THE SPRINOmCLD NEWS PAGE POUR THURSDAY, AUOUST ». 1988 CHOPS HERE ARE ABOVE AVERAGE T WHEAT ACREAGE ALLOTMENT SEE Oregon Production Average is Normal; National Situa­ tion Weakest in 50 Years Wheat Benefit Payments Are Fixed by Administration; Cash Available This Fall The season of 1933 has been the least favorable for crop production nationally In 50 year«, though Ore­ gon Rhine« in comparison with con­ dition« about normal despite short age« In some crop«. This I» shown In the current report on the agri cultural situation issued by the agricultural extension service at Oregon State college Low yields are In prospect for most crops in the country, with acreage in some Official allotment to counties of ¡the United Hiatus of the nuuibur of bushels of wheat on which benvflt paynieuta will be made under the wheat adjustment program of Ilia farm act. allows that Lane county has been allotted 130.777 bushels ot (he total 11,460,686 bushels ul lotted to Oregon. Notification of the allotments, the ba Is on which they were ar­ rived at. and definite word as Io lh« amount of payment Io he made to contract signers this fall, have all been sent to I he agricultural el- Guy Kibbee never even missea his watch ns he looks into teunlon service at Oregon Htalu col (he eyes of Joan Blondell, one of the "wise" show girls In lege, which la In charge of (he edu- “Gold Diggers of 1933," Warner Bros.’ sensational musical catloiail campaign In connection hit which comes first run to the Colonial for a week start­ with the wheal plan. D E T E C T IV E . . . . on ru ral olues I la expected to be announced the (Irei week tu August. New assur­ ance Is given that It will nut ex coed 211 per cent. A late develop ment Is the po slide use of a small (Motion of Ihe processing tax re­ ceipts to finance exports of wheat, particularly from Ihe Pacific north west, as a means of relieving the present surplus slocks and thus bring norlhweal market prices Into more normal relation to Chicago prices and preveut possible flood- In* of eastern markets with west- erti when I. The list of Oregon comi ero wheal. The chief of police of 1‘lttsfleltl I sneered when Garret Troy of West .' Stockbridge, deputy sheriff of Berk shire, asked for a search warrant for the home of a respected cltisen of Pittsfield No county sheriff Mr and Mrs. Charlea Urani and could tell the Pittsfield police any-I family have been enjoying a visit thing about deteclve work. It was with bis aunt, Mrs. John Grant ridiculous to suspect a hard-work­ (ruui Sydney, Australia. Hits Is oil ing cltisen. anyway cases reduced. her way to Canada "Only one car went along the 1 Hay Crop Poorest on Record road past the house that was rob- About 26 young people of the The general condition of pastures bed." said Troy "The marks in die Neighborhood went to the huma of in the United States is the poorest snow showed that It had two new Miss lleulah Maini* laat Thursday on record. Hay production Is ex­ - - s j rear ‘lre* of a **cu,,Br tread de­ anil gave her a surprlae In bunor pected to be more than 100 per sign. I've followed those tracks to of her birthday. cent below average. The feed grain Bober« Pshelsmo. of Chicago, wo» Pittsfield and I'll show you where ing with a midnight preview Saturday night at 11 p. in, Miss Hasel Kdmlstun spent the supply of the country may be as the national model airplane chain .... . . - , . . . . . . Figure is Proportionate week end at her uticla'a, Anda Cal­ pionahip for 1933 in the tournament 1 , t ar * a In front of thia much as 20 per cent smaller than Allotment of 130.777 bushels to vert west of Juncllon City. GOLD DIGGERS COME a year ago, with the oats crop staged at the Chicago Municipal Vr ”>•“’» house." (his county was arrived a( by tak port in conjunction with \v j The skeptical police chief sent a Mrs. Rosa 1‘alton front Portland Beauty Goes to especially short. Flax seed produc­ events One of his TO COLONIAL SATURDAY log 54 per cent of (he five-year spent the first of the week at the man with the sheriff. They got Into tion la expected to be less than achieved a new w..rh‘ • average production here from 1928 Weaver home here. She la a aunt the house and found more than one-half of average. Potato produc­ of M 2 , - ’ Catchy Dances and Naw Song H its to 1932 This percentage Is figured _________ 32000 worth of the stolen property. to Mra. Weaver. tion was forecast on July 1 as about Feature Big Film Spectacle to be the proportion of the average Kerr Glass Co.. Canning Achieve- The robber and his accomplices Mrs. Ilowell from California la 14 per cent less than last year. Booked for En tire Week United States crop that will go visiting her daughter. Mrs. James ment Contest, Nelson Knitting pleaded guilty In court. A record small crop of wheat Is Into domestic human consumption HUI. That is only one of a dosen rases In prospect, the estimate being ap­ Corn Project Achievement contest. "Gold Diggers of 1933." Warner and hence will pay the processing County winners In the different in which Sheriff Troy has proved Vern Stone from San Francisco proximately 500 million bushels Bros.' all-star, dramatic musical tax used to flnauce benefit pay­ arrived Sunday and spent Munday compared with 720 million last year contests will be selected as far as himself a better detective than you spectacle, said to be even greater ment*. at the home of his grandfather, A and the 1928 1932 average of 856 possible at the Lane county 4-H often find outside of story books, than “42nd Street." aa (he moat Farmers who algu the govern W Weaver, be left Tuesduy for fair August 24-25-26 County win EFFICIENCY . . . . in town affairs million. With a carryover of 360 lavish entertainment of the decade, ment contracts will receive ludl Seattle. million bushels and expected do­ ners will compete at the club con- j Three years ago the city of Fall opens first run Saturday ulght at vldual allotments ou a similar Clifford Weaver and Ills mother. mestic use and export of around tests at the State Fair for trips to River. Mass . was bankrupt. It 11 p. m at the Colonial In Eugene. basis The allotment to this county Mrs. A W Weaver, and Mr» Mary 660 million, a carryover next July the club congress and to the 4-H j could not pay the Interest on the It will then remain at the Colonial or to any Individual grower does McElroy from Salem left laat Suu city debt, couldn't pay salaries. The 1 of 200 million bushels seems like­ Club Summer school. for a week. not mean that that Is all he la day for California to visit relatives courts appointed a receiver for the ly. Outside the United States, the Young club members In this vic- , city, who cleaned out the deadwood ~A fitting sequel to the sensation­ supposed to raise It merely means In Berkley and San Fraudavo. world supply of wheat, considering Inity have won prises tn previous . . . . . , .. ... ... . . , and set out to balance the clty s al popular picture "42nd Street" that on that amount only will he both the new crop and the record rears with their exhibits. ! budget. Mis» Lou Delander, the Mis» A mer­ which started new styles In screen receive the extra benefit payments carryover, appears to be about the NOTICE TO CREDITORS Several hundred persons who had les beauty winner o f 1987, sow fare. "Oold Diggers of 1933" ac­ designated to conpensate him for same as a year ago. grace. i wearing apparel department reducing acreage and to give him a Notice la hereby given that the cording to Hollywood information been on the city payroll without Both Incomes and Costs Mount • -..I.-lady in a Chicago d e p a rt "parity price" (or that portion ¡ undersigned baa been appointed by doing any work were dismissed. A The general trend of prices for '• -hop at the W orld Fair, excels Its great predecessor In, ‘“lr n, K**'-r t 9 J 0 g m Donaj(| cl,X Now ‘be cotton mills have j United States was adopted the Sparks head the superlative cast. bushel, will be made next spring date of the first publication hereof power of 62. The purchasing power j Kab|er a fien d s ot the groom act aK»,n- but e¥en before j statesmen of that day assumed that Dale of first publication hereof of farm products still a v era g es'^ a . beg( man >|r and Mrg Rqv that Fall River had got on Its feet, | conditions would always be what "Gold Diggers of 1933" Is a "back after acreage reduction Is acrom Is August 3rd, 1933. pllshed. JOSEPH ACHKSON. Adminis­ probably less than twothirds of t , ohn8 and Mr and Mrs Bert Johns merely becaU9e 9 few energentlc j they were then We've had to of the back-stage" story, a dramatic trator of the Estate of May Definite decision on (he amount pre-war parity, despite the advance i f pleasant attended the wed c,,lxens w,*r(‘ determined to bring change the Constitution twenty and amusing Insight Into the Uvea Hoyles, Deceased of acreage reduction to be required times, and to make new Interpreta­ nnd loves of the people primarily in prices for some commodities, t h e l ^ The brida, coup,e w,n make it back. (A 3 10-1724 31) There’s hardly a community In tions of its old provisions a hund­ responsible for the staging of a .epost says. their home at Meadowvlew where America that isn't In need of a red times. great New York show. It la an Mr. Johns works for Harry Sch- . thorough municipal houaecleaning. R E L iG IO r v ................not wholesale Intensely human story climaxed by C O N TESTS FOR FOUR-H Douglas Kabler has gone east to EDUCATION . . . . too cheap The revival of interest in religion a triumphant and spectacular CANNERS ANNOUNCED the Chicago World's fair. He is ' A movement has been started I |s one of the most striking dovelop- "show” In which choruses of 200 Lane county club members will working his way trucking, etc.. d° n 1 kr,ow bow f»r It wl>l get to n,ents of the past few years. I know picked beauties are lavishly dis­ During hot dayg when you get overheateti try _ some - of many groups of people young played in dance ensembles be eligible to compete in 8 special from city to city. Last heard from abolish free - education In national contest. Just announced j he was In Kansas City. ! * • publicly-supported colleges, and old. rich and poor, who are Egglmann’» aoft drtoka and Ice cream. We make fUTUthe story of three gold dig­ __________ To me that seems like a sound holding frequent meetings for the ging show girls Into whose capable by the National Committee on Boy» | Miss Irma Laird ____ has _________ returned drinka here of all kindtt to suit anybody’s taate. Our and Girls Club work. Trips to the from an extended trip through the ldea ‘ ollege education has become | discussion and study of religion in hands the problem of finding an refreahmenta pep you up when you vitality la low after national club Congress at Chicago east and a visit at the Chicago fair to° cheBP- “ 19 90 cheap that it la, |ta broad sense, and finding new "angel" for the shot» that will give a hard day» work. as well as trophies will be awarded She is visiting her parents at Pleas- not reFar *** 98 valuable by a good meanings to life as a result of their them employment and opportunity, to winners in the different con ant Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher “ any of tho9e wh° get “ for noth’ ¡discussions. la entrusted The tricks and trades Kggimann’a drink« and «ervlce are different tn teats. • and son. Billy of Winona lake are ,. . , , . . . . I Foremost among the new rellgi behind many a Broadway success, I many reaped« They alway« call for more. That’« 7°.U .v 6 1 * ° ,' U. Un *< lOU9 movenients Is what Is called the are disclosed in a whirlwind of ex-. The national 4-H club leadership also visiting with Mr. and Mrs. P why people have been coming hack to ue regularly for y or g r --oxford Group Movement," or I citing Incident and amusing situs I contest for the boy and girl having N. Laird. Mrs. Gallagher was form-! 9 c e n e way o any years. of outstanding ability, but the older I, the outstanding record in leader erly Miss Frieda Laird ship ”snd_"the"'’natlonal « ' c i a b ' M y™ 'Laird' has’ retumed from I* *et the more 1 am conylnced ‘hat The Rev. Frank Buchman. who a proud family eventually Involves Achievement contest for the out- a visit with relatives at Toledo, the duty of government to provide started the first meetings at Ox both his severely proper older bro- free education at the expense of standing record of work done both Oregon. ford, England, twelve year ago. It ther and the family lawyer In the j "Where ths Barvlca Is DUtaraat" carry with them a trip to the Club MBs Mildred Swift is spending the taxpayers ends about high Is not a new sect or church, hut an intricacies of showmanship. school time. Congress. a week at Portland with her aunt. effort to bring back into the lives The truly able and ambitious will Gold filled medals of honor will -------------------------- of people of all demonlnationa the The fundamental principle of be awarded to county wlnuners In Tonsils Out—Howard Montgom- get the education they seek despite truth of Christianity as a guiding Buchnianlsm Is the power of the all obstacles. the following national contests; |ery. sob of Mr. and Mrs. Rube rule of life. Holy Spirit to purge the soul of Thos. E. Wilson Meat Animal Pro- Montgomery, of Leaburg, had his F O O L IS H N E S S .................... In laws I sin, which follows upon confession Nothing could be more foolish Ject contest, Montgomery Ward & tonsils and adenoids removed Wed Elderly Lady III and repentance. I have all tided Co., girls record contest, Chicago nesday at the office of a Spring- than trying to prescribe rules which Mrs. Belle Spong was seriously several of the meetings anil munv must be followed literally by tho p Mail Order Co. Style Dress Revue, field physician. ill at her home on "A” street this of my friend have, to my knowl who come after us. WB edge, benefited greatly by them. A hurdred years ago some chari­ morning. tably-minded ladles collected a fund to provide red flannel underwear for poor students at Andover Theo­ logical Seminary. For many years no students have needed or wanted that sort of underwear, and the fund has been accumulating until it Is now >12.000. It took a court order to authorize the trustees to «pend the income for other assist- Upper Willamette i 9tarted up Keep Cool RGGIMANN’S Just A rrived New SUMMONS GALA SH O W SATURDAY Regular Run Opens 1 P. M SUNDAY s la t. 35 c Kid« 10c With Warren William, Aline MacMahon, Joan Blondell, Dick Powell, G inger Rogers Guy Kibbee, and RUBY K E E L E ,. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE S'TATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY Jens S. Scott, Minnie M Scott. Wil­ lard L. Cochran, L. Maurle Coch­ ran and C. I. Anderson, Plaintiffs, vs. Z. McVay, John Dewey Campbell. Lois J. Campbell, Unknown heirs of Daniel McVay, deceased. Myr­ tle H Adams, R. Jerry Adams, Alfred F Walker, Halden Walker Mrs. Halden Walker, Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right title estate lien or interest In the real pro­ perty described In the complaint herein. Defendants. To I,. Z. McVay, Unknown heirs of Daniel McVay, deceased, Alfred F. Walker. Halden Wr.lker, Mrs. Halden Walker, Also all other per­ sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or In­ terest in the real property des­ cribed In the complaint herein, De­ fendants . IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the aho-e entitled stilt within four weeks from 'he date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fall to so appear or answer for want thereof the plaintiffs will take a decree against you quieting the title to the following described heal property: Lots one, four and five of Brooklyn as platted and of re- c rd III Lane County. Oregon. and that each of you be decreed to i have no right, title, estate, Hen or interest In or to the aforesaid pre- | mlscs or any part thereof. The order directing the service of *hls -ummons by the publication thereof Is dated August 2nd, 1933 and directs publication once each for four successive weeks and the date of the first publication of this summons Is August 3rd, 1933. C. A WINTERMEIEFl, Attor­ ney for plaintiffs. Residence, Eugene, Oregon. (A 3-10-17-24-31) PHILCO R A D IO IWARNING! Your Last Chance to Buy Flour before the Process Tax Goes On Aug. 7th Next week you will pay 35c tax on every sack of flour you buy and on all wheat products. Blue Bell H a« L b h.’ *,F ,o u r ' $1.25 McKenzie Blend 49 Lbs. 1.25 Lbs. Dais Diamond High 49 Patent $1.45 Peter Pan Our 49 Best Lbs. Hard Wheat, $1.55 Drifted Snow 49 Lbs. $1.79 We Have Just Received Our New Stock of Philco Radios ANNOUNCING T H E O PEN IN G SATURDAY— P ric e d • $ 1 5 .9 5 - $ 2 6 .5 0 $ 3 2 .5 0 - $ 6 3 .0 0 $ 6 8 .0 0 and up . Our New Meat Department W IT H A FULL LIN E MEATS. OF FRESH AND CURED We have just installed a modern, up-to-date Re­ frigeration Plant and will be prepared to give you the beet service in meats. See Our Large Poster and Store Front for Other Wright & Sons HARDW ARE — FU R N ITU R E — RADIOS — PAINT Irish-Murphy Co. SPR IN G FIELD , OREGON