THUKSDAY. JULY 18. 1 H I TH B 8PRINOPTBLD NEWS PAOB SIX out charge. I. O. O. F. TEAM HOLDS NEW JOKES? THEY'RE You in''1 luvlled hi visit Third, the applicant must file the EUGENE INSTALLATION ANCIENT SAYS FIELDS the Kprlngfleld completed form before September 1, either by leaving it with an ex­ Deputy Grand M aster, Roland Best Humorous Gags of IM S Have aminer or by sending It to the Sec Counterpart« In History M osbisr, and O ther O fflcelals ret ary of State at Salem In either V is it Coburg N ext W eek Says Comedian case, a payment of $1 must accom­ Anti-Repeal Campaign Laun­ pany the application. Roland Mnahlar. district deputy "There Is no such thing as a M ri, Edna Yarnoll Takos Ovor Renewal Now Will Save Time Each of the requirements are pro | ched With Special Meetings grand master of the I O. O. F new Joke. The brightest of 1933» in Lane County Churches and Money Later Says Hoss; vtded by law and no license can be We try to undersell the High Office in Robokahg; lodge for this district which In wisecracks had a counterpart in Deadline is September 1 issued unless all are complied with. world. Many Visitors Httra Eugene laymen supporting the re­ eludes lodges at Eugene, Coburg prehistoric days." It was stated. . W. C. Fields, who tuakej his llv tention of the Eighteenth aiuend- Irving, and Springfield, began hl The realisation that all driver» Before fifty members of Juanita task of Installing newly elected of , Ing by telling Jokes, made that Rebekah lodge and 30 visitors from T D " * * " * wUI h*‘arJ licenses issued before July 1. 1931. P A « i T n B ’«5 W I F F T A I Corner Dry Good« Store PASTOR S WIFE TALKS TO lk)n <)f lhelr argumenta sprfIlg fleers at Eugene Tuesday evening! statement in all sertousuess will be automatically cancelled by Eugene and other cities, Mr Edna law on September 1 has awakened GROVE MISSION SOCIETY field next Tuesday evening, July when he and his Installing leant during a dlscuslon with George Varnell was Installed Monday 18. at a »pedal prohibition rally to from the Springfield lodge Install Burns and Grade Allen, and Col active Interest In many motorists, evening as liew Noble Grand of the Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter, wife of ht>ld chrUtllln ,.hun.h „ ed officers there Stoopnagle and lltidd, two teams NEW MODELS reports Hal E Hoas. Secretary of Springfield lodge. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor of the w„ allIIOUIUl.u „ „ „ tolUy , 1K.lud. Next Tuesday evening the group of radio comics who are featured State. The most common question Springfield Methodist church, ad of w|„ Other officers Installed Included will visit Coburg for the same pur with hint in "International House," asked at his office Is "What must dressed members ef the Foreign y p p r ^ u , , , . . fro,„ th„ t nlVt>r, pose. Mrs. Wanda Barnes and Mrs Stella musical uoaiedy hll, which comes 1 do to get a new license?" Missionary society of the Pottage , U) Oregllll. (hr h,gh M.,UKd g Findley, secretary and treasurer.- Members of (he in lulling team lo the McDonald theatre Sunday Anticipating that this information Grove Methodist church lawyer. « doctor. and others. The are: tiswuld Olson, deputy grand j Also in the cast of the Paramount re pectlvely. both of whom were will be more in demand as the ex­ day afternoon on her experiences ,hrw Spr(n, „ eld churehe8 ar. marshal; Elmer Findley. deputy picture are Peggy llopklns Joyce re-elected. piration date on all old licenses as a mission worker in South Am-, operB,„ „ ln .gonaortag this rally grand treasurer; Ernest Black, de­ Rudy Vallee. Stuart Erwin, Sari Appointive officers Installed In­ , „ rt „ „ H.k draws near. Mr. Hoss has Issued erica Mrs Poindexter spent con whk.h puty grand secretary ; Elmer Pyne. Marttia, Cab Calloway and hla or cluded Mrs. Nellie Pyue, warden; i Mpec(ed ,h„ Rev a brief formula tor obtaining a new- slderable time as a rais.ionary In I „ deputy grand warden; B. Ü. Saukey. chestra. Baby Rose Marie ami the Mrs Bertha Rouse, conductress; I the Latin American countries ' s Btds|el 1Ml8|or Qf , he Vnlte<| Inside guardian; and Lee Putman, Girts In Cellophane type license. Mrs. l.lly Kiser, Chaplain; Mrs Fields was telling hla fellow Leota Hodenbough, musician; Mrs Lutheran church in Eugene, will chaplain. Putntan la III at hts home First, the applicant must obtain HOTPOINT CIVIC CLUB PICNIC preside. Beistel is chairman of the and was not able to attend the comlca that he used to think he Mlniils Girard, right support to the the standard application blank from MONARCH had invented aeveral new gaga, noble grand; Mrs. Mamie Rich POSTPONED TH IS WEEK anti-repeal organisation in Lane ceremonies In Eugene. the Secretary of State or from local county. "hut I've found ao many of them In Annual picnic for members of the mond, left support to the noble examination headquarters, state RANGES old books that I'm beginning to grand; Mrs. Della Tanner, Inside Opening guns in the campaign to WINBERRY GOLD CLAIM Civic Club and their families which police, or sheriff’s office. had been announced for Willamette close with the election July 11, guardian. Mrs. Glenn Stone, out OWNERS TEST SAMPLES ,w*** ,a,th Second, he must fill out the form ; park Tuesday of this week was were fired by the dry side last Sun side guardian; and Mrs. Sarah in full and sign it In the presence i postponed indefinitely because of day In a series of meetings- held In Owners of gold mlulng claims In Johns, past noble grand of a notary public or other person I the death in Denver, Colorado of different parts of the county. WOOD RANGES the Wlnberry district are having Mrs. Stella Ealon. district deputy authorised to administer oaths. All Major Shannon L Van Valxah. ton Rev Dean C. Poindexter, pastor samples of thetr ore run through a ICE BOXES president, presided at th» Install­ state examiners are notaries public I of Mrs. A. B. Van Valxah. charter of the Springfield Methodist test stamp mill free of charge In Allen Crumpton and brother of ing ceremonies and will perform this service with- member of the Civic Club. church, was speaker at a rally of Eugene this week. A special test Bellfountain visited at the A. W Mri. Johns Is the retiring noble Epworth Leagues held at Creewell mill has been set up tu the Heilig Weaver home last Sunday Mountain V w l State« Sunday evening Twenty-five mem­ theatre building lu Eugene and la Harold and Lee Hart, who have grund and Mrs Yarnell was vice- Power W Company bers of the Springfield urgaiilxatlon being operated by H. H Armstrong. been in Alaska for several months gruud during the past year Following the business and In­ attended the meeting and assisted The mill has beeu loaned by Cecil have returned to their home here Springfield, Oregon : with the program. Wooley of Cottage Grove, who The young people's class of the stallation meetings a soclul bout Springfield Methodists will hold a manufactures them. Bible school held a social and busl was held under the direction of the i symposium on the subject at their There are now more thau «iki lies» meeting In the grove at Ray following eouiuilltoe Mrs. Glenn fu m in g services Sunday with »ev­ claims in the Wlnberry district and Baugh’s Tuesday evening A large Stone, Mrs Clailue I'utinau, Mrs matin«« (»<*' »av»lAAtsM itax enti leaders of the church as apeak not one of those who have brought crowd was in attendance. Ice cream Huruh Johns. trs. in samples of the ore have not and cake were served as refresh Aside from the Eugene delega (onii.iuouj >*’ » va m O x Dry leaders are urging the found gold The gold Is free mill­ ments. lion the following visitors attend FRIDAY <& SATURDAY church people into action, fearing ing also, says Armstrong Consider Mr and Mrs. Churlea Kltlluger ed the Installation: Mrs. Maude that the sentiment of uselessness able amounts of alloys. Including and family and Mrs. .Martha Mc­ Florence of Bremerton. Washing will cause many dry supporters to mercury In large enough propor­ Kinney from California are visit­ ton; Mrs. Lulu Lester of Portland; remain away from the polls and tions to use as amalgam for the ing relatives here during Mr. Kit and Mrs. Vara Isom of Halsey. ON THE EARLY OPENING L.xpreeslng their attitude. gold, are found ln the samples run Unger’s vacation of ten days. Mrs. Mrs. Yarnell will have charge of through the mill, he says. McKinney plans to spend the sum the meeting Monday of next week. OF THE BIG SAWMILL Some of the claim samples which ' mer here with relatives, have ben assayed have indicated! Rev and Mrs Stivers drove to COUNCIL PASSES as high as J8.00 per ton of ore,! Salem last Thursday and conduct- Truly it is an occasion to NEW ZONING ACT Dr. W. E. Buchanan, Eugene while the most of them average ed a funeral service. They were Celebrate dentist, has recently purchased a much less, but all In paying quanti unable to attend choir practice that (Continued from First Pagel thirty-one acre farm fron. Walter ties, according to Armstrong evening Perry located a few miles east of prices and make the purchase. Blue River on which he plans to SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Monthly bill» to u tin g 80««« ¡develop a fox farm. HAS PICNIC FOR TEACHER Mr. Perry has acquired on acre , thorlxed. Eugene, Oregon ¡at Leaburg for the purpose of poul­ Mrs. Mary Harden Warren and 966-968 Willamette Street infant daughter have returned from : « ‘‘n'b*r. of the Queen Esther' Finances Improvs try raising. club, Sunday school class ul the Finances of the city have shown The arrival on the McKenxie of the hospital in Eugeue Mr and Mrs Cecil are the par-1 Christian church taught by Miss j considerable Improvement during I Clarence Kolb, noted comedian of J the firm of Kolb and Dill for his ents of a baby girl born last week T'ldlne Gartln. held a picnic In her j the pa t six months It was revealed The Oregon Laguna. a club of hl,nor on M l 11 race herc T ubs - ¡In the audit report Issued as of ; annual fishing trip is drawing In- i ter sted attentliwt of many resi- girls who pick berries for E B day af"'rnoon Miss Gartln moved June 30 by <’. A Horton, auditor. dents. Mr. Kolb for the second Tinker have organized for the sum- to Cottage Grove to make her Of a total sum or 813,107 budget year Is accompanied by the veteran mer for work and play. They have i bom*- ed for city purposes for the year, baseball star “T y Cobb. Bill Hay- fixed up a little cabin where four! only 8«937 «8 hud been expended ward. track coach at the U. O. ac­ girls. Lucetta Baughman. Maxine SEAVEY FAMILY PLANS during the first half of the year companied the two. Mr. Kolb has a Baughman. Nancy Barnum and SUNDAY REUNION EVENT ! leaving a balance of 87289 37 That 1 summer home on the McKenzie a Marie Barnum camp. Monday night ----------- |wr, „( the tax collections for the | mile west of Vida which he built they gave a waffle supper In honor Annual reunion of the Heavey general operating expenses of the on the re-opening of their sawmill. j several years ago. of the 18th birthday of Florence ! f « m I n Ibis county will be held city have not, however, equaled the The W’altervtlle Ladles Aid socl- Jordan. Tuesday night they had a ai the Heavy Hop Island next Sun amount expended at thia lime i ety were invited to drive to Santa iwlmmlng party at Swimmer's D» day according to plans announced Warrant Indebtedness of the city I Clara Wednesday tor red rasp- light. Those In the club are Evelyn this week More than 60 memtiers has been lowered from 8«° odd to ! berries from the garden of Rev. and Phelps. Lucetta Baughmau. Maxine ' 0, th,. Abeene family held their 820.76« 0«. i Mrs. Ralph Clark. Baughman, Nancy Barnum, Marie annual reunion at the Hop Island The city now ha» a total bonded A shower complimenting Mrs. Barnum. Florence Jordan and Bon ia8t Sunday. indebtedness of 8136,660.66. Let's Celebrate Saturday Night I Alex Mathews, a recent bride, was nle Jeanne Tinker. - . - ^arranged by Mrs. Hubert Gray at Mrs. J. A. Phelps of Pleasant Hill . with a . the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert has been elected to teach the sec­ SUN. - MON. - TUES. i Gray with about fifty guests pres- ond grade In the public school at Barbecue Sandwich i ent. The shower was a surprise to Philomath, Oregon. E. E. Kilpat­ made with both Mr. and Mrs. Mathews, who rick former superintendent of the 1 i were guests at the Gray home for Pleasant Hill high school la prln the evening. clpal of schools at Philomath. DRIVERS URGED 10 GET LICENSE LODGE INSTALLS NEW OFFICIALS Dry Speakers to Hold Rally here D rygoocT s H eadquarters HOFFMAN’S G eneral Electric K elvinator R efrigators USED- Thurston W e C ongratulate The MWOKAL» BOOTH-KELLY Com pany In her Arms I Valley McKenzie J. J. Newberry Co. , Upper Willamette Congratulations to the Booth-Kelly Co. Irish-Murphy Co. M cK ee’s B read S P R IN G F IE L D , OREG O N L et’s C eleb rate C elebrate the Mill We well know the important*«* of th«* Booth-Kelly Lumber mill ln thin community ami we appreciate the action of the officers of the company in flu* early Rtart- ing of Gii» big plant at the fii-Kt nign of flu* break In the depreRsion. Employees of the Booth-Kelly com­ pany are numbered among our heal citizen« ami w<* are Hpecially gla«l to see them return to work. O pening Saturday Mahe this Store Headquarters.... — During the Celebration This home-owned store is always glad to boost a home industry. We welcome all our friends and neighbors to Springfield for the celebration Saturday. The White Front Grocery is the coolest store in town. Come here to rest. See us for our special bargains this week-end. This Is the N eighborly S to r e Not content with merely selling the highest quality of Groceries at the lowest possible prices, we go out of our way to be neighborly, to extend helpful little courtesties, to give service that is friendly as well as efficient. You will enjoy trading with the White Front Grocery today and always. White Front Grocery W . A . T a y lo r - Phone 9 Truly the re-opening of I lie mill in an event to be celebrated by everyone In Lam* county. We wlnh every­ one would be In Springfield Saturday afternoon to celebrate this occasion. Let’s drive old man depres­ sion from Lane county for good. Saturdaye» S P E C IA L S WE ARE OFFERING MANY NECESSARY FOOD ARTICLES DURING THIS WEEK-END AT SPECIAL PRICES : T H I M USICAL PANIC OF 1933 Mggar «A m "TI m ■1« Brwadcasl" :M ST A M Inknutioul HOUSE" «MS PiOG V HOPKINS JOYCI •URNS ALLIN CAS CALLOWAY RU DY V A L L II W. C . F IE L D S STUART IR W IN SARI M A R IT IA Cal. STOOPNAGLE G- BUD TMa O l r l . In C.UaglW m a CENTURY OF PROGRESS" A Trip Thru Chicago'« World Fair CARTOON "Reaching for the Moon' M O V IE T O N E W S COLO PACK CANNERS, holds 7 qt. Jar« 4 Qt. Size S1.69 51.89 51.19 4 QT. ARCTIC ICE CREAM FREEZERS 53.95 40 LB. ALL COTTON MATTRESS 54.45 20', DISCOUNT ON ALL LAWN MOWERS. from S4.25 to S P E C IA L A D D E D A T T R A C T IO N ! I f you want the thrill of your life •n d lots of laugh«, see BOBBY JONES PRICED 511.75 SEE THE NEW MAYTAG WASHING MACHINE at 569.50 feechini the hrlgheo Her» «.f Ifidlyw ow l HOW TO BREAK 9 0 " PEET’S GRANULATED SO A P W right & Sons HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT MASON or ECONOMY Jar Caps MEDIUM SIZE 3 FOR 25c 1 DOZ. 21c See the Aro nf hla N E W Viter h«me