WW M THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS O J S KfUTT rillRTIKTII YEAH ^ lUNOEIEUL IJthfK COUNTY, ORBOQN THURMIJAY, AUGUHJ 31 1933 No. 34 SCHOOL 0010010 tio n io m irs » m s u it FAIR out Ilio TEACHERS, ’ “ J ? " 6 »” ' jg g [j RECDROS Colonel Barrigli Enlists Sup* port of Boy Scouts In Mak­ ing Canvass of Springfield MANY PEOPLE Two Vacancies in Local High School; Language, Domestic Science Teachers Resign WORKING MKINZIE U K SUHLS I B W Losers Must Treat Winners; Luncheon Friday; Bartho­ Monday, Labor Day, Is Lane lomew, Anderson in Charge Day at Exposition; Games W. E. Buell's Lion Tamer base j of Chance Are Eliminated ■election of two additional teach I ImI1 leam bad • ” • M Jr time *’» dw era for Ihe Springfield high school rsMl,n< lh“ T all Twisters team led faculty to fill the vacancies caused ' bjr H ° W bbl*e . In their third snd i by the recent resignation of M iss' deciding ball game on Brattalo i Ruth Morrison, domestic clence u ,e,d Friday evening. The winners Fourteen Miles From Doylo Hill to Nimrod To Get Final Oil Macadam Surfacing , Eight o’clock Labor Day morning SEEK EQUIPMENT HERE the gules of the 1*33 Oregon State Persons Not at Home Urged Fair will swing open for the largest to Call at City for Card Construction Company Rep­ flrat day attendance In history And Wind*. <, 'ker resentative Has Temporary ' and music, and Miss Juanita Deni , ,' * ,d ' be without danger after That Is. if reports coming fro m , j mer, Hpsnlsh, lectin and English, tb‘,,r ,lrat lnn,n* In which they e v e ry part o f the state are any in | Headquarters in This City Muro (ban 3UO Hpri. teachers, will I h > major problem- l,Bd up • ,ota* » runs. The final dicatlon of the renewed Intereet' Iloa have signed the N. . this year. By 9 o'clock every de Final oiling work on the McKen­ Fu st yeara befvre aSc waa bum, to be taken up by district IV school i *ca rt »tood 13-3. Winners of the tu m o r Mlalomnnt ot Coop '“X * part men t will be ready to offer X « , Jaae F r e z a ra f a t*a r. L. U zie highway is ached i^gd to start board at Ihe regular monthly meet « * • * • to be guests of the losers cards now bolus distributed ** Its beat display to the thousands of! Frezar. ass ua* u f the fuuodara uf Tuesday, September 5, providing lux Tuesday evening according to at either a picnic or a banquet to tu« «imua, P re d iate« Or«.. Kvuadup house-to-house ranvess of thia c. be provided later in the season by visitors. A special train from Eu I Now at 1*. Ulaa Jeza atti U tu je « , weather conditions are satisfactory I Dr. W H. Pollard, chairman. II waa announced thia morning by gene will carry part of the Lane It was announced here today by V. rula as tjwewa a f * ■ Word haa been received thia (he losera. W X Barnell, colonel of the aalaa county delegation. XI xa L. Moffett representative of Babter week, say, Dr. Pollard, .that Miss promotion campaign In charge of Players for Buell were Norwald Labor Day evening, starting a' i Brothers, Portland construction JCmtnaJean Htephens. Moro. Oregon, Nekon. P. J. Bartholomew. F. B. the can» at«. 7:30, Eugene will offer a program men who hold the oiling contract. lias already acrepted a position Hamlin. Leroy Inman. Dean Poln Keren members of (he Boy Scout la front of the grandstand. This Mr. Moffett arrived here Wednes- Hhe was recently elected to suc- dexter, M C. Kirkland. Thelm er troop, Floyd Cornell. Scott Wrlgbt, performance precedes the big Gym ' j day and Immediately began the big ' cred Miss Morrison Dr. Pollard Nelson, snd Floyd B Flanery. Harold Foes. David Privet, Lloyd khans and Rodeo, scheduled to i task of assembling the necessary has also received Ihe resignation Harris, Jack Cook, and Floyd j men and equipment for the work. • ' U c | n *J G rand ( haiupiou sheep I this week of Miss Deminer who Dibblee'a team Included Alton Rob­ •ta rt at 8 p. m. The Eugene Ju n io r’ Green. began the city wide canvass Chamber of Commerce drill team •w a rd by K E I'u lh u , o f W elerlen, | He la making bis headquarters at ha accepted a position al Medford. erson. H. H. Kchsffenberg. Laur Wednesday noon and will continue la ., and abuwa a buie by Mias W |a(t of 26 men will be featured. The - the Springfield hotel Hal 8tewart ence M offitt. N. L. Pollard. W. N. Other routine business will also Jachson, irpents-d and »os tbs title until thia afternoon Armed with Gossler E C. S tu art, C. F. Barber. organization won first place at the ~~ he sent here as Inspection en agate Ibis year a t the Chicago P au be taken up by the board at (he au official pin stating that th e y ! Stuall Acreage Eligible for gineer for the work John Anders<>n, and i^raon W right Portland Rose Festival In June. Tuesday session. are volunteer workers In tbo anti- j Lane County Program Part in Reduction Benefits Tbe contract for the final oiling Tbe regular noon meeting of the The problem of enrollment In Ihe depression campaign the boys visit ' A Eugene band under the direc­ -Kprlngrield Lions club will be held Fletcher Tells Farmers work on ,h* McKenal'> highway local high school this fall remains each hou»e asking the family head I tion of John Stehn will offer musit- ------------- calls for slightly more than 14 uncertain according to Dr. Pollard Friday at Taylor hall. Plana for fur­ Io lie u one of the cards which as will the W illamette Park Orches C. W Rath. R. F. D. 2. Spring n,,lea of surfacing with oil macadam ther activity of the club will be dis­ This district has not yet been In reads "Consumer Statement of Co- tra of Eugene. Herschel Davis, field, was elected community chair- fronl D or1« hill to Nimrod. Of thia formed whether the McKeaxle cussed al that time P. J. Bartholo­ operation— I will cooperate In re | mew and John Anderson are In famed for bis music with triple- man df the Springfield district at a 8ect,on- «bout eight miles from Union district at W altervltle will employment and iMtronlslng em ! toned crimes, will be one of the meeting held In Taylor's hall In Ylda to Nimrod now has a tempor- •end Ihelr students here for the charge of the program. ployers and workers who are mem ' head-liners. A number of acts are dlstrtct who have signed applies- ary covering which was placed a third year or make other arrange- Iters of the N. K A " W ith each | ------------- also planned by the dance orches­ tlons for wheat allotments at a year ago. The remainder of the sec­ card signed the scouts leave a two ' Organize at Meet Last Night, ments. It also remains uncertain tra. meeting held In aylor’s hall In tion was given a dust pallative Just how many students will come colored sticker to place In Ihe win First Practice le Sept- 6; Then, of course, at o'clock is Springfield last Friday night by coating of oil by the state highway Into this district for their high dow Indicating that ihe people of the start of the two-hour Gymk­ County Agent O. S. Fletcher. John department about one month ago. Walker, Lorah to Direct school edursl Ion as a result of the that home are consumer members hana and Rodeo, a featured event H Hammltt. and M S Hanna, both It Is expected that 76 men will new nnn-hlgh school districting of of the N. K A. Hprlngfleld Odd Fellows organ every night of the week, with m ore! of R. F. D. 1, were elected commnn- be used for thl« work If weather Ihe county. Many Are Absent Ised a degree team lo conduct work than 3.000 free seats In the grand- j ity committeemen. conditions are satisfactory. The All schools In Hprlngfleld will Many of the families are abaenl within (heir lodge al a meeting stand and standing room for nearly , The county agent outlined the Pf0!««* wl*I require about 26 fc when the boys call and these peo­ held here laal nlgbfc W. F W alker open on October 2 for an eight- Plan for wheat acreage redaction honr ®t weather interferes city hall where they may sign a In charge of the degree team and of Senior and Junior Sing­ Tuesday of Fair week will be to cooperating farmers. He point-1 11 w111 de*ay * l accordingly. card and obtain their window j will act us managers. children s day and W illamette Val- ed out that the p lan was intended rock for the surfacing work ing Groups for Services sticker. I. M Peterson, city re­ Regular buslne-i meeting of the ' ’ ,ejr day- ’ rltb »cnool children i for all wheat growers, even If they Is out at various places along the corder. and Dean Poindexter are lodge will be held next Wedneaday Selection of Mrs. Buford Roach admitted free. Wednesday is Salem grow only a few acres He also project. Necessary equipment for assisting In the canvass evening. H«-pt *. when the new " d^ t o r ° f the senior choir of and Roseburg and Umpqua Valley pointed out that benefit payments the work will be assembled locally One point of discussion which team will conduct Ihe flrat practice the Methodist church for the en day. Crowds rivaling that of Labor are available to cooperating farm- within the next few days This will arose yesterday related to peraonr All members of the local lodge are suing year was announced Monday Day are expected on Wednesday. ers whether they feed all of the include a boiler, retort, and other working on farms and signing the urged to attend the meeting. evening following a meeting of the •The horse racing program every wheat that they produce, or sell It machinery for heating the oil In the consumer carda, A few persons music committee of the church afternoon Is expected to be a big to neighbors for feed, or sell It In tank cars, tracks, grad»”-« gasoline The largeat repreaentatlon to at hesitated Io sign Ihe cards, being tend a meeting of the local lodge liocal Retailers Call Meeting Mrs. Roach haa taken a prominent attraction Labor Day finds tho commercial channels. A t the meet­ shovels and heavy rollers. Laborers uncertain they were qualified Io lu several months was present last at City Hall Tonight to Dis­ part In musical fields In Eugene featured race of the week. Gov­ ing Friday night farmers growing! tor the w® now being sign­ do ao Mr Harnell slates that farm night and much favorable comment and Springfield, and Is the wife of ernor Meier's Plate race, with a as cuss Price. Competition as^lO a acres filed b7 F. L. Armitage. U. S. em- — litUe m tm m e u a applica- p p lic a ­ labor cornea under the Agricultural was heard on behalf of the degree the high school orchestra leader. handsome purse going to the first tions. • ployment agent located at sixth act and the people employed there (earn organisation This Is the first A two-cent increase In retail Urge Application Filing and H,Kh atre«‘ a Eugene. New plans of the music commit­ place winner. Legalised wagering are entitled to sign (he card» time the local lodge has attempted milk prices for Springfield was No deadline has yet been set by | H1«bway officials are anxious to tee provide for the appearance of should prove popular with the Fair thereby showing their approval and to aponaor a team for some time foreshadowed thia morning by the crowds. which applications must be com ' * * * th* «»“ Dletlon of this oiling the senior choir at the Sunday barking of the N. R A plan announcement of N R. A General morning services, and for the or­ If you want to be a record break- pleted but It Js probable that all prolect thla »e*>on as a protective New signers of the l*realdent'a Tyson, that he was calling a meet ganization of a Junior choir among er. attend the Oregon State Fair | applications will have to be com- meaanre for the roadbed. The tem- LAIRD FAMILY REUNION agreement al Ihe local pnatofflce Ing tonight at the City Hall at 8 on Labor Day. Attendance records pleted and filed prior to September porary « » t in g on the Vlda-Ntmrod during the week Include F G Mor­ ' IS HELD LAST WEEK o'clock of all dlsti^iutors of milk the Intermediate and Junior groups are due to be broken that day. 16. The county agent urges a l l ' aection- »M eh was very satiafac- to sing at the evening services. ion Service Htallnn by F O. Morton, In the city for the purpose of lining There will be no games of chance farmers who expect to apply f i r al- j ,ory ln dry we*th e r soon began to Music at the church was directed ' A reunion of the la ird family Morris Barber Hhop by R E Mor­ up with the President's recovery on the State Fair grounds ft has lotments to complete their applica-1 break down under heavy winter ris. Ueorge tier Blacksmith Shop waa held last week at Ihe P. N. program and the consideration of by Kenneth Roduner of the Uni­ been announced by Max Gelhar, tlons at the earliest possible date travel 1,81 y *a r Traffic up the versity of Oregon during the past la ird home near Creswell. This by George Orr, Clover's Barber director. milk code to stabilise the local and file them with him or w ith! M cKeniie in winter months now is year. Mr. Roduner Is no longer at Hhop by C. P. Clover, llenderer'a was the first reunion of the family price. the community chairman. I rIval*“ X that of the summer. The the university. In several years and waa attended Electric by John llenderer, and Tyson explained that he waa call Wm. X. Cruxan of Dexter, was ,nre of snow 8P°rta- the unusual ALL MOTORISTS MUST Mi Kenxle Junction Produce Market by Mr. and Mrs Gallagher and son elected community chairman of the w*nter 8cenlc beauty of this region Ing the meeting at tbe request of ot Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs Wayne HAVE NEW LICENSE NOW by Prank Cluater Thia makes a TEACHERS HAVE CHARGE some of the distributors and that Pleasant H ill district at a meeting and the ease with which It may he total of SB who have now signed Laird of Washington. Miss Irnia he would not be able to attend the O F R E B E K A H P R O G R A M S held at Pleasant H ill high school reached have all contributed to After midnight tonight only Ore­ for the Blue Eagle al the local poet- Laird who teaches at Bend, Miss m a tin g . He yn^Jerstood, however, Tuesday night. P. N. Laird and this traffic. gon drivers’ licenses Issued since Lnrle la ird music student at the office. Four members of the Springfield July 1, 1931 will be effective. Those Orson Stntx, both of R. F. D. 1, that an attempt would be made to Instructions received at Ihe local Unlveralty of Oregon all returned stabilixe the local milk prices with teaching staff will have charge of who have failed to secure renewals Creswell, were elected community METHODISTS TO HEAR home for the occasion. Mr. and postofflcs this week declare any the entertainment at the Juanita will find their old licenses cancel­ committeemen. those of the Engene distributors. business man who does not hire Mrs. Ralph la ird and two children LABOR SERMON SUNDAY John D. Pyle, manager of the Rebekah lodge meetings during the led and themselves In a position of of Edenvale, Lawrence la ird and extra help, but who Is willing to Springfield Creamery company, had month of September It was an having no license at all. according CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO The Labor Day message for the sign the President's Certificate of Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Ia ln l completed not heard of the meeting being call­ nounced Monday X t the regular to Hal E. Hoss, secretary of state, j the family group. HAVE REGULAR SERVICE 1 1 o'clock worship service at the Compliance and obtain the Blue ed when questioned this morning. business meeting They are Miss Police officials have indicated: ------------- Methodist church is: "Christ and Eagle for his shop or store. He stated that the present retail Edna Platt, Mias Dorothy Girard, Regular «vrvices both Sunday Labor’s Demands." I- O. O. F.-REBEKAH PICNIC price of their pastuerised milk was Miss Thelma Sweeney, and Mrs that Immediate enforcement of the M any at W ork Now new motor vehicle law will be morning and evening will be held a t T h e Young people's meeting will Locally Ihe N. It A. campaign AT RIVERSIDE SUNDAY eight cents, that they would like to Leota Rodenbough. made. the Christian church Sunday. The begin at 8:30. has begun to settle down to a quiet Increase It. and thereby pass on a Plana were also discussed for the More than 40 per cent of the ap- Bible school will meet at 9:46 with Sunday evening at 7:30 the pas- The annual picnic of the Hprtng- walling for the expected Improve­ share of the Increase to the pro­ O. O. F. Rebekah picnic to be pllcants for renewals are recelveo Roland Moahler as superintendent, j tor. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, will ment. some of which Is already be- field 1. O. O. F. lodge will be held ducers supplying them, but he was held at Riverside park Sunday. by mail through the main o pera-'A t 11 o'clock Melvin T ra ile r, who begin a series of services on the lug felt here. It has been many Sunday at Riverside park It has doubtful of the possibility of bring- Mrs. Clara Taylor, Ernest Black tors' division at Salem, and 26 per Is serving as supply pastor during theme of "World Evangelism." The months since as large a percentage been announced by Bert Hankey Ing all retailers In line with such and Glenn ¿tone are members of cent come from the traveling ex­ the absence of Rev. Veltie Pruitt, first of the series w ill be: “The of Ihe population of this city has and Elmer Pyne. members of the prices which would be necessary the Rebekah committee. aminers. The remaining 35 per cent will preach on "Christ. The Pro- Place of the Local Church in World been employed at one time as Is committee. Members of Juanita All are to bring their basket dtn come in from personal contact phet." For the evening service Evangelism.” , now With the sawmill operating 40 Rebekah loilge will be gue«ts of ROLLING LOG FRACTURES ners. Those without transportation through the Salem and Portland of­ Dowell Callis. pastor of the Cz*-,- There w ill be an official board hours a week, hops being picked, Ihe Odd Fellows at the picnic which are to meet at the I. O, O. F. hall fices. well church, will be the speaker. meeting at the church Tuesday and other farm crops being har­ was postponed from last week WOOD WORKER’S LEG Sunday morning — -------------------------- 'evening at 7:39. vested, also several being employed Each family Is expected to bring MRS. TOO M B H O STESS AT Th<‘ »eekly prayer meeting w ill Carol Lansberry of Leahurg sus HAPPY HOUR GROUP nt the Eugene Fruit Growers can their picnic basket dinner. Coffee B R ID G E P A R T Y F R I D A Y h<“ld Thuraday evening at 7:30. nury, the streets of this city have and Ice cream will be furnished by talned a fractured leg above the UNLICENSED PEDDLER HAS PLAYLET MONDAY knee last Thursday afternoon when suddenly become very quiet during tbe lodge. REQUESTED TO LEAVE caught . between two rolling logs the daytime. Four tables of bridge were in LANE FARMERS MAY A short playlet featuring Mrs. while working (or Ihe Booth-Kelly A non-resident peddler who visit­ Ella I-ombard. Mrs. Levi Neet, and play at the home of Mrs. Donald I Just what Is to be done with the METHODISTS ATTEND SELL _______ SURPLUS HOGS lumber company above Wendllng ed Springfield Monday with a stock­ Mrs. W alter N. Gossler was pres­ Toomb Friday evening when she In -, Consumer cards Is not certain as MISSION MEET FRIDAY It was necessary to carry him out ' L* ne c~ n* farm " a » « « ab|« ing darner device which he sought ented at the first fail meeting of í T X h o r ? Mned ñ yet. After they have been signed lo a speeder which brought him to to sell to housewives was Ordered the Happy Hour club Monday after­ they will bo returned to the post- w aa W ii n f th h i h »arts to tjiBpOBe of the|,. aurpiug hogs to A number of ladles of the Metho­ Ihe town of Wendllng. Here he was to leave town or buy a peddler’s noon at the home of Mrs. Lombard. was winne. of the high score prize. the federaI Kovernment „„„„ ac. office where they will be held for dist church went to HalcmFrlday r \c e d In an ambulance and rush license when taken to the city hall Guests present were Mrs. L. C. .„ n o ™ “ further orders from administration Members also gave short reviews to attend a district Methodist Mis ed to the Eugene hospital where the same day. The man declared M offitt. Mrs E. E. Mav. Mrs John! ' ’ ‘ ° 8 F U ‘ cher' county headquarters In Washington, D. C. of books which they .have read dur­ u . „ ,7 • ' J " I agent. The government will buy at slonary meeting. Those attending the Injured leg had to be ampu­ Henderer. Mrs. W. K Barnell, Mrs.; ; he had not made a sale, and chose ing the summer months. ■ .. „ Portland feeder pigs and Dlggv were Mrs. W illiam Gnntz. Mrs. U tated. p to ‘move on' to a new field. In addition to the 26 members Herbert Moore. Mrs. C. A. Swarts. sows. The sows over 275 pounds Mrs. F. B. Flanery. Mrs. C. E .! YOUTH AND AGE TANGLE G. McElhnney, Mrs. Emma Olson present, the following guests were to farrow in three weeks will bring MEsa Ada Porter, Mrs. A. B. Van ,h ” curren« marka‘ EPWORTH GROUP PLANS LIG HT CAR RUNS INTO IN AUTO ACCIDENT HERE entertained: Mrs. Henry Fandrem. H arrv"' W h h n '" " ’ J ’ ' " ' ’ , Valxah. and Miss Myrnn Bartholo­ L’ 0” dO,'ka’ e ‘”U8 »«00 P" h*ad ’¡' " d««‘ WORK FOR FALL MONTHS HEAVY SAWDUST TRUCK Mrs. W. P, Tyson. Miss Ada Porter W r a b t M r , n , I It was youth axalnst age Monday mew. of Chicago, and Mrs. Hugh Craw­ W f W r ah, M r P T n , P,K’' W‘" briD* fr° “ ” M “ h“ “ d’ night when automobile« being W C W right. Mrs. Carl Olson. red for , he 20.30 tQ Topics for weekly discussion No one was Injured, but the front ford of Ontario. California. driven by J. L. Fisher, #4, of W endl­ RAINS BEAT DOWN HOPS Mrs. Harry to. Stewart, and Mrs. ,„ P «« lftn „ meetings of the Epworth League of of a light automobile was consider­ C. E. Wheaton. ’ n T P„ ing, and L. C. Jackson. 19, of 181 MORE SUPPORTS NEEDED the Methodist church were outlined are P. O. B. Portland. ably damaged Monday afternoon H O L D F A R E W E L L P A R T Y Washington street, Eugene crash­ and a petition addressed to Presi­ when Leslie Gralger, 18. of Wendl­ The government is buying ud FOR SC H O O L T E A C H E R ed together at Fourth and Main The rainfall of Monday evening dent Roosevejt for his efforts on FOOT SHATTERED IN these pigs and sows to decrease lng, started to drive east across the streets here at 7:46. and Tuesdny added ao much weight behalf of World Peace were acted CUN ACCIDENT SUNDAY the amount of pork now being tracks at Third and Main streets. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. A, According to Lum Anderson to the hop vines at the Hurd on at the meeting of the executive thrown on the market at low prices. He did not see the McPherson hog­ Phelps and family of Pleasant H ill police chief, Jackson was attempt­ brothers field nenr Coburg that commltlee held Monday evening at Vernon Fegles. M arcóla was _________________ ged fuel truck, driven by Orville tendered them a surprise party Sat­ ing to negotiate a reverse turn and they fell from the wires. It was the home of Miss Marlon Shipley. McPherson, starting ahead of him urday evening as a farewell event. taken to the Pacific hospital In CITY* PAYS ANOTHER ws struck by the Fisher automobile. necessary to secure a supply of thin The group also derided to partici­ and crashed into the rear of It. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps will leave this Eugene Sunday evening where It A tire which blew out on Ihe Fisher strips for supports and raise many pate In the state efficiency sche­ OF DELINQUENT BONDS Both vehicles had stopped while week-end for their new home at was necessary to amputate a part automobile made considerable of the vlnpa again. of the Instep of his right foot as 1 dule during the fall and winter a train passed the Intersection. Philomath where Mrs, Phelps will noise, other damage to the auto­ months. well as his first and second toes, The seventeenth of a series of be employed In the -high school as a result of the accidental dis-! defaulted city bonds was paid off mobiles was sllg.'it. LOCAL PEOPLE ATTEND teaching faculty. A large number GRIMM ALFALFA AIDS charge of a gun which he was Monday by L M Peteraon, clzy BUSINESS PROPERTY of friends and neighbors attended^ cleaning. JOINT LODGE PICNIC Springfield physicians ™ '° rdert 1EaCh ° f th° bond8 la for TH ISTLE INFESTED LAND MRS. LOMBARD HOSTESS were called to care for the Injured ?B° ° mak'r“t a total of ’ 8'600 wblcb CHANGES HANDS HERE Among the Hprlngfleld people FOR AENEAS MEETING man «>•« now been paid off on an issue A Benter and son of Creswell BAPTISTS TO SEE WORK who attended tho Joint I. O. O. F. The business block at the south­ have had considerable success In _____________________ I 136,000. This is the last bond OF CHURCH ON SLIDES Members of the Aeneas club were picnic at Mossy Maple park on the west corner of Fourth and Main Grand Officer Coming .Wh,Ch C,n * * pBld ort unt" mor# controlling Canada thistles by guests of Mrs. Ella Ixtmhard nt W illam ette above Lowell Sunday streeta has ben acquired recently planting Grimm alfalfa on laud Grand Patriarch of Portland, head , ' “ X moDey ls pald- Rev. Kenneth Tobias will exhibit their August meeting Tuesday wero Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Flanery. by C. J. PuMord of West Spring- heavily Infested with these weeds. atereoptican slides showing the life of the Encampment branch of the afternoon. A social afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. W alker, Mrs field, from U. T. Grace of Portland. County Agent O. 8. Fletcher, who of Christ, and also missionary work ' ortler In Oregon, is to visit Wima- needlework wan enjoyed. Miss Edna Rosa Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. E. Many See U. O. Player« Mr. Plilford Is a recent arrival from visited the farm recently, reports of the Baptist church ln the Pacific whala encampment of I. O. O. F Swnrts and M ' hi Maurlne Lorn I,aril E, Pyne, Mrs. Nellie Jordan and A good sited audience was pres­ Idaho. Th« building houses the thaf the alfalfa, planted in 1932. Northwest at the weekly prayer at Eugene. Friday night, Septem were guests of the club. The Sept Wallace Jordan. The picnic was ent at the Methodist church Tues Ideal Grocery, fTie Independent smothered out . the .1 i meeting of the congregation to- ber 1 ,ui .. practically a 8everal members of the day evening to see the University ember meeting will be held at the sponsored by the Eugene and Oak­ Meat company, and the SprlngAeld had «lf«B " ¿"J* ° f I nlKht A (ie*‘'rlp' tvp lemure will ac , Encampment .Ive In Springfield and j Players present three short Blblcal home of Mrs. L. K. Page. ridge lodges. Newa. alfalfa had been obtained. company the showing of the slides, are planning to attend playa * WHEAT GROWERS ELECIOFFICEHS I.D.O.F FORMING HEW DHILL TEAM MRS. ROACH NEW LEADER Of CHOIR TWO-CENT MILK 11 E SEER i