THUBHDAY. HKPTKMHKR 7, 1088 FAOB T H R O fl IK RPRINOFIKLD NEWS ADMINISTRATOR'« MOST LICENSES REVOKED NOTICK OF BALE OF RIAL FOR LIQUOR OFFENSES Federal Home Loan Saved Tbdr Home Made It Legal PROPERTY Approximately 97 per cent of the In (lu< matter of the eetate of Knut« 694 licenses cancelled on manda­ O. Ilusby, deceased. Notice la hernjiy (Ivan that under tory charge since 1931 have been «■id by virtue of an order of the taken from persons "on vie ted of County Court of Lane County, Ore- operating motor vehicles while un­ ■on, duly mad« by the lion Fred der the Influence of Intoxicating ■ Flak. Judge of aald Court, on the ' S day "f August, 1931, authorla liquor These persona were not “ ,"1 J A. Ulbaun. the r iv a , ac it a, u Jual aoutb of Booth ' permitted to make application for Administrator of «aid lfi«tate, to another license until at least a year Kelly mill pond, all fenced. Ideal «ell «« auch Administrator the real had lapsed from Ihe time of con­ fur vhlckeu or fog farm; 6 room l>ropcrty of aald Fatate hereinafter viction, says Hal E Hoas, S eer» uuflulahad houae, cblckeu boita duacrlhed, I will, from and after ■ tary of State. j $| aud bug houae; I good wella, Hie IStli day of HepL. 1®33. at the Washington, Sept. 7 - There are office of Wall« « Wella, Bank of Nine drivers had their licenses aprlug, aome timber; one aero Commerce B ld g, Kugeue, Oregon, more big business men and more suspended last month for varying can be cultivated, good road proceed Io aell for cash at private big lawyers In Washington these periods up to 12 months. All were Trade tor Fugane property aale, the following described r« I days than aver before The bu»l- 1 charged with reckleen driving. Dur­ I'boue Kugene 117. « 7 properly, to-wlt: | ues» men are here trying to find Ixits numbered Three (8), ing the past four months all but ways to get In under NTRA without Four <4, and Hix (4) of Section one of the 42 suspensions have K o rb rlle Young Lee A a g rk n , changing their present business Five (6) In Township Twenty (20) Returns to California — Ml«» been made on the-t Knight, left Monday afiernoou for ever, more than 40 per rent of the out whether the National Indus number tine (1) of Section rtli •lie went to r o n r t to have « jit te r e d above, happy with Ili« loan »«rad # her home at Han Francisco alter 190 inspenalona were due to causes trial Recovery Act and the other ap p ro ve the c o n tra c t In Township “"wenty (20) South »pending aeveral day* In Hprlng of incompetency other than reck­ ItangH Eleven (11) W eal of the new laws really have teeth In them field. Willamette Meridian, In l gtudent #t lhp Eugene Methodist church was held Tues to plaintiff an absolute divorce ttKa| nMt the Defnndartita Lawrence the Springfield hotel Tue»day. of the men who are running (be shall be earned only by actual In­ from the defendant; and for the Truesdale aud Reale M. Truesdale day evening show. Out of the eager questioning vested capital and not on watered j Bible college. P o r t la n d M a n H e r e — W A Her care and custody of W allace Dale f„r the »urn of One Thousand Two The usual potluck dinner pre- Parent* of Son— Mr. and Mrs M aero«» the table and back, came as M-curltles. so that the man who cedpd , he gocla, program Ren Hol. Homewood the minor child of the , Hundred and Fifty Dollars mlHtun of Portland was a visitor In marriage. ($1,260.00), and for the further sum this city on Friday. ('. Dilley of Dexter are Ihe parent* true a picture of the New Deal as Invest. In corporate sh are, h ero had cbarge of the devotional., Thia luultuun« la published once of Forty-twh« and 44-100 Hollar« of a »on born to them at their home kas yet been put In word*. It came after will be on an equal footing _________________ each week for four consecutive 114244) aa Interest thereon, and Mov* Saturday— Mr. and Mr». S on Monday, September 4, 1933. down to about this: with all other shareholders. weeks In the Springfield News by for th» further «um of (Ine Hund 8. Potter and family moved Into IUKA MEETING TO BE Cause, Effect, Cure order of the Ilon G F Hklpwortb. red Dollars ($100.00) a«_ attorney'» “It In going to take time. A lot AT EGGIMANN’S TONIGHT V isits With Parents—Mis* Edith Judge of aald rourl. made on Aug fees and for costa and disburse their new home at the corner of 'Whatever the Government of the of people who have been getting Jobe .p en t the week end at Leb- 8t>t#< may uat 161b. 1938. directing that II be meat» (ageit at the sum of $24 80, Fourth and E »treel« Saturday. Regular monthly meeting o f more than their share are going to anon where she visited with her Dated sod flral published Auguat and aald egecutlon to me directed, commanding m» In the name of the Returns Home — Floyd Bartlett parent* Mis« Jobe Is office assist­ the beginning, it 1» now clearly a balk—are balking now—at the pros- Iuka circle, Ladies - auxiliary of 17th, 1933. democracy, In which every man pect of having to take lens while the G. A. R will be held tonight WHITTEN SWAFFORD. At State of Oregon. In order to satisfy left recently for Ills home at San lorn ey’fo r I’lalut'llV H eiid em e “ ld M « m en t. Intereat attorney » Francisco after vlaltlug here with ant to Dr. W. N. Dow. and every woman ha* an equal the men lower down get more. But at Eggimann's Kandy Kitchen. Thin aud Post office addreaa Eu 1 fee», coats of suit, and accruing hl» mother. Mr E. B. Bartlett. Visit 8t«te Fair— Mr and Mrs E. voice and every man and woman I* there are teeth In the Recovery will be a business meeting and all roata. to aell the following des­ gene, Oregon, C. Stuart and family spent Monday entitled to an equal opportunity to Act. In the Securities Act, in the members are urged to be present cribed real property, to-wlt: (A 17 24 81—8 7-14) Visit» Family—Frank Rawlings, at Salem where they attended the | make the most of hi* or her abill- The aoutb*eat quarter of th» Banking Act, In the Agricultural at 8 o’clock. northwest quarter of section 10 w|,o iB working at Lebanon, »pent State fair. NOTICE TO CREDITORS tlea- Adjustment Act, and anyone who In Township 14 south of range 2 , h(( w eehand w|th hl» family In NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN: “Thia democracy I* In trouble. A does not want his head bitten off Here for Week-end— Mr. and Mra. went of th« W illam ette Meridian V isits Brother— Mr and Mrs. Oral large part of It* members are in Thai L. L. Ray baa barn appointed and also the east half of the Mprlngfleld. had. better come Into camp and Clifford Wilson and son, who have administrator of the estate of Sarah Neet of Portland werp here o v e r 1 southweat quarter and the north- been spending the summer In Port­ Anu Ferguson, deceased, by th» Visitor from Silverton Mrs Flor the week-end to visit with hl« debt, a still larger part unemploy- make the best of It. west quarter of the southwest County Court of Lane County. Ora land. spent the week-end at their ence Luther of Silverton was a brother and slster-ln law. Mr. and ed. many are both. This Is not due quarter of section 10 townahlp gun. All persons having claim« Voice of the People to any fault of their own. In most home In Springfield. 16 aoulh of range 2 weat of the visitor over Ihe week end at the againat aald eatate are required to cases. It Is due to the fact that the ' This is not a one-man show. It W illam ette Meridian, In I n Eugene at ten by o clock Cour, ln the f,xed fore- whlch posterity noon hfct been Saturday. And the plight of the farmer 1» accruing costa. I will, on Saturday. On Camping Trip— Mr. and Mrs. the 9th day of September. 1933. at w r Ingram and children and Son B orn -M r and Mrs. R. W du,‘ to “PP^ df“ or In any other way pledging the as tbe tjme and pjace for hearing the hour of One o'clock In the Mr and Mrs M»rle Casteel spent Seybolt of Dexter are the parents principles to agriculture: credit of the United States, of all objections thereto, and for final set- 1 f said day. at the 8oulh u j _ ______ i-ir, Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN afternoon w»»t front door of the County Court *ke week-end on a < sniping trip of a baby son born to them a. Ml». 8lnce ln a true ^ “ ^ r a c y no one the people For if the New Deal Adminis­ Naturopathic Physician succeeds it will put us In a posi­ Hons» In Eugene, I,ane County, above Oakridge on the Willamette. Nelson'» Maternity home in Eu 7 0U'd b* aIlowed ,o comP*'® trator of the Estate of Sarah tion where these burdens will not 'Oregon, offer for sale and sell for Guthrie Aldrich, deceased. gene on Tuesday, September 5 * l,h h’8 "eishbor. and the I'boue 81J cash, at public auction, subject to Visit on Coast — Mr. and Mrs. ; sum total of all productive effort be heavy o n e s; whereas if It fails L. L. RAY, Attorney for Eetate. redemption a» provided by law. all Alex Stevens spent Sunday and (A 24-31 — S 7-14-21) would be limited to the possible the Government of the United _ o ffice Hours: 1 to 6 P. M. of the right, title and Interest of y ondBV B, Florence where they Parents of Daughter— Mr. and total consumption. »tales Is sunk and Fate will chalk . tufi Fourth Street the said Defendants. Inw rence ¡Truesdale. Rosl» M Truesdale. R *«*"• 8»’"” "» Mr. and Mrs Roy Mrs. Mike Pakulak of Wendllng are "Now. It is up to the members up another failure against the re­ ; H. Webster. Jstie Doe Webster, Ray Withers the parents of an infant daughter of this democracy, the people of cord of the world’s experiments in Mansfield. Jane Doe Mansfield, and all persons claiming by. through, or Former Residents Stop— Mr and horn to them at the Pacific hospital the United fates, to cure these evils. democracy." under them or either of them, tn Mr» W. W Walker, former rest In Eugene on Monday. September They can only do so through their Watchmaker and Jeweler That is as clear an expression of elected representatives, and the nnd Ike »“ Id premises dents of Springfield, stopped here 4. 1933 SPRINGFIELD the principles upon which the C. A. BWARTS, Sheriff of Lane m. a _ _ i „ present Administration. having «0. Paolfle Watch Inspector for a short while Tuesday morning United States Government is being Portland People Here— Mr. and County. First Class Work at Reasonable -8 7) enroute to Bend They are now llv- Mrs. E. G. Faye of Portland spent been overwhelmingly elected, has a administered today as your corree- (A 10-17 34-31- Prloes. mandate from the people to bring _ _____ ___ Ing near Crow. the Labor Day holiday ln Spring- them out of their troubles. ! pondent has yet heard. Some of the NOTICE OF HEARING ON know it-alls may tell yon different; field visiting at the home of Mrs. C itiz e n s O rd e re d C hange Tske Trip— Mrs. L. K. Page and General M w Practice FINAL ACCOUNT but If the reader will keep that Faye's mother. Mrs. C. 1. Gorrle. "This Is not som ething imposed NOTICE .8 HEREBY GIVEN: •"«’ « * ’ " 7 ““ ? ' V X e simple explanation in mind he wlL Sr. I. M. PETERSON upon the people from above. It Is I That the undersigned, as executor f°r Sacramento, ( allfornla where understand what the day-to-day A ttorney « I-L aw what the people them selves, of the iMSt Will and Testam ent of they will visit friends and relatives Daughter Born — Mr. and Mrs. news out of Washington really City Hall Building Martin Nelson, deceased, has filed for „ WPPu or ten day». Alvin Wright of Dexter are the par­ through their elected representa­ means. ! his account for the flnul settlement tives in Congress, have agreed to Hprlnglleid, Oregon ents of a baby daughter born to o f aald decedent’s oatate In the Leave for California — Mr. and impose upon them selves. It Is the ¡County Court for l^ n e Oouaty Ore Mrj| , 8mUh ,eft M„ ndBy for them al Ihe home of Mrs. Lillian Medford Dentist Here— Dr and con. and that Saturday the 23rd day .. . r Van Darwart in Eugene on Tues law of the land and It is Constltu of September. 1933, at the Court their home at San Franclaeo afte t tonal. Mrs. Ralph S Dipple and children, day. September 6. 1933. I Room of said Court In the County visiting with her mother. Mrs. "In an earlier day this exten­ former Springfield residents, were Court House. In Eugene at ten A||ce Hake for a short while, Home from Portland— Miss Luc­ sion of the democratic principles visitors in Springfield Monday. o'clock In Ihe forenoon, has been ille Richmond of Portland, spent was not perhaps, accessary. Land fixed by said Court as the lim e Receiver Here— Lloyd H. Kelley Injures Thumb— Sam Richmond and place for hearing objection» elver o, , he pjrst National hank the Labor Day week-end ln Spring was to be had for the taking, op­ of Pittsburgh. Pu. — A N D LESS, in big, easy field with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. portunity lay at every man's dooi ran a large splinter Into his thumb i thereto, and for the settlem ent , . , i thereof here, spent the week-end In Spring Sam Richmond She returned to riding steel cars on last under the finger nail Friday which to engage in business or Industry M. P. MOOEN8EN, Executor field on business He Is also In trains — required a physician to remove It. Portland Monday afternoon. In his Individual way. The corpor­ of the Last Will and Te«la- charge of Ihe liquidation of the ate era has changed all that. Most ment of Martin Nelson, de- National bank at Silverton Bridge People Here — Mr. and EVERY DAY-EVERY WHERE-ON Return to Washington— Mr. and ceased. of the business of the country is Mrs. Bert Golgert of McKenzie Represented By Mrs. Walter Nelson and son. Irving, L. L, RAY, Attorney for Estate. done by corporations which are bridge were visitors ln Springfield S O U T H E R N P A C IF IC Leaves for School— Miss Audrey spent the week-end here visiting ( A 24 31 — S 7 14 211 steadily growing larger and larger. Saturday. E. H. TURNER McPherson left last week-end for with Mr and Mrs Ned Williams. These corporations belong to their Klnmnth Falls where »he will again 844 A 8L Springfield. Ore. They left Monday for their home NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Belknap People Here— Mr. and stockholders, and their stockhold­ tench school. Tho grade schools of nt Aberdeen. Washington. ers are. potentially, all the people Mrs. C. H Bennett of Belknap NOTICE Is hereby given that 1 thBt city will start September 12 have In my hands for service an Springs were visitors In Springfield Leave for Cooa Bay — Mr. and of the United States. Indeed, al­ execution Issued out of the Circuit y| , Medford— Mrs. A B. POOLE - GRAY most the only opportunity for the Friday. Mrs. William Hiller and family left Court of the State of Oregon, for ,, , , , ,, » ,,i latnc County, on the 17th day of Van Vnlxr.h spent (he week end and Sunday for their home In (he Coos average man to share In the growth BARTHOLOMEW Vacation on Coast— Mr. and Mrs. August. 1933 In a suit wherein C. larbor Day nt Medford visiting with Bay district after spending two and increase In the nation's re­ John Vaughn and Mr. and Mrs. J. Howe and Sadie E. Howe are (,er Ron alld daughter-in-law. Dr. weeks here visiting at the home of sources today Is by Investing his William Gantz spent the week-end plaintiffs and Harold J. Leonard ard Mrg R c Vnn VaiMh savings in the shares of these cor­ Formerly Walker-I'oole Mr. and Mr». Ernest Skinner. and Marjorie V. Leonard are de at Newport. porations. fondants and which «aid execution Mr. t invK Is Issued on a decree that Is en- Return, to A storia-M rs. Lloyd “That is a perfectly proper and Visit in Portland — Miss Edna Motor Coast Loop—Mr and Mrs EUGENE—11 th BI’HINOFIKLI) tered of record In said suit on the Adams returned to her home at D. B. Murphy. Mr. Murphy's par­ highly desirable thing, but only If Swarts and Miss Helen »w arts left and I'haruelton. 228 Main 15th day of August. 1933 and which Astoria Friday after spending n the corporations are so managed Sunday for Portland where they »aid execution orders me. the un wppk v,„|t(„g wHh relatives In this ents. Mr. and Mrs. 1. D. Murphy, Telepnone 723 Phone 82-J and Miss Clara Jones motored over that the risk of loss through m r are spending the week visiting with derslgned sheriff, for the purposes of satisfying the personal decree c,t7- the coast highway loop from Flor­ management, faulty Judgment and friends. due the plaintiffs In the sum of ence to Newport and return »un­ destructive competition is first ell Visit Frlsnds at Salem— Mr. and $1600.00 with Interest thereon at Go to Mountains— Mr. and Mrs. mlnated. tho rate of 8% per annum from Mr». Donald Toonvb and family re day. They visited the Sea Lion John Henderer. Miss Loudelle Wil- i Here are the New Rules April 7. 1930 until paid and the turned Monday from Salem where caves near H eceta Head lighthouse "So the Administration Is calling Hams, and Mr. Thompson of Port­ further s"tn of $160.00 Attorney's » - . < . »»„„a.„ iw»nv fees and costs and disbursements they had been visiting with friends upon these business and industrial land spent the week-end at Horse | of suit taxed at $24.46, to sell the • n ^ ± : v,s.,ed the Stale - corporations to democratize their creek. hereinafter described real property ,,n Monday Monday to attend the opening day In the manner provided by law. Mrs. E. V ' of *ke State Fair. Among these Notice is hereby further given v i i |t fp<(m Corva||| that by virtue of the foregoing 1 , , nm| Mtf|H MHraBrBt o .Dell ar were ................ Mr. .............. and Mrs. James Mitchell will on Saturday tho 16th day o» . . Mr an,j Mrs Ornon Vaughn. Mr. September. 1933 at one o’clock In rived the first of the week to visit »dams nnd son th» afternoon of said day, nt the with Mrs. Lilly's son-inlaw and “ltd Mis M It. Adal" “ • South and main door of the Iatne daughter. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. B. Flan «'ib. Mrs. W. A. Taylor and County Court House In Eugene, nephews, Wilson and Doc. ana Vlr- There has been a large increase in the use of Maid Lane County, Oregon, offer for sule TJ- „ JoneR and Bell at public auction for caah O’Cream butter. We hope it will continue until every­ a. r . k X ’l s ; X 7 .X ,c \ v « » » -« .c ~ . - w «- TOWN AND VICINITY Business Directory Edward C. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. Funeral Directors T e^a 7 sS optometry ! Trade USE Y o u r O ld H e a te r Maid 0 ’Cream Butter GOOD VISION Is Essential Whatever the age of a young ster going hack to school, he needs the careful protection agalUHt eyestrain that only an accurate examination can as­ sure. Glasses inay he unneces »ary, hut everj^LWiH. deserves protection. ‘"a Examinations Are Fraa. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 W sst «th lu g e n s in NtfW ° n a MONTA6 dofondanta and all parties claiming by, through or under them nnd by. i hrT h, ».r„rt orHnnv oMhem t and ler, deceaaeo or any or mi in, in an u to the following described real pro perty: director In Springfield, wa» a vl»l- < n,‘ Party Springfield people w o tQ). ,n thg c|ty TueBday morning >’r»ve to Newport for th» I