TliyilHUA Y^AU UUHT 31. 1933 TU R BPRINOOTRLD NEWS V l .l t . Aunh—Murlti Hnudgraa. of I Hhtuld I . .ponding Ihn w w k hnru ! vl.ltlng with h l. undo nod aunt, M r. mill M in . Riley Hnudgraa.. Collect. Bounty John Muvuuley of Creawell Halurdey collected the vounty bounty on one coyote, TOWN AND VICINITY Printed (1IA K L K H P L M I'llltE Y , cutor. I. M. PETEKHGN, Attorney. (A 310-17 24 31) N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Notice le hereby given that the an- der.lguml ha. been appointed Ad u iliil.liu trlx of the Extale of Heth II McPIier.on. devea.ed, by lb * County Judge of luine County, Ore­ gon. and that all pereon. having claims ugaln.t »aid eatat« are here­ by required to pro.eot the aame, Nurflclently evidenced, Io the uu der.lgned al her realdenoe Route I Hprlngfleld, Oregon, on or before alx w on lh. from the f lr .t public. lion of th l. notice, which flrat pub­ lication will he Augu.t 3rd. 1933. H T K I.I.A A. M cPIlKItHO N. Ad m ln l.tra trlx Aforeaald (A 3-l»17 34 31) COME FROM McKENZIE SUMMONS PAG« T lU U fli ... ..................... Lucy and Eunice Edward* of Me- Kenxle Itrldge were adjudged win­ ner. of the frev trip Io the .tate Buelneee V ln to r — Mr». Verna fair for their work In Pour It poul­ lliirk a of Fall Creek w a. a bu.lneae try demon.! rat Ion at the annual v l.lto r In Hprlngfleld Monday. N O T IC E Four II eipn.lttou which eloaed on O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Vlalta from W ultervllle— Mr». (' the Lane county fairground» Hui Notice I . hereby given that I urduy. « . Polly of W alter Villa wa- a bust Charle» Pumphrey, the executor of M l.. Mue Goddard of W ultervllle 1 naaa visitor In Hprlngfleld Friday Janie. II. Pumphrey, deceuaed. and of bla eatate ha. filed III. final ac- we» one of the w inner. In Nheep Camp on South Fork— Mr. and count and report a . auch, and the . dlvl.ion of tire »tiowmanahlp con- Mrs. Henry Fandrem «pent the court ha. ael Haturday, the 2nd day teat. weekend camping on ths South of Hepluinber, 1933 at the hour of 10 ... . o'clock In the forenoon In the Coun-, p k 0” 0™ went u’ BHzabetl» fork of ths McKenzie, ty Courtroom ut th*» Courthoua« at *’°l<-onib of 'I rant who won flrat Eugeua lu Lftfle County, Oregon. mm place with her aewlng exhibition.1 lows People Here—-Mr. and Mm. the time and place to hear objec M b . Holcomb I . In her third y e a r' W. M Cox of iiarnlck. Iowa left S T r i^ l “ L d “« ^ ° f C,“ b “ n" «*’ 'h ' Tuewlay after a v with her H O I’ I ’lCKEKH UOGKH ut the New. orile«. I-1VI, ,xt H I,« J u .t »outt, Of Uuotb- Kelly w ill pond, «11 fenced, Ideal for chicken or fox farm; (ro o m nnflnl.hod hiniae, chicken liunae and hog hou.e; 3 good well», Nprlng, .om e timber; one aero van be cultivated, good road. Trade for Eugene property. Phone Eugene 117. * 8 7 FOUR-H FAIR WINNERS Exe *•■•» felr nt Huleni Friday to mod I he rlothcH which »he made. STOP GAS PAINS! GERMAN REMEDY GIVES RELIEF III at Hom*— H M Hanshew of route I. Hprlngfleld. la reported to be III at kl- hont» Family Mova*—Mr and Mra. J. J. Manwarlng hare mov d from "H" street to 807 E »treel. Visits at Corvalll»— Mrs. W illiam Moyer and family spent several days visiting at Corvallis this week. Lebanon People H ere— Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mitchell of Lebanon were business visitors In Hprlngfleld mother. Mr». Nettle Metcalf, and Saturday. with her brother, O I). Metcalf. Returns from Corvallis — David Returns to Spokane— Mrs Henry Prlval returned Haturday from Cor­ Hhralder left Monday for her home vallis where he has been vialtlrg at Spokane, after vlaltlng here with for one week. her »later. Mr». Harl McPheradh. On Vacation— Mrs. L. E. Hcott for the past week. office nurse for Dr. O. A. W aller Attend Wadding— Mr. and Mrs. of Eugene, has been spending her Larson W right motored to Van­ vacation on the McKenzie river. couver. Washington Haturday to Gets Cougar— Harley P. Caln of attend the wedding of Mrs. W estfir was at the courthouse Sat­ Wright's brother. Donald Elkins. urday to collect the county bounty Fish on McKenzie— M. A. Pohl, on one cougar. Oscar Hchnetxky, and Roy West Bend People Visit— Mr. and Mrs. spent Hunday fishing on the Mc­ Kenzie river below Thompson's re­ Lesley Floxley and fam ily of B -nd were here visiting with Mr. and sort. , Mrs. Hugh Jollff over the week-end. Washington Folk Here — Mrs. Waiter-villa People Here — Mr. George Forth and daughter. Bar­ bara, are here from Winlock, Wash­ and Mra. H. C. Page of W alterville ington. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. were bualness visitors in Spring- field Tuesday. Ned Williams. I Grocer Moving— Mr. and Mrs. D. Klamath People Corns— Mr. and Mrs. B. M iller and Miss Betty M il­ B. Murphy are moving their resi­ ler have moved to Hprlngfleld from dence from Fourth and “E" streets Klamath Fall* and are making to a new home at Sixth and “ F" streets this week. their home at 251 Fifth street. Acting on ROTH upper and lower IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E MTATB O F OREGON FOR LANE howela Adlerlka washes out all poi­ sons that cause gu«. nervouKue.» i itl'N T Y . Clarl.aa Homowood. Plaintiff va. and had sleep One dose give« re­ Iloyd C. Homewood, defendant. lief ut once. Flattery’» l»rug Htore. To lioyd (' Homewood, defend SSI IN THU NA M E OF THM Medford Man Here—Glenn Jack- S T A T E OF OREGON you are here­ by required „ to _KK.,_. appear and answer .on of Medford was a biialne.» the'complaint fUi-il ugaTn.l you In visitor In Hprlngfleld Tuesday, the ubove entitled suit within four week« from the date of the flrat N O T IC E publication of this summon, and If O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E ON you fall to ao answer the plaintiff E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E will apply to the court for a decree Notice !s hereby given that by dlaaolvlng the bonds of matrimony virtue of an execution and order of now existing between plaintiff and «ale In foreclosure le.ued out of the defendant herein and granting un­ Circuit Court of Lane County, Ore­ NOTICE TO CREDITO RS to plaintiff au absolute divorce gon, on the 8th day of Augu.t, 1833, N O TIC E 18 HKRK1IY G IV E N : . ,,, and for .. tbe , . In a ault wherein, on the 3rd day of That L. L. Hay has been appointed from the defendant; , 1#33 Court „ administrator of the eatate df Surah care and custody of Wallace Dale A Homewood the minor child ut tbe ( -hrl, len, „ n r»COvered judgment Ann Ferguson, deceased, by tbe ugaln.t the Defendant, Lawrence County Court of lame County, Ore­ marriage M. Truesdale ________ gon. All persons having claim », T . h l. summon. I . published once Truesdale and Roale — again»! »aid eatate ure required to *» « k for four consecutive for the «urn of One Thousand Two pre.eut them, with the proper •« ‘ he Hprlngfleld News by Hundred and Fifty Dollar, voucher., wllhln alx month, from ,,ril,’r " r ‘ bo lion G. F. Hklpworth, (J l,27,0 001, and for the further sum the 24th dav of August, 1833. to the Jud< * ot ■*ld cour‘ - ° ° Aug- Forty-two und 48-100 Dollars »»Id admlnlnliator at his law office u* ‘ l6 ‘ b- “ *33- directing that It be i|42 48) a . Interest thereon, and Haled and flrat published August for the further sum of One Hund lu the Miner Building. Eugene Ore Baptists Hava Services — Rev. Visiting Parent*—Oscar Schnet- 17th. 1833. red Dollar. (8100X0) a . attorney'« K»n. Kenneth Tobias conducted the W H IT T E N SW AFFO RD, At- fee. and for coat» and disburse xky arrived here Friday from L. I, RAY, Administrator of torney for Plaintiff. Residence m eat, taxed at the sum of 324 80. Hmithwick, South Dakota to visit morning service« at the Baptist s tbe Estate of Huruh Ann Fer­ and Poat office address: Eu- j and said execution to me directed, church Sunday. Rev. Franklin Day guson. deceased. commanding me In tbe name of the with his parents, Mr. and Mr*. A. had charge of the evening service. gene, Oregon. L, L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. J. Hchnetxky. Htate of Oregon. In order to satisfy (A 17-24-31—8 7-141 (A 24 31 — H 7-14 21) said Judgment, Interest, attorney’s Preaches at Notl— Rev. Ren Hol­ Parent» of Boy— Mr. and Mrs. fee«, costs ot suit, and accruing N O T IC E OF H E A R IN G ON N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S lister conducted service« at tire costs, to sell the following des­ Dale Knight are the parents of a » F IN A L A C C O U N T cribed real property, to-wit: Notice Is hereby given that tbe baby boy born to them at the home Christian church at Notl both Sun­ NO TIC E IH HKKRHY G IV E N : 1 The southwest quarter of th» undersigned ha. been appointed by That the undersigned admlnlatra , of Mrs Hoyles In Hprlngfleld on day morning and evening during northwest quarter of section 10 the County Court of tbe Htate of tor of the estate of Harsh Guthrie the absence of Ross Guiley. pastor. Monday. August 28. 1933. In Township 18 south ot range 2 Oreguu for turn« County, Adminis­ Aldrich, deceased, has filed bis ac­ west of tbe W illam ette Meridian trator of the eatate of MAY count fur the tlnul «ettlemeut of At Newport— Miss Eleanor Smith and also the east half of the Visit on Coast— M r and Mrs IIOYLKH. Deceased, All person, said eatate In tbe County Court for left Sunday, for Newport where she southwest quarter and the north-: Fred Louk. ydgar souk, and Miss having claim , against said estate Italic County, Oregon, and that Sat­ ure hereby required to present the urday. the 30th day of September, i west quarter of the southwest Emma Olaon of Pleasant H ill spent will spend the remainder of her quarter of section 10 township vacation before the opening of j .u m e , properly verified and with the 1833, at tbe Court Room of said 16 south of range 2 west of tbe the week-end on the southern Ore­ school. voucher, therefor, to the under­ Court, In the County Court House gon coast, visiting at Bandon and W illam ette Meridian. In Itane signed at the law office of Gordon In Eugene at ten o'clock In the fore­ County, State of Oregon. M yrtle Point. They brought Mr». 8 W ell., Miner Building, Eugene noon. ha* been by said Court fixed On Camping Trip— M r and Mra. The southwest quarter of the Louk's mother, Mrs. Mary Howe, Oregon, within .lx month, from the as the time and place for hearing H. H. Myers and daughter. Lola, southwest quarter of section 10 date of the first publication hereof. objections thereto, and for (Inal set­ and Mr. and Mrs. John H am m ltt of In Township 16 south of range 2 with them. Dute of f lr .t publication hereof tlement of said estate. west of the W illam ette Meridian, Mohawk, spent the first half of the Is Augu.t 3rd. 1833. R eturns from Camp— Mlsa Eunice FRANK ALDRICH, Adm lnl. containing 40 acres, in Lane tralor of the Estate of Sarah Gerber, who has been serving a» week camping on the South Fork. JOSEPH ACHEHON. Adminis­ County. Oregon. Guthrie Aldrich, deceased. trator of the Estate of May NOW. TH E R E FO R E . In the name ran,p nurse for the annual Girl Leaves for New York— Mrs. W L. L RAY, Attorney for Estate. Hoyles. Deceased. o f the Slate of Oregon, in compli­ Scout outing on Lake Cleowox near N. Dow and son. Billy, left Sunday (A 24 31 — H 7-14 21) (A 3 10 17 24 31) ance with the said execution and order of sale, and In order to satisfy Florence, returned to her home here for New York where she will spend A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S said judgment. Including interest, Sunday following the completion the next six weeks visiting with attorney's fee», c o s t» o f suit and of the camp period. • N O T IC E O F 8 A L E O F R E A L relatives at her old home. accruing coata. I wilt, on Saturday, PROPERTY the 9th day of September. 1933. at Week-end on McKenzie— Mr. and On to Los Angeles — George In the matter of the eatate of Knute the hour of One o'clock Ip the (). Husby, deceased. afternoon ( f said day, at the South- Steven», wheat farmer In eastern Mrs. Matt Hart, Mr. and Mrs. P. Notice Is hereby given that under west front door of the County Court Oregon and Canada »topped in 8. Kohler and Mr and Mrs. Harry und by virtue ot an order of the House In Eugene, I.ane County. Hprlngfleld for a short while Fri Fandrem spent the week-end at the County Court of Ijin e County, Ore- Oregon, offer for »ale and sell for day to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kohler cabin on the McKenzie gon. duly made by the lion Fred cash, at public auction, subject to Fisk, Judge of said Court, on the redemption as provided by law. all Doane. Mr. Stevena wa# enroute river. 16th day of August, 1933, authorlx- of ‘ he right, title and Interest of lo Angeles. Returns to California — Dwaine Ing and directing J. A. Gibson, the * he said Defendants. Lawrence Administrator of said Estate, to True-dale, Rosie M. Truesdale. R Returns to Bend— Wesley Coy- Corning left Saturday for his hpme sell as such Administrator the real B. Webster. Jane Doe Webster. Ray: ner son „» Mr an , M M a r io n at Los Angeles. He came to property of said Eatate hereinafter Mansfield. Jane Doe Mansfield, and ~ " r ' ’ ‘ described. I will, from and after persons claiming by, through, or i CoJrn‘‘r - ha* been visiting w!th Springfield to attend the funeral the lSlt# day of Sept., 1933. at the under them or either of them, hi his father here for some time, re- last week of his brother-in-law, the offlee of Wells A Wells, Hank of «»d '» ‘ he said premises. \ turned to Bend Saturday with his late Rev. Win. G. Taylor. ( ommerce Bldg., Eugene, Oregon. A - ‘'M ARTS, Sheriff of Lane father who spent the week-end in Returns from Vacation — Miss County. | __. __ „ ______ __ proceed to sell for cash at private the Eastern Oregon city. (A 1O-17-24-31—8 7) Maxine Snodgrass returned to her sale, the following described re 11 property, to-wit: work at the Mountain States Power Visitors Leave— Mr. and Mrs. A. Exits numbered Three (8), I N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G ON company business office Monday K. Turner and two sons of Port­ Four (4) and 8lx (6) of Section F IN A L A C C O U N T following the second week of her Five (6) In Townahlp Twenty (20) I land left Tuesday for their home South of Runge Eleven (11) West NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N : W hile here they visited with Mr. vacation. of the W illam ette Meridian, In That the undersigned, as executor | Home from Hospital — Frances Lane County, Oregon; and Lot of the Last W ill and Testament of Turner s half-brother, A B. Kepner. number One (1) of Section 9lx M artin Nelson, deceased, has filed and with Mr and Mrs. L. F. An- Cornell was brought to her home In Township Twenty (20) South hls account for the final settlement deraon. Friday from the Pacific hospital Range Eleven (11) West of the of said decedent's estate In th e ! in Eugene where she underwent a W illamette Meridian, In Ix n e < ...inly Court for Lane County. Ore Delegate Returns — Miss Ettna major operation recently for ap­ County, Oregon; gon, and that Saturday the 23rd day ; ___ . , „ returned Sunday evening pendicitis. or so much thereof as may be nec­ of September. 1933. at the Court : essary. Said real property to be Room of said Court lu the County fro,n Turner where she attended sold to the highest bidder for rash Court House, In Eugene at ten the annual conference of the Christ- Leaves Friday— Mrs. Belle Fink, Miss Severson was for the highest price obtainable, o'clock In the forenoon, has been | ¡an church. aunt of Mrs. Edward G. P rlra t, will ubject lo confirmation by the fixed by said Court as the time from the Springfield leave Friday for her home at aforesaid County Court. und place for hearing objections delegate J. A. GIBSON, Administrator. - thereto, and for the settlement church. Marshall, Texas. She has been W ELLS A W ELLS, Attorneys. thereof. visiting at the Prlvat home here (A 17-24 31—8 7-14) i M P. M OGEN8EN, Executor A t Junction City— Mr. and Mra. since Friday of last week. of the Ixs*. W ill and Testa­ E. C. Stuart and son Frank, and ment of M artin Nelson, de­ SUMMONS daughter. Nellie, motored to Junc­ Move to Town— Dr. and Mrs. W ceased. tion City Hunday to spend the day H. Pollard and family moved back IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate, HTATE OF OREOON FOR at the home of Mrs. Stuart’s into their home in Springfield the i A 24 31 — S 7-14-21) LA N E CO UNTY mother, Mrs. Ella Frum. Other first of the week. They have been Jens 8. Scott. Minnie M Scott. W il­ N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F '8 BA LE guests there Included Mr. and Mrs. living at their summer home on lard L. Cochran, L. Maurle Coch-1 NO TIC E Is hereby given that 11 Cecil Erum of Canby, Mrs. Johnson the McKenxie near Thurston for ran and C. I. Anderson. Plaintiffs, have In my hands for service an and son. Edward, ol Plainview. vs. several weeks. L. Z. McVay, John Dewey Campbell, i execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Lola J. Campbell, Unknown heirs Return from Outing — Mr. and Return to Arizona— Mrs. R. L. of Daniel McVay, deceased, M yr­ Lane County, on the 17th day of Mrs. C. F. Barber and family', and W hitlow and daughter, Shirley, August, 1933 in a suit wherein C. tle H. Adams, R. Jerry Adams, Alfred F. W alker, Halden Wnlker J. Howe and Sadie E. Howe are Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Gossler and left Wednesday noon for their _____ ___________ Mrs. Halden W alker, Also all plaintiffs and Harold J, Leonard family have returned from their home at Douglas. Arizona. They other persona or parties unknown i and Marjorie V . Leonard are de outing of the past week which they will arrive early Saturday. Mrs. claiming any right title estate' fendants and which said execution Hen or Interest In the real pro- Issued on a decree that Is en- spent at the Wilson cabin on Horse W hitlow and daughter have spent perty described In the complaint tore<1 of record In said suit on the ereek near McKenzie Bridge. Bar­ the summer here visiting with her herein. Defendants. ' >R“ » August. 1933 and which ber and Gossler drove up the mother, Mrs. Alma Pollard, and To L. Z ... McVay. Unknown heirs „« Ira *“ ,— ld execution — ... orders .. me. . (he — un — m o u n ta in s d u rin g me mountains during the paHt past wee week- with her brother and sister-in-law of Daniel McVav deceased A lf r e d derslgned sheriff, for the purposes , . . . t . ... Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Pollard. F. Walker, llaiden Wnlker, M rs .1 ,,f satisfying the personal decree >>ni1 t() ‘’Gi'K ’ heir families home. Halden W alker, Also all other per ‘ he plaintiffs In the sum of sons or parties unknown claiming lUWO.OO with Interest thereon at any right, title, estate, lien or In- i ‘ hn rat® of 8% Per “ M u m fron> lerest In the real property des April 7, 1930 until paid and the H-rlbeil In the complaint herein, De- f* r‘ her R" m UW -00 Attorney's l fendants. rn*'R nnd costa and disbursements IN T H E NA M E OF T H E S T A T E ,,f sult tBXed at »24.46, to sell the O F OREOON: You nre hereby re- hereinafter described real property qulred to appear and answer the *n “ 1*' manner provided by law. mniplnlnt filed against you In the ( Notice Is hereby further given above entitled suit within four “ ,8‘ '’Y virtue of the foregolnfc 1 weeks from the date of the flrat on Saturday the 16th day of I AdmlRMl«»n t<9 the f run nil« reduced fro m 50c to t5c. i publication of thia summons, and September, 1933 at one o’clock In und (h l* tftc Inchideo free general adm lsoloa (n a u a lly Mo> to th e com bined N ig h t Show a t th e grnndR tand— b u t e v e ry ­ If you fall to so appear or answer “ ” ’ afternoon of said day, nt the ifor want thereof the plaintiffs will South and main door of the Lane: body pay«— no pa««es p rin ted . A tten d d a lly , help b re ak a tten dance records. ¡take a decree against you quieting County Court House In Eugene,1 A ^ r i C U l t U r C f H o rtic u ltu re . Llveotoch. 4-11 C lub«. In d u s try . the title to the following described Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction lor cash .real proporty: Lots one, four and five of lo the highest bidder all the right Brooklyn a« platted and of re­ title and Interest of the aforesaid M e— reserved s e a t, and b e x e t Zftr and M r e x tra . defendants and all parties claiming cord In Lane County, Oregon. *^Vhatever the age of a young­ by, through or under them and by. and that hnch of you be decreed to ster going buck to school, ho have no right, title, estate, lien or through or under Catherine J. Mil lined* the careful protection i Interest In or to the aforesaid pre- ler. deceased or any of them, In and Heelety H o rs e .k o w a nd N a tu re -In th e -R a w rum bln ed - W o rld 's record high to the following described real pro Jnm pers (8 fe e t, t In ches! and H ig h School Heroes m ing led w ith th e W e s t*, against eyestruln that only an jiulscs or any part thereof. w a n t o u tla w b a r k e r , and B ra h m a » . G eneral adm ission to N ig h t Shew The order directing the service of perty: accurate examination can as­ (a M r v aln e ) F R E E . B eeerve s e a t. M e . B e x rs M e . T h re e th o n .s a d free this summons by the publication «rate. S ta n d in g reewi fe r 14,4M . The West sixty (60) feet of sure. (Hasses mny be unneces thereof Is dated August 2nd, 1933 Lot seven (7) In Block One (1) sary, but every child deserves land dlrecta publication once each of the Lizzie Luckey Addition to for four successive weeks and the protection. Eugene, Lane County, Oregon Ing p a rk in g , M e . N e paesea p rin ted . N e p a n o a t checks. E v e ry b o d y date of the first publication ot thl* Registered Title. Examinations Are Free. l>ay. th e reduced ra te — E m ployee#, Concessioners, E x h ib ito rs . C ontestan ts. summons Is August 3rd, 1933. r la .d s , Fn trn na— a ll a lik e . C. A W IN TER M B1ER , Attor­ Dated August 17th, 1933. DR. ELLA MEADE ney for plaintiffs. Residence, Optometrist C. A. SW A R T8, Sheriff. Eugene, Oregon. 41 W e e i 8th Eugene (A 1724-81—8 7-14) (A 3-10-17-34-81), Business Directory VASTLY M F H M N T A New Deal GOOD VISION Is Essential Thoroughbred Racing, XS state. SATURDAY BEST FOR Approximately MOTOR VEHICLE MISHAPS 18 per cent of the 10,371 accidents reportad so tar this Contrary to common belief, most i yaar happened on Haturday. 14 par accidents orrur on Haturday and cent on Hundey. 18 per cent oa Monday, and 13 per cent on each of Monday rather than on Hunday, i the remaining days. and contrary to superstitious Ideas.1 Friday Is not a bad luck day t o r ' Parents of Ben — Mr and Mrs. accidents Instead. Friday ra t««1 Clifford Collins are tbe parents of next to Wednesday in having the I fewest number of accident- report 1 a baby son born to them at the ed In Oregon since January 1, 1933. I Eugene hospital on Thursday. Aug­ says Hal E. Hosa, secretary o l 1 ust 24. 1833. VSE Maid O’Cream Butter FOR TWO REASONS: 1. BecRuse it is good butter, mad«* in a modern creamery plant. 2. Because it is made from the cream of I^tne county dairy farms. "What I.ane County Makes Makes Lane County,” ban ltn truest meaning in Maid O’Cream butter. If tliiH county I h to have prosperity we must help one another. A dollar »pent for a local farmer’» product comes back to the city—no part of It leave» the com­ munity Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for Maid O’ Cream Butter Springfield Creamery Co. Before School Opens ••• Prepare Now fo r th a t back to school m ovement th a t usually means a mad rush at the last moment. Shop now a t your leisure. Shop the Self Service Way and Save! Shoes for School Every Paid Guaranteed for Wear Showing Girls' Sport Oxfords Special, Pr. S 2 .3 9 Fine q uality, durable sport o xfo rd , fo r school w ear. Moccasin toe or w ing tip effects. Actual (2.69 values. Crowing Girls Sport Oxfords Special, Pr. S 1 .6 9 Good looking, w ell made eport oxford w ith double w e a r sole* fo r school wear. Heavy Weight Brogues Special Pair. £2.98 Just the thin g fo r school wear. Heavy w eigh t e# uppers w ith k iltie tongue». Heavy w eight leather xoles. Moccasin Toe Oxfords Special, Pair £2.69 G irls' moccasin toe sport oxfords in e lk color or brown. Soft u p p e r, and double-wear soles. Children's School Shoes Special, Pair D urable well made school shoe« th a t w ill stand the wear. Sizes 8'/a to 2. Child's Patent Strap Special, Pair A real buy - • a child's patent one-etrap slipper th a t w ill w ear and fit. (1.88 value. Boys' School Oxfords Special, Pair £1, A dreusy black calf oxford w ith double w ear .o le . th a t w ill stand the hardeat kind of w eer. Boys’ School Shoes Special, Pair £1.69 A heavy uchool (hoe of Black E lk uppers. Plain toe and sole», th a t w ill outw ear the upper*. Men's Dress Oxfords Special, Pair £1.98 Buy now! M en's drees oxforde th a t are g u ar­ anteed to w ear a t a price you’ll never be able to duplicate. £2 98 to £4.96 Men's Brogues for School T h e y ’re here I Moccasin toes or plain toes in brown o r black leather». Heavy w eight soles Boys’ Cord Longies $1.39 Nainsook Underwear 10c Boys’ 25c value. Guaranteed fo r w ear. Boys' Tweed Knickers ....... $1.25 White Cotton Anklets .............. . 25c For Gymnasium. Dreasy and durable. 2 P A IR Boys' Frosh Pants $1.49 Boys Cord Knickers $2.19 K n itte d Cuffs. A real value. Express Stripe O'alls 59c Boys' Leather Belts 15c Braided. For (chool wear. Boys' School Shirts 49c Boys' School Caps 39c Tweed mixture«. Boys’ Broadcloth Shirts, Blue cham bray. Boys' White Hdfks. .- 5c For »chool. 49c Fast color». FOR 2 Child’s School Dress 79c Fart color*. Terry Cloth Sweaters 59c Exceptionally popular KEDS Boys' Tweed Longies ............. $1.19 (1.69 v a lu *. FOR SCHOOL Anticipate your school need* now w hil* our *tocka ■re oomplete Genuine Keds as low as 69c T h e Largeat Stock of Genuine Keda In Eugene Free Double Night Show, Admission to Grounds LABOR DAY—Th« Big Owning Day» Sept i Williams’ Self Service <£ 77 E. BROADWAY EUGENE, OREGON «