THURSDAY, JULY 2«, 1938 Cl IE RPRINOPICLD NEWS Visits at Newport Miss Edith To Kaotorn Oregon— Ted l-en- ! Eaton »pent the week-end with hart loft the first of the week for friends at Newport. ustern Oregoo. Wsndllng Msn Here— U. O. War Leave for R e e d e p o rt— Mr. and f fel of Wendllng was u business Mrs. M. II llu n lly left Wodnojida) i {visitor in Hprlngfleld Hulurday for a motor trip lo It ed«port. From Oil» (lute mi | will nut b e { ■ »»potislbl« (or bill» >d by j Ml». A. T It o llu b o . June 2b, 1933 I A. T. DONAHO. Ju 30 Mohawk Man Here— I '. V. Tull man of Mohawk was u liu sln «« visitor In Hprlngfleld Hulurday. PAO« T H R O of Commerce come along now and punctures that balloon. The gaso­ line-alcohol mixture. It finds, while It enables the motor to accelerate faster, makes starting harder, ab­ sorbs moisture from the air. cor­ rodes engine and fuel pipe lines and cost« much more than straight gasoline Besides, alcohol of higher quality can be produced from pet­ roleum more cheaply than the poor­ er quali'y obtainable from grain. Borne day motors doubtless will be run by alcohol, but they will be built for alcohol use stone and used only where and when the gasoline supply has given out. S T E A M ...........................Inexpensive Driving through a Northern In­ dustrial city with an engineer friend I saw a curious piece of con­ struction under way. It looked Just as If u huge steam engine were be­ ing built out of doors. Visits Cousin— Ml»« Faith John­ son of Portland visited here Hutur- dsy with her cousin. Mr». Fred AMBITION Borgs had It DULL HEADACHE CONE Louk. When I hear farmers talking as Dasrhorn Psopls Hsrs— Mr. and SIMPLE REMEDY DOES IT If thay ware all headed for the poor Mr . Ham Goddard of Deerhorn Visitor from Creswsll — Ml« bouse I think of my neighbor, Merge Il»aduihtt» caused by eunatlpa- were visitors In Hprlngfleld Frlduy I Frank Vlies of the Croswell dis­ H u ll u rn Mtm« «(t«r mi do»« „J Katorsky. Serge came over from Aillerlka Till» cleans all poisons trict was a visitor In Hprlngfleld Russia Just before the war, because O— of Loudon's moot th rillin g Week-end at Btnd— Marion Coy out nt BOTH upper and lower John Nelson, of Montreal, Css pastimes aaeh season is to solort the Tuesday. he had five children and wanted to ner spent the week-end ul Band bowels (live» belter sleep. ends •da, Is the sew president of the moot beautiful aad lovelleot debu iiervouan«»» Flattery's Drug Htore. Rotary lateraatiunsl, being eirrted visiting w ith hl» wife and family. : On Vaoatlen— Kenneth D el^ ssu s, ¡ • , *® th* “ “ ehBnc* »«• had about taote This season the unsaiinoua at the sanusl convention, whe-h wso dollar» to etart with, award went lo Miee Phyllii Halt, Albany Man Hera—Chart»» Boyd I eon of Mrs. Itlley Bnodgnws, ar *hre” of London ’• Air Defease Home train» leaving out of Now held at Boston this yrer rived here Hunday for a two week« bought a couple of hundred daughter 'j I“ “ - lies «2. _ _ . of Albany wau an overnight visitor I York are cooled by electrical refrlg ' That'» Just what It Is.” my friend vacation. He h a. b e n at Han Fran-,“"®* ut mountain land about The first white bread was made In Hprlngfleld Monday. »ration, Home are cooled by ma claco for the past two y ea n . f,*e n,l",a fro,n ■»* “nd told me. "That's the newest Idea COOPERATIVES MAKE cblne» before leavlug the terminal« ed to work. He repaired the turn by an English miller. Huge Pad­ In large steam plants for generating Grocer In Portland— I) II Mur- CAINS IN FOUR YEARS Teacher Vlaita — Ml»» t'larabel ble-down old bouse, and in these dington, because a nobleman In bis electric power. What sense Is there ! pliy. Hprlngfleld grocer. mud«- a N O T IC K teacher of eomnierclal twenty years has so Improved It town wanted bread to match his In putting up an expensive building Nsw Directory Lists ,97 Groups; ,r ,P *" Portland Tuesday.: OF FINAL SETTLEMENT subject« at the high school, was a ,th a t It is the most comfortable white table-linen! That was new« Just to bouse a steam engine? It's Fruit and V sgetsblsa Ltad from w , | U rv„ „ j j. C ub, vlaltur In Hprlngfleld Hunday. Her farm-house I have ever «een. There to me when Frank Romer told me. Notice la hereby given that W cheaper to protect the equipment W Calkin», Executor of the Will of O ther Industrie« j (J, W altorvllls was a bnalneaa vial-j home Is at Corvallis. ; are eleven children now. seven of And the first paved street In Am­ with asbestos, against cold weather, Frank It McDowell, deceaaed. ha» tor In Hprlngfleld Tuesday morning them through high school, two erica is in down-town New York. It and put Just enough of a roof over filed hl* final account In the mat­ Returns Home— Mrs. C. O. Van Oregon now has 197 cooperative ter of the Katate of Frank II Mc­ through college, three of the girls is named. appropriately. Stone It to keep the -n o s off. Then, when ■.roves Hospital— Mrs. A. -II Valxah and small daughter return- Dowell. deceased, In the County marketing or purchasing organisa­ finishing up In the Slate Normal street. A Dutch brewer's wife in you have to enlarge the plant, you Court of Lane County, Oregon, and tions operating within the «tale, lla isl of route I, Hprlngfleld anil ed to their home at Roseburg Hun- that Saturday, the 12th day of Aug according to a new directory of her Infant daughter left the I’si -Iflr day after spending a week here NChool. And what marks those Kat­ 1648 got tired of having her hus­ don't have to tear out a heavy brick orsky kids do get In school! band’s drays mired In the mud. so wall and bulk) an expensive exten­ uae, 1933. at ten o’clock In the fore such organisai Ion» compiled by boHpllal ftir their home Bunday. vti'ltlng with relatives noon of the »aid day, In the County Herge started with some scrub she had her servant lay cobble­ sion Besides, nobody ever yet George O Gatlin, exlenalon market Court rooms In the County Court Morrò» People Here Mr» Wnl Attends Convention — Mr. and i< <,w» but has bred up his dairy herd stone Ihe whole length of the found a way to keep a boiler room llouae of luine County, Htate of Ing »peclallil al Oregon State col­ clean enough to guard against dust Oregon, ha» been fixed aa the time lege Thl« I» a g»in of 62 »Ince the ter Hqulre« ami family of Monroe Mrs. Bert Hankey returned to ( until IP- one of the best In the dis- street. Interesting, if not Important! explosions without hiring an lot of and place by the »aid Court for the prevlou» directory was Issued four spent the week end In Hprlngfleld Hprlngfleld Hunday from The Dalles trlct. They grow or rstse practical b -n iln g o f id ijm tlo n » to tlo' «»Id al Die II. E Gerber home. , where Mr. Hankey attended the ly all they eat, and they certainly extra help." year« ago. BUNK ...................... grain alcohol i final account, and for final aettle- : »tale convention of Rural Mail Car- live well. We heard a lot, last year, about ' That sounded reasonable. It also iin-iil of the »nld estate Any and Taking Fishing Trip— Mr. and ! rler». All but 12 of the organisation» Merge Katorsky had the two e s­ all objection« to the »aid account are strictly Oregon aasod sllon s. th» Mt» Dodd Miller and Mr. and Mrs a great schem e to convert surplus interested me when the engineer sentials for successful living, in­ and the final «ettleinent of the aald grain into alcohol. The Idea was to {told me that the new type of mer- M A. I’ohl «pent Hunday fishing ' Picnic on McKenxIe — Mr and remainder being out-of state u» » dustry and ambition. With thoae a estate must be filed with the Clerk save the farmer by requiring every cury boilers, like the one I saw. of the »aid Court on or before the dation» doing business In thl» on Portland creek near Wlnberry. Mrs. W. P. Tyson and daughter. man can get almost anywhere. date of »aid hearing. Muriel, Mr. and Mrs. I. M Peterson gallon of gasoline to be mixed with * could generate steam so cheaply »tat» Gatlin reports that Oregon (la c k fro m P o rtla n d — Mr. s r d and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. C. CO LO R S........................ have a care a certain portion of grain alcohol. I that they can produce electrical W W. CAI.K1NH, Executor of ranks high In the percentage of as- Mrs M II lluntly returned Friday If you take your automobile with H ie E s t a t e iif Frank 11 Mr sudation» E. Hover of Eugene spent Hunday The fuel research comm ittee of energy at far lees coat than the that are Incorporated evening from a business trip to on a picnic outing and fishing trip you on your tour of the world, be Dowell, deceased. the National Automobile Chamber cheapest waterpower. and In the uniformity and sound Date of First Publication July 12. Portland sure the color Is one that won't of­ on the McKenxIe river. nw«» of the organisation setups 1933 fend the people of any particular This Is made poaslhlc. In part, he (Ju 12 20 27 A 3 101 Visiting at Independence— Mis- Homs from Hospital — Andrew nation. In Finland they don't permit says, because of the exceptionally Dale Daniels Is visiting with Gott who ha» been III at the Eu­ car« or anything else to be painted NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION favorable cooperative laws that friend« al Independence the first nt gene hospital with pneumonia foi red. Red Is the color of Commun Departm ent of the In te rio r. Gen have been hulll up here through the weeg. some time recovered sufficiently to Ism, and the Finns are scary about oral Land Office at Roseburg, »ome 23 year» and which are unex­ Oregon, July 3th, 1933. be moved to his home In Hpring- their communistic neighbors next W a lts rv ills People H era — Mr. celled to the entire United Htatea door In Russia. NOTICE Is hereby given that and Mrs D. (’. Trotter of Walter fleld Tuesday of this week. Many Federated Together Nel« F Oaarden. of Vida. Oregon, One American got into trouble In ville were visitors In Hprlngfleld We have a nice line of bathing cajts and bathing aboes Visitors Saturday— Mr. and Mrs Although there are 176 separate who. on July 19th. 1933. made Java with a light cream-colored car. Saturday. which we are offering a t greatly reduced prices. You ! Theron It. Huuaser and family and Homestead entry Herlal No. 020311, organisations. 66 nr more of these J C. Wilkinson, all of Portland W h‘U B"d are ">»“'’nlng col­ for KW% NKH. HE1» NWt4. NE% urn a »(«elated t o g e t h e r In fédéra c a n ’t afford to be w ithout them at our low prices. Returns to Home — Miss Edna ors in the Dutch East Indies, and HW'e and NW >4 HEU. Section 9. Many bargains aw ait you a t our store. Township 17 H. Kange 4 E . WII tlon» or central sales groups which Severson has returned to her home , »topped here Saturday for a short are permitted only on hearses. A la met to Meridian, has film! notice tend to promote greater strength In Springfield following an extend- »*•*« * “ 9 her parents. Mr and Mrs. yellow car Is an offense in China, o f In t e i i t l i i i i to iiuikc final three and unity. Fruit and vegetable ed stay at Halfway camp on the Harry M Stewart Mr. and Mrs for the same reason. year Proof, to eatabllah claim to marketing associations lead all McKenxIe. ' Sausser bad been spending a week LOYAL E. SCOTT, Prop. You don’t want to take a green the land above described, before I at Paulina lake in eastern Oregon others In total numbers, according E <>. Imiiiel, U. H Commissioner, car to either England or India. In Drive to Vancouver— Mr. and j alld w ere returning via the McKen at Eugene. Oregon, on the 16th day to the new directory which classi­ England there is a popular super­ fie» the cooperatives In 13 group«. Mrs. Marlon Adams and son. Bob. j ( |4 pas». of AttgUat, 1933 stition that green is an unlucky __________________ Claimant name» as witnesses: There are It general purchasing Mr and Mrs. W aller Laxton. and cqlor. Books and plays have been Frank Walker, and Italph Green, organisations and »lx dealing ex­ M l - M ild r e d I a rs o n m o to r e d to SPORTSMEN’S GUN CODE of Vida. Oregon; J. (>. McKinney, written about girls who wore green V a n c o u v e r . W a s h in g t o n S u n d a y . clusively In oil and gasoline. of llluo Itlver. Oregon and I'rloce ISSUED BY ASSOCIATION stockings, with the result they llelfrlsh, of Vida. Oregon A new »etup for federal financ­ Visitor from Creswell— Mrs. Mels ----------- I never could get a man to marry HAMILL A CANADAY. Register ing of cooperatives Is now In force llrown of Creswell spent the week Many Serious Accidents Msy Be them! And In India green la rea- under the new federal farm credit end In Hprlngfleld visiting al the lJu 6 13 20 27— A 3» Avoided By Children and Others erved for the use of pious Mohatn Maid O'Cream Ice Cream Is on the Job. administration which decentralises home of her cousin, Mrs. Minnie Who Learn and Obey Rules medans who have made the pil­ Special packers are made up a t our ice plant for this type of financial service. Gat­ Calkins grimage to Mecca and so are eo- picnics and outings. You'll enjoy going more if you lin reporta. Ixian» to cooperatives m -r -r . W“ b ; ch? ° ,s c,of ed f.orJ he "um, I titled to wear the green turban. T ra n s a c ts B uslnes Mrs y Tut mer and thousands of boys and „ , . . . . have plenty of ice cream along. will now be made through 12 re­ B e t t e r P»«>r lf Y““ re He was In Hprlngfleld on a bus! ___ ... girl »vailing _ them selves of the o - p , gional cooperative credit bunk», the Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN ne»» visit Haturday. Hhe lives at portimlty to make the most of their *ol"K~ 'an*1 ,ake “ P|ain b *«* or Maid O’Cream Ice Cream is different in taste and one for thia region being In Hpo- Naturopathic Physician ihe Fisher logging camp above rifles, the National Rifle associa- -10-17)