THURSDAY, JULY 27, HHR i’ll K HPRINOFUCLD NBWB PA U S T H H J » onea sand» of uieu a( eo'rk belli re fall. Heme Over Week-end — Oliver Vida Reeldvnt Hara— Mra. Frank Retti« cani» home freni W ealflr lo Mlnney of Vida wa« a bu lueae speod tb» week-end. visitor In Springfield Friday. NOTICB TO CRBDITORB Nolic» la liorvby (Ivon that th« uulgu»d haa l»4 HE St. Section I . Townahlp 17 8.. Range 4 E . W il­ lamette Meridian, baa filed notice of Intention to make final three year Proof, to eatabllab claim to iha land above deacrlbed. before K O Immel. U. 8 Commlaalooer. at Eugene. Dragon, on the 15th day ■ •f AugU«t, ISIS claim ant names aa wltneeaea: Frank W alker, and Ralph Green, uf Vida. Oregon; J. O. McKinney, of Blue River, Oregon and Prince llelfrlah. ot Vida. Oregon. H A M IL L A CANADAY. Register. (Ju 0-1330-37— A SI Business Directory Dr. J O S E P H IN E C. B R A U N Naturopathie Phyalelan Phone »1 J Office Houra: 1 to 5 P. M 400 Fourth Street Cdw. G. Privat JBWKLKR Repairing a Specialty Springfield. Oregon General Law Practice I. M. PBTER8ON Attoraey at-Law City Hall Building Springfield. Oregon Reliance Life Insurance Co. of PItlaburgh. Pn Represented By E. H. TURNER Stt A St. Bprlngflald, Or*. POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Formerly Wnlher-Poole EUG ENE— llt h S P R IN G FIELD and t'barnelton. 22» Main Telephone 7S3 Phone 83-J IT COSTS NOTHING TO FIND OUT. . . . Unknown to you. your eyes may be defective. The only way of detecting poor eight la by an eyealght examination. Many year« of practical experience In optometry aHgurea you a thoro­ ugh and aclentlflc eye exami­ nation, and If glanaea are not re­ quired you will he told no frank ly when you come to this office. And It w ill coet you nothing for tho examination. If glaHHPa are needed they will be fitted not only ao a» to cor­ rect your vision, but will be at­ tractive and comfortable a« well. The charge» are very reason- able. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 W ert Oth Bugses At Blk Creek Mr. and M ri J. M , Lowell Man Hare— F. E. Hills of Immoli «ini aon». Itolwrt and Itlrh Ixiwell wan a vlaltor In 8prlngflel*I ard, alieni Hunilsy al Klk crei k Tuesday. Viali In Portland— Mr and Mr». Vlelt at Junction City— Mra. Ned W C. W rlghl «peni ih» weekend William« and Mra. Alice Peter« In Pori land drove to Juncllon City Tue«day to vlelt friends. Drive to W a rtflr— Mr unii Mr» E. C. Sluerl and famlly »peni Sun Bridge Man Hara Anglia lia r day on un olitili« al Weatftr. berk, resident of th« MrKenxk* bridge area. was a Vlaltor In Spring- At Summer Home— Mr anil Mra. field on Monday. W. H. Adrian «pent tha week-end at thalr summer home on Horse | Move from Glendale Mr und Creek, near McKemle bridge Mra. Glen Oarboden have moved to _ . . . ... . Springfield recently from Glendale. Guaat Sunday — Ml»» S h i r l e y , ’ _ . .. . Oregon. Drew of Creswell wen u guest In, Hprlngfleld Hundny at the home of Sprain» Ankle— Ml»« Kvu Louk Ml»« Barber» Adam», j 1» forced Io remnln at home thl» k ù i... W ASHING TO N Bank« are being opened or li­ quidated aa fast aa possible, each Instance of a reopened bunk help Ing to stimulate business In Its community. Commodity pi ces are rising, rapidly In those affected by foreign trade, more «lowly but steadily la other lines And. be yond doubt, bualnoas la Improving ’•teadily all over the country. and bolted to CALL FOR W ARRANTS strengthen those which , Notice Is hereby given that caylng. ___________ School District No. 15. In l«»ne Daughter B o r n - Mr and Mrs. ' r ° UD' jr’ Ore«0"' W" 1 “ ,he Robert Halter are the parent, of ° " ‘c" of « * • * «< •“ a baby daughter born to then, at ’ “ > * " d le a d in g number tbelr bom. Twin Brook., near W77 »»« Springfield, on Friday, July 3 1 ,',er* " B,‘ * r J“ 1’' 1MJ 1*32 1 C. F. BARBER. Clark. Washington, D. C„ July 27— It Is It la easy to say that tbe Increas­ much easier to tell about what the ed activity Io Industry and bualnee« administration 1« doing (ban It la 1« based largely oo hopefulness, but to do H The most revolutionary program i-f government activity In hard headed Industrialists do not spend money on hope alone. There our time«, and ihe largest federal 14. Washington bellvee, a «onno program «Ince the war. 1« III pro­ land widespread Improvement In cess of being put Into effect. Every­ i business due to the natural opera- body la trying to do everything at 1 Ilona of the law« of supply and de­ once. Taking a lesson from war mand. times, special administrative group« i have been set up lo «peed (hinge along, with Ihe inevitable result T E L E P H O N E C O M P A N Y that there ba» been a good deal of P U T S IN S H O R T PO LES confusion as to where each group's I authority begfu» and end«, and who A craw of workmen from the 1« responsible for what Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Ho President Roosevelt, who, like company has been working In many or most of tbo«e active In Rpringfleld for several day« thia present-day government affairs. repairing and strengthening was a pari of the war machinery >"*ny of the poles carrying the and remembers how things were Company's wires. Many stub poles done then, has set up a “supreme were sunk alongside of tbe larger council" for the purpose of coor I * “ - - - dlnallng tbe work of all tbe new governmental agenda«, seeing that no wires get crossed and receiving report« every week of tbe 1 rogre«« that 1« being made. week while ■ sprained ankle 1» Oss rhorn People Here— Mr. und healing. Mr» J. II. D'Deli of Dearborn were bualneaa visitó n In Hprlmifleld Portland Man Here— C T. Grace, Monday. Portland, was a vlaltor In Hprlng field Tuesday Mr. Grace own» con- Fish on W illamette Mr. and »Iderable property In thia city Mr». C. F Barber and Mr. and Mr» W. N. (loader »pent the week-end Ossrhorn People Here— Mr und on a flahlng and ramping trip on Mr«. W illiam Hucka of Deerhorn the W illamette river. were builnea« vialtora In Hprlng field Saturday. On Vacation— Ml«« M»xlne Hmxl graaa. employee al Die Mountain Portland Man Visits— Al Perkin» Htatea Power company Bprlugf'elil Portland businessman, wa« * In The Naw Council business office. I» taking a w e e k '» Springfield Friday visiting with On thia council, which 1» very varatlnn (hla week frlrnd« and looking after bualnea much like (he council of national Intereata here defense during the war, there are, Home from Idaho — Mr« Mr.ry besides the members of tbe cabinet Koe»ey returned Friday fmm Coeur Visits at Bend Marlon I.. City- d'Alene. Idaho whore «he ha« been ner, tsalatanl In charge of tbe liqui­ and the pre«ldent. Lewis W. Doug vlalllng with her »on. Floyd Keeaey, dation of the flrat National bank las. director of tbe budget; Jesse of Hprlngfleld. spent tbe weekend H. Jones, chairman of the recon­ for oiiiii» time struction Finance (Vrrporatlon; visiting with hla family at Bend General Johnson; George Peek, To Vlelt at Aatortn— Ml«» Eesell Adam« left Monday fur A loria to To California Hospital— Aubrey administrator of agricultural ad- •pend ihe next month «'siting with Brown left Munday for Bun Fran- Juatment; Henry Morgenthau Jr., her brother and sister-in-law, Mr claco where hi- will receive medical governor of the Farm Credit ad­ treatment for an Injury at the ministration; W illiam F Bteven- and Mra Lloyd Adam» Southern Pacific hoapltal. son. chairman of tbe board of the Grove People Here Mr and Mra. Home Loan corporation; Harry L. Guests at Cabin — Mra Maude Ed Aahay. and Mr and Mr«. Dar­ Hopkins, federal relief administra­ win Holton were here Bunday v e il­ Bryan. Mlaa Crystal Bryan and Vic tor; Arthur E. Morgan, chairman ing frlenda Their home« are at Fogel spent the week end on Horae of the board of the Tennew«ee Val­ creek aa gueata of Mr. and Mra. W. Cottage Grove. ley authority; Joseph B Eastman, H Adrian at their cabin federal railroad coordinator; Rob Return to Medford— Dr and Mra. Go to Callfom l»— Mr and Mrs. ert Fechner, director of the Civilian R. P. Mortenson left Bunday even­ ing for their home at Medford after Charlea F Finley and grandson, Conservation Corps. To keep track of the work of the ependlng three week» In Spring who visited In Springfield for a few days with Mrs Finley'« cousin. Mrs council and se that all of Its deci field Bam Richmond, after a motor trip alona get to the right place. Presi­ Return» Hom» — Mr». Kenneth east, left Monday for their home al dent Roosevelt baa appointed F. C. ail«» returned Io her home »1 Med San Jose. California. W alker of New York, formerly of fnrd Suuday after «pending three Montana, as It» executive secretary. Major Operation — Mlaa Dori» The council meets every Tuesday week» here vlalllng with her par enlu, Mr and Mra. Chrla Hansen KInman underwent a major oper and already has begun to get the atlnn at the Pacific hoapltal In Bu­ different parts of the administra­ ea«t of Springfield. gene Friday. She la the daughter tive machinery moving more Vialts Parante— Mr. and Mra of Mr. and Mr«. Clarence Klnman smoothly than they were. Dale C h eih lrr and Lindsay Duval of thia city. Newspaper men and others in of Cheshire «pent the week-end Washington who remember the tre C. C. C. Workers Hara — Ham here visiting at the home of Mrs. mendous activity of war times and Cheshire's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moakop and Clyde Lockwood, em­ ployed a l the C. C. C. camp at the confusion for the first year, are H E Oerber Cape Perpelua near Yachat«. spent agred In saying that the speed with Crank Breaks Arm— M L. Brad- Ibe week-end with their relatives which this administration Is getting Into action far exceeds that of 1917. way of Marcóla broke hla arm In Hprlngfleld Coda Coming In Friday when Ihe automobll which Visitor from Meuford— Mr«. R C. Tbe big Industries, which seem­ he wa« cranking »tarled forward r.hovtng hla agalnat the gurage wall. Van Valxah of Medford stopped In ed to be holding back, are rushing H r war treated at the office of a Hprlngfleld at the home of her In to Washington now with thalr mother-ln law. Mra. A. B. Van Val code» of practice, most of which are local physician xah. Friday enroute from Portland, entirely satisfactory to the admin­ Vlelt at MareMleld— Mr. and Mrs. where she had been visiting with istration. although all are subject II. H. Rehaftenberg and daughter« slater who has been 111. to revision before .’Inal acceptance. are enjoying a week's vacation al In general, all the industries are Leaves for Baaeh— Mrs Gertrude Marshfield where they are visiting agreed on such matters as mini­ Wllsnn and aon. Donald, left yester­ friend« Mr. Hchaffenberg Is elec­ mum wage scales on a fair basis, trician for the Mountain States day for Cannon beach where they maximum working hours, and the ill vlalt with Mrs. Wilson's sla­ Power company In thia city. other requirements designed to put ter. Mrs. H B Mulkey Mra. Mul­ On Coast T rip — Mr. and Mr«. Jo« key has Just concluded a week's wage-earners back to work and re­ Um m on« of Portland and Mr« vlalt with her slater In Springfield store the public's purchasing power. Nobody has objected, either, to the Elisa W lnienreld left Sunday for Return to Canada— Mr. and Mra Insistence of the president that Rockaway on the North Pacific coast Mr. and Mra. Izmmun« and Bert Calkins left Wednesday tor 'white-collar" workers shall come under the same regulations a«' Mra. Wlnxenrold ccme down last their home at Alberta. Canada after week-end from Portland for a short spending three weeks In Spring- wage-earners, to hours and pay. field visiting at the home of Mr. The greatest difficulty In some visit In Springfield Calkins’ mother. Mra. Minnie Cal­ of the Industries, notably oil. la to kins. get them to agree on what consti­ NOTICE tute fair trade practices. In the oil OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Make Coast Loop—F. B Flanery Notice la hereby given that Carl and children. Richard and Dorothy, Industry there Is a sharp dlverg ence between the member of the H Senaeney. adnilnlalrator of the eatate of Albert E Senaeney. de- drove to Florence and up the American Petroleum Institute and ' ceased, haa filed hla final account Roosevelt highway as far as New the so-called "Indi pendents." and In the county court of la n e County, port Sunday They returned Oregon, and that «aid court has set through Corvallis. Thia loop road Is they have submitted two distinct codes of practice, putting it up to aa the lime and place for Ihe final settlement of «aid eatate Saturday In fine travel condition now re­ Oeneral Johnson to decide between the 15th dny of August. 1533 at ports Mr. Flanery. them. W hatever cods Is adopted, 10 o'clock In the forenoon of »aid it Is certain that It will be one Estate of Martha Wallace. day at the County Courtroom In the which puts an effecutal bar to un­ Deceased Courthouse In Eugene. la n e Coun NOTICE ty. Oregon where all persona Inter­ fair competition. OF FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T ested may nppenr at «aid time and In the meantime, the president file objection». If any they have Notice la hereby given that lias promulgated orders for the re­ CARL B 8E N 8E N E Y , Admin W alter Price hna filed In the Coun iRtrator of the estate of Albert ty Court of the State of Oregon, In gulation ot oil production and Its hlpment In Interstate commerce. E. Senaeney, Deceased. and for Lane County, hts final re I. M l ’ETERSON, hla attorney. port aa administrator of the Estate There are heavy penalties for (J 20-27— A 3-10-17) of M artha Wallace, deceased, and “bootleg" oil shipments, and the that ten o'clock in the forenoon of NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’S BALE Saturday, the 2(th day of August effort will be vigorous to keep pro­ REAL PROPERTY 1933, at the court room thereof duction and shipments within the NOTICE Is hereby given that by In Eugene, Oregon, have been by limits of normal demand virtue of an execution and order the Court appointed and fixed as Tha Tsxtlla Code of sale Issued out of the Circuit the time and place for hearing ob­ The rayon and silk Industries, Court of the State of Oregon for jections to said report and for the Lane County this 15th day of July, final settlement of the eatate of which had formulated no code of 1533, upon and pursuant to a de­ said decensed. their own. have been placed hy the cree duly given and made by said W A LTER PRICE, Admlnlstra president under the same code as Court this 17th day of July, 1533, In tor of the Estate of Martha the cotton spinners. It Is regarded a suit pending therein In which Wallace, Itlceased. as probable that the wool fabricat­ Alice M Morac was plaintiff and A. E. W H E E L E R . Attorney, Nick Anton, et. al. were defendants, ing Industry will ask to come In JJ 17—A 3-10-17-24) which execution and order of sale under the same blanket, so that the was to me directed and commanded NO TICE TO CREDITO RS entire textile manufacturing Indus-1 me to sell the real property herein IN T H E CO UNTY COURT OF T H E try will operate oa an equal sche­ after described to satisfy certain S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E liens and charges In said decree dule of hours and wages and with CO UN TY OF LANE, PROBATE specified, I will on Friday the 25th equal regard for each other's mar­ D EPA RTM ENT. day of August, 1633. at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M„ at the southwest IN T H E M A TTER OF T H E ES kets. All of the new codes submitted door of the County Court House In T A T E OF DALE E I.M E R CHASE Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer hy the steel, lumber, soft coal, elec­ DECEASED. for sale and sell at public auction trical. cloak and suit, cement, ship­ Notice la hereby given that the for cash, subject to redemption aa provided by law, all of the right, undersigned has been appointed Ad building and other industrlee con­ title and Interest of the defendants mlnlstratrlx of the Eatate of Dale tain provisions prohibiting the em -, In said suit and of all parties claim­ Elmer Chase, Deceased, by the ployment of children under sixteen,! ing hy, through or under them or County Court of the State of Ore­ taking their cue from Ihe cotton! any of them. In or to the following gon for I-ane County and haa quail spinners, who voluntarily Included fled. deacrlbed real property, to-wlt: All persona having clalma agalnat this In their rode. This Is In effect The South half of tho South west quarter of Section Nineteen said eatate are hereby notified to what a great number of earnest (19); and the North half of the preaent the same to me at 38 North social workers have been striving! Northweat quarter of Section Lawrence Street, Eugene, Oregon Thirty, In Townahlp Eighteen with vouchers and duly verified for for years. Public W orks and Banka (18), 8oulh, of Range Three (3) within six months from the date The government's program o f . West of the W illamette Meridian, hereof. Dated and flrat published July 20 public works Is getting under way ■ In Lane County, Oregon, and con mining 158.77 acres, more or lose 1933. l-ant publication, August 7, 1933 with all the speed possible. It takes Dated this 19th day of July, 1933. VERA E L LE N MEARS. Admin time to get such things started, b u t, C. A. HWARTS, Sheriff. latratrlx. the projects already approved Will By A. E. Hulegaard, Deputy (J 30-37—A 3-19-17) (J 20-27— A 3-10-17) certalaly put a «tod many thou- ICE BOOKS ice in cheaper if you buy it by the bonk and you are alao naved the bother of making change every time the Ice man calls. We have printed ice hooka for your convenience and our ice man will be glad to aupply you with one. Ice I h the country’s leading refrigerant and does Its work down to the last particle. Our Springfield piant 1» here for your service and we want to do the Job well. P H O N E 7 FOR D E L IV E R Y Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield lor Maid O' Cream Butter Springfield Creamery Co. WARNING! We wish to give you fair warning that you will Boon be compelled to pay more for almost every item in our department store. Wholesale pricej are raising daily and in many other cities are being passed immedi­ ately to the customer. Our Prices Have Not Been Raised but we will soon be compelled to raise greatly. Under the national re­ covery act it will be against the law to sell merchandise for less than cost. Whether we want to or not we will soon be compelled to raise the price of our merchandise. We wish that you would understand the situation for your own sake. Drygoods, shoes and clothing that you must have can be purchased now for less than in a few weeks from now. We want to be fair with you otherwise we would say nothing and take the profit from the mark up when the recovery act goes into full force. We are In business to sell goods and to serve the people of this com­ munity. We can serve you best and with greater savings to you If you BUY NOW ! Fulop’s Dept. Store Fish! if you were depending upon fish for a meal, one fish would not be very satisfactory unless it was a big one. By persistent effort, good bait and a normal amount of skill, most any fisherman can likely catch enough for a string. t Likewise the business man who advertises wisely is assured of a good catclv T H E SPRINGFIELD N E W S