T H U M D A Y , A V 0 U 9 T 24, IM I HOP PICKKRM BOOKS I at til* News Ofrica. THF S P R T N O F T IL D N Ä W B PAOB THREE Printed tb it seemed to grow greater In pro­ swiftly ovar th« Utles along th* portion to her regard for Robert abStvag. Her heart filled with sud Alnaworth. den pain. She loved him. She N O T IC I "All right,” she said. adored him! Thl feeling which OF FIN A L I I T T L I M I N T To her disappointment Joyce surged through her was the kind N olle* la hereby gl van that lottrd that she would have to wait of love she had dreamed about, for I Charlea I ’umphrey. I ha elacutor of a couple of day In order to obtain which she had wistfully yearned as James II Purnphrey. deceased, and th * car sii« wonted And when they a young girl. Instinctively, she re­ Of hla xatata baa filed hla final ac­ count and report aa such, and th* ran Into Ross and- (Tartce Emery. ign ised II Was love always partly court haa aet Halurday. the 2nd day Nell suggested their staying up In pain? Ainsworth was speaking, but of September, I »3J al Ihn hour of 10 > N O T IC I X»> C8-»v Kan Francisco a second night and he hardly beard what he was say o'clock In the forenoon In the Coun HOP PIC K IN O will start at Hop ly Courtroom at the Courthouse at making a party to go to th * theatre Ing. Synopsis — Joyce Ash Ion, poor lalanil rauch, W«dnaaday. August Eugene In luin« County, Oregon, s a l . while she lay and thought about and looked at him. appealing to hla together. - . „ . , , "Oh. damn the Inch! I mast have JO J. Hvavay Brou. n Ihe lime and p is o lo hear objec. I "••",,' * raph«r. auffarad loaa of mem hllu tolerance and understanding of ber The following day they started Ilona to the auma. If any. aud for " ry * • kldd,n« U x ‘cab accident left It In the city the last time. I'll Old he s te p on that wide couch difficulty. •loci' al about noon and drove to PIVK At'RKK Just south or Booth- th . final settlement of said estate " ‘ h,' a«0 <>»• morning two years lie smiled at her and In hla smile Manxanlta In the new roadster, a get It when I go ap next week If C IIA Itl.K H P U M I'IIR K Y . Exe-, later ah* woke, after a fall from , 'toiler the window, or out of doors Kolly mill pond, all fenced, Idaal I n n d , h X i r * r. a ,'??iiiray tr“ tOw7fd.' t f " h* ,,,n,OC,, um“ ’r lh- P " **-1 ‘ here w .a no trace of condsaceo beautiful car, but entirely unlike I can rem«mber to . . . I want to estar. (or chicken or roa ta r u ; 6-room I M PKT EH H( IN, Attorney. read you the one on the Eucalyptus find herself, as Prills, the wife of »1,« it.- m »...n i< ,.r , , ; ----- ~------ wttn in« u ltitu d e or stars gravely [ alon nor mockery nor bored dla- , toe 'Easter Egg.” for lta mirror unflnlahrd house. chicken Houax ' Nell Packard, rich California fruit Grove You'd Ilk» It ” He turned (A 3-10 17 24 31) pucker. Bhe determined to tell no- heaping watch overhead In the de»p gust It was a cheerful, completely , like enamel surface was a deep aud hoc bouaa; 3 good walla, body of her predicament but aet velvet of the sky* I understanding, even a grateful Mae. almost black. Joyce looked up Into his face atl- «prlng, «m ix timber; oua a im I ' SUMMONS hb,’U|lir |W|h* ' ‘¡h<‘ A" ’ h* *" ‘ h l* thought ' "mile, ft warmed Joyce to the tips His expression changed Three whole days since she had ently van ba cultlvuled. good r o a d | IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E ! ,.oiiv«rZatlon of her friends and let- ’ ‘""•'thing seemed to grip her her toes, made her feel us If b« abruptly. Suddenly he pat his hands j s te i Robert Ainsworth' That was I rad» lor Kugxnv prup«rty. I S T A T E OK GREGGN KOIt LANE ter» In her desk she gathered that heart, and she clenched her hands, had accepted her as a friend, a*. the thought which pushed all others on ber shoulders "Why don't you Pboba Eugen« 187. h 7 ( 't ) l ’ NTY. him ba(| been a heartless, pleasure suddenly. equal, not just a girl who might b« Into the background as they ap­ bring your aunt along as a chap­ < larlssa Homewood. Plaintiff vs loving young woman One letter ... . . .. . flirted w ith erone?” he demanded. He wa smil­ pro« ej,ed Manxgnlta Itoyd C Homewood, defendant. that troubled her was from a wo- ‘ ** wl*1 1 “ < ’v*‘ w “ h Robert N O T IC I TO CRKOITORS ing bat to Joyce's amazement hla To Boyd Homewood, defend ma’ signing herself, Sophie, blanr Ainsworth! "Nice g ir l!” he commented brie So Impatient was she to e voice shook. “ You . . . you can't --------- ____ ------- *,N, ,T H .K. NAM E OK T H E tng Frills for not giving a horns Thank God Nell was a wav J o v e ly -"Strength something to hit. Notice la hereby given that the un­ A,.ieworth again that It was not yet deralgued has been appointed Ad S T A T E OK OREGON you are here to a baby Sophie was caring for . . , , y' y on You c o u ld n ’t « a . a n v t h i« . . expect me to stay Impersonal much u ln la lra trlx of the Estate of Seth by ri'*lulr',‘l to appear and «ari answer Could i It ■ ir he her I baby, Krllls w won- bad ««ver valued the luxury of — orl » l a y a ny h ng to i nuor. the next day when she srrlved • 4 a V » » ii'i vw vs i v in ti' a lin i IR ify , r I H IS u n L 11 longer, yon know.” he continued, at H e entrance to the wood road undisturbed quiet more me any fletter than that.” ii. M c P h erso n , deceased, by th e Ihe complaint filed against you In de. d' She also found herself In " * ‘ X now very softly. "Not w htl- you're County Judge of Lane County* Ore- lh" entitled suit within four so lved In an affair with a man than on this particular night She When she was leaving Ainsworth and guided the new Duesenberg g«n. and that all persons having wa,‘'kl' Ar®*’ ‘ he first I named Maitland In San Krxn cisco »anted to forret even thins and ,a ld ' “D " xou ‘ htnlz X"“ can find ! (a ie iu lly down through the pines so . . . while you're such a sweet claims against said estate ars here publication ----- of ------------------------ -------- she u--------- v . i - her husband „ » . . . eryuimg ano this summons and If where went . - while . . child! I . . . I can't keept my hands Robert Aina- the way If you drive out somctlm. ?! ' to the rustic garag*. by required to present the same you fall to so answer the plaintiff was sway on buxines., she met " » " ^ • ’«‘ly off you. you lovely . . . adorable . . I ’m sort of looking forward to meet­ sufficiently evidenced, to the un­ will apply to Ihe court for a decree Robert Alnaworth, a poet whoa« worth When Joyce arrived at the shack . . beautiful— ” Very gently bis one ing Dickie. You’ll bring him sur a. u dersigned at her residence Route dissolving ihe bonds of matrimony work she had always admired -H- found Ainsworth engaged In arm slid about her shoulder', and ,,u r' n« ,h * » ' ” however, won't you?*' I Springfield, Oregon, on or before now existing between plaintiff and When Joyce return«! home, rhe de giving his horse a thorough curry he drew her close to him Then etx months from the first publics defendant herein and granting un­ elded to be i leaaanter to Nall than «•>* Inevitable reaction occurred. ’’Oh. yes. I can find that back Ir.g He »topped and came to wel­ tlon of thia notice, which first pule to plaintiff an absolute divorce Krllls had been. But this line was Doubts and fears plunged her down he bent hla head and laid hla cheek from the defendant; and for the dangerous. t»o. for Nell was path«- ,||„stro u sly from the heights of road and I ’ll bring Dickie But . I leaf Ion will be August 3rd. 1833 come her and Dickie, displaying a | against hers as he murmured the h t b l l a a . M c P h e r s o n . Ad cere end custody of Wallace Dele '¿‘A,ly exaltation 1«. frequent moods of but I can't help worrying about . . .' on si satisfactory amount of e n -; last words. His arms tightened Homewood the minor child of the love At his requeat they call on ; ; ; ------- -■ --------- ” I ab ou t In tn r m n tin « wo.,»” tnlnlstratrlx Aforesaid fbuaiasm. Nell's mother, whom Joyce find« black uncertainty and hopelessness. rrnptlng you marriage. around Joyce's yielding form. (A 2 1017-3411) This summons Is published once adorable. NOW OO ON W IT H T H E W here could this end. this delight : T orget It! While Claud Alfred’s Aftei a stick had been thrown for (TO BE C O N T IN U E O ) each week for four consecutive STORY. ful, this miraculous nyetlng? She awaX I do as I damn' please In th« Dickie until the little dog was N O T IC I weeks In the Springfield News by ... —— —— w(ii) „,„,.,,1,.^ l(J jjp ii ,,ackard yet m« ‘ ter of visitors. I often work at weary and panting. Robert and Son Born in Montana«— Mr. and OF F IN A L H T T L I M I N T order of the Hon G K Hklpworth. And you live here all alone a ril fo r,.ed m is undeniable n,« h‘ “ *»• xou see. T h e re Isn’t much Joyce talked. An t .ir usual, the Mrs. Francis Bench of this city Notice la hereby given that Mar Judge of said court, made on Aug write?” asked Joyce tin P. Olsen the Executor of the uet 16th, 1*83, directing that It be fa d upon her consciousness, there ‘ ha1’* more tempting to do out world drifted for Joyce far away have received news of the birth of Estate of C. L. Olsen, deceased, has Dated and first publish' d August "You forget Claud Alfred." re stale Into her mind Ihe disturbing here *« I tear off quite a bit each • rom this lonely spot a son. Gordon Dean, to their eon filed hla Final Report and Account 17th. 1833 piled Ainsworth with s smile. thought. “ But that was why I was ’ wenty-four hours Just whenever and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs aa such, and the Court has sat Sat- W H IT T E N HW AKKoRD, At­ 'lov.ard the end of the afternoon Joyce giggled at the fiction of holding Nell off all this time . . . ) ' Hke It. No particular hurry. John Bench, at Billings. Montana. urday, the 38th day of August. 1883 torney for Plaintiff Residence they happened to be Inside the at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the and Poat office address: Ku ('laud Alfred. Why hud she known wa, waiting for Robert!” How • ,‘ h* r -” forenoon. U the Conty Conrt Room gene. Oregon, from the first that there was no ,-ould she be Nell's wife now? She dismounted from Rosita Just liou-r for a moment, standing In In the Court House at Eugene In (A 17-24 31- 8 7-18) Claud Alfred Tremayne? Every heart best was lifting her on M Nel1 0 Irresistible wave of longing »«•’ When be Joined her and they Ainsworth huntMl for a volume ot TROUBLE NOW GO t i t aud place Io hear objections to the same. If any. and for the final set tsred Items of Information, lhai i,nd « » ••P in « her toward the other '"xned toward the house together. poems whieh he had mentioned and John J. Davis had chronic consti­ SUMMONS from which he wanted to read to pation for six years. By using Ad- tlement of said Estate man. a he said. "Been out long. Krllls?” IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OK T H E I ,hU hl" r,a l he* d<‘ u“ r- her. lerlka he soon got rid of It. and M A R TIN P OLSEN. Executor Joyce was in bed before Nell got Why, most all day. It was so S T A T E OK OREGON KOR *"r»- ,raI" » b‘eh he went away W ELLS A W KLLK. Attorneys Joyce watched hiui as he bent feels like a new peri"'’» A d krlka home that night and the nest morn ,O,r* ,y >nd ’ h ,d my lnnch so 1 keP‘ LANK CO UN TY. every few months and stayed In la quick acting—sa KUnery’s (J 37—A 3 181724) over the bookcase, his eyes running Drug Store. log. a little ashamed of her coward * ” ln'‘ ,arth ‘‘r ,nd ,a r‘ her " Jessie K l^eep. Nellie R. Leep and Kan Kranclsco. New York. New Or 1 WB* of hoping you'd feel NO TIC E TO C R E D IT O R * leans. Kt. Augustine, Boston or vert- Ice. she remained In her room until Kald E. Ryan, Plaintiffs. va. like a ride with me hnt— ’’ James Bristow. Mollie he had left for the day. pretending Bristow, I »us middle west cities. He had now Notice la hereby given that the Frank Bristow. Clara Bristow ,; b»-en at the shack for three montba to be asleep when he knocked gen 1 m "orrX- NelL But I really undersigned has beea appointed by Jessie Horsell. Fred Hornell, tly before he finally departed. She am ,lred- 1 w* n‘ pretty far." the County Court of the State of and expected to stay until he fin­ Blanche Graham. James Graham. Oregon for l.ane County, Adminis­ got up as soon as she heard bis " a.?t *° g° 0¥er to Pau,’s ‘ ° ’ Karl Carnahan. Kern Carnahan, ished his present book, which trator of the estate of MAY Mary Mers. John Mers. Milton would probably be about two more car roll oat of the drive, dressed In l,,Rht? wen‘ OD Neil- "he's leaving MOYLES, Deceased All persons _____ her riding habit, and ate a hurried “ cou,p,e ot now- • * "aid Carnahan. Helen Carnahan. Ot­ months having claims against said estate well Bristow. Theodor« Bristow. When he reluctantly decided she breakfast. She pretended to herself ? ” * mo"1 his plans all are hereby required to present the Charles Wheeler, unknown _ heirs must start back to Manxanlta. that she was simply going for a same, properly verified and with the 1 11 111 ra,M 01,1 I’aul of Martha 8. Bristow, deceased, vouchers therefor, to the under unknown heirs of Isaac V. H. Ainsworth suggested riding part of long ride. She told herself that It yCe blt ber lipa and ‘ rownpd signed at the law office of Gordon Bristow, deceased, alao all other the wav with her. to the point »as too soon to make another call a'' Mhe ,riw * ‘ ° d awlnE reln •> ‘ h® parting place ‘ <>u»d herself at the foot of the Nell did not urge her and at din­ Boyles, Deceased. (A 3-10-1724-31) helra of Martha 8. Bristow, de Ainsworth gave her an Inquiring • Irall. Suddenly she heard horse’s ner. after hla first few attempts at conversation had met with va­ ','•"""<1' unknown heirs of Isaac V. look, and Joyce knew that he waa hoofs behind her. gue. abaentmlnded replies, he fin-j J '; ..* ’ 1 ‘‘ «‘•«•••"L «!»«> all other ,,iM)Ut to ai(k h«r if hH Intghl no, "Hullo." exclaimed Robert Ains­ porxona or parties unknown claim Isbed the meal in silence. Ing auy right, title, estate, leln or *" a*'‘' her worth. coming up at a gallop. ”1 The next morning during break Interest In the real property des .'T H I'll come soon. ..................... ........— out - - again — ---------- » • " J"«t thinking as I rode along .... .. Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN crlbed In the complaint herein De 4io said quickly and apUM-ad her that to have to ..... '......• J * d udd(!n|X- Ne‘l. Im eat lunch alone on so , lck h)deon|l , fendants. Naturopathic Physician horae to a galloping start. She such ‘° I - ‘«h I .«mid turn It IN T H E N A M E OK T H E S T A T E Wllv . OK ORKOON. You are hereby w,,v*d her hand without looking the angels weep! Phon* 81-J In and get a different one Would j required to appear and answer the ‘«“ 'k- Joyce's heart lightened at a you mind?" Office Hours: 1 to I H. It amended filed au.t against Joyce rode In a d. date M e-; J h„UI1(, n « « , « .. j .. you in the complaint above entitled with ( hanlc.lly she home undremo bathed ,. . h i o X « V Nell grinned "Well. I never did 408 Fourth Ktreet i In four wppki from the date of the , . . . . . .. whatever you like about It and if you fall to so appear or an dl""«,r retreated to her d, Sh " “ ’ " j o u use about it. «wer for want thereof the plaintiff-, room and settled herself luxurious .e?. L . . " . r l a .’ * lad' <,a'1 " H I drove the Duesenberg that she hsd come! And during the up to the city today, do you think I will take a decree against you |y on the couch. Watchmaker and Jawalar quieting the title to the following all. u ,i..r..i ......... .. three hours she stayed with Robert I could make the exchange right described real property: S"’ ay n her *r«nc* Ainsworth, eating lunch with him S P R IN G F IE L D off without too much red tape?” Bo. Pacific Watch Inspector Southeast quarter of the North- held both of Robert Alna helping him wash the dishes, and ‘‘Oh. yes. I don't believe you'd First Class Work at Reasonable east quarter and the Northeast worth's books, fingering them listening to his nonsense, she con­ Serve Yourself and Save! Prices. have any trouble. How about run­ quarter of the Southeast quarter stroking them with worshiping fin tinued to be glad of section 11 and Ihe W e it one' ning up and taking in a show lo- half of th . Northwest quarter and ° ^ n' n’ ' b,‘ ‘ ° ¥" a * lanc,n‘ The conversation was kept, as If night and driving back tomorrow’ the West one half of th . South ,h ' flra< laatlng. and by , an<, business to see’ n General Law Practice west quarter of Section 12. all in then putting off the delights of tering impersonal .n i. J , "»mess to see in Township 17 8outh Range 10 reading ... " r <’nal ‘ he city and I'd like to drive up I. M. PffTERBON r « e ‘ C o u M v ' X ,J : « M’ r,d ,,n Hh- w»"d* * I how the shack men,’, ’ ” ^ ’‘X a r T ^ T ' y° “ " N* ‘‘ Attorney «t-Ldiw bane County. Oregon. . . , . . . . * ..* » * .* < , r,,en'"- «np remarked in a pause. Joyce sighed inwardly. She did city Hall Building and that each of you bo decreed to loo'“ ‘d “ ‘ "*«ht. what Robert Alns -But |-m g>V|,1)c The Roj(e Adobe not want to h ' 77 E. BROADWAY have no right, title, estato. lion or worth was doing at that moment „ | t„ | p |Onr,,r . . , . . , . . . ' 8h had EUGENE. OREGON Hprlugfleld, Oregon Interest In or ,o the aforesaid pre -------------------------------------------------------- u * ’ auch rl*"la‘ ''a‘ or of the th e re alw .v « a" «aministrator or Estate the Estate there s «‘ lw »nys seems o{ Martha Wanace, deceased, and Represented By THE for the sum of One Thousand’Two to be something to bite on SUMMONS n« •- She that ten o’clock In the forenoon of ¡IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OK T H E a L 2 5 O n ) . nnd*for The' fu rth ^ s u m f * “ **’ ’ a,,dd,‘,l|X overcome by the Saturday, the 28th day of August. W O M AN E. H. TURNER STA TE OK OREOON KOR of Forty twxi and 4(1-100 Dollar», ‘ •“ ‘ ■•‘ y of her groping for words ,183'L “ ‘ th® court rooni ‘ hereof I.A N E CO UN TY (842.481 as Interest thereon, and --- ------------------------------------------------- — R“ * en®- Oregon have been by 848 A 8L Springfield. Grw. Jens S. Scott. Minnie M Scot,. W ll for the further sum of One Hund NO TIC E OF SH E R IF F 'S 8A LE ‘ *Je 5 ° ur‘ »PPointed and fixed aa lard L. Cochran, L. Maurle Coch red Dollars (tlOO.GOl as attorney’s M n T jn e i u . the time and place for hearing ob- rsn and C I. Anderson. Plaintiffs fees and for costa and disburse k lauh" eby K' v,,n that 1 > c‘ oni' aald report and for the va meats an final settlement of the estate of IllflUN taxed lUAUtl at Ul the sum NUIII of U1 324.80 869.OV. ,avP . my « h,nds j * for » "«rvlce . --- POOLE - GRAY L. Z. McVay, John Dewey Campbell, and said execution to me directed. ?Ut ?f 4 be C,rcu“ said deceased. W A LTE H - PRICE, Admlnletra- Ixils J. Campbell, Unknown heirs commanding me In the name of the , ,, , ®,a,p of 52rpg0,n- t0T BARTHOLO M EW .......... In ... order to . satisfy ....... ___ ___ . °_ — f . ‘ or ° f •“ « Estate of Martha I of Daniel McVay, deceased. Mvr State of Oregon. day ” 38, ,no a tRUll C . lie H. Adams, R. Jerry Adams. said Judgment, Interest, attorney’s and s, ; dle B H » wa *re A. E. W H E E L E R Attorney, Alfred K. W alker, Malden Walker. fees, costs of suit, and accruing Formerly Walker-Poole . ?d . i ia r o,d J- L y n a rd (J 27— A 3-18-17-24) Mrs. Halden W alker, Alao all costa, to sell the following des crlbed real property. to-w,t: ?nd MarJorte V Leonard are de ------------------------------ other persons or parties unknown The southwest quarter of th» j , ndan‘ " and wh’ch “ ld M w utlo n A D M IN ISTR A TO R 'S claiming nny right title estate EU G EN E—-llth 8P H IN G K IE LD northwest (.uarter of section 10 1 " la8U’* ‘ on ■ decree that is en- lien or Interest In the real pro­ NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL and Cbarnelton. 238 Main In Township 18 south of range 2 i ’ ypd of r®c° rd ln ,ald perty described In the complaint j PROPERTY west of the W illam ette Meridian 15 ? day ” 1 August, 1933 and which Taiepuon* 783 Phone 83-J herein. Defendants. nnd alao the east half of the "aid execution order« me. the tin -, In the m atter of the estate ot Knute To L. Z. McVay, Unknown heirs O. Husby, deceased, ef Daniel McVay, deceased. Alfred j southwest quarter and the north- "»'X^gned sheriff, for Ihe purposes Notice Is hereby given that under K Walker. Hnlden W alker, M rs .; west quarter of the southwest I , sa‘J">yinK the personal decree quarter of section 10 township * , plaintiffs In the sum of and by virtue of an order of the Halden W alker, Alao all other per­ sona or parties unknown claiming i 18 south of range 2 west of the »‘ s,,° o0 with Interest thereon at County Court of Lane County, Ore- per a" num from gon, duly made by the Hon Fred nny right, title, estate, lien or In -' W lllam ette Meridian. In Lane , ,,rai e » u *’ 1980 until paid and the Fisk. Judge of said Court on the teres, In the real property des ; County, State of Oregon. The southwest quarter of the Jur‘ her sum of $160.00 Attorney’s 18th day of August, 1933, authoriz- crlbed In the complaint herein, De­ Houthwest quarter of section 10 , s and ’'O"*" and disbursements ing and directing J. A. Gibson, the • T H E DIFFERENCE m fuel cost. betweeR fendants In Township 16 south of range 2 ‘ ‘ »xod al $24.46. to sell Ihe Administrator of said Estate, to IN T H E NAM E OK T H E STATE old fashioned Heme cooltiug end the west of the W illam ette Meridian,: hereinafter described real property sell as such Administrator the real OK OREOON: You nre hereby re­ containing 40 acres. In Lane n’anpot' provided by law. property of said Estate hereinafter modem efficiency of electricity wlN «eldem quired to appear nnd nnawer the County, Oregon. j ° u B ,s hereby further given described. I will, from and after complaint filed against you In the exceed 3 cents e dey. The»»aving in food NOW, TH E R E FO R E , In the name ‘ h"‘ "X virtue of the foregoing I the 16th day of Sept., 1933, at the n hove entitled suit within four ....... the date ... of the State of Oregon, ln eompll- * on Saturday the 16th day of office of Wells A Wells. Bank of| weeks from of the flrat shrinkage eloste wiN »eve port or a l o f this IT COSTS NOTHING nuhlteatlon of this summons, and ance with the said execution and ■’ eptenther. 1933 at one o’clock In Commerce Rldg., Eugene, Oregon. TO FIND OUT. . . . difference, end how wonderful It it to use If you full Io so appear * ’d day. a*. ear or answer I order of sale, and In order to satisfy anernoon of j * said a, ,be the Proceed proceed to sell for cash at private Unknown to you. your eyes for want thereof the plaintiffs will said Judgment, Including Interest. ,,on‘ h and ma*n door of the Lane sale, the following described rer.l a fuel so dean diet the bottom of yo,« may be defective. The only way take a decree against I you quieting j attorney's fees, costs of suit and • oun‘ X Court Mouse In Eugene, property, to-wlt: of detecting poor sight Is by an cooking utenvib w * not e o l your vlng described accruing costs. I will, on Saturday. County. Oregon, offer for sale Lot« numbered Three (3), the title to the following eyesight examination. Many the 9th day of September. 1933. at and ” ‘H public auction for cash Four (4) and Six (6) of Section real property: handkerchief. Cook the em dem, conven­ years of practical experience In Lots one. four and five of thp hour of One o’clock ln the J i, G I’ lRheet bidder all the right Five (5) In Township Twenty (20) optometry assures you a thoro­ ient, electrical way. Electricity b the per­ and Interest of the aforesaid Rrooklyn as platted and of re­ afternoon of aald day, at the South- , South of Range Eleven (11) Weet ugh and scientific eye exami­ west front door of the County Court dp‘ondnn,a and all parties claiming cord In Lane County. Oregon. of the W illam ette Meridian. In fect zervenL nation, and If glasses are cot re­ and that nnch of you he decreed to Mouse In Eugene, Lane County. “ 'rough or under them and by. Iaine County, Oregon; and Lot quired you will be told so frank ihnve no right, title, estate. Hen or Oregon, offer for sale and sell for ‘ hrough or under Catherine J. Mil- number One (1) of Section Six ly when you come to this office. ¡Interest In nr to the aforesaid pre­ cash. at public auctlom, subject to ,er-deceased or any of them. In nnd In Township Twenty (20) South And It w ill eoet you nothing redemption as provided by law, all following described renl pro­ mises or any part thereof. Range Eleven ( I I ) West of the for the examination. of Ihe right, title and Interest of Pp r,X : The order directing the service of W illamette Meridian. In I«ane If glasses are needed they will 'his summons by the publication the said Defendants. Lawrence County, Oregon; The West sixty (60) feet of be Pitted not only to as to cor­ | thereof Is dated August 2nd, 1933 Truesdale. Rosie M Truesdale, R Lol seven (71 In Block One (1) or so much thereof as may be nec­ rect your vision, but will be at­ end direr,s publication once each II Webster, Jane Doe Webster, rfav of the Lizzie Luckey Addition to essary. Said real property to be tractive and comfortable as well. for four successive weeks and the Mansfield, Jane Doe Mansfield, and Eugene. Lane County, Oregon. sold to the highest bidder for cash The charges are very reason­ date of the first puhlleatlon of this all persons claiming by. through, or for the highest price obtainable, Registered Title. M O U N T A W S TA TES able. under them or either of them. In POWIR COMPANY summons Is August 3rd, 1933. subject to confirmation by the and Io the said premises. C. A W IN T E R M E IE R , Attor­ aforesaid County Court. DR. ELLA MEADE Dated August 17th, 1933. ney for plaintiffs Residence. C. A 8W A R T8, Sheriff of Lane J A. GIBSON, Administrator. Optometrist County. Eugene. Oregon. C. A. 8W A R T 8 , Sheriff. W ELLS A W ELLS. Attorney». 41 Weal Mh Eugene (A 3-18-17 24-81) (A 18-17-14-31— 8 7) (A 17-34 81—8 7-14) (A 17-24-31— 8 7-14) /I 'AKENE WCSÄAK tllN O R • t IM BARRY Save M o n ey On Hop Pickers’ Clothing Supplies Business Directory E d w a rd C. P riv a t SHOES SOX SHIRTS OVERALLS GLOVES Williams’ Self Service Store Reliance Life Insurance Co. PAYS Funeral Directors W o u ld You Scour Pots and Pans for 3C a D a y ? $