TH U R SD A Y. JUN1B 29. TH « 8PRINOFTELD NKWB THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS < W'iru Air R3, at Spi tKi<íiwld. Orvgou tu e ( M a to tU v e . M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E EllNORt BARRY ©▼» ta* WO 1»H I number 14,710 were men and IS.SIS 1 women This la a considerable In crease over llte registration for the fall eleetltm In l»»2 when III« total waa 2a.S83 Thirty «even new realdenta In the Springfield vicinity had been regia ternd by I. M 1‘elereon. city re Icordnr, at the time the hooka were closed Minx AV X »vca* MRS. ADAMS A T T E N D IN G N. O. W. GRAND LODGE thought Joyce, "»he wouldn't l»> on you are. Mr-. Packard, the Munii» SYNOPSIS j . » p . - a k l u g t.1,1 with mo II. » 1 were glad to «el a home 1.0 in . kic Due bleak November day .Mrs Marlon Adam» left Tuesday Ashton, poor stenographer, was tn a vim* at lea»t Frill» would have pul and he aet the wrtgRtln« hunch 1 morning for Portland where she la down on the «round, and laughed THURSDAY. JUNE 2», 1933 skidding taxi cab In Chicago Next the fear of God Into her." spending Ute week »«ending the thing she remembered was two "You eecaped a very aerioua In an tt »trained at II» leaah. years later when she woke one Grand Lodge »eaahin« of the Nelgli "Oh. thank you. Sam. lie's a duri THE HOME FOLKS FIRST WITH US morning to find herself In a luxuri­ Jury," went on the visitor. "Have hors of Woodcraft Mr« Adam» 1» you had Dr. Kill on make a thoro­ Ing!" exclaimed Joyce, stooping to ous hoase In California, with a wed- The building of a super-highw ay -40 feel wide, above dlug ring on her hand, and a pheas­ one of the Oregon delegatee to the pat the chunky little »quere head ugh examination V occasional high w ater ami away from railroad crossings to ant young man. addressing her a» national gathering, and la one of Dickie wriggled a» Sum released Joyce, accom m odate future traffic w hich it is presum ed will g rea t­ FVill». telling her to be careful after “No. I haven't." replied .......................... him from the leash and responded 1170 delegate« from ell parts of the ly increase despite the completion of The Dalles-C aliiorul* her fall from her horse the day Her welcoming stulle faded out. United Mutes Her husband wa» Nell and alttlng down uku I ii . the puffed amiably Io her patting hut aitei a and Roosevelt highways, is the beautiful picture painted before . I I Packard, rich fruit packer Con ,„.r c|garette, watting In defeil- moment he looked about excitedly, now by the highway departm ent. The federal government fused and troubled, she tried to gllence l( , hlii wa« Laurlne. «lashing away from her a few fee» Why Uaa « Bladder Phytic? will furnish the money and all we have to do is to buy the front iet'ers tn her‘desk'found that deliver her from any more In laws! and barking sharply, then return H e n rie tta R em nsr. o f I s » A ngelea. right-of-way, it is said. To drive out Impurltl»» and ex had been a heartless, grlvolous "Well. I should certainly th in k , Ing again. "What does he want, do The new survey now complete in its preliminary stages she young woman and had^becom ejn- he wouid have done It. . . 1 do wish ¡you suppose. Sum?” asked Joyce. I'altf., flew 40 mile» 1« IT mlnutca, ? i-eaa arid» that cauae Irritation »-vonds la the eertind »lineal air rare is no shorter than" the present Pacific Highway through volved In a »ertous affair ~ with ” a you would consult hltu, 1 feel cer-! mystified by his behavior " which results In getting up uKhls. women flyer« »t New York, June Lane county. The reason for not using the present routing man named Maitland Lalor, when tain he would think a thorough In- “He's looklug for a stick." ex­ 1 for tkea winning the Annette tlihwia frequent de»lre, burning, leg pains he camo to see her. he was hurt and is that the bureau of public roads engineers will not furnish •k award over 33 romprUlore or barhache BU-KKTH. the bind when she tried to repul»e ternal examination the only safe plained Sam. "That’e what you the money without it is a new line, so it is reported. I he surprised der physic work« pleasantly on the thing to do after such an accid en t! want. Isn't 11. Dickie?" htm. but he finally left her. highwav commission promised the last legislature th at it aa yours . . . A stitch In time s a v e s ' Sam picked up a smooth round REGISTRATION GOES bladder aa ««»tor oil on the bowel« Sixth Installment would build no new roads hence this new project is called a piece of wood, showed It to Dickie nine." U P F O R JULY ELECTION / i ”' • h“1 dajrg fr,,ro ’,uur dru“ UP R J H J U L Y C L C . V I iw V i#ur l( rw re location even though it touches the present route in only- Before the stranger reached her. Joyce wanted to add. "And an who Jumped frantically for 11. and one place. . -«jbA.ll« she ha«l time to see that he was a apple then threw It aa far as he could voter» 1 tleved go back and get your money a day keeps the doctor away" A total of 37.113 i-llglhle i- This com m unity’s principal objection to the new- route thin, unimpressive type with red­ Dickie dashed after It tumultuously. will feel better after Oil» as surveyed is that it moves the junction of the McKenzie dish face and tiny sandy mustache, but she kept quiet, wondering bow Then be came romping hack to had been registered III l-ane county . You Tuesday when the registration cleansing and you gel your regu highway over on the side of Ladrel hill where no satisfactory neatly clipped Hl« features were much longer Laurlne would stick to Sam. who commanded. "Go take It last hooka were . loaed for the apeclal . lar sleep. Sold by Flanery a Drug connection can be made. While the proposed route elimi­ small and his blue eye» twinkled. this particular subject. to Mrs Packard. Dickie, that’s your elin-tlon to he held July 21 Of this ' Store the subject. M nates grade crossings in Eugene and Junction City it will His plain gray business suit, which Laurlne changed _ , . „„ j i lady now Go on. give It to Mrs. - „ compel everybody using it in this section to cross a railroad lacked all trace of style, was In Delphlne sent her love to you and hopes you’re feeling quite recover-! *c * ' before coming to'the new road, it would increase the travel need of pressing and hi» wide com- from the accident, and Paul said Dickie. hla wide pink-lipped distance between Eugene ami Springfield by at least a mile. ntonsense shoes were dusty and ed to tell you he'd probably run In | mouth clamped tightly over hi» pre The tragedy of the whole re-routing is th at it destroys scratched som etim e today He e having lu n ch ; clous »tick, rolled hie eipreeelve present property values and ruthlessly diverts traffic away "Well. Frills, how's the beautiful from businesses with substantial investm ents o i l the high- bean feeling today? Golly, you wo­ at the club with Otla Clark and a lattve sort of way. Then he turned fixil yourself tiff Internally with a cold drink t»i Hggl- wav We have listened to several people who have spent men are lucky, the way you can business friend from the city, and and trotted over to Joyce their life savings in camp grounds, service stations and get thrown around and not get they're going to play golf all after inann'B. We have the kind you prefer, mixed juat like stores on the highway both north and south of Eugene. hurt! Now a man. who has to use noon, with Art Belmaln to make “There, that's enough stick for a while. You're all out of breath up a foureome ” There are probably 50 or Go of these places that have in­ his head, would have been Just the you like it etdtl and del,clou». vestm ents varying from a few thousand dollars to $100.000. fellow to get a crack that would It was nearly an hour later when Cotue with me. darling, and gel ac- Mrs. Paul Packard rose from the yualnted with your new home," lee cream and picnic aupplii*» arc here ready for Some of them are people who have come to us but recently put him out of business complete­ marble bench She had touched on said Joyce finally, “thank you. Sam, and were located by our cham bers of commerce on a high­ ly." your trip In the open. Sunday», holiday» and eveninga. a multitude of subjects, ranging I'm ever so grateful to you for get­ way they were told would never change. ___, Joyce smiled up at him easily. ting me such a perfectly sw eet dog from the newest cold cream and We believe the present alignm ent should be followed This man was not In love with her. when em ergency supplies are needed we have them. as closely as possible in re-routing the present Pacific high- she knew Instinctively. He was Its wonderful effects, to the details as Dickie." of the recent confinement of a Mrs. There was a look of pnssled sur­ wav because we are for the home folks first. The advant­ friendly enough, but impersonal prise in Sam's face as he answered, ages of the new route over the old to our nnnd does not “Oh. Is that so?" she retorted. Wellman. The effect of this call on Joyce “Oh, that's all right. I'm sure glad justify a change at a m uch greater expense. We are inter­ Well, the Lord must have thought ested in building up the com m unities of Lane county. Not women's brains more important was a wearily annoyed feeling that you like him. Mrs. Packard.” 'W h » r » the Baryte* la Different tearing them down for the benefit of stages, freight trucks than men s, if he protected them so she had suffered more than the n e t . When Joyce «at down In a com results In the way of enlightening fortab|w lounge chair on the ter and flying tourists California or Canada bound. much better.” —------------ ----------------- race. Dickie came lo her side and. “Ha! Well, I haven’t lim e for any facta were worth told me , "By the way. Delphlne — - — hl(| b,„nt wtth hu AMERICA HAS GROWN VP arguments on the equality of the queer w,n dr,K,p|„g Up« „„ the sexes now. just dropped in to see that she saw Arthur Mattland Thirty-five years ago, on the 3rd of July, 1898. the naval what you looked like go I can send night having dinner at the Palace edge of It. looked up at her plead 44 battle of Santiago put an end to Spain's pretentions of bt'ing Neil a wire that everything Is O. with what she called a 'Jaxx baby Ingly. She was delighted thut he a world power and put the United States of America on the In a vermllllon evening drees And accepted her so promptly, and her m ap as one of the great powers of the world. It is not put­ K."Of course! This was the doctor! I heard from somebody else, though spirits rose when she thought of ting the case too strongly to say that until the Spanish War "Well. Pm all right.” she replied, I won't repeat the name because If having his compunlonship She felt the American nation counted for very little in world affairs and then It occurred to her that she there's one thjng 1 pride myself on, less alone In an Incredible world. except as a source of food supplies, and our politicians and had better not be too well If she it's not spreading scandal or goa- With Dickie she need never pretend most of our people felt themselves somehow inferior to Eu­ wished to stave off the hordes of glp—but It's a woman who »pends to be Frills Packard. rope and the Europeans. friends who were trying to draw a lot of her time In the city, and Some of that inferiority idea still persists and crops up her back into their activities. "But you know her almost as well as I When Floxle came to find her • We are well equipped to give you a prompt, complete every now and then, whenever the United S tates takes part It shook me up and Pm going to do—that Maitland has two separate and announce that her luncheon in any discussion of international affairs Foolish people cut out some of the Jaxx for this ipartmenta in the city, not Just the was ready. Joyce was amused to printing w rvlce of "The ITintlng ‘Staple»’ l!»ed In get the notion th a t somehow America's diplom ats and dele­ week anyhow . . . You might tell one where the men have their stag j see the distrust with which she parties 1 thluk you ought to know eyed the sleeping Dickie She did Every Hu»lneau Com m unity.” gates are going to be "outsm arted" whenever they try to people it’s by yonr orders." not look surprised, and Joyce knew those things because you re ao dicker with Europeans. And Europe, of course, does its best -H a! You don’t expect anybody • These "SiupleH” are the printing that you are u«lng careless abo’.t appearances and It's she had probably, with Marcia, to m ake that notion stick. would believe that you were obey We don’t believe that European statesm en and poll Ing any orders of mine, do you? a crying shame the way you run been watching the game of stick tlay after day, week after week, and m onth after man like Arthur ¡out In the garden ticians are any sm arter than our own. We have everyjcon­ When have you ever taken my around vlth fidence th at the American delegation to the present World advice, young lady?" month. Maitland." Juat as Joyce left the dining In the midst of the resentful fury room she heard the whir of a motor M onetary and Economic Conference will get all they went He stared at her with such a sud­ • Check your suppUea-on-hand NOW. If exhausted or after, whether Europe likes it or not. den keen searching look in his blue that seixed Joyce at the nerve of outside the door, and before she the woman for mixing up into her America has grown up. could decide whether to retreat eyes that Joyce blushed deeper low—place the order TODAY. private affairs she could not help through the kitchen or make a daah than ever. AUTOMOBILES DEADLIER THAN FIREWORKS 'Advice comes natural to a doc­ feeling admiration for Laurlne’» for the stairs, two young women ANNOUNCEMENTS LETTERHEADS courage. She had thought of Frills entered the house and greeted her tor. Frills." he went on. “If you are BUSINESS CARDS Next Tuesday is the Fourth of July. Already we have STATEMENTS as a dynamic being who would not received the warning from different governm ent agencies going to take advice. I wish you'd for a moment have tolerated the loudly. PAMPHLETS ENVELOPES to be careful with fire works and make the Fourth Safe and take som e I've given you long ago. rebuke or advice of such a complac­ "Hello. Frills, how are you?" HANDBILLS BUJTTERS Quit this excessive smoking! Look- Sane This is old stuff. What the president and governor ent upholder of middle aged con­ "Say you don't look so had!" TICKETS RECEIPT8 of Oregon should do is to issue a proclam ation calling for at the way you fidget." Hhe herself was (T O BE C O N T IN U E D ) “But I haven't smoked since day ventionalities. TAOS FOLDERS careful driving of autom obiles on the Fourth of July when speechless, wholly unprepared, and the city pours into the country for a holiday. A hundred before yesterday.” retorted Joyce no match for Laurlne’s methods of people will no doubt be injured in autom obile accidents on triumphantly, “so It can't be that ' attack. It occurred to her. how­ •It can't? Whew! No wonder the Fourth of July to one h urt with fireworks. you're nervous! Don't you know ever. that this Information of the -------------- ------------------ second apartment might be used Uncle Sam is ready and willing to pour a million dol­ you can't cut It out all at once? later In her handling of Maitland, lars or more into Lane county for the building of a new Not a girl with your highly strung and she could not help being a little Twenty-eight runs, twenty nine Super-Pacific highway and if we don't take it the money will nervous system, who’s been smok­ grateful to Laurlne for furnishing hits, eighteen bases on balls, one BuHineHM Printer» go elsewhere, so we are told. Every state and county in the ing at the terrific rate you have! her with any weapon. ' man hit by a pitcher, one wild pitch U se a little common sense. Here, union have their hands out to get some of this m onster Springfield Laurlne. not waiting for the scar and three errors, all In one game jack-pot because they think th at the other fellow will have take this. If you want to cut out let-faced Joyce to reply, went on between the New York Yankees to pay it back. But who is the other fellow anyway? Is it smoking, do It gradually.” He hand­ calmly. "When you're a little older, and the Philadelphia Athletics In ed her a cigarette with a decisive possible it might be you and J ? New York, the other day. In which gesture which made refusal impos­ my dear, and have had aa much —— ——'$■' ” experience as 1 have of the world, New York won 17 to 11. Phlladel- Well old Sol beat the processing tax to it. W heat has sible. you'll realise It's foolish to put anyj phia scored 11 runs ln the third Joyces took It, her hand shaking. gone to a dollar a bushel because of heat waves in the mid­ trust in a man who is so lacking and New York ten tn the fifth dle west which are drying up fields before harvest. The sun But before she had even raised It in principle that he can deliberately Doesn't sound like big league base to her mouth, they were interrupt­ has added 70 millions of dollars to the natio n ’s wheat crop, compromise a married woman ball. even if this is no consolation to a farm er who has lost all ed by the arrival of Roxie. “Dr. El­ Nine times out of ten, he won’t be j • • • lison, the Gates Hospital wants to There la considerable Interest his crop. faithful to her, and when she'» been speak to you. sir.” among track follower« In the com The doctor Jumped to his feet. made a fool of she'll find that she Ing Yale-Harvard vs. Oxford-Cam­ was only one of a number of other "Thanks. Roxie. Just tell them I’ll bridge meet to be held at Cam be right there. Oood-bye, Frills, I’ll silly women. Arthur Maitland la no bridge, M a«., July 8. different from the rest. Well, 1 drop in again later,” and he was muat run along now. And do come off without a backward glance. A lot of tennis fans will want to Joyce drew a breath of relief, j over aoon, my dear. Paul and I "Another one killed off! That are always glad to welcome you know why Frank X. Shields, fifth m essage was sheer luck I couldn't and no matter what happens, you ranking United States tennis player light this cigarette with him look- muat feel you have a refuge In our , wbo was expected to compete In the English championships at Wlm simple home. ing on,” she murmured. A TONSORIAL TALK She successfully lighted the c l- , Joyce waa left alone again. bled on, la returning .u home. » i. Shields k garette and puffed at It daintily, plunged Into another whirl of em was defeated In the French chant I have been a patron of the barber shop for over forty After a few moments, however, her otlons. "I'm getting so many new pionshlps by Christian Boussus. years. I am one of the best friends the barber has. T h a t’s attention was suddenly distracted things to think about so many . . . why I am so m uch interested in the very best for both oper­ by the approach of a woman. In angles all at once to this business Bicycle racing Is being revived In ator and custom er, in this im portant field. her renewed agitation. Joyce swal- of being Frills Packard, that It various parts of the country I may have mentioned in this column before— th at I lowed a mouthful of smoke, which makes me dizzy trying to fit them knew a clergyman with the finest “suit” of hair I ever saw ; to her surprise she found herself together. Whew, but Mrs. Pau Archery tournaments are becom­ he would not permit a barber’s brush or comb to touch his expelling through her nostrils and Packard is a fearful and wonder u ing Increasingly popular. • • • scalp— for fear of some sort of carried infection. The more mouth without any sensation of female! I’ll bet all I have that she s I think of it- the more I feel that the preacher was right. Horse racing and betting has re­ strangeness. Automatically her telling every one nhe knows about Now I am uncom fortably bald. My more than th re e ­ breathing apparatu« wa« perform- Arthur Maitland’« other apart men . ceived sanction of the Texas legis­ score and ten years may account for It—but I wish I could ing a familiar operation! If It weren't that It helped me find lature and when signed by (lover- If you really knew the feels you have kept that hair! Many a barber’s brush has showered Fortified to meet another visitor, out more about life here, I should n<)r Ferguson, the bill become« down on my scalp whatever was in the instrum ent. Let she rose to her feet and smiled have been bored to death by Laur-1 operative In 90 days, In time for the would own an electric refrigerator. me repeat: The barber’s hair brush should be kept immersed fall fairs Ine. The fo o d saving alone will pay for greeting at the newcomer. • • • In a good bowl of antiseptic solution. "Well, my dear Frills, what a for-1 She picked up the letters again the refrigerator end electric tefriger- Not only t h a t: but. barbers should be zealously guarded lunate child you a re!” Whippet racing drew 17.000 the and re-read the ones from "Sophie" in their own personal health and condition of blood. In | Her caller, who seated herself with a glowing longing to see the other day In Portland, Oregon. etion to the one sure way to keep » e e these days of rapid transit and mixed custom ers, too much without waiting for an Invitation, baby. Fired by thia feeling, she the baby’s milk dean and pure. N o care cannot be exercised by men who have such varied con­ was a woman about forty years old went Into the house to hunt for Basebull, boxing, dog shows, golf Witn rx nuinnii uv/ic z Z'--- " --- chances must be taken with his food tacts as barbers have. I don't like to have a workman shave with a delicate skin fine In texture Sophie’s address. But there was no | tournaments, horse shows, polo, me who has a crop of ugly lesions on his face and certainly She had large pale blue eves, a Sophie in the little pigskin book and gsown*ups live b e tte r and horse racing, yachting, are all of­ not on his hands! straight little nose, and a thln-llp- She had wandered out onto the fered tn the New York sports fan healthier If their food it alto pro­ It would make me leap for Ioy to see a sign hanging in ped mouth whose corners dropped sunny sleeping porch still ponder tbhse days. tected from moisture, germs and » • e my barbershop. "ALL OPERATIVES HERE HAVE NEGA­ with a petulant, complaining ex- Ing Launlnc's conversation, when TIVE BLOOD-TESTS." It ought to be the finest draw ing presalon. Her feet were shod In she heard the rattle of a machine The big Intercollegiate regatta dirt. Invest in an electric refrigerator. card for a public barber shop or hair-dressing establish­ beautfully fitting white kid walk-j which sounded like a Ford driving with the beat crews of the country ment. Ing slippers. From the top of h e r , Into the grounds. She ran down competing Is scheduled for Long I ran across a man professionally this week who was head to her feet, Mrs. Paul Pack stairs, out across the terrace and Beach, Cal., July 8. • • “ W asserman plus four," who absolutely did not know how ard was Immaculately well d ressed ! around to the garage. Yes, there M O U N T A IN STATES POWU COMPANY lie acquired the ugly condition. Such experience as this and well groomed. , was Sam Just getting down from i The National Outdoor Fencing sets a man to thinking. We should close every door against "If she affected Frills one-half, the machine, and In his arms was a | cham pionships are scheduled to be dangerous Invasion. as unpleasantly as she does me,” Ulttle black and white dog. "Here held In Chicago June 23 and 24. Ona Tear In Advanca Two Year» tu Advanca >1.5# »2.ÖU Six Month» Three Mouth» When You are Hot and Irritable R G G I M A N N ’S The Printing Staples’ Used In Every Business Community ▼ -- «--- Sport Shorts The Willamette Press c~t(K FAMILY , DOCTOR ht- JOHN JOSEPH GAI8ESM.0 KEEP HIS FOOD SAFE