f H » BPM N O n«LD WBW> f The Crowning of New Heavyweight Champion W A S H IN G T O N PAO» T H R U LUMBER H E T REPORTED STRONG Production Went Up 9 Per Cent Laat Week to Meet De mands; Inventories Leee Wa»hlngtort. July 1.1 Two new word« are coming Inin use »a a rm ull uf ih« naw law« now In ef fad Th-y ara NIRA und FRA. Ho far lhay have barn prlnlml only Io capital latlara, but sooner or lalar lhay seata bound to baroma ' regularly recognised word» that | will not need capitalisation. SUMMER EDITORIAL MEET TAKES LOCAL _ CHERRIES _ _________ county clerk to tha following: INCLUDES TRIP TO COAST TO MARKETS IN BEND ,on All,°' <’«“ »■• «rove and — - I- Editors from all parts of Oregon i will gather at Corvallis tonight for I the opening sessions nt Ihelr an I nual summer convention. Bunina«» seasions will be held morning and afternoon Friday, with a motor (rip to Waldport and Newport scheduled i (or Huturday. Heattle, Wash., July 13— A total of 254 down and operating mills which reported to the West Coast Lumbermen's association for the week ending July I produced 114c 166 159 board feet of lumber. This was an Increase of 10.245.926 feet or 9.9 per cent over tbelr cut of the preceding week. The average week's production of thia group of suwmllla In 1933 has been «li.xpe.663 feet; during the same period in IPS2, their weekly average was «4,- «09,222 feet. The new business reported laat week by 1X2 mills 1» 13I.P4P.663 board feet agalnat a production of 1OO,P47,2«4 feet und shipments of i 10«,419.0X3 feel. Their shipments ' were over tbelr production by 6.42 ■ per cent and tbelr current aalea J were over production by 38.71 per cent The orders booked la I week by thia group of Identical mills Naw Doris | ------------------- | Ocklay, Portland; Robert Dunning, Marlon L. Coyner returned late Eugene, and Anne Jlcke. Junction Sunday from Bend where he took (Tty; Murray Beebe. Coburg and an automobile load of early cher­ Ethel Bass, Coburg. ries. anil where he visited with his family during the week-end Ha as­ pect» to make another trip across the paes this week-end. Cherries find a ready market on the other Ide of the mountains where they are not grown. Whatî¡Price Glane« Market Moved— The Clark meat market was discontinued here this week and the equipment Is being Marriage Llceneee moved to the location of a new market on Franklin boulevard In During tn- paat week marriage Eugene. license» have been granted by the NIKA la conipoaad of lha Inllltlala of National Indualrlal Recovery A d und FRA aland» for Farm It» llaf Art. The practice of coining word» out of Initial» la naw to Wa«lilngton. although It ha* bean lha cuatom In Kuropa for many yaara. Kvary Kngllahuian know» what la maant by "Dora." It la thn Defense or tha Kaalm Act. paaaad For the Arat time la the history of tba world ’• heavyweight champloashin early In the war and atlll In affacl the Iittala bald by aa Italiaa. Hera is sbowa a rloas-up of the new champion, It la "Horn" for example, which Primo Camera . and the »rene in the ring when tha 100 pound Camera make* Il Illegal for saloons In Eng put the POI pound then Champion lark Hharkey of Boston, down »«4 out In tha stilb round of their scheduled 16 round batti» at New York. land to ba open during certain hour« of the day. --------- , . . . . . We ara going to hear a lot about complete sweeping out of the old FARMERS OF STATE SEEK * * r* th’' preceding week by NIKA and FRA. Whan they are 1«,46«.7X4 feet or 14 2« per cent. crowd and an overwhelming major In full ope radon they will bring MARKET BROADCASTS The unfilled order rile at these Ity of public avntlment and con­ about aurh radical change* In mills atood at 493,333,003 board feet, gressional votes behind the new malhoda of doing bualneaa, In In- Oregon and Washington farm or an Increase of 24.716,834 feet from president, to make It possible to duatry and agriculture, that many xanlxallona are vigorously protest-1 the week before. try to do anything aboul It. are apaaklng of the Naw deal aa a Ing the federal administration order The aggregate Inventories of 130 Revolution In a very real aenaa, Now NIRA and FRA which practically eliminated all ot i mHIa are 18.7 per cent leas than at that la what It la; a revolution The result an far la NIKA and the Pacific Northwest market new a'thla time laat year, In lha bloodle»» American way. Aa FRA The purpose behind these two ervlce, Including discontinuance of i Otto Kahn pointed out before the radical laws la to raise prlcea of the leased wire service from Han ' and agricultural' F r* n‘ l" ,te r ‘ h‘* Henle dinner. that what the nation needed moat vided by agreement wllhln the In Among those attending the affair wa« unrestricted competition, war duatry, with the government ready to northwest producers and local to the death between bualneaa or­ and able to step tn and force pro­ dealers tn this period of rising wer Incrpa„p cipal consumer 1« a lesson the eco­ tor of NIRA , who would like to aee week when members of the forest 72.297. nomic world has learned only In the ten million workers reemployed be­ amp at Steamboat on the Umpqua paat twenty years or so. There­ fore cold weather comes. river out of Roseburg sent a petl fore. the approach of the New Deal lion to Governor Meier requesting GOPHER GUN EXPLODES Farmer as Consumer to the economic situation la not the establishment of a fee of 31.00 MAN LOSES TWO FINGERS from the point of view that the Under FHA the problem la not for the balance of the year. The consumer must be protected Identical, for farmers have never J. Stelnmelx lost one finger on governor referred the matter to against high prlcea, but that the landed to work together and never his left hand and had to have an­ the State Game Commission. consumer must be enabled to buy will to any extent. But by dealing The Civilian Conservation work­ other amputated when a gopher goods at whatever price Is high with each Individual producer of ers declare that with their allow­ gun exploded at his home near enough to Insure profita to the pro- tha basic agricultural commodities ance of 36.00 monthly they are un­ Springfield last week. The Index ducer, the consumer being, primar­ and making It worth their while, finger was blown off and the middle able to pay the regular 33.00 fee. ily, the wage earner who must have by funds derived from taxes on the finger badly mangled as a result a fob at good wages If he la to processing of their products, tn of the accident. He was taken to be able to buy anything more than reduce their output, the way la EUNICE GERBER NAMED the Pacific hospital where an em­ bare necessities. open to keep farm prices up to a ergency operation was performed ON GIRL SCOUT STAFF The economic theory Is not new point of profit for the farmer, thus by Dr. C. H. Phetteplace. with the preaent administration. It enabling him tn become once more Miss Eunice Gerber has been la the theory held and strongly ad the consumer of practically half ot choeen nurse for the annual Girl vocated by (’resident Hoover and the nation's mknuxactured products Scout encampment to be held at many leaders of political and eco­ at prlcea profitable to the manufac­ Lake Cleawox from August « to 27. nomic thought for a good many turer, and that. In turn, helps keep This will be her second year in thia yeara. What atood In the way of men at work at good wages, to con­ assignment. July 22 has been set constructive action was mainly sume the farm and factory pro­ by Miss Alice Spurgin, county exe­ politics; partly the opposition of duct.. cutive leader, as the final date for congreas to anything which Mr. registration for the camp. The consumer, as somebody apart Hoover was believed to dealre. and partly the reluctance of most old- from the producer, no longer fig line politicians to advocate or sup­ ures In the politico-economic pic­ PROGRESSIVE DEGREE port any Important change In the ture. There's “ no such anlmtle" as TEAM TO HAVE MEET statutory structure, especially In a consumer who Is not also a pro­ ducer. or very few of them Keep Regular meeting of the Progres­ the "sacred” anti-trust laws. It took a genuine "New Deal,” a the producers prosperous, farmer, sive 22 degree team of the Rebekah wage-earner, manufacturer. for lodge will be held at the I. O. O. F. they are the real consumers of each hall Friday evening It was announ­ other's producía. ced this week by Mrs. Fred Louk, That la the whole theory of the president. A social will be held fol- New Deal as represented by NIRA lowing the business anil practice and FRA. session. of All Silk 1 ___ . ■ . . I.l W H ats... Ray - Mating Co. Now Receiving We positively will meet any advertised price, but we will net recommend an Inferior product to make a sale. Royal Ann & Ding Cherries It is our desire to have a re­ putation for being competent, trustworthy and maintaining rea­ sonable prices at all times. For Canning Purposes Cherries Must Be Ripe But Firm at Dr. Sam Tyler Parks Warehouse Eyeaight Specialist 921 W illamette S t, 4TH AND PEARL S 1 .O O « S 3 . (Successor tn Dr. Otek) CELEBRATION DRUG SALE Cut R ate P rices For Friday and Saturday Flanerys Drug Store Springfield, $1.00 Listerine 50c Chamberlains Hand Lotion $1.00 Frostilla ................. 50c Palmolive Shampoo 25c Violet Talcum, 2 for....... 50c Klenzo Shampoo 50c Hudnut Talcum ............ $1.00 Shari Powder 5 Cakes Egyptian Palm Soap 50c Mi 31 Dental Paste O regon 69c 29c 69c 29c 25c 29c 33c 69c 25c 29c 50c Dr. West Tooth Brushes ...... 3 9 c 2 Tubes Dr. West Tooth Paste..... 3 7 c $1.25 Petrolagar 75c Bay Rum FIELD SATURDAY EVENING. 69C 50c Mineral Oil ................. - 3 3 c $1.00 Lysol ............. 69C 1 Pt. Witchhazel ................... 1 9 c $1.20 Caldwell Syrup Pepsin____ 7 9 c 1 Pt. Rubbing Alcohol ................. 1 5 c ....................... 35c Colgate Shaving Cream 25c After Shaving Talcum 10c Styptic Pencil Men’s All Wool Suits * $ 9 .7 5 The present up-swing in business call»» on all thinking men to exert new effort, to try new For Saturday ’ . . I * a 75c Work Shirt ........... We offer the services of a strong and reliable bank 15c Rockford Sox, 3 prs. 25c to assist you during these days of business revival. Ladles Pure Silk Hose The First National Bank - Eugene Since 1883 Capital & Surplus $400,000.00 50c Cannon Towels ......... 19c Work Pants EUGENE, OREGON C. J. Dreier Co. to give this community. Deposits Over $2,800,000.00 .....................98c Kotex .................................. 16c Bargains in Shoes and in All Departments SATURDAY ONLY We have everything you need in standard brand merchandise at prices as 39c 15c Muslin ................... yd. 8c 10 yds to a customer 6Sc You'll be surprised at our big stock of high grade merchandise and the service we are prepared 49c low as can be found any where. 9-4 Sheeting,............... yd. 22c MEN’S FELT HATS ’ 960 W illamette celebration in Springfield Saturday, to visit our methods, and to look for new channels of trade. a ll BOOTH KELLY MILL AT SPRING- visitors, who are attending the big mill re-opening store. A UHg 70c VALUE FOR ___ ______ U OLD MAN DEPRESSION (S DEAD. AND ENJOY YOURSELVES. 98C ............................. 4 9 C $1.00 Adlerika Gem Safety Razor 1fl AND TWO BLADES | ÜC CELEBRATE THE OPENING OF THE ............... .......... We cordially invite all our friends, patrons and SPCIALS Eugene Empty Lugs Can Be Obtained Here It’s Time to Pioneer Again DRESSES 1 Many paople coma to us for a price quotation on glasses. Thia leads ua to believe our policy baa not bean clear. It la not good bualneaa for us to "»ell out" our future prospects of serving yon and yor friends by misrepresent­ ing facts. Onr Important duty la to serve you profeesionaliy: NOT to sell you glaeeee at “bait" bar­ gain price«. Clearance D resses, C oats and T .1* - We Serve You Better and Save You Money. Fulop’s Dept. Store "The Store of Springfield” COME ft i