Everybody Invited to Free Barbecue at Mill Opening Celebration Saturday Evening THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T IIIK T IK T II YEAH Church Sends 12 to Summer Camp COUNGIL PASSES DEO CROSS PEJUS BIG JUBILEE IN o„t.» Product fffl M m NEW ZONING AC! CITY PLANNED Methodists to Consider Liquor Supply Sufficient for Next 70! ---------- at Morning Hour Sunday; Fire Limits Extended; Build­ Years Standing on Hills; iCity Truck to Transport Chil- No Evening Service Plan ing Permits Required in Employment It Large dren and Adults To and Lana'« Largest Sawmill Use* Enlarged Section From Willamette Park I .«•«! by Kev. Dean (' Poindexter, Tim ber Is still Lana county's 107 Men First Day; 140 1 paator of the Rprlngfleld Methodist Woodsmen Are SHOW GAINS large»! asset, and lumbering bids INSTRUCTION TO BE FREE ____ __ Employed 1 church, end Mr« Hlylam, a delega FINANCES LIONS SPONSOR PICNIC SERIES Springfield Is Ready to Cele­ brate Re-opening of Booth- Kelly Mill Saturday Night fair to again become the county’s EVERYTHING TO BE FREE ; lion of ten young people from the largest Industry. CHARLES BRIGGS IS HEAD Bprtngflald church left curly this City Reduces W arrant Bond Schedule to Be Potted Soon; Lan« county today, has the larg Barbecue. Coffee, Cream Fur­ morning for Mutile U I m «here (hey ’ Indebtedness; Operate Well Claeses Start Next Monday; First Outdoor Gathering to Be nished; Will Offer Good esl stand of lim ber of any like area Plant Built in 11 is Been will spend the next week attending Within Budget Sums To Use Two Instructors In this country, largely Douglas fir, July 21; Plan Entertain­ Down Only Tw arrett the annual young people'u Institute Entertainment Program and Western Yellow Pine, esti­ Rxtenalon of the fire «one and ment for Mill Celebration Announcement of plans for an Thone attending from Springfield Stays as Super '•nt mated at *0 billion feet. annual Red Cross learn-to-swtm are Barbara Baruell, Margaret Jar the creation of a dl-trlct In which Come to the big celebra­ A series of three monthly picnics The reopening of the N Kelly ran. Prance« Style«. Faye Parsons, building permit« will be required In 1919 lumbering ranked flr.it In campaign to be conducted In thia tion! Lumber company aawm •ring Beatrice Carson, Velda Carson, were provider! for In an ordinance Important Industrie! In Oregon, city starting Munday of next week to be sponsored by the Springfield Every person in Lane coun­ tnty. I Collene Cornell, Dorothy Itohlnson by the City Council at It« gradually advancing from twenty- was made here today by Miss Ro Lions club at nearby resorts dur- field, the large«! In L ty is extended an Invitation wena Nissen. Red Cross represen- 1 July, August and R -ptember. Monday morning on a i to u r1 Florence Bell Fl»h. and Fave Hoi meeting at the City Hall third place in 1899 to third in 1919. Monday evening. The meanure was the lumbering Industry hail shown tatlve In this district who has re were approved Friday at the sem i to come to Springfield Satur- week haul« following a Hu down ver«on. Rev. C edi F Rlatow. pastor of •»•‘•«•red an emergency act and be -teady gain« until the business rently returned from a two-weeks monihly meeting of the Springfield day evening, July 15, to help of nearly two year», mark» u new Drat of these c e ,e b r a te t h e re , Qf era for ihlu city and all of l-ane the Eugene Methodist church, will <*l,n ,e effective at once slump began In that year the state swim Institute held near Spokane gathering- will be held Friday. July n . county. Both the Springfield and have charge of the morning watch 8** aside a« the district In which ranked first In the Douglas Fir in for Red Cross workers. 21. at . place to be .elected by t h * Booth-Kelly Lumber com- Wendllng uawmllla were rloaed service Rev W alter Ulelser of building permit« will be required duatry. Tentative plana for the swim pro­ the committee in charge. Larson puny sawmall here after a down July I, 1931 and the local Pendleton will have charge of inc «■ the area bounded on the east by During that same year 22,884 gram provides for the registration Wright. Enoch Stuart and N. L. Khut-down of nearly two plant wue reopened from December encampment, and Rev. Poindexter Tenth street, on the weal by Mill workers or 39.1 per cent of the of children and adults who desire Pollard. yean. to March the following year for 2V8 will conduct a clan on "Human | ‘ «reel, on the «outh by the alley total wage earner« In the state to receive the Instruction, and the baseball game between teams months. Needs and World Christianity." between Main and South "A" street, were employed In the lumbering organisation of a schedule of class captained by the Lion U m er and Elaborate plans for the entertain There will be no preaching »er and on the north by "A" street Industry. The value of the pro­ meetings. Instruction will be given Only once since the big lumber the tail twister will be features o f ,n ^nt o f » '•'“ »rs have been com vices at the local church Sunday Heretofore there have been no duct« that year were 86.348.090 plant wue rebuilt In 1914 on the dally at W illam ette park again thia each picnic. The winners of the ple,ed b’r the committees ulte of a former mill haa the uaw During the eleven o'clock hour building permit requirement« In the The cut of Douglas fir that year year. three games will be guests later a t l ln char«p Tbe ent,r* » " alr wl“ Philip Bartholomew will preside at ! C««Y »1 Springfield outside of the mill been rloeed down for any totaled ) l . 796.492.009. or 89 percent a potluck dinner given by the ren,er aboot a •»arbecue dinner, for Use Tw o Instructors Frank fire limits. length of lime Thia wa tn I9ZI a symposium on liquor. of all the timber cut In the «(ate which a large steer will be barbe­ Two Instructors, instead of only losers. when the machine« did not run for Bailey. Kant Bartholomew, Ralph The two major provisions of the cued over an open pit under the It ha« been ««Umsted that Ore­ one as was used last year, will be The picnic will be open to the Fullerton, and F. B Hamlin will ordinance are covered In sections a period of 19 month«. direction of B. A. Waahburne. who gon ha« timber available al the employed this season, thus enabl­ general public and everybody is In­ speak Fred Louk will lead the one and two which read a« follows: Many Gain Em ploym ent has had considerable experience In 1919 rate of cutting to last (or 66 ing them to give more personal at­ vited to bring their basket din singing. It 1« difficult Io eutlmate the or 70 years. The volume available ners and attend. Coffee will be fur , this work" Ordinance Provisions tention to the Individual member The young piople will meet at 7 total number of persons who will Section I It shall be unlawful for commerce being estimated at of the classes. They will be Wade nished by the Lions club. G ather a t Sixth Street eventually ben bwn«fllted by gain­ o'clock. There will he no evening Dr. W C Rebhan. W. K Barnetl for nny per-on or persons to here­ 10.000.000 short tons annually. Rutherford and J R. Evans. «ervlce People coming to Springfield are ful employment a« a result of the, and John Pyle were named on a At Coburg Methodist church, al after construct any building of any asked to assemble at the vacant Classen will start at 9 o'clock mill reopening. The many ramifies committee to Investigate the possi­ kind or description In the an-a be with the adults and children each bility of holding a fish dinner on block on the corner of Sixth and Ilona and tie-ups such a« power., so served liy Rev. Poindexter. Rev. tween Mill street and 10th street Uarboden. former Rprlngfleld pas­ rail transportation, equipment. ate., divided Into groups of beginners, the McEpnxie this year. It was Main streets where they «rill be tor, will speak al the V 46 service. from "A” street to the alley south Promptly at five advanced. Junior and senior Red voted to hold these annually on ' entertained. can hardly l>e e tiinuted A total oi of Main street, without first having i o'clock a, 24 piece Juvenile orckes- 197 nn n were given employment i The Munday school will follow at applied to the City Recorder for a Cross lifesaving. The children - will some Sunday In June hereafter I 'ra from Eugene, The Cox Melody the flrat day« of the week at the i 10 46. he divided Into age group« a« fol­ Members of the club also agreed building permit, specifying In said lows: Those under 11. those from to sponsor the entertainment for I Makers, will b«»gln a concert which sawmill alone, and at least if. ad ' application the proposed location 11 to 17. and adults over 17. The the big free barbecue and celebra­ ! will continue through the meal dllloual men went Io work at the i of said building, the material to be Wendllng logging ramp« to provide, city truck will transport the chil­ tion to be held In Springfield Satur­ which will start at 6 o'clock. used and such other Information a« Dr. and Mrs. Melville Jones the log« for the mill here Thia! dren without transportation of their Quartet To Sing may be required by the Recorder Arrive This Week From own to and from the park for their day on the occasion of the re-open make« a total of 149 men employed I inc of the Booth-Kelly Lumber com­ The Recorder shall forthwith sub­ At seven o'clock another orchee- Portland; Has Equipment Instruction periods. tu the logging camp« at the pre« pany. F. B. Flanery. Dr. Rebhan. i tra directed by Ted Lenhart will mit such application to the fire ent time. and P. J. Bartholomew were named , provide the music. Between the nd water committe of the common Schedule at C ity H all Announcement of the formation A schedule for the various on this committee. I orchestra numbers will be featured Power Workers Resume | ~ ¡Council and said committee shall of a partnership, for the practice of ' selections by the Springfield Lions All men employed at the Moun g Van Valzah w,,hl” “ reasonable time pass upon general medicine and surgery, with classes will be posted at the Citv hall. I said application and allow or re­ lain State» Power company «hum ; dub quartet with Dr. V C R-.b- to Be Buried at Arlington je c t the name. If the committee re Dr. Melville 8. Jones of Portland plant located adjoining the sawmill W hile the learn-to-swtm program ■ han, Veltie Pruitt, Dali. - M rphy, was mr.de here this morning by Dr. Cemetery Friday Morning Ject the application, the applicant W. C. Rebhan. were r luriietl io work on a full­ Is sponsored by the Red Cross, and and Merton Ferebee. Jim Mac- ' Maniman will play a trombone solo, shall have the right to be heard no charge Is made against those time heals, and one additional man Dr. and Mrs. Jones arrived tn jjave the matter reviewed by who participate, the people of the had to be put on They furntah tbe , I liable to rally from the results . aa«* “ > »tn «»« t . ac tin t e s not w||, proTWe some compensation to Reopening of the mill this week 4 o’clock when two large beams of are asked to bring their cups, dishes »»me. It shall also be leaving Springfield nor is he plan relmbur!te th(,m for the,r Is being accomplished under some­ Arlington national cemetery where — .... . --------- pera<>" <» P * ™ » . i nlng lo any extended vacation luinber broke loose from an over­ and any further additions which what uno-ual circumstances Lum Guai services and interment will b j " nlawful ,or portât Ion and meals. but Is expanding his office. head crane at the Booth-Kelly Lum­ they may care to make to their to pile or «tore lumber or fire wood her munufactrers In all parts of made Friday morning at 9 a. m No Obligations Involved I t n a commercial «vale In any build "My practice has expanded to the ber mill in Springfield striking him meal. The Springfield Chamber of the county are now seriously con Raised In Springfield Miss Nissen wants everyone to on the head causing a fracture. He Commerce w ill furnish barbecued i ing In said area, without first hav­ point where I am unable to handle «Itlerlug operation and regulation Major Van Valxah was born at uuder»tand that they will not be died in an ambulance as he reach- beef and bread, coffee, cream and codes which (hey must adopt by Hughesville, Pennsylvania un Sept­ ing obtained the permission of the It alone as it should be. and I have sugar, to everyone free. They will obligating themselves ln any man­ i ed the Eugene hospital. fire committee of the Common ! found It advisable to secure aasist- early August. The code la expected ember 18, 1888 and was 46 years old also provide ample tables and ner by taking part In the classes. Ogilvie was a contract loader for Councll. The fire committee may. ance," declared Dr. Rebhan. to regulate the production of lum at the time of hla death. He came Both doctors will use the same Everyone who cannot swim Is urged the Booth-Kelly company and had benches to be seated while eating. her making the total hour« of oper with hla parents to Oregon settling In Ila dlacretion. permit wood or Members of the Chamber of Com­ Just started working Monday with lumber to be piled on a vacant lot waiting room, and Miss Clara to attend the free classes. si Ion each week somewhat uncer­ at Springfield In 1891 when only merce committee In charge of the within «aid area, when the same Is Jones will serve as office assistant There will be no official registra­ the re-openlng of the mill. tain. but the government proposes three years of age. He was born at Cambridge. Idaho arrangements for the barbecue and not intended as a commercial wood for the combined offices. Each doc­ tion this year. Children and non­ to provide a paying price for lum HI« entire early education was er lumber yard, but Is for the pur- tor will hare private offices for con- swimmers are urged to be at Wll- on March 18. 1897, and was mar- celebration are H. E. Maxey. I. M her. It really mean« a modified obtained In the Springfield school» I pose of storing a private supply of > I ¡»ultatlons. in coming to Springfield lainette park or at the City H all rie<* ,o Mlss May Hewgley at Good- Peterson, and W . C. W right. The form of government control. ” He was one of * “ the early day gradit- [ WIKM, - or - fup| - - Dr. Jones - - bring« with him consider­ at nine o'clock Monday. They will rich. Idaho on December 26. 1916. entertainment la beirg provided by Things were somewhat alow In ales front Rprlngfleld high school, i able new equipment for the part­ then be divided into class groups. Two years later they moved to New a committee from the Lions club, A penalty of from |6 to 8100 la gelling started at the mill on the ami completed a course at (he nership office. Llfesaver8 and others who can Meadows. Idaho where they lived F. B. Flanery. Dr. W. C. Rebhan. opening date as many of the ma­ University of Oregon before going I rovlded for violation of the or­ until coming to Oregon In 1920. and P. J. Bartholomew. All mem­ Dr. Jones is a graduate of the swim will meet in the afternoon. chines hud rusted snd were stiff to John Hopkins university from dinance. Perrons now having lum- University They located In Springfield at that bers of these two organizations, and of Oregon Medical ■ ber. wood and other restricted ma­ Free lockers will not be available time and have lived here since. Others needed adjustment and which he graduated In 1914. of the American Legion are asked terial« plleil within the restricted school at Portland and has had at the pool this year. They may be many minor details needed atten­ Survivor; include his widow. Mrs. to assist ln the celebration In what­ Served In Canal Zone wide experience in hospital work. area must remove tt as soon as pos­ rented for a small fee. The dress­ May Ogilvie, two children. Drucile. ever capacity their services may tion. l.ater It Is expected that the Following this he served as in­ ing rooms for men and women w ill 5 ohn 9; one brother, Claude,’ ' be required output of the mill can be Increased terne at the Southern Pacific hos­ sible. BAPTIST GROUPS DELAY be available for use without coat. and his mother. Mrs. Sam Bieber, | by the addition of more workers. pital at Suu Francisco during 1914 Orders New Fire Hoee Eugene Joins in Jubilee MEETINGS TH IS WEEK «nd «he instructors advise that of Weiser. Idaho. It Is difficult tn estimate the output 16, and from there was rent to the The Council further ordered the The re-opening of the Springfield ------------- groups wear their bathing suits of a large mill the alxe of thia on« Punamii Canal sone where he was purchase of 200 feet of new fire Funeral arrangements are pend- ' sawmill is not only a matter for The combined meeting of the with a pair of overalls or gome during the first days It is In opera­ associated with the health depart hose to add to that now owned by Ing the arrival of his mother and local Jubilation. Busines t'<,uncR anthorlxed I. M. company at this time. poned because of the death of Mr. Fish on McKenzie— M r. and Mrs. An inquest has been called in the ' So. come Saturday to the big free of the Booth-Kelly Lumber com on October 15. He Joined the Peterson, recorder, and Hugh Jollff. D. C. Ogilvie. Mrs. Ogilvie Is a Ray Nott and Mr. and Mrs. John case by C. P. Poole, coroner, and 1 pany. ha« had much to do with United States army and after serv­ fire chief, to further investigate the past president of the missionary Anderson spent Sunday fishing on will be held here this afternoon at i barbecue, free entertainment. the reopening of the mill here, and ing at the army and navy medical (Concluded on Page 4) society. the upper McKenzie. 4 o'clock. has worked hand In hand with Mr school was commissioned sh major Jarrett In the making of necessary In 1918 and ««nt to France whero arrangements. Mr. Jarrett has been he nerved 18 month« at a con vales- employed with the Booth-Kelly cent hospital near Tours. Some company almost since It was est­ time aflnr hla return tn this coun­ ablished. coming tn Rprlngfleld In try he was stationed at the Fltx- October 1916 Io become superin­ almmons General hospital, a veter­ tendent here. All men st the mill ans’ hospital, where he has been nre employed and work under the for the past 11 years. ! Resident of Pleasant Hill for supervision of Mr. Jarrett. Two years ago Major and Mrs 30 Years Passes at Pacific Assisting Mr. Jarrett Is Edgar Van Valxah visited In Springfield Martin, engineer for the company, at tho home of hla mother. They I Hospital Saturday with offices In Eugene. In the office have no children. Beside« his Funeral services for the late E. here four men are employed. Clay- widow and mother, he leave« two P. I.attln, who died Saturday even Inn F. Barber Is accountant; John brother«. Dr. C. G. Van Valxah of Ing at the Pacific hospital In Eu­ King, bookkeeper; F. M. Gandnn, Hoseburg, and Dr. R. C. Van Vul- J gene at the age of 74 years, were retail manager; and Roy Carlton, xah of Medford. held Tuesday afternoon at the traveling salesman. Father Was Physician 'P lea ant H ill church with inter- While a resident of Rprlngfleld, I ( ment In the cemetery there. Profes­ where hla father wa« a practicing CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO sor E. V. Hoven of the Eugene physician, he Joined the Masonic1 CONSIDER OUTING PLANS Bible university conducted the rites lodge at Eugene when 21 ni^l took and Veatch chapel was in charge Discussion of a proposed summer all their work until he became n of arrangements. outing for member« of the Christ­ Shrlner. He nlao joined the Metho­ Mr. I-attln was born ln Illinois dist chureh while In Springfield. ian church was taken up la-1 Thurs­ on November 11, 1868, moving to day night at the monthly Church New York when 12 years old. Later Board meeting following the first JUNIOR BALL TEAM GETS he lived in Michigan and California of the weekly potluck dinners. VICTORY OVER LORANE before coming to Oregon in 1903 Roland Mo«hler. Veltie Pruitt and ! when he located at Pleasant HUI llldltie Gartln were named on n The Springfield Junior baseball I and has made his home there since. The Booth-Kelly Sawmill (left) at Springfield which resumed operation Monday returning committee to Investigate the pro­ team took nn easy victory from the I He was a member of the Christ­ 150 men to work in the plant and as many more in the woods. Mountain States Power company posal. Lorane boys 14-8 In a home game ian church. steam plant (right) which furnitihe* all the electrical and steam power for the aawmill has increased Tonight members ot the Bunday played on Brattain field here Frl Survivors Include his widow, Ann school staff will hold their regular day afternoon. The Springfield UWys its production and employment with the opening of the sawmill. Lattln; three sons. Grant. Court, meeting following the weekly pot­ boast only on defeat sn far this j and Mark, all of Pleasant HUI; and luck supper and program. season. a granddaughter. Mildred Lattln. RE6HAN TAKES IN OFFICE PARTNER MAJ. VAN VALZAH OIES AI DENVER ? MAN KILLED IN MILL ACCIDENT Sawmill Re-Opens at Springfield HOVEN CONDUCTS u ra W M L