TH® 8PRINOPIBLD NEWS PAO® POUR Even Tan for Boots LOCAL COUPLE 1 WED ON FRIDAY Two c,r“ ' A?s¡¡s¡r Hclp Ncw Yo* RcpMl 1 f aP ers to Print WHEAT GROWERS Wheat Reports 10 MEENULY 25 Farmer* Urged to Gather Evi­ dence of Acreage During All Grain Men Urged to Attend Year* 1929 Until 1932 Gathering; Detsile of Crop Contiol Will Be Told leical iiowspapors throughout III» Irene Jeter and Matt Hart Married at Centralia, Wash­ ington: To Live Here Visitors Provide Second Larg­ est Industry in Nation's Great Natural Playground Efforts tn be quietly married The great value of the acenlc at­ without the home town folks know­ traction« of Oregon and the small ing about It were ouly partially expense to the people of the state successful In the case of Mlsa Irene Is pointed out in an article wrltteu Jeter and Matt Hart who were wed by David B. Hill, secretary of thej Friday at the home of Mr Hart's Salem Kiwanis club, who. as gen-i sister and brother-in-law. Mr and eral chairman of the Silver Creek Mrs. Paul l’eyton. at Centralia. Falls dedication comm ittee, is seek­ Washington The ceremony win ing to better acquaint Oregon peo­ read by the Rev McQuarry. pastor ple with their own state. of the Christian church "Oregon scenery is the only in- > Mrs. Hurt ts the daughter of Mrs. dustry which can be enjoyed over ! Florence Riggs of Mabel, and Mr i and over again and remain In pos­ Elihu Root (»peaking), grand old nisn ot the Republican party and an “ Boot»" Mallory, the of screen Hart Is the son of Mr. und Mrs. lnttrnstlonally known statesman, and Alfred E. Smith (sitting), famous session of and grow in value to the tan», went to Malibu beach near James N. Hart of Cedar Flat. He la Democratic ranks, were united la a common cause at Ntw York state owner” says Mr. Hill in his article Lo» Angel«» to acquire ■ »un tan . . . : i operating a service station In : ratified the prohibition repeal amendment, the convention unanimously which contains the following para-' no down went the shoulder »trap» oa voting repeal Through iHipular choice Alfred E Smith was made presi­ her brief bathing «uit, “ Boot«’’ de­ j Springfield. Mrs. Hart ts a graduate graphs: claring that ehe w^pted an even tan of Sprtngf’eld high school, and has : dent of the convention. Mr. Root was received with wild aeelalm. "These figures are interesting; been office assistant to Dr Dow our lumber industry in 1*31 brought They are making their home on Also, N o Taxes us 43 million dollars, our salmon ! East Main street tn Springfield. industry over 6H million, our fr u it: Following the wedding. Mr. and industry a little over S million. The i Mrs. Hart returned Monday by way tourists left In Oregon that year 33 i of Bend, after stopping at Paulina million dollars in cash with very ' lake for a fishing trip, und coming little effort on our part. back over the McKemle past route. Banker Describe* the Way Loan* and Securities of "What has Oregon for tourists i Bank* Are Based on the Hopes and Plans of All and what has it cost the state to 1 FREE BARBECUE EVENT make it available? Classes— Values Dependent on Public's HANDLED SUCCESSFULLY “In the last 16 years, the state Ability to Meet Obligations highway commission has super­ Large Num ber of People From All vised the building of over 5000 Bv F R A N C IS I I . S IS SO N . Parts of County H elp Celebr­ miles of magnificent highways tn Preodsnt American Hanker» Association in Tie Fee«» ate M ill Re-Opening Oregon costing the state approxl- j /■CREDIT may be Informally de- pis of the nation were fully ern mately 160 million dollars. scribed as future hopes, plant ployed, while wages and salarle« Nearly 3000 people from various "These highways were built for parts of Lane county assembled In and good Intentions converted Into were eteady and generous, while prices of commodities were strong beauty as well as for convenience 1 present purchae Springfield Saturday evening to lug power. The and while the rnluds of the people and one can ride with comfort and participate tn the big free barbe­ farmer, the man­ were dominated by confidence. view mountain, river, and valley cue and celebration observing the ufacturer. th e C re st Chsng«» Came io the Nation scenes which will captivate the re-openlng of the Booth-Kelly Lum­ m e r c h a n t, the Then suddenly almost as If the imagination and linger in the mem- j ber company sawmill. home buyer, the suu Itself had lost part of Its vital! ory. Otto H. Kahn, senior partner of The Cox Melody Makers' Juve­ p u r c h a se r of Kuhn, Loeb A Co., whose testimony nile orchestra from Eugene began T h ree Longest Routes h o u s e h o ld market* failed and disappeared. In before the Senate Investigating Com­ Two of these highsrays, the Paci­ goods, the Inves­ duitry slackened. A rapid drop In mittee revealed that no income taxes playing early in the evening and tor and the spec­ all kind* of commodity values set fic and Bend-Califomia. run parallel were paid by him for the years 19*0, provided music during the entire ulator all borrow In. The earnings of business tell. with two mountain ranges 400 miles ’31 and ’83. ; barbecue. at times. They Unemployment developed Wages across the state in view of 11 snow Following the barbecue a program p lan to rep a y and salaries went down. Domestic capped mountains, through two na­ FARM DATA OFFERED i consisting of music by Ted Len­ with the earn markets shrank. Fear be-aiue gen tional parks, over one of the nar­ IN NEW YEAR BOOK hart's orchestra; address by W. P. la g s o t th e ir cral. The securities market* became SISSON rowest and deepest river gorges in I ------------ Tyson, mayor of Springfield; selec crops, proceeds panlc-rtdden as the price* ot stocks the world, ice and marble caves. I Representative Janies W. Mott lions by the Lions club quartet. Dr. of the eales ot their goods, incomes aud builds withered to fractions of and innumerable lakes and rivers has a limited number of the 1933 W. C. Rebhan. Veltle Pruitt. Dallas from their wages and salaries or their former value*. It was ths "Another highway, the Oregon Agricultural Year Books available Murphy and Merton Ferebee; trom- profits from the resales of their se­ greatest disintegration of human Coast highway follows the rugged for his constituents in this district Mrs. Dora Neet as accompanist; curities at enhanced market values, plana, economic conditions and worldly values ever witnessed. Oregon coast over 400 m iles. It Is he writes in a letter to the News bone solo, by Jim MacManiman. each as the case may be. The greater part ot these various ' These destructive changes cut the >ongest stretch on the contin office. Copies of this large volume vocal solo by Merton Ferebee; forms of credit Is obtained by the right through the qualities and val­ ent where the mountains come of authentic reports on livestock, and a wrestling match between the borrowers directly or Indirectly down to meet the sea. Another, the wheat, hops, fruits, vegetables and small sons of Mr. and Mrs. Max through the expansion of the loans ue* ot the loans and Investments, the notes and securities In ths Columbia River highway, ru n s; other farm commodities are avail- Lake as Prosperity and Depression and Investments ot the banks. It Is bank*. Business men and manufac­ along the famous Columbia river able on request without cost. with the former being awarded the this which creates the notes, se turer* could not repay tbelr not** curitles and mortgages in the port 215 miles through the Columbia Congressman Mott has recently decision. to the banks as due Many govern­ folios ot the banks. The banks are mental units end corporation* de­ Gorge and reigns supreme as the returned from his office in Wash able to extend these loans because faulted the payment* on their bund*. world s greatest highway. iugton. D. C. and has opened his Return to Idaho— Mrs. Sam Sie- people deposit money with them. Property underlying real estate “Another, the Mount Hoop Loop office ln thf> Pogt o ffice building in ber and Claude Ogilvie have re Even under the best conditions highway, entirely circles Mount Salem, Oregon. Any requests fot ' turned to their homes at Weiser, (he plans of a small percentage of mortgages became worth lens than tne face ot the mortgage*. The mar­ Hood which Is known as America s assistance or cooperation dealing Idaho this week. They came to borrowers go wroug through mis­ ket value* of standard *ecuritl*a be­ most beautiful mountain and the with federal problems should be Springfield last week to attend the takes, bard luck or dishonesty, and came less than tbe banks had paid only mountain over 10.000 feet en- i addressed to him there, funeral services for Drew Ogilvie the Judgment of the banker ln such for them as 'nveslmenta or accepted tirely circled by an improved high | who was killed ln a mill accident cases is proved by the after event them at aa collateral for loan*. to have been at fault. The losses way. Another highway 7.000 feet Thia meant. In tine, (hat the abili­ Logans and Cherries Blended last week. caused under such conditions are ty of borrowers to carry out the fu­ high and 34 miles -long circles the Have you ever found canned V is itin g Sister— Miss Ada Porter ordinarily fully met by funds set ture hopes, plane uud good lulen- rim of Crater Lake and is easily loganberries to be slightly sour, aside out of the earnings of the tlona that I bate defined above a* one of the scenic drives of the and canned cherries slightly sweet of Chicago has arrived in Spring banke for just this purpose and do the basis of credit, had become Im- world. On one side one looks down or bland to suit your taste? If so, field to spend several weeks visit­ not affect the depositors' money, paired to a far greater extent than 1000 feet into the unbelievable blue Miss Lucy Case, extension special­ ing with her sister, Mrs. Dean C. ln the vast majority of cases and bad ever before occurred In the na- water and on the other side one ist in nutrition, suggests that you Poindexter. in the overwhelming volume of bust- i tlon's history. The resulting lossea sees a panorama of the Oregon combine the two in canning and nee* involved the confidence of the I could not be absorbed by the hank* Cascades. Another highway ex­ thus get a blended fruit pleasing bankers tn their customer* and the | B|one out of the normally ample confidence of the customers In their funds that had been set aside tends from Salem and circles the in flavor. The loganberries are own ability to carry out their plans against the expectancy of a certain Silver Creek Falls State Park added to the pitted sw eet cherries and obligations to successful con­ Inevitable percentage ot human where in a radius of 2k4 miles there in equal or other portions as de­ clusions are wholly justified. This plana gone wrong. are 10 falls ranging from 35 feet sired. and canned by whatever Is the normal economic «ituatlon Hank» Sim we J All Resmnjble Car« to 200 feet in h eig h t They are in method one prefers. under which credit adds to the wel It was In loans and Investment» deep wooded canyons among over­ fare and progress of society. whose- values thus became so un- hanging cliffs with a background foreaeeably Impaired, that The Faith of the Bank» of green. The park is one of na­ Such was the structure of hopes, banks. In all confidence. In all good ture’s beanty spots. good Intentions and common confi­ faith, In all humanly reasonable car« "Another, the McKenzie highway, I and Mrs. Seth Byers and Co°* and comfortable for general dence In one another that existed and good Judgment had entrusted extends from Eugene to Bend in children of Wendling visited at the daytime wear Is this easy-to-make among all classes of the nation's the billions of dollar* of deposit* eastern Oregon along the beautiful home of Mr and Mrg M j Wegr1ll model. It also makes an excellent community life when the series ot customer* entru led to them Those loans and Inieitinenls were, 1 house frock. economic shocks began to shake the McKenzie river and over the Ore of w alterville Sunday. The shoulder line is extended to nation's social fabric In 1929. The under all normal conditions, as good gon Cascades. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Putman and "Another highway extends from daughter Audrey of Corvallis, Mr. form short sleeves, while low placed people had deposited billions of dol­ as gold Itself. Indeed, If the banka Instead had filled their vaults with Pendleton over the Blue Mountains and Mrs. Olen Putman and sons of | pleats lend fulness to the skirt. A lars with the banks because they had confidence In them. The hanks gold liars, and tl en some unknown to Wallowa lake, the Switzerland ; Redmond. Mrs. Wilma Ellingson bad loaned large volumes of these cosmic ray had transmuted them of America. Also, the John D a y ; and daughters of Bend, who were deposits on farm and home mort­ Into lead, the result* would hav* been scarcely more slartllng than highway from Arlington to Baker cailed here by the death of their gages and on notes of inanufactur and Ontario has a variety of beauti n ty e nephew, Elven Hugh Jeans, ers, business men and finance con­ the depre'-lall -o that was caused In the asset* of the bank* by th* un­ cerns. aud bad Invested in tbe stand ful scenery' spent the week-end with Mr. and ard securities of the nation's cor­ foreseeable e iic-mlc force* which Mrs. S. H. Putnam. porations, state and local govern­ permeated und debased them. Two oiling crews under Vern SALEM SERVICE CLUBS The Inevitable result was that, mental unit« and tbe national gov­ Caldwell’s supervision have been ernment Itself, because they had when the banks urgently needed the TO DEDICATE FALLS patching up pitted or weakened confidence in tbe citizenship and tbe money they had entrusted to thos* sections of oiled macadam near asset*, so that they could meet th* business condition* of the nation. Nine Beautiful F a ll* in S ilver Creek Dolye Hill the past few days. Tbelr mortgage and other loans unreasoning demands of their de­ Falls State P a rk : Leslie Ccott to owner* of farms aggregated *6,- positor*. they could not get It back. Much road machinery has been to Be Principal Speaker It was not that our banking sys­ 600.000,400. Loan« on urban real es­ moved up the South Fork Including tate were *1,000,000,000. Loans to tem and methods were of them­ equipment for the gravel crusher Dedication exercises for the new Individuals secured by ü . S. Govern­ selves weak or reprehensible, apart Silver Creek Falls 8tate park which will prepare surfacing mater­ ment, municipal and corporate se­ from the rest of the life of the na ial for use on the Forest road up which will officially be thrown open curities, totalled *11,000,000.000. tlon, as has been made to appear. It was not that our hanks wer« Loans to Industrial and commercial to the public Sunday, July 23, have the South Fork. Rev. Mr. Wolfe m issionary on enterprises In connection with the permeated with Incompetency or been announced by the combined production and distribution of the dishonesty or w'th lower standards service and civic clubs of Salem furlough from the Philippine Is nation'« Infinite varieties of good* of business ethics than were the which are sponsoring the move­ lands gave an Interesting iilu trated amounted to almost *19,500,000.000. other forms of human activity with lecture at W alterville school house ment. Investments In Federal, State and which their own fate and activities Included ln the program which Friday. municipal bonds were almost *6.000.- were Inextricably interwoven, as, It Work of putting In the lower sal­ will be given at the park Sunday 000,000, and In corporate securities almost seemed at times, there was will be short, talks on "What My mon racks at Hendrick's bridge Is a concerted national conspiracy to »11,000,000,000. nearly completed. The work began City Has to Offer the Tourist" by This great credit structure was lead our people to believe. The great fact of American bank­ built while the country was at visiting mayors, band music, and an several days ago. Many visitors peace, while the farms and factories ing Is that It shared fully In tbe address by Leslie Scott, chairman dally enjoy the sight of the huge were productive, while the nation plans and hopes and hazards of the of the State Highway Commission. trout playing In the water Walter and tho world provided great active American people.—and when those Special guides will conduct parties Carter has charge of the hatchery markets for their outputs, while the plans went wrong, the banks carried through the park visiting all nine this year. earnings of all kinds of enterprise their share of the burden and suf­ Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Godard, Hugh, of these waterfalls There will be were large, while the working peo- fered their share of the misfortune. no charges of any kind. Free coffee Emma. Mae Godard with th e ir ! GIRLS RETURN FROM will be furnished, and fam ilies are house guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank advised to bring their basket din­ Saunders. Mrs. Marion Saunders WORLD’S FAIR TRAVELS and two sons of I-ong Beach, Call ners. fornla. Mr. and Mrs. Lane Smith The park is located 28 miles Mrs. Margaret Campbell and son. All of the young women who left and Gerald of Fall Creek, picnicked northeast of Salem and a loop trip Bobby, from Albany and Mrs. Sarah Springfield several weeks ago to 718^7 _ through Silverton makes an Inter near the rocks Tuesday, celebrating visit the Century of Progress at Shaw from Eugene spent last Wed the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Por A F A I I i l a . mzc H , 36. Vi 40. esting loop trip of 57 miles. Chicago and other scenic places nesday at the home of John Price. 42 or 44, remi IS rrnt» tn min, rour Mrs. F. Saunders, birthday annl Lloyd McQueen got thrown from have returned during the past week. N A M k . A i t im i -s . styi . e n C im - versarles of Mrs. Marlon Saunders HI H sud S IZ I. In Kay ii-.j-l. IO I Park California People Here— Mr. and During their trip Niagra Falls, Chi­ a horse a few days ago and broke and Hugh Godard. The visitors left Avirnue. New York Cile ( empiete and Mrs. C. J. Finley and family of San cago, W ashington, D. C., New Or­ Ills arm. u m p le acwing chart with eath pattern. early Wednesday morning for home. Jose. California arrived here Wed Mrs. Holt from Portland visited leans, Mississippi, and California smart rolled collar ends In a bow were visited. Included In the party Mrs. Arch Hliough for several days nesday afternoon for a visit with and like the belt Is made of con­ were the M issis Thelma Hweenty, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Richmond Mrs. JUNIOR BASEBALL CLUB Finley Is a cousin of Mr. Rich­ Miss Ann Hartman from Portland WINS NINTH VICTORY trasting material. Arab Nell Arnold. Florence Parvln, Linen, gingham, pique, cotton Josephine Hardy, Eunice Gerber, Is visiting Miss Mildred Price. mond’s They have been on a vaca The Springfield Junior baseball prints or tub silk are suitable for Eleanor Smith and Ixiu Nelson. tlon trip as far east as Niagra Falls. M ts . Kenneth Giles and baby team barely nosed out a 10-9 victory this style. from Medford has been visiting her Designed in sizes 114, 36, 38, 8llverton People H*r*— Mrs. Silas over the Lucky 13 baseball club parents. Mr. und Mrs. Chris Han Size 38 requires Gay and daughters, Lol- and Ber­ from Eugene here Friday evening 40. 42. and 44. On Lake Trip M B. Huntly left son for several days. nice of Silverton are visiting in The victory was the ninth straight 3% yards of 35 inch material con­ today for Lake Tahkonltch on a Miss Iris Dunn from Portland Is trasting material for collar and belt. fishing trip. for the local team. Springfield for a few days. visiting at the John Edinlston home. < How A ll the People Had a Hand In Building Nation fs Credit Structure V tflY , Valley McKenzie & /W .M A R S H A L L OUKfllk Thurston I'" * wheat belt In Oregon and elsewhere ure being looked to to play an 1st- portant part In (he application and admlnlatrstlon of the wheat adjust nn-nt plun. according to word re celved by the Oregon Extension service. Use of the press for pule licallou of past production records of growsrs and (hs later allottueut , figures Is expected to simplify , «really the arrival at fair produc jtlon quotas for each Individual. Growers are being asked by those In charge of putting the wheat plan Into effect to prepare two Ini portant Items of Information Io have ready In advance of their a|> plication to Join the wheat benefit plan The Information wanted la first, the number ot bushels ot wheat grown each year from 1*39 Io 1*38. and second, the number ot acres planted In each of these years. Moat Produce Records By using «levator, freight, thresh ing. or bank deposit records, ad­ ministration officials believe that accurate estim ates can be made These figures turned In by each farmer are tn be published In the local press This la Intended to encourage any carelessly Inclined to be more accurate, as any boost­ ing of production reports ao as to get a higher allotment tends to damage the neighbors rather than ¡the government, as the county allot- ment Is file d In advance. Believing that farmers will be an X|OUB lo BVB|| them selves of the un<, er , he new wheat p|Bn. unauthorlaed promoters are already upfM-arlng and trying to "chisel In" o t i the farmers' expected return*, the government official* report. Graftar* Start Work In one state at least, *nd per­ haps In others, farmers are being approached with the offer of help In making application to receive cook benefits under the wheat plan I —tor 10 per cent of the proceeds! No grower need spend a cent for any such purpose, aa the county agent and other extension repres­ entatives will give any such aaalst- nnce needed free of charge and will help ant up local organisations through which the growers will largely handle their own affairs, of flrlals state. Dental Assistant — Mia* Edith Jobe has taken the place of Misa Irene Jeter aa assistant to Dr Dow Mis Jeter was married Friday to Matt Hart. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SALE REAL PROPERTY The domestic allotment plan to reduce wheat acreage and ralas the price of wheat In accordance with the recently enacted agricultural relief act will be discussed anil considered at a mealing lo be held lit the chamber of commerce rooms In Eugene on Tuesday, July 95. Tbs meeting will start promptly al 10:00 a. in and continue as loug as necen- •ary to presell! the plan lu detail and consider questions of wheat growers. Hpeakera will be Paul V. Marla, director of extension, and U. K. Ilyalop, head of the plant ludustry dlvlalon, of the Oregon State col lose. In addition lo dlscuaalug the wheat acreage reduction plan, the speaker* will dlecuae the general wheat price and production outlook In the light of present advaurtug prices. Possible substitute crops to take the place of wheat where acre­ age la reduced will also be conald •red County Agent O. 8. Fletcher, who la making arrangement» for the Imne county meeting, ur«— .1 wheat growers of the couu-y to at­ tend this meeting as It will be Oec eeaary for about half of the wheat growers of the county to enter the wheal allot ment organisation plan lu laine county If one la lo be crea led. SPRINGFIELD GETS HALF OF H. S. TUITIO N FUND School district I*, the Hprlngtlnld school district, has received (1,93* GO Ihl» week from the county high school tuition fund, representing 50 per cent of the total amount due. The district has a total of *3*57.30 due for the education of *1 sludeut* from outside of the district last year II coal * 4006 per day to edu­ cate the atudenta bere The per­ cepita coat for other districts ranged fruui 81 to 30V* cent* per day. CITY PASTOR MAKES DRY VOTE APPEAL A strong plea to the church poo pie of Springfield to go to the polls Friday und to see that tbelr friends also voted In aupport of (he pre sent prohibition law* of the coun try w*» made her* Weduawday even Ing to a small audience by Kev Wilbur Dowson, pastor of tbe First i Methodist church of Portland. The meeting was held at the Christian church and was sponsored by tbe Ihree local congregation*. NOTICE la hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of «ale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Eighteen state* have already Lane County this 19th day of July, voted wet, with T ennessee casting 1933. upon and pursuant to a de­ cree duly given and made by said her ballot today. If Oregon people Court this 17th day of July. 1933, In can put this state In tbe dry col­ a suit pending therein In which umn It will mark the turning point Alice M Morse was plaintiff and I nthe i » « p which the wet* ar* Nick Anton, et. al were defendants, which execution and order of sale making, declared thn »peaker was to me directed and commanded Rev Dowson. who waa born In me to sell the real property herein after described to satisfy certain England, devoted much of his time liens and charges lo said decree refuting argument* commonly specified, I will on Friday the 26th heard agalnat the present prohibi­ day of August. 1933. at the hour of 10 o’clock. A. M . at the southwest tion laws, and In comparing condi­ door of the County Court House In tion* In dry United Hlatea with Eugene, I-ane County. Oregon, offer thorr In wet England. for sale and *ell at public auction for cash, subject to redemption a* Answering tho statem ent that provided by law. all of tbe right. prohibition ha* not reduced drink title and Interest of the defendants In said sull and of all parties claim Ing the speaker declared that drink Ing hy. through or under them or Ing has been reduced from 60 to 75 any of them. In or to the following | Mo" By A E. Hulegaard, Deputy. 1.1 20 27 66 A 11 I(k l7 ) ' ,he «»hing for b » "" The Printing Staples’ Used In Every Business Community ▼ • We tire well equipped to give you u prompt, com plete printing Hervlce or ’ The Printing ‘Staples* Uaed In Every HuainetiM Community.” 9 I h«*He SlupleH are the printing that you are using day after day, w eek after w eek, and m onth after m onth. • low Check your auppllea-on-hand NOW. If eihauated or place the order TODAY. letterheads STATEMENTS ENVELOPES BLOTTERS RECEIPTS EOLDBR8 ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS CARDS PAMPHLETS HANDBILLS TICKE'rs TAGS The Willamette Press UuHlneHH Printer» Springfield V :