PAOB TURF« THS BPRINOFIULD N W S THURSDAY, JUNK 29, 1»8I g TOWN AND VICINITY McKENZIE PASS OPEN CARS CROSS SUNDAY HEW FARM LDANI ( AFFORDS CASH The McKenzie pass Is open. The first autom obile, to negotiate the crossing this season came down over the dlvld* from Bend Sunday In spite of the announcements Is­ sued Saturday by the Highway De­ partment office In Salem that the road would not be passable until Wednesday. Motorist, driving up the west side of the mountain early Sunday morning found a stretch of the highway which had not been open­ ed. but which waa passable In a light automobile.' After crossing this stretch the road ta almost clear of snow. Person« contem platisg a trip across the pass are advised to equip ' them selves with tire chains and a | , _ , Minor Opuratlon — John I ’ortar Recovers Illness— Frank Waacb- undarwant a minor oparatlon at tbu tar la recorering now from a re- offlca of a Hprlngfleld pliyalclan. cent Illness. Scaling Down of Debts Ex* Ill at Qoahan—William Cornallua With Ability of Cut« Finger— Dale Daniela cut a pected of Gosbeu la quit«* ill at his horna deep gnah on her left hand Tuea-1 Farm to Pay Old Accounts day tgorulng. Washington J u lia 29- President thia «auk Farmers of thia county will be llo o ’iuvalt waa anxious to have con- •maII Boy III— Donald Kurn, aon Does to Aahland— Delbert Mitch Interested In the statem ent Jaat ra­ Kruaa adjourn buforu tba 16tb, ba- of Mr. and Mra. I. W. Korn, la IM ell left Tueaday morning for Aah­ vel red by C. W. Hansen, Route 2, cauau that waa tbu data for tba ai tba hom» of tila parunts. land. Springfield, sacratary-treaaerer of payment of anuthar Inatalliuunt of tba Kuropsan war debts, and bu Visits at Creewell — Mra. Fred Returns from Portland Jim M, the McKenzie Vail« y National Farm Aaaocatlon. from J A. Scoll- knew they wara not going to ba Louk and daughter, Bra, »pent th ■ Kee returned to Springfield Munday ard. Agent of the Farm laian Com paid In appreciable amount. He week-end at t ie«w ell at the home foltowlng a trip to Portland. mlaaloner. stationed in the Federal didn't want aunatora getting up and of Mr. and Mra. IB. L. Howe, Blue Rlvar Man Hara— Ham Bcotl |j«nd Bank of Spokane, t -Ring bow aaylng unkind thlnga about Kurupe Miss Louise M Popp, 29, N. Y Daughter Bom — Mr. and Mr», of Blue lllver waa a b u s ie s » vlsltoi ! It la expected there will be a very telephone operator, threw the switch juat at a time whan tba World Dorrance C. Warner of Fall Creek in Springfield Friday. substantial -cale-down In the debts sad slid ‘'hello” to «120,000 She Monetary and Kronomlc Confer are the pareute of un Infant daugh was informed that she had won that of many borrowers because the ence waa meeting In l^nidon and C atch st Salmon lAinuld Toomb amount with a ticket oa the English " t h r , e a rtic le s m ay prove ter born to them ut the Pacific farmer getting a loan will be able we wuru trying to get on friendly very useful at tim es, especially tati Derby qiyiaer. hoapllal In Eugene on Tueeday, caught a medium slz-d salmon In to offer cash for asttlem ent of debts terms with the rest of the world. In the evening or early morning. the McKenzie river north of Spring- June 27. 1*33. which he might not otherwise be Aud the reason som e seuatora did field Sunday. i able to pay. convenience of the public the sec­ Ihelr best to hold congress In ses­ V isitors Stop H ara — Mr. and KENSINGTON CLUB TO Portland Man Visits — George Commissioner's losna are being retary-treasurer of the local nation­ sion waa Juat Io give them selves an Mra. Alex Mathews stopped In al farm loan association has been abort AVIlllama of Portland spent Sunday HOLD PICNIC FRIDAY made to reduce and refinance farm­ opportunity to let loose a lot of Springfield Saturday fur anil-foreign fireworks about the visit with frlenda. They were on In Springfield vlslllng his aunt. er's debts on a longer term harts, appointed aa correspondent and Members of the Kensington club to supply working capital and to that farmers should find It conveni­ debts. ihelr way to their home at Thur» Mra. Meda Catching ent and satisfactory to make their will hold a one o'clock picnic dish refinance foreclosed farms. The trip. Hut wheu the date cum«. and the ton after a Move te Springfield — Mr. and ■ ollateral accepted Is first or sec- applications to this correspondent dinner Friday at the home of Mrs. debt Installments weren’t paid P rincip al V is ita — Ginn 11 Wood, Mra. Walter Markham of Albany on-* mortgages upon all or any part rather than apply directly to the j Paul Basford. A social afternoon England paid 10 percent, France Principal of thè Uruttatu achool arrived In Springfield Sunday to oi the farm property, real or per agent stationed In the Federal Land will be enjoyed at the Basford farm and Italy nothing. Cxccboalovakla home following the dinner. visite«! In Springfield and Eugene make (heir home here sonal. Including crops. Of course, Bank. and Greece and a few othera also tur a short whUe Tueaday and before the Commissioner makes a Visits In Roseburg— Mias Jean 10 percent and Finland alone paid Wediicaduy whlle enroule tu hi» nine Withers left Saturday for second mortgage loan he will ask what waa due In fu ll—there wasn't home at Medford from tin- National Roseburg to visit at the h om e,of the holder of the first mortgage to any occaalon for fireworks. The Guani camp al Camp Clatsop waive foreclosure rights in accord Dr. and Mrs. ('. G Van Valzah. President accepted what waa offer­ anc<- with the Commissioner’s re­ ed aa payment on account, aent a to the dollar, at the close of Ihe M'"or O p er.tio n -J a m es Phillips, gulations. Don’t let expensive foods sharp rebuke to France, which la war. th e , some real Inflationary ° f Mr and Mr’ C,“ *on i’h" " pa' L im ited to 85,000 two Installments behind, and com measures will he adopted to make » minor " tersilo,, st the spoil and go to waste. Pres­ 1-oans are limited to a maximum m illed the nation for nothing ex office of a local physician Monday of 85.000 each These loans plus all capt what he lias said before, that d‘,ll« r« ‘ keeper and prices higher erve them with a few cents we ahall always be glad to listen Espanaaa Going Down Visita at Albany— Mrs. G. W. prior mortgage» or other evidences of Indebtedness secured by the worth of ice each day. Just Government economy plan» are ln c,„ 1Kr,^ . sustained painful cuts on two of ,h“' thp f,n an ,lal ™"d“ <‘>" EUGENE. OREGON 77 E. BROADWAY on (he millers, who will not be voted solidly ns a unit was Veter- his fingers Monday when he push- app“can‘ aa »*«1 as his history ,-d them thru a pane of glass in a nlu‘', «*' con» dered. including, of permitted to pay l«»s than market jana. R<.R,., door al h l. home. I course, the ability of the farmer price for wheat. They will add the ! I to repay his loan. The properties proceeatng tax to the price of (tour, Tonsils, Adenoids Removed — are appraised by the Federal Land which Is calculated to add about V» HUNTLY NAMED FOR Woodrow Phillips, son of Mr and Bank appraiser and he uses the cent to the consumer's coal of a LEGION CONVENTION Mr Clifton Phillips had his ton same general values in arriving at pound loaf of broad. 1 i sils and adenoids removed Monday . the value of the property to be of- Cotton in the fields Is to be des­ M It Huntly has been appointed at the office of a local physician. fered as collateral. The principal ; troyed. probably as much as 26 delegute front the Springfield Am­ difference between the Federal percent of the 1933 crop, and grow­ erican Ix-gion post number 40 to at Speaks at Grange M e . t - F , A M e ,()an and the ( .ommkl ers compensated out of »’"' lend the state convention to be held Cornack was the principal speaker, , toner . ,oan , hat the bank cmm I s of a processing tax of 4 c.-nta #| K|a math Falls on August 10. 11 at the meeting of the Ja«per grange : a pound laid on spinners, who are and , , Th p )ot.a , , |<(|1 post ha» Tuesday evening. He spoke on the ’ 31 , _ r.n legion post j perty and can not exceed 50 per (o tack It on to the price of cotton taken a vacation for the sum m er: subject of the Slate Sale» Tax. cent of the normal, appraised value goods. months and will not meet again Visiting Mother— Mr. and Mra. of the land plus 20 per cent of the Federal Home Loans until September. ¡Kenneth Thompson of Santa Clara insured, permanent improvements The Federal Home Ixwn Bank EVERY PAIR HAS A DEFINITE GUARANTEE nre spending the weék In Spring- whereas the Commissioner's Agent Board has been «<-1 up under the j field visiting with her mother. Mrs. may lend up to 76 per cent of the OF SATISFACTION direction of William E Stevenson. MOHAWK CROUP PLANS normal value and accept second Katie Brumette. If anyone owning a home has a PAGEANT FOR PICNIC mortgages and personal property- as mortgage on It he ran refinance To Bend— Clayton F. Barber will security. (hat mortgage under proper con­ Mrs Echo Neal has written a leave Saturday for Bend where Mrs. Contact Local Agent ditions with government funds, up pageant depicting the early history Barber and their daughter are visit The Agent points out that for the to 80 percent of th. appraised 000.000 appropriated for public “»»«te will on and after the 16th she w111 be *iven »«» «*«* employ works. Four hundred million dol d"J of. Jul/ - J933 ‘‘" • r ,OJ »«le *nd ment. . „ . . , . . . aa H At private sale to the highest lara of Federal roads construction |ddder for cagb or on eh alf caeh V isits Daughter— Mrs. Sam Rlch- la to start at once, as well as the and one-half credit, subject to con-1 mond went to Portland Tuesday building of all the naval craft which | morning to visit with her daugh To paraphrase the ancient, but pnngently truthful, wise-crack: we a™ 8« « » • » nation nre now organizing them H IN C 7 O N FOR HAI.B—Htuiulard inaku piano n«ar Hprlngflrld Will »aerifies fur unpaid balanca, A anap. Easy lamia Writ» Tallman Plan« Uluru, Malum, Ora. Ju I I From Hila data on I will not ba luaponalhl« for billa cliaigsd by Mia. A, T. Uuliako. Juu» SU, 1933 A. T. DONAIIO. Ju 20. WANTED Kldarly lady for bouts- kuupur for fuiully of twu tn country; ulve room und board und 76 vanta a wnuk for necuaal- tloa. Wrltu LLL In care Nawa offlca. COW STAKING CAUSES COMPLAINTS IN CITY The practice which many people have got ten into of staking their row« on vacant lota and aloug, the atraeta of lha city has been causing many complaint« to bn made at the City Hall lately aaya Lum F An- duraon People who ataku out (hair cows should bu careful not to let them get on lha slduwalka. he aayg. N O T IC S T O C R E D IT O R S NOTICS IK HKKKIIY GIVEN: That Effa P Hpoucn baa been ap polnic,I « s e e s tr a of the luist Will and Testament of Harry Y. Hpence. deceased, by tha County Court of IsSBSS County. Oregon. All person« having claims against said estate are required to preaeut them, with tbu proper vouchers, within a ll uiontha from the 22nd day of June, 1933. to the aald executrix at the law office of L. I. May In the Miner ll u ll d ln g , Eugene. O re g o n EFFA P. SPENCE. Executrix o f On, L a s t Will anil Teatament of Harry Y Spence, deceaaed. I. I. MAY. Attorney for Balate. IJ 22 2» Ju 6 13 20) N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Notice la hereby given that the uuderatgned baa been appointed ad- ■ iiliile liU t o r o f the io,tale o f llt - n ja min F Skinner, deceased. by the County Court of I at tie County, Ore­ gon All peraona having claims against aald estate are required to present them with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at the law ufflrea of Potter * Halley at 631 Miner llulldlng, Eugene, Ore gun. within six months from the dale of thl« notice Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 8th dav of June A D . 1933. 8TACHY L. SKINNIER. Admin latrator of the Estate of Ben­ iamin F Skinner, deceased. POTTER A HAILEY. Attorneys for Estate. (J 8 1622 28—Ju <) Business Directory Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN N aturopathic Physician ITioos t l-J Office Hours: I Io t I' M 406 Fourth Street Edw. G. Privat JEWKLEU Itepuiring a Specialty Springfield. Oregon General I-aw ITacUce I. M. PETERSON Attorney « t-lA w City Hall Building Hptdngfle'.d. Orhgon Reliance Life Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh. Pa. Kapreaentad By E. H. TURNER 846 A St. Springfield, Ora. POOLE * GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Formerly Walker-Poole EL'GENB— 11th BPK1NGFHCLD and Cbaraeltou, 228 Main Telepuone 723 Phone 82-J Tired Eyes Waste Energy Nothing w astes energy more than straining your eyes. Com­ mon causes of eye strain are nearsightedness, farsightedness, nstlgniatlsm, and double vision. All of Iheso can bn effectively und quickly remedied by the use of proper glasses. If your eyes are causing you discomfort you owe It to your­ self to have them examined. This will coat you nothing at DR. ELLA MEADE OptofristrlBt 41 Wsst 8th Butane USE ICE Springfield Creamery Co. Williams’ Salt Service Store The Largest Stock of Footwear in Lane County Serve Yourself and Save! Let’s Get Together If You D on’t R ead The News We Both Lose! Said sale will take place at the a,ld v*«»ed with her sister. Mrs. T. selves, with Government aid. Into trade associations for the adoption law office of L. L. Ray In the Miner II. Taylor, and his mother, Mrs. W. of standard codes of practice, hours Building, Eugene, Lane County, A. Bartholomew. Oregon. of labor and minimum wage scale». HERBERT E WALKER. Ad-1 Iowa Man Arrives—W. P. Metcalf In order to get factories going at mlnlstrator of the estate of E d-, arrived here Sunday from Iowa to ward C. Morgan, deceased. once. Any Industry that won't play visit with his sister-in-law, Mrs. (J IB 22-28—Ju 6 -13) can he forced to come In under the N ettle Metcalf, and with his rules approved by the majority and SUM M O NS nephew, Oran Metcalf, and family. the government. The expectation of Washington Is that a million In The Circuit Court of the State Mr M e,c"K Hn<’ h,s nephe" WPnt to Florence Monday to spend a few of Oregon for latne County. men a month will he put hack at Thelma Relme, Plaintiff vs. S. R. ilays on the Coast. work, beginning now. Slenio. Defendant. Under Joaeph H. Kastman, form­ To S. R. Selme, Defendant: INI Hold Family Gathering— Mr. and erly chairman of the Interalate THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Mrs. W. A. Taylor and nephew. Commerce Commission and now OREGON you are hereby required J Kenneth Herrington, drove to Jef- ............................. . , „ ,, , . to appear and answer the complaint . „ t ... Federal Coordinator of Railroads. ft(f>d nRatnitt yol, )n the aboTP pn. ferson Sunday where they met Mr. the task of reorganizing the rail tilled suit within four weeks from and Mrs. A. E. Herrington and roads Into regional system s, and the dnte of the first publication of , their daughter. Evllo, and held a In general trying to make them ,h l" »»«tnmons and If you fall to so famj|y p|cn|c, Kenneth returned to more efficient, has been started (h COIlrt foy ft dprrpp dlssnlvlng Portland with his parents and his One of the first things the railroads the bonds of matrimony now exist ¡sister came to Springfield Io visit did was to announce another pay Ing between plaintiff and defend „t the Taylor home for a short cut, making a totnl reduction, effec­ ant above named and granting unto wh,i_ the plaintiff a decree of absolute, tive next November, of 22Mi per divorce from the defendant; I ................. ... This summons Is published once Ì Overnight Visitors— Mr. and Mrs. cent In railroad wagea. The only "Inflation" thus far In ench week for four consecutive John Truesdall and small daughter, effect Is the acceptance of silver at weeks in |>ie Springfield News by Hpent Monday evening visiting with order of Fred Fisk Judge of th e, M Mr„ Frank ,.atll8on at B0 cents an ounce In payment of County Court of Lano County, Ore- J „ , ,,, ,, . , . „ , foreign debts to the United States aon, made In the absence of G. F. Harden Way. Many friends called Each BO-cent ounce of sliver will | Hklpworth Judge of the Circuit to visit them during the evening. mnke about $1.19 In silver dollars, Court, on June 13, 1933 directing Mr. Truesdall la a former employee J*-?18 j K , of the old Morning Register In Ku which will be the basts for that ,h ?i Dated and first published June ... . ” . . . „ !Kenp ®nd lI' nt 8tudent- He ,B much In silver certl(lcates. But un- lBth 1933 WHITTEN SWAFFORD, At- now a student Instructor In chem lea» the agreements arrived at In totrney for Plaintiff, Residence iatry at the University of Mlchl- London result In putting the cur­ anil P. O. Address. Eugene, They were enroute to Los rencies of the rest of the world up Oregon. l" to where they wore, with relation (J 16-38-88—Ju I -18) I Angeles. That’s literally so, because THE NEWS Is published for your benefit. Your welfare as a citizen, as a taxpayer; your likes and dislikes in printed information and entertainment are kept in mind when THE NEWS is in the making. Therefore, you are important to The News and The News should be equally important to you. Tile News offers, in return for your annual payment of $1.50, a complete, week-by-week chronicle of important events, social affairs, sports, inter­ esting “personals,” news of industry, commerce and agriculture; enter­ taining features and an array of advertising that makes countless offers of advantage to you. LET’S GET TOGETHER! T H E SP R IN G F IE L D N E W S