TH VH H U A Y JULY 0. 1983 H in 8PK1NOF1CLD NEWtr PAOB TUR E l Photo Win* Senn Trat ■'S FOR HA 1.1C Hlandartl make piano naar Hprlngfl»ld W ill aacrtflca ' (or unpaid balanoa, A snap j Easy term s W rlta Tallm an I ’lanu Htora. Hu lam, O re. Ju 11 7 "Little Egypt” A t T rian g le La ha— Miss Maxine E lectrician III— M A Pohl la III j daodgreas. i.loyd G arrison and at hla home thia week party spent tbe Fourth at T riang le On F all Creak — M ai ion Adams Lake. spent Sunday i n F all Creek. Move to Klam ath F a lla — Mr. and Pengra Man H e ra — Roy Barley ' Mrs Lee Hollenbeck le ft last Thursday for K lam ath Falls where of Pengra was a visitor In Spring- field Monday. , they » s p e d to Muku th e ir home. C alifo rn ia Man H a ra — Rtf Furs». Fresno, t'allfo rn lu was a guest at ills H p rlu g'le'd hotel Halurday evening. From thia dale on I w ill m il be ieapoiiulble (ur hill» charged by Mm A. T . Ikinuho. June 2*. 1*23 A. T. D O N A IIO . Ju IV Visits B rother— Rev. and Mrs. Lester Hulls y are here from east orn Oregon to visit w ith b is | brother, F rank Halley. W A N T E D Klderly ludy fur bouae krupvr (nr fam ily of two In country; give room »ml hoard aud 76 seals a weak (or neceeal- Ilea. W r lle L L I. In care Newa MANY A T T E N D BAPTIST PICNIC EVEN T FRIDAY FOREST ROLES EFFECTIVE ROW Business Directory Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Naturopathic Physician Phone »I-J O ffice Hours: 1 Io 6 P. M 40« Fourth Street Edw. G. Privat JEWELER Repairing u Specialty Sprlngfleid, Oregon sued by the regional forester, I'ort- land. Oregon. Cam pfire perm its are fr ,„ , Even If a (Ire emergency never arlsea. the toola are useful about ram p, according to experienced mountain travelers. T h e «hovel Is alm im i Indispensable In m aking a safe place fo r the eamp fire ; and both shovel and axe come In m ighty handy In case a car gets o ff the road nr Into a soft spot. foreel regulations. No order» have been Issued yet closing certain sections to entry such as has been done during the past two years. bidder for cash, or one-half cash ¡and one-half credit, subject to con- flrm atlnn o f the Court, the real p ro perty of said estate described In said order or any p arrel thereo f; A d d l i l o ^ . o ' L w e l ^ l n ^ n ^ ? ’ "' DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 W a tt 8th Bugans N o rte Vacations— Miss Anti Me Gookln. o ffice nurse of H r M ilton V. W a lk e r. Is taking a two-weeks vacation She w ill visit friends In Portland and relative» ut Forest Grove. Jasper Ptopls H e re — M r and Mra. W . It Sanders of Jasper were visitors In Springfield Saturday. Cam p Creek Man Hara— i'h a rle - N eet mid C liffo rd Crabtree of Camp Creek were vlattors In Springfield M onday. C O N G R E S S a naw role ese people to enter Into a period W e used to thin k of,Congress as j of self exam ination, to determ ine the Board of Directors of t h e ' w hether th eir present troubles are W o rk s In Eugene — M is s M a rg H 'l* week. In this tim e of change, perhaps sent troubles are not of our own we a re in for a new conception of m aking. Nothing Is easier than to she danres daily to make oldtuaers forget the L ittle L g yp t o f 1*93. i the relations between the d ifferent blame "cap italism ” or 'com m un­ i branches of the government. As | m atters stand now. the President w ith bis cabinet and expert advis­ ers. have auth ority to do Just about * anything they please. In theory J League Meets— T he high chool division of the M ethodist Epworth league held a picnic on the W iliam i It • F riday evening. Return from T rip — .Mr and Mrs J. M. J-ar OII returned to Spring- field early Saturday from a motor trip to C a lifo rn ia and Old Mexico. V is it at Salam— Mrs. G ertrude W ilson and aon. Donald, spent S at­ urday at Salem visiting with her son. K enneth. Attend Reunion — W illiam and Kenneth Cox spent the Fourth of July al the Chase fam ily reunion on Camp Creek V isits from W a lte rv ille — M r. and Mrs. F rank Page of W a lte rv ille spent Tuesday in Springfield visit­ ing w ith friends. At M ountain Home — Mr. and M rs. W . H. A d rian and M r. and Mrs. J. A. Seavey spent th Fuorth of July at tbe A d rian cabin on Horse Creek near M cK enzie bridge GETS Just now it reems silly to think P E R M IT TO CUT FARES of anyone w anting to throw a mon­ key-wrench Into the governm ental A new low fare for passenger m achinery. Everybody realises that * s ilver dollar con- Thus a debt has been paid w ith leas than the sum credited to the payer, and the creditor gets more than tw ice as much as the amount received! Under the law the Secretary of the T reasury Is required to coin at Hast 10.000.000 silver dollars from th „ bl„ |lon England. UIlr) . B . and he may coin the rest or not as the president directs. Money is a funny thing, and few of the people who m ake a lot of fuss about it understand bow It works. ICE CREAM N A T I O N S ................large and small W hen President Roosevelt sent a telegram to the heads of 54 d iffe r ent nations asking them to cooper­ ate In disarm am ent most folks though be must have included every Returns to C a lifo rn ia — Mrs C. C. Anderson returned to her home at Long Reach. C a lifo rn ia last woek a fte r an extended visit here at the home of her sister. M rs. H orace N o lleth. V iaita Daughter— M r. and Mrs. A. F am ily V isits — Mrs. W a lte r R J. Nelson spent the Fourth visiting Mtchaell and three children are here , ronl |(|„h n to visit w ith M r. w ith th e ir daughter and son-in-law. M r. and Mrs. Roy W orsw lck. at MIta One. Tw o. T hree, Four. | W illia m Mover and fam ily spent F iv e and T w e lv e In Medows' Ad D inner on F arm — M r. and M r*, the week end holidays at W ashou­ dltlon Low ell to In Lane Oregon, Io subject unpaid County, taxes H ,, " " . 1 „ en" ' r ' a,n d " ,th * „ gal. W ashington where they visited and a m ortgage of $600.00 to t h e ) chicken d inner Tuesday for M r. and a t the home of M r. Moyer's father. State I.and Hoard ' Mrs. N. L. Pollard. Mrs. Alm a Poll- Said sale w ill take place at the j an1 ,vn(1 M rs. R I,. W h itlo w and T hey returned to Springfield Tues­ law office of L. L. Hay In the County. M in e r d" , u«h ,e ,. r' S h lrle y ' of d B i ,’ . i bee' .« « i r i day. .B uilding, Kugene. Lane Arl I Oregon. i xona. Hom e from Cam p— Glen Jarvis H E R B E R T E. W A L K E R . Ad and C lyde Lockwood. C. C. C. work- Visits Daughter — M rs. Rosa m ln ls tra to r of the estate of E d­ era spent the Fou rth of July In M ontgom ery went to Eugene Sun­ ward C. M organ, deceased. S p ringfield w ith friends and rela (J 16-22-29— Ju 6 -13) day to have dinner w ith her daugh tives. Jarvis is stationed at G lide ter and son-in-law, M r. and Mrs. on the Umpqua, and Lockwood is H erbert Smeed. M r. and Mrs. Fred SUM M O NS stationed at Camp Perpetua near M ontgom ery of Corvallis were also Yachats. In Tho Circuit Court of the State present. M r. M ontgom ery Is a son of Oregon for la m e County. V is it at Grove — Professor and T helm a Belme. P la in tiff va. 8. R. of Mrs. Montgom ery. Hleme. Defendant. M rs. W . K. Buell, th e ir daughter Forsst W o rk e r Hara— Ed Frost T o 8. R. Beline, Defendant: IN E velyn, Clayton K irk la n d , Loudelle T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E O F was here over the week-end from W illia m s , and M r. Buell's mother, O R E G O N you are hereby required W oodlawn, W ashington, to visit Mrs. tia rle tta Buell, went to C ot­ ito nppear and answ er the com plaint with his mother. M r. Frost has filed against you In the above en­ tage Grove Sunday to visit wtth titled suit w ith in four weeks from charge of one of the C. C. C. camps M r. B u ell’s sister, Mrs. A lb ert the date of the firs t publication of located at the Hem lock ranger sta­ (this summons and If you fall to so tion near Carson. E veryth in g must W oodard. Mrs. C a rle tta Buell re­ answ er the p la in tiff w ill apply to he packed into the camp the final mained there for a two-weeks visit. the court tor a decree dissolving the bonds of m atrim ony now exist­ three miles, and the snow blankets DON’T GET UP NIGHTS ing between p la in tiff and defend­ the m ountains on all sides of the ant above named and granting unto camp nt this tim e, making It quite Make This 25c Test the p la in tiff n decree of absolute cold, he said. divorce from the defendant: Physic the bladder easily. D rive T his summons Is published once Hold Camping P a rty — One of the out Im purities and excessive acids each week for four consecutive which cause Irrita tio n th a t results ; weeks In |jlie Springfield News by larg er camping parties of local in leg pain«, backache, burning and ‘ o r d e r of Fred Fisk Judge of the people over the Fourth of July was getting up nights. B u -K E TS . the C o u n ty Court of Lane County, Ore- that made up of M r. and M ra. M. bladder physic, containing buchu, ! gon, made In the absence of G. F. R. Irish of Eugene, M r. and Mrs. ju n ip e r oil, etc. works on the blad­ Sklpw orth judge of the Circuit ! D. B. M urphy, Miss A ltte M anning, der pleasantly and effectively, sim i­ C o u r t, on June 13, 1833 directing la r to castor oil on the bowels. ( M i s Clara Jones, and Miss Blanche Get a 26c box (6 grain s ite ) from |th a t it ha June j M anning who spent Monday even- Dated and firs t published your druggist. A fte r four days, If It5th. 1933 W 1 IIT T E N S W A F F O R D , At- Bnd ™ M d ,y l,,"W, 7 ‘' ftm not relieved of getting up nights go back and get your money. You are totrney for P la in tiff, R esiden ce1 and Mrs. W . C. Rebhan bound to feel b etter a fter this and P. O. Address: Kugene. and daughters Joined the purty cleansing and you get your regular Drug Oregon. , Tuesday morning for the daya out- sleep, ijold by F lan ery's (J 16-22-29—Ju « -IS ) l |n< Store. ism" or the other political part» for w hat alls us. But u ntil a man has learned to look firs t inside of him self for the cau e of his troubles he has not achieved a w orking phi- J Congress can w ith draw the powers losophy of life . I granted, but in practice n o t h i n g , ------------------------------- | short of another general election ia SO U TH ER N PACIFIC lik e ly U h are th a t reault. T a k e N ew port T rip — .Mr. and Mra. Graydon bawls. M arian Ship- ley, Lloyd Shipley and Robert W at- son spent Thursday and F riday of last week at N ew port. At Cottage Grove—»Mr. and Mrs. Horace Nolleth and son. Floyd, and Miss B yrdine R elnhelm er spent the ] week-end at Cottage Grove visiting Meacham has arrived In S p rin g fie ld ! w ith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shields. from Spring V alley, Wisconsin t o , Fish on M etolius— M r. and Mrs. spend the summer wtth his grand George C lark and M r. and Mrs. parents. M r. and Mrs. Chauncey , H ow ard Clark spent the week-end Meacham. fishing on the M etolius riv e r east Fish fo r Bata— M r and Mrs. W of the Cascades. P. Tyson and daughter. M u riel, and Son Born— M r. and Mrs. W . C. M r and M rs T G Kaarhus and W rig h t of O akridge are the parents son of Eugene spent Sunday fishing of a son born to them at the Nelson for bass In the sloughs north of M a te rn ity home in Eugene on F r i­ |.;Ugent. day. June 30. arel G orrie Is working at the Dis pensary of the Eugene Hospital this week Miss Dorothy F isher Is takin g h er place as bookkeeper at »■»>” « » • “ <■— » ~ -e " ” U n ited States, w ith the P re s id e n t' not th e ir own fau lt. tak in g orders from It. T he Congress T h a t la a suggestion in line w ith Just adjourned seemed more like a the philosophy of a ll great re lig ­ stockholders’ meeting, ratifyin g the ions teachers. It would be a good proposals and actions of the direc­ thing for moat of ns to do, right, tors. now; to consider w hether our pre­ Zea»»» All, 21, o f Alexandria, Egypt, is the ” L ittle E g y p t” of O ir a g o 's 1M3 World Fair, where Monroe Man Here — W a lte r Squires of M onroe was a vlsltoi here Monday al the (Jerber home Resort Man H ere— I’ . O. Daniela M akes A ir F lig h t— Jim M aeM ani- of M cK enzie Bridge was a visitor man and F It. F lanery made an In Springfield Saturday M r. Dan- | airp lane flig ht from Springfield to lels o p erate, a resort. T h e Sign of Perrydale Friday. M r F la n e ry visit­ the F ir, at M cK enzie Bridge. Ho "rem em ber your »hovel, ave ed w ith his brother In-law . Andrew and w ater bucket h-ginning July 1" Cam pbell. Is the tim ely w arning now being Issued. Grove People H e re — M r and Mra. Sam M ille r of C o llag e Grove Sm oking In the national forests were guest» at the home of M r. and except on the designated highways Mrs J M Larson Saturday even or in the camp sites Is prohibited. Ing and Sunday. Mra. M ille r Is T hrow ing of lighted cigarettes or a sister of Mrs. Larson « cigars from moving vehicles con Wisconsin Men Here— Chauncey stltu lea a serious Infraction of the N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , •T h a t by virtu e of an order of the (County Court of Lane County, O re­ gon. duly mad>- and entered of re cord on the 10th day of June, 1933. Jn the m a tter of the estate of Ed ward C. M organ, deceased, the un­ dersigned a d m in is tra to r of said estate w ill on and a fte r the 16th s Nothing wastes energy more than strainin g your eyes. Com­ mon causes of eye strain are nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigm atism , and double vision. All of these can be effectively and quickly rem edied by the use of proper glasses. If your eyes are causing you discom fort you owe It to your­ self to have them examined. T his w ill cost you nothing at Adm itted to Hospital — Hobble Bennett was adm itted a< a patient al the Kugene hospital Saturday. Fish at Hiddsn Lake — Riley Hnndgraaa. Springfield, hla brother. T ra v e ls South— Mrs. E a rl Thom p­ Alex, and son. M erle, of Shedd, and station. They are required where lle o ry Folk and non of Halsey spent . son and small child le ft Sunday for camp flrea are to be built at any the week-end fishing at Hidden a visit at San Francisco, C a lifo r­ place except at designated cam p­ nia. lake. T h e y made lim it catchea. grounds N O T IC E O F SA LE O F R E A L P R O P E R T Y BY A D M IN IS T R A T O R Tired Eyes W a ste Energy Rainbow People H e re M r. and Mra. Clarence Belknap of Ratu bow wore visitors In S, ringfleld Friday. Visits Parents— Mrs. W ill M or­ V is ito r is III— M rs. M ike Baser gan of Huh m la hero visiting with aha who is visiting here from N orth I her p a t e n t s , M r and M rs. 8. O. Dakota Is ill ut the home of Mrs. M os It tor. Steve Hutchnck A large group ait«nd«d Ibe an nuul Baptist church picnic bald at ' Visits W ith A unt— Oeorg< W ll Ittvervlew park back of M klnner’a Mr» F R Jalka, o f New Y ork, llama of Portland Is visiting In pretty aorwty wurnaa who flgured ia llu lle lu Kugene Friday afternoon a reraat divorar artio e l>y her bus Hprlngtleld at (lie home of his aunt. Hwlmm lng, baseball, and other bead, was photographed on the liearh Mrs. Mi-da Catching »ports w ere enjoyed lla r r y ('base. and Ike pletore won her a arreen teet, W llllu iii Hrblck, and H r» W llford Down from Portland— Mrs. Mabel rom I ng to ike attention o f a well Cook had charge ut the arrange­ known «o tto a p trtu re producer , Harvey of Portland la visiting with ments. ■ relatives and friends In Springfield j this week N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R * C orvallis People H ere— M r an I N O T IC E IH H E R E B Y G IV E N Mrs. W illia m Hurling and daughter. That Kffa I ' Hpom e baa been ap poluted executrix of the Imat W ill Alice, spent th e w eeken d her.- uud T estam ent of H a rry Y Hpence. visiting w ith relative«. deceased, by tbe County Court of lutuce County. Oregon. A ll persona Back from T rip — M r and M r* bavlug claim s against said estate Hen H o llis te r have returned from are required to present them, with pent the proper vouchers, w ithin aii Fire Permit*. Bucket, Shovel K lam ath Falls where they luoulha from the 22nd day of June. l>arl of th e ir vacation and Axe Become Necessary 1*23. to the said executrix at the law office of L. L Itay In the M iner Equipment After July 1 Back from T rip — Ur and Mrs. W Hulldlng, Kugene. Oregon C. Itehban returned Sunday from K F F A P S P E N C E . Executrix A ll campers entering Ibe national tb elr property near U ran ia Paas of the (« s t W ill and Testam ent (( lr M , of Oregon and W ashington where they had been visiting for of H a rry V. Spence. deceased by automobile, vehicle, or pack several days. I.. L K A Y . Attornay (nr Katate. train w ill be required to have a (J 111# Ju *1 3 -3 0 ) Goes to Bend— M arlon L. Coyner shovel, an axe. and a one-gallon N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S w ater container for each vehicle spent the holiday at Bend visiting Notice la hereby given that the or pack train. If they expect to get with his fam ily. M r Coyner Is as­ undersigned has been appointed ad­ a cam pfire perm it. Mfter July 1. go­ sisting In the liquidation of the m in is tra to r of the estate of B enja­ min F Hklnner. deceased, by the cording to announcement Just Is- F irs t N ational bank. domestic dollar hasn't tieen cheap ened much. If any. so far Hut thal Is on the way down, too, and that w ill result in higher dollar price for all commodity Items and labor People who are scared of "cheap money" might ask themselves w hether they wouldn’t Just as soon have silver certificates as any other kind of currency. T h e re aren't any Republic of Andorra, the other wtker clr(.n |>. m in iatu re nation of San M arino, or tlon, but everybody take» them as the Danxlg Free State. N e ith e r Is dollars, although they are worth Monaco-Monte Carlo In the Hat; It only about 30 rents by the gold Is h a lf the slxe of New York's Cen standard tra l Park and has 25.000 Inhabt look inside tanta, Bu' Iceland has the same P H IL O S O P H Y . . . . Dr. Hu 9hlh. China's foremost standing In the London gathering ns the 1’ nlted States. I t Is about philosopher. Is coining to Am erica tbe slxe of New York and has a Ha ia the forem ost exponent of the population sm aller than Savannah. Confucian philosophy which has I t haa been an Independent nation been the guide to Itvlng ut tbe Chinese people for fiv e thousand since 1*18. This la certainly tbe moat com­ year-. p letely w orld-wide representative Just now D r Hu la delivering convention ever held ) lectures in Peiping urging the Cm »- Staying In Eugene— Ml s Elbe) Severson Is slaying In Eugene as Camp on M cK enzie — M r. and siting Mrs. V eltle I ’ru ltl at her Mrs. Kay N o ll spent the week nod home. camping on llie I'p p e r M cKenzie orriee. Couuly Court of loans County. Ore- gon All persons having claims a s .ln .t said e a u te are required J O present them •« -— w - ith •>— tbe proper vouchers to the undersigned at tbe law offices of T*olter * Halley at 631 M iner Hulldlng. Eugene, O re goo. w ithin six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 1th day of June A I)., 1*33 H T A C IIY I,. S K IN N E R . Admin Istrato r of the Estate of Ben­ jam in F. Hklnner. deceased. I'O T T E K A B A IL E Y , Attorneys (or Kntate. (J t t l5 1 1 2 3 Ju <) nation on tba globe. But there are « * nations reprasented at the W orld M onetary and Economic Confer ence. and s till thara are a few which were not Invited. T he sixty six Include, to be sure. Canada, Austria. New Zealand and In d ia which are members of th t iB ri'ts h Comm onwealth of Nations. ' but they do oot Include the tiny □ ll -i" is the best th at can be made. Only pure rich cream, sugar and natural fresh fruit flavors- skillfully blended and frozen could produce t he sm oothness of our ice cream. Order some of your favorite flavor tpday either by the quart or freezer full. We m ake special packs for picnics. Springfield Creamery Co. . ; Let’s Get Together To paraphrase the ancient, but pungently truthful, wise-crack: I f You D o n ’t R e a d The N ew s W e B oth Lose! T h a t’s literally so, because TH E NEWS is published for your benefit. Your welfare as a citizen, as a taxpayer; your likes and dislikes in printed inform ation and entertainm ent are kept in mind when TH E NEWS is in the m aking. Therefore, you are im portant to T he News and The News should be equally im portant to you. The News offers, in retu rn for your annual paym ent of $1.50, a complete, week-by-week chronicle of im portant events, social affnirs, sports. Inter­ esting "personals," news of industry, comm erce and agriculture; en ter­ taining features and an array of advertising that m akes countless offers of advantage to you. LET’S GET TOGETHER! T H E SP R IN G F IE L D N E W S