The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 06, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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Farmer* Must File Applica­
tion With County Agent By
July 15 for Grain Crops
Foreigners Finding It Hard to Foe!
American Delegates at Parley
A block of wood which flow from
u planer at the Booth Kelly Lum
her company Friday struck Wade
l uddock hilling him on tho hip and
------ —
inrilctiiig a d ep gaidi Nin »1 itches j wo Seal* Middle Si«ter on
w v d r* to c>...... "•
skii; 15 M u u n u Spend
The World Monetary and Kcouo
Week-end in Mountain*
Picnic * t Swim m ers' Delight
mlc Congress, now in session In
London, regre ents sixty-six out of
Rules for certification of seed of
First successful efforts of this
Mr. mid Mrs. Lum Ander on and
the seventy organised nations of
various farm crops and blanks (or
I Wo children, Mr and Mrs. W. A year to »cale any of the Three
the globe. Fifty-seven of them are
applying for inspection (or certifi­
Taylor, and nephews, Doc aim Mister» mountains in the Cascade
members of the League of Nations,
cation were received this week by
Wilson Taylor, and Mr. and Mr* range were reported this week
As an Indication of th» amount
O. 8. Fletcher, county agent, from
K. K. I'yne. ull of Sprlngileld, form
the extension crop specialist of the
Abyssinia. South Africa, Albania.
cd a picnic group tit Swimmers' of snow which remains on th«
Oregon Agricultural college, who
Argentina. Australia. Austria. Bel
! Delight park Bunday aft .'moon. An peaks It was a party of two, Ed
makes or supervises all inspections
glum. Bolivia, Bulgaria. Canada.
other purty of picnickers at the Johnson und Norwuld Nelson of
for seed certification. The purpose
Mrs. F. D. Griffith visited her do* Chile, Colombia. Culm. Csechoslo
park that afternoon Included Mr EiiHene who maile the first climb
Jh* va|(|a Denmark, Dominican Repub
of certification is to provide relia­ tor husband in New York
und Mr*. F. B Flutiery and Mr. and of the Middle Hlster Bunday Using
“her'TXh to’ Mellviood , ,,c «•«""'»- Finland. France. Her
ble sources of seed of approved
Mr W. F Walker, also of this ski the entire distance They did
not climb the final MM* feet which
crops and varieties practically free
but refused to pose with Mrs. many. Greece. Guatemala. Haiti.
they say la Impossible will) ski
from disease, weed seeds, or mix Griffith for this photo
Honduras, Huugary. India. Iraq.
They did not cary any toe picks
Irish Free State, Italy, Japan. La
Their climb was the second at'
Crop Oates Set
tvla. Liberia. Lithuania. Luxent
tempt A party constating of the
Lane county farmers who desire
burg. Mexico. Netherlands. New
two, Hurry Wright and Clifford
C. M. T. C, CAMP NOW Zealand. Nicaragua. Norway. Pan
to have farm crops Inspected for
Arch Hliough who has Inen In Rtalaberg, were driven off Ihe
seed certification should file their
i sm i. Paraguay. Persia. I*eru. Pol-
eastern Oregon for severul months mount! In a week earlier by the
applications with County Agent Basic Instruction Elim inated This and, Portugal, Rumania. Salvador.
returned here for a few days' with sleet and biting wind,
Year; Full Athletic Pro­
Fletcher as follows: Gralu. before
Siam. Spain. Sweden. Swltgerland,
Ills family.
The first group to climb the
July IS; potatoes and Ladlno clo­
Turkey. United Kingdom, Uruguay,
Mrs. Gladys Lambert from Crow mountain on fool consisted of 16
ver, before July 25.
Venezuela and Yugoslavia.
la spending u few data with Mrs member* of the Musuma Outdoor
Vancouver Barracks, July 6 —
Information on red clover seed
The nine nations In the confer­
Bert Weaver.
club of Portland They went to
certification will be available soon
ence not members of the League
Frank Remile spellt a few daya Frog Camp Saturday evening,
and all farmers desiring to have are attending the seventh annual are Afghanistan. Brazil. Costa Rica.
In eastern Oregon on a fishing moved Into While Branch Bunday
Tennessee anthracnoee-reeistant or Cttliens' Military Training camp Ecuador. Egypt, Hedjax. Iceland,
trip the past week.
afternoon and spent Monday and
hardy Ohio red clover Inspected here, now under way and scheduled the United States of America and
Mrs. Alberta Davenlilll left u few Tuesday climbing
for seed certification should tile to run until July 12 They are part the Union of Socialist Soviet Re­
daya ugo for Los Angeles Io spend
of a ramp much reduced In site, as publics—In our language. Russia.
Membera of the ski party alate
their application at once.
Runs Fifty-two Financing In- the summer
considerably less than half the ori­
that the snowline In the upper
No Charge fo r Qraln
Three Big Objective*
• titu fio n s W i t h In v e s tm e n t
Attn Russell from mountains had receded rapidly
There are no charges for inspect­ ginal quota of 6*0 were able to
The main purposes of this great ' Many New Crops and Experi-
of Two Billion Dollar*— Brooks 1» visiting her grandpar- during the week between their
ion of grain. The charge for Inspec­ come this time, due to drastic re­ loternational convention are. first merits in Plant Breeding to
•ills, Mr. und Mr» Fred Russell.
Thirty-nine Agricultural
tion of potatoes Is *1.76 per acre, ductions necessitated by Ninth to try to find some way by inter
Be Shown at Station
Mr. and Mr*. Melvin Buell from
with a minimum charge of *4.00; corps area headquarters Inttruc- national action to raise the prices :
Medford are visiting Miss Heers ma.
Ladlno clover ten cents per acre, , 'on« 'n “ ne with the federal econ of commodities In foreign trade;
Return* from Portland — C. J.
MERICA'S biggest banker today
Wednesday. July 12. will be Laue
Mrs Linn Endicott und son. Fred­ McKee returned Tuesday evening
with a minimum charge of fifty om-v P™«r»n‘ Attending from Lane second, to remove or modify the County day at-the liregou Agricul­
It tbe Federal Government
cents. Varieties of grain that will county are: Otis J. Neet. Wendllng; barriers which stand in the way of tural college experiment station at which Is now operating fifty two die. from Portland are visiting re­ from Portland where he attended
a meeting of retail bakers
be Inspected for certification are Roger K. Pendell, Wendllng; Ray­ the free flow of goods from one Corvallis according to O. S Fletch­ Onanclug Institutions, save Pro­ latives here.
i ""
Hood, Jenktn, and Red Huston mond R Rlesenhuber. Canary; Carl nation to another; third, to arrive er, county .agent, who Is making fessor John Hauua of Columbia Uni­
wheat; Hannchen and O. A. C. No. W. Robbins. Jr.. Eugene; Galen P. at some common basis of money latne county arrangements for the versity In the American Bankers As­
7 barley; Victory. Schoolman, and Robbins. Eugene; Clarence V. so that there will no longer be day. Interested people will assent sociation Journal.
"Forty of these are owned entirely |
gray winter oats Varieties of pota »«««■. Leaburg. and Mathew C. great disparities between the val­
day taktio
ble back of the agriculture building by the Government.” he say*. "In
toes commonly grown in Lane Smith. Eugene,
ues of the currencies of different on the college campus at 10:30 twelve more Ihu Government ha* al­
county approved for certification
All Are Veterans
j nations.
ready a two-thlrds Interest. Thirty-
a. m.
are low top Burbank. Netted Gem.
Like all other students at the
On those general proposals all
The forenoon will be devoted to seven are Intend'd In be permanent
Irish Cobbler, and Earlieet of All.
camp this year, these youths are of the important nations except inspection of forage crops on the Twenty live of the permanent ones
, .
_ sud fourteen of the temporary ones
veterans of at least one previous France, and practically all of the plots
neur the college
. . . .
e buildings
» i >ro ggricuitm-ai,
---------------------------- N O W P L A Y IN G ------
Crops to be seen In the forenoon
"The cupiisi slock held by the
nated all beginners or bastes, who France can be whipped Into line
Th«» Finest Picture This F u iiin u ii Star lia s Ever
DISHEVELED FOR FILM normally form a >arge proportion it should be easy to work out the are highland Reed Canary grass. United Stales In th> -e tun: a has s
Chewing fe cue. zig zag clover, par value of * 1.3kO.uoo.oot) The Gov­
Better Than the "M illionaire.'*
it 1. a new and somewhat d iw '°f the a,t'‘nd,nee WW* a,teml details.
non-shuttering ernment's total Investment la near­
France, "Bad Boy” at London
hairy vetch, and miscellaneous ly *2,000.000.000. Resources o f these
heveled George Arliss. usually so ance was more than cut in half.
however, all the rest of the plans
as Is always the case In other forage crops.
institutions exe ed *3.000.000,000. In
immaculate, who appears In the
addition tho Government ha* de­
Warner Bros, picture. “The Work
W ill Inspect Berries
tailed supervision over fifty one
Inspection of small fruits plots mortgag* bunks, operating under
ing Man" which comes to the fore. Colonel Harry A. Wells, camp—bad boy" of the London meeting
on the east farm will start at one
screen of the McDonald theatre to­
original training program be follow- ferences with a complete program o’clock. Among things to be seen Federal charter.
day for three days.
“The Government also supervises
ed in detail; and In accordance —gi) in France's favor—and pro-
For , George
Arllss let his hair with this Lieutenant Thomas J. tests loudly that she won't play there are strawberry breeding 4.000 local agricultural loan a socia
grow or six wee s before begin- , Croa3 adjutant, is running the unleas she has her own way She plots and raspberries and black lions with Federal charters. All this
hikes no acrount of the relations of
n n< wor on
e production. In
(our weeks as usual, is carry-, usually winds up by accepting the berries under irrigation. Following
the Government to the twelvn Fed­
• ongfishlng trip Is lm )ng tjlrottg^ a f„u COurse of instre- majority verdict and then going
terrupted by a chance to do an old tion. and is devoting afternoons home and lamenting loudly that the variety trials, and clover fertilizer eral iti rve bant. r. nor of the su
thorlty recently g lv n to the Rerun
and Irrigation trials will be seen.
friend a good turn in disguise and dally to organized athletics In has been robbed.
strurtlon Finance Corporation to
the seedy appearance of the char­ which all students must take part.
France started those tactics at farm those interested will go to buy preferred slock In national and
acter Mr Arliaa portrays, is the
Medals and trophies, offered by the beginning of this conference, the Granger farm to Inspect the state commercial banks."
The Darling of Radio
various patriotic organixatlons and insisting that the money of the
Consolidation Called For
Ordinarily. Mr. Arlias. while in individuals, are available as before world be Immediately stabilized at cereal nursery and variety trial
Hollywood, has his hair trimmed and will go to winlnng students for . their present ratios. That did not plots. Here cereal breeding work, consolidation of the agricultural
malting barley trial*, seed treat­
Mualcal Comedy
every two weeks by the studio bar­
achievement in studies, in charac- suit the English, who would like to ment plots, fiber flax, seed flax, credit agencies Into the new Farm
ber. With four weeks of extra grow­
"Crashing the Gnte"
ter, in marksmanship and in athlet- keep the dollar much higher to the and seed plots of crimson clover, Credit Admlnlslrallon. says Pro- I
th and a careless combing, the lea. The awards will be made at ' pound than it Is now. nor the Am-
feasor Hanna He expresses the
hairy vetch, and meadow foxtail opinion that before the cousolbla
usually sleek Arlias head was
the annual visitors’ day at the end < cricans. who think the pound ought will be seen.
tion of the agricultural financing
changed to a rough grey thatch
¡of camp.
to get back to its old dollar value
Those taking part In the tour agem lea loo much machinery bud
No wig or hair piece was necessary
or higher. But the French delega should take a basket lunch. A place been created to administer th e;
to complete the makeup. For home
tion circulated the report that an for the lunch and coffee will be flouncing Institutions which the
use. Mr. Arliaa combs the same INJUNCTION AGAINST LAW
agreement had been reached and provided by the college. The county Government either owns or super
hair tightly to his head and appears
dollar prices began to tumble. agent states that all Interested par- rises.
fairly normal.
France wants, in short, to keep the ties are Invited to take part In the
"Existing lusiitutioiia represent a
"The Working Man" Is a delight­
considerable differentiation of tone
Oregon truck owners must pur- | franc Just where it Is, and if the
ful and highly entertaining comedy chase their regular license plates I pound goes much higher the French tour.
tion and any consolidation should
drama In which Mr. Arliaa, a weal­
be preceded by a careful survey of
for their conveyances, but they j will have to go off the gold stand-
thy manufacturer, masquerade« as
the actual arllrlilet of the various
need not abide by the other clauses ard, like the rest of the world.
a small town fisherman In order
Institutions,” he continues. "The
In the truck and bu-> bill which was
on the other hand, the Japanese
to save from ruin tbe children of
only consolidation the Aiimlnistra
approved at the last election and ale opposing stabilization because
the man who bad been hia bitter­ wfiicb provides for high Insurance they want to keep the yen cheap.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Phelps und tion has announced Is that of ibe
est rival in both business and love.
daughter of Swlsshome visited at agr.cultural credit agencies In the
ve jand compulsory bonds for all car-!
u. s. Ably Represented
Farm Credit Administration As *
A notable supporting cast lD' ”*—
Every nation haa sent Its ablest the Phelps home Monday Mr. permanent solution litis arrange
eludes Bette Davis as his leading
Phelps Is in the forestry service.
This statement was made Satur- men to the London conference
merit Is loo closely hound up with
lady. Hardle Albright In tbe Juven­
E. B Tinker and daughter. Bon pot I lies.''
There are seven prime ministers
ile lead. Gordon Weetcott, Theo­
among the delegates. There Is no nie Jeanne and Miss Florence Jor­
dore Newton and J. Farrell Mac­ of the Farmers’ Protective associa­
ground, however, to fear that the dan, returned from California Wed The Value of the College*
Donald. Tbe screen play by Charles tion after he had obtained an In­
American delegation will be out- nesday. June 29. While away they
Kenyon and Maude T. Howell la junction in Judge L. G. McMahan's
There are few abler men visited at the home of I). G. Linton ' ’’HE physical properties and en-
based on a story by Edgar Frank­ Circuit Court at Salem Friday. The
and family who formerly lived at
“• dowments of institutions of
temporary Injunction restrains C. In America than Secretary of State Pleasant l'lll.
lin and directed by John Adolfl.
I: ;her education In the United
E. Thomas, corporation commls- Cordell Hull, former Governor
Hills Creek baseball team will Slates are now valued at over *2.500,-
Attend Chicken Dlnner-Among «‘oner from enforcing the law until | James M. Cox. Senator Key Pltt-
Dinty Moore’s next Sunday 0,0.000. Endowments alone aggre
man, Senator Couzens, Represent­
the several guests entertained at a a final decision I* made.
at Swimmer's Delight. This will be gate over *1.150,000,000. Thirty col
ative McReynolds. James M War
large chicken dinner July 4 by Mr.
Lane county wood dealers, eape- ' burg and their economic advisers, an interesting and important game leges and univin: is have endow |
and Mrs. Paul Basford were Dr. dally, would have suffered under
and a large crowd Is expected to nu nts that average *12,000,000.
’ who Include such men as Professor
Eleven out of the 30 have endow
and Mrs. Milton V.
Walker and the enforcement of the law, they
IO. M. W. Sprague and Rene Leon. be present.
inents that an rage *35,000,000. A
children, Glenn and
Helen Mar- say, aa compliance with the law
Rex, tha youngest son of Mr. very few of them have endowment*
They know Just what America
would have made it impossible for
and Mrs. O. btutz. spent the Fourth of over *100,003,000 rach. The an
wants and they are not easily fool­
of July vacation at Coquille with nual operating income of Instltu
------------------------- -
many of them to meet the neces-
ed by even such high politics as
Son Born Monday—Mr. and Mrs. sary fees to remain Io business.
John Huntington and family. Mr Hons of higher learning amounts to
Europe plays. In the first major
L. D. McKenney are the parents of Wood prices were slated to rise
Huntltngton Is mill ho s at Lewis' ever *500,0
i o. Gifts to them in a
political skirmish of the conven­
a six and onehalf pound baby son July 1 because of the bill, but
mill. Ills dauguter returned with she, I" yi'ir have reached a total of
tion, the fight for the chairmanship
*22J,O‘,d,(j. 0.
born to them at their home on Fifth prices on most wood have remained
of the Monetary Commission, the him.
street, July 3, 1*33.
Americans won hands down and
Mother Visit*— Mrs. Elin Fruin
Return to Roeeburg — Dr. and
James M Cox was elected chair­
O. Van Valzah returned returned to her home at Junction
America is in the best position to their home at Roseburg afler City Tuesday after having spi'iit
of any of the nations in the con­ spending the week-end here at the the holiday week end In Bpring
ference, for we not only have more home of his mother. Mrs. A. B. Van field at the home of her son. Enoch
8tuart. Ed Johnson und his mother
gold than anybody else but they Valzah.
of Plainview, Washington were also
all, or practically all of them, owe
Montana People Here— Mr. and guests at Ihe Htuart home.
us money.
Mrs. L. Bowman of Butte, Montana
U. 8. Wields Power
Return* from Bend— Mrs. C. F.
America, too, Is In a better posi­ are visiting here at the home of
Barber and daughter returned
tion than any of them to take Its Mr . A. B. Van Valzub,
home Tuesday following a vacation
doll rags and go home If the party
visit with relatives at Bend. Mr.
doesn't go to our delegates’ liking.
Barber went to Bend Saturday to
Under the new powers granted to
get his family.
President Roosevelt, we can put
the dollar at any prlPe relative to
the pound, the franc or the yen
Now Low Gas Rates for Water Heating Now Available,
that we like, regardless of what
Departmerrt of the Interior, Gen
the other fellow does. We can keep
Investigate Our Special for Automatic Service.
eral Land Office at Roeeburg.
our tariff walls up and reduce our
Oregon, July 5th, 1933.
currency to a point where our goods
NOTICE Is hereby given Ihnl
Nels F. Gaarden, of Vida, Oregon
can climb over the highest tariff
Unusually Low Prices and Terms on the New Model
who. on July 19th, 1933, made
wall any of them can erect. We
Homestead entry Serial No. 020311.1
*‘G" Rex Storage Heater.
can curtail production In agricul
for 8W'4 NE>4, 8E>4 NW'4. NE«4
During th warm weather, it is impossible to exercise
ture and Industry to meet our own
8W<4 and NW% SE«4. Section «.
Township 17 8.. Range 4 E . WII
domestic demand* and no more. If
Ask Us About "Made to Mra»Ur«” Hot Water Servic*
too much care in the choice of your meats. We pro­
Ifimette Meridian, has filed notice B
we care to do that.
of Intention to make final three
Those are the weapons the
vide the choicest cuts and keep them in perfect con­
year Proof, to establish clnlm to
United States delegates to London
the land above described, before
dition. Make this your meat headquarters and be
E. O. Immel. U. 8. Commissioner,
have In their hands. Nobody wants
at Eugene, Oregon, on the 15th day
to have to use them. Everybody
of August, 1933.
would prefer an amicable Interna­
Claimant names as witnesses:
tional economic agreement, but If
Erank Walker, and Ralph Green,
Walter Johnson, faooous speed bull of Vida, Oregon; J. O. McKinney,
we are forced to economic national­ piteher belovcd by all fana, is bai li
ism, we can get along better with­ in the big show agaia, nuw managing of Blue River. Oregon and Prince
Helfrlsh, of Vida, Oregon.
E. C. S T U A R T , Prop.
4tb and M ain Sts — Phone 63
out tbe other nations than they ilo C’.evelnnd Indiana iu the Amer
ir. Lingue.
can get along without us.
(Ju 6-13-20-27—A 3)
The Battle of the Currencies
m m m « <v<*y
< p.m
co n T in u o u s
Upper Willamette
i»AT $un. 4-1 .
Abundant Hot Water for
Every Month
D -O -W -N
places a “ gas” tank w ater heater
in your home
The Choicest
In d e p e n d e n t M ea t C o.
Northwest Cities Gas Co.