THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TIHUTUCTII YKAH S I 'l t l N ( I E I K I J M * A N i ; I Ì . I M M W ENROLL FOB BED CROSS SWIM V, i , K E , , o ; . , , , IU ) LIOBS10 BOLD » “ "/■roups (¡ny mu m FIBSr PICHIC M a i k o i M HAS FIRST PLACE — Christian 'Church Members ____ General Public Is Invited to( Plan Two Society Gather* Ointv's to Q a -u T i . B r,„ , B . O . , , , ld | Tonight S„pp„, S ^ s X j ^ X All ClasM* Held in Morning; Special Evening Claeeee for Thoee Unable to Attend Join in Monthly Outings USE THP*"’ INSTRUCTORS Everything la In readlue»« for the first of the series of monthly pic­ nics to be sponsored, starting Erl day «veiling of this week, by tlj<- Springfield Elons club according to l*ar»on Wright, chairman of the outing committee, who la being as­ sisted by N. L. Pollard and E. C. Stuart. Large 1 e. le for Wiliam* ette Vat c «idente Being Workeo . light Park J * No. 28 ] OREGON ID IIDIE OB LIQUOR ERIDAT . Ballot Contains Nina Meas­ ures and Names of Two Delegations to Convention Regular monthly im ■ ting» nt both *a’n Field Sunday P. M. the Hattie MIL hell and Mentor ml« T t , D C - alonary aoi ietl«» of the Chrlatlan > ’"•“ EE TIE FOR SECOND church will hold their regular nioet-, , In«» tonight following the weekly D,nty’8 Upset Dope by Defeat- potluck dinner and congregational ¡ng Hills Creek Aggregation gathering. in Game Last Week BOARD MEMBERS GIVEN Every Ballot Must Be Marked in Three Places to Cast Complete Wet or Dry Vote Nearly loo telit children Mr». Klale Pollard,.chairman for and atlulla are -a dvantage of Whether or not Springfield's ( the Senior society, ba» announced Just one more day and the peo­ I he free awlmrnl •irtlors bo- her program to Include a report on baseball tram remain» In first In« «Iven thia we ple of Oregon will again go io the ’lllanietla place in the Ca»cade league, or The first of the outdoor affairs the Turner convention by Mrs. D. park under the aua, (he Red polls to express their opinions on will lie h Id at Klverslde park. Per O. Peterson. Ml a Clara Jones will drops Into a tie with the Dlnty Croea. »on» who con gel away early will have charge of the devotional» and ' Mooro aggregation from Eugene : the question of prohibition and a Classes which begun laal Monday be decided here Sunday after-( go Io the park during the afternoon Ml«« A ide Manning will read the number of other measure» which H e r b e r t K W ilk in s , g e n e ra l m in are being held only In the morning ' and others will drive out after work recotnmendatlons of the executive nnt,n nn brattalo field. ager G u a rd ia n r g . ro at - e r o f th e » a ion --------------- . u p always find their way onto the ba I committee, and new Officers of the) Springfield now bolds top place and evening. Beginners are all , for a 6:30 dinner. charges’ ia Ms te e tiX n y a tth *" g « n d • *” “ ny * ,eeUon Oregon, teken care of al » o'clock. and ad | 11 “ »o" »" »he U M ladua societies will give reports of their w,‘h only one lo-*«, while Dinty'a Coffee and cream will be furniah vanred »wlmmera and theme trying 5*.ro,r?.m aad ,h* maa jury quiz on the cause of Michigan’s 1-0 y«‘* ‘he ballot on the prohlbl- Intended plans for the new year. • “ IH» Creek, and Yoncalla are tied ed gratia by the Club members, but .................- ......... Members of the Hattie Mitchell ; ‘or *e*’on•» Johnson opened the beanng> on each 17 rnai ° r matter of interest to many, their own baaket dinners" ~Tabl«i Iclrc,a wl" h<,ld "’■‘•» •tlo n of offl each step p « | out to the JPutd. m » fouuL Uu. • those who cannot attend In the iadustnsl codes submitted by differ — it Will be necessary to vote three will be provided cer" und*r ‘he direction of their front la»‘ Sunday by drubbing the morning la held at 7 'oclock al U,du,,r1«« place» on the ballot. First, at the (advisor, Mr Roland Moahler. Hill« Creek nine 5-0 dropping that which time they are divided Into — — —— ——— top of the ballot the voter will Feature» of the evening will cen- ! team out of the tie poHltion for first ter shout a kitten hall b a seb a ll:* 1 ,b e of Sunday school , op honors. Springfield had little three group», beginners, advanced , flsd names of candidate» to the and lifesaving. and diving, a r * ' gam« bei wi en two learns chosen l"'r/_ and workers last week trouble In defeating W estfir 17-5 state convention to consider ratifi­ Mushier. Mina Peterson. on the same day. laughl. from the membership of the local •Mrs. cation or repeal of the eighteenth Three Inalrurlura are being uaed : ¡amendment to the United States club and directed bjr the Elon Goldia Smith, and Florence Val) Pitchers to Battle thia year Mra. J R. Evans, Is I s - ( Tamer, W. E. Bue||. and the Tall reported on their activities at the constitution. If he is dry he must When the team» line up here Sun- ■irucllng (he small tola, and her I twister. It. O Dthhlee. the same Turner convention. mark an . X before the names of i n of the McKenx« , McKenx, river near Thura- Thurs­ llw . . j Hved ,n " h e e le r county In eastern Taylor, g school for several years past, hut dis''U88ed repeatedly and has strong persons who cannot swim are urged ton « Saturday. Efforts at resuaclta- resuscita­ (Jr(.g))ri for 8om<> Many Attend Picnic -« -rd a y E ffo r t, a. |)ef((re com Liles, a. critics as well as supporters. to start Immediately. tion by "-'«"bora neighbors and a doctor lB< ,o Lgpe c o m , y where they have wa« changed this year because of A large number of Springfield ,,on Everybody la Invited useless. better facilities for seating and | Another measure arousing con- people attemled the I. (» O. F. pic | f proved r'” ,,<1 useless >( Coburg Everybody Interested in baseball . siderable antagonism in some quar­ nlc at Eos Creek ranch Bunday and The boy was playing alone on the Survivors Include the widower l< Invited to turn out and watch sports. ters Is the oleomargarine tax bill, Mr. and Mrs. R. E Pyne and WII- raft while hl» parents and other , | ler mother. Mra. Nellie Berry of these Sunday afternoon contests. I the last on the ballot. llam l-ansberry were among the I members of the family were at work Seattle; one daughter. Mr» .Marian There is no fixed admission charge. LOCAL PEOPLE V ISIT S U T T L E L A K F IN «5T IT IIT F ° ‘her mea8Urea * h,ch "«I be prlxe winners the latter winning a In a bean patch nearby. HI» body I Shultz, and one son. Clifford War There will not be any close con­ h U f I L t L A K E I N S T IT U T E foUnd on the ballot includes a beautiful cedar chest with the wa» found on a riffle som e dis- j ren. both of Warrenton tests among other teams In the Several Springfield people drove S*-“OTaB‘”‘“a *" ” » -• lodge Insigne upon It, lance below the raft. ______________ league this Sunday as Hills Creek will meet Westfir on their home acr08s the McKenzie pass Sunday . e mnnat;lnK * e payment of The child Is survived by his par­ I.odge» from ¡ill part» of the Wil­ Held, Yoncalla will come to Eugene to visit the annual young people’s f onuses. ounty Manager lamette valley and the Bend. Red ent»; two alHlen., May and Mary,j Only Family Members Attend mond. ITInevllle section of the and three brothers. Elmer. Earl j to meet the Fruit Grower«, and institute being sponsored there bv . °. , '0Ternnlent- Prosecu- _________ ______ .. .a - u - .i.~ .< .. . . . ___i | Uw’ by Information and Grand Jury Marriage of Dorothy Fisher state were represented at the pic­ and Elbert. ■ i Junction City will travel to Wendl- ‘be Methodist church for all young Modification.” "Debt and Tax Limf n ic . Ing This latter game will be an i people living in the W illam ette val- to Joseph Barger Sunday Funeral services were held Mon­ :tatlon Control for Municipal Cor- even match. ley and a large part of Eastern Officers of the S-rtional gather day morning at 10 o’clock from the ; i poratlons” requiring two-thirds ma- Ml»» Dorothy Irene Fisher, daugh­ Oregon. Ing were re-elected Mr. Pyne was Poole-Gray Bartholomew chapel In | z s z M iu v w l Jority to issue bonds except refnnd- ter of Mr. and Mra. D. O. Flatter Springfield Rev. Harry It. Neat.) COUNTY CHAMBER SEEKS Among those visiting at the lake ing bonds; and "State Power Fund of thia city, and Joseph O. Her«er. named on the athletic commltteo pa tor of the Lighthouse Temple in New Arrival in Springfield PROTECT COAST BEAUTY were Mr and Mrs ° H Jarrett- Bonds" providing for the issuance next year. sop of Mr and Mra. Frank Berger for Unrt, r< I . . . Eugene, of which «he boy was a H o . F r a c fi.r .H R lri.ll. r w E - , ------------ Miss Dorothy Girard. Marian Ship- and sale of power bonds in the of Eugene, surprised their many Springfield people who attended ! member, officiated, and interment ' Has Fractured Skull; Other Steps seeking the setting aside Iey- and Leroy Inman Miss Shipley sunt of »103.779.45. friends Monday with the announce­ the picnic are Mr. and Mr». Pyne. was made at Mt. Vernon cemetery Car Leaves Highway remained at the lake and will re­ of designated wilderness counting Boards Named ment of their marriage which took Mr and Mrs Elmer Findley. Mr --------------------------- along the Roosevelt highway on the turn w ,,h ,h e Springfield delega ) Polls will be open from eight place Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. and Mrs Ernest Black and two LARGE GROUP H O L D S M™' E' *' S,aIey of s Prln8fleld ‘o eight and two boards will be on ° M°L D S sustained a concussion, and slight Lane county eoa t. and other means tlon' The youn« couple were married children. Mr. and Mrs Lee Putman PICNIC ON FALL CREEK fracture of the skull in an auto-j of protection of the natural beauty j A very successful Institute is be- du,y a‘ o^ch precinct. In Springfield at St Mary'a Catholic rectory In and two children. Mr. and Mra. O \ , . ----- ------ ",obll,‘ a‘ ‘'ldent •« Nineteenth and of this recently opened area were Ing held this year according to let- tbe counting boards for precincts Eugene with a quiet ring ceremony H. Jarrett. Mr and Mrs Karl Olr - “ nuBber of Springfield Lawrence streets In Eugene Tues discussed and turned over to the ters received here from Rev. Dean 'ln c and ,wo *111 start work at 4 p. In the presence of only family ard and daughters. Dorothy and _______ road com m ittee for further action j C. Poindexter, pastor of the local m- and those for precincts 3 and 4 members Rev. John Berger, brother Doris, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Walker. people motored to Fall Creek Sun-i day evening at 5:15, Mr. and Mrs. Staley and children ,b e mon,h,y (nesting of the Lane church who Is teaching a course wi)l Rtart »( 3 p. m. of the groom read the ceremony. Mr and Mr». Henry Korf. Mra day for a picnic dinner and outing In. hided in the party were Mr. and j were driving when they were struck County Chamber of Commerce there. M is s Barbara (’handler, and Francis I.lda McGowan. Mrs Nellie Jordan. Election and counting boards for r - a "d Mr«. Dan broadside by another machine F,° renCe San,rdav E f i Berger, brother of the groom, were Mr and Mrs Lynn Lanaherry. H u g h :“ " ( ’"r l M mar the Springfield precincts will be as and William Lansberry ‘ 7 7 . " " ” daU*h' ! r ° ' Eu aw rtnienta. K hini T ’ " ¡at P ta * » c« were «Mo discussed. E ' E< M A Y H 0 N 0 R E D A T The bride was dreaaed In a white Precinct 1, High school— Elec­ Morrla. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whit-1 Mrs Staley was brought to her A ,,endinK ‘he gathering from PICNIC ON WEDNESDAY tion; Cora M. Hinson. E lsie C. rrlnklo erepe, and carried a corsage ___________________ ~ HONORED , "ey “n“ >d ‘a«nlly- They! The b,r‘hda> E E. May was fern» and rosebuds. ............................... Wilson. Nellie G. Carr. Counting: S I a UHKKIgfc DINNER ter. Florence, Mr. and Mrs. Nell Mr and Mrs Staley recently re,urned home on Sunday. ¡observe,! with a picnic dinner at Miss Chandler wore yellow crepe tended by many of the family y axwe11 A- Pohl. Malinda Hawke, Mrs came to Springfield from Vallejo. | and carried a bouquet of »weetpeas Friends of Mrs. H. O. Dlbblee l oll.nd Mis. Alma Pollard. friends at Swimmer's Delight Wed- GeorRe A Cox. Kate Brumette, ' ? billow and daughler. Shir California, and are living at Eighth PROHI-REFORM HEAD A reception for the couple wn» gathered at the home of her par nesday evening. Among the many Mal"'1 Ty»on- ley, of Douglas, Arlxona. Mr. and held at the Berger home In Eugene ents. Mr. and Mrs. G T Fellows, X c X ’ X w X m r X ^ VISITOR HERE TUESDAY;“* - •’« W « M r. and M r , May Precinct 2, City Hall— Election: following the ceremony. They plan near Santa Clara last Thursday Mrs. John Henderer, and Ernest j and daughter. Florence, were Mr. Maude T. Bryan. E. P. Thurman. Ander on of Wendling. to establish their home at Notl later evening for a surprise dinner and Auto Leaves Grade . | Springfield residents heard Mrs. an(I Mrs. Dan Crites and daughter We'by Stevens. Ida C. Adams. Hat- In the summer. social evening. Those present In- . n nno her accident on the Me | i)avld Honeyntan, Portland, chair- of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. William ,ie Myers. Counting: John Ketels. eluded Mr. and Mrs. E. C. S tu a rt! i LAKE FOUND TO BE enzie highway Monday afternoon man of (|w Women.g organization Lightfoot and children. Mavis and Meibom Bartlett. Elizabeth Ger and daughter. Nellie, and son, j PLEASING VACATION SPOT two women and one man were In for prohlb|tloll Reform. apeak from William. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks lach- Elizabeth Page, and Sadie DELEGATES BACK FROM Frank; Mr and Mrs. Frank Logan. Jured when the automobile In which a aoun(, car on Maln strep{ Tupg and f8mlly. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hen Laxton. BAPTIST HOUSE WARMING Nothing but enthusiasm for the * Mr. and Mrs. H. H. 8rhaffenburg I1 j | r8 Honeyntan urged w for t h . r.p e.1 of both : a"d Mrs Harry Stewart and son. .Ion: Hattie B Drury. Lillian Black Four members of the Junior Mr am, M r, Roy Taylor Frank “ e was yo,, ed *here S«"day curve al «he foot of Deadhorse , hp „u t e federa, A Morrls, Mr and Mrs. Harry Whit- J. B. Young. Alice L. Thompson. World Wide Guild of the Springfield ee of Everett. W ashington. ' considerable amount of literature n(‘y and daughter. Mary Elizabeth Blanche May. Counting W G Baptist rhurch, and one delegate Mt. ) and Mrs and Mr a "