring- nor of the library project. A tele Adams Seed and Feed Store. H e . . In competition with the existing field lodge No. 70, I. O. O. F. at gram Wednesday (tom Portland acquires the- interests of M. R. Irieh " sufficient to war Beml-monthly meeting of the LINCOLN PRINCIPAL national body which Invited their Its hall here last night arrange stated that for ad- j and Mr. Murphy. I rant the expenge required to _ Bprlngfleld Lion» club will be held in»i. the voo application ee re- membership. They finally urged the AT STATE MEETING ments were made whereby the Odd siHieu dittonal funds for materials in the j The deal Involving the garage ta„ , hem here wh„ e aw ait,ng the at Taylor hall Friday noon W. F. schools to establish chapters of the Fellows lodges of Creswell. Mar- W alker and H M. Stewart are on will make but little difference In f,na, outcoine of the Knox plan. Roy P. Qulney. principal of the cola, W altervllle. and Coburg will streets project had been denied. national body. the program committee for the | the management of the firm. The Lincoln school In Springfield, re­ meet with the local group on Mon­ Membership Very Limited . J nnen Another thing which they agree meeting. Membership In the society la presented the lAine County Ele­ day. January 22. to honor Grand MARCOLA LODGE ELECTS -p e rs o n M o t , lg (hat mnch of the reckt»,» Thia will be the first meeting ot limited to IB percent of the senior mentary Principal’s association at Master Winslow on his official the club «Inne they entertained NEW CROUP OF LEADERS w Andergon and Mr. Nott. Some drinking of prohibition days w ill class chosen from the highest one- the Oregon State Teachers' asso­ visit. ------------ time later the Springfield garage unpopular when unlimited members of the high school foot­ third In scholarship. Ten percent ciation meeting In Portland the This meeting I» a special affair Helen Boggs was chosen oracle wag (>egignated. ag a Ford gub- quantities are available. Perhaps ball team on December 20 with an of the membership to he chosen In past week. A very Interesting and and will follow a short session of of the Marcola Royal Neighbors agenry and Mr AndergOn devoted wa al8° discover that the evening meeting. Report» of the the fall term and the others In the Instructive meeting was reported. the local Rebekah lodge. Ernest chapter last Thursday evening. moat of his time to the sale of n ew , lar* * quantities which was sup- committees which worked on the spring semester. Five percent of The keynote of the meeting was Black la chairman of the refresh­ Bertha McHenry was named vice- carg a( the agency In Eu- P°8®d to have been consumed local Christmas program and treat» will the Junior class can be chosen dur­ the support given the sales tax law. ment committee for that night and probably be heard. oracle. Other officers chosen are Kene He w lll continue In this work ly during the paat years did not All agreed that It alone would ing the second semester. Scholar­ will be assisted by Elmer Findley Nannie Miles, chancellor; Dora and Mr Nott w ill continue to oper- actually exist In fact. Anyhow, the ship. service, leadership, and char­ save the school system from col- and Lee Putman. Hall, recorder. W ilm a Addington. > u thp garage The garage which sale of Intoxicating ltquora la now LURE OF SUNSHINE acter are the four points considered lapee Following the meeting last even­ marshal; Alloe Page, receiver; 1 reta|n the name. Anderson legal and only a very small per­ OVERCOMES FISHERMEN In recommending a student for ing the new officers and Installa­ Arma Wold, outer sentinel: Dora Motorg wlu continue to be a Ford centage of the people In this coun­ membership. tion teams of the local I. O. O. F. VALLEY PHONE CROUP try are taking advantage of their Neilson, inner sentinel; Pearl sub-agency, They have put It off several dif­ Two Honor Society assemblies and Rebekahs practiced for Install­ restored privilege. Knowler. manager. ------------------------------ ELECTS NEW OFFICERS ation to be held jointly next Mon ferent tlnwa during the paat fall are to be held each year, one In Installation of the officers will and winter but Wednesday they the spring, and one In the fall. Stn- day evening. John Fountain was elected presl-. be held on January 25 at the 1. O SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS gave In. The mild atmosphere with dents who complete their work be­ GUESTS INVITED FOR dent of the combined 3-0 and 3-3 O. F. hall at Marcola. warm sunshine waa too much for come graduate members, others HAS ANNUAL DINNER WATCH PARTY SUNDAY rusal telephone lines In the McKen KOCH FAMILY HOLDS them so C. F. Egglmann and M. B. remain as active members of the GIRLS GIVEN PARTY BY About 30 members of Mrs. A. B Huntly, Bprlngfleld'« leading ex­ chapter where they were elected »1« country at the annual meeting REUNION ON HOLIDAY Mr. and Mrs. W alter N. Ooaaler held Tueaday afternoon at the Deer- BAPTIST BOYS CLASS Van VaU .h 's S e n d ., achool c l « e , ponents of still fishing, gathered horn achool. J. D. H a rrlll was elec _______ gathered at her home Monday even- their tackle and started out. They LEGION CROUPS PLAN The Roy Koch family held a fam­ . 7 > aw . , ___.evening for a New Years eve ted vice-prealdent. Mra. Edltn Page, Twenty-two members of Elmo ; ing for their annual dinner party.1 » « ^ i„ » s i . , „ . . . spent the afternoon near Monroe. ily reunion during the past holiday SOCIAL MEET TONIGHT •ecretary; and M att Emmerch di­ W“ followed by varied entertainment week when Mr. Koch returned from Chase'. Sunday school class at the rector. g Weed- California to visit with his Baptist church were entertained a t , the event this year The evening, PUTMANS ENTERTAIN Regular meetings of Springfield Each the home of their teacher at Chase was spent playing games family. W ith Mr. Koch was Mr. W ITH WATCH PARTY American Legion post number 40 year the members of thia claaa at th* th' * ’ and Mrs. Frank Vernon and son, Gardens Monday evening. The boys and Its auxiliary w ill be held at NEW CARD CLUB MEETS gather at the home of their teacher ,re ' n -‘uFene- Among those entertaining at their Taylor hall tonight, A joint pot­ AT THURSTON TO NIG HT Frankie, and Mies Muriel Patmore of the class which is made up of during the fall or winter for a big Gueats were Mr. and Mra. W il­ Mrs. Vernon was a former pastor students ot high school age had home» with New Year'« eve watch luck dinner for both group» at *;30 liam Moyer, Mr. and Mra. L. O. night parties Bunday were Mr. and w ill precede the buslneaa meeting. Member» of the O-No Club, new of the Full Gospel Assembly in previously lost a reading contest j dinner which they themselves fur- and provided the entertainment and nlsh and serve. Several former M offitt. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fan Mrs. Lee Putman. Thalr guest» In Thl» Is the first meeting the aoclal group In Springfield, w ill be Springfield. On Christmas day the Koch refreshments for the girls. Rev. members of the class were gueats drem, Mr and Mra. Donald Toomb, eluded Mr. and Mr» Ernest Black poet since December 7, the meeting entertained aa gueats of Mis» Nat­ Mr. and Mrs C. F. Barber. Mr. and Mr. and Mra. Elmer Findley. M r Juet before Christmas having been alie Edmlaton of Thuraton thia brothers and sisters gathered at the and Mrs. R. E. Rolens and Mr. and at the dinner during their visits Mra. Clifford Wilson, and Dr. and and Mra. Lynn Stone, and M r, and cancelled because of conflicting en­ evening at the home of her parent«, home of their mother. Mrs. Amanda Mrs. Chase were gueats at the here with families and friends dur­ Mrs. W. N. Dow. ing the holidays. party. Koch on the Lorane highway. Mra. Fred Lonk. Mr. and Mra. John Edmlaton. gagements of many member». FDUR SENIORS 10 WIN HIGH HONORS GHIHGES NUDE 8 1 LOCAL FIRMS