AUGUST 10, 1>88 THE SPRINGFIELD N W S PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS l*nblt»hi«l Ev«ry Thimwlay at Springfield. L.JMI County. Oracoli, by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H . E. MAXEY, Editor Hut and clans matter. February 14. 1903. at the poatofflce, Springfield. Oregon M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E z '&KENED klaalng Ihviu again and again "I d b«> go happy If I were »uro of you! "I.lirten. Noll," »ho »aid qulatly. “won't you. If I a»k you a» a favor to me and a* a return for being what you vail reasonable and »en albln. Won't you ploa»o lot mo »loop In th> other room without ««king queatlon» and going through thia sort of thing ovary night f Her manner evidently mado an land oloaraklnnod. O nly In her dark lmpro»«lon on lino for lie r« I . iho I in «orry. lOuld one road .no — I l,,>r . Immediately, aaytng. , I » 4 « - — o( past aorrowa. mingled with I proa J ......... ” . ......... Ho >ali» Joyce B e paused P“ u*‘*d and add'd ho.ltallngl) hesitatingly, ent loneliness and »he did not ' “ but * ' • ' >'ou come of your own thought, and when sm ile her mouth wa set In curve» “Of cour»».'' promised Joyce of quiet quiet resignation. r, »ignaiion. hastily, suddenly extremely embar Are vim feelh,< m e - > « « ' « by conV(.r ..l.o n «Iter eilNORt M BARRY * Ogilvie nf thl» city died «I hla home l„ Ml «omi Hulnrday morning ac- cording m a telegram r«n’'lve«l here by Mrs. Ogilvie He wa» 7? years old Mrs Olglvle wa» unable Io a l­ ien«! the funeral »ervlcea Till» wa» the second death In the Ogllvla family within the haat few week», her husband, Drew Ogilvie, wa» killed in a mill accident here July 9 Mi s. Stella Lewis w»» ele, led vlc'-preaki«nt «f l« k» cluipter. Ladle» Auxiliary of H»e G A II Inst Thursday evening at the regu lar buslsesa meeting held »I the Kgglmanu Kandy Kitchen She Ink«», the place ot Mra. Molli«, W II llam». resigned Plan» were ul«o dlacu»»ed for a »octal meeting to he held in two week« at the home of Drink W n t'r With Maala G ood F o r S to m a c h Mr». Grace Lunabei y Fifteen mom her» all«Mid«'d the meeting. Wuler with uieuls help» »Uimach juices, »id» digestion If bloated i --------------------- i wllh gas add a spoonful of Adler MRS. OGILVIE S FATHER PASSES IN MISSOURI Ik,, tine dose cleuu» out poisons and washes IIOTII upper and lower J. Il H 'W gley. fath er of Mrs May bowels Plunery'a Drug More, ■■ « after a two-hour rldo. dtylug which IN S T A L L M E N T T W E L V E . . ? .. Synopsis - Joyce A.hton, poor »he learned much .bout the com, stenographer, »uffered loa» of uiem try and It» poailbllltles for horac ory In a »kidding taxicab a c c id e n t ................. - ------------------- - Till KSDAY. AVGUST IS. IBM ____ back riding, she was Informed by in Chicago One mornlug two year« Koxie that »he had mtuaed two sets HOW MUCH TO CUT IS TH E PROBLEM later »he woke, after a fall from h, r home, her memory restored, to of callers. A reduction In teacher« salaries must be made If we Unit Joyce In the nerseu. a» as Prill», rriu». the uw wife »> ju jv r played with „n u » lllckle ...- ........ .... find herself, of • are to stem the tide of m ounting w arrant indebtedness in Nell Packard, rich California fruit gani en for half an hour, after lunch „acker. She determined to tell n o room (o Springfield School District 19. This is the conclusion o tn> ' h o t his trip her momentary »elf confidence She of her predicament but set o ' school board after watching the w arrant debt climb bodv about learning what «he could of read until time for N ell» return after Nell had told about hl» trip from about $7.000 to nearly $20.000 during the last school her life In the Interval. Prom the "fm out to every one. Roxie," »he "N«MI said you had had a bad fall said good night again and went off to her nwm and »hut the door ; conversation of her friend» and l ' l ' gay« definite Instructions, “I don't year To prolong this overbalancing of operating cost at “Oh. ye». 1 didn't really get hurt.' The next night when they were tern In her desk »he gathered that c ,r * « '• the ,,r,nc* uf Walea." replied Joyce, "though I suppose I income will burden property with a debt too great• « '« ’J * ’ • she had been a hearties», pleasure care if It'« the Prince of Wale». going upstairs Nell said. "Look paid out in full and ultim ately result in the complete break­ loving young woman. One letter At four-thirty »he dressed care­ might easily have been k ill'd .” here, sw eet. I hat-» like the devil to down in the district financial structure and the closing of that troubled her was from a wo- fully and then waited tor Neil to Ye». It frighten» me to think ol ... ------ have you sleeping Indoors You man signing herself. Sophie, hlsm- appear. sh e w pleased when she It." »aid Mrs. Packard, a shadow the schools. ought to he gellin g all thl» wonder lng Prills for not w giving uifc ru»»» .-----— a home heard him arriving ten minute» be- crossing her face. The hoard is faced with a doubly difficult Problem. U to a baby Sophie waa caring for. ful fresh air. Let me move your Tuk<> some «If Miiiil O'Cremn I« * crcain home with Prills is looking well, though, wishes to reduce the tax burden and prevent further In- Could it be her baby. Prills won fore five, an evidence that h» In bed out Io the other end of th« you. It 1« the simplest mid moat popular Hiiiiitnertliue tended to take no chance« of miss don't yoii thtnk. mother?” asked dered' She also found herself In­ debtedness at the same time. T eachers' salariesi comprise volved In an affair with a man porch. 1 won't bother you." deMort you can c I ioomc It will add a u j on pjng an(, needles for fear Neil rose and lifting ner head nearer, ¡of wood. the failure of so m any well-meant cooperative efforts, we - you I swear I m telling the tru t a ou WQU| j g,op {o t0 any of ,j,em kissed Mrs. Packard lightly Then y number of »pedal entertain- would have said it was impossible to get the American peo­ this. I know I've been pretty . A ftw h#lf >n h{)ur durlng wh,ch »he ran out of the room to Nell nient feature» have been planned ple to cooperate in anything. When they got back to the house ,ur (he «-«mventlou und will Include rotten, but now . . . s e pause, grew more nervous every min- Under the recovery program , cooperation is essentia , It was so difficult to say what he ut(_ wha, ,n thp wor,d wou,d ghe Joyce wa» relier««! to find that they outboard motor boat race», drum am ong agricultural producers in their respective lines wanted to. A mixture ot «hyness gay (o m other, _ thev had no company. crop» competition, u torch parade, am ong business m en and industrialists in theirs, am ong the and fear, and the nnaccuatomednees f1n#IJy a( a rharrtlng "Let's see what's on the radio the 40 A ». mid the Junior »tat« people generally in supporting and encouraging this gigan­ tc,f i utting her feelings Into bungalow covered with rose vines tonight?” suggested Nell. Joyce as­ baseball fin al,. A special program tic effort to bring a depressed nation back to prosperity. sented. ______ rather curious to hear. She Is being arranged for the visiting held her back for a moment. t and g,lrroun maRe you a IJttl# would remain downstairs y orh c ity reduced 26H lbs.—took | th e Farm Adm inistration Act and the National Industrial into his face, a little tremulously, j „ Packard immediately shut off the 4 Inches off hips. 3 Inches off bust | Recovery Act w’hereby, once a m ajority in any line have and »aid. Please, let s «tart over -j jy dears. I'm delighted to see ,1 hl. i„ ien,ion ' »nd 7>4 inches off waist. adopted their code or agreed to cooperate, the others can again . . . and. after this . . . well. you - both!" .47. exclaimed .................. bungry She „ hl» mother radio and announced his Intention w r | t e i ) h a v e n ., be forced in. T hat removes the principal danger, that a don’t expect me to be any white- holding out her hand to Joyce while of accompanying her By the air of nionien, _ j feel f| ne anj [ooh io recalcitrant m inority might throw a m onkey-wrench into robed angel, but I’ll she kept Nell’s In her clasp at the happy expectation on his fa c e ,, yra. younger." Joyce realized that she was about To get rid of double chins, bulg- worry you too much. th e machinery for their selfish advantage. and up . sam e time. Joyce shook hands with .................... ¡K ” ¡1 “ It certainly is tru e th a t if all the people of the United She wag say more, for ^er an(, smiled silently. S tates once s ta rt pulling together as a team , in one direc­ Packard abruptly drew her close to „ d ,, slt down children, It’s so friendline»» toward him that day. ou^ discomfort—at the »am«» time ( tion, we can pull ourselves out of any hole, however deep. him and kissed her again and gOO<] to see you,” went on Mrs. She decided this time to take no build up glorious health and ac chance of of repeating the soap soap Incl- Inch (>npr|{y quit® » an(1 clear skin, 'Bne»s—to bright ey e.. T he direction has been pointed out to us. The thing for all again, murmuring lg words of grateful Packard, beaming happily a» as she chance repeating the v| va<.|,)U look ____ . . . and i happiness. _______________________________________ ___ _ good Americans to do it to follow the leader. "Prills, returned to her comfortable arm dent and when they reached the young„r and fee, ,,—, a^e a j,a,f (urprise y ou n ger ana le e , u — i s s e u uao ——— ——— — I love you so, sweet ct,a ,n front of one " “ Salts " •*- In *- a - ue of ui the m e win wm- bedroom oemvru... she turned ------ — to him ana " teaspoonful ............... of Kruschen darling ____ jr ________ » « 11 az rvv o n n I t ______ <<__ . __ _a x _a _____ _______a ___i 1 night, ------ Nell, I'm ---------- going glass of hot water every morning — --------- Rumors come from W ashington th at there are plans heart! You . . you really mean It. dows. "when u.u did you get back said. "Good . . ............ b e fo r e h r e a k f a s t . , o read for a while.” 4 ww>ka and coiit|( to use the kind of diplomacy on France she understands, dear? . . . I thought all my chances N e lir “Last night, mother, and you bet “But, Frills sweetheart.** he be i>ut a trifle at any drugstore the once the prohibition am endm ent is repealed. The plan of happiness were gone, but now I’ll do everything I can to make j*m gja(| to bock,” replied Pack- Kan, detaining her, “you’ve been so world over. Make sure you get would bar all French liquors from this country until satis­ HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT wonderful today and— 1 love you Kruschen because It's SAFE factory debt settlem ent was made. Since the production of It worth while— to help you If you ard ---- 1 . . . . . j ... Money back If not Joyfully «atls- wine is the chief industry of France this should cause some really mean It.’ Neil's mother was a woman In so! I want you so, dear. He drew Joyce, submitting to hla caresses. her late sixties, with -■ oft gray I her closer Into his arms whisper- serious thinking in Paris. -----------«----------- reflected ruefully that she had j hajy and a facg p)easantly fregh ing tj,e last words close to her ea, .. _________ . . . i --------- . j Apparently they take their elections seriously down in never been so much kissed in her life as she had been since »lie woke I Kentucky, and at Medford, Oregon. Someone m ust die each up In Mrs. Neil Packard’» bed. tim e democracy gives expression a t the polls. Gently »he tried to free herself. -----------«----------- Poor Nell! He did find It hard to Now th a t the “ new deal" is in progress the only thing believe that any such miracle os for you and I to do is to take the cards as dealt and try this had happened. She smiled to win. again, all her Joy In the day re­ ---------------<3 — stored. knowing that he would go “* The blue eagles have flopped thei< wings. Now we are off to work filled with hope for THE aw aiting the coming of the double eagles. the future security of his horn«- and W OM AN happiness. "Of course. I mean It. But you needn't take my word for It. Just give it a thirty days’ trial. Satis­ faction guaranteed or your money refunded." she replied lightly, slip­ ping out of his arms, "better run • FLOOR TAXES ARE GOING ON MERCHANDISE. ■'«. along to work now or you might • WHOLESALE PRICES ARE RISING EVERY DAY. lose your Job. And don't forget our date at five this afternoon.” • THIS MEANS THAT THE PRICE OF GOODS MUST BE RAISED. "You bet I won’t! Gee. but . . . BELOW THE WAIST Just a word to the shut-ins, or the wheel-chair folk. whoopee! I . . . I wish 1 didn’t have • WE ARE GIVING YOU FAIR WARNING THAT YOU WILL SOON Suppose We consider the feminine patients; the ones who to go down to the office. I feel like BE COMPELLED TO PAY MORE. began to lose their activity in tiie knees and other portions celebrating------" “You go along!” exclaimed Joyce of the lower extrem eties. I have seen aud treated these m any times. I tiave found th a t they have usually been sub­ alarmed at the threatened loss of ject to treatm ent for “rheum atism ,” although they have not her day of freedom and feeling the need of a rest after the strain of had a single lame joint above the w aist! Such patients are usually housewives, that have done this stormy scene. "I can’t have but we will «oon be compelled to rutee greatly. Under the national re­ their share in bearing children. Busy w orkers as well. They you around all day I’m going to be m ay be just approaching, or over with the menopause. In­ busy.” B E T W E E N M O D E R N E L E C T R IC C O O K I N G A N D covery act II will be against the law to sell m erchandise for leBs than "All right! And say, if anything deed this sort of “rheum atism ” I aui talking about is noted T H E O L D F A S H IO N E D W A Y » • for appearing about that time. This shows plainly that the does come up you’d rathpr do this cost. W hether we want to or not we will soon be compelled to raise the CAUSE of the disabling trouble is situated in the GENERA­ afternoon, it's all right, you know. We can go to mother’s some other price of our merchandise. TIVE organs. W hs» a difference eUctrielty makes bi the Get it plainly; There is no joint-trouble above the time.” We wish that you would understand the situation for your own sake. "The date Is made. If It’s broken, kitchen Cleen, cool end convenient, K het waist-line. Drygoods, shoes and clothing that you m ust have can be purchased now Have your doc tor look you over thoroughly. He may it’ll be your doing." saved the American woman o f today from When she got out to the stable . find lacerations, scars, internal hemorroids, prolapsed uteri, the kitchen drudgery her mother could not for less than in a few weeks from now. or disease of the bladder. These tilings should receive a t­ Joyce found Sam about to mount avoid a generation ago. The electric range Is tention at once. I have seen ulcer of the neck of the uterus the black horse. "Oh, Sam, where We are in business to sell goods and to serve the people of this com­ the modem woman's key to health, happi­ put a patient in an invalid chair, and the treatm ent given are you going?" munity. We can Berve you best and with greater savings to you If you "Why, Mr. Packard asked me to | ness and leisure hours. Electricity for cook­ for "arth ritis,” “rheum atism ,” and so on which did no take some papers to Jake Anson ing, costs less than 3 cents a day more than good, because tile real trouble was neither. The good woman should submit to thorough exam ina­ It’9 up beyond Elk Plat In the fuel for old fashioned methods of cooking. tion w ithout any hesitation; it may mean recovery for her. hills good long way from the road, Cook the modem, convenient electrical way. She should submit to rational treatm ent even If It demands so lie told me I’d better ride Bar­ Electricity is the perfect servant surgery; a( any rate, she should ask for removal of the ney," explained Sam. “Well, couldn't I go with you?” CAUSE of her trouble. Not every luming complaint is rheum atism or arthritis, demanded Joyce. She was still a when we find its cause. Nothing but removal of the cause little nervous about going out alone, when all the trails were so M O U N T A I N STATES POWE1 COMFANY will cure. The cause is in the pelvis, in nine-tenths of the patients unfamiliar to her. "Why, sure! I’ll saddle Roalta.” whose lam eness is in extrem ities below the waist. I hope When Joyce got back at dood these hints may prove of worth. o n . Year In Advance ....... 51.5# Two Yearn In Advance — 12 60 Six Months .............. ........ »»_«• Three Month» - ....... _ I — PURE — SM O O TH E — D E L IC IO U S J» Springfield Creamery Co. Just Arrived New PHILCO R A D IO < We Have Just Received Our New Stock of Philco Radios P riced - S15.95 £26.50 - $32.50 - $63.00 $68.00 i a x j i Wright & Sons i PAYS LIST CULL! V T o B u y a t L o w P rices >BRUC 3' A DAY Our Prices are Right Yet WILL PAY THE DIFFERENCE BUY NOW ! Fulop’s Dept. Store I