PAO« T H R U THR RPRDiOrŒLD N W S THURSDAY, AU0U8T i 7, I M I NOTICE OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Nolle« Is b«r«by given that Mar tin I*. Olsen, the Executor of tbe Fatale of (J. L. O lie q , deceased, baa filed his Final Report and Account as such, and the Court has set Hat- urday. the 26th day of August, 1*3». at tbe hour of 10:00 o’clock In tbe forenoon, In the ('only Court Room I In the Court House at Kugene. In l.uue County. Oregon, as tbe time and plate to hear objections to tbe F u ll HUNT Knur room house, gar same. If any, and for the final set- a*«, garden, Hprlngfleld Phone (lenient of »aid Fatale. M A R TIN P OI.HKN. Executor. Fugati« I J 13 h A »40 W E L L « « WELCH. Attorneys. (J 37— A 34047 -14) HOI* KICKERN BOOKH Printed at tha News Ottico. SUMMONS Io Death Cell TOWN AND VICINITY to be valid In every re«pe.-t and A N T I-D U M P IN G ACT NOW Department employees are now 18 ENFORCED IN STATE covering the state in an Intensive G reeter Protection for Oregon Pro­ enforcement program. In the Port land area, enforcement Is now prar duce Growsrs Sought; Outside finally 100 percent and peddler» Com petition to bo Checked Mr. and Visit Trlangls Labs— Vlelta from Alvadore— Miss Jean Morrow of Alvadore was a visitor Mrs. J. Fulop and children motored ' to Triangle Lake Bunday. here Friday. Visits Hers Monday— Mrs. Frank Snyder of Carter Hutton was a , visitor In Springfield on Monday Week-end at Newport— Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Delph and daughter. Betty Lou. speot tbe week-end on the beaches at Newport IN T H K C IR C U IT COURT O F T H K Camp on Fall Creole— Mr. and STA TE HE till Kill IN F o il F IV E ACHES Jual south u( Booth- Mrs Henry Fundrem and son. Don­ LA N F COUNTY. Kelly mill pond, all fenced, Ideal ald. spent the weekend camping Aboye I» Walter II McGee, bow la for chicken or foa farm; ».room Jessie F. Ia»ep, Nellie it. Leep and s death rail si Kansas (Sty, Mo , the on Fall Creek. Fuld E. Ryan. Plaintiffs. vs. uufInlabvd hull»«, chlckan house tint maa to be sentenced to death for Portland Men Here— 8 Olad- and bog houa«; 1 good walls, James Bristow, Mollie Bristow. kidnapping Ills ronvlrtloa eras by a Frauk Bristow, Clara Bristow, -. rdlct for slidurting Miss Msry steln and B. 8. (Badsteln both of »prlng. soma timber; ona acre Jessie lloraell, Fred Horsell, .4, D r e y (or ransom. Portland, were visitors In Spring- can bo cultlvalml. good road, Blanche Uruhaiu, James Uraham. field Monday and Tuesday. Karl Carnahan, Fern Carnahan, Trade for Kugene property. NO TICE TO CREOITORS Mary Mers, John Mers, Milton I ’hone Kugene 137. 8 7 Notice Is hereby given that the un-1 Tonsils Removed— Miss Maxine Carnahan, Helen Carnabau, Ot well Bristow. Theodore Bristow, durelgned has been appointed Ad Smltson had her tonsils removed at Charles Wheelur. unknown heirs rnlnlstratrlx of the E -Is le of Seth the office of a local physician Tues­ Relative« Visit Here— Mr and of Martha H. Bristow, deceased. M McPherson, deceased, by tbe unknown heirs of Isaac V. I I County Judge of Lane County. Ore- day morning. Mrs. L. (! Moffitt have aa their Bristow, deceased, also all other «'»»■ »"(I that all persons having guests Ibis week, Arnold Moffitt Guests at Hotel— Mrs. Neva Bar- persons or parties unknown claims against said estate are here- and Miss Klale Moffitt, brother and clalmlug any right, title, uelale, bY required to present the same, teli snd Mrs E. C Maxwell of Beat slater of Mr. M offitt’s from Hpo lien or Interest In the real pro- sufficiently evidenced, to the un tie were guests at the Springfield perty described In the complaint derslgned at her residence Route kane, and Mrs. Mildred Bishop and herein, Defendants I Springfield. Oregon, on or before hotel Bunday. son, Jack, another sister from To Blanche Uraham, James Ura ’ •» months from the first publics Gets Treatment— Richard Hanna Hprague. Washington. bam, Earl Carnahan, Fern Carna-1 , ' on " f ,b l* notice, which first pub- of Route 1, Springfield, was here han and Cbarloe Wheeler, unknown Hcatlon will be August 3rd. 1933 S T E LL A A. McPHKRBON. Ad Saturday to receive medical care I heirs of Martha 8 Bristow, de NOTICE rnlnlstratrlx Aforesaid ■ eased, unknown belrs of Isaac V. for an Injury which he received to OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T (A 34047-24-31) „ . I H. Bristow, deceased, also all other hla hack some time ago Notice Is hereby given that Carl p«r»oos or parlies unknown claim The Produce Dealers and Ped­ dlers act passed by the last session Jasper Man Here— W It Sunn of the state lertslature Is now be­ dors of Ja»per was a bu»ln< sa visi­ ing enforced according to W R. Upshaw, field representative fer tor In Springfield Friday. this district Natron Man Here-^-Verne Btuart This t i l l Is generally known as uf Natron was a business visitor In tbe ’’Anti-Dumping Act” and It lic­ Springfield Friday. enses and regulates produce deal­ Visit at Creewell— Mr. a *d Mrs. ers, commission merchants, brok­ Fred Look visited at Creswell Mon­ ers, credit buyers, and peddlers. day evening. The act baa been enforcable since April 1. of this year, but due Vaughn Man H ero— Ouy Caatlo to an Injunction suit filed by a of Vaugbr. was a business visitor group of Portland peddlers, tbe De­ In Springfield Wednesday. partment of Agriculture has wltb- Epralns Foot— Mrs. A. L. John»-,n ' held active enforcement pending sprained her foot when she slipped ! court action. at her home here Monday. Judge Crawford has ruled the act and dealer» refusing to make ap­ plication are now being taken Into coart. The law Is Intended to prevent Irresponsible peddling and dumping of huge quantities of out-of-state produce on our markets, and will tend to stabilise our produce Indus­ try, an industry in which 30.003 Oregon farmers are vitally Interest­ ed. and one which ha» been all hut wrecked by the tremendous In­ crease tn Itinerate peddling of late year#, says Mr. Up»haw. Information and application blanks may be obtained from regu­ lar state or county Inspectors, or by writing the Division of Market Enforcement. Salem, O f ,T°Ti. Leaburg Man Here—(Jordon Fra- . w xee of Leaburg was a business vl»l . tor In this city Monday. Our Drinks ••• Patient at Hospital — Ray Me -I Pherson Is receiving medical care < at tbe Pacific hospital In Eugene. » J Visit at Astoria— Dr and Mr». W N Dow and fam ily spent the ^flrsl j No matter how busy you are you can always take “time out” for one of Eggimann’s soft drinks. A rich, creamy cooling soda makes anyone feel better these hot days. Ask for your favorite flavor. half of tbe week visiting with re la -. lives at Astoria. Major Operation — Mrs. Emory Pyle submitted to a major opera­ tion at tbe Pacific hospital in Eu gone Wednesday morning. This big store has everything you want in drinks, ice cream and candies, Come here before starting your week-end outing. N O T IC E ll Benseney. administrator of the jng any right, tin», eetale, leln or Daughter Born— Mr, and Mrs OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T relate of Albert E. Henaeney. do- interest In tba real property dee- Notice Is hereby given that Sidney W aldrlp are the parent# of ceased, baa filed hie final account vrlbed In (be complaint herein. De- Charles Pumpbrey, the executor of a baby daughter born to them at Has Major Operation— H. L. Car­ lu the county court of Ia n » County, feuqBUtB. Oregon, and that said court baa set i n T H E N A M E O F T H E STATE James B Pumpbrey. deceased, and their home on South Second street, ter underwent a major operation aa the time aud place for the final 4 4 .« J .' a r ?n Visit at Salem— Mr. and Mrs. C. 1° HI o'clock In the forenoon of said you In the above entitled suit with 0 ?pp1‘ * n' ^ r ’ f, M ’ “ ,h5 Week-end in Portland — The F. Barber and family, and his ** day at the County Courtroom In the In four weeks from tbe dale of tbe • « £ < * " “ >* " , re" o° " < * « " * " • at the < « « '“ » " • mother. Mrs. H. L. Barber of Bend, Misses Dorothy and Doris Girard Courthouse In Eugene, lain« Coun­ first publication of Ibis summons . . . Oregon ---- _— -------- --------- -------- * ty. where --- all . persons Inter and if you rB|| to go appear or an- •'-,,* <,n* ln ^*JBB. oun y'. »pend Sunday visiting with friends spent tbe week-end In Portland, e sled may appear at said time and , wwr ,„ r wan, thereof the plain tiff« * J” **"»* “ n<1 ptnc'' visiting Old Ironsides while there. at Salem. file objections. If any they have. wlh , bMb „ lleCree „gainst you ¡!on* L — CARL B HENBENKY. Admin quieting the title to the following 1 * , h ‘ a « i m P U M P H R F Y Exe- Return from Vacation— Mr. and Parents of Daughter— Mr. nnd l.trn to r of the ..(a te of Albert 'described real property: ( H A U L M H M l rlK E Y , Mrs dene M V o y of Cascade Sum Mrs Marion Adams and son. Bob, cutor. Southeast quarter of the North E. Benseney, Deceased. M PETERSON, Attorney. mil are the parente of a baby returned Saturday from Ontario, east quarter and the Northeast I. M. PETERSON, his attorney (A 34047-24-31) daughter born to them at Miss Nel­ Oregon where they had spent a quarter of the Southeast quarter (J 30-27— A 34047) of »action 11 and (he Weat one son’s maternity home In Eugene on week's vacation. NO TICE TO CREOITORS half of the Northwest quarter and Saturday. August 12. 1833. NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Weat one half of the South­ Notice la hereby given that tha Portland People Here— Mr. and west quarter ot Section 12. all In undersigned has been appointed an Notice la hereby given that the Drive to P o rtla n d — Mr and Mrs. Mrs Roy Petit of Portland spent Township 17 South Range 10 ciliary administrator with the will underslgued has been appointed by the week-end In Springfield visit­ West of W illam ette Meridian In annexed of the estate of Frances K. C. Stuart and von. Frank, and tbe County Court of the State ot ing at the home of his sister. Mrs. daughter. Nellie. Ml»» Ruth Myers, Lane County. Oregon, E Bean, deceased and has dulz Oregon for lame County, Adminis­ trator of the estate of MAY and that each of you be decreed to qualified aa such. All persons hav and Mrs. Ella Frum of Junction A. B. Malo. IIO YLE8. Deceased. All persons have no right, title, e»tnte, lien or log claims against said estate are City drove to Portland Sunday to At Cottage Grove— Mrs. Elsie having claims against said estate Interest In or to tbe aforeealu pre hereby required to present such claims duly verified with proper view lid Ironsides are hereby required to present the mlses or any part thereof. Pollard spent Monday at Cottage The order directing the servl e vouchers attached, to me at my of same, properly verified and with the Return from T rip — M r and Mra. Orove looking after affairs of the vouchers therafor, to the under- of this summons by the publication f|Ce at 334 Main street, 8pringfleld. thereof Is dated July 36th, 1923 and Oregon within six months from the Horace Myers, their daughter. Lota, Bank of Cottage Orove now tn signed at the law office of Uordon Mvers. all of Hayden liquidation. S Wells. Miner Building, Kugene directs publication once eacb week (|Bte of this notice, the same being un|) w rBturned Friday from their Oregon, within six months from the for four successive weeks and the dated and published the first time I rls s f s a r » f I H as f l r w f to ll t i l I t f z i ( I s x f I t t I a> * 1 . 1 . a b. » O A t l i A m w /» F Illlv 1 0 *1 3 C. C. C. Man Here—Chester Ger day of July. 1833 . date of the first publication hereof date of the first publication of thl« this I. the M. 20th PETERSON. Ancillary motor trip to the south Oregon ber, stationed with the C. C. C. Date of first publication hereof summons Is July 27th. 1833 Administrator with the will an- coast and return via Klamath Falls, C. A W IN T E B M E IE R . Attor­ Is August 3rd. 1333. camp at the Sisters, has been visit­ nexed of the estate of Frances Craler |j,g e and Bend ney for Plaintiffs. Residence: JOSEPH ACHESON. Adminis­ ing here with his uncle, H. E. | Eugene. Oregon. K Bean. Deceased. trator of the Estate of May (J 37— A 34 04 7-24) (J 2027—A 3-10-17) Inspect Ship— Among Springfield Gerber. Hoyles, Deceased. (A 3104724-31) , ----------------------------- people to inspect Old Ironsides at Returns from Sisters Area— Mrs. NOTICE TO CREDITO RS ------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE Portland Saturday were Florence B REAL PROPERTY IN T H R CO UN TY CO URT OF T H E May. Jol-ana Putman, Pearl Helter- Susan King returned Friday from B u s in e s s D ir e c t o r y NO TIC E I s hereby given that by S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E brand, Thelma Sweeney. Edna the Sisters vicinity where she ha» virtue of an execution and order CO U N TY OF LANE. P R O B A T E . ’ #„ d Ev> M„ ry and Jpan »pent the past three months visit­ |of sale laaued out of the Circuit ing with friends. D E P A R T M E N T Court uf the State of Oregon for Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Loak. lume County this 13th day of July. M A T T E R OF T H E ES Naturopathic Physician 1833. upon and Pursuant to a de T A T E ()F . DALE ELM ER CHASE.* Doctor Has Visitors— Mrs. A. L. Drive to Albany— Mr. and Mrs. H cree duly given and made by said Windom and children, and Nellie: E. Gerber motored to Albany and I I'boue Bl-J DECEASED .Court thia 17th day of July. 1833, In Rehhan. all of Seattle, and Mr». S w e e t Home Friday. Mr. Gerber’s n suit pending therein In which Office Hours: I to 6 P. M Notice Is hereby given that th e, w Temp|elon of Albany came to m<)lber_ M r«. o. W Gerber, return- , Alice M Morse was plaintiff and i Nick Anton, et. at. were defendants, undersigned has been aPFo,nt?<, I q „ri,.af|p|(i over the week-end to 40« Fourth Street _ _ _______ ed to Springfield rith them. which execution and order of .a le rnlnlstratrlx of the Estate of Dale Spring Held o v e e wee# was to me directed and commanded Klmer Chase. Chase, Deceased by the visit at the home of their brother me to sell the real property herein County Court of the State of Ore ant| g|Bter-ln-law, Dr and Mrs. w Injures Elbow — Yvonne Nott.l after described to satisfy certain * on ,or !-«••>* County and has qua - Rebhan. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nott liens and charges In said decree rlMl Watchmaker and Jeweler ¡specified, I will on Friday the 26th AB person» having claim« against picnic Sunday — A number of fell and fractured her elbow Thurs- SP R IN G F IE L D Her brother. | ' day of August, 1833, at the hour of »aid e»tate are hereby notified to cvpr|nBf|e|d people enjoyed a picnic ; day of last week. Hi So. Pacific W atch Inspector 10 o'clock. A. M., at the southwest present the same to me at 3« North Glenn Junior, had his tonsils taken out First Class Work at Reasonable ■>.. in Street E tisene. O regon, at cam p OI M r . a n a m is . c . e e . , ................ ........ . door of the County Court Houa« in Lawrence Street, Eugene. Oregon the office of a local physician Prices. Kugene. Lane County, Oregon, offer with vouchers and duly verified Robertson west of Notl Sunday. » for sale and sell at public auction within six months from the date | n(.|„de<| In the party were Mr. and on Friday, for cash, subject to redemption as hereof. Mrs D B Murphy. Mr. and Mrs (tenersi Law Practice Pttbllahed July 20 and Mr anJ Mrg provided by law. all of the right, t a i i Returns from Vacation— Marlon title and Interest of the defendants I. M. PETERSON Last publication. August 7. 1833. Wayne Robinson, besides Mr. and L. Coyner, assistant In charge of In said suit and of all parties claim­ Attorney at-lj»w the liquidation of the First Nation­ VERA E L LE N MEARS. Admin Mrs Glenn Robertson ing by, through or under them or istratrix. al Bank here, returned to Spring- City Hall Building any of them. In or to the following Píenle on Umpqua— Mr. and Mrs. Held Monday following a vacation (J 20-27— A 3-10-17) described real property, to-wit: Hprlngfleld. Oregon Harry Whitney and Mr. and Mrs o( oB# wpek Hf> gp claiming any right title estate The southwest quarter of tha Craft, and Mrs. Soule visited with been visiting here for the past six lien or Interest In the real pro northwest quarter of section 10 In Township 18 south of range 2 her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. C weeks, left for their home Wed­ perty deecrlhed In the complaint west of the W illam ette Meridian Trotter. herein. Defendants. nesday morning They were ac­ and also the east halt of the To L. Z. McVay. Unknown heirs companied on their visit here by southwest quarter and the north of Daniel McVay, deceased, Alfred west quarter of the southwest IN T H K C lR C U rr*C O U R T OF T H E 1 ano,her <’ au