THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS r iu ir r iK T n yeah BPRINGKIKUJ. l«ANK COUNTY. OKKOON,THUitBDAV, AUGUST lo, 1»33 13387535 CITY SCHOOLS TO h * hwLa! Oil‘ns . OPED OCTOBFp n * ork < ^ P leted FLOUR RILL MAN AAd For Team w ork aod G e n in g It •Inal Stretch of McKanzia la C "llvan Duat Paliativo; Sur­ Death of William Stearmer Board Próvidas for E> face Remains Sticky Attributed to Cyanide: Fu­ Month Year at Monday 8a neral Held Here Tuesday aion; To Inspact Building« g of the laat uncompleted | J PHOPERTÏ DEAL " REPORTED HEBE Grace Interest In Main Street Structures Acquired by Crow Man; Plans Improvements Young Retains JYSON Mail Contracts fjjjj Postmaster Praise* Service* of Mail Man During Pa*t 10 Partial years; Served 20 or More dent** R« _ .. " _ I m itt** The mall-meenenger contract at i 1 • ‘in lh« MrKenale highway.' (las fumes from cyanide disks Ona of the largest property dealsl,h *’ Springfield postofflce has again MRS p|< GET NON-HIGH CONTRACT * one-half mile area from which be waa using In fumigating effected Io this vicinity during the b* * B awarded to Ira T. Young,j ta.» 7 ,« * t r + / at to Vida, waa completed parts of the Eugene Mill and Ele­ If* « . » » ' I k I past several months was reported present messenger, according to ' Worker* Lengthy Discussion on War­ by workera of the vator company plant at Eugene this week when E. G. Owen of Crow I announcement made this week by • £ » ». .Way department. They rant Debt Reduction Held; Saturday are thought to have i Stage route west of Eugene became r B- Hamlin, postmaster. Com pet I j United Participation; Gov­ did not apply the uaual heavy coat caused the death of W illiam lb Salary Cuts Are Needed e r n m e n t To Take Hand ¡the owner of the Charles D. Grace tire bids for the work were called Ing of aaphalt and rock which com Stearmer, head miller. He was . half-lntereit In the two buildings j recently. Springfield public schools will plelea the highway project, but wurklng alone In the mill unknown now housing Kgglmann’x Kandy Duties of the mail messenger ln- - W. P Tysoa. city mayor, will re- open October I and will cloae on pread a coating of light oil over to others and his body was found Kitchen, the Armory, the Spring-■ «»* hauling of mall to and! " " ’ re<* n' of Bpringftald's or about May 12 neat spring. thus the aurface and aprlnkled aotne fine Just outalde a rear door late In the field Garage, and the Wheaton ,rODl the Springfield railroad depot, war »>»« depression and un- providing an eight month year. II gravel over thia I Whitney barber shop. The o th e r'“ '“1 from ’ •»* West Springfield; fcr‘, P^T’n' n» 5 » » lh e role of "Gen- afternoon by two transients, the Many mutorl ta who have croaaed mask sill) over his (ace. waa dacldad hare Monday night at half Interest In the property Is ^ P ® ' A1> mall routed out of the , ' ‘ wa* Tue,<1“ v lha monthly meeting of the at-hool the atretch are crlllclalng the man-! owned by Mrs. John l>m m o n. and Springfield postofflce for postof- " ” «* ‘ •■»PomM' An investigation of the mask oar In which thia oil haa been ap which he was wearing was made board. , the Winzenreid *-ntate Oce< on Siskiyou route must j ,n the The board alao algned a blanket plied, alattag that during thia hot by army men fam iliar with poison The building housing the city lib -. *>• «» West Springfield by "‘ee" D* » « • the m j r w re*«»«m t. contract with the Non union high weather the coaling of rock la not gas and masks Their decision was rary was not Included In the deal. »"»«'•* »r wagon from the local post - ’ * * * * ” ^ ’ * - H»™*11- Prsel- achool board wherein thatrlct IS, aufflclent to prevent their automo- that the canulster within the mask .Ibis being o w o h I entirely by the "»»1«*- Likewise all mail original-' * ° O * MCommerce; Wlnxenreld estate I ,n< •» the"« point» which ia Intend-: Dlb ’ * * ‘‘‘»""'antler of the agreea to receive high achool etu- bllea from getting apattered with which neutralises the gas fumes the oil covered pebblea thrown up denta from such non union districts Mr Grace, who acquired the pro «d for distribution through the “ T / “" e - v - Barber, had not been replaced often enough President Roosevelt, sad Recovery Adiuiaiatrator Hugh 8. Johaeon, deal an the county board may dealgnate. by the tlrea. perty from Al Perkins in Portland Springfield postofflce. n ““ « „ " Ch* : although the mask Itself was In castrated exactly what they meant stoat teamwork ia their launching of Highway workera atate that they] good condition. District IS la to receive the per- ¡about two years ago, continue* to Tlle services of Mr Young, who ’ . J ’ * r’ L **’Pr***Verne Hawn, newly appointed I» designed for even the largeat Under Way By Spring 1 Wisconsin on November 12. 1851. sectional president. Dr. Melville Pine Circle Made; West Side present Itoard refuaea to continue the luturul Grove cemetery. Cities as well a» the smallest ones Idtter be moved to Illinois and then Jones. Jamea MacManiman. Mrs. thia policy another year, holding of Swimmers' Delight Park ( ’on »t ruction of the remaining could oe eliminated. Permission to Male. Merton Ferebee. New York, before leaving by boat Crystal that all aludenta of the district CM r.« » . „V two and one-half miles of the Holly do this U granted by the Admlnls for the Panama Canal xone and up Evelyn Buell. John Marsh. Eugene from which they come, ahould be Lodges at Creswell, Coburg, n "a m i U, ° " r'“ d tin* «"e Mohawk trator. Hugh Johnson, at W a hlng- {the Pacific coast to California. He constable, and Betty Ann Macduff. craft, will hold their annua plcnIc T, 1|ey Santjam a-acaaed their equal pro-rated coal, ton, D. C. Eugene and Halsey Send Plana for a close check on the i managed a retail mercantile busi­ putting them all on an equal baala r“ e7 ! Wl" Ket ',nder n°« later than Mrs. D. O. Fisher was named Group Delegations ness during the time from 1868-71 development of the clubs of the Delight on the west side of the I next spring This assurance was Mora than 30 aludenta were trana- as Lieutenaot-qeneraL and w ill as­ district during the next year and river it was decided last night at «.iv „n tn n . . I at Santa Clara. California, and ported dally to and from the W al-, Mr(, R -|h ar llond Ment o, ... . .frtven to Carl G. washburne. mem sist Tyson In his functions, devot­ t. . . i-aine hy wagon train to Oregon In the use of contests to further stim ­ the monthly meeting of the lodge. lärville dlatrlct to the Springfield Hcb„ kah al((in, b,y of , , rgon . paW . .. . ber ° r the highway commission. ing most of hqv time to the work ulate interest were outlined by Mr. All members are asked to bring . „ j t v u « > 1871. locating al Creswell. high achool during (he pa-t tw o L , o Juan„ a RM>e ♦u-«. e«n < i s. s_ . i and *• E Turnbull, chairman of the among women and their organisa­ their file d picnic baskets. T h « ,roB(lg roniniltl)M? 0, ,h„ Eusene At Creswell he operated a gen- Hawa. Tills office ta mandatory kah lodge of Springfield Monday State Advisory Board Recom­ w uU„ e « |.y tion«. ' <-ral -tore until he was married to Merton Ferebee sang two tenor committee will provide the drinks, j rhalnber of Comme A large part of the evening ln , he prMcn<„ 68 »l.ltor-, when an orgahixation Is s?t np. mends $30,000 for Public coffee and punch _ . __. . ___ ___. , Mary Bassett at Springfield, on soloa with Mrs. Male as his accom­ aion of the board Monday waa de and SO members of the local lodge . when they conferred with mem- Mra. Buealf, MUtejr Named Works Program Here (July I t . 1877. The couple then panist. snd Evelyn Buell and Mac­ voted to a dtarnaalon of dlatrlct ft- Al Pohl, Daisy Hills, and Glenn bera of the Linn county court and group The groups of visitors re Other appointments announced moved onto the family farm near nancea, especially aalarlea to he presented lodges at Coburg. Cree­ Maniman entertained with groups Stone, are In charge of the ar­ the Albany Chamber of Commerce. at the meeting Included Mrs. W. O. Approval of an allotment of «30.- ¡('re well where they remained until of piano solos. Mr. Marsh reiter­ rangements and refreshments. L il­ paid faculty members during the well, Eugene and Halsey, home of Lane county haa already com­ Burch as Colonel In charge of edu­ 00” for public works projects in I his death. ated a number of his humorous ex­ lian Rhodes, Lilah Bertsch, and pleted a market road beyond Mabel comint year. When the teachers the atate president ftprlngfleld under the federal re­ He was a member of the Metho­ periences and told a few Jokes for 9am Sweeney have charge of trans­ as far as the Linn county line. cational work, and H. E. Maxey aa were offered their place- for an­ Fallowing the Introduction of the construction program was made Colonel In charge of publli dist church and was actively In­ the entertainment of his audience. portation. other year last spring they were Most of this has been graveled, and These together with other work visiting officer and other guests. Wednesday In Portland by the -late terested in music, having played The picnic dinner w ill be held except for the two and one-half not given contracts and no salary Plans for the next picnic to be M r Sarah Johns, past noble grand reconstruction to be named later will comprise advisory hoard, In the Creewell band for 20 years agreements were made held August 18. were left In the at 1:30 and automobiles w ill leave miles a good smooth road would President's Emergency Re-empl of Juanita lodge. pren«Dted a gift along with proposals from many and was a member of choral groups Members of the local board have hands of the »pedal committee Eggimann'a at Fourth and Main open up a short cut to Cascadia ment to Mra. Bond on behalf of the local other dtlee and counties, the larg­ Campaign Committee at various times. Those lacking and the upper Santiam country. been watching the rising warrant Larson W right, E. C. Stuart, and streets at 12:30. lodge. Springfield. est of which was the request for He Is survived by his widow and N. L. Pollard, who reported they transportation, and those having i The Linn county court members Indebtedness of the past year, when The degree staff had charge of «4.000.000 for five bridges on the Duties of the committee nt by two daughters. Mrs Genevieve would hold this outing at Swim room for an egtra passenger are informed the Lane representatives the district went behind about 112. the degree and Initiatory work Roosevelt highway. Bert E. Haney, time are primarily the tKkseml] Louk of Springfield and Mrs. A. C. mer's Delight. A baseball game be­ asked to meet at Eggimann s at I that they had this work in mind. oof), with much anxiety and are later In the evening. tion of information about the Ni chairman of the Oregon advisory Chase of M yrtle Point; one son. H. seeking the beat posilble means of tween the teams chosen at the last the latter hour. and had already done some clear­ tional Recovery Act to everyh After the business meeting the board will submit the recommends A. Howe, and a brother. Charles 8. picnic will be featured at the pic­ preventing the accumulation of ing on the right-of-way with the re­ and to encourage cooperation h: monthly aoctal program was held tion« of the state committee to Ilow e both of Creswell, also ten nic outing. staggering tax load. lief funds, but that they had no everyone in the program. MANY GO TO PORTLAND under the direction of Mra. Nellie Washington. D. C. for final con­ grandchildren. His brother has been W arrant Debt Inoeaaaea ’ money left In this year's market W. F. W alker and E. C. Stuart Jordan. Mra. Marie Pohl. Mias sideration and approval or rejec­ TO VIEW FAMOUS SHIP road fund for this project. They To Provide Uptakers an Invalid since a stroke of para­ According to the records of C. F. Thelma Sweeny and Mrs. Elate arranged the program for the F ri­ tion. To accomplish this a detailed pro­ lysis a few months ago. Harber, clerk, district IS warrants bam her I. Indicated, however, that this would day meeting. Theae projects represent the Several Springfield people went Funeral services were held from have been paid up to February 10, be one of th eir next projects. If gram ot activities ia ' tents' ively No program for next Monday construction works which can be to Portland Saturday and over the the Srhwering chapel In Creswell al which time there were 15.600 of evening has been announced. further relief funds are made avail­ outlined which w ill Include the eet« carried out at this time In the vari­ Sunday afternoon at 2:30. week-end to view Old Ironsides, FOOD SALE. CAFETERIA Rev. ahlishment of a speaker’s bureau the unpaid certificates outstanding. ous parts of the state, a detailed W. S. Burgoyne officiated, and In­ historical fighting craft of th e : able the road may be constructed to provide a capable speaker for all TO BENEFIT CHURCH earlier. At thia time laat year the sum was DRIVER ESCAPES SERIOUS Hat of which was requested by Oov- terment was made In the Creswell United States navy, now amchored i public gathering» including church approximately «3800 It ha- also ernor Meier, recently. off Swan Island airport. Included In . Members of the Albany Chamber services, the encouragement of cemetery. Plans (or a cooked food sale and INJURY IN AUTO CRASH been pointed out that during the those who made the inspection trip I ° f “"dot»«“1 the move Springfield people who attended cafeteria dinner to be served Sat­ everybody to Join In the spirit of past year the aalarlea of all the were M arjorie Jolliff. Delores Cas ,o open ,he h,ri"te"‘le"« ot Houglas county named on the contact commlttpa church Sunday evening at 8 o'clock buck before the fifteen-foot drop _ ! _____ and principal at Roseburg. of the Lane County Auto Repair­ Four Springfield people success­ with Rev. Veltle Pruitt preaching. which proved fatal. Brandon wa» ' summer ranip opened August 6 and FAMILY GROUPS HOLD men I will continue until August 27. The After planning a swimming party I fully scaled the Middle Slater moun­ Dallus Murphy ami Merton Ferebee enroute Io The Dalles and other PICNIC AT RIVERSIDE One point which remain» unset­ tain Sunday. They were C. F. Bar will sing ii tenor duet. and picnic twice and having to post-1 LEABURC C. E. GROUP TO cities. His home«was at the Iaink- ¡Springfield girls will attend from tled I» the position of tho »mall ' August 13 to 20. pone it because of illness and in­ A number of Sprtagfleld families her, Maurinp bombard, and M t . amt Regulnr services will lie held In ershlne hotel In San Francisco. TO SPONSOR U. O. PLAYS operator who employ» no paid Miss Euulce Gerber, graduate formed a large picnic group at clement weather, young people of Mrs. W alter N. flossier. Theae peo­ the forenoon with Miss Uldlne Oar- nurse of this city, will be stationed Riverside ra rk Sunday Included the Baptist church shifted the pro-; M em ber, of the Leabur|? Chr, gt help, hut who wants to eoopemte ple, together with Mrs. Ella lo m ­ tin singing a vocal solo. UPPER CAMP CREEK ASKS in the NRA plan and who are per­ End0avor at the late for the entire camp as In the number were Mr. and Mrs. posed outing from a Friday night L bard, M ri. Barber, Mra. H. L. B a r will sponsor plays by WALTERVILLE UNION camp nurse. mitted to display the Blue Eagle. W. A. Taylor, and Wilson Taylor. to Tuesday of thia week and a nun. Dramatlcs c,ub of the UmlTer. her, and Mra. Aubrey Brown camp­ Injures Foot on Cable — Nonda Mr. and Mrs. Lum F. Anderson and ber or the younx people spent the slty of Oregon at W altervllle Friday More Information relative (o the ed In the Slaters region over the Mae Pirtle, young daughter nt Mr. A petition asking the annexa­ children, Frank and Irene. Mr. and evening on Fall Creek. Swimming evening. W illiam Thlenes, member duties of these small firms under week-end. and Mrs. Glenn Pirtle. 837 Alms- tion of the Upper Camp Creek, NEW MEAT MARKET Mrs. W alter Laxton and son, Jun­ and a picnic supper were enjoyed. of this traveling troupe of enter­ the NRA hanaer is expected den street, Eugene painfully ,n- school dlatrlct to the W altervllle OPENS IN SPRINGFIELD ior, and Mr. and Mrs. P. H arring­ Several additional firms CALIFORNIA RESIDENT tainers. lives at Deerhorn and is a lured her foot Tuesday evening union high achool district Is being signed the NRA pledge and have ton of Eugene. SON SHOT, DIES WHILE graduate of Bpringfi'-hl high school. A new modern meat market has 8EES OREGON CASCADES when the end of a cable which she circulated this week. Unless there received their Blue Eagles. Others stepped on completely penetrated are objections voiced to the pro­ been opened In the Irish-Murphy MOTHER VISITS HERE Proceeds from the entertainment are awaiting the arrival of addi­ will be divided by the Endeavor Mrs. Agnes Folds of PaMadena, her foot She was swimming In the posed annexation there will not be store In this city. It Is being man­ 'BOOTH-KELLY SAFETY tional Eagles and supplies from an election, and the matter will be aged by Earl Kelly, experienced W hile his mother, Mrs. Alice group a