w l so o u i »»■’ THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS «■■BMBMme »*• AM M M iM M M M aaH II ! I It'll l . r 11 Y KA It HFRINOFIICLD. IJYNE C O U N T Y , O R EG O N . T H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T 17. 1033 i . ». i — COUNCIL OEFEHS NEXT BALL GAME Cannery Unit to EARLY PIONEER K W G„we„ c m K B i DRIVE <-•«• c » * r bour-Uay Meet Be here Monday Meeting briday NOW UNDER W II SEWAGEJCTION TO SETTLE TITLE PASSES AT DEXTER Future Work and Study Per­ County Agent to Speak at Needy People Urged to Pre»- 'Mass Gathering at Taylor Barnelt Named Colonel o f! iods to Occupy Young Peo­ State Health Officer Threat­ Springfield Need« Victory erve Perishnble Food« for Many Descendant« Survive ple; Plan Special Sessions Hall Aug. 18; All Invited Use In Winter Months Sales Army; Plan House to ens City With Prosecution Over Hilt« Creek to Cloae Pasting of "Grandma" Blak­ House Buying Canvass Over Sewage Senaon; Defeat Mean« Tie ' l.unc county'» portable cannery ley. One of Lane's Pioneer« Flans for a four-day conference) _______ Disposal The government wheat produc­ tion control program will be ex­ will return to prtngfteld next M oii One of l.ane county’s oldest ON SUNDAY day anil Tueeday. Augusl Zl anil plained and discussed at a special WAIT FOR BLUE EAGLES pioBaers. Mrs la b e l "Grandma" hall ' 22. II ww announced thl . week by I lilakley. pa«»-d away at Dexter meeting to he held In Taylor's _____ In Springfield at 8:00 p. m Friday Many Voluntary Codes Being Locale Now Head List of m i «» Howenu Nl»»»ii. Moil fro»» Saturday al the home of her dough night. August 18. by County Aguut Drawn; Grocers to Iron Dif­ Standing; Have Ensy Time repr» nntatlve for thi» dletrlrt ter, Mr». IS. L. Baxter She was ficulties at Monday Meet With Fruit Grower« Team The cannery will again be located aged BO. and had been the Insplra G. H Fletcher. This In one of a Pl AY HERE and religious educational period to take the place of the outing pre vloosly . planned, were announced ,hla by william Cox. pre»i dent of the Christian Endeavor so­ ciety. The four day» commencing Bui day, September 24. were design- it ii a« the time for the gathering. In making the announcement Mr. Cox »«reseed the fact that thia 1» to be a purely local affair, with S tate Christian Endeavor officers and others here as guest leaders for the discussion groups. During the four day» conference», religious education periods, special speakers, and entertainment will be provided. Educational work will be stressed, and work for the future will be dis­ cussed and outlined. It Is planned to have special -peakers for each of three evening gathering«. One of the evening.-« will likely be oevoted exclusively to »pedal entertainment. DEBT INCREASE SHUNNED City Audit for Seven Months Shows Financial Condition; Expenses Inside Budget nerles of six preliminary educa­ I on the vacant lot acro»» from the lion for a large family reunion on An even 50 Bprlngfleld bualneas The council discussed the «30.000 Whether in not Springfield'»; Mountain Stute« Power company bet birthday la«t June A tidal of tional meetings arranged by the loan approval of the governor's baseball team win« the Cascade) o ffl- at Sixth and Main »tree!» 116 person» attended th>- gathering Lane County wheat growers sd firms and those adjacent to thia r, public work'» hoard for a sewage vlaory committee and the county city had »igned the Frealdent'» tornai ooh , corn b- et» ami league pennant anil prlxe» and which wa» held ut Riverside park blanket unemployment rode and disposal plant for Springfield and agent. •getable« will be ■ aimed al clone» It» aea»on now. or play» two , o » Of Ibis number 97 were relative» heard Dr. Frederick Stricker di» Il la important that all wheat made application for the Blu>* more contesla with the leadership II. ** She »1 n was honored In the pion cn«» the river pollution at Monday growers of the Springfield section Eagle, lnalgna of the National Re t now obtaining a»»l tance of the league undetermined. will I , F eer celebration b*-ld In Kugene a night’s meeting. No action was attend this meeting, according to covery Administration, at the lo Med Cro«» may make use be allied al llraltaln field next fro 7“ few years ago. taken even after Dr. Stricker said the county agent. Thresher oper- cal poitofflce today. Lena than 35 tnery by bringing their Sunday when Springfield'» league of t Cf Mr». Binkley the cannery on the leading player» meet an Invading . prod t* : from Missouri when she was II time to attend and to take farm ) emblem», however, the other» pati Just as soon as Portland had built days "* »ted, having first ob nine front 11111» Creek. year» old Her family first settled member» of thelp «rew with them, ently watting until more can be a plant. The law prohibits dumping