f T H U R S l)A Y , A U O U 8T IT , 1MB T H E S rR IN O F ÏE L D NEW S PAGE POUR T IM Z ELEM EN T CONTROL UPPER M’KENZIE Î0 K W CHAMBER SERVICE voice." The war on depression EXTENSION 01 THUIT SPRAY VALUES seem s to Mr Rlchberg a holy war ANSW ERS QUESTION As he puts It. "It la the Idea of ua tloiial welfare against the Idea ot Dlffaranca B «tw «n Allotment and L ib .r.l Usa «1 qordaaux Mixlura on All Trass Bafoia Fall unrestrained -elf seeking; the New Acreage Cut Explained for Naina Naeonmtandad Testament and the SA'rmou on the Fermera of Oregon Mound against the Old Testament Tit»» man who said there are only D inner nt Sparks Rauch to and the Mosaic l.aw." Sumo misunderstanding seem» to two kinds of pedestrian lha quick i F oatuie G athering; M cM or- Regional Forestsr Liât» Ac­ exlat lu respect to the amount ol rnn and Bailey to Speak Moley and Crim e ami Ihc dead would have beau BY R A PFOQD MOBLKY wheat that fermera In Oregon can com plishm ents o f Campa equally accuiate In apply lu« thia The detailing of Crofeoaor Moley. grow under the wheal production Tit«' upp i Mi K«'i si« country pm» in N o r t’.west Forests Assistant Secretary >f State, to Washington. Ik C.—The respon­ control plan, says the Oregon Agri description to ori'hardlata who de , pie will unite Innight Io weliom liig make au Investigation and retain sire Io protect their trees from an cultural Extension service, which ses to Prealdent Moc-o-velt' Invlta The P r e s e n t 's emergency con thru« nose ami |H«aeh blight, be 1 Ihe annual »lei! of III«' l.ulli' Coun­ ou crime and what the Federal hus been a ked by the secretary of tlon to all employers to sign a di sorvatlen work rrogram la the 85 ty lio im le i ol I « mm« r« e Io Mparka Government can do u I hiu I it is not , lteves II P liars», plant patholog agriculture to assist In the educa­ reel agreement with him the »ol camps on na* tonal forests In Ore­ 1st (or til«' Oregon Experiment stn I ranch on Blue (liver when» they In any sen e a demotion ." Mr Mo untary code” with (lie blue eagle tion phases of the wheat plan. gon and Washington Is showing Mlll ........... >1 «lliuiei before alar, ley retains his S tale Departm ent, tlon. emblem bus met with such a wl«l> results, according to report: of ac­ lug tlielr liiislx» a diai'iisslons and post and title, hut was selected by' "Although the cn.iesH c allot- Rain Spreads Spuraa response as to make the AdlUiMia complishments in tho office of re­ list«uliii to speakers (inly Iasi the Prealdent for this task because ment for each state and each conn These «11 «'ns««* more Ilian most tration feel that a real dent I be­ gional forester C. J. Buck. Port­ tv Is act at approximately 54 per yegl did Ihe people on lit«' upper criminology has been one of his olliei s are spread by rain and moist | ing made in the unemployment sit land, Crcgcn. chief interest • lie wrote and pub vent of the average 1928-1932 pro condition*, lletwa than» 1» no cure river undertake lo entertain Ihe uation and that the purchasing The foils wing summary of work llshed a book and several articles duetion, It is not correct to assume once the fall rains bafta. Instead. county gathering and II was au sue power of the American people Is completed up to August 1 for these on crime some years ago. and Is that no more wheat can be grown Il is a mutter of protection before cessful Gmt they have determined rapidly being increased Thia vol I«» leral forest camps shows that the looktsl upon as one of the beat-in­ •ven if all wheal growers Ign up." Hull time or one would Just a well j «> make It an annual event untary code is inteuded only as a , youths who represent tho ea t and Speaker« of the evening will In formed meu on the topic. It ia explains the Extension servit «• bill goodbye to control for ihm stop-gap. pending the adoption of middle west of the nation, as well . lode George II M« Morran. gen being predicted here thut out of "The 54 per cent allotment is the year general code« by all Industries, and as the 11.000 men. er «2 par M at etui In miiiuiand of ihe Euaene N Mr Moley's work will come a hill, amount upon which cash adjust "There lias 1««’« n «'«nislderalde In it does not become effective until I of the total, which were enrolled to lie presented In the next session j ment payments ure available, bill ereuse In iinlhrnenose disease ill It A drive, who will dlacuas th» September 1. but many of the bust-; from Oregon and W ashington, hare of congress, greatly extending the each farmer who agrees to cooper many western Oregon apple or wmk li«'tn« carried on and Its rami' ness concerns which have sig n ed , made Important headway in a pro­ power and authority of the Federal i ate in the plan can produce up Io etiards. especially during the past ticntietis In ihe outlying rural die it have put Its provisions into ef- i gram of construction and mainten­ Edward F Government over ail sorts of his previous averago less only the spring." says Professor Itarsn. in , . <>r Hie couniq ance which constitutes an invalu­ feet at once. crimes, from kidnapping to larceny. cut set hv tne secretary of agri "Cankera are present in abtiiidf Hull« y. newly appolnled head of able asset to the forests of the Pa- The greatest good from the At present. Uncle Sam has no Juris- culture " ance and spores are forming «luring the Eug’ ite brunch office of tho ticlc northwest. agreement to limit the hours of diction over crimes which do not I edcral Homo Loan hank, will ex Cut it Basis for Allotment the summer season Fall rains wuidi Several parties have been enjoy­ work and Increase the minimum directly violate Federal statutes T otals A re Listed The amount of tho eut cannot be these spur« down the limbs and plain Hie work of his office and Total new truck trails or moun­ ed the past week by McKentle wage will, of course, «»me from and do not Involve interstate mut­ over 20 per cent In other words, twigs to oilier places, or make fav melhuda In which It may l»e used the large business enterprises in ters. tain roads constructed. 343 m iles; valley residents. a grower will be able to raise some orable conditions for spores spread by Individuals. Including the Bridge club at the the large cities. Mauv small town existing truck trails improved or Howard 8. M«’rrlam of Goshen, where between 80 and 100 per cent otherwise to gel a start conditioned. 3,817 m iles; horse or home of Mrs. Fred Williams, Lea- business men. employing only three Secretary of State Hull, return­ of his average farm production us pt slile tii of the County Chamber Many Combma Two Spray a foot trails built, 87 m iles; improved burg. with three tables In play or four persons, are signing the ing from the World Economic Con­ determined by the allotment coin will preside. "The way to prevent this Is to j or conditioned. 3.409 m iles; woods Irene Crow won high score. Mrs code and cutting down the hours of ference at London, Is quite satis mlttee of the county wheat produc telephone lines built. 435 m iles; Lew Crow, consolation. their workers without adding any­ fled wth the results obtained so tlon control association, but ad have a protective eoat of borilsaux M 44 maintained. 1,742 miles. More than The Young Peoples Sunday one to take up the slack. far. It was foolish, he points out, Just ment payments will he avail spray, 4 4 50. ou every iwig and limb before the rain-« come, One half of the projected lookout houses school class at Leaburg was enter- Yet eventual benefit is expected to expect ail the world's troubles able only on the allotment portion and other forest buildings have tained Saturday evening by Mrs. even In such cases; for when busi­ to be ironed out at one session; of 54 per rent of his average pro need not even go Io th«' expinse I H li , « h i h i i of npplylng nu extra spray for thia been completed. A number of free W ealey Manaen. teacher of the ness definitely begin to Improve, first the uattons had to get togeth­ duetion. i purpose, as the bordeuux « an easily public campgrounds have been im­ class. Eleven were present for the as it seem s to he all over the coun­ er and tell each other what their Ju«t whal the acreage cut will be be combined with one of the codl proved or developed with stoves evening. Mrs. Hansen served cake, try, it will he necessary for such respective troubles were! for next harvest will not he known ing moth sprays Some prefer the and sanitation accommodations. sandwiches and punch. employers to add to their staff in -! until It is announced by the sec­ earlier sprays so as to avoid leav Over 8.500 feet of pipe line has A party at the home of Mr. and stead of working their regular help retary of agriculture on August ¡4 lug residue on the fruit, hut others been laid to furnish water to camp­ Mrs. O. L. S flcy Saturday night overtime. The reduction for the 1935 harvest i prefer to wait till tile last codling grounds and for other purposes; 12 celebrated the twenty-sixth wed­ As au example of what the code will not be known until some time moth spray so the fruit will be pro bridge* have bees constructed; 41 ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. is doing in the matter of re-employ-; next year, the extension service let ted against the antliruenoee rot. culverts installed; 2.059 telephone A. K. Jennings of W altervllle. Be­ i ment, the largest of all the chain j says. Just so It gets on before the rains poles and 4.987 fence posts cut. tween 30 and 35 guests were pres­ grocery store system s, which has 1 start la the Important thing." ent for the occasion. Pot luck sup­ signed up. announces that In its < Each Camp Is Busy FEW FOREST FIRES ARE Peach Trees Are Skeletons An int-naive road building pro­ per was served. stores alone it will mean the em ­ The surprise party compliment­ ployment of 45.000 additional sales­ Professional Stage Troupe to REPORTED IN OREGON Much the same caution applies gram has be n launched at the Bel­ j to protection of peach trees against knap camp with crews pushing con­ ing Ivan Storment Monday even­ people. Ba a t C h ristian C hurch in The most favorable season to twig and hud blight, Professor struction ou a road to Clear lake, ing In the Deerhorn district was T h e "N o S tr ik e ” B oard "T h e Rich Young R u le r" date in many years is the report Harasadda. More peach orchards extending the Foley Springs road, enjoyed by 25 young people. Cake, There are not going to be any being sent in to the State Forest look like half living skeletons this working with the C abridge camp in pie. buns and coffee were served strikes under the "New Deal" if The Pilgrim Players of Los An- er' office by field men In all parts year than usual because of the pant the opening of the Box Canyon by the hostess. Mrs. John Stor­ the Administration can help it. The g« les. a group of professional stage of the state A number of small ravages of this di ease Unlike an road connecting the North and mont. Mrs. William Harkema. right of collective bargaining, guar­ players who. under the direction of fires, and a very few large ones tkracnoae. peach hllght attacks the South fork roads, construction of Henry Bros, of North Dakota anteed to employees under the Na Dr. George Bunnell, are pioneering have been battled by the forest buds us well as the twigs, and new forest trails, lookout houses have purenased property in the i tional Industrial Recovery Act, has in the field of religious drama, will workers this season, most of them every bud It hits is doomed, and additional camp sites. One Cedar Flat district expecting to been seized upon by many labor pre-ent the play. "The Rich Young being In the Klamath Fulls and crew is now operating a rock crush­ make their home there. Mrs. Felix Here again llorileunx 4 4 50 1« I leaders as an opportunity to organ­ Ruler” at the Christian church In southern Oregon region. One small er on the South Fork road. Crump sold a three acre tract and ize all workers into unions, and Springfield Monday evening. Aug fire in this vicinity above Leaburg the "poisonous overcoat" which. If The Wendling camp also reports Mr. Elliott his acreage to the new thoroughly uppllcd. before the fall strikes have been called which list 21. at 8 o'clock was put out by the rainfall of two much activity. Up to the present arrivals. rains, will protect every part of ■ have paralyzed whole industries, These players are well-known on weeks ago. the tree Plenty of healthy peach j notably the soft coal mining and The unusually warm weather of the Pacific Coast and have appear «■reliant . iteinunstrate conclusively full-fashioned hosiery Industries. the past two weeks has created a The President's appointment of a ed In some of the largest churches | great fire haxard in the Oregon thut It does give practical control For a limiicd time you can taka in Southern California before start- board of seven, for the adjustment ad van nfie o f a gcncrou» uaua- woods, and persons euleriug them in allowance on an o ld healer | of labor dispute«, including Indus Ing on their present tour of the are urged to be extremely careful CALL FOR WARRANTS a p p lie d a t (h e d o w n ix y m e n i ; trial leaders, labor leaders and poll- North Pacific coast. They are able with fire and matches at this time on a new M O N 1 A G O rv n * NOTICE is lureliy g i v o thut | tical leaders, and headed by Sen­ with merely the simplest of stage due to the excessive vegetation on la io r. Fnioy h c aim n co m fo rt sets to transport one to the days and greatly reduced fuel Kill® ator Wagner of New York, has the the ground A damp spring lias con Si hisii District No 19. In lame this w in te r! I here !• a M O N * ; backing of the American Federa when the Nazareue walked the tributed to a remarkable growth County, Oregon, will |«ay ul the of T A G < irc u la io r healer fo r every ell as of the Plains of Galilee, says those who ; tion of Labor a healin g requ irem ent. of.fern . fire weed, and other grass flee of the clerk of said district, all I heads of the nation's largest husl- have seen them. und brush that will contribute to wurrniits to ami Including 2715. ! ness enterprises. It Is expected to Local sponsors of the players de­ very serious fire menace this fall dated Ei'briiur» 28. 1933 Interest will emise after August 1». 1933 , be an effective measure to keep clare the play chosen for presenta when it dries out. D O O U R PA R Te C. F. BAKliEit. Clerk. : men at work and get payroll money tlon here to he especially appro­ There have been 258 forest fires I Into circulation. priate ill these days of depression. In the national forests of Oregon Glavis Comes Back . and Washington up to July .71 of Strange things happen in politics. T h e story of th e play Is that ot this year, as compared with 327 but it is not often that the turn of a rich ruler who; for a handful of Iasi year for the same period. Only i the wheel brings to the top again a gold, gave up that was most worth 18 of these fires have exceeded 10 I "forgotten man" like Louis R. Gla­ while In life, and like many today acres each. vis. who has just been restored to after privation have found the bet Commenting on the causes of his old status In the Civil 9ervlce ter things of life. Under the NRA Cleaners code, w hich goes into effect these 258 fires, the regional forest I by Secretary Ickes . . . . . i Everyone Is encouraged to see er points out that 102 of them were August 21, we aro discontinu ing: This seem s quite in line with poetic , , , , , . .. _ , this forceful dram atic presentation. started by careless smokers, und » I DO OUB . * » » Justice, for it was Glavis. a much A s ilv e r o ,, , ... , 33 by campers I*’“ » ""’» fferin g will tie ta k e n as anyone else, who touched off t h e __________________ fireworks that destroyed the Taft administration and made the elec­ CHURCH CLASS HOLDS tion of a Democrat possible In 1912. The S pritigflold la u n d r y hag Hlgned the N ational PICNIC FR ID AY EVEN IN G We are now a m em ber o f the Dry Cleaners Associa­ Glavis. an employee of the Inter Recovery code and com piled w ith the provisions o f a Misses Marjory Grant and Mil 1 ior Department, charged the Sec­ laundry code fo r Oregon We pledge our hcartleat A combined picnic and swimming dr«-i| I’rii-i- a««- OB :«.« iim piiii' trl|. tion, w hich includes Eugene and S pringfield. You w ill retary of the Interior In Taft's can- operation w ith Ihe le tte r and s p irit o f ihe IT esideiit s ' party was held at Mllllorn park «¡f several days near Detroit, Orc inet, Mr. Baitinger. with permitting find our service and prices in line w ith other m em ­ Reemployment Agreement and the N ational Recovery Friday evening by the high school gon. his W ed Coast friends to take up A dm inistration. class of the Christian church. bers of the association. Misses Hazel Edmtston and valuable Alaska timber land« The code calls fo r shorter honi ;. m inim um pay About fifteen young people parti- Helen Eyler motor'd to Florence j through "dummy” homesteaders. ¡mil increased employment To make tills agreement, ! ciliated in the water sports. last Thursday. He made sin h a fuss about it that _________________ successful in S pringfield we solicit vour < ooperatlon. Mis. Young from California is Gifford Pint-hot, now Governor of Any w ork given the S pringfield ' in d ry Increases Pennsylvania and then head of the HOP PICKERS BOOKS Printed vJg'Hng at the William Eyler home. em ploym ent and helps b rin g prosp ily hack lo this Mrs. Mabel and Vera Crow and C. 8. Forest Service, looked into It at the News Office, Mrs. Rodenbaugh gave Mrs. Arch --------------------------- and Joined the hue and cry against Phone 75-J 309 Main Street Shuogh a part at Hie home of Mrs. Ballinger. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Th v enlisted Louis D Brandel , .. . , Kodenbough In Springfield Wen. NOTICE is hereby given that I as attorney; now Justice Brandeis |laV(, ¡n my hands for service an nesday afternoon In honor of her of ti e C. S. Supreme Court. Presl- „»ecutlon I-sued out of the Circuit young daughter. Dianne. Mrs. Richard liart gave a cover dent Taft dlsmlsed h 'th Plnchot i Court of the State of Oregon, for and Glavis from the Federal ser- County, on the 17th day of >-d dish dinner and a swimming August. 1933 In a suit wherein C vice. bii> Secretary Ballinger re­ J. Howe and Sadie E. Howe are part at her home last Wednesday sign il under fire and the "progres­ plaintiffs and Harold J. Leonard Mrs. Hart has made this an annual sive" element of the Re ublicnn and Marjorie V. I.eonard are de , affair for several years where sho party tarted ihe movement which fendants and which said execution Invited all her neighbors and some is ¡»sued on a decree that Is en­ split the party and let Woodrow tered of record In said suit on th o ! friends to spend the day with tier Wilson step into ti.e White House 15th day of August, 1933 ami which ADMINISTRATOR'S So it seem s only fair to good Demo­ said execution orders me, the un NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL crats to restore Glavis, although a iler-igned sheriff, for the purposes PROPERTY Republican, according to his old of satisfying the personal decree: duo the plaintiffs In the sum of status under the Civil service. 31500.00 with Interest thereon at ! In th«' matter of the estate of Kntile the rate of 8% per annum from ' O. Ilusby, deceased. Richberg a Crusader Notice Is hereby given thnt under Arother man in the Administra­ April 7, 1930 until paid and the and by virtue of an order of the further sum of 3150.00 Attorney's, tion who It getting a great deal of foes and costs and disbursements County Court of Lane County, Ore­ the limelight has not always been of lilt taxed at 324 45, to sell tho gon. duly made by the Eon Fred a Democrat; Indeed, there are hereinafter described real property Fisk, Judge of said Court, on the 18th day of August, 1933, authoriz­ some who say tiial Donald It. Rich­ in Hie manlier provided by law. Notice Is hereby further given , ing and directing J. A. Gibson, the berg, attorney for General John­ that by virtue of the foregoing I Administrator of said Estate, to son's N u 'l'n l Relief Administra­ will on Saturday the 18th day of j ^ell as such Administrator the real tion. isn’t niui'li of a Democrat now. September. 1933 at one o'clock in property of said Estate hereinafter Our Free Delivery Every H our, Every Day Assure« Born In Tonnes:« e, where Secre­ the afternoon of said day. at the described, I will, from and after South and main door of tho Lane the 18th day of Sept., 1933. at the tary of State Cordell Hull and Am County Court House In Eugene, office of Wells A Wells, Bank of Meat Reaching You in Perfect C ondition lias ador at Large Norman Davis Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale Commerce Bldg., Eugeni', Oregon, als'i hall from, hi practiced law In and sell at public auction for cash proceed to sell for cash at private Chicago for a good many years, and *1*'* highest bidder all the right sale, the following described real B E A U T IF U L W H IT E ARCH SUPPORT , . ... ,, . . . title and Interest of the aforesaid property, to-wit: play«,! ao.und with the Republl- defendanU| an(I parttBa ,.|alm,ng Lots numbered Three (3). We Imvc a )'(io(| luuiortm ent o f fresh, cold cooked AND BROWN KID can Insurgei < Theodore Roose- through or under them and by. Four (4 1 and Six (6| of Section ni' iis wlii« li n ic ..triim ih irly appetizing these hot dayH. Five (5) In Township Twenty (20) v eil’s Bull Moose party and the through or under Catherine .1, Mll- I ’i«'l .in il old h,rm or p renseil meuts Have a lo t of South of Range Eleven (11) West La Foil He Pi ogresslves. His ler, deceased or any of them. In and of Ihe Willamette Meridian, In bother and hard work hi hot kitchens when the fem - clients have frequently been labor »<’»'” »">« t seven (7) In Block One (1) PAIRS - aids to m id-day or evening meals fo r (he housewife. of the Lizzie Luckey Addition to W illamette Meridian. In Lane power organization and won It. was W hatever m eitls you may select here are alw ays firs t Eugene, Lane County, Or-gon County, Oregon; ' Ihe author of Hie railway labor law Registered Title. 'p ia llty . or so milch thereof as may he nec­ 150 PAIRS essary. Siild real property to ho and drafted the labor provisions of I Dated August 17th, 1933. BLONDE, BLUE AND sold to (he highest bidder fur rash ihe Industrial Recovery Act. for the hlgliesi price obtainable, C. A SWARTS, Sheriff. Mr. Rlchberg Is a crusader. He BLAC K — NOW ilhject to confirmation by the (A 17-24-31—8 7-14) I said in a speech not long ago that .iforesalt, County Court. E. C. STUART, Prop. pairs - pairs - 4th and Main 8ta — Phone 83 J. A. OfBSON, Administrator. "the lonr discussed revolution I HOP PICKERS BOOKS— Printed W1BLL8 * WELLS, Attorneys. actually under way In the United, , h() N(fWR o ff|(,e (A 17-24-31—S 7-14) Stales, a revolution by the pen and' Bï C.Ç.C. CREWS time two side camps have been e st­ ablished out of the Wendling camp, one near Table mountain with a personnel of 75 men and oue near C astle Kock with 40 men. In the former camp, about 40 uieu are on telephone line work and the ha I ance on road work. The Caatle Rock camp has been lu only a few days and little work baa been done. In the main Wendling camp a mile and a half of road has been con- structed from Wendling to the camp. Also one mile has been ’built on the Nebo Lookout read A: other road has been constructed up Mill creek a distance of five miles. In telephone work, about five miles have been constructed and poles sufficient for 20 miles have been cut. Otber campa in this district and elsew here in the state are report­ ing like accomplishments. All of these improvements have a far-reaching effect on the admin­ istration and protection of the for­ ests—the telephone lines, roads and trails make It possible for for­ est fires to be reported promptly ..Ï2 W A SH IN G TO N Valley McKenzie PILGRIM PLAYERS PLAN SHOW HERE Trade in Your Old Heater New on a MONTAG C lr c u la to t Wright & Sons , Announcement... COUPON BOOKS CLUB RATES Thurston We are Members of N. R. A. co­ Jimmies’ Cleaning Shop SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY V alues Extraordinary! BUSTER BROWN 2 for 1 SALE For GOOD Meats Phone 63 Now is the Time to Buy Shoes* 1 j Cold Meats For Hot Weather Oxfords Pumps 2 - $ 5 .5 0 2 - $ 5 .5 0 Dress Ties S h ort Lines 2 - $ 5 .5 0 2 - $ 2 .9 5 Independent M eat Co. 4