THURSDAY. AUGUST 8. IN I T K~J! fTIR RPRINOFŒLD N W S ¡RECENT BRIDE HONORED PASTOR IS HONORED BY CHURCH MEMBERS W ITH SHOWER FRIDAY PAOB THR1 TOWN AND VICINITY SUNSET HOME RALLY EDUCATION BOOKLET FOR DATE IS AUGUST 20 HIGH SCHOOLS PRINTED ■ ■ ■»------ Mr« M ali Hart iirvne Jeter), a Tha raaaaigamenl of Rev. Daso Annual rally and hualnaaa maat Coplaa of "After I Graduate Prom bride of two wa«ke, waa honor e d 1 - I ’olndextar Io lha paslorngs of fing of the H’inaat Home a( Eugene High School” a highly illustrated with a surprise mlecellsnmioe Hi« Hprliigrleld Methodist church Albany People Here — Mr and Thuraton Man Vialta- J. V. Fu), will b* held Augnai 20 according to ¡booklet, loaded by Ih * Slate Board shower Friday evening at iha bom« »»" lb» occasion for a surprise r»a Mr«. AMerberry of Albany worn (on of Thuraton waa a hualnaaa I an announcement made thia week of Higher Education for the pur­ of Ml«« Msxln« Hwsrle. A group of ‘•'«I’tlon and social bald at the | visitors bar* on Monday. vlaltor In thia d ly Tuesday. (by Rev. R Bog-tad. superintendent pose of acquainting the young pen I twelve of the bride's friends attend- Uhurch laat Thursday «veiling fol | A program of speeches and mualc pie of Oregon with the facilities | ad and presented h»r with many lowing (U h wowkly prayer service I Mireol« Man Hare A Hager« Drives 1« Mabel—John Anderson will »pen the festlrltle at 10 20 ] offered In this state for higher edu F o il R E N T - Four room house, gar i useful gifts The ehower was ar- Hee. Poindexter waa reusslgii^d to I Marcela wa a hualnaaa vtaltor In local Ford dealer, made a hualnaaa a. m. The Corporation will meet at cation, have been mailed out this sg», lardan, Hprlngflald trip to Mabel Tuesday. Phone ranged by Mina Hwarla mid tl. r I (ba church*« bar* and at Coburg at | »Prlngflali! on Saturday 2 p m. to bear reports of the year's week to all parts of the state. The Eugnun 1213H. A 310 > mother, Mrs U. A Hwarla. lha close of Ilia recant Methodist W altervllle Man Hara — T W. work and to elect new officers and boohlet presents the course« and Drive to Newport— Mra. F. B ¡gathering held In Portland He han Camay of W altervlll* wa« a bust- Flanory and children. Dorothy and directors. Families are asked to training available at the University, s»rv«d tha local congregation for! NOTICI nasa vlaltor In Hprlngflald Satur­ Richard, motored Io Newport Sun­ bring their own lunches. Coffee will Oregon State college, and at the BAPTISTS POSTPONE OF FIN A L B IT T L B M IN T 11he pa«l two yaara. be furnlsbee free. day. day Medical school. SWIM PARTY FRIDAY Nolle« la hereby given that Carl Sunset Home la a non-profit shar­ II. Manaauay. administrator of Iba ¡ " FREE METHODISTS GIVE Vlaltlng w ith Son— Mr A J. Vlaltlng Father— Mra Fred f-ouk ing Institution for elderly people j Visit From Naw Jersey— Mr. and calala of Albart K. Hanaenay. de- Tha awiminlng party which young P A S T O R S N E W C H A R G E S < OWMr' *’ |M Han Frem-iac« vla iiia g jis •« Creswull thia week visiting «••••«I. baa filad bla final account I p«„p|, ,,f , h,. Hapllai church hud of any nationality and denomlna-1 Mrs. P. Larson are here from New ...... — with her one, Byron and Hugh with bar parents. Mr. and Mra. H tlon. Applicants are admitted fo ri Jersey visiting at the home of Mr. Oregon, and that «aid court haa a a l' p l,n n d for boday evening of laat The appointment of Rev. Virgil Cowart. \. Howe. the year, month, or life. Accommo and Mrs. J M Larson. They are aa lha llm * and placa for lha final waa postponed one w»«h ba- Howe a> puator Of tha Fra* Metho settlement of said aetata Saturday 1 ause of lha auditen liinaan of Mian Tonsil« Ramovad— Z.elma Dossier] Visit at Cascade— Mr. and Mra datlons and care offered at the making a motor tour of the western Iba Iblh dny of August. IM S at Vomica Hawke, a member of the dial churches of West HprluaNeld of route I, Eugene, underwent a W alter Hrharen and Mrs. (>• urge ar* • al'1 *° ranJ| high wlih states, having visited at the Cen and Eugene was announced tbis| 10 o clock In (ha forenoon of aald u, ■ > . tonsil operation Friday at the of- C om spent Sunday at Ca cade Re ***• best similar homes In the tury of Progress In Chicago en- day al the County Courtroom In Iba hurrh' Ml“" , , » wk" * « • operated weak He takes the place of Rev. K sort. | Cntted States route to the coaat. I fIce of a local physician. * Courthuuua In Kugana, luina Comi *<,r ai’Pandlclll< Thursday aven F., pastor for the pa«t tw o 1 ty, Dragon where all paranna Inter *»■ years, who has been transferred to Tonelle Removed— Wilbur Nyslen Flat, on Friday_ Mr. and Mrs. «•atad may appear ai aald lim a and •ha Cottage Drove field file objections, If any they hava. underwent a tonsil operation Mon I Frank Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon day at the office of a local phyai- Adams, and son. Bob, and Miss CARL II HKNHKNKY. Admin FOUR-H CLUB GROUPS TO lalrator of the «alate of Albert Mildred Carson -pent Friday fish GET AWARDS FOR WORK HAYRACKS SCARCE H E R E ;j‘ *»n E. Henaeney, Deceased ■ng on the W illamette river. 7 M U C K IS S U B S T I T U T E Station Man at Home J. M L#r- I. M. PKTKRHoN. his attorney. A purtlul Hal of Four It clubs of — —_ | uaa been confined ’o hl home (J 20 27 -A 3-IO-17) Back from Vacation Miss Maa l-ane county which have completed » » « • P«rty of 36 young people | w„ h „everal days iik Snodgrass returned to her du-1 NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R . their work "»<• percent ha. be-» re «h« Christian church gathered at d llr,n({ , he pll<, w e rt j ties at the Mountain State« Power leased by It C. Kuehner. county lh‘* ®burch for a hayrack ride to Maki O'Cream Ice cream looks good because It company office Monday following Notice la hereby given that the leader. The clubs In thia vicinity the Heavay hop Island ranch where [ W altervlll« People Here— Mr. and has that rich creamy appearance. It tastes good be­ a week’s vacation undersigned has been appointed an which are to receive the 100 per they ware to hold a picnic that Mr«. Laster Millican of W altervlllc cause it is always flavored just right and it is made ciliary administrator with tha will Take Coast Trip — Miss A ltk of the beat ingredient? by the latest and most scienti­ anneied of the aatate of France« cent achievement certificate«, and evening thay were mat with a large were visitor« In Springfield on Sat Hayracks are being used uroay. Manning and Mis Beulah Thurman E. Baan, deceased and has duly the names of their leaders are; truck. fic Ice cream machinery. qualified as such. All persons hav­ Pleasant H ill Hom» Making. Mra. considerably the e days by their left Monday tor Florence and other V is it at Salem — M r and Mrs ing claims against said eatate are 1. Holcomb. Trent; (Kenwood For owners and none could be obtained The popularity of Maid O’Cream ice cream is gain­ _ I roast points to spend a week’s out 1rs Nice. Mrs J. T. Donald-on. and hereby required to present «ueb ing every day as it makes its appearance at picnics Inc. for the outing. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin eatry, Mr«, Isiots Itodenhougb, claims duly verified with prupar Mrs. John Nice motored to Salem and parties in I«ane county. vouchers attached, to me at my ol- Hprlngflald. Zion Cooking Club, Severson and Mlsa URItne Oartln Friday to visit with relatives. Laave for Vacation— Mr and Mrs. accompanied the young people. So­ flee at 23« Main street, Hprlngflsld. Ml»» H Brabham. Dealer; Camp Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for Sidney Delph and daughter. Betty Dregou within ala months from tha Creak Cooking, Mr«. M. Montgom cial arrangements were In charge Minor Operation — Mrs. Myrtle data of this notice, the name being . Lou, left Tuesday morning for a Maid O’ Cream Butter >f the Christian Endeavor. Morton underwent a minor opera­ dated aud published the first time X’ HPr,ngfleld vacation trip planning to stop at this the 20th day of July. 1*33. ! ■ tion at the Pacific hospital In Eu­ Triangle lake for a few days be- I M FETERHON. Ancillary gene Saturday evening. REMEDY REMOVES N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S , fore going on to Newport for the Administrator with the will an- CAUSE OF STOMACH CAS naiad of (be estate of Frances Fleh on Sunday— Mr. and Mrs. Al j remainder of tbeir outing Nolle» Is hereby given that tha un E. Bean. Deceased darslgnad has baan appointed Ad Most stomach GAS Is due to Pohl and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Korn Deerhorn People Here — Mre. J. (J 2027— A 3 10-17) mlnlstratrla of lha K«tate of Hath bowel poisons. For quirk relief use spent Sunday fishing on tbe W il­ M McPherson, deceased, by the H. O'dell, W ister and M yrtle O’dell, Adlerlka. One dose deans out lamette river above Oakridge County Judge of lame County, Ore- i and M arjarfe Currants, all of Deer­ NOTICE FOR P U B LIC A TIO N gon. and that all persona having body wastes, tones up your sys- Haa Operation — Miss Vemice horn. were visitors In Springfield tem. brings sound sleep. Flanery's Department of the Interler, Oen- b ';''" quf'rad"!.."“^ " ' ^ ' ’’. . : ^ Hawke, daughter of M r and Mrs. Monday. Drug Store. •cal Lend Offloe at Roseburg. n reeee j ui . ate tai* lenity evidenced, to the Un Ws lace Hawke, underwent an cm Oregon. July Sth. 1*23. deralgned at her resldenee Route Viatta Son Here— Mrs H. L. Bar ergeney operation for appendicitis NOTICE her of Bend arrived Here Saturday NO TIC E la hereby given that 1 HPr |ngfleld. Dragon, on or before last Thursday evening. OF FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T Neta F Daarden. of Vida. Oregon.' "J1 "»«»"tbs from the first publics to spend two weeks visiting at tbe Notice is hereby given that »bo. on July l*th . 1*32. made ' lon ,h l« notice, which first pub- Returns to California— Kenneth! hoIne ° f her »on »"d daughter In- Charles Humphrey, the eaechtor of Homestead entry Serial No. 020311, Ill ation will be August 3rd. 1*33 an25 in the Eugene Frank Walker, and Ralph Green, James Bristow. Mollie Bristow.. rut or. of Vida. Oregon; J O. McKinney, Return« to Home— Mrs. John En- Justice court Monday afternoon by Frank Bristow. Clara Bristow.! I M PETERSON. Attorney. of Blue Hirer, Oregon and Prince sebede returned to her home at I -Justice Dan Johnston when he was Jessie Horsed. Fred Horsell. I (A 3-10-17-24 31) llelfrlsh. of Vida, Oregon. Blanche Graham. James Graham. I Forest Grove Sunday after »pend «rraignwd on a charge of carrying FULL PINT - Earl Carnahan. Fern Carnahan, H A M IL L A CA N A D A Y, Register. NOTICE Ing three days here visiting with < ■* concealed revolver in an auto- Mary Mera. John Mera. Milton i and YOUR CHOICE of 100 bottle Aspirin, Tube Mi 31 (Ju S-13 2 O 2 7 -A 3) OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T her sister. Miss Ann McGookin. mobile. Carnahan. Helen Carnahan. Ot-I Notice la hereby given that Mar Shaving Cream, Rexall Milk of Magnesia, Tin 60 Rexall well Bristow. Theodore Bristow. Charlas Wheeler, unknown heirs 2 " ’ ’ Ksecutor of the Picnic Held— About 40 Spring v i , lt ■* Newport — MUs Theo Orderlies or Pint Purtex Rubbing Alcohol. of Martha 8 Bristow, deceased, Estate of C. L. Olsen, deceased, haa field residents motored to the B«rtholomew and her mother. Mra. unknown helra of Isaar V. H filed hla Final Report and Account Henry Korf home east of Spring. Fran,< Bartholomew spent the past Bristow, deceased, also all other aa auch, and the Court has set Sat­ field last Thursday to enjoy a pic­ weekend on the Coaat at Newport, Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN persons or parties unknown urday, the 2«th day of August. 1*33, returning to their home In Douglas Naturopathic Physician claiming any right, title, estate, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the nic supper. gardens district Sunday. lien or Interest In the reel pro­ forenoon, to the Conty Court Room With $2 Box of Visits at Band— Marion Covner Phone *1 J perty described In the complaint In the Court House at Eugene. In l-ane County. Oregon, as the time and son. Wesley, drove to Band to CARE NOME FACE POWDERS Attends Reunion — Mrs. Larson herein. Defendants. offtc« Hours: 1 to 6 P. M To Blanche Graham. James Ora and place to hear objections to the spend the week end at their home Wright and children went to Mon­ j liam. Karl Carnahan. Fern Carna­ same. If any. and for the final set­ 40« Fuurth Street $1 AGAREX LAXATIVE Wesley had been visiting hen- with mouth Saturday to attend a reunion han and Charles Wheeler, unknown tlement of said Estate, M A R TIN P OLSEN. Executor. of the Elkins family which was held his father during the past week. V2 LB. THEATRICAL COLD CREAM heirs of Martha 8 Bristow, de­ at the home of her father. Rev. ceased. unknown heirs of Isaac V. W E L L 8 « W ELLS. Attorneys. COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO (J 27— A 3-10-17 24) Picnic on W illamette— Rev. and i H. Bristow, deceased, also all other W illard A. Elkins who Is a pastor 2 DOZ. PURTEST ASPIRIN persona or parties unknown claim­ Mrs. Veltte Pruitt. Mr. and Mrs. in that city. NOTICE ing any right, title, estate, leln or JEWELER Ren Hollister. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis $1 FOUNTAIN SYRINGE or WATER BOTTLE OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T ] Interest In the real property des­ Repairing m Specialty ler Miller, M a and Mrs W. F. Picnic Near Oakridge— Mr. anil cribed In the complaint herein De­ Notice Is hereby given that W . fendants. These are but a few of the items offered at a saving W. Calkins, Executor of the W ill of Pulerbaugh enjoyed a picnic on the Mrs. Lum F. Anderson and fam- Springfield. Oregon IN T H E NA M E O F T H E 8T A T E Frank It. McDowell, deceased, has W illamette Sunday afternoon. lly, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hover, during this month. O F OREGON. You are hereby filed his final account In the mat­ of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Week-and at 8prlngs— Mr. and required to appear and answer the ter of the Eatate of Frank B. Mc­ General l-aw Practice amended complaint filed against Dowell. deceased, In the County Mrs. Harry Whitney, thetr daugh­ Tyson and daughter. Muriel. Mr. you In the above entttied suit with­ Court of Lane County. Oregon, and ter. Mary Elisabeth. Ernest Ander­ and Mrs. Frank Rivett and daugh I. M. PETERSON in four weeks from the date or the that Saturday, the 12th dav of Aug- ter. Hazel, of Salem, and James Attornny a t-l^ w | first publication of thia summons uae. 1*33. at ten o'clock In the fore­ son. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sid- Rivett of Oakland. California, spent The Rexall Store City Hall Building and If you fall to so appear or an­ noon of the said day. In the County well spent the week end at Belknap the past Sunday on the W illam ette Phone 15 swer for want thereof the plaintiffs Court rooms In the County Court Springs Springfield. Oregon Springfield, Oregon with a picnic outing at Hellgate will take a decree against you Honae of I-ane County. State of quieting the title to the following Oregon, has been fixed as the time Red Cross W orker Vacations — bridge. described real property; . . . j w " ' i ----- nud place by the said Court for the Miss Rowena Nlsson, Red Cross ■ , j w y Southeast quarter of the North­ hearing of objections to the said representative in thia district. Is east quarter and the Northeast final account, and for final settle­ quarter of the Southeast quarter ment of the said eatate. Any and spending this week on a vacation of section 11 and lha Weal one all objection« to the said account and has _ gone to Sheridan. Oregon half of the Northwest quarter and and the final settlement of the said ! to visit with her relatives, the West one half of the Mnuth- eatate must be filed with the Clerk of Pittsburgh, Pa. waat quarter of Section 13, all In of the said Conrt on or before the Re’ ur.-a from Vacation— H. H. Township 17 South Range 10 date of said hearing. Sciiaffenberg and family have re West of W illam ette Meridian In W. W CA LK IN S. Executor of Lane County, Oregon. the Estate of Frank B. Mc­ turned from Marshfield where they and that each of yon he decreed to Dowell. deceased. slant their vacation the past week. have no right, title, estate, lien or Date of First Publication July IS, Mr. 8ehaffenberg is employed at Represented By Interest In or to the aforesalu p re -|1933 the Mountain States Power com­ mlses i r any part thereof. (Ju 13-20-27 — A 3-10) E. H. TURNER pany plant in this city. The order directing the aervl e of thia summons by the publication Estate of Martha Wallace. *4« A St Springfield, Or«. Returns to California— Thomas thereof la dated July 26th. 1*33 and Deceased. I directs publication once each week C. Gorrle left last week-end for his NOTICE for four successive weeks and the home at Hayward. California. He • FEDERAL AND PROCESS TAXES GOES ON TEXTILES W ITH IN OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T date of the first publication of this Notice la hereby given that had been visiting here at the home summons Is July 27th. 1*33. A FEW DAYS. C. A W IN T B R M E IE R , Attor­ W elter Price haa filed In the Coun­ of Mrs. C. 1. Qorrle, Sr., for the ney for Plaintiff«. Residence: ty Court of the State of Oregon, In previous week • TH IS MEANS TH A T THE PRICE OF THESE GOODS MUST BE and for Lane County, his final re­ Eugene. Oregon. port as administrator of the Estate RAISED. (J 27— A 3-10-17-24) Holllstar P-aache«— Ren Hollis of Martha Wallace, deceased, and Formerly Walker-Poole that ten o'clock In the forenoon of lar conducted services at the • WE ARE GIVING YOU FAIR WARNING THAT YOU WILL SOON NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE Saturday, the 26th day of August. Christian church at Marcóla both REAL PROPERTY BE COMPELLED TO PAY MORE. 1933. at the court room thereof Sunday morning and evening. He EUG ENE— U th M PRINO FIELU NO TIC E Is hereby given that by In Eugene. Oregon, have been by supplied for Ross Oulley. pastor, virtue of an execution and order end Charm-lton. 228 Main the Court appointed and rixed aa of sale Issued out of the Circuit the time and place for hearing ob­ who was absent. Telapuone 723 Phone «2-J Court of the State of Oregon for jections to aald report and for Ihe • Lane County thia l*th day of July, final settlement of the estate of Mine Claims Filed— Five notices 1933. upon and pursuant to a de- said deceased. of mining claims on Blue River Icree duly given and made by said W A L TE R PRICE. Administra­ were filed Monday by G. W. Thomp­ Court this 17th day of July, 1*33, In but we will soon be compelled to raise greatly. Under the national re­ tor of the Eatate of Martha son for himself and others. One , a suit pending therein In which Wallace. Deceased. : Alice M. Morse was plaintiff and A. E. W H E E L E R , Attorney. claim on W lnberry waa filed by D. covery act it will be against the law to sell merchandise for less than ! Nick Anton, et. al. were defendants, R. Edwards. (J 37—A 3-10-17-2«) coat. Whether we want to or not we will soon he compelled to raise the ¡which execution and order of sale 1 was to ma directed and commanded NOTICE TO CREDITORS Return From Outing — Mr. and me to sell the real property herein IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT OF T H E Mrs. Carlton A. Wyman and Miss price of our merchandise. after described to satisfy certain STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Alice Jacobsen of Eugene, who has We wish that you would understand the situation for your own sake. ¡llene and charges In said decree CO UN TY OF LANE. PROBATE been their guest for the past week, specified. I w ill on Friday the 26th Drygoods, shoes and clothing that you must have can be purchased now day of August, 1*33, at the hour of D EPA R TM EN T. returned Sunday from an outing IT COSTS NOTHING 10 o'clock, A. M , at the southwest IN T H E M A T T E R OF T H E ES­ «pent at the Wyman cabin on the for less than in a few weeks from now. We want tq he fair with you TO FIND OUT, . . . door of the County Court House In T A T E OF DALE E L M E R CHASE, McKenxIe. Eugene, Lane County. Oregon, offer Unknown to you, your eye« DECEASED. otherwise we would say nothing and take the profit from the mark up may be dofeettve. The only way for sale and sell at public auction Vlalt at Foley Springs— Mr. and for cash, subject to redemption aa of detecting poor sight la by an Notice Is hereby given that the when the recovery act goes into full force. provided by law, all of the right, undersigned has been appointed Ad­ Mrs. E. C. Stuart, their daughter, eyesight examination. Many title and Interest of the defendants ministratrix of th« Eatate of Dale Nellie, and son. Frank, and Miss years of practical experlenca In optometry assures you a thoro­ In aald suit and of all partle« claim­ Elmer Chase, Deceased, by the We are in business to sell goods and to serve the people of tills com­ ugh and scientific eye exami­ ing by. through or under them or County Court of the State of Ore­ Dorothy Mae Potter spent Sunday munity. We can serve you best and with greater savings to you if you nation, and If glasses are not re­ any of them, In or to the following gon for Lane County and haa quali­ at Folev Springs where they visited described real property, to-wlt: quired you will be told ao frank fied. with Mr. Stuart's shter, Misa Kath­ ly when you come to thia office. The South half of the South­ Ajl persons having claims against leen Stuart, and Mias Opal Jarvis. And It will coat you nothing west quarter of Section Nineteen said estate are hereby notified to for tha examination. (19); and the North half of the present the same to me at 36 North Attends Homamakar'a Meet — If glasses are needed they will Northwest quarter of Section Lawrence Street, Eugene, Oregon, be fitted not only so a« to cor­ Thirty, In Townahlp Eighteen with vouchers and duly verified Miss Eunice Gerber attended the rect your Vision, but will be at­ (18), South, of Range Three (3) within six months from tbe date la»ne County Homemaker's camp at West of the W illamette Meridian, hereof. tractive and comfortable as well. Lake Cleowox near Florence during The churges are very reason­ In Lane County, Oregon, and con­ Dnted and flrat published July 20, the past week. She will also attend able. taining 168.77 acres, more or less. 1*33. Dated this 19th day of July, 1*33. Last publication, Auguat 7, 1*33. the annunl Olrl Scout camp to be DR. ELLA MEADE C. A. 8W A R TS. Sheriff. VERA E L L E N MEARS. Admin held there starting Auguat 6. She Optometrist By A. E. Hulegaard, Deputy. latratrlx. has been named camp nurae tor «1 W est ath Kugena (J 20-27— A 2-10-17) (J 20-17— A 2-1B-17) the scout camp. QUALITY - FLAVOR LOOKS Springfield Cream ery Co. FflCIORY - TO ■ YOU • S H E 3argains in Place of Advertising Mi 31 Solution - 59c Business Directory Free any $1 Cara Nome Cream 69C 37c 29c 19C 69c Edw. G. Privat Flanery’s Drug Store Reliance Life Insurance Co. POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW WMNIM! Funeral Directors Our Prices Have Not Been Raised BUY NOW ! Fulop’s Dept. Store