TH » 8PRINOFÎKLD NEWS page four PIM I WHEAT SURPLUS Northwest Wheat Belt Farmers Sign for Crm^Control ] Northwest Crop Averages Better wireless stallou In Seattle whit the S JisngB« M a o t doctor said The Army operators V U f l U U l U f l S i F J C v t seul a wireless to Anchorage ask *1 • L i Clingman tonight ¡L T a n ^ X ^ ie “ 10 ,h " 1 haven't heard whether Ills boy I got well or not. but i salute Edward Henry Jon«» Return« to Mix Drought Ar«a in U S. Largar Stevens of Seuttie ills spirit » r With Mickey McGuIr«; Aue- Than In 1930; Corn. Oata. I helpfulness Is what the whole world |r ,an N e m a „ ^ . g O p p o n en t Northwest Crop Surplus to! needs mora than It needs anything Barley, Wheat in Declina Foreign Markets; Ouaran- elae. Another three-card wrestling pro tee Fixed Price by Tax ( O O P E ....................a world treaty Generally favorable crop pros- gram (ealurlng some of the muet The other day I had a visit with popular mat urlisi» who have »P pevts tu the Pacific Northwest, but Oregon and the Pacific northwest even less promising condition« In t apíalo Klchmoinl Pearson llobson, pw|rw|| Ll,„„ Vounty Is scheduled were the centers of much activity the country as a whole than a Spanish War hero »ml former mem (>r )h(( KugHn> armory ioulghl at » related to the agricultural adjust­ iwr of Congre»» from Alaliamn. who t|„, Kugelt« month ago are Indicated In the ment act and having to do particu­ August report ou the agricultural has for years been devoting hl ureuu to wroalle loulght Include larly with wheat, fruit, and live situation Just released by the Ore­ life to the effort to stamp out the Oils ClIngAan. John Nemanlc. stock in this territory, according to International traffic in narcotica. | Mickey McGuire and Henry Jones gon State college extension service fft, «b«*», «toi» a summary of events Issued by Ore­ The report also contains outlook Opening the bill will be a 34» » u l to pn«,« m such aa morphine, cocaine and has gon State college. statements on dairy, beef cattle, « . — . j . , . » » . H , served h i. tie,« Put hlsh minute go between Karl Martin. Of vital interest the world over hog«, «beep, poultry, wheat and • z the ead aaked to h* «H««»d tv Aa a result of the work of the Austrian, and Nemanlc, the St. hl« kutu«, su was the informal hearing at Port­ seeds commission which Captain Hobaon I.oula boy. McGuire and Junes will hto brother, Atw. »1 land on the proposed plan of sub­ Drought has occurred over a stealing He h * . iso-« heads, organist«! under the l-eague show on the 45 minute stiml flual sidising export of some «0 million larger area than In 1930," says the of Nations. »9 nations have Just event Jones has a large following bushels of surplus wheat in the Pa­ circular, which gives Information signed a treaty agreeing It, limit In Eugvn« and lias a reputation as cific northwest. This constitutes a on prospective output of all of the (he production of narcotics lo ec a clean, hard working wrestler. new policy for the United 9tates major crops produced la Oregon. For the final and main event. tual medical requirements In aq and is considered to have special Pasture conditions on August 1 other twenty or thirty years. Cap Herb Owen. Eugene promoter, will significance Just now as the wheat were the worst on record, with the tain Hobaon believe», "dope will match Cilngntau against Herbert exporting’ nations are seeking to hay crop bslow average for the be a<> bard to g»t that there will he Park, a Canadian from Vancouver, Th om «. P eter«,». (c e a te r) of Cam O m a ty . North DaXete. th . » rtt reach some reduction agreement. whole country and the combined «»nag farm er e f th« N erthw est belt to apply for ■ aoatrwet with no new crop of drug addici» and British Columbia. Thia will ba Plan Acceptable to All corn. oats, barley production only j the Agricultural A djustm ent Admraiatrattoa aad thus cooperate with tho Park's first uppearauoe before a the old one» will have died off. goverim eot ta trying to r ttv . the problem of g e t u a , . r o ^ . o b l e on ce The hearing resulted In formation three-fourthe of average, to nearly local audience. I think he le unduly optimistic, wheat Right, ts County Estoniion Agent. E A O tlh o u a L o ft, F, W of a detailed plan reported accept­ match the record-breaking «mall All contests will tw> for the best but I hope he'» not. I have aeen Madmou. neighbor «hoot grower who alao argued able to all parti*« concerned, par­ wheat crop. enough myaelf In the effect» of the two out of throe falls ticularly the producers, the export­ M ilk Covet are Exception lorst week Cllngman took llullilog narcotic oablt on men and women ers and the millers. The plan calls The outlook statements Indicate SEASON HERE TO LOCATE to realise what It doe» to them aud Jackson In Iwo of three falls. The for selling this surplus wheat for VETERANS OFFERED AID GRASSHOPPER EGG BEDS that sheep production has turned to society, but also to realise how bust match on the card ahowvd what it will bring in foreign mar­ SEEKING ADJUSTMENTS downward and that symptoms are hard It Is to break au addict of the Scotty Williamson. Three-C boy kets and then making up the dif­ Looking ahead to a possible appearing of an eventual change In DISARMAMENT- • • a naw oonoapt habit from Wendllng. who tamed Art Notice of the appointment of a ference between that and the do­ grasshopper outbreak next year, the uptrend of milk cow numbers O'Kellly and made a great Impree My friend Norman Davis, Untied I mestic market price out of pro­ special board of review for Oregon farmers might save themselves which are now 14 per cent greater stun on the fana. Thor Jeuaen won State Ambnasador at Large, la hope j ex-service men with disability ceeds of the wheat processing tax. much future loss by spotting grass­ than lu 1928. The hog and wheat TREASURER a decision over Nemanlc tn au uu- The effect of this will be to raise claims against the government has hopper egg beds at thia season, outlooks are said to depend prl ful (bat. after «even years of dis COUNTY CALLS MANY WARRANTS usually rough coni«« t the price in the northwest by wip­ been received here by P. J. Bartho­ aays Don C. Mote, enthomologlst marlly upon the production con­ cuaaion. luteruational dlsariuam-'it will soon get somewhere. When I lomew, adjutant of the local poet. ing out much of the present abnor­ at Oregon State college. Trained trol plans being developed under Warrants on vhe general fund, FLOWERS DEMONSTRATE Claims to be reviewed are those observers report that It la about the Agricultural Adjustment act. talked with him a few days ago he mal spread between here and Chi­ was more optimistic about II than I county road fund, and special road In which the veteran was formerly cago. officials believe. It «rill also time to expect another bad out­ ADVANTAGE OF COLORS Summarizing the general trend have ever seen him. warrant» have been called by Grace clear out the present congested granted service connection under break of some species such as was of prices received and prices paid Srhlaka county treaaurer. Hhe haa Nobody Is asking any nation Io the presumption of soundness at terminals and storage space with Many people are commenting on experienced In 1915-1917 and again by farmers, the report »hows a abandon Ita defense. The program called all general fund warrants out flooding the eastern markets time of enlistment and has since tn 1932 23 downward trend tn average prices which la coming to be accepted t written up to December 12. 1932 the attracilveueaa of Ihe W F. and thus harming the entire do­ been denied under the new law and Walker yard between Third and Swarms of grasshoppers milling of farm products following the most everywhere Is that nations! and extending through register those claims previously allowed on around In the air or thickly bunch mestic price level. Fourth on "B" streets, pointing out grand 19-polnt advance from mid- | should uot be permitted to provide number 8043. County road warrant- a showing of the disability prior to ed on the ground usually Indicate Fruit Plan Agreed Upon June to mid-July. On the other themselves with the sort of wea «o April I. 1933. through register how of few easily grown flowers Immediately following the wheat January 1, 1925. The latter em they are looking for egg-laying when properly placed and taken hand, the cost of commodities pons which are useful only for the number 1677 have«been_ ' pMn, c. „ brtgh, ^ „„ . yar4 hearing the formal hearing on the braces Tuberculosis. Encephalitis areas on dry meadows or dry spots which farmers purchase at retail InvBMlun of another n ation '* terrl have special road w a rra n l* Juu ronaldarable proposed marketing agreement for Spinal Meningitis. Paralysis Agi In. Irrigated districts or fields. Dea 13. 1933 Including number 1789 1 h»»" «pent • ronelderable has continued the steady upward tor» tree fruits of the four Pacific north­ tans. N. P. Disabilities and Amebic tructlon of egg beds Is one of the _________ amount of hard work on the yard trend with the government Indez west states was held. Sentiment Dysentery. The new requirement Is most successful methods of fighting It Germany had uot had the great filling It lu. getting a lawn started at 105 per cent of pre-war for July that they be traced back and shown was overwhelmingly in favor of the Marriage Llcsnaes Issued ! and cultivating the plants. but I the hoppers and likely some higher at the mid. Krupp and Skoda guns It could agreement submitted by the agricul­ to have had their beginning In the During Ihe past week Ihe rouuty j have spent very little money, says die of August. Judging from whole­ never have Invaded Belgium lu tural adjustment administration, service or within one year of date 1914 Big mobile guns and big clerk haa granted marriage lie- Mr Walker In commenting ou bis sales price indexes. FEED STORE FRONT GETS which was a compromise between of discharge. tanks would be abolished by such enaea Io the following: Foster Har-, efforts. COAT OF GREEN PAINT previous majority and minority re­ May Appear Before Board an agreement aa the nations at Gen rold and Stella Rayburn, both of The moat noteworthy thing about ports. All veterans whose cases are to eva are talking about Military men Eugene; Harold Solelm and Rachel j this la the fact that all the work Woodwork and trimmings of the Federal examiners who presided be reviewed by the special board are coming to realise that aircraft Wesala. both of Eugene; Harold haa been done and plant» have over the hearing expect it to be ap­ have been so advised by letter and front of Chic's Feed store on Main Epps, Crawfordsville, and Methal been grown since this spring No The other day Jimmy Fox of the “,un* can n’ ” r wln •» street near Second, were given a proved and put into effect by Sept­ were further requested to notify war. and that It ts not hard for any ! p urn ina„r. Kugene; N<-al Howell delicate flower» have been planted, Philadelphia Athletics slashed out coat of bright green paint the first ember 15. in time for the winter the administration If they desired a home run, a triple, a double, and nation to protect Its coast against al|l) Juane Driggs, both of Eugone-, but the more common, quick grow- pear and apple movement. to make a personal appearance be- of the week by Mr Meacham, Boy Gordlneer. Cottage Grove and Ing varieties were used The great a single during one game, to drive a foreign navy. fore the board. Very few have done owner of the building. Will Buy Oregon Pigs, Sows A few months ago there was a Merle Jonson. Creswell; Victor .«H conslderailon was given to the In nine runs, for a new American Meanwhile the administration ao. League record. The old mark of real fear of a new war In Europe ! Phelps and Elizabeth Wilmot. both arrangement and blooming periods has pnt its hog slaughtering plan Written authorization to repres­ STREETS GET ATTENTION eight runs batted In was set by Now there Is a genuine belief that j of Eugene; E. G. Cays and Myrtle of the plants. into effect lu the mlddleweet and ent the veteran must be given to AFTER LIGHT RAINFALL Topsy Hartzell, of the New York permanent peace ts close at hand I Upton, both of Eugene has announced that hog raisers in the Legion by the veteran, other­ FRIENDS CLASS TO HEAD Several of the rougher streets Yankees. In 1911. Jim Bottomley, PROGRESS.................. It is actual this state will also be eligible later wise no material help can be given A hundred years ago Europe had of the St. Louis Cardinals, in 1924, about the city are being dragged CHURCH NIGHT SOCIAL to dispose of light weight pigs and on the claim. a population of 180 millions of peo­ and graded this week by Lum An­ drove In 12 runs. i «- heavy sows soon to farrow at pre­ ple most of them frequently on the Veterans whose claims come un­ derson, street commissioner, fob Members of the Friends class of mium prices. This is purely an Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harblt and der the classification noted above lowing the rainfall early thia week Frank X. Shields. New York ten verge of starvation. That was as far I daughter, Mollie Dean. from North the Christian church under (he <11- emergency plan to avert a disas­ must notify the administration that Mill street and Second street are nls ace. completed bis one man bat­ as the world had got In the 12 cen- | Bend have been visiting at the r act Ion of Mia. Mli.a Peterson will trous surplus of pork, the officials they desire to appear—otherwise, being worked over first. tle against the United States Davis furies since European civilisation I home of Mr. and Mr» l-awronre have charge of the weekly church state. they will not be aavlsed when the Cup team at Newport. R. I., the really begun Today Europe h a s; Oos.le for several day. They left ">«'>t program at th. Christian More permanent plans for handl­ claim comes up for consideration. other day. by defeating Wilmer nearly 500 million population, all of Monday evening for Marcela to I church tonight following the rover Enters . Hospital. — . Harry Bain ing all livestock were considered After this has been done they bridge was admitted to the Eqgene Allison in the final round for the them sure of their food. visit Mr and Mrs. Vernon Hanson J •'-r Melvin Trailer will at Spokane where amendments to should write the State Service of- hospital Tuesday. Newport Casino Bowl continuing That Is a lot of progress to make 1 The straw stack belonging to >’•*" l h»r«- ° r *h" devotlonale dui- the national code were approved I fleer for assistance In the presenta­ his grass courts campaign begun In a hundred years People who WaHer wag destroy,«1 by fir. >"« «*»• Absence of Rev. Velli« and preparations made to organise Visitor from Monroe— Mrs W. W. stx weeks ago. Shields earned his tion of their claim. l h_ e ° ld *” la»t Friday Sparks from the engine j V™“ » the northwest states on a regional Squires of Monroe Is visiting at the fifth successive tournament trophy talking about the lives of the small basis. started th-- flame Just as the crew H. E. Gerber home in Springfield minority who lived In what was re was finishing threshing, fortunate- There is a twilight baseball i«a- Son Born— M r. and Mrs. C. E. this week. Joe Kirkwood, the Australian garded as luxury while the common I Mr PlaH had hauled the grain In «ue n““r Youngstown. Ohio, that 8. P. Man Here—L. C. Maxwell. Caudell. Eelgbth and "B” streets slaves. Few a , R was threshed so none of It?» rwpldly running short of players. ----------------- ■ were practically Visits Mother—Mrs. Flaud Town­ trick shot star who never before people inspector for the outhern Pacific I are the parents of a baby boy born has won a major title, ripped of us would care to live as uncom­ So many men have gone bark to railroad, wag an overnight visitor to them at their home Wednesday, send Palenia of San Francisco Is was damuged through the last two rounds of the fortably as the nobility and royal work that managers are having a in pringfield Tuesday, registering August 30. 1933. The boy weighed here visiting with her mother, Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Meyers from Glen Canadian open tn subpar golf to ly did in the old days, without gas hard timo finding replacements. Virgie Townsend Reynolds. at the Springfield hotel. nine pounds. dale, California have been visiting score one of the most decisive tri­ or electric light or even kerosene Visitor from Rainbow—Mr and umphs In the history of the com­ stoves, without plumbing or fur­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fulton It's ell over bu the shouting In Mrs. George Williams of Rainbow petition which no Canadian has naces or even stove«. Forks were They are thinking some of locating the American league. The Wash­ were business visitors In Spring- been able to win In the last 14 introduced by Queen Elizabeth, in Oregon. Miss Nellie Mathews Is planning ington Senators seem to have a field Wednesday. years. only a little over 300 years ago, very safe lead. In the National Lea­ and soap was a novel luxury for the to leave In a few days for the Cen­ gue the Naw York Giants are out Visits from Wendling — Miss tury of Progress exposition In Chi- The annual women's national ten­ rich In her time. in front with a fairly safe lead A Katherine Roberta of Wendllng Is nis championships encountered a When people tell you the world Is r“*°' world's aerlea between New York visiting at the Seavey Hop Island Severnl fumllles from Thurston lot of rain this year and the going backward and that the aa" and Washington should be Intereat- this week. moved to J. W. Seavey bop yard matches instead of ending on a of Invention, beginning with the S P R IN G F IE L D , O R EG O N i Ing enough. Visits Daughter—Mr-i. Winkler of aturday as announced ran over to steam-engine, haa not improved hu Tuesday. Vancouver, Washington is visiting a following Sunday, Monday aud man conditions, tell them to run here with her daughter, Mrs. Nor­ Tuesday. along and read their history books A N N O U N C IN G man Anderson. LA N D ......................................for all Chanj?' of Phone Number Ralph Metcalfe. Marquette sprint­ There Is land enough In the Texas Man Here—Frank Whalley er. has been running beautifully In United State»—nearly 20 thousand The Sunday school picnic mark of Dallas. Texas Is visiting In Europe with the American team of Our fine line of m eats in the new m eat m arket is million acres—to give every family Ing the close of ihe attendance con­ Springfield ai the home of his p r- field and track Invaders. Five times m eeting a ready response. High quality m eats hand­ more than 60 acres, If it were divi­ test at Laaburg was well attended Now Phone ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Whalley to date at this writing Metcafe has ded up equally. If only ten percent led under the most sanitary conditions insures you the Sunday. equalled the world’s 100-meter re­ of the land Is suitable for the grow Seaside Man Here—V. L. Moffitt The Leaburg Boy Scout» are j best of food. We are greatly pleased with the recep­ th of foods, there Is an average of working on their campsite und of Seaside Is a visitor In Springfield cord. tion given our new m arket. 6 acres per family of four. today. He is Interested In road con­ swimming hole up Johnson creek. The National Professional Foot It seems nonsensical to talk of They plan a hike again next Wod- 1 struction work In this locality. ball League has decided to permit anyonestarvlng to death in Amer­ Sister Here— Mrs. Hugh Craw forward passing anywhere behind ica. when at least a living can be nesday for that purpose. The condition of Carol lainsberry, J ford and son, Pat of Ontario, Call the line of scrimmage Instead of got from the soil. log was torn off In a logging camp This store carries the best food product we can buy fornla, are here for a 10-day visit five yards back. This should open What we are trying to do, of and aim to sell as low as possible. We g u arantee our with her brother-in-law and sister up the game considerably more course la to get more than a living; 19 year old Leaburg hoy, whose accident above Wendllng lute lust Dr. and Mrs. Milton V. Walker. m erchandise and we give you b e tte r service than It now is. to get a surplus for the desirable week Is reported better. but strictly unnecessary things of Leaves Hospital— Ray McPher The members of the Christian New York University has Invited civilization. son has returned to Springfield church held their monthly busi­ 50 students to attend Its pre-s,«son Czecho-Slovakia Is combining in­ ness und social in,«ding at Wulter from the Pacific hospital In Eugene where he has been receiving modi football training camp It won't be dustry and agriculture, by making vllle Friday night. long before football will be occupy­ It possible for each Industrial work­ cal treatments. School begins nt Waltervllle and ing an Important place In the sports er to have a piece of land to fall Cedar Flat September 11. At Deer- Return Home—Mr. and Mrs. J page« of the country's newspapers *>»<’* on when Industry is slack I tl(>rn HPptPmber 18 Clifford Morn B Helterbrand and two children think we shall also come to that In Ingstur will tench nt lleerhorn. left Tuesday for their home at MOTT WOULD CONTINUE America. It seems to me to be Ihe Grace Rhodes at Cedar Flat; Veda I Wapato, Washington after visiting only permanent way of Insuring a Gray at Waltervllle; Marjorie Grant ; MARKET NEWS SERVICE here with his brother, Noah Helter good living to everybody. nt Thurston grade school. Hazel de brand, and family. In response to many requests an G O O D W IL L .................from Seattle Long ut Leaburg Each of these When Edward Stevens, an ama­ schools will <>|>erntH but one room Questa Tuesday—Mr. and Mrs appeal for the continuation of the teur radio operator In Seattle, "talk- for the 8 grndes the coming year. F. M. Roth of Monmouth were Market News Service addressed by by wireless with another oper- Most of the schools have roduceq ' V f M lf « rl Tuesday evening guests of Mr. and Congressman James W. Mott to the Ing .tor on Kadiak Island, off the thBlr t„rn, t() Bta„t montllH 1 n e a t e r Mrs. W. E. Buell. They were re­ Secretary of Agriculture, the Ore­ Alaska coast, wss told that an E h - _______________ ___ turning from a motor trip to gon congressman has been Inform­ ed by the Department of Agricul­ klmo lx,y there was pretty sick and »_______ ____ _________________ Nevada. ture that after much consideration nobody knew what to do about It. I Power Crew Here— Eight mem of various possibilities for continu It would have been easy for him to 1 L jp p C t ” lll