page two T r i a BrtUM O nK LP NEWS ! will return together from ('alitor- FAIR VISITORS EXPECT Inin. One group having driven to TO RETURN JULY 15 California direct, and waiting for Seven Roaming O írle Make Short tile others who went down aa far V is it In C alifornia Enroute to T h e ir Hornet Here a POLIMD WRITES OF TRIP 10 FAIR Vicksburg. Mississippi. Included ,n the traveliug party arc Miss Eunice Garber and Miss Eleanor Smith. w4io drove to Vicks- burg; Miss Thelma Sweeney, Miss Florence Parvln. Dexter; Miss Ara Nell Arnold. Joaephine llardy, of Astoria; and laiu N’el-on of Weal fir. Springfield's traveling girls, who have been on a tour of the country, visiting at the Century of Progress etxposltion in Chicago, Washing ton, D, U.. and other interesting and historical places in the East are expected to return to Spring- field Saturday or shortly there­ i They are selling play ing cards In after according to word received by , N’ew York for the outdoor playing relatives here thia week. ! of bridge. The cards are heavy Contrary to a previous announce­ enough so that (he wind will not ment. the two automobiles of girls ; blow them away. Attitude of Mid-West People Towards Westerners Pleas­ ing to Springfield Party The female birds ware from Ihe laying stock at I ha farm, sufficient FREED NEAR THIS CITY eggs for reproduction having been ohlaliied before releasing the birds i Two dozen pairs of large Chinese pheasants were released east of« Tuesday— Mr and Mrs. Springfield Tuesday noon by em­ ployees of the S la t. game farm Lum F Audsrsou and daughter, noriheasl of Springfield They Irene. Mr and Mrs W A Taylor were part of a group of more than and two nephews, and Mr. aud Mis 100 birds released In this county Thurman F. Boswell, visitors from under Ihe direction of Hie Lane Sulphur Springs, Texas, enjoyed a County Sporl»tiien's association. picnic outing Tuesday. CHINA PHEASANTS ARE A very interesting account of the i motor trip which Or. and Mrs. W H. Pollard aud family had enroute to Chicago where they are attend lug the Century of Progress expo­ sition and sessions of the World Service Commission of the Metho­ Fugan«’« Ou/n Stör« dist church, io which l)r Pollard Is a delegate, representing Oregon. Alvanley Johnston u f C lrreiaad, Is (old In a letter received by the grand chief engineer o f the B to thtr- hood o f Locomotive Engineer», as a News this week dire, tor o f the Staudsrd Trust Bank The party left Springfield Satur­ o f (,'levelaud, pleaded uot gu ilty Io day Morning. July I. They du not misapplication of hauk funds when at the say when they expert to return. arraiaued. LEOCADE HAT SHOP We quote paragraphs from the let way. A few points are quite dusty ter. now located at 67 E. Broadway. We left tile 30 highway at a point Six Days on Trip Closing Out All Spring and Summer Hats. (o take a trip through Logan Valley 'Well, we arrived in the Windy Merchandise of Merit Only Marion Talley, Kanuu City "a Lots of White Ones. and I must say II was the most Grand Opera prodigy, is back In New City Friday afternoon. six and one- wouderful sight. Uorgea, inoun From 50 cents to $1.95 York to resume operatic work thia half days. 3335 miles via the Me -PHONE 2700 fall. She still owns her farm ta Kaa­ Kenai. pass and taking the cul-off tains, lakes, and Ihe coldest H2O In all the world, to they say Flab taa, but right Bow the is more iater- of 30 miles near Omaha. eated in getting sad keeping At. so Ing was fine, but road too hilly "The trip was very pleasant and Phone 2592 the skates dally os the roof of her Eugene 67 East Broadway One trip through this mountain la to our surprise and pleasure it was hotel enough for me. not very warm, although they told ua It Just had been. Rem em ber* W estern Kindness Sole Owners of the Steam Supercurline in Eugene. "Our first night we stayed at "We had a peculiar experience Vale. Oregon. We spent six nights Just aa we entered Chicago while In camp grounds, and double cabin* looking for a certain place to slay coat from »1.25 to »2 00 per night the first night. We evidently must Nearly 32.000 persons paid »198 for the five of us. The camps were have looked like lost people, and 259 15 to see Prliuo Camera defeat quite a bit in accommodations and then someone drove up and said: S32 Will. St. Phone 2756 Jack Sharkey for the heavyweight neatness Our last night s camp. May I help you o u tt, and then he championship of the world Shar­ 200 miles from Chicago, was the took us what seemed tulles about This Ad good for a key received »«9.603 34 and Camera cheapest aud best, known ua Uncle Evanston hunting for Nelson apart­ »1C.377.SS. If the fight demonstra Lane's Cabins. ments. The rest of my party was I! was well for us that we took sure that a gangster had me In ted anything It showed that a man weighing 260 pounds should not be a few cooking utenslla aloug as they tow. and wauted me to ditch him. with 50c Unger Wave or Marcel, or 50c on a Genuine put Into the same ring with a man do not furnish them as we do In a but I kept on. thinking If he does all Steam Supercurline Permanent Wave. 50 pounds lighter. A giant like ear­ great many of our Western camps not find Ihe apartments soon I'll Had very Utile trouble with car, leave him on the next corner. ner* needs to be put in a class by had to do some changing in climb himself. and tha Finally we arrived The man • • • Ing the mountains. Had a puncture stepped out of his car. and then At this writing the Washington at Vale Just as we drove Into camp told his story, namely, that last Senators are batting as a team an The only other trouble was an In­ year he had visited In the West. Where you are Always Welcome. average of .303 and are leading the ner tube tear due to running with Seattle and Portland, etc., and 67 Elast Broadway Phone 2592 Eugene Ore league in club fielding with an too little air. I find you have less hadn't forgotten the tuauy kind Upon tha average of 976. Which explains trouble with tires inflated well up deeds the Westerners had done for in part that pretty race in the Am­ to the limit as they do not heal him. so this was his way of repay so much as when pressure is too Ing In part. 1 thought it a fine act erican League. VOILES — _ _ _ PRINTS low. • • • on his part as we were total SPECIAL $ 1 . 0 0 S aw S torm D am age Jack Tidball, of the University of strangers to him, "Just missed a very severe storm Also New Pall Mode Is In California at Los Angeles, won the "We are located half-way be­ 49th annual national Intercollegiate by a few hours near Sidney. Neb­ DARK PRINTS tween the World's fair and my raska We stayed overnight there tennis championship by defeating World Service Commlaalon meet $ 4 .9 5 Richard T. Murphy, of Hamilton and the next morniAg we surely Ings at Evanston with some Metho­ college. 8-6. 9-7. 8-6. Tidball sue saw the effects of the storm on dist people. The church people ceeds Clifford Sutter, of Tulane the roads and cornfields. Roads are trying to help the visiting mem Oregon Is Still a great lumber washed out In places, and had to University, now overseas. bera." • • • makes several detours. stale — With the mills run­ "Then at Elgin. Illinois they had A twenty-year old University of ning we can again take our Oklahoma sophomore. Waltei a most terrible storm the day w e CARRIER TO ATTEND Emery, won the national Intercolle­ left town. Saw Just hundreds of place in the world’s com­ STATE CONVENTION giate golf championship. Emery trees uprooted, houses and barns STARTS SATURDAY without roofs, and the cornfields provided upset after upset in the merce. The opening of this B. G. ttankey, carrier on roule 2. preliminary roundB and then staged looked like a roller had b een used nut of the Springfield poatofflce mill alone will he far reachlug a spectacular finish to wtu the 36- on them. The few stalks left were will take a twoday vacation on Frl WANTED ITEMS AT BELOW COST! hole final from Rodney Bliss, of in shreds due to the large hail­ in Its effect on the life of stones. The trees for miles around day and Saturday of this week to Cornell, 2 and 1. attend the Annual Rural Mull fa r­ • • • looked like It was December, no Oregon. riers state convention at The Dal­ I The Gonzaga University Athletic leaves. les on July 14 and 15. He will be Roads Found Good association of Spokane, Washing AGAIN LANE COUNTY STEP9 FORWARD! "The roads are very fine all the accompanied by Mrs. Suukey. Leroy ton. the other day staged an out­ Nice will substitute during his au board motor boat regatta on Lake sence. Wandemere. to raise funds for fool ball. • • • 735 WILLAMETTE ST. EUGENE, ORE. Frank Sigafoos, Indianapolis sec­ ond baseman, recently established a new American association record for hitting in consecutive games when he drove out a single in his fir t time at bat against Columbus. 6