The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 13, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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the can* horna for you,"
Maitland helped her out of tha
ear and want with bar around tha
Fabllibed Bvary T h im d t j at
back of the houae. At the foot uf
Ml>rln<n«ld. Lano Onuaty, Oroouu. by
the back stairs, Maitland drew her
In him, turned her face up and
The touch of his cold fingers on kissed her. but this tllue very gent
U. K. M AXEY. Editor
her flesh sent a shock of flaming ty "(loodulght. darling."
Baierai aa aecoad elsa. mattar. February l i . 1SUJ, at tb* poalorrtca.
rage and humiliation through Joyce
Joyce hurried up the atalra.
Springfield. Oragou
She «truck violently at him and
through the hall and Into the big
pulled hl« hand away with desper­
bedroom which she locked with a
ate strength.
Ona Tear la Ad ra u c a
11 .6#
Six M o a tb a
....................... t l( M
sigh of profound relief. It seemed
Two Years In Advance — t l 60
Three Month« .................
Jane to the movies."
head throbbed and she fell Inex­
If you
at all about to her aa If she had left Ita cool
Joyce returned to the house full pressibly weary nnd revolted. Ftn- ma.*' she cried, her voice quivering privacy years before.
of thought« of Sam. plugglug away ally, watching her chance, she slip In spite of her efforts to control
The nolae and niuslr downstairs
Joyce Aahtou, poor atviiographer, by him«elf out there alone, and pe<l out of the room Just as a lively it, "you'd kuow I'm , . . that I which came up In a muffled con­
in a skidding taxicab accident In
aha forgot for a moment the pro­ dance melody came In over the haven’t felt well since the accident fusion of suunds continued for
‘ Chicago, autered loan of memory.
want, not Just I about five minutes longer and then
radio and aeveral couples leaped You'd du whal
Once more the saws are httinining at the Booth-KeUy Two years later «he woke one blem« of her own situation
Ju»l aa «be entered the living- up and began to revolve rather un what you want,
morning after a fall from her hor»e
Please lake me with a succession of sharp hangs of
mill. Like the old adage "we never miss the water until the to
find herself, under the name df room a group of people came In steadily.
the front screen door closing she
home right away
, now. , ."
well runs dry" we never miss a sawmill so much as when it Frill». married to Nell Packard, with a burst of talking and laugh Joyce escaped nut uf the frontj
heard her gueels depart
Hhe Ila
has been down for a year or more. Those who work at the letters In her desk she learned Ing and took pes»ea«luu of the dour to the quiet uf the fragran t! 'H ell!'* he exclaimed tinder his lened to the cars drive off one after
starlight. A . she stumbled on the br- a,h- '' i<m’‘ «•«
FrtUa the other and then there waa abso­
mill and everyone else In the community as well welcome something about her life In the two- house.
Well, all right, you're the boas
year interval, and realised that she
"You're my hutay. I'm your totay dark step she was suddenly caught
lute quiet
the resumption of operation.
had been a heartleas. reckless everything la hotay-lutay now-w-w!"
He released her, switched on tha
tn a strong embrace.
The next morning a brilliant Idea
young woman and that she la seri­
A sawmill or running factory represents action, pro­ ously
''Sweetheart, I hat! tn come headlights and In a few momenta
involved In an affair with a sang a tall man with a bald head
occurred to Joyce Why should aha
gress and industrial accomplishment. Springfield is glad man named Maitland She decided and Jovial pink face
again to tee how you were." whis­
not pack a «ultras« and run oft
turned toward home,
at all costa she would end It.
Joyce waa aelted In a rough em pered Maitland softly.
to join the many other communities of the northwest who that
nlone to Han Francisco for a week?
but she found Maitland hard to brace by tbla hearty gentleman and
(in the way back Joyce silently Hhe rollld stay at the V. W C A ,
Joyce, overcome by her great
in the last few weeks have seen their lumber mills reopen. manage Her troubles were further
happened where she would be unlikely tu
complicated when she read a letter klsaed aeveral times before she weariness and disgust i t the scene pondered whal
The West Coast Lumbermen's association says.
referring to a baby— was It hers? could get away-
she had left, could not summon W kta they turned In at the Pack­ meet any uf the Mauaanlta crowd,
— that the writer. Sophie, thought
Behlnd a veil of smoke. Frill«
house they could hear the and there under an assumed name,
“Production increased about 10.000,000 feet during Prills ought to have with her. Much examined the separate members of enough strength to struggle She ard
sounds of the party still In full
she could learu to run an automo­
the week, making a twenty million increase in cutting in 14 to the surprise of Sam. In her hut- the company. She wa» more re­ felt tired and terribly alone All awing,
she was conscious of at the mom
band's employ, she asked for a dog
bile and to ride horseback.
days. This reflects an added employment during the two and
lieved than otherwise that the free- ent was that Maltland'a cheek
got her one.
Hhe found about aevanty-flva dol­
Maitland stopped the machine
weeks of at least 6.000 men in logging camps and sawmills. Now he
(jo on w ith the story—
and-easy manners of Frills’ set de against hers waa root and sober,
s e e
and said. "W ant me to come In lars In bills and silver In the desk
On July 1, a total of 141 mills reported as operating to the
manded ao little effort. Apparently that bla breath held no reek liquor
with you. sweet?'*
and In a handbag on the dressing
association compared with 119 on June 3. 109 May 6, 98
Before Joyce addressed and nothing very definite waa expected
on It.
W ith courage newly-aug­
April 1 and 96 on March 1.
“ *TdoB*t want to see them at all.'* table
stamped the brown envelope. It oc­ of a host«««; everyone talked volu­
He did not try to take advantage she Instated, "why can't I go In by mented by the excitement of her
curred to ber that she might write bly and seemed entirely at home
"Orders received broke all records for this year, last
plan, ahe derided to rash a check
few words to put In with It. Then, Both Ethel and Clarice were pres­ of her yielding mood He simply the kitchen?"
year- and with the exception of one week and by one million a having
come to thia conclusion, she ent, now In dinner dresses and ear­ held her quietly, and Joyce, whoae
"All right." agreed
feet the record of 1931. The week of April 11, 1931, alone found herself dismayingly unable
head had been spinning from the
in that year was greater and that by one million feet. Lum­ to decide what to say. W hat sort
heal and the noise, leaned against
ber sold but not delivered—unfilled orders—are now 48.5 of letter would Frills write to Nell? There were two other women, him with her eyas shut and mur­
per cent of the lumber in stock, the largest ratio since in the I don't see how she'd have the who turned out Io be Teas Farns­ mured:
worth and Kate Belmaln. Teas was
summer of 1929. The position of the industry is strong.”
Ob. I can't stand them, they're
face to write to him at all. when about thirty year* old. a non-dea-
all she cared about h it absence crlpt brunette with a strained look all drunk . . . I want some air . . ."
was the chance It gave her to go back of her small brown eyea. Kate
"Oat In my car and we'll take a
The best place In Springfield to cool off on hot
off with Maitland and his crowd
Belmaln waa the oldest woman In run," said Maitland promptly. Ha
tluys is ut Egglituitui'» fountain. You have here a wide
thought disgustedly, “but lust the party. Her white hair, bobbed led her to his machine which was
Nine measures for approval or disapproval of the voters she
the same, since Joyce Ashton Isn’t and marcelled with such careful only a few steps off. "Here, put thia
»election of »oft drink» and Ice cream. Served to you
will be presented on the ballot at the special election July going off with Maitland. I think skill that It quite rated the dignity one. you'll be cold If you don't."
21. Besides this there will also be the selection of six dele­ she might send a few words." She of being called a coiffure, made a He held up a light overcoat and
on your choice of a multitude of way» just like you
moat becoming soft frame for her Joyce In a date slid her arms Into
gates to the state convention for the ratification or the re­ ended by writing:
like them.
It and dropped bark Into the low
jection of the amendment repealing the eighteenth prohibi- But 11 ■**">» <° have knocked some still excellent complexion.
tion amendment.
ivory dome just by falling on it!
Refreahlng, healthful. »atlHfylug drink» drive away
The four men were commonplace seat without stopping to consider
, But it sems to have knocked some enough. Charlie Bales was a bach exactly what she was doing.
heat und worry.
Seven of these measures were referred by the legisla- of the pep out of little Frills, and elor. cheerful, unintelligent, dissi­ In another moment they were
ture, one is proposed by initiative petition and one is a refer- she's annoying the gang bv cut pated. addicted to the use of strong rolling down the drive and out Into
endum by petition.
(Ing out some of the ]axx. Laurlne perfume Ed Rawlsy. the "faithful the road
Suddenly «he relaxed her tenaa
inuaclea and lay limp In hl« arm«.
The re-ult of thia, Inalead of eoo»
Ing his ardor, seemed to fire him
with new energy.
The Place to Cool Off
The first measure is on the proposed amendment to the
constitution of the United States repealing the eighteenth
amendment. It is necessary to vote this measure even after
you have selected your six delegates which are pledged to
vote for or against it in convention.
The next measure is to repeal the soldiers bonus
amendment after 1938.
The third measure referred by the legislature is on the
county manager form of government.
The fourth measure is to amend the state constitution
so that the legislature can change the grand jury system
providing for prosecution by information of the district at­
Fifth conies the debt and taxation limitations for cities
and school districts, requiring twothirds vote to authorize
The sixth measure is the state power fund bonds ask­
ing for $103,779.45.
The 2 per cent sales tax is the seventh measure for de­
cision, and is referred to by the ballot title “to replace per­
sonal property taxes and reduce real property taxes.”
The measure submitted by the people is for repeal of
the prohibition amendment of the state constitution.
The last measure is the re-occuring Oleomargarine bill.
this time it is a vote on the bill passed by the legislature
taxing oleomargarine.
we are not editorially advising people on how to vote
on any of these measures. They have nearly all been before
the voters in one form or another for many years. Nearly
everyone we suppose has his or her mind made up on repeal
of prohibition. Most people know whether they want a
sales tax or not. If they are property owners they know
whether they want other people to vote bonds on their pro-
perty except by two-thirds majority. Voters are probably as
good guessers as we are if they will ever get any benefit
out of the proposed $103,779.45 power bonds which are
designated to provide salary and expenses for some inter-
t people.
The remaining measure we can not see are Of suffici-
ent import to contribute a great deal to the welfare o f th e
---------------- ------------------
It seems to be definitely on the cards that our reorgani-
zed industries will operate on a shorter working schedule
than has Prevailed in the past. Workers are to have a higher
average wage and a shorter average working week.
In other words, everybody is to have more time for play.
It seems to us a rather important question: What will
we do with this added leisure?
Beyond doubt, there will be a big boom in commercial­
ized entertainment, all the way from the so-called “sports”
of professional baseball, boxing matches and the like, to
super-super-super-talkies and theatrical entertainments
of all kinds. For there will always be a large percentage of
people who have never learned how to get any real benefit
out of their spare time, largely because they never had any
spare time and partly because they are too lazy or too stupid
to take part in any sort of sports or games themselves.
But we think there are signs that more and more peo­
ple are Interested in what may be called the old-fashioned
ways of having a good time in their leisure hours. Roller
skating has come back strong. So has bicycling: bicycle
makers say they are doing a record business. And that is
not because people haven’t got cars; It is because a new
generation of young people have discovered, what their
grandparents knew- that there is more real enjoyment and
health in a day of cycling in the country than there is in a
day’s motoring.
In almost every community there are better facilities
for community sports and entertainment than there were
only a few years ago. With more people having leisure In
which to take part in them, we ought to develop new forms
of community activity in which everybody can have a good
If you are satisfied with the rise in the price of bread
the sales tax passage should please you. Bread went up on
the consumer because a processing tax was placed on the
----------- >-----------
And we hope, too, that some of the new leisure will be
spent by at least a few in the cultivation of the Intellect.
Most of us could do with a good deal more of that.
was rere this morning with a lot
of good advice. Ethel and Clarice
this afternoon, and while I was out.
Paul and Dot came, and Tess Farns­
worth. Don't know why I've never
wanted a dog before nor Just why
I want one now. bnt I've acquired
a darling." she wrote hastily. “Sam
got him for me from the Marches
on the Dry Creek Canyon road.
They're going to China and can't
take Dickie. He Is quite adorable,
and when did I ever care what any
one thinks? Frills."
Joyce was a little doubtful, when
she finished, about whether she had
not written more than was wise
She sealed up the letter, however,
and then went downstairs to look
for Sam to post it.
Sam listened with casual polite­
ness to her explanation of her ap­
Ed" of Clarice's sarcastic comment,
looked unhappy In this gathering.
Rosa Emery who had greeted Frills
xo vociferously on her entrance,
proceeded to be the life and death
of the party The fourth man. stroll­
ing restlessly about the room try­
ing to draw somebody Into a game
of poker waa Art Belmaln.
Maitland drove In silence, a tact
ful alienee so welcome to Joyce In
her lassitude that all ber fear and
abhorrence of him melted Into |
Finally, when they had driven
about ten minutes. Maitland asked
softly, “Feel better, dear?"
"Vos." said Joyce.
“Say, folks. I'm going to buy you
He took his hand from the wheel
all a drink." exclaimed Ed. Jumping and felt for hers When he had It
up, "who’s with me? Frills is so In his warm clasp, ahe let It stay
holier-than-thou tonight It scares there, atilt too apathetic to care
me. I know something that'll put
"W ho was there tonight ?'' he ask-
a little original sin Into her!"
ed after a bit.
"I'll come along and help you.
"Oh. Clarice and Ethel and Hoas
Ed." offered Art. Then a diversion and . . Ed . . . and Kate and Art
occurred In the form of the arrival and . . Charlie. . . and Test and
of two more men. One of them was Trace
. and . . and Doc." replied
Dr. Ellison, and the other a man Joyce drowsily, almost too tired to
of about the same age who was finish the long list.
hailed as "T race" Tracy Farns­
"Same old crew, all talking at
worth was tanned like the rest. once, after they get a few drinks
"I had a telegram from M r Pack Everything about him was neat, under their belts Oet damn' sick
ard asking me to mall him some well-creased, and immaculate, and of their drivel, don't you. Frills?"
peapers he left behind by mistake, like his personality, insipid.
Suddenly the car swung abruptly
and I wondered If you could get
W ith the arrival of the cocktails to the left, drove tn through the
them to the post office for me? the party took on a shriller air.
thick darkness of a narrow, tree-
"Say. doc, did you w rite a pres­ shadowed road, then came out to
1 m sorr> to d,8turb
bnt 1 thlnk the paPers are import cription for Frills after she did her an open space and stopped quietly.
ant an<1 ought to leave right off. leap for life the other day?" de­
Maitland took his hand from
Would you mind?"
manded Clarice.
hers and putting his arm around
"Sure not!" replied Sam taking
**I did not,*’ retorted the doctor, her shoulders bent over her.
the envelope,
hop into the bus "what does she need It for. with
her suddenly
and take It down."
Nell's supply still holding good?"
closer to him and began kissing
"Are Roxie and Marcia out?”
"And Malt's." added Kate with her. with the name Intensity of that
"Yeah, gone to the movie« with her loud laugh, "where’s your sweet first embrace in the living-room
their ateadies,” Sam grinned good patootle tonight, dearie?"
j His kisses were on her neck, her
Joyce, thus directly addressed, eyes, over her whole face.
"Oh, of course." she murmured, answered coldly. "How should I could feel his heart hammering vlo- ,
»miiing back at him and then add- know?"
i lently. and his breath coming short .
ed curiously, "W hat were you doing
A second round of drinks follow and hurried
She was frightened 1
Sam, when I interrupted you?"
ed close on the first. The whole and repelled. 8he must keep her '
Oh, digging at the same old | evening took on a confuted, kaleld head and _ _ get ___
him to take her bark
s,ufi' reP,,ed Sam. a« if «he knew oncoplc quality that gave Joyce the to the house a« quickly an possible,
4,80 what tba' meant- He ran hl»! feeling of being In a noisy, unreal Perhaps her very resistance wx-
.b’g brown hand through hl« hair ¡nightmare She did not like the what inflamed him so; perhap« her
Sometimes I think It'« the bunk, spectacle of these uncultured men safety lay In letting him kiss her.
setting educated by absent tre a t-, and women drunkenly In pursuit | She wa« ho tired and It waa so
">««. But I »'pose I might's well of a "good time."
I utterly futile to struggle against
"Where tba Bervlce la Dlffereel*
It*» only SECONDS to
-* ? r *» *< » » » *« ««>•
Would they ever go home?
anti all
T he P acific T elephone
T elegraph C ompany
Bualneaa Office: 126 - 4th Hirvet
Telephone 72
Her his superior strength
W ill save you from
1« it no longer necetiary Io bo a tiavc to your cook Hoy«.
The modern electric range will cook ike mooli while you
«pend the afternoon away from homo. H ow wonderful R
will be to have no pot« and pans to acour, no wood to
carry in, no aahat to remove and clean up afterl Conaider*
able living ia made in food thrinkagc, alto aeveral houra
of your time in the kitchen, for Iota than 3 coats
extra for cooking fuel.