wa ao ova ea«v THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THIRTIETH YEAR hl'IUNOKlKlJ). IsANK COUNTY. OREGON. M’KENZIE SOARD DEALERS TALK CODE PROBLEMS “General" Tyson and "Col- 4 onal" Barnell Study Local Aapacta; To Investigate Sending High School Stu­ dents to Springfield THURSDAY, HKPTEMBER 14. 1933 Legion Groups hold Nomination No. 36 FOOTBALL CALL HEARD AT S.H.S. COUNCIL ASKED TO M A R I E S Verne Caldwell May Head Port; Auxiliary Elects Mrs. Marion Hal! Starts Issuing Hamlin; Install October 5 Equipment This Week, Drill Work Starts This Week Verne Caldwell was nominated Street and Finance Commit­ tee Chairmen Preaent Writ­ ten Recommendations Directors of the McKenzie union aa commander of the Springfield EXPECTS GOOD MATERIAL TO MEET AGAIN SEPT. 25 high school district at W altervllle Amerlcun I»glou post number 40 at their first meeting held here asked (hat contracts for the educu Local Merchants Want to Or- Coach Seeks Whereabouts of New System of Check-up on (Ion of tltelr students at Hprlngfleld Iasi Thursday evening. ganize Under Provisions of Players; Must Start Build­ City Motor Driven Equip­ Al Pohl was notiilualetl for firs! high school during Ihe next year Small Towns for Benefits ing Team Before School ment Asked; No Action be drawn and sent to them at vice-commander, Frank Emerick, Oswald once Their action followed another second vice commander Kvery tiu«lue«« man I f H prlti* Football training got under way Salary redactions In the street Join! meeting between Ihe two! Olson and P. J. Bartholomew were Delti must operale uii(J. TL N. It at Springfield high school this and fire departments, am! th i crea­ school hoards here Tue day even­ named for adjutant; and Jack Lar-I week with the return to the city A code, and every * In ing In dlacuas arrangements for the | son for finance officer. II. O. Dlls tion of a detailed system of re­ of Marlon Hall, athletic director, made (luring I be n a il » new year Members nt the W alter Idee Is retiring commander. Bar­ cord* of operation of city-owned who with Mra. Hall has spent the together thoae group* » vllle district, whose high school i tholomew Is adjutant, und luirson summer In Washington and Cali­ not now affiliated with aom - equipment were embodied in a w rit­ P ostm aster G eneral Jam es A. building has been condemned, S finance officer body. Eventually the federa. ♦«, fornia. Parley, in addressing the national ten recommendation placed before staled they wanted to present the: Several were nominated for eminent will hava code« effect No real practice will be held ; eoarvantien of Young Democratic tin- t'tty Council at the monthly terms of the Hprlngfleld board con­ places on the executive committee Chaka of America at K ansas City, which will cover every type of bua. tracts to their patron«. Three are to be elected. Thoae until the latter part of the week. [ aa$d that repeal of prohibition, meeting Monday evening by J. E. tie«« In every town. Shall «mail The flrat day» are being devoted I ■oar at hand, would lower taxes The offer made the W a lte rv llle ! nominated are F. B Hamlin, H. E. firing In thia rlty continue lo oper­ to the Issuance of athletic equip-, and make possible a hatowred na­ Cross, chairman of the street com­ direr-lorn provider! for the educa Maxey. H. o. Dlbblee, Dr. W. H. ate under the blanket code which ( mittee, and C. F Barber, chairman tional budget. merit and limbering up. lion of Ihe Incoming students al a 1 •> .1 l.ii « W N. Goa 1er. M B Hunt- they algned when they received the Springfield haa an opportunity of ihe finance committee. Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr., to per capita share of Ihe costa of ly. I), w N. Dow. and I M Pet- Blue Eagle, or ahall they organize : home from his tour of Europe aad for a good football season tbls year The council discussed the recom ersou. the high school, Ihe Waltervllle^ locally and eatabllah their own I foremost among the "wonderful If those players who were on the mendatlon. and passed it by until district to provide their own trans­ Election of ofDcers will be held team last year, and the usual p ft | agreement of fair trade practice« . lim o " he had was at a bull fight Monday evening, September 26. at The McKenxIe district at the next meeting on Meptem- staged for him in Spam, where ba portation and competition? centage of new material turns o u t.; which time a special meeting haa donned nativ« garb and was eotar- now owns a bus which haa been ' her SI. Tbeae and other problem« were [ thinks Hall. Last year he began been called to take action on tbe tained by the bullJ tab tea. uaed for Ihe past two years. The Members of Ihe Ladies Auxiliary carefully dlacuaaed here Tueaday ; with a green team and made a proposal. This meeting will be per-caplta coat for thia year la ' held their elections last Thursday evening when local buelneaa men | very commendable showing. held at 7:30. gays Mayor Tyson, estimated at about $80 l4zal year ' und choae Mrs. F. B. Hamlin aa gathered at the city hall to dla- O ther School« at W o rk chairman of the council. It wa around $72. but McKenzie ' their new president succeeding cuaa code«. Two factors are handicapping Potluck Supper, Business Embodied In the recommenda­ district, operating under the Wheel­ Mias Edna Swart». Others named W anta Own T rade Area the coach thia year. First school tion is a provision calling for the er law, paid only $30 per student. Session Monday; Entertain were Mr». W. N. dossier, vice I does not start unltl October 2. j Jullua Fulop. department «lore president; Mr». W. N. Dow. aecre-1 reduction of salaries of the street District Group Sept. 27 owner, brought forth the propoaal The W altervllle board declared about the time for most of the high commissioner and police chief from tary; Mrs. I-arson W right, treas­ to eatabllah Hprlugfleld aa a trade that they would have approximate­ school football game» to be well First fall meeting of the Metho- $9o to $75 monthly. Also reduction area within Itaelf and advocated ly 43 high school students In their urer; und Mrs. Emma Olson, chap­ under way. This makes is neces­ lain. dis? Men's Brotherhood will be held of the fire chief's salary from $80 the adoption of an agreement district this year. A few of these sary for Springfield players to Local Troop Committee to Both groups will hold Installation Monday evening at the Methodist to $70 monthly. Both changes to among local retailer« aettlng forth have moved Into Eugene for the start early and do their prelimin­ Pledge Sum for District church starting with a potluck sup­ be effective commencing October of officers on Thursday. October 5. hour« which the »tore« will remain school year. The others must be ary work In September, Just as If per served by the men it was an­ 1. 1933. and National Work open and other practice« Spring sent somewhere by the school school were In session, f they do nounced today by P. J. Bartholo­ L im it Police C a r Use field, being a city of leaa than 250(1 board of the district. Last year an not. they cannot hope to make a Hprlngfleld will attempt to raise average of more than 36 students mew. vice-pre«fdent in charge of It is further requested that the population, la entitled to cuncea- creditable showing in scheduled programs. city shall furnish not in excess of alona In the matter of working somewhere tietween $50 and $75 attended school here dally from the games with teams that have had for thl« city'« «hare of the district This will be a preliminary meet 30 gallons of gasoline in any one hour«, minimum wage«, and hour« W altervllle and Camp Creek vici­ Ihe benefit of this early training ing at which time preparations will month for the operation of the In which «tore* tnay remain open and national Boy Scout expense« nity. Tbe second factor ties In with during the next year It was decided be made for the entertainment ot police car. and that no extra labor which center» of larger population the first. W ith the delay in open­ All teachers contracts for the here Wednesday afternoon at a the sub-district meeting of the shall be allowed excepting labor cannot have ing of school. Hall is finding it school year to open October 2. meeting of the local scout troop Brotherhood which is to convene: authorized by the city council. Much tll«cu«»lon centered around difficult In rounding up his players. except one. have been signed and In this city on the evening of Sept-! They point out in making their the queatlon of local firm« enter­ committee. P. J. Bartholomew, Many of them having left town to returned The board delayed action ember 27. Dr Victor P. M o rris,1 adjusted salary recommendations ing Into code agreement« with Ku chairman, will report thia to the work In fields, hop yards, and other tain Mrs. Grace Christen- on declaring this place vacant, as professor of economics at the uni­ that the fire chief is provided with gene flrtna In the same line of district-wide meeting lo be held al seasonal employment. W ith only a the faculty member may not be at 1 son, Portland, on Monday versity, will be the principal living quarters in addition to his the Chamber of Commerce rooms bualnea». Il wa» Ihe concensus of skeleton of his team out for prac­ ......- — ■ home lo receive her mall. speaker at the district meeting , salary. «pinion that thle would work aatl«- In Eugene Friday evening Attend tice a coach cannot always build Mrs Grace Christenson of Port­ Members of the Ladle« aid will Illg Ihe meeting will be represent« There Is still one vacancy In Ihe fnctorlly In certain type« of bu»l The second section of the state­ land. vice-president of the Oregon | up (he attack and defence which he ne««e«, but would work a hardship Uvea front scout centers In Lincoln, high »(bool faculty, however, as i Rebekah assembly will pay her i wants, and frequently finds eleven­ serve the «inner for the meeting. ment requests clo er check-up on on »«me firm» where only ■ »mall Benton, and Ijtn e counties which the board has not yet tendered a official visit to Juanita Rebekah th hour shifts in positions which j All members of the Brotherhood all city equipment and that the are urged to gttend the meeting operate under Stout Executive, H. contract to anyone to teach do­ percentage were represented. combined street commissioner and lodge of Springfield next Monday work smoother, but handicap the | next Monday. A business session B Sallee, as one district. mestic science the coming year. Few Employ W orker« police chief spend more of his time players who have not had sufficl evening. will be held after the potluck sup­ Tentative plans for a Father and The board has several applications The largeat obstacle locally In with the first mentioned post and This Is the regular monthly so­ ent practice together. per and plan» for the activities attempting to lineup with other Son banquet and demonstration under consideration. that the city make greater use of Has Good M aterial cial night for the locaf lodge and of the organization during the firm» In the larger city of Eugene by the 32 members of the local the sheriff and state police In A formidable array of material Ihe evening w ill be devoted to so- coming winter will be discussed. 1» the fact that only a few of the scout troop were also discussed LENA ARDITH POST handling local police work, I rial activities following a short is expected to be available later in local bualnea« houses are employ­ art the meeting This will probably W a n t D ally Machine Report lodge session. In charge of the the season and will include Bruce BURIED AT LEBANON ing additional help outilde of their he held tome (line during Ihe next Suggested under the section deal­ quarterback; Disque UNIVERSITY FRIENDS TO dining room Monday night will be Squires. Immediate family, and as «uch are two months. SEEK MEMBERS HERE ing with reports is a request that McKenzie Resident Dies at Salem Mrs. Alice Doane. Mrs. Zella Can­ Smith at half or quarter; George Kenewed Interest In local scout not required to adhere to the lim it­ the City Recorder have suitable Irvin and Kenneth Cox. halfbacks; j trell. and Mrs. Blanche Daniels j September 7; Leaves Parent ed working hour» Imposed on firm» work was developed here following The September program committee Everett Chetwood. fullback; Glen: O rganizer In Springfield Now Ex­ forms printed and that detailed re­ and Other Relatives a meeting of the troop committee plaining W oork of Group in with several employee». ports be made of operations of the headed by Mrs. Thelma Sweeney, Rasmik sen. Richard and Robert Richardson, ends; Rodney Vest, j Building Up Enrollm ent Another problem which arose at Monday evening at which time Dr. city truck, flusher. and tractor aa und Including Mrs. Leota Roden Miss Lena Ardith Post, resident the meeting was that of large area O. 8 Stafford, Alton F Baker, and of Ihe Vida district moat of her bough, Miss Edna Platt, and Miss Robert McLagan. Morgan Chandler to purpose of trip, mileage of each An intensive drive for member­ trip, and gallons of gasoline pur­ or district code« Feed doulera here Dr. W E. Mosley, members of the lifetime, died at Salem last Thurs­ Eleanor Smith, will have charge and Wayne Kendall, tackles; John have signed the rode covering all District Council, und all from Eu Dale Adams. Morris Stewart, and ships in the Associated Friends of chased. A similar daily report of day. September 7. at the age of of the program. of the Pacific »tnlea, and feel that gene, outlined the future program Two guests from Eugene. Mrs. Charles Cole, guards; Cole is also the University in the Springfield the tractor and flusher showing tha 23 years and 10 months. She was compliance with It 1« sufficient. of the district and discussed the Joyce Stevens, and Mrs. Desaa being considered for center. Others vicinity will be started here today hours used, mileage and gasoline born at W altervllle on November Igtundrymen of the entire state annsl budget. Members of the local Hofatatter. visited the local lodge who may be used there are Arnold by F. J. Burke, organizer for the purchased, is suggested. 4. 1909. grobp, according to Dr. Irvin J. have adopted a code for those out­ committee who attended were Bar­ In explanation ot their suggest­ 8he was a graduate of the Me at their meeting Monday of this Hcott and Jack Williams. side of Portland, the printing In­ tholomew. Mayor Tyson. Rev. Dean ions. the members of the two im­ Some of those players are now Fox. president. week. Kentle grade and high school, and Mr. Burke will sell memberships portant committees point out; flrat. dustry 1« »«tabllshlng a code to re­ C. Poindexter, and Dr. W. 11. Poll­ practicing, others are not in town. had Joined Ihe Springfield Christ­ In the association for the year 1934. the necessity of curtailing activi­ gulate the Industry In the entire ard Just when he can expect them and ian church In 1923 MANY HUCKLEBERRIES United State«. others who want to play football Each membership will cost only 25 ties to the very minimum, and sec­ Her father. W E. Po«t. of Vida cents, providing just enough money ond. the need for (Bring compensa­ PICKED ON MOUNTAIN Is H a ll’s big problem. W ill Dlacuaa Problem« METHODISTS WILL SEE survives, as does a brother. Louis to pay the expenses of maintaining tion for these necessary activities During Ihe next week "Oeaoral" MISSION FILM SUNDAY D. Post, stationed with the United a central office, ‘paying'for station­ Many groups of individuals from 1 W. P Tyson, and "Colonel" W. K on a basis of the city's ability to States army at the Hawaiian Is­ Springfield and Eugene spent all or FIRE DAMAGE REPAIRS ery and postage and the expenses meet the pay roll. They do not in­ Barnell will meet with local groups "Them He Also Called." la the lands. and one slater. W ilma L. a part of the week-end on Gold Hitt STARTED ON BUILDING of the organizer. and delve Into the situation In each tend their action to reflect in any theme of the morning measage at of Vida above Blue river picking huckle­ The purpose of the association manner on the ability or merits of Industry «« It 1» being worked out the Methodist church at 11 a m Fire and water damage adjust­ which developed after the consoli­ Funeral services were held at berries. The berries are In good locally Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor, Lebanon on Saturday. September 9. condition now and are of a good ments on the Meacham building dation effort had failed is to main- j the employees who might be af­ The display of the N. It A. con­ fected by these changes which they will preach the sermon The Sun­ Interment wa« made by the side of size. They are not as plentiful which was partially burned last tain interest in the University, and j feel necessary, the signers state. sumer Blue Eagle» should be made day church school meet» at 9:45. her mother who preceded her In as In former years, but are not week have been completed and to build up the enrollment at th e ! In more homes Ilian It now Is, was Tax Situation Crucial Promotion day will be held Sep­ death In 1919. scarce. Most parties visiting the workmen are now busy repairing school. This is accomplished by a j Failure, and in many instances, Ihe comment of many at the meet­ tember 24 The Epworth League mountains returned with two or the structure. Alex Stevens, only student organization which con­ inability to pay their tax as­ ing. Barnell, and the Boy Scouts will meet at 8:30 p. m. more gallons of the berries. A six tenant In the building, received tacts high school graduates and en­ sessments for the past several who made the house to house can TIMBER OWNERS TO ASK A aeries of pictures entitled. mile hike up-hill and six miles an adjustment on damage caused courages them *o attend the Uni­ vans had considerable difficulty as “Into AU the World,”, will be STATE REASSESSMENT down Is necessary to rench Gold his feed which was soaked with versity for their higher education years has gradually brought about many of the peop«> were out of the the present condition of the city shown at 7:30. This 1» the third water. His store will be repaired H ill from Simmons creek camp. According to Dr. Fox, the number finances. Less than 60 per cent of city. Some of those who received A group of 14 heavy lim ber own­ message oil "World Evangelism," Among the local pickers out over and reflnished shortly. of new applications for admittance the money levied for operating ex­ the stickers have not posted them and Illustrate« the modern mission­ ers In Lane county will appeal to the week-end were W illiam Cox, Carpenters. electricians. and at the University at the start of the In their front windows or doors. penses of the city during the past ary program aa It functions In the the State Tax commission for a re­ W alter Scharon, Roy Stearmer, plasterers and painters are busy on Freshman week next Monday al­ year are expected to be paid ac­ Every house In the city should duction In their tax assessments In world of today. the second floor of the building Francis I-lbby, Al Vanderhey, and most equals those of last year In cording to present Indications. The have one on display, to not have the county It was Indicated Wed Coburg Methodist« this week rebuilding the section spite of the general decreased en­ Bert Manley. one Is falling lo do your part In the situation is not local. It prevails nesdav. The Lane County Equali­ The theme of the worship service The berries will remain good that was damuged. pulling out all rollment In most schools. recovery progrnm. Those who have in a similar manner n all cities at 9:45 a. m. la: "The People Had zation board refused the timber In­ until frost. the electrical wiring and fixtures Locally the purpose of the or­ of Oregon. not received them tnay obtain them a Mind to W ork." The Sunday terests’ request for lowered valua­ for Inspection, and patching up ganization is to foster and main­ at the city hall. Expenses and salaries have been tions ranging from 27 percent up­ church school meets at 10:80. broken places In the plaster. tain local Interest In the University pared down here several times in LOCAL FOLK SPEND DAY wards. Smoke and soot Is being brushed and Its students, one of the most CIVIC CLUB TO DELAY The bond did grant requests of OUTING NEAR FLORENCE from all the walls. They w ill be valuable possessions of this county. an effort to remain within the an­ METHODIST CHOIR HAS nual income. Year after year more START OF ACTIVITIES ORGANIZATION MEETING several Individuals for lowered as­ reflnished and the floors cleaned. Dr. Fox urges local people to people fail to pay their tax°a, and sessment valuations. A party of local people drove to The costs of restoring the build­ hear Mr. Burke explain the work this loss In revenue more than off­ Florence Sunday and spent the day ing to Its normal condition are First meeting of the Civic Club of the association and become sets the saving made In operating A potluck supper In the hnaement for the fall season will not be held on the beach and inland at Munsel being paid by the Insurance com­ members of It. of the Methodist church featured IUKA CIRCLE PLANS expenses with the result that the lake. Fishing was enjoyed by many pany which had the building in­ until October 10, It haa been nn the first gathering of the church PARTY END OF MONTH few who are able to pay must pay of the party which Included Mr. sured. nounced thia week by Mrs. Paul choir Wednesday evening. A large JUNIOR MISSION GIRLS a higher millage instead of reaping and Mrs. Harry M. Stewart and son Bruttaln, president, who la now A benefit card party for mem­ attendance was present, and the START WORK ON BOXES the benefit of the saving. Each visiting nt Paisley. In eastern Ore­ Morris; Mr. and Mrs. Harry W h it­ group practiced for nearly an hour bers of Iuka circle. Ladles Auxi­ CARRIER MAKING COUNT year taxes have climbed upward, ney and daughter. Mary Elisabeth; gon. The flrut fall meeting had under the leaderahlp of Mrs. Buford liary of the O. A. R. will be held Members of the Junior World thus forming a vicious circle which OF ALL MAIL HANDLED Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sldwell and been scheduled to be held thia Roach, newly chosen choir director. September 30, at the home of Mrs. Wide Guild of the Baptist church If continued, will eventually elim i­ son. and Fern and Ernest Ander­ week. The choir w ill make Its first ap- Ix>e Putman. It was decided at the Every piece of mail handled by ! decided to begin work at once on nate that class of persons now son. penrance before the congregation meeting held last week at the John Nice, carrier of United States a W hite Cross box to be sent to I known as tax payers. BAPTIST MEN STACK IN on Sunday morning. September 24. home of Mrs. Egglmann. Mrs. mail on route 1, out of Springfield China at Christmas time when they Local Opinion Varied Stella I«ewls will be chairman of N. R. A. POSTAGE STAMPS Is being counted and listed In varl i met at the home of their leader. W INTER'S WOOD PILE Considerable discussion Is being the entertainment committee. The CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY ous classifications this week. This , Mrs. Kenneth Tobias. Friday even heard about the latest suggestion Circle la also planning to sponsor ON SALE IN SPRINGFIELD Is part of a nation wide check ol I Ing. The girls also decided to enter Men of the Baptist church met to reduce expenses. The mayor and GROUP HOLDS MEETING a bazaar some time In October. there Munday evening nntl stacked The new N. R. A. postage stamps. amounts and varieties of mall the national reading contest spon- ‘ others are Inclined to take the at­ Mrs. Egglmann will be In charge the winter's supply of wood In the Mrs. Elva Adams was hostess nt ' symbolic of the national recovery handled on each rural route In the sored by their church again this titude that the saving. $25 each The next meeting of the Circle will fuel room. Following this they en­ program have been on sale at the United States. Sometimes parcel year. Last year they won a picture month, is too small to make any her home Tuesday evening for the he a social affair at the home of joyed a potluck supper and social improvement in the city’s financial Springfield postoffice for nearly a post rates are changed slightly If for their efforts In this line. regular monthly meeting of the Mrs. Arble Lansbery. hour In the basement. status. The principal benefit which senior Christian Missionary Circle week, according to W alter N. Goss­ It Is discovered that one particular the city can obtain will lie In the of the Christian church. Mrs. D. B. ler, assistant postmaster. The route Is a financial loas. PRISCILLA CLUB CALLS TEACHERS OF SUNDAY stamps depict four characters Murphy, president, presided, and LIONS LUNCHEON MEET SPECIAL MEET TODAY possibility that the street depart­ ment may be able to operate on a PLANNED FOR FRIDAY marching forward together In uni­ Encampment to Have Potluck SCHOOL TO HOLD MEET Miss Clam Jones led the devo­ Wimawhala Encampment of the son. They are three-cent stamps. tional*. Mrs. Elsie Pollard was A special meeting of all mem­ cash basis one month longer than I. O. O. F.. Eugene, will sponsor a bers of Priscilla club has been call­ otherwise. Those who favor the A conference of all Sunday study loader. Regular semi-monthly luncheon meeting of the Springfield Lions school teachers of the Christian Injure« Toea—Jack Petit of Fall potluck supper at the Odd Fellows ed for this afternoon at the home curtailments declare that It is nec­ church will be hold at the church Return from Portland— Mr. and , club will be held Friday noon at Creek Injured several toes on his temple In that city, for encamp­ of Mrs. C. E. Stuart at 2 o'clock, j essary to keep this city department thia evening Immediately following Mrs. Paul Basfnrd returned Sunday . Taylor hall. W. E. Buell and W. right foot Wednesday when he ment members and their wives. It This will be the first meeting of on a cash basis as long as possible, the weekly church night program. from Portland where they h ad 1 K. Barnell are In charge of the ! dropped n plank on his foot. He has been announced for the benefit the fall season and will be devoted and that it is by plugging up the W ork for the fall and winter been visiting with Mrs. Hosford's program arrangements for the wa working for the I-ewla Lumber of the several members living In to business matters It hat been smnll leaks that ships are kept months will be discussed. parents. meeting. thia vicinity. afloat. company sawmill. announced. MANY UNDER CODES NOW , ,. . . . . . . BRDTHL RHOOO TO HAVE FIRST MEET SCOUT FUNDS 10 BE SOUGHT HERE LODGE OFFICERS