THURSDAY, JULY » , IBM ¡'HE SPRINGFIELD NEWS POOLS FORMING FOR WEED KILLER Order» Muat Ba in County Agent a Office Monday or Thursday Each Weak afternoon. Gold bar LOST Huuday pin with pink corni act. Valuad In order to aaalat Ixtua county aa kacpaaka. Rvward. Phone 1I8J property owners In their weed con (Ju 13) trol work. <). H Fletcher, lutne will FOK HA LK —Standard make piano county agricultural agent, again pool orders for aodluni chin uaar Hprlngftald W ill ancrlflca rata and atlaclde at coal Pool» will for unpaid balance. A auap. ba dosed Monday and Thursday of kaay taruia. W rite Tallman each week. Chlorate orders on I'lauo Hture, Salam, tire. Ju 11 Monday should be ready for de livery on Wednesday, while sup Prom Ibis data on I will not ba piles ordered on Thursday should laapoualble for bllla charged bp arrive on Saturday. Prices will Ire Mre. A. T. lkinabo. June 21, 19JJ quoted on request Io Interested A. T. DONAHU Ju 20. parties. TOW N A N O V IC IN IT Y PAPE ftvte Visitor Monday— Arthur Mluney [ of Vida was a visitor In Springfield o n Monday. Reports of the state convention Visits Brother— Frank Dibble« of Bverott, Washington Is here visit­ of the O A. R and affiliated or Week-end Trip— Mr and Mrs. K Visiting Statar— Mra A. C. Chase D' Htuar, and family spent the of M yrtle Creek Is visiting w ith h«r ing with his brother. H O. Dlbblee. ganlxatlons held at Salem last month were given by delegates at week «lid at llelkliup Springs sister Mrs F red Ixmk. this week Portland Man Hare — A rth u r the semi monthly meeting of Iuka I Fields and bis son. Phillip, of Port circle last Thursday avanlng. Visits Friday— Mrs. Fred llllls of Thurston M an Hsrs— Dan Baugh Hills Creek district was a visitor of Thurston was a bu liu-ss visitor land were visitors in Springfield | A steal etching ol Abraham Llo- during the past week-end coln, which was won by the local In Springfield Friday. In Springfield Friday. circle for showing the largest gain Board Holds Meeting— Monthly Oaerhorn Resident Hera — Mrs Belknap Man Haro— Frank W in­ meeting of the Sunday school hoard In membership daring the year, Rennie Komer of Deerhorn wms a frey of Belknap was s visitor In i of the Methodist church was held was presented to the circle during business visitor In Hpriugricld Frl Springfield T u -'d s y . the ever Ing. | at the church Tuesday evening. day. ............ *■’ W ln berry P e e p ,. H a r ^ M r . and From California— Mark Young la Anderson and H C Conn, all of „ r a Harold B .rn .y and of visiting relatives In Springfield i n ' k M - T " th” Hpr,n« W n ' - r r y were vis.,or. In Spring this week. Ills home Is at Dixon field hotel Monday evening. .field Tuesday, California. Visiting Parents— Mrs Kenneth Has Polson Oak — Mias Doris Picnic on Friday— Mr and Mrs Giles of Medford is visiting here M II. Iluntly. W illiam Pollers and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C 1 Gerber la confined to her home thia week with a severe attack of poison Mrs. Morris Morton enjoyed a pic­ W. ilanaen east of Springfield. oak Infection. nic outing above Oakridge Friday Visit at Creswell— E A. Terman At Mountain Cabitv Mr. and Mrs Rsturns from Bend— Miss June and his mother. Mr«. Esther Ter Clover returned Hnturday from man. spent Sunday visiting with ' John Van Iximan of Eugene spent the week-end at the W. H. Adrian Bend Where she has boon visiting friends at Creswell. cabin on Horse Creek. at Ihe home of friends. Sodium chlorate comes In 100- pound drums only, while atlaclde may I n * obtained In either loo Notice la hereby given that W. pound or 60 pound drums. Orders W Calklna. Kaecutor of the W ill of for less than one drum cannot he Down from Blue River — Mrs. Picnic on W illa m e tta — M r and Frank U McDowell, deceased, has Oakridge Man Here -L. C. Max Ham Scott and son. Wilbur, of Blue accepted by the county agent. Par Mrs. C. F. Barber and M r and Mrs filed his final account In the mat­ well, lineman for (he Southern Pa Klver were business visitors in W. N. Gossler and their children ter of the Batate of Frank U. Me ties desiring less should arrange clflc railroad was a visitor In Springfield Monday. Dowell, deceased. |D the County to form or with a neighbor held a picnic outing on the W il­ Bprlogfleld Monday. Court of U n s County. Oregon, and Testa Prows Successful Take Fishing T rip — Lem Enter lamette Sunday. that Hnturday, the llth day of Aug To Cottage Grove— Mian Uldlne son. Charles Pumphrey. and Ed use. ISIS, at ten o'clock In the fore­ That these weed killers are sffec To Eastern Oregon — Mrs. Paul noon of the said day. In the County live has been shown during s ser­ Oarlln has gone to Cottage Grove Rogers spent the f lr - l half of the Court rooms In the County Court where she will make her home week on a fishing trip on the upper Brattala. Lamar Brattaln. and Ray ies of demons,rations slid field House of U n i County, State of Rasmussen left early Tuesday McKenxie. Oregon, has been fixed as the time (rials conducted In Lane county with the Hamenway family. morning for the Brattaln ranch and placa by the said Court for the during the past five yesrs. In these Visitors Tuesday— Mlsa Marcella Visits Brother — Mlt-s Carrie near Paisley. Oregon In the Lake- hearing of objections to the said It was round that chlorates are gen­ Klcharda and her mother from Flanery la here this week visiting view country. final account, and for rinal settle­ ment of the said estate Any and erally effective In controlling Can Portland came down Tuesday for a with her brother and sister-in-law Leave on Vacation— Mr and Mrs. all objections to the aald account ada thistles, wild morning glory, short visit with Mr. and Mrs F. B. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Flanery. Her G. H. Turner left Sunday on a ten- and the final settlement of the aald blackberry plants, poison oak. wild Flanery. home Is at Corvallis. estate must be riled with the Clerk rose bushes, and other plants Both day vacation motor trip to the of the said Court on or before the southern Oregon coast district. sodium chlorate and the calcium Tonsils Taken Out— Fred Jen«-n Visit at Grove— Mr and Mrs J date of aald hearing chlorate weed killer known as alia- of the Htuslaw district in western M. Larson and family »pent Hun Mrs. C. H. Myers Is managing their W. W. CA LK IN S, Executor of clde were aaed Four pounds of lain« county was in Springfield F ri­ day at Cottage Grove where they novelty store during their absence. the Kstate of Frank H Mc­ atlaclde per square roil were re­ day to have bis tonsils removed at visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ham Dowell. deceased. Appointed Administrator — .Mrs. Date of First Publication July 13. quired to give as good kills a three the office of a local physician. Miller. Stella A. McPherson has been ap IMI. pounds of sodium chlorate. Bank Man Hare— Mr and Mrs. (Ju 13-30-27 — A 3 101 Dakota People Here — M r and pointed administrator of the estate Rest kills of all kinds of plants Lloyd H. Kelly spent the week-end Mrs. D. M. Henry and Mr and of Seth M McPherson Roy Brab­ were obtained where there was a In Springfield looking after affairs Mrs. F. V. Henry of Napoleon, ham. John lxirah. and W. R. Rob­ N O T IC I FOR P U B L IC A T IO N heavy growth and where spraying lu connection with the liquidation North Dakota are visiting here at bins have been named apprals -rs. Departm ent of the In te rio r. Oen No application of the First National bank. Mr the H. W. Gordon home near thia eral Land Offloa at Roseburg. outfits were used To Visit Mother— Kenneth De- of chlorates was 100 percent offer Kelly Is receiver for hank« In both city. Oregon, July Sth, 1933. Laa«us. son of Mrs. Riley 8nodgraxs tlve the flret year, some follow up Silverton and Springfield NOTICE la hereby given that Daughter Born— Mr and Mra. A. la expected to arrive in Springfield Nets F. Gaarden, of Vida. Oregon, work being required the second Convalescing— Mrs. B. O. Smith, H. Bar “I of Route 1. Springfield are Sunday from San Fraacleco to who. on July 19th, 1932, made year. There have been many fall Homestead entry Serial No. 020311. ures for which no cause is appar nelce of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Myers, the parents of a baby daughter «pend a two weeks vacation visit­ for H W It N E U . HEU N W U . N EU ent. who baa been III at their home for born to them at the Pacific hospi ing with friend« and relatives. He » W U and N W U HEU- Section 8. There were a number of fires Ihe past three weeks. Is now much tai in Eugene on .Monday. July 10. ha been employed |n Han Fran­ Township 17 8.. Kangs 4 E„ WII- cisco for the pant three years. labiette Meridian, has filed notice where sodium chlorate was used, Improved und has gone to Eugene 1933. N O T IC I OF F IN A L I I T T L I M I N T of Intention to make final three year Proof. Io eetabllah claim to the land above described, before E O. Immel, U 8 Commissioner, at Eugene, Oregon, on the 16th day of August, 1933. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank W alker, and Italph Green, of Vida, Oregon; J. O. McKinney, of Blue Hirer, Oregon and Prince llelfrlsh. of Vida. Oregon. showing the Importance of using to visit friends during her further convalescing. precautions to prevent fires Many to Cultivate for Weeds Hecuus« of the scarcity of cash and the low coat of labor, most farmers will prefer to kill weeds by cultivation rather than with chlo­ rates, aaya Mr. Fletcher. A group of recommendations on HAM ILL. A. t'A N A D A Y. Register. the use of the weed killer sprays (Ju «-13 20-27— A 3) has been prepared by Mr. Fletcher and are available at this office In the Producer« Public Market build Ing In Eugene. Business Directory Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN N O T IC C T O C R E D IT O R S Naturopathic Physician NO TIC E IH H ER EB Y O IV E N : That Effa P Spence has been ap pointed executrix of the l-a«t W ill and Testament of Harry Y Hpenca. deceased, by the Conoty Court of Lance County. Oregon. All person« having claims against «aid estate are required to present them, with the proper vouchers, within six month« from the 22nd day of June. 1933. to the said executrix at the law office of L. L. Ray In the Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon. EFFA P. SPENCE. Executrix of the I^ast W ill and Testament of Harry Y. Spence, deceased. L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. (J 22-2»—Ju 8-13-20) Phone 81 J Off Ico Hours: 1 to 6 P. M. 40« Fourth Street Edw. G. Privat JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon General Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorney et-Law CUy Hall BalMIng Springfield, Orneen Reliance Life Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh, Pa. Represented By E. H. TURNER 34« A Bt. Springfield, Ora. POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Formerly Walker-Poole EUGENE— llt h BPK1NUF1BLD and Cbaroslton, 332 Main Talepnona 723 Phoaa 82-J NO TICE OF BALE OF REAL PRO PERTY BY A D M IN ISTR A TO R NO TIC E 18 H ER EB Y O IVEN , That by virtue of an order of the County Court of Lane County. Ore- gon, duly made and entered of re­ cord on the 10th day of June. 1833, In the matter of the estate of Ed ward C. Morgan, deceased, the un­ dersigned administrator of said estate will on and after the 16th day of July. 1933 offer for sale and ■•II at private sale to the highest bidder for cash, or one-half caah and one-halt credit, subject to con­ firmation of the Court, the real pro P«rty of aald estate described In said order or any parcel thereof; Lot Thirty Eight In Medowa' Addition to Lowell In l^ n e Coun­ ty. Oregon, subject to unpaid taxea and to a water right to Martha E. Stelra Lots Ona. Two, Three. Four. Five and Twelve In Medowa' Ad­ dition to Lowell in l-anp County. Oregon, subject to unpaid taxes and a mortgage of »600.00 to the State Ixtnd Board. Said sale will lake place at the law office of L. L. Ray In the Miner Building, Eugene. Lane County. Oregon. H E R B E R T E. W A LK ER , Ad- mlnlatrator of the estate of Ed­ ward C. Morgan, deceased (J 16-22-29— Ju I -18) Named Inspector— Merton Fere- bee. Eugene photographer, and member of the Springfield Llona clnb quartet, was choaen Inspector for the Artisan lodge of Eugene at their meeting held at the W. O. W hall last week. Here from New York— Ruth 8cott Burna of New York city Is In PASS OPENING COSTS Springfield visiting with her EXCEED OTHER YEARS mother. Molly Scott. She la e t n It cost th- state of Oregon »2200 ployed on the staff of the Musical Digest publication in New York. to open the McKenxie pas« this year according to figure« compiled Have Birthdays— Mr«. C. F. Eggi- by the highway department offi­ niann entertained with a dinner at cials at Bend. They expended the her home Monday honoring the «urn of »44$ for dynamite alone. blrthdayi of Mr. Kggimann and I-ast year, when there wa« much Mrs. Wanda Barnes Mrs. Barnes’ i less snow, the pa« was opened for birthday was Tuesday, while M r i »1185. Kggimann observed his on Monday. | To Eastern Oregon Ted Len­ hart. Oliver Heltta and Merle Pen aelln drove to Summer I-ake In eastern Oregon last week Lenhart i I and Bettis returned Friday, but | Visits Parents — Mr. and Mrs. will go back again this week where Kenneth Girard arrived In Spring- they will li« employed In the hay- field Sunday from Olympia. Wash­ fields. ington for a viait at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Olr Visiting Brother— Mis« Mildred ard. Bartholomew, director of religious education at the State college at I Picnic Friday — Mr. and Mra. Lorvailla, Is spending a short vaca­ John Hammlt and daughter. V lr tion here at the home of her gtnla. of Mohawk, Mr. and Mrs. H. brother and alster-lu law. Mr. and W. Myer« of Hayden Bridge. Miss Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew. She plana Violet Inman, and Mabel Siemsen to spend part of her vacation on enjoyed a picnic at Myera park Frl an outing on the McKenile. day. Tired Eyes Waste Energy Nothing wastes energy more than straining your eyes. Com­ mon causes of eye strain are uearalghted-neaa, farsightedness, astigmatism, and double vision. All of these can be effectively and quickly remedied by the use of proper glasses. If your eyea are causing you discomfort you owe It to your­ self to have them examined. Thia will coat you nothing at DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 West Bth Bugsna (J 16-12-19—Ju 8 -IS) At least five Hprlngflald people have their hlrthdaya on July 11. and observed their anniversaries Tuesday of this »e»4 Those born i-n this date include Mrs. A. B Van Valsah. Mra. Lydia Clark, both Mr and Mrs. Harold Williams, and Mr«. Lida McGowan. Few of the ladles would admit the number of the anniversary which they were observing. KODAK FINISHING Leave your films here for developing. We give you the best work and fast sendee We also carry a full line of new, fresh films. “The Store of Many Bargains’* SCOTT’S DRUG STORE LOYAL E. SCOTT. Prop. Don’t W oiry About Dessert you can always get ice cream the most popular des­ sert. Ask any hotel steward what dessert is most fre­ quently served in their dining rooms. It’s Ice cream 100 per cent of the time. You take no chances if you order Made O’Cream ice cream. Made of the purest ingredients in a modern equipped plant, our ice cream is most delicious. Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for Maid O’ Cream Butter Springfield Creamery Co. Congratulations to tho Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. The Golden R ule 1015 W ILLAMETTE EUGENE Sale Starting Friday BOY’S WASH SUITS ENDEAVOR DELEGATION AT MARCOLA MEETING Fourteen members of the Spring field Christian Endeavor society led by W illiam ('ox. president, went to Marcóla Sunday to attend a sec tional rally. Following a discussion of mutual problems a picnic supper was enjoyed. Later In the evening a devotional and business saastan was held. 59c 2 for S1.OO Sizes 2 to 6 Fast Color Long and Short Pants Styles Penney’s Are Celebrating, Too and Saying It With Let’s Get Together E x tr a V a lu e s WORK SHIRTS ........................................ ATHLETIC UNIONS 2 <>c MEN’S OXHIDE OVERALLS 5g c To paraphrase the ancient, but pungently truthful, wise-crack: CANVAS GLOVES ._. TgOc IOC yc BIG PAY SOCKS WOMEN S COTTON HOSE DRESS PRINTS gc TURKISH TOWELS COTTON SWIMMING SUITS L C. P E N N E Y L.’ 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon SUMMONS In The Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County. Thelma Holme, P laintiff va. 8. R. Sterne, Defendant To 8. R. Selme, Defendant- IN T H E NA M E OF T H E S T A T E OF OREGON you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above en­ titled suit within four weeks from the date of the first publication of thia summons and If you fall to so answer the plaintiff will apply to the court for a decree dissolving, the bonds of matrimony now exist Ing between plaintiff and defend­ ant above named and granting unto the plaintiff a decree of absolute divorce from the defendant: This summons Is published once each week for four consecutive: weeks In Hie Springfield News by order of Fred Fisk Judge of tho County Court of Lane County, Ore­ gon, made In the absence of O. F. Sklpworth judge of the Circuit! Court, on June 18, 1933 directing that It be Dated and first published June 16th. 1933. W H IT T E N SW AFFO RD , At- j totrney for Plaintiff, Residence and P. O. Address; Eugene, Oregon. I IUKA HEARS REPORTS JULY 11 BRINCS MANY OF STATE CONVENTION LOCAL FOLKS BIRTHDAYS IH E FOOD VOTE 317 If You D on’t R ead The News We Both Lose! That's literally so, because THE NEWS is published for your benefit. Your welfare as a citizen, as a taxpayer: your likes and dislikes in printed information and entertainment are kept in mind when THE NEWS is in the making. Therefore, you are important to The News and The News should be equally important to you. The News offers, in return for your annual payment of $1.50. a complete, week-by-week chronicle of Important events, social affairs, sports, inter­ esting personals, news of Industry, commerce and agriculture; enter­ taining features and an array of advertising that makes countless offers of advantage to you. LET’S GET TOGETHER! ON JULY 21 PRO TECT YOUR POCKETBOOK A N I I FOOD TAX LEAGUE TH E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S