THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS I ÜIKTIET11 YEAR BPKINOFIELD. I*ANE COUNTY, ORBOON,THURSDAY. JULY «. 1933 No. 26 NDUSIRY CODES May Celebrate MANY 10 ATTEND Absent Voting LODGE OFFICERS Plan Explained Sawmill Opening M. E. INSTITUTE TO RE INSTALLED Î0 AFFECI Y OPENING OF MILL SET FOR MONDAY County Clerk Issues State­ Chamber Appoints Committee ment; Ballots Must Be Re­ Outgoing Officers Hostesses Springfield Epworth League Every Line of Bualnee« in to Consider Plans for Com­ turned Before July 16 munity Expression for Rebekah Meeting Mon­ Lane County Included in to Send Delegation of 20 to Suttle Lake Outing day; Committee Named Regulation Program Muny questions have arisen late­ Plana (or a celebration In Spring-; ¡Booth Kelly to Use 120 Men Full 48-Hour Week Sche­ dule, Period Indefinite Between «evenly five and on ly regarding the use of absent Outgoing officers will be hostes­ MORE MEN NEEDED hundred young people of the Meth­ voter's ballots a l the spec ial elec­ ses at the Installation of new of­ odist churches III thl county are tion to I»- h-Id July 21 and to ficers of Juanita Rebekah lodge Trains Bring Many Logs to Government Guarantees Un­ planning to leave next Thursday answer many of these County Clerk to be held at the I. O. O. F. hall Mill Pond From Wendling fair Competition Elimina­ Mrs. morning. July 13, for Mutile lake W II Dillard ha prepared the fol­ Monday evening, July 10. Camps During Past Week lowing statement as to who Is en- tion for Higher Wages Glenn Stone, Mrs. t'larine Putman* where they will attend the annual tilled to use the ballot and under!and Mra Harab ¿„hn„ haye b„en Kpworth Lingue institute The Springfield plant of the A meeting <;( all Imua county appointed to have charge of ar-, Springfield will s-ncl a delegation what circum stances: j Booth-Kelly Lumber company wlll linkers wu held In Eugene last An absent voter Is one who ex of 20 young people They will char­ rangements for the Installation! resume operations again Monday, night al which time local pries ad a truc k for the trip and will pacts to be absent front the county ¡cerem onies July to. following a long period of Jusimcuts were considered Those to operation on a full 48-hour w«e-k ter b a le d by Rev Dean C. P o in d e x te r. ,rf b,a " r b a r l* * “ 1 »» N ew officers to be Installed tn- Idleness during which only the will probably be announced and I la viewed hare with considerable pustor of th e local church. who Is <* *»"' "‘“Y •’• ¡d u d e Mrs. Edna Yarnell, noble planers and other processing ma­ c o l li e erfeetlV* the first of I • «atlsfactlon and It was thought that alno Instructor In a eourse on "Hu­ physically unable to personally at- gyan<|. Tbelnia Sw,en ey , vlce- chines bave been operated irregu­ According to bakers the I ■proprlate expression of the com- man Nei-da and World Christian- tend .aid election. ¡grand; Wanda Barnes recording larly. vldlng for the processing I In order to gel such ballot U nlty would be worth while. secretary; and Mrs. Stella Findley. tty .” Creswell <-xpeolH to -end 12 (lour takes effect at noon on Announcement of the reopening necessary for th e voter to make ap-1 , rPa. ur(.r Th, appolnt. report of the lutne Pacific high young people; Kugene, 16; Cottage G e n e ra l H u g h H. Johnson, a d m in is ­ dote of Lane county's largest saw ­ 10. All bakers are required U- ive officers will be announced by Grò ve. 16, otte cnrload troni Wcnd- association rnmmlttcM to the trate..- - * th e F e d e ra l In d u s tr ia l Act, yeiitory their stock at tliut 11> •a may receive a ballot. vot« it and the Incoming noble grand after her mill was made Wednesday by a t h i* desk in Commerce headquarters g of the state highway com llng; and a few freni Coburg wlll and they will Its* Io pay the >1.1 Charles G. Briggs, general manager return it to the county cl rk a' st W a s h in g to n , where he s tarte d tbs Installation. All will a-rve for six compiei- thè county reglstrallon. In Portland last week was per barrel tax on (lour on ban«}« , of the Booth-Kelly Lumber com least six days before the electio n ., mfter the ,umb<(r. Plan Summer Vacation This Institute was cancelled for Springfield and la n e county la the brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Veltie Prultt conduct a short men. has „ a„ thia summer and Poindexter as- announcement of local bakers that Mrs John Henderer was elected signed to the Suttle la k e camp Mrs N. L. Pollard, and her mother, deToOllBd Day Adventists chur< h of the coun tbe CHy w„ h , M Pe, er. < Ratheringg w(thin , he con. «Nearly a capacity crew totaling Tuesday from Portland where he succeed Mrs W E Buell. An elec j ty gathered with their friends for c| ty recorder, who will hand gregation * approximately 120 men will begin attended a meeting of the Oreogn lion wlll be held for this office at a day of sport. Between twr and them on to th • county Red Cross their tasks Monday morning with Retail Raker association Prices the next m e-tlng of the club to be Royal Ann Finds Low Open three hundred attended workers The flnal montfc|y Church Nite, • the blowing of the whistle. The full were considered al the meeting mid held In Ihe fall. Market; Demand for Later W oltervtlle people gathered near There are 414 houses In the flood- tbe ODe for June- waa he,d FT,day j crew previous to the shut-down woa Mrs. Herbert Moore and Mrs It was geueratly suggested that an Varieties Is Uncertain Emmerich feiry where a large pic ed area to glTen attention im evening. 125 men. All men needed at the equitable price would be nine cents Donald Too mb were voted an Invl ----------------- p i t was sponsored by the I. O. O. F.. m,,d|ately. stated A. L. Schafer. Many other churches in wide- 'm ill have already been employe« tatlon to Join the club as members ; for n pound loaf of bread Following the business meeting | For the first time In the post Neighbors of Woodcraft, and Rebe manager of the Red Cross in the spread areas will watch the plan It was also announced. Mr. Jarrett la n e county vegetable growers t w o years Lane county farmers hah lodge groups of that place. Of Pacif1<. area Hp estim ates that here as It is expected to b ecom e' Is »n charge of employment at the met at the Eugene <'hamtier of and lunch on the twenty-five mem­ have had to call for assistance Ir special Interest at this picnic was j j3 000 wtll 5„ requ| red to place the means of relieving church work mill and has gathered up his crew bers and guests exhibited the heir Commerce last night to discuss their futur» action. T M. U lisims which they had brought w ith, harvesting their crops and have the unusual number of former resi- , be 2.000 refugees back In their pn, from having to attend meetings with but few exceptions from the ranks of former employees. homes and repair the damaged «-very evening of the week Kicks. Jr., outlined the scope of the them and gave a short explanation been able to give ow e employ dents who were present. ment to large numbers of workers Included In this number were Mr. | boug-a , , recovery legislation and expressed * of each, ! Thousands of feet of unsawed The arrival of the cherry crop and Mrs. Harvey Kappler and two his opinion that vegetable and pro lumber have been dumped into the this week has reused many orch-1 sons. Miss Mary White of San CHURCH GROUP PLANS ■luce growers who sold only within 1 mill pond during the past week. SPRINGFIELD PEOPLE MOUNTAIN STREAMS aril men to send out calls for pick Leandro. California Mr. and Mrs the state for consumption within PROHIBITION STUDY Logs began coming down from the AT ACADEMY REUNION era to help In gathering one of the Emmett Farnham of San Jose. ( al- HIGH FISHERMEN FIND th» slate would nut come under tn« I Wendling camps last Wedne* day hest crops during Ihe paat several Ifornla. who with their children are “The Christian Response to Hu-1 Monday a total of 19 cars were un- art. hut would be regulated by the arc receiving on visiting at the home of Mr. and B. H a m lin G re e ts F o rm e r S tu years Picker W aters in the North Fork of the lnan is the theme of the loaded Departmenet of Agriculture. average of one-half cent a pound M r-. M Emmerch. Mr. and Mrs. W illam ette are still high and flow morning m essage at the Methodist * d e n ts st A n n iv e rs a ry G a th e r­ ___________________ Cannera who buy locally and ship for their work. Woodruff and children of Port- over the banks in most places ac- church. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter! in g fo r W ilb u r School Into markets outside of the state It Is principally Ihe early cherries land, and Mr. Woodruff s mother, cording to W. K. Barnell, H. O. wj|| preach The Church school Is CIVIC CLUB PICNIC IS must form their code and regula­ At Leahurg the community pro- Dlbblee and H E. Maxey who fish beginning its new year, under the PLANNED A parly of Springfield people. which are being harvested nt this FOR TUESDAY tions. Mr. and Mrs (leorge Dltulek. Mr. time. Moat of them being of the * gram was sponsored by the I-adles ed the stream Sunday. Many fish administration of Its new superln --------- Meat dealers In a meeting In Ku­ A,d society. A baseball game and were caught by the party, most tendent, Mr. Ralph Fullerton, with and Mrs. F. II. Hamlin, and Mr. Royal Ann variety. Annual picnic for members of the gene Inst night considered Ihe na Prices being offered Lane county swimming were Interesting events of them being only medium sited, promise of a real program of life. Springfield and Mrs. J. M. McKay motored to Women's Civic Im- (tonal meat code and discussed the Wilbur Monday to attend the growers not belonging to the pool of Ihe afternoon. Dlbblee pulled out one 19-lnch The hour Is 9:45. The W esleyan provement club has been planned problem of reducing the umount I eightieth anniversary and even- are averaging around two and one trout. l eague will meet at 7 o'clock. The for Tuesday afternoon. July 11, at of small packaged products. They leenth annual reunion of th Vmp- half cents n pound from buyers for AIRMAIL LETTER MAKES Crews of the C. C. C. men are at Epworth League will attend the W illam ette park. Mrs. Paul Brat- also considered restricting Ihe num­ Ihe Royal Ann with indications that FAST TRIP FROM DENVER work on the road along the North service at Creswell at 7 o'clock and tain and Mrs. D. O. Fisher are In qua Academy. ber of retailers In a given popula­ Fork the men report. assist their pa-tor in the 8 o'clock charge. Husbands and fam ilies of Mr Hamlin was the first prln Ihe late crop will exceed the tion. A letter sent by airmail from service which is to be a union ser club members are to be guests at clpal of the academy after ll was market. L um btrm is Study Code Denver. Colorado at noon. Tuesday. vice under the topic: "A Study of the picnic. Groups wlll start gather- taken over from the Methodist Lumbermen are »till studying the July 4. was received in Springfield F R E D BU E LL TO ST U D Y the Repeal.” ing at the park after 2 o’clock and church as a state public school. H< OLD AUTOMOBILES NOW various provisions of the code. la n e served In that capacity from 1881 C o b u rg M e th o d is t Pend tbe en ,,re » « « n o o n and c nM F O O U U T T O OF H iu ID iiN IN G tbr“’* o'r'< M'k ,h*‘ nex' Vgn af,prnoon COME r n U Juiy R by Mrs A R Valaah UNDERTAKING. ----------- IN SOUTH county lumbermen have voted to - to 1894 The equivalent of high Topic, “Christ Deals with the e*«8" 1"« there. be regulated by the code hut this One noticeable thing which has Thp w,n"' <'•>>'r **"lllar ■«’»“«’Is were every other year. purchase the required plate . lar morning worship will be held at starts Wednesday morning on Brat the next year. The whole purpose of the eco- started tain field when they defeated the i -----------------------——. After leaving Wilbur Mr Hatullu ----------------------- — 1 11:00 o’clock. There wlll be. special nomy act Is to create employment Riverview club. Dale Carson pitch­ MAN ARRESTED HERE bo,h 'lervicP!, Tbe ('hr,st’ ed. and Doc Taylor caught for the EXECUTIVE MEETING and stim ulate sales. Each group or spent 17 years at Roseburg ns high SHERIFF’S OFFICE GETS school principal for nine years, and * Inn Endeavor will hold Its regular claaslflcatlnn of dealers such as ON BAD CHECK CHARGE FOR C. E. IS PLANNED WEEK-END TAG RUSH m e e tin g at 7:00 o'clock Sunday local team. retail bakers must prepare and sub county school superintendent for The Lorane team is coming to , evening. mil a governing code to the presi •'•»ht yenrs. He also spent four Springfield for another gnme on the A regular meeting of the execu R Castle. 39. was arrested here A total of 1245 temporary permits , ________ ._________ deni Mr his approval Members «" •>" educator In Portland, local field Fridav evening at five tlve com m ittee of the Christian En Saturday evening by Lum F. Ander- and applications for the sam e num­ RURAL PHONE USERS TO who do not affiliate with existing o clock. ' deavor society of the Christian »on, police chief, on a charge of ts- ber of new auto licenses were Is­ associations bound by the adopted DEAD FISH INDICATE PRESENT COMPLAINTS ., — —_ ! church will be held this evening at suing bad checks. He was alleged sued from the Lane county sheriff's code are to be lleensed by the guv ARETANIA PLANS FOR 9:00 o’clock. The meeting will be to have written two In Springfield USE OF EXPLOSIVES i office Friday and Saturday to mo- F. D. Petzold. route 3, Eugene ern ment. Night a"d w ai arrested on his return i held _________ following the Church ‘ lorlsts who had delayed mulling In will go to Portland Monday to re­ By approving and operating un­ McMINNVILLE MEETING djnner and WUIRhlp. (from California at the request of lairge numbers of dead fish found Ihelr applications. Of the total 650 der the codes enc.h group Is per­ floating about the shores of Hidden lags were applied for an Saturday present the Lane County Rural _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ local businessmen. He was placed Aretanln guild of the Baptist j ,n tbe county Jail over the week- mitted to charge more for Its pro­ Lake by the more than 30 persons and 596 on Friday. This was a new Telephone association In presenting ¡end and made arrangements to take ducts, hut In turn must guarantee who visited Ihe lake Indicated the , high peak for the license depart­ requests before Charles Thomas, ' church is planning to send a dele- MARCOLA PEOPLE HAVE public utilities commissioner, for gallon to McMinnville for the an- FOURTH OF JULY BABY "P the papers this week. to employ their help for shorter unlawful use of explosives In ob­ ment nt the couit house. lower rural telephone rates. A hear nnal House Party sponsored there ________ __________________ ________________ hours and at a living wage. taining fish recently. There were I Ing for Pacific Telephone and Tele by Ihe Baptist churches of Oregon Mf nDjl Mrs F A Rej|er of Mar. The code : wlll not affect a man all sizes Including many large fish Picnic on McKanxIe graph company to Investigati* rntes and Linfield college, a BopU"* coi„ are th? parents of a Fourth SPECIAL MILK ROOM In business for him self without ns floating near the Inlet, and most Included In a group of Spring BUILT AT CREAMERY slstants Insomuch as working hours of them were still quite firm. An field people who enjoyed a picnic has been called for Monday by , school. The gathering of young 1 of July hgby born t0 , hem at the women will be held July 14 to lfi Pa,.lflr hospital Tuesday. July 4. are concerned, hut his prices, etc., Investigation Is expected tn be on the McKenzie river July Fourth Commissioner Thomas. will be regulated. A special room has been built at 1933 The child Is a boy. made soon b.v state police officers. were Mr. and Mrs. William Gantx. YOUNG PEOPLE IMPROVE --------------------------- the Springfield creamery to house Other fish In the lake were ap­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Q. Hughes. Mr ; SEWING CLUB HAS Arrives in W isconsin — Mrs all the domestic milk pasteurising QUARTERLY MEETING AT parently not afflicted In any man­ and Mrs. U. (1. McElhaney, Rev. MEETING MONDAY CITY PARK AT PICNIC Emma Olson was expected to ar- j and bottling equipment. Some of and Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter, and BAPTIST CHURCH TONITE ner. Weekly meeting of the Kosy Kor- j A number of Springfield you n g; rive In W isconsin W ednesday of the machinery units have had to Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Page. ■ ■ ■ — j npr Kluh was held Monday at the I people under the direction of Wil- this week according to her son. * be moved farther to the front of S un day 8chool H ead Third quarterly meeting of the Vacation at Cabin— Mr. and Mrs. home of Miss Dorothy Mae Potter I Ham Cox enjoyed .a picnic at the Oswald. Mrs Olson left Springfield the building to get them Inside the Frank Page was re-elected sup­ Baptist church wlll he held this instead of the regular time, Tues ¡City Park last week-end and spent several weeks ago and has been mllkroom walls. Greater cleanlls evening at 8 o'clock. Plans for Ihe erintendent of tho W altervllle W. C. Wright nnd family and Mr relatives In Tacoma ; ness Is possible with the segrega- work of Ihe fourth and final quar­ Union Sunday school Sunday. Mrs ! and Mrs. Levi Neet spent the | day, which was a holiday. Miss j most of their time cleaning up th e ! visiting with w eekend and holiday at the Wright j Kdna Platt joined the group as st trash and debris which has accu In W isconsin she will visit her old , tlon of the milk from tha other actl- Clarence Potter was elected his as ter of Ihe church year wlll be dis­ 1 cabin on Horsa creek. 't ew member. mulated in the park. 'home. Titles of th« creamery. slatant. cussed at the gathering. PRICES ADVANCE HERE field on thu opening of thu Booth , Kelly mill Monday, which has been down (or the lost (wo yaera. ware discussed at (ho Chamber of Com marca meeting Wednesday night A comm ittee constating of I. M. Peterson. W C. Wright and H. E. , Maxey were appointed to consider ' the proposal farther. The return *„f U ||t . coull, y i, ,argaa, aawiu„, ‘CHURCH HUE' 10 SE HELD WEEKLY CLUB MEMBERS ELECT OFFICERS PICNIC GROUPS HELO ON FOURTH STURT WORKING