WHEAT MEN TALK ACREAGE LIMITS THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1M> TH E 9PRINOF5ELD NEWS PAGE POUR ^ nol^er ^-onc Eagle In World Circling Flight J -------- POLLARD FAMILY SEE8 ITALIAN ARMADA LAND GIVES BASIS OF SOUND BANKING The thrill of witnessing the Italian flytug arinuda o( 34 ships lauding on latke Michigan al the Century of Frogreea sxpoaltlou was S p e a k e r O u tlin e s T h re e fo ld only a part of the many sights C o o p e ra tio n B etw een B a n k ­ Farm Contract« Expected which Dr. and Mis W. II, Pollard er», G o v e rn m e n t OHicials Hara Naxt Month Say« and children enjoyed while In the an d th e P u b lic to M a in ­ world's fair city. The huge planes ta in B ^n k S tan dard« County Agent Fletcher aaaumed the appearance of two WO elements beside the bankers Sixty wheat growers, represent­ large boats secured together aa themselves are required in order ing practically all cominuuitles o( they sallied down on the Waters to glvs the nation universally the V V the Willamette Valley part at Lane of the lake, said Dr I'ollard ou type of banking Il should have. county, attended a meeting held in his return Io Springfield Bunday Frauds II 8lss«n. president of tha the Kugene chamber o( commerce American Hankers Association. de evening dared In a recent address. He said rooms in Kugene on Tuesday ofj Most of Ihe butl«Itlist« on the fair that the efficiency of government this week called by County Agent Ml ground« are built of wood or some officials upon shorn the people rely O. S. Fletcher for consideration of wood priduct. The buildings are to supervise the hanks properly, and the domestic allotment plan for not erecieil for permanence and ths patronage ot the peep,» them­ control of wheat acreage, and for Bing Crosby, Mary Carlisle, and hick Arlen lu ’’College will probably be dismantled or selves are factors In the kind of raising the price of wheat to farm­ moved uf'er Ihe exposition, he said banks s community shall have. Humor" starting at the McDonald Theatre Sunday. ers who cooperate with the United The sky ride, hlgheat sir ride In "There can be no question that the world which travels bntween State department of agriculture in the people of the United Slate, pR0M pT ACTION URGED M c D onald theatre should hava hanks Immune from putting the plan into effect. Speak­ two towers reaching 600 feel Into failure and wholly free from bad FOR DRIVER'S PERMITS OFFERS TWO COMEDIES the air. waa not aa Impreaslve a ers at the meeting were F. L. Ball­ or questionable bsnkln«." Mr Sis- ----------- ard. county agent leader, and Wm. sight ns was expected. We did not son said "It Is not enough as Presl- I Unless early action la taken, Phil H a rris to Show In “ Melody ride on It, and only a few other L, Teutsch, assistant county agent dent Roosevelt has said, that while f„n twolhirds oi Ute automobile Cruise"; M any Stars Play visitors seemed Io patronise It as leader, of the Oregon Agricultural some bankers had been Incompetent dr, Ter< v,rlnl,y w,„ bp 8ub Rolse In “Collsgs Hum or" college. II traveled very alowly between the or dishonest, this was not true In Ject Io arrest on the m orning of two towers which are about three W iley Post, Oklahoma birdman and eo-holder o f the world-circling record, ths vast majority ot our banks A The speakers were of the opinion Leading a week-end of gay com blocks apart, he added. as hs bad» farew ell to his w ife at New York before hopping off, solo, for situation should exist In which there September 1st for failure to obtain that preaent market booms, while another 13,400 mile trip around the world in an attem pt to lower the mark Is not even a small minority of bank­ their new drivers licenses, accord edy altracttona to show at the Mc­ A very cotumerrlal air prevadea highly beneficial for growers hav­ to 6 days for a new record. “ Be c a r e fu l," said Mrs. Post. “ I w ill, " said ers open to question There should Ing to Information Just received by Donald theatre In Eugene will come the exposition grounds The edu ing wheat to sell now, give little W iley , and he was goac. be no room for dishonesty or Incom this newspaper from Hal K. Hosa, "Melody Cruise" featuring Phil rational exhibits are open to the promise for the future unless some patency to sxsrclss suy Influence In secretary of state. An official esti­ Harris, nationally popular orches­ general public once Inside the form of acreage control is put into banking anywhere. mate discloses that barely one- tra leader, and a strong assisting grounds, but stands and hawkers effect. According to those who have "While bad faith and had manage­ third of the drivers In thia section cast, It was announced thia week on all sides detract from the ma- Fall Hat Model ment enter the human factor in all studied production and consump­ are equipped with proper drivers' by Kay W. Jones, theatre manager. Jesty of the enterprise felt Dr. Poll­ types of business, their affects In tion statistics, it is apparent that banking should ba surrounded by licenses. The passenger list of the 8. 8. ard. even the short crop this year plus Police officials state that no mo­ lots Dudas, which embarks at th e , While In Chicago. Dr Pollard such special safeguards as to ren­ the abnormal carry-over will pro­ der them uo longer a factor In bank ratoriums will he granted and a McDonald theatre Friday on a attended aeaslona ot the World bably leave the United States with, failures Ths responsibility tor strict enforcement of the law will "Melody Cruise" from New York Service Commission of the Metho­ twice the normal carry-over n ext; bringing this about, however, can­ be observed In their check on all July and that If there la a normal not rest upon the bankers alone, for operators. With the "dead line' to California, Includes one Broad j dist church, which body prepared wheat yield on the usual acreage ths means to accomplish It era not barely four week« away, all per­ way playboy In Phil Harris, a giddy a budget ot »5.600,000 fur the vari­ Iusband on a bender In Charlie ous boards under It. wholly I d their hands. Thera are the surplus may amount to ruinous. sons still earyluc curds issued be Enroute home the family spent Ruggles, two gold digging gertles. other essential elements (Voportions with consequent effect, “One ts ths »IB Iency of govern tore July 1, 1931, should obtain new an adorable trhooluiarni. a gossip a day driving through Yellowsloue on prices. ment supervision Since ws rsly so cards at the first opportunity. See lug spinster, a bevy of devastating National park, and visited with re- To Reap Price Advance greatly upon supervision. It may, retary Hose warned. latlves at Baker and Oregon i'lty. damsels and an Irascible wife. unless It Is of the highest order IA Renewal permits are being grant The wheat plan, it was pointed The "Melody Cruise" pursues a ' safeguarding the public Interest, without examination to all oper- out. permits the grower signing the WS create a tense of false security. 8u atorg previously licensed In Oregon course through w itsrs Infested OBSIDIANS PLAN VISIT TO contract to reap all the benefits pervlsion should render bad banking wh() arp UD<|er , h>. ag„ „ with music, mirth, comedy, mix LUCKY BOY. GOLD HILL of present advanced prices on all Impossible, but It has failed to do so. , ... , , (hose with clean accident records ups. Indescrellons. and surprises wheat he will harvest this year, ►ws W Thera was supervision by presum Led by Clifford Stalsberg. mem­ while insuring him of a fair "par ably ths highest type of bank super and w,‘hou* Physical defects Go on this gay voyage with Ils bers of the obsidians, will hike to tty" price on the allotment portion H annah W illiam «, musical comedy visors In every one of the Instances AI1 must be made on re- tuneful song rhythm« and Its rap Above is modeled one o f the first Lucky Boy mine and on up lo (laid of his crop In the next two yean. star, recently divorced from Roger of questionable banking that has gular forms supplied by the Secre i ti'rous swaying dialogue aew stylet in fa ll hats. I t i t a d in arr W olfe Kahn.'son o f the international Hill Bunday. The members of tha o f twisted satin cord on a m t In addition, it will provide cash shocked the attention of the country tary of State and must be signed In "College Humor." Paramount's banker, is this fa ll to c a rr y Jack foundation The abort veil w ill 1* during the pest three years There- the presence of a notary public, elaborate mualcal-comeily version party will leave Haturday night, benefit payments this year in re- Dempsev, former world champion popular on many models this fall fora a thorough strengthening ol or other person authorised to ad- of college life as It ought to be. pitching camp at Ihe junction of turn tor agreement to limit acre- i according to n u x a - m e r t supervision la dearly called for If n,|n|gtPr oaths. Examiners will per- opens Its run on Sunday at the Hlmnions creek and Blue river aud age If called upon for 1934 a n d -------------------------- starting their hike early Bunday I?-!.???,-- tor “*• form "«««rial duties for all sppll McDonald theatre. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 1M5 TOWN AND VICINITY morning All persons who desire protection ot their Interests. cants without charge. It was point­ Bing Crosby. Richard Ardlen, The allotment for Lane county ----------- to visit these scenic spots ere In OBSERVED WEDNESDAY The Public's Part ed out. Mary Carlisle. Jack Dakle. George will be based upon the average Visit at Cottage Grove — Floyd "Another essential factor In main vlled to Join the outing which will Burna and Grade Allen. Lana An production of wheat for the years Nolleth made a busiue s trip to talntng good banks involves tbs part Mr. and Mrs. Dallas B. Murphy- not be a difficult one. 1928 to 1932. inclusive, which was Cottage Grove Tuesday. played by the public In banking MRS SCOTT HOSTESS AT dre and Mary Kornman head Its observed their seventeenth wed- all-star cast There Is certainly a responsibility 248.408 bushels on 12.349 acres. . To Visit Son—Mrs. A, J. Cowart dlug anniversary at their home on the people themselves to support LAWN BRIDGE PARTY It's the story of a campus where here Wednesday evening with a matin«4 4e<4iv swv yt«a>iAt i»ax left Wednesday for San Francisco that type of banker whose rigid ad coeds learn the facts of life more be based upon their average pro­ family dinner and reception later in herence to sound principles makes to visit with her son. Three tables of bridge were In readily than muthematlra and scl-1 duction for the years 1930. 1931. the evening. Present for the din a sound bank, rather than to give pl»y l»»t Thursday afternoon when ence; where reputations are made (Onvinvowi >«’ «0«. and 1932. Rainbow Man Here—W. G. Bandy ner in addition to the honored cou their patronage to the easy going Mrs Walter Scott entertained with Lane to Get »41.000 of Rainbow was a business visitor pie were Mrs. Glen Arehart of Le­ b anker who may be easier to do a lawn party at her home Mrs. on the gridiron and lost In bou-' O tters Two Gala Based on these production fig- in this city Tuesday, Events This Week-end banon. a sister of Mr. Murphy, who business with, but whose methods Harry Stewurt was high In the dolrs; where kissing replace« cal cuius on the curriculum and pro ures and on the processing tax of ■ create a weak bank. is visiting with her parents, Mr scoring and Mrs. Carl Olson held 30c per bushel that is now being To v i,it Sister—Mrs. Mary Ens and Mrs. I. D. Murphy, Mr. and feasors croon to their classes It's "Bank customers are charged with low place. FRIDAY and SATURDAY a great responsibility In protecting collected, there will be approximate *hede °» Forest Orove ls a craiy. boisterous story, without • --------------------------------------------- * here today to visit with her sister. Erne!" Ander8OU anil daugh Continuous Saturday the safety of their banks in respect a great deal of sanity, but that's ly »41,000 available to Lane county ter, Patsy of Eugene, Mi s Haxel to their util satlon of the assets of . Miss Ann McGookin. Just what It Is Intended to he. farmers on their 1933 crop if they Murphy, and Miss Clara Jones. the banks as borrowers. Banks have sign contracts with the government ,„„, Camp w.-ww__— H e re r From C reek— Jeese A number of their friends called failed because many of their loans Mr and Mrs Carey Thompson Attends F un eral— Mrs J. M Lar­ In which they agree to reduce their Qates of Camp Creek was a busi- at their home In the evening to and securities, created In good faith by bankers in cooperating with tbs and son. Billy, of Toledo, visited al son went to Junction City Satur­ acreage as required, and not to negg visitor In Springfield Wednes- congratulate them exceed 20 percent for 1934 and day Mr. and Mrs. Murphy were mar­ b u sin g Interest,' of thi country. Mr" Thompson's parents, Mr and day to attend the funeral of Mrs. proved unsound under subsequent Mrs Fred Russell, last Monday 8 M Fries 1935. ried on the Mitchell ranch at conditions. An unsound loan la ere- Mrs. Roy Edmlston and daugh- Contracts are not yet available vitita Grandmother Here-Jam es Joseph. Oregon on July 26. 1916. ated by the borrower as well as ths ter«. Nathalie and G-nevleve, and N O T IC E but the speakers thought that they Montgomery of Corvallis was here banker. A bank Is only as sound as Mrs. Hugh Sarelv motored to Drain O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T would be available by the middle Tuesday to visit with his grand- BAPTIST SOCIETIES HOLD tta community, and this applies Wedneaday and vlg,lM, „ thg Noth-«- Is hereby given that Mar­ of August. As soon as these con mother' Mra Ro8a Montgomery, tin P. Olsen, the Executor of the • Safely home there JOINT MEET WEDNESDAY whole In relation to the economic tracts are available community On Outing—William Dow. son of Estate of C. L. Olsen, deroased, haa Mr and Mrs. Walter Edmlston filed condition of the nation as a whole. his Final Report and Account meeting will be held in all of the Dr and Mrs w N Dow |e(t Wed Reports of the recent Baptist and Mr and Mrs. John Lucy mo­ as such, nnd the Court has set Sat­ A Semi-Public Invlituiioo principal wheat producing commu- aegday to spend a week with Darr gathering held at McMinnville were "A bank Is truly a semi-public In tored to the coast Bunday and spent urday. the 26th day of August, 1933. nlties of Lane county by County Williams on Fall Creek. given last night by delegates re- stltntlon. but In a reciprocal sense— ‘he day with Mr. and Mrs Harry nt the hour of 10 00 o'clock In the Agent Fletcher at which the con­ forenoon. In Ihe Conty Court Room presentitng the Aretanla and Junior it has Its obligations to ths public, Bown. tracts will be explained and at Visiting in Portland Mr. and In the Court House at Eugene, In World Wide Guild before a Joint but so has the public equal obllga Mr and Mrs. Bob Davis and i |,ane County. Oregon, as the time which the Interested parties will Mrs. Clifford Wilson and son. Mac. Mr„ meeting of the two societies. The tlons to ‘he bank. No one who haa family from Shedd and John Davis I and place lo hear objections to the have an opportunity to sign con- *re visiting at the home of Mrs. not sound banking principles at from w a]dport visited at John Ed "*me- lf “nF- *n’> f°r the final set tracta Wilson s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis wa" he,d ®‘ 7 30 at the demerit of said Estate. heart bas any business In a bank miston's last Sunday. _ - . ------------ McLean, in Portland home of Miss Gladys Chase. MARTIN P OLSEN. Executor, whether as banker or customer. To Call Local Meetings Miss Athelia Baughman from WELLS A WELLS. Attorneys. "The banker la a semi-public serv As soon as contracts have been visjtg Daoghter_ Mrg. c . Lu8by Trent spent several days visiting (J 27 A 3 10 17 24) ant. He is charged with the besvl- signed in the various communities. lg 8ppnd,ng two WPek8 at Toledo KEY AWAITS OWNER AT est of responsibilities and obllga- Miss Ella Baugh this week Miss CITY RECORDER’S DESK community committees will be yJ jRlng wfth hpr daug„ ,er Mrg R SUMMONS tlons that occur In our economic Ilf* ) Baugh gave a swimming party elected by the signers In each com A gtrawn IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE But he can meet these fully only . Tuesday afternoon In her honor, A large Yale lock key with the STATE OF OREGON FOR munlty. The chairmen of these through the cooperation of good Mr. and Mrs. Farrell McQulnii LANE COUNTY community committees will const!- Jasper Resident Here — Mrs. Initial "P" stamped on It has been laws, good public officials who are ,lt)d s()„ i j ,)yd gpent last week end Jesse F Leap. Nellie It. Leap anti tute a board of directors for a coun Mark Selbering of Jasper was a found and is awaiting its owner empowered to exercise authority I thf> (.(>aRt wRh geyer„ othpr Enid E Ryan. Plaintiffs vs. ty wheat production control as«o- business visitor in Springfield on at the city hall where It may be over buRinesa f m em bers of « *. *» « » James Hrlntow. Mollie Bristow. over his 11.» bank, «•! «. and ».V good s the McQuInn clan obtained from either Lum F. An­ methods on the part of business men Frank Bristow, Clara Bristow. elation. Allotments for Individual Tuesday. derson or Ira M. Peterson. The Jessie Horsell. Fred Horsell. generally who utilize his bank Only farmers throughout the county will Goes to Newport—Miss Iai Verne key, which seems to belong to -ome through such cooperatlou by all ele­ Blanche Oraham. James Grahntn. be determined by the county asso­ Earl Carnahan. Fern Carnahan. Pugh left Monday for Newport to store building, is fastened to a ments In our nation's community ciation with the assistance of com­ Mary Merz. John Merz. Milton life can we be assured of a failure­ spend the summer with her aunt beaded chain which also contains munity committees. Carnahan. Helen Cnrnahnn, Ot­ proof banking structure Word has ben received from Mr and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John a key identification number 66547. well Bristow. Theodore Bristow. "The Administration at Washing and Mrs. Aiken of Oqshen who are Sweeney. Charles Wheeler, unknown heirs The lettering has been worn off. ton has taken hold of this problem ,ourtng thp Hag, (ha, thpy ar„ TAFT TO HOLD ANNUAL of Murtha S. Bristow, deceased, Friends Visit—E. A. Markell and with a Arm grasp of e««mtial. and , re,a„ ve.-. Mr and Mrs unknown heirs of Isaac V. H. ROUNDUP OF RED HEADS son of Eugene were visiting in BO/S CONFESS ENTRY TO Is exercising splendid leadership to-; Bristow, deceased, also all other a*" f,’r 'h,> persons or parties unknown CREAMERY AT NIGHTS ward the desired end. The strong | A"“ n >"» ,w<> Springfield Tuesday afternoon with est feature of the government pro- Chicago World's Fair and expect to Program for the third annual claiming any right, title, estate, Two smell Springfield boys today Rev. Dean C. Poindexter. They lien or interest In the real pro­ gram will be found In recognizing; be gone until the middle of next Red Head roundup to be held at became well acquainted when they admitted having entered the plant ths Joint responsibility ot the pub- week. perly described In the complaint Taft on Sunday, August 13, was of the Springfield Creamery at 1 lie, of business and of government j Hill’s Creek baseball team de- herein. Defendants. lived In the Klamath country. received here this week by I. M. To BlangJje Graham. James Ora night and pilfering the cash box officials together with the bankers r,,at,,d Westfir 3 to 2 last Sunday Peterson, secretary ot the chamber ; ham, Earl Carnahan. Fern Carna­ Canadians Here — Mr. and Mrs. according to Lum F. Anderson, themselves In creating the kind ofjat fhp p,eagan, H(|, b8Heball dla han and Charles Wheeler, unknown of commerce. The annal affair is Ray Murphy and family of Vancou- polite chief. No charges were press-; hanking the nation should have.' heirs of Martha S. Bristow, de­ I mond. sponsored by the Taft chamber of ver, British Columbia are here to ed against the boys and they were "The fundamental needs of bank­ ceased. unknown heirs of Isaac V. :: S U N — MON — T U E S . commerce. ■ pend several weeks visiting with dismissed after a stern lecture. ing reform are fewer banks, mors If. Bristow, deceased, also all other Continuous Sunday persons nr parties unknown claim­ Candidates must have red hair friends. They are former residents adequately capitalized, better ing any right, title, estate, leln or vised and better managed and not be over 16 years of age. of Springfield. MATCHES FALL FROM Interest In the real property des­ Izatlon of laws and methods, greater A dinner dance for all contestants cribed in the complnlnt herein. De­ TOWER SET BUTTE FIRE and more Intelligent cooperation be Following a short closed business will be held Saturday evening and Return from O uting Dr. and fendants. tween government and banking, bet- A box of matches which fell from J session to be held at Leaburg Tues- IN THE NAME OF THE STATE judging and election will take place Mrs. W. ( Reiman and Mr. and between 10 and 11 Sunday morning. Mrs. D. B. Murphy returned Tues- the pocket of a workman who was i ter understanding by the public of (|ay ever,)ng Augugt , R the Wallor. OF OREGON. You are hereby tta Joint responsibility In maln.aln- vllle grange will hold open meeting 1 required to appear and answer the Besides the queen who will be y, Gate Creek, and Glayds KETS, the bladder physic, contain elude Ml s Marian Oates of Leba- have no right, title, estnte, lien or Interest In or to the aforesaid pre­ outing at the Inman summer camp Ing buchu, Juniper oil etc. works on non. who visited her uncle L. S. mises or any part thereof. Principal Returns—Mr. and Mrs. Ward, Eugene. at Rainbow. the bladder pleasantly and effect Brown, n few days ago, Thomas Thp order directing the servl :e W. E. Buell and daughter, Evelyn, Waltervllle People Visit— Mrs. Ively, similar to castor oil on the i Billings, who spent the week-end of this summons by the publication returned Friday morning from Former Residents Here—Mr. and thereof Is dated July 25th, 1923 and Moro, Oregon where they have Doss Deadmon and daughter oi bowels. Get a 26c box (5 grain size) with his family at Leaburg, Arch directs publication once each week Mrs. Elton Lascile of Portland, Waltervllle are visiting wltli Mr. from your druggist. After four days. Johnston, who was here for the been visiting with their daughter, for four siteeeselTe weeks and the former residents of Springfield, and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Mrs. Morris Morton In West If not relieved of getting up nights special election Friday. date of the first puldlcation of this spent last Thursday evening In go back and get your money. You Jessie Teague who has spent the summons Is July 27th, 1933. F. Alley. It has been very warm Springfield this week. Springfield as guests of Mr. and C. A. WINTERMEIER, Attor­ Drive to Roseburg— W. A. Taylor are bound in feel better after this summer vacation with Alma and in the wheat producing section of ney for Plaintiffs. Residence: Mrs. L. C. Moffitt. They left Friday cleansing and you get your regular Evelyn Morris left Bunday for her and U. H. Turner made a buslnes.i eastern Oregon, according to Mr. Eugene, Oregon. for a fishing trip at Clear lake. sleep. Hold by FIsnery’s Drug store, home at Medford. trip to Roseburg Wednesday. (J 27— A 3-10-17-24) Buell. T a re Thurston Upper Wfllamette Ì .landed j Valley McKenzie ' J A BOATLOAD