THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS r iiiitT ih r r ii year SPRINGFIELD. I.U . AL’GUHT a l» a ? ~ CITY FORMS N. R. A. UNIT Rain halts Oil On McKenzie 11 1 ------ Hanns a i .......... No. 30 i. mlliemios Roley Road Gets Extension Work DISCUSSED HEBE LEAD IN LEAGUE Two More Days Needed to t Put on Light Coating; State Considers Remodeling ¡Junction City Game Adds An- Heavier Coating Later Property on Main Street for other Victory to Cascade Chamber of Commerça Stu- National Guard Quarters Leaders; Local Fans Go Oiling work oo (lit* McKenxie j diee Instructions at Meeting which started Wednesday morning ' Plana for the moving of the Wednesday; To Comply ! waa »topped loday by the light rain SWORD HOLDS BATTERS Armory from Ita preaeul location 1 C. C. C. Crews Open Up Six Miles Above Foley Springs; South Fork to Get Rock An extension of Foley Kpring, DOLLAR MILL TO OPERATE L a ,« M t P ,a n t in L a n a road up along Horse creek has been County Expected to Turn started by the C. C. C. workers at Wheel»; Opening Not Set | fall which begun laat night During' , al Fourth and Main street* to th>- i Belknap under the direction of C. TH IR TY -TW O GET EAGLES th* da2 on“ a«ctlou of the new high building which formerly hou*«d the Belknap C. C. C. Takes Cube C Olaen of th - Cascade National WORKING ON MILL POND ■ ■ way north o( the Ureanwood came- After Seven Inning Tie; Foreal staff. _______ Drop In cafe and Hume Baking General Committee Formed tery waa oiled, all trarflc being di­ company near Third on Main s tr e e t, Final Score is 19-2 The road will be extended from ^o Men Needed for 90 Day»; With Heads of Civic and verted over the old route I are being considered hare tbl* four to a ll miles thlx year depend- * High Officials of Company Only the rive and one hair mile Springfield's Cascade league Ing on difficulty of construction, Service Clubs as Members aectlon or the highway which waa w eek. Visit Operations Recently but the Forest Service has no plana The building In conalderatlon la baseball team advanced a n o th e r I'ndar the Blue Kagla bannara oí not oiled last year will be given now property of the atate. having atep toward* the championship of at the preaent time of exlendlng _. , ~ the coaling at thia time according to E lk la k e to connect with the Tt‘* D° ll,r President Itixiaavelt Hprlngtlald la been taken over by the World War the district Sunday when they re­ to Haymond Walah. resident high­ Ceotury Drive, be said There w lll al Mab* ‘- formerly the Const Range — Veterans State Aid Commlaalon, turned from Junction City with a ■uuhllliing to march to recovery. At way engineer It waa expected he some extension work on the sawmill, will resume operations in and It I* felt that a saving could 3-1 victory. It looked like a ahut-j the Chamber or Commerça meeting that the oiling work could he com- be effected by u*lng thia property. out for the Junction City Orphan* other »Vie of the mountain alao. the near future, according to defl- Wednesday aventng, attended by Í pleted In three daya. using four It would alao provide better faci­ until the ninth and final Inning largely fire trails for the use of the rilt* announcement made this week moat or the retail dealera In the : r* " road tanks of oil. forest men themselves. _ lities for the National Guard unit, when Perkin» fumblid an eaay ... , .. . . . The plant Is now being put in coo- . ... _ . .. The oil being placed now la grounder by V. Nelson, giving them During the past week a rock “ v city and Weal Springfield, It «a- . . ... . , . being a downatalr* location. i ii the regular heavy oiling which their only score. Sword pitched the crusher haa been set up at Belknap ,11Uon but “ »• °Pen,D« < **•- which Major Hamilton, field man for voted to organlxe aa had been re , lk Ighway la to receive later, the Commlaalon. waa In Springfield entire game for Springfield. H e r* are the pnacipaJa, in the tw* ’ slide, five miles up the South Fork will mark another major comeback queated by the national recovery th 'ng merely a coating of oil A »Ingle by Dick W right and a most rerent kidnapping* which kaa from the McKenxie highway June-jin the lumber industry in Lane Monday and went over the property ano Tinkling of fine rock to administration. stirred the nation and brought foctl Hon at Belknap bridge. Rock w lll ,.ounty not get with C. A. Swarta, First Lieutenant tbree-hagger by Gordon Wrtght •tat federal order* to " b r e a k up kidnap Mayor W P. Tyaon will be the alia be taken from thia slide and used _. , In command of the li>cal Guard unit gave the Springfield team their p *g ring* " Above, August Luer , , . . . . . . . . The reopening activities of tbl*. A of th e highway from Before returning to Salem he de "t,,re ln the ,ourth •■»•«»«. ln official head of the Springfield surfacing several miles of thia ,. . .. . . . ... , . 77, retired lllia o t* banker dragged in to Nimrod, the only un­ dared that they would draw u p itb f alx,b “ baa*' on Nmll* and a hit roadbed Work I . being continued b' rd ar«“ — ">“ * L *“* committee which will conalat of Doyle fret» b u home at A lto n, III. Below completed p: rt of the McKenxie on both the South Fork of the Me- “ ad* the prexldenta of the Chamber of plan* for the reconditioning of the by Mulligan that wa* good for a J o h a J e“r" #' < ’ * “h her d““"h,er competition have not been ruled on r N U L H N U W W I N N t K U r Survivors Include one son. WII- 3. off Sogaard 1; left on buses, Beginners' pin i were awarded to the degree team during the past ' omPan7 have petitioned the coun- aa yet and the merchant I* anxlou* 1 ty Cl)urt for permission to haul THREE C TOURNAMENT Itam Daniel* of Oregon City, and Springfield 5, Junction City 8; first the following; Milo Severson. Ro­ two weeks to be Informed It la likely that ----- —-. ■ ' the following daughter*, Mr*. Frank base on error, Junction City 2, bert Smith. Myron Robertson. Jack loads of from 8 to 10 thousand feet The regular monthly social even OTer a three.mlle atretch of the dealera In each tine will organise Richard Prochnow. ton of Mr. Harr of M artin* Ferry, Ohio, Mr*. Springfield 2; struck out by Sword Partin. Lillie Tate. Ray Bainbridge, ing which la usually held on t h e ihighway uglng d|e8e) powered and formulate a local code of fair and M r* George Prochnow. repres­ 8. V. Wilson of Portland. Mrs. 6. Sogaard 11; passed ball* W right I-awrence Thompson. John Shearer, competition of their own. Oarage enting the Skinner three C camp Henry Srhlnaman of Portland, and third Monday of the month has j truc|xs. The compnny I , said to have 1. Blackwell 2; hit by pitcher. Hem- Heater Jean Thompson. Emma Lou and service station operator* were at Eugene Sunday won the district Mr*. Hart. 8tratton, Mary Severson, Maxine been advanced to the first Monday ! offered to malntain , rock cru9h<„. erlckxon. for this occasion and a committee and keep , he road they U8e ,n good organised al a meeting held Tues­ horaeahoe pitching tournament In Funeral service* were held at the Springfield people showed their j Valller. Helen Severson. Celia consisting of Mrs. Nellie Jordan. cond)tlon at alI timeg The county day evening and will aubmll their competition with tosscra from near­ Beaver Creek church near Malalla Shearer. Eva Severson. Anita Pugn. interest in the team by turning out Mrs. Marie Pohl, Mrs. Leota Roden court is still considering the re­ code to the local committee ly all of tho ramps In thia district. at 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoon, In larger numbers at Junction City Bobby Pugh and Clarence Clark. ■ lue E ag le* Listed He defeated Clyde Slocum of the with interment In the Beaver Creek for the game than the supporters Examinations were conducted by bough. Mrs. Belle Lambert, and quest. Miss Thelma Sweeney will have A total of 32 merchant* and Brice creek camp to win first hon­ cemetery. The remains wa* taken of the home team did. The road tn question Is part of . Milo M arlatt. life saving examiner charge. other employer* had signed the or*. M. O. Harris of Melrose wa* to Beaver Creek from Springfield Cube Loae to Belknap for the B*“’* A’ 1'0®" ,n ,hls district the county road which has been blanket code agreement and re­ third. Tuesday morning by the P. J. Bar Next Sunday the Wendling team W hile there is no charge for the graded and partially surfaced to ceived official Blue Eagle* at the Prochnow I* a member of the tholomew of the Poole-Gray Bartho­ comes here for a game on Brattali! swimming lesson* parent* of the the Linn county line, leaving a BOOTH-KELLY ADOPTS Springfield postoffice before noon Springfield horseshoe team which lomew chapel. children and those adults who par­ field. stretch of two and one-half miles 40-HOUR WORK WEEK down the north side of the divide (»day. They are W. P. Tyaon for ha* had marked success th l* sea­ Another Springfield baseball ticipated In the instructions who City of Springfield; W H. Adrian, son. are able are invited to make a small team waa more unfortunate Sunday which has not been graded de-pite C.-KOCH RETURNS FROM Springfield Oarage; Frank Imgan, when the Springfield Cub* dropped j contribution towarda the expense* Both M ill* and Camp« Included in many efforts to open up this drive Order Issued Today; W ill Close CHINA LEGATION WORK a contest to the Belknap C. C. C. j of ,bb of the Cooking club w ill he held Tbls lar«e wh,cb connected by during the Insurrection will be held BUDGET FOR NEW YEAR waa In charge of the arrangements. this evening following the Church a 'nr»p heavy leather belt nearly at Laurelhurst park In Portland on opening and closing ritual. three feet wide and many yard* Night dinner and program. Sunday, August 13, the Sunday A budget of approximately *2200 Rev. and Mra. Dean C. Polndex SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP long to a long driveshaft which closest to the date of the battle of waa drawn up for the Methodist IUKA CIRCLE MEETING ter and family, and Mlaa Ada Por­ HAS PICNIC ON FRIDAY produces power for many machine* Malnbnn, which was the largeet church of SprlngNeld during the PLANNED FOR TONIGHT ter. slater of Mra. Poindexter, left Marriage Llcenaea tn the mill. engagement In which the Oregon next year by the finance committee Wednesday noon for coant points Members of Mrs. Dean C. Poin­ Fire Insurance requirements group participated. B. F. Irvine, at their meeting Monday evening. Regular business meeting of Iuka near Florence where they wlll re­ dexter's Sunday school class of the During the past week marriage make It necessary to maintain this editor of th« Oregon Journal, wlll The every-member canvass of the circle 37, Ladles Auxiliary of the main over the coming week-end Methodist church held a swimming licenses have been granted by the large plant whether It operates It he the principal speaker. A com­ congregation will be held some O. A. R„ will he held this evening on a short vacation. party and marsh majlow roast at county clerk to the following: or not. Pressure Is always kept up plete program and basket dinner time In September. Members of the at 8 o'clock at the Egglmann Mllllorn park on Coast Fork F ri­ Thomas Beddo and Elisabeth Allen, and the fire flghtltng equipment la will he held. finance board are I)r. W. H. Poll­ Kandy Kitchen. Only routine busi­ Get* Beer License day evening About 20 young peo­ both of Eugene; Rodney Busey and Inspected regularly. The water la F. B. llam lln, Springfield post­ ard. F. B. Hamlin. W R. Buoll. P ness will be taken up at thl* time. A city license to sell beer waa ple attended. Mrs. Pratt Holverson Charlotte Bowman, both of Eugene; brought down from a 760.000 gal­ master. and hla fam ily expect to J. Bartholomew, Frank Bailey and No social activity has been plan­ granted Monday to Mra. Irene W il­ and Mrs. John Carson accompanied Harold BTlstow, Springfield, and lon reservoir high above tke town attend the reunion. W IIII* Bertach. ned for the gathering. liam*, proprietor of Irene's cat«. the group. Estella Westlake, Marshfield to the east. DANIELS RUES AT BEAVER GREEK RED GROSS SWIM AWARDS GIVEN LODGE READY FOR OFFICIAL VISIT