THURSDAY. JULY 27. T H E S P R IN G F 1 K L D N E W 8 pag e tw o Is the apedter at the evening moot- ing of the first day. which starts at 7:30. Two business ssasloua of the Oiegun I’onltryilien'B aaaocla I'ubllshed livery Thuwelay «I (toil sra scheduled as ths conclud Sprlncflald, lAne County. Oregou. by Ing fealurs each aflernoou. Considered one of the chief fea­ T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S S tures of the entire program la the U . K. MAXKY, Editor opening number on the Friday Kuter«d aa ••coud «tem manar. February M, IWS. at the poatotnce. afternoon schedule, when l>r. W. T P O U LTR Y PR O B LE M S ON Springfield. Oregon Johnson sums up the results of his C O N V E N T IO N P R O G R A M work to date In coreldlosla control. g>»» W M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T t He la recognised as a world author horaeback ride." lila look of lump coming Into ber throat Ilia »100 Fair Code, and Other Major P r o N IN T H IN S T A L L M E N T U«« Year In Advance »1-69 S.x Moutha Uy In thia field The Story to for: blank amazement at this auggaatlo» Volvo waa bo pleading ami ao anzl 50c blame Listed for Discussion Three Montha »Ï.5U Two Y e a r* In Advance Joyce AuUton. poor *t*no«raph*r.I vuurv U her heart to alnh tor a our She remembered the tweet by Leading Speclallata in a ak killing taxicab accident tu * moment. Suppo*«* he refuacd! A faced woman whoae picture ahe had THURSDAY. JULY « . 1933 CONSTIPATED 30 YEARS Chicago. auffered loaa of memory igUat oj angry linpatleme «truck found In hla deak drawer, and how Many of the moat prucllcaj AIDED BY OLD REMEDY m Z r n l.m * n e r V u il? X m V e V h o X !''^ " dUhl 1 hl,rry * ’* ’«•"< »1 mother wen pbaaea of the poultry Industry are BEST ROUTE BY COUNT For II,lily yeurs I had constipa­ «1111 living. I'oncernlug poullrymen of Oregon tion Hourlug food from stomach The sectiou of the Pacific highway from Springfield to to find herself under the name of ¡would eonie uud spoil her plan "Well, all right. I'll make a dale I , |h#|r allnual eunreullou clinked me. Since inking Adlarlka Frill«, married to Nell Packard. -Wliat’a the matter* Atrald It'll Eugene is the most traveled of any ou the whole highway rich California fruit packer From caua,, „ ,.a„da| If any one dlacoy with you to tuke me to see her to > Oregon State college. I urn a new parson. ('on«llpatlon Is in Oregon outside the metropolitan arear around Portland, iomeVhlng about heMtfe’in tL?tw?‘ • " b~ 11 ‘,“t wUh ‘ ,,Ur ° W“ "»>n-ow I won I go alone," and an. Tbul. day allJ Fr,day. J7 and a thing of the past."—Alice Burns. recent traffic counts by the state reveals. On June 16 there yentTinterval? aud rea'llzed thgt'ahe wife* ' she demanded was a little pleas,al will, herself Jg. The "home made program." aa Flanery's Drug «tore. were 4,155 cars passing over it. had been a heartless, reckless "Hell!'* grlnued Packard. "1 for her diplomacy, It la termed by A. G Lumi, head of Since this is a section of road that it is proposed to young woman and that she la serl- nUculil worry about that. But you Her prompt acceptance surprised the poultry department sponsoring move out Alder street or somewhere else to avoid high oualy involved lu an affair ,wltb • can't blame me for . . . for wonder- him. ahe saw, but he seised upon It the gathering. Includes such fuuda water once every four or five years, let us analyte this menials as feeds, types, egg qual­ .............»> Price« on all merchandise will traffic to see who uses this road and how many would use but ahe found Maitland hard to we haven't spent many evening» could lake a run out there before ity, electrical sppllancee. dlseuae manage. Her troubles were further ((,a,,,nvr lately." dinner Could you be ready al about control, trade factors, and research soon be higher Under the Ns another route. when she read a letter There was aomethlug In bis voice five? Or would that Interfere with tlonal Recovery Act all mer When this count was taken it was found that out of the complicated In addition to «»liege poultry th a V th e * writer*''Sophie ' th.mght which hurt Joyce a little She had anything you're doing’ W e don't rhandlae must he sold at coat 4,155 motor vehicles passing only 2,367 traveled south of specialista on the program, are plus a reasonable profit. With McKenzie Junction or in other words uearly half the traffic Frtlla ought to have with her. Much not found him exactly Interesting have to go tomorrow, you know." I Heed, manager ol the surprise of Sam. tn her hus far bu, ahe atready liked him “No. we lt go at five. If you for- K •’ "'«"“«er oi wholesale prices advancing turned over the Springfield bridge. At Goshen w here the to Pro band's employ, she asked for a dog an0-g^ ,o ba »orry for the way get or let any bualnesa Interfere Pacific Cooperative Poultry rapidly soon we will be com p il­ Willamette road branches there were only 1,890 cars and " now Oo'on wlth’the story— PR»« had been treating him. "Welt, you'll have hard work making any ducer» of Portland, and Floyd Oles, ed lo raise our prices Now la south of the Willamette Junction 1,568 cars. manager of the Oregon Feed Deal­ In San Franclaco. where ahe it's up to you." she replied, "I'm more dates with me for anything. So on June 16 there would have been about 1600 went while her husband was away going for a ride and If you want j retorted Joyce. ers association, who agreed to dis­ the time to buy all needed ar­ ticles before the price« raise vehicles traveling between Walker station and Eugene on on business, she met Robert Ain»- cuss the new government codes of coma, all right." Secretly she "I’ll be there. I'll tell the world. Boon you will be compelled lo the Alder street route if it had been Pacific highway, where­ e '» , fair competition. « pay more. as in the present location 4,155 traveled it. The first morning session starts turned home, she decided to be »tone for the first time. Would II be You know how much mother m eane at 10 o'clock and the second at 0 It has been the contention of the Lane-Pacific highway pleasanter to Nell than Frills had tight enough for safety? Could a h e to me' But this line was dangerouw. haud|e Rosita? Joyce rode on la silence think- o'clock, while afternoon scantona members that two or more local automobiles travel the Pa­ been. Corner Dry Ooodn Store too for Nell was pathetically anxl cific highway in Lane county to one tourist. This seems to ous to win back Frill's love NOW But Packard accepted vtthout Ing fast and furiously If she could Bra a, , :jg Dean W A. Hcboenfeld OO NO WITH STORY— further questioning. "Ill tell Sam do things like this for Packard be well proven by the June count. ----------- to saddle up while we get Into our surely she needn't feel that all the It is also their contention that when the Pacific highway Can you stand It to have only things." he said "Run on In, darl- giving was on hla aide, even though , is rebuilt in Lane county that consideration be given these me for dinner this once?" asked ¡n< ngbl out before any of she refused him herself She could ' two local cars along with the one tourist car. That the road Joyce. give him more of her company lhao I the gang shows up." be built in such a location as to be useful to local people, "Whoopee! Just ask me. can 1!" -Take Dickie with you and leave Frills had; ahe could eliminate ajl i through the communities in which they live, instead of high he replied "You know that. Frills blm wtth sam." said Joyce, and. cause for Jealousy with Maitland; on the hill tops and through poor prairie land where none old kid. I’U go up and wash and be trembling with excitement she she could make hla house more of of the tourists, it is professed to serve, can gain any true right down again." raced Into the house and upstairs a real home Or was It too late to There can be no doubt about it these hot days — idea of the fertility of the upper Willamette valley. And it When Packard came down the ,o her b)g e|oset, where »he pro­ do that ? And could she follow out j Eggimann’s confectionery is the most popular place In is further believed that as good a highway and as short a stair» Joyce divined hla Intention ieeded to kick off her slippers and such a plan without misleading town. We have here every kind of aoft drink mixed route can be built on the present routing as any other that to kiss her again, and ahe moved ( pu|| ber dress over her head m J him a» to her feelings’ like you like it and alito delicious ice cream In many can be found in Lane county. toward the dining room Immediate rapidly as possible She was Just Well, she had made enough coa­ flavors. We not only cool you off with our product* hut serve you a delicious healthful food. As to federal aid money there is no ruling that would ly, saying "Dickie eats wth us. At drawing her hoots on when she ¡cessions for such a short time! The preclude its use on the present route. And even if there least he sits at the table and snaps beard Packard cross the bedroom future must somehow take rare of < Every day In the week and long hour* each day were the half million dollars we might get should be weigh­ up what favors he can persuade me and go through to hla dressing Itself. vork for your enjoyment. You’re always welcome to give him. don't you. darling? He rocm. As. on foot once more, they ap-; ed against the two million dollars we have already spent on the Pacific highway in Lane county, which now is serv­ has hts regular dinner tn the kit- Scarcely five minutes later they proached the house from the ter-, cb en " Wi,re hurrying downstairs and out' race side. Joyce heard voices, and ing local traffic to the best advantage. Nobody is going "Where do you want his chair?" to ,he .table hen “»•* « tered the living room to be benefitted by a change of route except possibly the Inquired Packard politely. "Here sh e nottced as they rode off i * they were Immediately surrounded "W here the Bervlee ta D IB e re a r road builders. you are. boy. get up and let's see . i owly that Nell kept eyeing her j by a welcoming group who had evl- The Willamette highway '50 or 60 miles shorter to how good your table manners are."! |n an apprehensive fashion. She i dently been waiting for their re-! California) is the coming road for north and south traffic They sat down opposite each decided he must be worrying about j turu. in Oregon. Any re-location of the Pacific highway that other at the small round table with the accident she had had and pro- "Well, what do you know? FrUU’s does not take this into consideration is not wise. And while Dickie between them. Joyce was bably wondering what mad Idea been riding In the moonlight with substitute routes being considered by drawing lines on the struck by the lingering bewilder the moonlight would Inspire In her her husband! llol stuff! Somebody map to show’ a shorter route by six or eight miles from ment on Packard's face. There tonight. Well. 11 he were looking telephone the scandal lo the J Monroe to Anlauf we suggest that one be drawn from Al­ seemed to be something he couldn’t (or trouble of that kind he would b e ; papers. Th* company consisted of Doc ford station (north of Harrisburg) to Springfield and it quite understand, but he asked for disappointed! will not onlv save as many miles but also have the prepond­ no explanations. "Want a cigarette, dear?" he ask Ellison. Kos» and Clarice Emery. "Gee! It's good to be home again." ed once, holding out his case to- Charlie Hates, and Art Belmatn erance of traffic two to one over the other routing right he began "I sure hate Chicago." ward her as they rode close to Joyce wondered where the other ( now as well as a better future prospect. THE ---------- «---------- She asked politely, "Was the gether on a short level stretch women were. "Don't suppose you got any golf WOMAN conference a success?" along the hills. Joyce accepted It A NEW WAVE OF LAWLESSNESS Packard stared. but did not dare to try lighting It while you were east, did you. Nell?" PAYS a ked Art Belmatn Joyce flushed. “Oh. Is It some- while they were moving The recent epidemic of kidnapping seems to us to be a "Not a round.” replied Packard.! direct outgrowth of the lawlessness which was bred under thing I’m not supposed to ask "You light It. please " She hand­ The men proceeded to talk golf the prohibition laws. Thousands of men found it easy to about what happened so long as you ed It back to htm. business. make big money quickly by violating the liquor laws. Now mark which occurred to her In an “That gives me permission to and As the party broke up. Dr Kill kiss you." he remarked, smiling as effort to cover her embarrassment. that there is no longer a profit in illicit beer running, and “Good Lord, no!” he exclaimed he handed her back the lighted son said In an aside to Joyce, "Hay. the indications are that the prohibition amendment will be Frills, you're looking much better , hastily. "Only . . .only . . . ” he hesi­ cigarette. repealed in its entirety, these “easy-money” gentry are than you did two weeks ago Ha» "But who wants to kiss hl» own tated, "I’m sorry. Frills, I can't keep turning to another and even more vicious sort of racket. up with you. You've Jumped me so wife?” retorted Joyce, urging Ros­ your head bothered you any lute ly?" We have not the complete record before us, but since hard about talking shop and said ita Into a quick trot. (T O BE C O N T IN U E D ) the tragic Lindbergh baby case there have been at least so often you didn’t give a damn "Here’s one man who does,” he twenty and probably more cases of kidnapping for reward, abot what happened so long as yon replied, easily catching up with her and something like a million dollars, or even more, has been didn't have to hear about It that—” Riding close to her horse he put paid to these criminals for the safe return of their victims. "Well. I don't want to know hla arm around her and tried to Only In a few cases has there been any such prompt action everything that happened. 1 Just draw her toward him. Joyce was on the part of the authorities as to serve as a warning that wondered If you had a successful alarmed, this time not so much at I kidnapping is unprofitable. trip in general." said Joyce. She the prospect of being kissed as at j One of the worst features of kidnapping is that the began to wonder If Frills had ever the danger of such reckless actions while on horseback. friends and relatives of the victim generally do not notify had a decent word for anyone. "Oh. please don't!" she exclaim i ----------- • T H E DIFFERENCE to k « l «oto» b«tw««n "Oh. sure, we fixed up what I the police or the sheriff. They have been warned not to ed ha»ttly. "you make me----- ” she Practical Awards for Best went for and got the new branch • I d fashioned Haa«< co o kiag and ikn do so, on penalty of the death of the person who has been been about to say. "you make W ork in State Announced; kidnapped. For, in nine cases out of ten, the kidnappers office planned out and ready for had modem efficiency of electricity sAll seldom me nervous." when she was struck Contest Ends October 15 are utterly lawless individuals or gangs, who would not business," he said. by the absuidlty of Frills Packard | ----------- exceed 3 cents a