TIIURBDAY. BBPTHMtlKIl 14. 1Ü33 PAGE T U R B I CHE RPRINOFIBLD NBW8 No W onder They Oaln W eight N O T IC I O F H I A R IN Q F IN A L A C C O U N T ON NOTICE IN HEREBY GIVEN Thai the undsr.lgned administra tur ut Ola usiate of Baroli Uuthrla AldrLii, ilaceaaed, haa filad bla ai' ■ uuni fur the final aattlaniant of ■aid catata In tba County Court fur latu* County, Dragon, and that Hal urday. tba 30th day of Haptoiubar. 1033, at tbo Court Room of aaltl Court, In tba County Court Housu In (Sagena at ton o'clock In tho fora noon, haa boon by laid Court fin d a» Iba Ilm» and placa for haarluk objactloni tbaralo, and for final set Gement of aald natala FRANK A I.I Jit It'll. A,Inibii« trator of tha Katala of Harsh Guthrie Aldrich, dacanasd. I.. I,. KAY, Attorney for Obliata. I A 24 31 — H 714 21) Figure« prepared by the War De­ partment for Hubert Feihner. Di­ rector of Emergency Conservation Work, show that III*' <'('(' boys pul away l,O42tk carload» of bacon, beef, coffee and other food stuffs every thirty days Each month thl- group of forest workers consume 1.126,000 pounds of bacon, 6.626,000 pounds of beef. 9.000.000 uggs. 6,- 026,000 pounds of potatoes, 2.260,- (too pounds of pork, tl.760. not) pounds of flour, 1,126,000 pounds of coffee, 2.MI2.6OO pounds of sugar and I,- 126.000 pound i of onions. Army alullstlcatie spent a few mono tits recently checking up on the number of hogs, steers, chickens, and acres ■ f land It would lake Io pristine the tnoil needed Io keep the Clvlllun ( >>!'srrvutlon Corps on rutluns for a single month. Their figure« dis i losed that It would require 261.250 chicken«, 186,04» hogs, and 9.376 steers to furnish the beef, bacon, lard, and eggs needed over u thirty day perbsl TOWN AND VICINITY Attend Fair — Mrs. Riley Hnod Drlva to Portland— Mr and Mrs. W F Walker apent Friday on busi­ grass attended the Htate fair at Halem Friday. ness In Portland, Wendlln» Man Hare—N. W Mab<- Visits Father — Roy McCracken of Hun Francisco Is here to visit of Wendllng was a ba -1 lie«« visitor In Hprlngfleld Friday. with his father. T. J McCracken /EttBasiMl FRANK BARKER ganizatlori." he la held by some to have aligned himself with the open shop element One of the hitches In the general application of the Recovery ('ode Is the Inability of many small em­ ployers. who have been barely get ting by without bankruptcy during the period of depreaeion, to carry the added load of expen«» which the application of the code Imposes upon them, when their business has not picked up Io a point of pro­ fit. General Johnson's demand upon the banka to be more liberal with credit has had no effect except to cause considerable resentment among bankers, who ask how they can lend their deposltora’ money to business men who are not yet sure they can repay the loans. TILLAMOOK FIRE BIGGEST SINCE PATROLS STARTED The destructive Tillamook coun­ ty fire of 1933 covered far more acreage than any (Ire In Oregon since the days of organised forest protection. Oregon's mountains however, show evidence of even greater (Ires The Yaqulna fire ot 1X46 covered about 450.000 acres; the Nestucca fire of 1863. also on the Coast range, about 320.000; the Hllverton ftre of 1865 about 1.000.- ooo acres; the Coos Bay (Ire of 1868 about 3.000.000 acres. The 1902 fires on the Cascade range on both sides of the Columbia river swept about 600.000 acres. mostly In the Lewis river watershed. Lebanon Man Htra — Harry Portland Man at Hotel— T. L. Abbott of Portland was registered Htearn of Lebanon visited with Washington. Hep(. 14- Franklin ut the Hprlngfleld hotel on Hunday. Dallas Murphy Monday. Roosevelt has been President of the Vida People Here—Mr and Mrs United Htate« for six months. In Attend Fair— Mr and Mrs II E. Arthur Mluney and Ben Mlnnny, I that half year he baa started more Maxey spent Huturduy al the Htate numerous and more drastic reforms all of Vida, were visitors In Hprlng fair at Halem. than any president ever Initiated field on Monduy In hla whole term of office He bus Visit at Portland— Mr and Mrs Fish on Sunday—Mr . and Mrs. a little under three year« left—that Carl McKee and son spent (he W ill C red it Brin» Inflation? HUSBAND PLEASED E. Gerber and his mother, Mrs. I |g, until the early summer of 1936 Methods of providing funds to week end In Portland. AFTER WIFE LOST George Gerber, spent unday on -to make his reforms work His business directly by the Recon BULKY FAT Fish on Wlllamatta—Clayton F. fishing trip above Leuburg successor will be nominated In June | «(ruction Finance Corporation are Barber, W N. Goa l«r und Bert or July of that year. If the recovery | under consideration, to carry good Reduced 21 Pounds — Skin V isits In Portland— Mlsa Violet McCreary spent Hunday fishing on C le a re r end Feels Much Better program as laid out has succeeded business men over until enough Ininun spent the first half of the the Willamette river. by that time In putMrrg the nation J people are back at work at good week In Portland visiting with "I've lost exactly 21 lbs. with 3 hack to Its pro perous condition ol 1 wages to create the added buying Jars Bitten by Do»—S o t l Wright was friends. of Kruschen and am so happy SUMMONS 1926-2927, nobody doubts that he ■ power which Is the main purpose to get rid of that bulky fat. My bitten on the leg by a dog Huturduy IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE hilsbii <1 is very pleased with me. Major Operation— H. A. Carter will be renominated and reelected , of the recovery program. aflernoon while currying his paper HTATE OF OREGON FOR LANE STOP TAKING SODA! My skin is clearer and I feel so No man and no party will be able of Wlnherry underwent a majoi route. That the financing of Industry much better since I'm not so heavy COUNTY. to stand against him. FOR GAS ON STOMACH operation at the Pacific hospital In Clarlaaa llumewoud. Plaintiff va. under the NRA will make some r n my feet. Friends say I look New Floor Covarln»— A new lin­ Boyd C. Homewood, dnfandant. Just at the moment It looks as If! sort of currency inflation absolute­ much better." Mrs. Norma Spick- Much sodu disturb« digestion For oleum floor covering has been laid Eugene Saturday To iloyd C. Iloniawoodi defend gus or sour stomach Adlerlku Is the administration's major expert ■ ly necessary Is the growing opinion Icr. Maugansville. Md. Breaks Leg—Mrs. Mary McPher­ ant IN TIIK NAME OF THK on the floor of Irene's cafe during get rid of double chins, bulg­ merits were going to be successful. 1 of observers here. Business cannot ing To hips, much better. One dear rids you of STATE OF OREGON you are here ugly rolls of fat on waist son, 84 years old, fell and broke the past week-end. The people of the United States by required to appear and answer bowel poisons tnat cause gus and run without profits. Profit« cannot and upper arms SAFELY and with­ her leg just below the bip Satur­ have rallied under the ensign of the be earned without higher prices, out discomfort—at the same time the complaint filed agaluat you In bud sleep Flunery s Drug tore. Vids Resident Hare— Almon Mi day afternoon while walking about the above entitled suit within four Blue Eagle a they have never rail especially when costs have been In- build up glorious health and acquire Donald of the Vida district wu a her home. weeks from the date of the first a clear skin, bright eyes, energy A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S led before for any cause in time of | (.reased by hiring more workers and vfvactousness—to look younger business visitor In Hprlngfleld Fri­ * publication of tbla summons and If NOTICE OF 8ALE OF REAL Patient at Hospital— Mlsa Angi-1- peace. But there are still many In- an(j raising wages. The public can­ and feel it—take a half teaspoon­ you fall to so answer the plaintiff day. will apply to Ilia court for a decree PROPERTY ine Brattaln was a patient at the dustrles and groups of Industries no, pay higher prices with dollars ful of Kruscheit Salts In a glass of Has Msjor Opsrstion — F. M. Pacific hospital over the week-end which have not accepted the Re aI (heir present high value. There hot water every morning before dissolving the bonds of matrimony now eslatlug between plaintiff aud In Ibe matter of the estate of Knute Frampton of Route t, underwent a breakfast. ii llusby, duceaaed. returning to her home bere Hunday covery < ode In all its implications. ,<)re ,he only way out is to cheapen defeudaul herein aud granting un One jar lasts 4 weeks and costa major operation nt the Pacific In s- Notice is hereby given that under and there are plenty of signs o f (the dollar at home, as It has al- | but a trifle at any drugstore the evening to plaintiff an absolute divorce and by virtue of nn order of the pltul In Eugene Monday. trouble ahead from the defendant, and for the jready been cheapened abroad, Thu world over. Make sure you get Kru­ Mortensen Family Hers—Dr. and schen because It's SAFE. Money ■ are and custody of Wullaco Dale County Court of lJine County, Ore­ Collective Bargaining the Inflationists. gon, duty made by the lion Fred Admitted to Hospital Mrs P. D back if not satisfied. Homewood the minor child ut the Mrs It. P. Mortensen and family Perhaps the most serious trouble | Flak. Judge of aald Court, on the Kulper of Dexter was admitted to of Medford were In Hprlngfleld marriage. Politicians and Economists 16th day of August. 1933. authoris­ in the application of the Code will This summons la published once ing and directing J. A. Glbaon, the the Eugene hospital for medlcai j over the weekend to visit with re­ The organization of the adminis­ be a sharp conflict between organ­ each week for four consei ut ive Admlnlatrator uf aald Estate, to care Hunday latives. ised labor and the management of tration Is beginning to separate in­ weeks In the Npi Ingf h-ld New« by sell as auch Admlnlatrator the real to distinct layers. The two prin­ order of the lion. G F. Hklpworth. property of aald Estate hereinafter Visits With Aunt—Mrs Ava Car Athletic Coach Returns—Mr and Industry. The Recovery Act. by cipal strata are the practical poli­ Judge of said court, made on Aug­ <1> scribed, 1 will, from and after ler of Brownsville was In Hprlng Ita terms, gives all employees of Mrs. Marlon Hall arrived here Sat­ ust 16th. 1933. directing tbut It be the 16th day of Hept., 1933, at the ticians and the economic theorists. listed and first published August office uf Wi lls A Wells, Bank of fh Id Huturduy to visit with her urday after spending the summer any industry he right to organize Each is again subdivided into 17th, 1933. with relatives at PeEll. Washington | and to bargain collectively through ' Commerce Bldg., Eugene, Oregon, aunt. Mrs. N. Donaldson representatives of their own choos­ groups a.--’ cliques which have WIIITTEN SWAFFORD, At­ proceed to sell for cash at private- Go to Newport— Mr and Mrs • “> "1 Hollister. California torney for Plaintiff. Residence sale, the following described re I ing. This may mean that the em­ _c«r oa u -dvaa of how things ought Donald Meaklns left Saturday for ¡ Leaves Hospital—Mrs. Jack I-ar aud I'ual office address: Eu property, to-wlt: ployees may organize a "company o ou ' ii j r ax.«i are gradually get gene, Oregon. l«ots numbered Three (3), Newport where they spent the | son returned to her home here Sat ue,j « - vex organized to put union" or Join an outside union af­ (A 17 24 31- H 7-14) Four (4) and Nix (6) of Section week-end. ;i ,r i as oyer. There is going to urday from the Pacific hospital in filiated with the Federation of Five (6) In Township Twenty (20) * r N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S <- u-entv of ioside politics played South of Range Eleven (11) Weet Leave for Colorado — Mr. anil [ Eugene where she had undergone Labor Employers are forbidden to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the Willamette Meridian. In ’ •’ next three years. Each u major operation. compel them to Join company That L. L. Ray baa been appointed Lane County, Oregon, and Lot Mrs. Paul Newell and Mr. and Mrs u tying to line up Senators administrator of the estate of Sarah number One t i l uf Section Hix Anion Pfnff left Monduy for Grand I California People Visit—Mr. and unions, and the Federation of Labor Anu Ferguaun, deceased, by the In Township "wenty (20) Houtb Junction. Colorado where they plan Mrs. Walter Kimmell of Redding. is eizing the opportunity to at­ and Congressmen to help put its County Court of Lane County, Ore­ Runge Eleven (11) West of the lo make their home In the future. tempt to organize every industry particular program over when Con California stopped here last Thurs­ gon. All persona having claim« W ill. unfit, Meridian, In latne and so extend its membership to gross meets again. agamat aald estate are required to County, Oregon; Leave Hospital — Mr«. Leola day to viait with Mr and Mrs. D. include all of the nation's workers. Some of the theorists have found , preaeul them, with the proper or so much thereof aa may be n 'C- Kukuluk and Infant child were dis- B. Murphy. vouchers, within six months from eaaary Bald real property to be Many of the Industrial leaders the game of politics not at all to the 24th day of August. 1933. to Un­ sold to the highest bidder for cash mis ed from the Pacific hospital i Retur„ fn>m California — Mrs ............. „ ............. have tried to write . provisions ...... Into their liking and have pulled out of said administrator at his law office fur the highest price obtainable, Hunday and returned to their home : R„(h Byrne daughter. Betty the|r codes declaring their right to It. The most notable of these la Pro­ lu the Miner Building, Eugene Ore­ subject to confirmation by the at Wendllng I June ar„ expe<.(»d In Hprlngfleld maintain an open shop, regardless fessor Raymond Moley. reputed to gon. iforosuld County Court. J. A. GIBSON. Administrator. Injures Knee—W (’. Brooks sus thl* week ft» « s »n Hlego, Callfor of the un|on affiliations of their be closer in the president's confi­ I.. I.. RAY. Admlnlatrator of the Estate of Harnh Ann Fer­ WELLS A WELLS. Attorneys. talned nn Injury to his knee last n,B They will visit with her uncle employees. General Johnson has re­ dence than anyone else except Col (A 17-24 31—8 7-14) guson, deceased week while working at the Dorris “’’d BU,lt- Mr- Bn