T H l SPRDfOrraLD NRW» THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, IM I Caah oa band Dar. 31. 1032 Har'd from Fiona Paid Affidavit« of District Ally. * Sheriff lulsnce Caab on hand Juna 30. 1033 For Tarni Ending Juna 30th, 1033 Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Naturopathic Physician Phone 01 J Office Hours: 1 to 6 I*. M to* Fourth Htreet Edw. G. Privai JKWKLEK KepalrltMf a Spec ialty Springfield, Oregon General Law Practice 3 19.626 47 Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1933 Rec'd from Taxe« Paid County Superintendente Order» Balance Caah on hand June 30. 1933 3 3.186 33 30.287 46 9 33.478.78 Reliance Life Insurance Co. ut I'lttahuigb. Pa E. H. TURNER Hprlngfleld. Ore. POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Formerly Walker-Poole EUG ENE- llth HI'KLNUFIELU 228 Main and I harneltun. I'htlne 82 J Telephone 72J IT COSTS NOTHING TO FIND OUT, . . . Unknown to you, your eyes may be defective. The only way of detecting poor sight Is by an eyesight examination. Many years of practical experience In optometry assures you a thoro­ ugh and scientific eye exami­ nation. nnd If glasses are not re­ quired you will be told so frank ly when you come to this office. And It will coet you nothing for the examination. If glasues are needed they will be fitted not only so as to cor­ rect your vision, but will be at­ tractive and comfortable as well The charges are very reason­ able. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist *1 W ent Bth I Cash on hand Dec 31. 1022 Bus***« 2,057 0 ’, 1 3.0*2 74 3 Hec'd from Taxea Miscellaneous Kecelpts Balance l'a»h on bund June 30. 1033 >6.021.02 Period commencing January 1. 1033 and ending June 10. 1013. both dates Inclusiva 80,079.80 3 00 M <0 8.731.27 3113.373.73 T a i Collection January 1 to June 30, 1033 2.243.00 Warrants cancelled and returned to fund Grey Digger Poisoning ........... 3116*21.73 Received from Clerk'« fees Received from Hherlff'» fees R<-relved from lntere«t Proceeds County Farm Received from fine« ..... ' 141.20 HuhacrlptloDs for County Agent Reporter'« fee» 141 20 Auto Capip Inspection Received from license Refund from Revolving Fund Miscellaneous Receipt« .............................. Transferred from County Road Fund Transferred from Dog Fund 3 28.420.00 Overdraft June 30, 1033 ............ «2,704.77 Overdraft December 31, 1032 ........................ Warrants Ia»ued Jan. 1 to June 30, 1033 ................. 3 4«,024 28 Paid Interest on W arrant» Paid Migratory Chattels and Litigants Fees Warranta Warrants Warrant» «,021.02 , W arrants Warrant» 3*021 02 outstanding Dec. 31. Issued Jan. 1 to June paid and cancelled cancelled by County outstanding June 30. 9 14.072.28 24.79 Cash on haod Dec. 31, 1032 .............................I 1.242 68 Balaxice Cash on hand June 30. 1033 68.126.60 28.830 87 au aa 1.020 02 146*0 188 83 1,700.00 «4 00 37.50 40.00 0.360.60 601.18 1,242.(8 1.634.04 58.507.37 12 •av an helrg SPECIAL SCHOOL D ISTR IC TS 3102.207 22 .......... ............ Caah on hand Dec 31. 1032 Rec'd from Taxes Miscellaneous Receipts Paid District Clerks Balance Cash on hand June 30. 1033 UNIO N HIG H SCHOOL 3 Caah on hand Dec 31. 1032 Rec'd from Taxes 3 00.430 27 Paid District Clerks Balance Cash on band June 30. 1033 S IN K IN G 85 65 I 31*4.122.3* 3 41.414 46 <124.627 26 1032 30. 1033 Court 1033 IS.80 31.66 48 36 $ 10.626 47 3 19.626.47 3 28.843.60 4.631.38 3 33.473.78 74502 CO UNTY ROAD FUND 7 80 Tax Collection Jan. 1 to June 30. 1033 ...... —.....I 27.310.88 154.80 Received from Fine« ...............~......................... ..... 7.80 Uae of Equipment —........... - ....... - ---- ----------- 16,179 77 1.3*1.28 Refund Motor Vehicle Fuel — ---- ------ -------------- 200 OO Received from Sale of Land 314.21 Received from Sales and Rentals — ..... — 5*4.28 Miscellaneous Receipt« and Refunds ------- 381.07 W arrants cancelled and returned to Fund 54.420 12 ■ u r u t n : Transferred from Special Road Fund _...... >163,002 86 O vanJraM Jur4e 30, 1033 .................................... 14.42*.07 26.407 36 Overdraft December 31, 1092 ........................ Warrants Issued Jan. 1 to June 30, 1033 . 3170,«00 18 Paid Interest on Warrants Tranaferred to 8pecial Road Fund Transferred to General Fund —....... 3.082 *2 11.025 34 ---------------- 3 14,107 96 8 12.766.47 Warrants outstanding Dec. 31, 1.341 40 Warrants Issued Jin . 1 to June ---------------- ' Warrants paid and cancelled 3 14,107 96 Warrants cancelled by County W arrants outstanding June 30. FUND 3 25,043.27 Ca li on hand Dec. 31. 1032 403.07 Herd from Taxes 3.748 30 Miscellaneous Kecelpts Rec'd from Interest on Sinking Funds Paid Bonds A Inereet. Special Schools 3 30.184 64 l*ald Bonds A Interest. Union High School« Kefund to School Districts Refund Taxes (Union High No. 0) Balance Ca»h on hand June 30. 1033 31O5.777.3Î 3 2C.870.04 152.440.7« 280 38 3170*00.18 3 30.161.40 106.06 64,420.12 6.071.70 3 04.434.15 11.143 07 7.80 3 1,171*8 26.201 5* 1.140.49 58 56 < 28.(71.28 Total 3 3115.404.38 I 7,4*4.20 50.244.03 Court 1033 3 67,711.10 SPECIAL ROAD DISTR IC TS t 33.M6.7* Tax Collection Jan. 1 to June 30. 1933 .... _ 68.12**0 Transferred from County Road Fund ... 4.47 W arrant Cancelled and returned to fund Miscellaneous receipts, refunds, etc. 144.42 ___g.. — „ « a 4AS4 0,125.51 Overdraft June 30. 1033 Overdraft December 31, 1032 .................................. W arrants Issued Jan. 1 to June SO. 1033 -------- Tranaferred to County Road F u n d ------------------ 3 28.671.28 Paid Intereat on W arrants —................................ 3 22.004 *4 í'/.S o -I 1.VO9 75.97 15.31 SUM M ARY OF BALANCES ON HANO JUNE 30. 1033 Vnsegregnted Taxes General Fund ............. County Roads .......... Special Roads .................. Market Roads County School Fund State School Fund County High School Tuition Elementary Millage Fund Library Fund Deficiency Fund State Tax Fund .................... Indemnity Fund Port of Slualaw ..................— Forest Fire Patrol County Fair Fund ......— ..... Fish and Game Fund Dog Tax Fund .............. ....... Bee Fund ....... County Prohibition Fund State Prohibition Fund Special Cities ......................... Permanent Roads ................. Bond Redemption Fund County High School Fund Beach Road Special Special School Dtatrlcta Union High Dtatrlcta ........... Sinking Fund» 1033 ---- 30. 1033 0.200.36 73,329 36 28.830.87 6,671.70 3,748 30 11.143 07 31.66 10.625.47 4 631.28 74592 1.8M 80 22,303.92 3.627.02 627.50 00 3.615.86 7.50 2.752.61 10.11 72*3 60 00 2.243.00 141.20 *2.795.77 (.021.02 7.80 26,807.36 1.341.40 15.31 W arrants W arrants W arrants W arrants W arrants 3100.3(8 7« outstanding December 31. 1932 ..... 3 1.0*9.50 Issued Jan. 1 to June 30. 1933 43.010.40 paid and cancelled ........................ ........ cancelled by County Court .................. outstanding June 30. 1033 ..................... 9 44.970.00 M A R K ET ROAD FUND Tax Collection Jan. 1 to Jun e30. 1033 ......... 9 26,010.03 Kefuud from State ...........................—------- ---------- 2,599.43 Miscellaneous Receipts ........................................... 85.«6 W arrant cancelled and returned to fund .......... 10.43 Overdraft Dee. 31. 1932 ........................................ Warrants issued Jan. 1 to June 30, 1933 ----------- Paid Interest on W arrants ------------------------------- Balance on hand June 30, 1933 -------- ----------------- >110.086.64 746 02 STA TE OF OREGON, S3. CO UN TY O F LANE 1 Grace Schiska. County Treasurer of 1-ane County, Oregon, do I hereby certify that the foregoing 1» a true and correct statement o 89 rrc-ipl». disbursements, and balances by funds of Lane I m n l j 1.806 fur the term ending June 30. 1033. as appears upon the records of my i 89« 80 " f f ' . e and In my official custody as such Treasurer 1.806 89 witness my hand this 30th day of June. 1933. GRACE SCHISKA. County Treasurer. W arrants W arrants W arrants Warrant-' W arrants outstanding Dec. 31. 1932 ....... issued Jan. 1 to June 30, 1033 paid and cancelled .................. rsncelled by County Court outstanding June 30, 1933 ------- 9 27.I74 54 .... 9 9,714.32 18,741.23 9 28.466.66 PE R M A N E N T ROAD BONDS Balance on hand Dec. 31. 1932 Balance on hand June 30. 1033 ............... W arrants outstanding Dec. 31, 1932 W arrants outstanding June 30. 1933 of 3 B rla to w , de- Ceased, unknown helra of I»aac V. IH . Brlatow, deceased, also all other persona or parties unknown claim­ ing any right, title, estate, lein or - Interest in the real property dea- $ 14.228.82 cribe,, |n u ,e complaint herein. De- 3.00 i rendante. 131.809 90 | N T H E N A M E OF T H R S T A T E OF OREGON. You are hereby 31*6.041.72 required to appear and answer the amended complain: filed against you In the above entitled salt w ith­ in tour weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons and if you fail to so appear or an­ swer for want thereof the plaintiffs will take a decree against you quieting the title to the following described reel property: Southeast quarter of the North­ east quarter and the Northeast quarter ot the Southeast quarter of section 11 and the West one 6 5,700.3« half of the Northwest quarter and 50.244 93 the West one half of the South­ 24.70 west quarter of Section 12, all la 58,12«.«0 Township 17 South Range 19 1.242*8 West of W illamette M eridian in Lane County, Oregon, 3115.405.38 and that each of you be decreed to have no right, title, estate, lien or 3 14.072.28 interest in or to the aforesaid pre­ 381.97 mises cr any part thereof. The order directing the serví :e 43.256 04 ot this summons by the publication 3 57 711 10 ib*™ «! *« dated July 26th, 1033 and directs publication once each week for four successive weeks gnd the date of the first publication of this summons Is July 27th, 1033. C. A. W INTERM E1ER. A tto r­ ney for Plaintiffs. Residence: Eugene. Oregon. (J 27— A 3-10-17-24) 9 13*2-10 43.010.40 NO TICE OF SHER IFF’S SALE 64.420.12 REA L PROPERTY 196.05 NO TIC E la hereby glvan that by 9100.348 76 virtue of an execution and order of sale laaued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for 9 30.161.40 Lane County thia 10th day of July. 4.4711033. upon and pursuant to a de- 14.824.03 cree duly given and made by said ---------------- ' Court this 17th day of July, 1933, la I 44.970.90 a suit pending therein In which Alice M. Morse was plaintiff and Nick Anton, et. al. were defendants, which execution and order of sale was to me directed and commanded me to sell the real property herein­ after described to satisfy certain 3 7,102.89 liens and charges In said decree 9 -18.741.23 1 specified. I w II! On Friday the 1Mb . 493.07 day ot August. 1033, a l the hour of 1.246 45 10 o’clock. A. M., at the southwest ---------------- • door of the County Court House la 9 27.674.64 Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, offer , for sale and sell at public auction i for cash, subject to redemption aa 9 26.043.27 provided by law, all of the right, 10.43 title and interest of the defendants 2.501.85 in said suit and of all parties claim ­ ing by. through or under them or 9 38.455 66 any of them, in or to the following described real property, to-wit: The South half of the South­ west quarter of Section Nineteen (19); and the North half of the 62.03 Northwest quartet of Section Thirty. In Township Eighteen 52.03 (18). South, of Range Three (9) West of the W illamette Meridian, 88.27 in Lane County, Oregon, and con­ taining 158.77 acres, more or less 88.27 Dated this 10th day of July. 1033 C. A. SW ARTS. Sherilf. By A. E. Hulegaard. Deputy. (J 20-27— A 3-10-17) * 4 3 .5 0 J!««.041 72 7 80 IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O P T H R S T A T E OP OREGON POR LANE CO UNTY. Jease P. Leep. Nellie R. L M p and Enid E. Kyuu, Plaintiffs. va. James B rlato*. Mollie Bristow, Frank Brlatow, Clara Brlatoxx. Jessie H oriell, Fred Hornell, Blanche Graham, Jamen Oraham, Earl Carnahan, Fern Cantaban. Mary M e n , John M e n . Milton t'aruaban, Helen Carnahan, Ot­ well Bristow, Theodore Brlatow, Charle» Wheeler, unknown heirs of M artha 8. Brlatow, deceased, unknown heirs of Isaac V. H. Bristow, deceased, also all other per»on« or parties unknown claiming any right title, estate, lien or Interest In (he real pro­ perty described in the complaint herein. Defendants. To Blanche Graham, James Ora- bani' E" rl t-'»f“»l»an. Fern Caraa- , 5 h» n and Charle» Wheeler, unknown GENERAL FUND BEACH ROAD SPECIAL FUND 9 1.80*89 133.40 W. S. Dillard, County Clerk CO UNTY HIG H SCHOOL FUND 1.782.98 113 01 STATE TAX FUND Represented By 84* A 8t 3 34.228.82 BOND RED EM PTIO N FUND 300.30 3 11.324.10 043 SO Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1032 34.700.04 116 00 Rac'd from Taxes 73.320 36 Paid Interest on Bond» A Exchange 80.400.00 Paid Bond« 1100.016 07 Overdraft on June 30, 1033 .............. 3 44.024 23 DEFIC IEN C Y FUND 9 141 20 141 20 746.02 Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1032 Rec'd from Taxes Balance Cash on hnnd June 30, 1933 y ('ash on hand Dec 31, 1032 Balance Cash on band June 30. 1033 199.61 546 41 Caah on hand Dec. 81, 1932 Rec'd from T ale« Balani't* ( ’aMh <»n hand Jim«* »W, 1*33 «1.7« 116.650 07 »115,62173 LIBRARY FUND Hprlngfleld, Oregon 3 P ER M A N EN T ROAOS ELE M E N TA R Y M ILLAG E FUND I. M. PETERSON Attorney td-Law City Hall Building 00 19.M6.47 130 SO 40 00 OF P IN A L Notice la bers — or — tin P. Olsea. tl Batata of C. L. Olaca, filed hla Final Report as auch. gnd tha Court ba» sat Sat­ urday, tba N th day of Auguat, IMS. — OF — at (he hour of 10:00 o'clock la tba forenoon. In tha Conty Coart Room LANK COUNTY. OREGON In the Court Houaa at Eugene, la Lana County. Oragon, aa tha time January 1 tn Juna 30. 1033 and place to haar uhjactlona to the FIN A N C IA L 0 T A T E M E N T same. If any. and for tha final Bat­ tlement of »aid Batata. — OF — M A R T IN P. OL8EN, Executor. The Oaneral Fund, County Road Fund. Special Road Dtatrlcta. W'Kl.l.H A W E LL 8. Attorney«. (J 17— A 3-10-17-141 Market Road Fund. Permanent Road Bund Fund. Bond Redemption f’und Ix>« License Fuad, and Baa License Fund SUMMONS SPECIAL C IT IE S Caah on hand Dec. 31. 1032 Rac'd frum Taxe« Paid City Treasurer« Balance Caah oil hand Juna 30. 10J3 COUNTY HIG H SCHOOL T U IT IO N FUND < 172(3 113 SO 48 36 Cash on liHUd Dec. 31, 1032 Rec'd from Taxe» Balance Cash on hand June 30. 193. 100 00 7203 • T A T I P R O H IB ITIO N FUND <6*8.360 02 3 0,200 36 Caah ou hand Dec. 31. 1032 Rac'd from Flnaa ._ 8*77 SSO 37 P»ld Traaaurar ___ Balance Ca«h un hand June 30, 1033 48.36 3 4.13 107 SO * 17203 STATE SCHOOL FUND Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1032 Paid County Hupertntendent'a Orders Balance Cash on hand June 30. 1033 10.11 CO UNTY P R O H IB ITIO N FUND (IF HKCKII'TM ANU DIHBCHHKMKINTH l i t F U N D » 3106.777.13 10.11 10 11 Grace Schiska, County Treasurer Business Directory 10 11 Caab ob hand Dec 11, 1*32 Balance Cash oa hand Juna 30 I »33 — or — U N II O N I Q A T I D TAX FUND F o il ItK N T Four room huusv, gar­ Amt. unaegregaled Dee 31. 1032 I 071.71 úa«, gardon, Hprlngfleld Pbotia Hecelved (rum Hherlff ICuahl *41,043 3« 14,644 32 Kugelih I213 H A 310 Hecelved fru lli Hherlff (W arrant» fnr T alee ) T a l Segregatimi» Ha la lic e l'iiaegrcgiilnl June 30, 1033 Raturna from Hospital — Mlaa Boho Toiuaath raturuad to her («77.SS0.37 huma lu Hprlugflald following an QBNERAL FUND opvrutlon for uppauillultla al tha 32*3.1« Caah un hand Dec 31, 1032 Pacific hospital lu Kugene. 30.070 8* Hec'd from Tax«« 3.731 27 Rac'd from Clark Fee« Mareóla Man Ylaltor — Charla« It' I || from Hherllf Fee« 311.83 Huger of Marcala waa a bualnraa Hec'd from Fine« 138 83 40 00 visitor In Mprlngflald Munday. Hec'd frnm License 1,020 02 Inter««! on County Money 146.40 Driva to Lake— Mr mid Mra. It I ' .......-.d n C u iin lv F a rm ««.«0 For Gray Digger Polson I,. Drury and «on. Franklin, motor­ «(«porter's F««a #4 00 1.700.00 ed Io Trlangla latke and Mapleton Apportionment fur County Agent 37 SO Aillo 1'ainp Inapacllona Munday. 0,350 69 Refund from Revolving Fund 733 00 Mlacallanaou« Receipt« » 1,243 «3 Bank Man Vacation« Marion I. Transferred from County Hoad» 1.6.14 04 Coy iter. aaalatant to Lloyd IT Tranaafrred from Dog Fund Paid General Fund warrant« Kelley, receiver of the Ftral Na Paid Intereat on Warrant« donai banka al Hllvarton and Migratory Chattel« A Fee» Hprlngfleld. la taking a vacation Transferred to County Hoad Fund Ihla weak. lie baa gone to hla Balance Cash on hand June 30, 1033 home at Bend Mr. Kelley la May 9109.016 07 lug In Hprlngfleld Ihla week. COUNTY ROAD FUND NOTICE 9 1.600.88 OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Cash on hand Dec 31. 1032 27.310.88 Rac'd from Tales Notice la hereby given that Carl 164 80 Rac'd from Fine« II Hanaanay, admlnlatretor of tha 16.179.77 For Uae of Equipment «slate of Albert E Hensaney, de- 1.348 48 Refund Motor Vehicle Fuel ■ eaaed. has filed hla (Inal account 120 06 Apportionment from Ktate in the i uunly court of l^ n a County, 038 33 Mlarallaaeoua Receipt« 115 00 dragon, aod that »»id court has gat Transferred from General Fund aa tha lima and place for tha final 54.420 12 Transferred from Hpeclal Road Fund settlement of »aid aatata Haturday Paid County Hoad Fund Warrants the 10th day of Auguat. 1033 at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of »aid Paid Interest on Warrants day at tha County Courtroom In the Transferred to General Fund Transferred Io Special Road Fund Courthouse In Eugene, 1-anr Coun- Balance Ca»h on hand June 30. 1033 ly, dragon where all persons Inter , ' ' • ' ! m ay appear at said lim e and 3102.207.22 fils objections, If any they have. SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICTS CARL B HKNHKNKY. Admin lelrator of the estate of Albert 4 772.40 | Overdraft on Dec. 31, 1032 K Renaaney, Decea»ed 32.M4.7t I M PETERSON. hla attorney Jtec'd tram Taxes 11060 ' Mrsrellanruus Receipts — (J 3037 -A 810-17) 68.12« «0 'Transferred frum County Road Fund Paid Hpeclal lluad Warrant« N O T IC I TO CRSOITORS Paid Inlereat on Warrants Notice la hereby given that the Tranaferred Io County H,,Bd f'und undersigned has been appointed by ) Balance Cash tin hand June .10, IP S the County Court of the State of - 3 00.430 27 Oregon for Ijin e County, Admlnls tralur of the ratal« of MAY M AR KET ROAD FUND UllYLEH . Deceased All persons having claim , agaln.l M id estate I on han<) „ „ „ 3 2.531 43 26.01003 are hereby required Io present the Taxes same, properly verltlad and with the ¡X -ellan eo u s Receipts 2.560 43 vouchers iheretur. to the under .. .. frot|1 Ore Hlale Highway Com. ' Igoed at the law office of Gordon Market Hoad Fund W arrants H W ell.. Miner Building Eugene ™ V w .r r .n l. Oregon, within six month. from the ha„,| Jl|oe so 1033 lisle of the first publication hereof . Dale of first publication hereof 3 30.186 54 I« August 3rd. 1033 JO HEPII ACIIKHON, Adminis­ CO UNTY 8CHOOL FUND trator of the Estate of May I 51.044 46 Boyles. Deceased Cash un hand Dec 31. 1032 54.73277 (A 3 10 17 34 31) It.., .1 fro m Taxe« Paid County Hupt Order» Balance Caah on hand June SO. 103.1 Semi-Annual Report • I I FUND Semi* Annual Report 9 52.93 9 52.03 88.27 88.27 BOND R ED EM PTIO N FUND Balance on hand Dec. 31. 1932 9 11.324.19 Tax Collection Jan. 1 to June 30. 1933 34.700.04 Overdraft June 30. 1033 ......................................... *2,795.77 W arrants issued Jan 1 to June 30. 1033 „ 3164,1— 9108.820.00 SUMMONS IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E STA TE G F OREOON FOR L A N E CO UNTY 9 71.006.76 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 9108.820 Oh Jens 8. Scott, Minnie M. Scott, W ll 22,303.02 ---------------- ; lard L. Cochran, L. Manrle Coch- IN T H E CO UNTY COURT OF T H E 3108.820.00 9108.820.00 ran and C. I. Anderson, Plaintiffs, 9 48.701.83 9 48.701.83 STA TE OP OREGON FOR T H E vs. DOG LICENSE FUND L. Z. McVay, John Dewey Campbell, CO UNTY OF LANE, PROBATE IN D E M N IT Y FUND Lo's J. Campbell, Unknown heirs D E PA R TM EN T. 3.516.54 Balance on hand Dec. 31, 1932 ---------------- 31.80 of Daniel McVay, deceased. M yr­ Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1032 2.473.25 IN T H E M A T T E R OF T H E ES­ License» sold Jan. 1 to June 30. 1033 _ _ 3.487.44 tle H. Adams, R. Jerry Adams, Certificate of Depoalt 9 1.718.14 W arrants Issued Jan. 1 to June 30, 1033 T A T E OF DALE ELM ER CHASE. 107.78 Alfred F. W alker, Halden W alker MlNcellaneou« Receipts 1.534.04 Transferred to General Fund ................. 3.627.02 , DECEA8ED. Mrs. Halden W alker. Also all Certificate of Deposit 2.737.61 Balance on hand June 30. 1933 ............... .00 other persons or parties unknown Balance Cash on hand June 30. 1033 claiming any right title estate Notice Is hereby given that the 9 5.989.79 5,989.79 lien or Interest In the real pro­ 3 3.627.02 3 3.637.02 17.50 Warrants outstanding Dec. 31. 1932 perty described In the complaint m lnlatratrlx of the Estate of Dale 1.718.14 W arrants Issued Jan. 1 to June 30. 1933 PORT OF 8IU 8 L A W herein. Defendants. Elmer Chase. Deceased, by the 1.720.64 0 W arrants paid and cancelled 378.13 To L. Z. McVay. Unknown helra Cash un hand Dec. 31, 1932 ............................ 1 County Court of the State of Ore­ 15.00 W arrants outstanding June 30. 1033 248 46 of Daniel McVay, deceased, Alfred Rec'd from Tuxes gon for iJtne County end has quail 627 69 3 F Walker, Halden W alker. Mrs. Balance t'Hsh on hand June 30. 1033 fled. 9 1.735.64 9 1.735.64 Halden W alker. Also all other per­ 627 69 persons having claims against sons or parties unknown claiming *27.69 BEE LICENSE FUND said estate are hereby netlfted to any right, title, estate, lien or In­ present the same to me at 3« North FOREST FINE PATRO L 10.11 Balance oil hand Dec. 31. 1932 terest In the real property des- I.awrence Street. Eugene, Oregon, lO .ll cribed In the complaint herein, De­ Balance on hand June 30. 1033 Ca' h on hand Dec. 31, 1932 9 2.188.07 with vouchers and duly verified 2.468.87 fendants. Rec'd from Taxes 4,766 94 within six months from the date 10.11 9 10.11 I IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE Paid Stale Forester 00 hereof. NO TIC E OF OREOON: You are hereby re­ STA TE O F OREGON, ) Ralance Cash on hand June 30. 1933 Doted and first published July 20, OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T quired to appear and answer the CO UNTY OF L A N E I 1933 1. W. B. Dillard, County Clerk of Lane County. Oregon, hereby complaint filed against you In the 3 4.766 94 Notice Is hereby given that W. < 4.756.94 I^ast publication. Auguet 7. 1033. certify that the foregoing report is correct a» I verily bell-v-- above entitled suit within t VERA E L L E N MEARS. Admin­ W. Calkins. Executor of the W ill of CO UNTY FAIR FUND IN W IT N E S S W H ER EO F. I have hereunto set un h nd and weeks from the date or tnc rirai Frank B. McDowell, deceased, has istratrix. Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1932 I 1,137.43 filed his final account in the mat­ affixed the seal of Lane County. Oregon, this 28th day of July. A. D. 1933. publication of this summons, and (J 20-27—A 2-10-17) if you fail to so appear or answer 2.470.42 Hliite Apportionment ter of the Estate of Frank B. Mc­ (S E A L ) W. B. D ILLA R D . Clerk of Lane County, Oregon, ¡for want thereof the plaintiffs will 50.00 Miscellaneous Receipts Dowell, deceased, la the County take a decree against ybu quieting 61 00 Paid County Fair Fund Warrants 3 Court of Lane County, Oregon, and ---------------------------------- ..... . ------- — _ . .. ---------------------- j the t ll,e t0 the following described NOTICE TO CR EDITO RS 3.616.85 Ralance Cash on hand June 30, 1933 that Saturday, the 12th day of Aug- real property: NOTICE NO TICE TO CREDITORS v « .« 85 «r I 1 Notice Is hereby given that the use. 1033. at ten o’clock In the fore­ Lots one. four and five of < 3.666 1 3.666.86 3.**«. > „„derslgned has been appointed an noon of the said day. In the County OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Brooklyn as platted and of re­ Notice Is hereby given that the un Court rooms la the County Court Notice Is hereby given that ciliary administrator with the will FISH AND GAME FUND cord ------ In „ Lane County. Oregon. annexed of the estate of Frances House of Lane County, State of Charles Pumphrey, the executor of derslgned has been appointed Ad mlnlstratrlx of the Estate of Seth and that each of you be decreed to E. Bean, deceased and haa duly ¡Oregon, has been fixed as the time James B. Humphrey, deceased, and 10.00 qualified as such. All persona hav- and place by the said Court for the of his estate has filed hla final Be­ M. McPherson, deceased, by the;have no right, title, estate, lien or 76.82 ing claims against said estate are hearing of objections to the said count and report as such, and the County Judge of Lane County, Ore- Interest In or to the aforesaid pre- 78.32 9 7.60 hereby required to present such! final account, and for final settle- court has set Saturday, the 2nd day gon, and that all persons having mlses or any part thereof Balance Cash on hand June 30. 1933 claims against said estate are here- The order directing the service of claims duly verified with proper intent of the said estate. Any and I of September. 1933 at the hour of 10 by required to present the same, this summons by the publication all objections to the said account ’ o'clock In the forenoon In the Coun 86.82 86.82 I 3 sufficiently evidenced, to the un-'thereof Is dated August 2nd. 1033 flee at 234 Main street, Springfield, and the final settlement of the said ¡ ty Courtroom at the Courthouse at and directs - publication once , earn oe filed in™ with wan the i u b Clerk v iwi» Eugene r.ugene In in Lane i.ane County. t o u n iy , Oregon, u re g o u , as derslgned u e m , r ..™ at her residence -------------- Route — ----- ......... , h muet be DOG TA X FUND Oregon within six months from the estate must the »aid Court on or before the , he time and place to hear objec 1 Springfield. Oregon on or before for ¿h,* date of this notice, the same belag of date of said hearing. , tons to the same, If any. and for six months from the first publics- date of the first^Pub'' “ d"? of tb" 3,634.04 9 t'nsh on hand Dec. 31, 1032 dated and published the first time 2.473 25 W. W. CA LK IN S, Executor of the final settlement of said eatate. tlon of this notice, which first ;pub- summons la August 3rd. 19J . Rec’d from License Fees C. A. W INTERM E1ER. Attor­ 1.720.64 3 CHARLES PUM PH R EY. Exe- llcatlon will be August^3rd,J * ’ 3; . Paid Dog Fund W arrants ............ I M PETERSON, Ancillary the Estate of Frank B. Me- ney for plaintiffs. Residence, 1,634.04 cutor. S TELLA A. M cPHERSON, Ad- Transferred Io General Fund Administrator with the w ill an- Dowell, d e c e a s e d ..................... Eugene. Oregon. 2,762.61 M. PETERSO N, Attornay. 1 mlnlstratrlx Aforesaid. Balance Cash on hand Juue 30, 1033 nexed of the estate ot Frances, Date ot First Publication July 13, (A 3-10-17-94-91) (A 8-10-17-34-31) (A 9-10-17-J4-81) E Bean. Deceased 1083. 6,007J3 i » < 4,007.39 (J 30-87— A S-1B-W) I U * 1 M * « ~ < » *•> Overdrafts on June 30, 1033 Rec'd from Tuxes Paid State Treasurer Overdreft on June 30. 1033 . . 3,181.82 51.973 66 Estate of Martha Wallace. Deceased. NOTICE OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Notice is hereby given that W alter Price has filed In the Coun­ ty Court of the State of Oregon, in and for Lane County, his final re­ port as administrator of the Estate of M artha Wallace, deceased, and that ten o'clock in the forenoon of Saturday, the 26th day of August 1033. at the court room thereof In Eugene. Oregon, have been by the Court appointed and fixed as the time and place for hearing ob­ jections to said report and for the final settlement of the estate of said deceased. W A L TE R PRICE. Administra­ tor of the Estate of Martha Wallace. Deceased. E. W H E E L E R . Attorney. (J >7—A 3 10-17-24) 9108.820 00 W arrants issued Jan. 1 to June 30, 1933 ..... ....... 9108,820.00 W arrants paid and cancelled _______________ 9108.820.00