*■ ,,, oua Mat I lili: THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS I IK T II Y K A It DEATH OF PASTOR No 33 HPIUNOFIKLD, I^ANK COUNTY, OKKOON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 24. 1933 Baker Reunion Near Jefferson BALL CLUB PLANS yungalla hip fiaal M G am ' Hrm s SCHOOL BOARD PICKERS START ■lenMore G ,l Blue Eagles o M f j HOP GATHERING Relatives of Springfield Cou­ Local Campaign Show« Little Team« Linqd Up for Third Unexpected Passing of Rev. ple Hold Annual Gathering; Playing of Postponed Game' and Deciding Event on Brat- Earliest Varieties Being Har- Activity Thit Week; Poet- Directors Prepare Contracts Win. G. Tnylor Brings Many Many Join in Outing office Gets Instructions tain Field Friday; Start 6:10 Necessary After Defeat By vested Now; Main Crop« for Eight-Month Term; Re­ Expressions of Sorrow Hills Creek Here Sunday » Come About September b duction in Salaries Made Anutiul reiiiiluii of members of Names of ten more firms were Itlv a l ha sella 11 teams of the lb* I W Baker family waa held added to the Blue Eagle honor roll . Springfield's lissehall leu in ended Springfield l.lons elub will meet on Brattuln field Friday evening PAY IS $1.00 A HUNDRED ,,t the local poatofflce during the HIRE NEW H. S. TEACHER Ils official schedule In the Cascade representation n( relatives present . _____ _ _ P«»( WM*k reports F B. Hamlin. Baptist Pastor Worked Quiet­ A huaebull game heiw<-»ii th« rein league Holiday by liming the game at 6 10 o'clock to play their third . Nearly Three Fourth of Crops postmaster They are: The lamp Tax Delinquency, Increasing and dec iding game of the season. ly and Alone in Ministering fives living north of Jefferson with to Hills Creek 10 1. hut will go to Th* Lion tamer's captained by W Contracted at Prices Below by V. J. Daniels; Sharmon (Jas Debt, High Millage Leads Yoncalla Sunday to play off a posi­ those living In the south ended In Station by Frank Shannon; Pacific to Many of City's Needy K Buell. had little difficulty la 25 Cents Say Big Growers to $10.000 Operation Cut tioned game which. If won by n vlelory for the southerners IK S Telephone w,,d Telegraph company , winning the aicotid game of the Springfield. will place thL, team In Seldom has a community reacted A large plenle dinner #»> also en Picking of early hop» began on a by Zella Cantrell; Nelson'» Shoel x draatlc cut In the operation ex- aerie« at Swimmer's Delight last a tie plaee with IIIlia Creek again us sym pathetically »1 the death of Joyed. Friday evening IS 5 sm all scale In this district /e s te r Shop by J. A. N elson , IT ! vat's penaes of the Hprlngfleld schools for the league pennant, thereby re­ one of Ils number as did residents Those att titling the reunion wen Th* tallt wlatera, under H. O. day. and will be in full »wing wl'h Jewelry Store by Ed O. l’rivat; for jbp coming year was made at a of this smalt city Monday evening Mr and Mrs Halier, Mr. and Mrs quiring atlll another gam Dibble*, used many of the young 'in the next week according to Htgnal Oil Company by Frank C. I special meeting of the school hoard and Tuesday when they first learn Ale» Stevens. Mr. and Mr* Alva The game was won by the visit ladles of Hprlngfleld on their team growers. Picking began Wedn »day Jones; West Springfield Service Monday night. Eight months of ed of the passing of R«tv William Mc I " son. Mr and Mrs Harold j of» In the seventh Inning when they when unable to muster full at the Anderson yards, and was to Station by O. D. Wharton; Went «chool will be taught with a payroll <1 Taylor, pastor of the First Hap- Mi start thia morning at the L. 8. Side Tira Shop by H. C. B aldw in; | ,)f »18.380. Last year »28.323 was i n. Mr. and Mrs Austin took advantage of errors and base strength. list church lie died nt the Pacific Mi hereon, all of Kprlrgfteld, Mi hits to pile up six runs t ’nttl that Chrlatofferson yard on Patterson the Springfield Electric Snarly by budgeted for the»* sam e Items on Fred Walker, veteran umpire of Island, and at one yard near Har 61. A. Pohl; am/ R. Plrrie and Son a nine months school term, hospital In Eugene Monday veiling unit Mr» 'i sal I’eari e of Eugene; time the game had been abattle the Lions club, was undaunted as of lom pllialloR s following a major Mrs ( hurle building contractors. Saving* In the operation expen art» of Mureola, Mr royal hatween the two pitchers. he marched out onto the field dress­ rtsbarg. operation performed a week earlier. and Mis Jot Mauney and Mulligan. Mulligan re­ Graham. Mr and Picking will give employment to Seoono Eagle Supply Gone yes of the Springfield sehool dta- ed In light trouaera and a white (in every longue were expres­ Mrs It 1, V „,*« Thelma Graham. tired In the seventh with three on The »«cond supply of Blue Eagles trlct totaling over »10.000 have now shirt, carrying a yardstick In hla rnore than 100« persons here this sions of sorrow and regr-l that the Mr and Mr* I ,wi d Gruhum ano and th - n It was Just a que tlon of hand with which to measure hla season. The Heavy Brothers yards arrived at the poatofflce this week been made by the present board Mrs. Ernest how large the si-ore would b e The decisions Hut even this did not I community had to lose such u cap­ baby, and Mr an Hop wh*re P,tk ln < wl" bu' ha!* alr*a city Ington later aa several of those who sign­ question aa to which team the dif­ hail only the highest regard for ed early fall to appear for the pick­ elopment In the NRA campaign In ing expenses for two reasons. More Mr and Mrs Ituk r are maklna faultless support. ferent members are on. Buell and Springfield this week. A good many than half of the taxes in the dis­ ing, says Jesse Seavey. h * friendship Thu»- who did not j their home on East Main street in How the Game Went Dlhblee got together this week and gel as well acquainted liked and | Hprlsgfleld l.a I summer the an of the merchants who have signed trict are delinquent and there la a The summary of the Sunday selected their teams from the on- Pickers to Get »1.00 the blanket agreement or codes »15.000 warrant debt outstanding. le s iie r te d him H e had llo enemies. miai reunion held at their game as record«! fcr the New» by Pickers will be paid at the ratp tire member-hip of the club and are expressing them selves this The other reason was that the total hul had made many friendships by hum* here. ! Clark Wheaton la aa follow - those outsiders who have played of »1.00 per hundred pound*. Tht* his untiring efforts and work to I S p rin g fie ld Ab K H Po A E with the tearae during either of was the price set some time ago by week on another p e-e of the News. m illage 85.6 In Springfield last year Others have already announced Is considered far beyond the aver­ assist the poor and needy He did Perkins. 2b. 1 2 the first two game*. Only these will the growers and agreed to at that their position. Among these Is Jim­ age taxpayers ability to pay Mem­ not go about proclaiming Ills deeds time, say leading growers. F Squires, lb. 0 12 he eligible for the final game. l-ul worked so quietly that only a D. Wright aa, 2 3 It la impossible for growers to mie's Cleaning Shop operated by bers of the board stated that the Team Member» Named few other than the receplents of O. Wright, cf. pay more thia year as 75 per cent James Mitchell who has signed the city should be called on to make M mbers on Dtbhlee's team are his efforts knew of his work I Mulligan, p. cf. of the current crop has or will be code adopted by the Eugene clean­ like reductions in budget expendi­ C. F Barber. P. J. Bartholomew. Was a Young Man Taylor. If. sold for lea than 25 cents Many of ers. Hereafter all prices for clean­ tures thl* year for without help M C Kirkland. E C. Stuart. John And he was still a young man. the growers having signed con­ ing and pressing will be the same from other tax-levying bodies even Sword, p. D. Pyle. N L. Pollard. J. W An the »10.000 saving will look small not yet having reached his thirty tracts aa low a* 16 c-enta, accord- in both cities says Mr. Mitchell. Bchull, p. derwm. I. M Paterson compared with city, county and -arson Mr. Chrlatofferson. w oo la New instructions received from first birthday. Horn In Kret a. fa r Dies at Home of Daughter Thatcher, rf. Wright, L. C. Moffitt. W N. Go»» state taxes. time»». Scotland on December *1 MutllSon. 3h , secretary for th« growers In thia the Department of Commerce at Here Sunday; Born at A«h- ler and Alton Roberson. New Salaries Listed Washington which Is handling the •d istrict. 1903. he came to Panada while a Peebles, c, Salaries for the coming year win land, Oregon in 1857 Huell will be aaaiated by the fol- |, ba also been estimated that Blue Eagle distribution were r» youth, and devoted many years to be »80 a month for grad* school tils work with the Hank of Panada 30 1 6 27 14 8 lowing team C. P. Poole, Dr. W C. l from one-half to three-fourths of reived this week by the local post- Totals Mrs Mary E Newman. 76. died teachers, and »105 a month for Rebhan. O H Murphy. F B Flan thp lor„ crop VPar a|rPady office. In 182« he was In Minneapolis. Sunday morning at the horn* of her , grade principals. In the high school E , ery. F B Hamlin. Norwald Nelson liWen rontracte<, Ab R H Po A Want Consumer Cards Back M in n e so ta « rn d u n tln g fro m the daughter Mrs Cheron Cogiti. 1012 | Hills Creek | teachers will be paid from »90 to 0 Clifford Stalaberg. H E Maxey. W Yield , , Better Thia Year 6 1 2 1 0 One paragraph tells of the m»n- Northwestern Hlhl school, afte, , North Seventh street. Hprlngfleld Mathews, ef. a month for eight months. The 1 F Walker. Jean Thompson. Thel Hops w ||| y(plu bpttpr aeag _»< I principal will .. be paid a month 0 rear Nelson, leroy Inman, and Dean , , han they lagt ypar glthouKh wp are checked. It says that all certl- ~ . _ »150 . ______ 0 training He had barely completed Ashland. Oregon and had been a Stenchell. c. 01* I olndexter do not expect to harvest a bumper flcates of compliance sent In by the for nine months. Saving» of <700 1 Parka, rf, this, however when hla father, who resident of Lane county for many a year had previonaly been made in Walker will relinquish hla post crop, says Mr. Seavey. poatofflce will be checked against 0 was pastor of the First Baptist year prior to her death She was G. Kelsay. 3h tlon aa umpire for thia game in | Lane county and a small pi rtlon the signed re“ntploym*nt agree­ the Janitor service. 1 Tinker. If. < liurrh nt Riceville, Iowa, died aud a member of the Christian church The board elected Mias Emma _ . „ _ 01 favor of a neutral man, Everett of Linn county la expected to pro­ ments returned to them, and that , . E Lau »on. 2b 1 dtuly. and he was called to take of Eugene. , . ,, . . . . Jean Stephens of Moro. Oregon, to q | Squires. Clark Wheaton has pro duce 7000 hale thfa year. Thia any violation of the procedure will i . .. . Baxter, as. 1 over hla father's work He remain E ig h t sons, John I I . and Isa ac ol 0 tnlaed to record the score If the amount may be reduced to 6500 due oe turned over to NRA at W ash­ fill the vacancy of Miss Morrtsoa. Mauney. p. 3 ed there for five yearn resigned in the domestic science E u g e n e ; t.e s te r, E lm e r. H e rm a n . _ Lions club will furnish him with ’ to the ravages of the red spider and ington for action. department. The new teacher la a Married In 1831 and Curtis of Signs). Frunk of ToUla 43 10 11 27 « j | sufficient paper and pencils with ' oth r diseases, says Mr. Christof- The second paragraph Instructs He then went to lx»« Angeles | ewlstnn. Idaho, end Claude Virgil | whlch to record the errors ferson. He estim ates that the Iota! the postmaster to hold all Con­ graduate of Oregon State college where ha waa married to Miss ,,f Wendltng, survive, aa do two I Earned runs. Hilla Creek 3; txtsers In the contest Friday will | acreage In the district to be 108t> sumer's Statem ent of Cooperation and has done other advanced work base hits. Mauney; base on . , . . , 7 Dornlhy Corning on June 26. 1931 daughters. Mrs J Lal-nnde of Rich­ three , .. . », , . i have to entertain the winners w th acres old hops and 385 acres new cards until further notice. Retailers in domestic science. She passed (toe month Inter he and hla bride mond Oregon, and Mrs Coglll, be halls. Mulligan 2. Mauney 1; le f t 1 another picnic, or a dinner at Tay hops. One of the beat fields of new and other* who have distributed the entrance examinations with the '' T '? ' lor hall later In the fall went to Prineville. Oregon where hi- sid e, 21 gritnd. hlldr.-n and 7 great ¡ ?" .’’J.'.:':' S’’: 1" * '* 1.“ | highest 'grade made at either O re hops fn this district Is that at the the consumer* enstgna and w h o ; Wild pitch, Mulligan 1. Sword 2; served a supply pastor until Hept I grandchildren She Is also survived gon State college or the University The general public is invited to Seavey Hop Island where the new are holding the signed cards a r e ; whpn gfap bejfan hpr frp8bm, n ye, r ember when he accepted a call to j by her stepmother. Mrs. Amanda First Base on error Hills Creek 8 turn out and watch this contest. plants have attained a height of asked to return them to the post- 8bp wag a,go ralp(Jlctfir,an of her the pastorale of th. Springfield Wvcoff of Spokane. Washington; Strut k out by Mauney 7. Mulligan 4 11 feet. office at once. church class at college. a half »later, Mr* Ix’ttle Hartle of Su. -,I l Passed balls. Peebles 1; Hop V a rietie s Explained hit bv pitcher. Mulligan 1. Mau­ Included among his survivors are Spokane. Washington; and three Hops are commonly divided into his widow, Mrs Dorothy Taylor; half brother*. Harry. Morton and ney 1. WEATHER INCREASES three groups according to Mr his mother. Mrs W G Taylor of t’ryat Miller of Nex Perce. Idaho FIRE HAZARD IN VALLEY Chrtatofferaon. The first of these Riceville; a sister. Mrs Guy llynrs The funeral aervlces were held TJVO ACCIDENTS OCCUR being the Fuggte variety which ts of Elyrln. Iowa and two sl-ters Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock The hottest weather of the sum­ commonly known as the early hop», IN CITY ON SATURDAY Margaret and Anne, und one from the Hranstetter-8lmnn chapel mer accompanied by a very low There are comparatively few of brother. Hums, all of Riceville In Eugene Dr E V. Stiver- offi­ humidity was reported from the Mc­ these In the county. The others are Two motor accidents In which no Kenzie valley this week. A t*the Other rela’l v » survive In Scotland ciated. und Interment was made In persons were Injured and only Freda Fellows Becomes Bride known as the early and late cina- Many Attend Funeral same time a heavy wind from the l-aurel Grove cemetery. small property damage was sus of Roy Lee at Beautiful ' ,er« The ear|.v cluster hops come Resident of Creswell for 37 east caused a fresh and serious Funeral service* were held from ta llie d occurred in Springfield Sat­ Home Ceremony Sunday on ’ hor“ y “fter ,hp and Years Passes at Hospital: outbreak of the fire in the Mt. 1 hutch w . dm I ly afternoon at LODGE CONDITION SOUND urday evening according to reports are followed usually a few days 2 o'clock with Itev Alfred Daniel- I Nebo region where 2400 acres were Has Relatives in England filed at the City Hall Both occur- Miss Freda Fellows, sister cf Mrs later by the late clusters. The pick NOBLE GRAND REPORTS son, paator of the llaptl»t church burned over about two weeks ago. red on Fifth strew». H. o. Dlbhlee. became the bride of Ing of the main crop will start Pen 1 officiating He waa a »1st | John Beak, resident of the Cres­ About 260 C. C. C. boys from Wend- about September 5 this year. The The first at 8 p. m. resulted In Roy Ix>e of Stayton, at a beautiful A financial report of the condl e>l by llr Frank Matthewa of Cor-1 tlon of th, Springfield I O O. F 11 damaged rear left wheel and fen candlelight wedding ceremony Sun nia,n picking season will run over well community for the past 37 Itng together with a smalt number valila. Dr t’ <’ Wright, executive lodge waa read to years died Saturday at the Parlflc of experienced fire fighters are try­ the Reltekah der to the C. A Wvraan antomoble day afternoon at the home of her “ period of tnree or more weeks, i cr tary of the Baptist Sta'e con­ lodge members at Ihdr meeting a" •• wa" slvuck by M B Barmen parents. Mr and Mrs. J. T Fellows. 1 rospital in Eugene at the age of 61 ing to surrouDd the fire. Bo far the d iti, it end Gerald Norton of years. He was born at Caraboo. fire has been confined to logged- tor of route 1. Springfield The tat at Santa Clara. The ceremony was CONGRESSMAN MOTT TO I > linnott Wllfri-d t'ook and Nor Monday evening by Ernest Rtark. ter a sumett the responsibility and read at 4 o'clock by Rev. Dean C Canada. on December 7. 1871. and over land, but may spread Into Noble Grand The report was given. V ISIT DISTRICT SOON moved to England In 1882 where green timber at any time. ton I't tigrn sung, ''No Night agreed to pay for the damage, ac- Poindexter, pastor of the Sprlng- There." and Mr Hengra sang. "Face Mr Black stated, to quell rumors ordlng to Lum Anderson, p o lice! field MethodlHt church, a* the cou­ he lived for several years before The greatest threat from forest that the local lodge was not In a A two-months tour of the first returning to the United States to fires In Oregon at this time Is in to Face" during the service which Hound financial poaltlan. Mr Black I cht«»f This accident accurred at ple knelt before a beautifully Itnpro congre atonal district starting the 1 ||Te a, Creswell. the Wilson river region near Ttlla- were ut tendisi hv his many f ritmila vised altar of banked flowers. stated that the lodge here Is re- E7fth amt A street, early part of September ts now wng married to Miss Ida Mae mook where the fire has reached who filled the church aailftorlum , | patms. gladiolus, und sw eet peas. In being planned by Congressman Lower on January 1, 1908. His | within tw elve mile» o f that city. Mloa Ruth Carlton waa organi»! anij i ognlsed u* one of the strongest ' chief. This accident occurred Fleming of Riddle. Oregon was front ° r ,h e ,,re p,a<'e Th,‘ room James W. Mott. I little lodgn In the state widow survives, as uo the follow j --------------------------- nccnmpanlst for the service. At the business meeting It was starting for his home when the waa ,,ark‘“OtMl- o®b' tall tapers east- "So that I may arrange my itin­ tng tw o daughters. Mrs Verda Lan ; TWO MEN FINED IN I’all bearers were Clarence Catid their shadows of light about erary to Include as much as pos­ sing and Mrs. Lillian Lansing, both 1 decided to postpone the picnic motorcycle on which he was riding ; ell. Robert Conk, Lloyd Frese. Fred CITY COURT MONDAY ' which liad been planned for this collided with an automobile being ' tbe room. sible of the territory. I would be of Cottage Grove; two sisters. Mrs. Fresti, llnrry Chnse, nml Harry Thp *eddtng music was played pleased to hear from the various I coming Bnnday with the Odd Fel­ driven by Elmer Rwaggnrt of 745 Lillian Handy and Mrs. Sarah Pren ' Qlenn Jonps wag f)ne<, , 12 M()n. Stearns, all member* of the con West Twentieth street In Eugene. I by Mra nthbl',’‘ ""«I Included “Oh. Chambers of Commerce, munici­ gregatlnn. Elmo Chnse and Roy lows, and accept an Invitation to tlss; and three brothers. H arry., day whe„ hp apppared bpforp cltv Join with the Eugene and t'akridg, at Fifth and Main streets. The no ' J’roml e Me." and Mendelshon's palities. and other organizations Fred, and James, all of England. Carlton were ushers. Recorder, 1. M. Peterson, on a torcycle was considerably damaged. I "P'ldlfK March. '1 Love You lodges In a picnic ahnve Lowell on which have any problems whereby Mr. Beak had crossed the Atlan­ charge of drunkenees. He was ar­ Interment was made at Rest Both parties agreed the accident T n'ly." was played softly during I. a* their Representative In Con­ that dny. tic ocean eight times. U l i v e t i cemetery. The Springfield rested Saturday evening and spent wa unavoidable. ,be ceremony. gress. can be of any assistance to I'nolr Gray Bartholomew chapel limi , Mrs. Busan King, long-time mem Funeral services were held Mon­ the night In Jail. H e had a pint of The bride was dressed In a peach her of the lodge was welcomed them.” he says In hts announce­ day morning from the Schewring whiskey In his possession when ar­ charge of the funeral. georgette gown. Her hat. veil, and home after a prolonged absence. chapel at Creswell at 10:j0. Inter­ rested. COUNTY CHAMBER ASKS shoes were white. Her bridesman« ment. ment was made In the Lower cem e­ MISS SEVERSON ATTENDS bee Hodges paid a »2 fine Monday Mrs. Donald Goode, of Stayton, FUNERAL IS WEDNESDAY near Jefferson Sunday wllli a large ILLNESS TAKES MART E NEWMAN FELLDWSLEE NUPTIALS HELO CHRISTIAN CHURCH MEET HAPPY HOUR CLUB TO RESUME MEETINGS Miss Edna Severson Is at Turner The next meeting of the Happy this wi ek representing the Spring field t'hrlstlan church at the tin Hour elub will he held Monday, mini conference being held at that August 28. al the home of Mrs. Ella plaee. Mis,i Severson was mimed Lombard Mrs. W. K Darnell. Mrs delegate to Ihe conference liy th D. ('. Polnde'xter. and Mrs. W. N exeeulvle committee of Ihe Christ Gossler are on the program com Ian Endeavor society nt their m eet­ mlttee. The following new mem ing In, I Thursday evening, follow hers will he welcomed Into the elub tng Hi«« church night program led I al meeting, th first cp early summer. Mrs. Doru Neet. Mfs by Hubert Bias. The executive committee of the 8. 8. Potter and M r. William Christian Endeavor nlsn nccepted Moyer. the report of the nominating com mlttee for new officers. CORVALLIS E X T E N D S eiD MANY ATTEND SURPRISE PARTY FOR MR. ROSSMAN TO NRA MASS MEETING An Invltntton to attend a mass A number of Springfield people meeting at the Oregon State college were Invited by Mrs. Harold Ross­ campii Friday to discus» the NRA man to the Rossman home north problems hns been extended the of Eugene last Thursday evening people of Springfield this week by for n surprise birthday party In Ihe Corvallis Chamber of Com- honor of her husband. Guest from meree. questions written tut h.v Hprl gfleltl Included Mr. an,I Mrs. | P rsona nil, tiding the meeting will W. F. Walker, Mr. and Mr» Henry he answered from Ihe speakers' Korf and Mr. and Mr». E. B. Elan platform. The meeting 1» being cry. Mr. und Mr . Alee McKenzie ponaoreil by Ihe President» Conn- mid Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Walker ell and will he held at 8 o'clock at Ihe women's old gym. of Eugene also attended. COAST PARK. NEW ROAD JOHN BEAK DIES I tery. wore a dress of the same material SPECIAL RAIL RATES morning when arrested for leaving Members of the Lane County In blue with lace. Mr. Goode attend his motor running unattended. TO SCHOOLS OFFERED MASON’S CLOCK TICKS Chamber of Commerce at their ed the groom. Both the bride and bridesmaid All Western railroads recently monthly dinner meeting last Thurs OFF PASSING HOURS ODD FELLOWS POSTPONE dny evening went on record as ; t arried bnquets of shaded a*ters completed an agreement whereby PICNIC EVENT favoring the construction of a road i «>”1 lilies of the valley, any student, teacher or others at-1 The large street clock which I ANNUAL ______ from Florence to the Stuslaw river , Preceding the wedding ceremony tendlnK universities, college . , or members of Liberty Masonic lodge Tbp p|cnR. wh,(.h w#g , 0 along the Jetty, and the ettlng i a family dinner was held at noon preparatory schools may purchase! have In* tailed on their build'ng b«- have been sponsor'd by the Spring aside of a section of the roast In Immediately following the wedding ¡special reduced fare round-trip tween Second and Third streets fjp|(j | q q j,- lodge at Riverside eluding the Sea I.lon eaves as n the twenty-one guests and relatives | tickets from thetr homes to any has been connected up with the park Sunday has been postponed government park. Ed. F. Bailey, adjourned to th ■ front lawn where jetty where educational institutions master clock Inside of the building untu g un4jay September 3 tt wa» new home loan bank head for this a reception was held under the , are located. The second half of the and Is now recording the tim e daily announced this week F F Pync explained Ihe functions of I trees. Miss Bessie Howard. Mrs ticket will be good for a return | for Springfield residents. The Bpr, Sank(.v hayp cbargp rp nis office. Elsie Taylor, and Mr . Roy Fellows trip at Christmas or If not used chim es which are to strike on the frp hniPtrts Lpp ,»utraan. tbp The monthly meeting was held at , ar.sisted with the refreshments. then can he u ed during the spring [ hour, quarter and half-hour, have pr„Kram M„mhprs of Juanita Mr. and Mra. Lee have gone to vacation or at the close of the year, not been adjusted and turned on hpkah |(x)gp hRVp bppn |ny)tpd Spnrks ranch. 1. M. Peterson, W P. Tyson. W K. Harnell and H. E. Stayton where they will make their If a return ticket Is used at Chrlat- ’ yet. attend the picnic. Mnxey attended from Springfield. home. mas or spring vacation, another Names of the Masonic and affilla-1 _______________ __ The next meeting will he held at similar ticket may be purchased. ted organizations, and thetr em -! Returna from C an yon vllls-M lss the Low Pa»« Community hall on L/teGE CROWD ATTENDS ____ ______________ blems, are being painted on the Oprbpr hag relurned from September 21. SUNDAY SCHOOL E V E N ! I “WHERE YOUR TREASURE Kl* s of the clock by Ed Volkstorf, | Canyonville where she visited with Eugene sign painter. Mlsa Doris Hamlin. Misa Hamlin IS"; TOPIC OF SERMON UNUSUAL NUTS BROUGHT Seventy-five persona attended returned here with Misa Gerber to visit with friends made while at- Rev. Dean C. Poindexter will MRS. LOMBARD HOSTESS TO OFFICE OF NEWS the annual picnic of the Methodist Sunday school held at the Eugene preach on the snhject, "Where TO AENEAS MEMBERS "«»"ng high school here. Two branches of a hickory nut Springfield auto camp Friday after Your Treasure Is • at the morning nnd chestnut trees hearing thp par iimm nnd evening. Games and service at the Methodist church Regular monthly meeting of the Son Born— Mr. and Mra. R. H. ttally develnpnd fruits were brought stunts were enjoyed during the Sunday. The Sundny school will Aeneas club will be held Tuesday Culberson, 420 First street. Spring I to the News office Monuay hv W ill afternoon, preceding the large pic­ meet at 9:45 with Ralph Fullerton afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ella field, are the parents of an Infant lace Hawke The IrepH are growing nic In the early evening. Ralph Ful­ In charge. The Wesleyan league Lombard. This will be a business son born to them at the Pacific i on the old Pengra place north of lerton. superintendent, had charge and Senior league will meet at 7 meeting and all members are urged hospital In Eugene on Tuesday. Springfield. • of the outing. o'clock. 1 August 22. 1933. to be prment.