AUOU8T 10. IM I PAPE POUR JENSEN-M cGUIRE TO HEAD ARMORY CARD Wrestling fam are offw, „ |t,y had Hp..... |hp w„„k of Vida was a business visitor In Leaburg People Come— Mr and this city on Friday. Mra. A. Golt of Leaburg wore visit Leaburg Resident Here —J. W. ors In Springfield Tuesday morn I Fountain of Leaburg was a busi­ tag ness visitor In Springfield F riday. Monmouth People Here— Mr and Visit in Portland — Mis« Edith Mr F M Roth of Monmouth were Eaton spent the week-end visiting visitors In Springfield over the with friends tn Portland. week end Squirrels Thrive on ••Repellant" t>u Bieaa manager In h l. statem ent Mr. Bromley aaya: "The full cooperation of the gaa ami electric utility Industry In the I'realdent'a Emergency Reemploy man! Program was promised to Na llonal Recovery Administrator Hugh B Johnson by s committee conaiatlng of George II Cnrtelyou. president of Edison Electric Insll lute. Floyd L. Carllale, chairman of Die Bpcdal Code Committee of the Institute, ami Herman Rusaell, chairman of (he Special Code Com niltlee of the American (la . aaao elation. "In view of the fact that the ull lilies are service Induatrlea In con tlnuoua operation day and night, some modification» of the Pr«»al dent'» reemployment agreement were «ltacuaaed and the committee was requested by General Johnson to bring lu their code as Boon aa possible, In order that the provla Ion. covering these special condi­ tion» may he aubatltuted for the provisions In the standard agree i n e u t . thereby entitling (be mam hers of the Induatrlea to receive the Blue Eagle, upon execution of the modified ngreemwul. "General Johnson state hie aatla faction with the elpreeaed deal re of these Induatrlea tn «-«Kiperate one hundrad percent In the movement to Increase mass purchasing powar and spread employment." Some so-called repellants used with seed corn In an effort to see J. H . Jarksua, o f P alm etto, Georgia, waa use u f the tirst eotlun growers If »hey would keep rodents away, 1« the south to start plowing under cotton in seeordanre with the Federal M rs Joka 8. Hheppard. member e f Returns Horn«— Mrs. Elisa Wire proved instead to be more like bait A g ric u ltu ra l Adjustm ent Act fo r reduced acieage to get increased price for New York S tate Aliwholw t\»atrul to squirrels olf the Lallie Hayes sen re Id returned to her home here the sUple. Photo shows (le ft to rig h t», Charlie K eith. H m et Kobiason and Board and H ta U Ckairm ao -o f Ih» Wednesday from the north Pacific (arm near Eugene. Mrs. Hayes tried M r. Jackson at the plows on the Jackson farm W en ira's Organisation for N a tio n *' Prohibit!«*«* Reform . beeches where sh e has been visit out four kind« o f m aterials on a Ing with tier daughter and son-in- sm all scale. T hese were carbolln- N -I-R -A Brings Luck law. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lemmons of i urn. carbolic acid and sw eet oil. To Marry Governor ¡ pine tar and landplasler. and a com Portland. uiervlal crow repellant. The chief ■ esult noted was that the squirrels California People Here— Mr and left a check plot planted nearby and Visit In Portland— Mr and Mrs Mrs. F. O. Somner of San Fran took special delight in eating the Go to Myrtle Point— Mrs A. ('. I Arble Lansberry spent the w eek­ cl co. California are here visiting treated seed, especially that treated ‘ Chase and Mrs. E. L. Ilowe of end visiting with friends tn Port­ Creswell have gone to the home ot at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Prank with the commercial crow repel- Pacific Coast Prices Lower land. DePue. Mr. Somner la a former i lant. The lest was considered a Than Chicago Quotations; the former at Myrtle Point engineer for the California state I success" in that it showed what Board Considers New Plan In Foreat Servlcw— Floyd Nolleth New Jereey Man Here- Charles highway department. ; not to do. has gone to Cascadia where he Is Cook. New Brunswick. New Jersey, With the whole theory of the | to be employed by the Foreat Ser­ w s a guest of Mr and Mra F 11 agricultural adjustment act based i vice Flanery Monday He Is an Inatruc- on means o f obtaining “parity | At Ocean— Mrs. C N. Lusby Is ,0T <>f “ *»lc »' Hutger’a university prices” for the farmers' products.. spending the week at Oceanside Return« |# Hom#_ Mr, , -arietta Increased Interest is being shown In | where she Is visiting with h®r j Buell returned to her home at Falla the changing relationships between daughter. Mrs Robert Brady. ' City Sunday after spending the past the things farmers sell and those that they buy. according to L. R. Drain Folk Hera— Mr and Mrs three weeks here at the home of Breithaupt. extension economist at 1 king all, MI m Violet Elisabeth C. Caspers and grandson. Bennie her son and daughter In-law. Mr Oregon State college. This Is parti­ (above) e ie utive secretary to i Oov- Barber, of Dralu are visiting lu and Mrs. W K Buell. eruur Jehu Oarlaad Pollard uf Vir­ cularly true ad to wheat, now the Springfield this week Return« to Home— Virginia Lee ginia, is to become ' * first lady ’' of object of a definite control program. that elate, her • ugagcnicat to the Rossburg People Here— Dr a n d ; *’ohl ‘laughter of M r and Mrs M The government index of prices You’ll be surprised at the service we are prepared gov. rt.or having been announce«!. Mrs C O Van Valsah of Roseburg . * Pohl returned to her home here paid by farmers as of July 15 Is 105 to give you in fresh and cured meats. Come in and Visits at Lebanon— Frank Rollins per ceat of the 1910-1914 average I spent the week-end here at the Sunday following a stay of several lia . gone to Lebanon where he will inspect our modern, sanitary plant and the fine meats weeks nt the homo of Mr and Mrs Í home of his mother, Mrs. A. B Van now used as the normal period. we have to offer. vtalt for several days. Charles Riggs of Marcóla Hire is Nira, her full name being Valsah This _____ is two r _____ points ________________ rise since June We are greatly pleased at the patronage given our and five points since March. As this , Nira Collins of Upper Darby, P v Albany Folk Camp—Mr and Mrs meat department since its opening a few days ago. Attend Ball G a m e - Miss Maxine Medford P eopl. S t o p - Mr and _______ _ nnc« nr Little Nira, shown in the arms of h«w J case Yeager an sons. Eddie and index goes up so will the price of nurse, was born as President Roose­ Snodgrass and Lloyd Garrison mo- Mr" »’ Medfor.l stop Doctor III—«Dr W Ç. Rebhan was Donald, of Albany are camping on farm products need to rise If a fair velt launched his " N R A ” plan. tored to Portland SKmdav to attend P«1 Springfield for a short visit III at his home Wmlnnaday. Ha Is the McKentle thia week. Nira'» parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. purchasing power is to be attained reported tn he better thia morning Collins, decided upon the name when the Portland San F Mis Tu** ''“V morning enroute to L.-a bur« wh*’r- ‘he>’ »«"'"'le«! "»«• «old­ Visiting Father — Mra Helen the father obtained work after baiag Sion, baseball game Wheat Gains, Commodities Up en wedding aenlversary of his par Waahburne Martin arrived here The average farm price of wheat idle a year. PASTURE TO R E N T - South of B Business Men Visit—<• V. ('ties J ents. Mr. and Mrs W. It. Craft Monday from Ban Francisco Io on July 15 had risen to SG 9 cents K sawmill on intllrare. food ney. Portland, and D. Rlntoul of vlalt her father. B A Washburn«. a bushel, or almost as high as the Visit from McMinnville— Mr and grao», well f«»»i«w*d Phone Bpr San Rranclaro were buslneaa vial- pre-war average, but since that SHFS. Returns from California — Mrs. I tors In Springfield the first of the Mrs Thomas Patrick of McMinn time the price has gone down and vllle were here Bunday visiting /uilil Cowart returned Wednesday ■w week. commodity price have probably with her »later. Mr. M A Pohl from Bun Frnnrlsco, California Mr and Mrs. E. W. Howells and raised somewhat above the 106 Play In Snow— Doc Taylor. Lloyd j Und with her parents, Mr. and Mrs where she has b««en visiting with Index, so parity is not in sight foe son, Jimmie, have returned from a Frese. George Thatcher and Orville A. J Srhnetzky. her sous. Ivan, Byron, and Hugh. two w eeks’ vacation to the beach wheat. McPherson spent the week-end at L. S. Brown was elected to fill the snowbed» on the upper Ca Guests at Hotel— Ronald Peter­ Attend« Meeting—F 11 Flanery As for Oregon, the farm price of a vacancy on the leab u rg school son. Gladstone. Oregon. John l-ald and daughter. Dorothy, and W F wheat has not reached any such board caused by the resignation of cades. WuU-h the MurketB -You law. Gladstone, and Clarence Fair- Walker spent Wednesday and figure, as an unusually large spread Mrs. Frances Elston at a m etlng ilont have to take our word Mr. and Mrs brother of Oregon City were regís Bend People Her lies developed between Pacific at the Leaburg school house Friday Dwight Cottlngham of Bend were , ere<1 #( |h(, Spr|nRn,.,4t Hot, j ¿hj, Thursday In Portland attending the fur It entirely. W E DO OUR PART annual "Buyer's Week " coast cash wheat price and those j n|ght. here during the week-end visiting wee|j BUY NOW AND SAVE! at Chicago. This has amounted at Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Craft were with her father. J. B. Hodson, and | Return to Lake— Mr. and Mrs O , times to between 20 and 30 cents a complimented at a special golden her aunt. Mrs. Wanda Barn«« F o rm e r Resident Hare—Lex Has II. Turner left again Monday (or a bushel. When one adds to this wedding anniversary service at the ford of Morene« vlslt«vl with h l‘ vacation trip at Ixion lake south nt We are cooperating with President Roosevelt in Visitor from Iowa— Morris David­ freight charges from farm to ter Leaburg church Sunday night. Corner Dry Good« Store aon and dnughter-ln-taw. Mr. and Bcuttaburg. Their trip will be ot In­ his employment program and have conformed with the son arrived here Friday from Cen­ ; minal. it is seen that the “frout i Mrs. Paul Baaford the first of the definite duration. The Waltervllle grange gave an hours and increased clerical help to put his N. R. A. tral City, Iowa to visit with Mr page" report of Chicago futures interesting program under super week Mr. Basford formerly resided agreement in force. We hope the public will appreci­ price is far above what the Oregon vl ion of Mrs. F. W. Page at an and Mrs Don Meaktns and with I lu this city and has property In ate that we are under extra expense by increasing our Mrs E O. Meaklns In Eugene farmer can get for hl« wheat. I terests here. open meeting held at Leaburg com DR. KORINEK'S force and will cooperate with us in making this move Herman munity church Tuesday evening Lumber Worker He Large Stocks on Coast a success. Boy Scout meeting at Leaburg Ma on. employee of the Fischer Leave for Vacation Mr and Mrs This abnormal spread between was held Wednesday evening. Lumber company camp above Mar-1 **• •> Bartholomew and family left Pacific Northwest and Chicago Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Godard enter cola, was a business visitor In Tuesday afternoon for Oakland, prices is blamed on the excessive tained the Leaburg C. E. group at Springfield Saturday. j California anti other Bay district Free* Your Cow* from Th*M Pest* stored supplies of wheat in this their home Monday evening „ !c ,,,e ' wht,n* wl" "p*'n<’ two territory resulting from near col- Per Gallon - The fire near Mt. Nebo which Ashland Resident V is it a - IL D weekg. vacation At Daklan.l they lap e of the export outlet the last covered some 2500 acres of logged ln Springfield Sat wtl, Tta,t w1th M„ . Ma(, g(. K„g||ah. There are many hargalna offered to you at thin two years. In an effort to correct urday from Ashland to spend some tw|n R|,uer of Mrs. Bartholomew. drug store. Buy Now and Save! this situation aDd avoid dumping over land is reported under control Ith his daughter. ’ * To many of the fighters the fire tira® visiting the western wheat on the eastern was unique a» they are C. C. C .1 o '«»ns. Plan Loop Trl(>— Mr. and Mra. II ®' ^urp T. an 1 markets via the Panama canal, the Delbert and James Mitchell. 1 H. Myers and W. C. Myora left boys from the prairie elates. BIX PANCAKE FLOUR YOUR CHOICE agricultural adjustment administra­ LOYAL E. 3COTT. Prop. Tuesday fOL a l«>op trip In south- Open Home Here— Mrs Ed Soule (O r p R (M ) T ,lpy p|annw| ,o v.slt tion is seriously considering using PILLSBURY PANCAKE FLOUR 2’/ a LB. PKG. and son. Harley, returned Sunday RewJ ii<>r( ( .re,,,p,It , . „ y , he a small percentage of the income CROWN PANCAKE FLOUR each from Newport and Have o p en ed , upper H(i(?iip val|py returnlng t o l from the processing tax on wheat their home here again Hailey will Sprt„gflp|(| by way Klnmstb I to establish an export subsidy or The ladles of Pleasant HUI gave attend Springfield high school thia (.ra, er u k ( . aM equalization fee by which to make fall and winter. 1 __________________ possible export of this northwest surprise party on Mrs. O. H. surplus wheat to the O rient Such Wangelin honoring her 82nd birth­ NOTICE S. & W. ICOFFEE 1 LB. CAN Lebanon People Viait— Mr and OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON action, it is stated, would not only day Tuesday aft-rnoon. August 8. Mrs. G. Jones and family of I^*h- • 2 LB. CAN restore the normal relationship be­ Mrs. W argelin makes her nome anon »pent Sunday In Springfield EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE tween Chicago and western mar­ with her daugnter, Mrs. E. B Notice is hereby given that by visiting Mr. Jone«' sister and These are thirsty summer «lays hut Egglmann’s «• 1 virtue of an execution and order of kets but would also protect the mar Tinker brother-in-law Mr and Mrs W N. ale In foreclosure Issued out of the "otttitain has a drink o-i every (hirut. Mixed like you kets of the entire country from The young folks of the Christian Long Circuit Court of Lane County, Ore being depressed by distress selling Endeavor are having a picnic Bat Ilk«* them our soft drinka hit the xpot when one 1» hot. gon, on the 8th day of August. 1933. Drive to Portland— Mr and Mrs In a suit wherein, on the 3rd day of of Pacific coast wheat through the urday night at Dilley's Riverside Nell Pollard. Mrs. Alma Pollard August. 1933. In said Court Oeorge You'll notice the difference in our fountain driukk east for what it would bring. park. Mrs. R L. Whitlow and daughter C. Christenson recovered judgment and our service. That’H why so many of our customers Mrs. Jesse Markham and daugh against the Defendants Lawrence With this widening spread of ter of Missouri are visiting at th e , Shirley, motored to Portland Sun Tru«*sdale and Rosie M. Truesdale from out of town drlv« around H i I h way each evening. wheat prices coupled with the fact day and Inspected Old Ironsides for the sum of One Thousand Two that we tern farmers usually have home of Mr:. Morton Bristow. and Fifty Dollars Miss Alice Swift, who has been and other more modern fighting Hundred to pay somewhat higher prices than (11.250.00), and for the further sum craft anchored In the river. S P R IN G F IE L D . O R E G O N visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr». of Forty-two and 4fi 100 Dollar« the national average, little hope Is Mr. and Mrs Daiej ($42.46) as Interest thereon, and Visit Parent seen for attaining "parity" for E. Y. Swift has returned to her ' Where Die Serv ia Is DUTarent" for the further sum of One Hund northwestern wheat growers unless home in Portland. Miss Mildred Cheshire of Cheshire were here Fri­ red Dollars ($100.50) us attorney's come such method is found for re­ Swift who visit -d a week in Port­ day vlsltng #i the home of her par­ fees and for costs and disburse d u cin g the burdensome export sur­ land has returned to her home at ents, M r. and Mrs. II. E Gerber. ments taxed at the sum of $24.80. 44 Plea ant Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn « h si:lr visited and said execution to me directed, NOTHING DOES SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE AS YOUR TELEPHONE plus In tht region. P. N. and Ralph Laird are bailing with her sister Mrs. Don Meaklns commanding me In the name of the State of Oregon, In order to satisfy alfalfa hay this week. J. A. Phelps the same dnv. said Judgment, Interest, attorney's also is bailing. Most of the grain fees, costs of suit, and accruing Portland Peop'e H ire— Mr. and has been cut and threshing will costs, to sell the following des­ "Typical Swim Girl" Mrs. El«ry Faye and Miss Mary cribed real property, to-w lt: start soon. The southwest quarter of th» Floyd John and br'de have gone Frances Hannibal, all of Portland, northwest quarter of section 10 to Meadowvlew wh -e they will spent the week-end here at the In Township 16 south of range 2 home o f I.irs. Fave’s mother, Mrs. make their home. west of the W illamette Meridian C. I. G orrb. Sr Miss Hannibal is and also the east half of the We are well equipped to give you a prompt, complete southwest quarter and the north­ remaining for two weeks to visit west quarter of the southwest printing service o! "The Printing ‘Staples’ Used in with Miss Jeannine Withers. quarter of section 10 township 16 south of range 2 west of the Every Business Community.” Enterprlre Teahcer Visits— Miss Willamette Meridian, In Lane Mond'-y evening 21 of Thursto” . s Jeannette W lllgerc It, teacher In County. Slate of Oregon. These "Staples” are the printing that you are using young ¡e o. I motored to the Wil­ the Enterprise schools, v. i i a guest The southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 10 day after day, week itili-r week, and month after lam ette river above Jasper for a over the week-end at toe home ot In Township 16 south of range 2 swim nl '.'.i Iner roast. Mrs. D. B. Murphy. MI h iVllls«-ro x 8W ART8, Sheriff of Lane Springfield Tint acific TnxPHomt nd bucrafh omtamt i t .. 1« out« an A T C