THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS n ilH T IK T II YKAIt SI»ltlN(iEIELI*. LANK COUNTY, OKBOON. TH I ItKDAY, JULY 27, IH ? No. 29 MULLIGAN rURNS BACK DINTÏ CLUB R E M Y ACT M . « lio m 0 « l M IE R 5PRRIS |R PlcnK ENO SWIM WEE« EAGLES COMING h ' New Pitcher Proves Surprise to Eugene Tenrn Sunday; Strong for Seven Innings Employers of Springfield Re­ ceive Direct Requests to Comply with Agreement SPRINGFIELD HEADS LIST MUCH LITERATURE Tailtwistsrs Outplay Lion Tamers In First Contest of Carnival ef Aquatic Events Series; Games Listed Planned at Willamette Park Saturday by Red Cross A group of 63 member« of th« CUT VOTES WET FRIDAY ELECTION Dry Force* Hold Two Pre­ cincts on Federal Act, But Wet Votes Carry Totals Hprlngflehl Lion« d ub, their fa ml DUE lie», and friend", gathered at River " ^ K E T E S T S ON FRIDAY DELEGATES TO VOTE WET aide (Mirk Friday evening for the a * Blue Eagles to Become Sym­ first of a aerie» of picnic dinners I ~ of 100 Adults and Chil- Debt Limitation Only Other bol of Patriotism; Postoffice nnd baseball gumea to be sponsored dren Benefit From Safety Measure to Carry; Oleo, is Center of Distribution during the summer month» by the and Rescue Instructions Sales Tax Heavy Losers local service group. A large table' ------------ A n«w pitcher stepped Into the Th« NIKA (National Indu atrial .lath Lovelorb, o f New Zmian<|( wan crowded with the many picnic A bl* tre* water carnival with I hii for Springfield's baseball ■••■ h i Two of Springfield's precinct’s, Ke< every Act I «peeded up Ha tank dl he» and foods for the evening luemtier o f O afottl (rurk train in an races, diving exhibitions and other hero Sunday afternoon and ««nt O kfortl < Minbridgi and Cornell one and three, remained In the dry <>f bringing ihla country out of th« The baseball game proved to be novel water port events to be held the atronx Dlnly Moor» hasebull I'n n ti'to ft meet, ran « mile tn I mm column in the special election held • cononilc «lump today with the the major attraction of the even- Saturday at W illam ette pork pool team home with a total of ft run' ' 7 0 an for a »*•» world mark Tin Friday, but the total majorities for •I* r Kimtlon of |h«t poatofflcH uw the Ing and was resumed after a re- wl11 ,,r,n* to a close the annual com pa roil Io * for the loi _ He ; formt r rrrord wu« 4 <>V JÍ b) .luir» repeal of the federal dry act in the bane for dlatrlbutlon of all Inaignu I i k I o i i i o « gur at l'aria, tu I M31 ceaa for dinner with II O Dlbblee'» • ’ wc-week»' swimming and llfesav- alao clinched Springfield's ' r | other two precincts absorbed the and other literature to thoae rm T ailtwlsters taking a jft-13 victory ,n* Instruction period which has majorities and left the total vote ship of the t'aacade l.e> I ployer» who cooperale In the re from their Lion Tamer rivals. The l beea sponsored, with classes morn on this, the major question up for liinii1 week« to come at lea-t covery plan game wrs called on account of ln< “n<1 evening, for all Spring,lei I consideration at the election, at The pitcher wna none other th. Aline Eagles, symbols of lh<- darkness late In the evening b y ' children and adults by the Red 378 in favor of repeal and 234 op­ 'Dins' Mulligan, general utility I NIKA, will soon h ik e their place W F. Walker, umpire I air son Cross, If was announced today by posed. man for William Davis. Hprlngflehl long aide ot the red white and Wright pitched to Dlbblee for the Wa,|e Rutherford, who with Mr. Gen Ita L i Balbo, commander ot Precinct one cast a vote of 44 for ball dub manager, who ha» been i blue flax of Ihla country as em ­ winners, and W E Buell threw "n who nr willing to cooperate Another baseball game and pic- , and IResavIng will be brought to a plane« at reviewing points ia the being «8 yes. and 73 no gen» boy» to four with President Roosevelt In bis n,< ou ,,n < will be held August 18 «'lore with the final class Thursday U nited Staten. August; Vice-Grand Offic­ double by Thunemnn In thr sixth The state repeal measure carried large mnipnlgn Io rentore the éco­ 'if each ball team has a victory at evening. Friday will he devoted en-i in all precincts but number one Inning After walking three In ers nstalled on Monday nomie tatu« of the country To that time another game will be ,lr ‘ ly to test for swimmers, junior' where the vote stood 50 yes and the eighth and hitting one. Mulli­ not dinplay the Blue Eagle will be played and the losers entertain the f,fe savers an senior Iffesavers. | Plan» tor the vl It of Mrs Esther ; 52 no. The total vote for the repeal gan w«i taken out and Hchul fin winners with a potluck supper Many of those enrolled In the' < oiiHhteeed In the light of disloyalty (shed the game [Bond. Halsey. »U te president of the in the four precincts was 321 as some evening this fall classes have already taken their Defensive work hy the Spring R”b,'kah “»»embly. to the Spring Ky’’ry employer of three or more compared with 249 against It. Next meeting of the club will b< »*■<>» during the week and have! fb ld lodge on Augii»! 7. were »tart Persona today received from the held at Taylor hall on August 4 E been practicing for greater skillful The six wet candidates to the field outfield »«< one of the many bright spot, of the game Hnber ,d ,"’re M",",ay « v » " '* at the I resident of the United States a C. Rtuart and B. L. Wright are In np" during the latter part of the ¡state convention to be held August son's throwing from deep right r ,«U,ar "'*♦"'*« «>» 'he Rebekah rertlflcate of compliance with the charge of the entertainment. 7 at Salem, plied up a total of 1837 week. field and nailing a ba.erunner at lod«‘ pre. denVs reemployment agree ' --------------------------- vot“a between them selves In the Nearly 100 people have taken ad four precincts “» as cora( compared with the plate was perhaps the best To accommodate the visit of the i ’••«”*•<* <*"<1 returned to MAJOR ECKERSON DIES vantage of this opportunity to P r o d u c tio n fo r T urn u : .; . l e .r n - t o .w t . this year Classes V ,S ,t 1321 tor dry force. play of the day. | » r e s l d - a t . the social meeting poa‘ Thpy •* * ’ " ‘* ‘ved AT ABERDEEN JULY 26 opy of the reemployment agree- in City Exceeds 900 Quarts, ! of the lodge will be changed from Repeal Convention August 7 , have been held each morning start H o w Thay Old lit the third Monday evening to th.- *hl< h the signature of each Ace Flyer Succumb» to Injuries lnR ” nlne °'c,o<',t f°r all groups Lane county’s delegation will go Mostly Beans and Cherries L'neups and a summary of th employer la a-ked. This latter to the Salem meeting pledged to Received on Coaet to Coast af,ernoon classes have been gsm e. which drew the lurgeat gate first Munday for the month of August only A committee con ) •* returned to More than 900 quarts of fruits vote for the repeal of the eighteen- F lig h t, M a n ag ed P o rt H e re b e ld - b u l a la r 8 ‘‘ «lass of both of the season on the llrattaln field Isting ot Mrs. Nellie Jordan. Mrs j *h<’ P"8,0,n<'* ln 'he envelope pro ! ________ adult and young people seeking and ve«*‘abl‘’8 For the needy people h amendment, as will all other were recorded a» follow« by Clark Marie Pohl. Mr. Iwe.ta Roden V‘'ImI Th® **r,lfla‘ b ow ning Tu*‘sdav and Wednemlay by the Six of the other m easure, on the local team: Miss Thelma Sweeney will be I n ■ i’ " or .m I anager of the Springfield airport , , **“ ’ po*'< U1 ’ffl<’e „ Tb- ba»'nx three In s t a b l e cannery unit. Near- ballot were voted down In Sprlng- a ft.r August 1 a which time they dur1n(, , 9293() d(w) * h ( .tm etors has proven more satisfa. ”* 450 qU‘ rtH Were 9aIe" ,ax b,H’ whlch S p rin g , l » ld AU R II PD A E charge h'ál'xÍm 7 ? ‘ T ' . ,Or “ r 7 n'¡ty üf i A' - d e e „ . Washington Wedneida than In pas, years wh 5 0 0 1 1 0 Bober-on when only day and Wednesday proved to be ed a total of 584 vote', the larges* A special practice meeting of the inslgna for ht. place of business ' „ ~ (>ne wa„ URed „ a much heavier day for he canners cast for any one measure in the 5 0 2 1 1 0 degree staff to lie held next Mun Thatcher abled all According to instructions rec ; injuries received when his ship ,tu dents to obtain more personal with large numbers of cherries city, was snowed under by a vote 4 0 1 2 2 2 day evening following the business D Wright 4 0 0 3 " " meeting ha. also been' called pre • ” "* here by F B crashed in Montana several years ‘"»«rue,Ion from the Instructor, and i °O“ 'nK ,D of to 83 N eIt cam- ,he ole° U Wright 0 0 0 0 0 0 pare the work for (he visit of (he N,im,,n’ po«tn>iiHler .from the postal Ugo. after he had become gamied Perml®nt which received 201 yes Mattison w .s held earlier In the month, w s, h„ 1K(.rB , 0 The Associated Press credits Red CroB" representative for this ’ •■7*ae4. as the early cabbage is and 317 n o - T h e n f tb of th e m ea' 38 8 12 27 » ft Total Installed Monday evening by Mrs 20 rn the tin cane yes and 278 no TO,e8 A total of AB R 11 Pt» A E Dlnty’s dent, who was assisted by Mrs. tion. Ing more than 4000 hours In the air np<’P88a’’r arrangements, to Mr. and u*®d 21<> vo,er* approved the Grand Jury 3 I 1 llamerlckson Bertie Walker as marshall. Miss 3 I 0 Dunn to his credit He flew plane for Mr8' A- 8 Ix,0<1- managers of Wll Use Ouly Large Cans biU while 268 voted no' The literature will be assorted Sweeney tum nl Miss Dorothy Gir­ the government during the war and lam e„ e park for the use of their AU 'he fruits and vegetables are Tbe °'h er measure, debt limita- 4 0 0 Moran ard as her right supporter, and Miss Into perkets of the proper quanti­ later became flight Instructor at Pr<>Per,.v. swimming pool and dress c*n»ed in the quart or 2*6 slxe ,lon ' wa8 'he only one besides the 4 0 0 Voasun Doris Girard as her left supporter ties In advance so as to avoid de- the Eugene airport before coming ln* room8- and to the city for sue cans 'h l8 year. Last year this and wet and dry acta' ,o receive a ma' 4 0 1 lav In (he distribution. Brewer In th« office, They, too, were In- A total of 236 4 0 0 Johns Later the postmaster will he fur to Springfield where he managed *essfully transporting the children a «mailer slxe were used, but It Jorl,y yef' vote s tailed 4 1 3 Diets ' nlshed with lists of employers who the dedication of the local Held '° and ,roni 'he park without acct was found impracticable to use the SprlnK,leld ’ o'er* approved the sm aller ones Just as many larger measure and 217 voted against it. 3 3 1 Thuneman Following the business meeting have signed the agreement These j After leaving Springfield he was d” 1'- ones can be handled In the sam e County Approves Bonus Bill 4 0 I Welmltx members were called on for short lists will be posted for public In ; a, Medford for several months be- time by the equipment. L*“8 ‘ ounty voters, in a body, 34 ft 6 explanullons us to why they w ere1 spectlon. Total ! fore going to Portland with the rejected the County Manager. Debt The Blue Eagle being used In Breese aircraft corporation, The cannery will be located at 4; members of the Rebekah lodge Earner! runs. Springfield 08632360 Limitation. Grand Jury, State the recovery campaign Is pictured. In the summer of 1929 he made Creswell today. Thursday, and at Dlntv's I Two-baae hits. Thune- Power Bonds. Sales and Oleo tax l In a flying pose with a cog wheel barnstorming visits to all section* Walker on Friday. man; Three base hit». Squires, measures, and approved of the two »»« cannery They Springfield has alrendy defeated for three years. He was born at I “WHERE PEOPLE PERISH" VISITING PASTOR TO | hold ' h®*r regular monthly meeting. br,n* the,r Produ