PAPE FOUR THE 8PRTNOFTBLD NBW9 FARM ERS SEEK A ID IN R IVER EROSION CONTROL Federal aid Incontrol of McKan- ale river bank erosion will be the subject of a mas« meeting to be held tonight at Thurston commun Ity hall. Losses from bank erosion hare been hear? In thia community for several yearn and only last week farmers obtained pcrml^aion to use a county steam shovel in an attempt to change the course of the river At the meeting tonight taruinrs w ill aeek ways and means of ob- taming federal aid for the project The cost is expected to be divided among the various farmers who will be benefitted. T H V R 8 IH Y . AUGUST 24. 11*33 T H E GOOD, T H E B E A U TIFU L AND T H E TR U E DANDSMEN AND RADIO OPERATORS MAY ENLIST TOWN AND VICINITY Hand infected— Mr» Mark Cota Lsaburg Man Hero— K W Ooff la suffering with an Infected hand of Leahurg was a huslness visitor thia week. In Springfield Wednesday. Vleitlng Son Mrs. Bessie Smith Alvadore People Hare— Miss Jean la at Cottage Grove visiting with Morrow and Miss Betty Haley, both , her son, L, R Smith, of Alvadore. were visitors In I Springfield Friday evsnlng. Visits at Marcola—Mr. and Mrs Alex W. Steveus visited with Preaches at Creswall — Melvin i fr,end* « « rv o l. Monday evening T ra ile r preached the morning ser-j mon at the Creswell Christian ( Returns from Portland Jlni Our- church Sunday morning rte returned here Sunday from Portland. Vacation Last Week— Mr and I Mrs. Larson W right and family Bend People Hers— Mr. and Mrs. spent the past week at the W right | Roy Holverson of Bend spent Sun­ cabin on Horse creek. day here visiting with relatives. Back from Idaho— Miss Jewel Ill at Home— O. C. Bryant was I Cunningham returned Wednesday 111 at his home here the past week, J from Idaho where she visited dur­ end. ing the summer with her father. Steps on Nail — Floyd Cornell Major Operation— Mrs. J. M Lae severely Injured his foot Friday son underwent a major operation when he stepped on a nail. at the Pacific hospital in Eugene] Leave for Independence— Velma I " edneaday morning. Scene from "Hack to Nature” which conies first run to the Colonial starting Thursday. Mrs. Gladys Lambert from near Crow spent Monday with Mrs. Bert Weaver. The house of Nell McMahon caught fire a few days ago burning a hole In the roof, but with help of neighbors it was soon extinguished without much damage. Hubert Allen, member of the and Ellen Moscop left Sunday for coast guard radio department In I R ,tr" ,rom Portland— Dr and O„ - - r . ---------- I 'ndopendence where they w ill plck| Mra w c Rebhan returned W fd Marie Dreasler and Wallace Story of Nudism Colonies in San Pedro. Cal., is on his vacation hops. Beery United Again in New nesday from a short visit In Port- America and Abroad Auth­ He and his sister, Mrs. Macy Turel land. from Cottage Grove spent Tuesday Showing; Opens Sunday Salam Man Here— J. F. Nadvor- entically Shown in Film evening with friends in Thurston.' nick of Salem, former Springfield Naw Vork T r ‘*— M r* w I ................. Puget Hound tug boats built to Nudism what Is It? Who are the Hugh Safely motored te Rose- , business man. was a visitor T • X‘* C“ 0 withstand the terrific storms ot Nudists of whose doing« Ihe new» burg Wednesday. | Springfield over the week-end leave Monday for a six weeks visit Miss Norm.-t Mathews from Los. lin N .y Y o X 7.* " “ 11 n. 1 route'» In 'to — w n Orvsl _ a.tL rd Dalton. 7v*T oI Sund,y ,or Baod° ° to visit her . m , ‘ orm [they health fauatlcs? ..... -------------------------------------------- routa ’ ’ Si in town Saturday to | ------ ----- ------------------ D« | among the «maxing technical fe a t s k Th...„ ari. the whk.h Louis, have returned to their home j race|Te medlcal treBtment for , accomplished In the filming of -Hack to N ature.' the film showing in Washington after spending a»T- badly lnfected „ na,t— M r “nd Mr«. N. L. gular session Tuesday evening with ] Salem Sunday. Pollard and Mrs. R. L. W hitlow the home economics committee pro- I and daukhter, Shirley, motored to vidlng a short program. Canning] Lumber W orker Hurt— G eo rg e|tbe coast at Florence Sunday and and preserving of foods was th e : Easton of Marcola sustained a returned home by way of Reeds topic. | broken loot Saturday while work | P°rt a«>d Drain _ Da“ »h‘ «r Bom — Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barnett of Wendling are the ------------------------------ — 1 11 • I Son Born Tuesday— Mr and Mrs I parents of a baby daughter born to The ladles of the Pleasant HUI c< r, W Iitge ar„ the parenta of an I them at the Nelson M aternity hos community and their husbands gave elr'a Wner® "he baa ’ ’>ent laneons linen gifts for their home I after spending the week visiting K PMt Tlaltin< wlth b«( at Meadowview Refreshments of i with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl brother and alatar ln-law. M r and coffee and cookies were served by j Olson .here. I Mrs. Lloyd Adams. Mrs. Adams re- the ladles. I horned with her for a short visit ing at the Fischer Lumber com-. pany plant. I Thomas Tinker who has been Visit at Cottage Grove— Mr. and Taking Vacation — M is . U - . i n . visiting at the home of his uncle E. Mrs. I. V. Stewart and her brother. Snodgrass assistant at th n f t i. B. Tinker all summer left for his j Dan Parker, spent Sunday at the the Mountain State P w ° home in Redwood City, California C. M. Parker home at C o tU g . „any and !„ th w o T T M h 1 , GeA U T e t t ^ d a t *H ^ rd r ^ ; ^ p I 0' “? 0,0 Parker ,aft Sunday Snodgrass, left Monday for" a tw ^ b y « d — aunts, M r . Jesse Carrothers at Go Washington— Mies M«bel ” ° " ‘ 10 coaat >*to« Snod- Pleasant H ill and Mrs Dorence i Brown- who haa been visiting with R T " *, th* aecond week of Warner of Fall Creek. | Miss Maurine Lombard for a short I annua vacat on now. Catherine Kabler of Pleasant H ill | whlIe- Ief( Saturday for her home Return from California— M r and went with the young folks to Port-1 at Vancouver, Washington. Miss Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew and fam ily land Saturday and visited Old Iron-] Lombard and her mother. Mrs. Ella I returned to 8pringfleld late last «Id««- Lombard, accompanied Miss Brown Thursday from the San Francisco Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Phelps plan to for a «bort stay. bay region of California where they move to Philomath Saturday. Sept V | „ to ra H e re — M r and M r. had "pent * weBk of tbelr vacation t e ^ ' t h l Where. M rB 1 PhelpS Wll‘ ! Oatch Bolton of Corvallis and M r ! ™ ? **“ “ P° rt‘ teach this coming winter in the d M w in iam Rookpp and ' land where they spent the week end public school . They are disposing « l l v „r• W ll'iam Rooker and son. vJ>1 Mr visiting with Mr. Bartholomew’s of their farm stock and Intend to i d °, h ' " T mother and other relatives rent their ranch. ! 8 Dday Tl,ltlDK at ,h " h0"” " The Guistina mill a, Dexter 1 a p ^ " nt ' y In from Deerhorn— Mrs. W. C. closed Tuesday, August 22 J “ "d Mr9 “ A P° hl Thlenea of Deerhorn was a busi- ae a visitor In Springfield Friday. D. O. Linton accompanied Mr Former Resident Here— M r and Vlalt Girl Scout Camp— Mr. and and Mrs. Goodman of California to Mrs. John Lambert and son of Pleasant H ill last week to visit Casper, Wyoming spent a few days Mrs. J. R. Fish and daughters, Alma Mark Goodman who wa» seriously in Springfield the past week visit­ •md Florence Bqlle, and Miss Pet­ erson motored to Lake Cleowox injured at the Lewis lumber cam ing with his aunt and uncle, Mr. last week. Hr. Linton with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lambert. M r Lam Sunday to bring home their daugh­ Moon called on friends at Pleasant bert left here 19 years ago while ter, Miss Charline, who has been attending the outing. H ill while here. a student In the high school. Return from T rip — Mrs Ella NOTICE OF HEARING ON Vacationing— M r and Mrs. C. F Lombard and daughter, Maurine. F IN A L ACCOUNT Barber and Mr. and Mrs. W. N. returned Monday evening from a NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN : Gossler and children spent the trip to the coast and Vancouver, That the undersigned admfnlstra week-end at the Clifford Wilson Washington. They left Saturday ♦or of the estate of Sarah Guthrie Aldrich, deceased, has filed his ac cabin on Horse creek Monday they with Mias Mabel Brown, a house count for the final settlement of were Joined by Mr«. Gossler’« sis guest, and spent the day at the raid estat- In the County Court for ter. Miss Geneva Bean of Portland beach, driving to Portland Sunday I ane County. Oregon, and that Sat­ who will spend a week with the to see the Frigate Constitution, urday, the 30th day of September '933 at the Court Room of said Barber and Gossler families at the then taking Mias Brown to her Court, In the County Court House cabin. Both Gossler and Barber are home at Vancouver, returning to n Eugene at ten o’clock In the fore­ working here during the week Springfield Monday. noon, ha been by said Court fixed ns ’ he time and place for hearing objections thereto, and for final set­ tlement of said estate. FRAN K ALDRICH, Adminis­ trator of the Estate of »arah Guthrie Aldrich, deceased. (Made in Springfield) L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. M ILK ' (A 24-.31 — S 7-14-21) * CREAM ♦B U TTE R ♦ ICE ♦ IC E CREAM These necessities you use every day should come from your modern home-creamery plant. Prom this sanitary plant with adequate refrigeration and from the hands of experienced people you are assured a safe product of highest quality, Ixft Maid () Cream do duty In your home. ♦ Ask your dealer io Eugene or Springfield for Maid O' Cream Butter Springfield Creamery Co. Naw York People Hare— Mr and Jasper R e s id e n t H e re — Mis Fred Mrs W illiam J Boehner and fam lly of New York City are visiting H ill« o f Ja sp e r s a . a visitor In with Mr. and Mrs. George William« S p rlliK fleid W edn esd ay at thslr Silver-Black F>x ranch above Rainbow Mr. Boehner la a HO P PICKERS UOOK8- Printed fur-buyer lu New York. ut the News Office. - Tuesday, Sept. 5th ! FALL TER M BEGINS ,h , . ° r“ l n , ‘ loca,e " W * A complete engine room was used ’ne ° f ,he b°pular books on nudism as a floating set for one of t h « |a” d an auth°c,(y on the subject vivid scenes, and a Puget 8ound I Thw TO,Ce 1,1 l'‘‘° Donnelly. a well tug was moved. In tow, from Seat known radio broadcaster, brings tie to San Pedro harbor for "close this deacriptlon to us from Ihe ! screen. ups.” Miss Dressier and Beery are I ... . seen actually operating this tug a. . ■ • " d~ M r « Marlon HFa I L. < oyner of Rend ap^nt Bunday In . . . Springfield visiting with her hus- An elaborate cast appears in the band who is assisting In the Haul new picture. Including Robert datlon of the Fro»t 10 if. . . — I r w n i n r l a I n ( s t a I ct H i i K a n « l« i^ Court House, ln Eugene at ten pounds in weight, the pain In my o’clock lu ihe forenoon, has been shoulder HAS E N T IR E L Y DISAP­ fixed by said Court as the time PEARED. During the time I w as, and place for hearing objections la k l"< Jhe Haitl' 1 rec«<»«'ni Production Control com Idlo of Ban Francisco. Fori Win nilites. The I'oiniliuillly t ’oininlt field Scott, Californio. Ford Wor- lee will receive application« tor I'eii, Washington, and Fort Lewi«. contracte, check the production and acreage figure« given on the nppIL Washington. liiKtruiiiviil« for which player« cal Iona, and secure «Imllar figures are «ought Include b flat cornels for lion applying grower«, and turn or trumpets, flutes, eluriuela, plc- them all over Io the County Con­ calo, tenor ur alto saxophone, dou­ trol committee. Till« commtttse will ble b fla t lias«, trombone and banjo (hen check Ihe figure« for Ihe en­ tire county again«) the average A number of Inexperienced men prod n il Ion of Ihe county for the may still he received for duly wllh pa«l five yeara i ml l«auc the allot­ Ihe Seventh Infantry. Vancouver ment«. The County rom m ille» will Barracks. Waahlngtun These open­ puhli«h ihe production and acreage ings will continue open during the figure« of each applicant, ami Ihe month of September. allotment he requeat» They are ! McDonald m anagem entio be 7s foC T ” “ 7 rac' a— tba who1* ,,c ta - ,ow. A1, UBCoter* 1 b> Prejudice and unbia. pllmentlng Mr and Mrs. W. H I Guests at Hotel— Jack Quayle of Mutinees from Monday t.^s Hucka. Deerhorn residents. The oc W hite Salmon. Washington, and _ L“ * * ,or Horn«— Mrs Georgia ,ncl#, , Te d , tgc nl- h, caalon was the 53rd wedding an i Edward A. Bolin of Portland were I . “ “ a“ d da“«b‘ «r. M is. Nettle day‘ jA Upper Willamette Î Second Wheat Meeting briday YOU VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING MUE IT ON THE SCREEN ®e?RY T « S ! — ALSOa- PLU S— “ PHANTOM With Ralph F o rb ii— All BROADCAST" Star Cast— Radio Mystery— Thrills! NOTE— The Colonial leased i’ a theater to Professor Femes for presentation of this picture after thorough Investigation. The picture fa strictly moral, interesting and instructive, and Is endorsed by church council«, Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. organi­ zations and others,— Gian Godfrey, manager, colonial. ’ 0 8 °^ Mickey Mouse Sc, !^u»esnT t o o N tt SON 8 p o rtr« « l Movlatona News I