THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS People to Vote FLOWER EXHIBIT No. 26 HFKJNOKIICLb, IsANK COUNTY. OREGON,THL’KHbAV, JUNE 2». 1933 T H IK T IK T II YEAH On 10 Measures CASCADE TEAMS Past Officers Poindexter Will Round-Trip to Europe Give Program Stay 4s ROAD BODY ENDS Pastor Methodiete Name Portland Minister a* New District State Highway Group Aaaura* Superintendent at Meet Proteeting Delegation That Survey* Will Be Dropped Mr*. Van Valzah Only Char* Election of Convention Dele­ gate* Moat Likely to Stir Old Leader* Toppled in De> ter Member of N. O. W., Many Paopla View Varied First Guardian Neighbor People for July Election feat and New Champ* Loom Display of Tama and Wild in Next Few Game* Bloom* at City Library I'ant Guardian» of Pina Circle. Draguu voters will have to decide Rev. Dean C Poindexter, pastor of the Springfield Methodist church ; Neighbors nt Woodcraft, hud charge on ulna proposal* and alacl ala con O T . D T FLOOD CONTROL TALKED for the pest two years, waa re i _______ PARADE IS BIG FEATURE van I Ion dalegatas whan they walk START NEW SCHEDULE ,,f ,be reuolai meeting of the circle assigned to thia charge for another ___ _ . . . _. „ Into (lia election booth» July I t ac __________ . ______________ , ____ laat night. Mr« Kgglmann directed year at the rloae of the annual 8 0 0 Sign Petition Float* and Flower Costume* oortllng to * summary of the con Four of League, Yoncalla. u,g program and Mr«. Kl»le Lam conference of bis church held In Opposing Effort* Made to Feature Evening Program; lent* of the ballot for the special i Springfield, Hill* Creek and bert and other Past Guardian« aa- Change Present Location Portland last week. Members of election which ha> been Issued by Dinty'* Meet Sunday I elated with the refreshments. Winner* Get Ribbon* the congregation here bad asked ———— Following the regular order of W. II. Gillard, county clerk. Bishop Tltua Low« to retain their Delegate« from the Lane Pacific Perhaps the most Important deci »'«ndlngs were toppled j business the resignation of Melba Due of the beat flower «bow» and atlantre flyer, p i . » a rouml tn p fl« b l ! f wh(j also serve» a congre- Highway association attending tbe '* « ln ,h* <'»«<••’- ' * « “• « ' “ >e guard, children'« parade« yet he'd In slon which U n . county voter, will rl«h‘ to Europe in July, going New York , . ,, oburg. meeting of tbe Btate Highway Com­ to Rome, southern route, knd ruter* I»"»“ »l ° 8un,,"y »» four l ’*«t Guardian attended the annual double «how ventlon for the ratification or r e -|tb* «"•» half of ,h* U U E u r o i Conference for the coming H l«b ’ a' a‘ tb‘a “ » • •* Neighbor« Nellie Carr. «potiaored by the Mprlngfleld Civic peal of tb . p ro p o sed amendment to ;du,# Af,er ,h- “m” k* had ' '’ ared ” E“repa- _ 1 . ^ .. dropped and state highway en- Memorial service« for three de lb " H,Ma » •" club ta il Thuraday afternoon and tba constitution of ..the United | . glneers were ordered to cease their parted members of the lodge were ------ evening --------- — — Most Important among t * ! pre||m|nary survey authorised at Mtatas repealing the eighteenth also conducted during the evening, Springfield and Yoncalla still In a An unuaually wide variety o f amendment. change, m ad. in assignment, a t ; mee tie for second place. These two and a shower of gifts were given fInWera were displayed at the llbr the Conference this year waa the, ac„ on of (h< Hlghway BIx measures will b e presented , team, have been struggling In a to Mr. and Mrs. Ida Bcharen, new­ ary together with pencil r . he» , shifting of Dr. W illiam Marcy of to the people for their approval or , . . . . . mission came about after some 17 . - . .u_ for first place for several week. lyweds. by Jean ll»»ler Thump r ind Salem from the position as district refection by referendum of the I Dlnty's team sits tightly In fourth members of tbe Lane-Pacific as­ Numbers on the program In Margey Burkhart. ( superintendent to the pastorate of legislature. These are: sociation from all points between eluded a reading by Mrs. Alice place. The children'« parade C ye Sunnyside church in Portland. Rev. Soldier* and Bailors Bonus Creswell and Junction City appear­ Peterson, guitar music by Laverne evening drew the large«! d l^w ls Magln, pastor of that church. The alandlng« may *oon be ed at tbe meeting to protest the amendment. Pugh, acrobatic stunts by Wyetta which ha* turned out for I r Municipal Corporations (Con- Four Bprlngfleld bu-lneaamen, F. soon adorn the Main street of while Dlnty's have dropped two re* d **7 M r’ - |,'red Hlnaon. two g l’ la dre»»ed a« flower«. Tht B Hamlin. J D. Pyle. M B. Hnntly, The first Guardian Neighbor and Bprlnfleld as a result of tbe efforta girl« were IHane Beeson and Patty I fcJtUUoMl). Bprlngfleld und Yoncalla are Btate Power Fund Bonds and J. Fulop, and C. F. Giese, presi­ the only charter member of the lx>u Tom«eth of Harry M. Stewart and other I scheduled lo atari off the second Bale. Tax Bill dent of the Highway association, Circle now living here. Mr». Bernice Parade Winner« half of the schedule with a game! Only one measure will be pre« and Gene Thompaon, two West | Van Valxah, a» present at the members of Liberty Masonic lodge. Award« of blue, red and white rnted by Initiative petition of l h e |u" H-ld here Bunday after- meeting. Bprlngfleld businessmen attended M r Stewart has been at work ribbon« were made winner» In the noon. This will temporarily at H. E. Maxey Sworn in as Di­ the meeting. Giese acted aa spokes­ people. Thia la an act to repeal Past Guardians who were able to for some time on plans whereby the exhibit« anil the parade The par­ rector Succeeding Flanery; man for tbe proteeting gronp and the prohibition amendment to the least, end the tie which haa ex­ attend tbe program were Lottie local Masonic lodge coaid raise ade award« were made «• follow« isted between the two teams. pre ented the Commission mem­ Constitution of Oregon. Bowman, Nellie Carr. Myrtle Kggl Dr. Pollard New Chairman the necessary funds to purchase the Float» Turner Novelty Store, a Tbe strong Hills Creek team suc- bers with petition» opposing tbe ez- niann. Minnie Girard. Cora Hinson. large street clock now standing In roae covered wagon occupied by A referendum haa beeu called for ceanfully smothered the Bprlngfleld ( 'ontracts for 200 cords of wood pendlture of money for tbe new Edith M xto n . Elate Lambert. Mary front of the Bank of Cottage Grove Hetty L o * Helph by petition of the people on two nine Bunday b-1. The Bprlngfleld Distrlc» 19 were let M on-, route which were signed by more which la In liquidation and this J,or Dali Itugglee— Leota Hertach. measure«, the Oleomargarine tax boys made five errors as against Magill and Mm. Van Valxah week announced that the neceasary day evening at a special meeting , han goq residents along the higb- Lola Mae Hodenbough Joy Hebhan bill, and the Grange Power bill. none for Hill» Creek. Bill Davit detalls had been completed and;°^ tbe »cbool board. A. B Downs way. and Diane Lewi» Election polls In each precinct used three pitcher«. Delph. Bword. LAY DELEGATES WILL that the clock would soon be moved wa” kiven a contract to furnish 125 Giese stressed the scenic and Baby Cab«- Bhtpley Gulley and In l^ n e county will be open from an(J ^ „ n dur|ng the game. GIVE REPORTS SUNDAY cords of slabwood, and Edwards other advantage« of keeping the to Bprlngfleld. eight In ,ne morning until eight Krvln Pole Another upset which aurprDed and Cunningham w ill furnish 76 highway on Ita present route and Marching Children — Two Hen In the evening. All Things Made New." is the many fans waa the 4-1 victory of The clock Is to »« a ten _____ of raising _____ t i eord« of split second _ growth. The _____ ra|ged about tbe problem aeny children drea»ed a» cowboy». Dlnty'a team over Yoncalla. This theme of the 11 o'clock message wood w,n COBt the dliltf!ct * 2-26 i the highway a few feet In the lower Kathrin« Thompaon and Bobble dlflnltely puts the Bicycle riders at the Methodist church Sunday between Second and Third streets per cord thia year. places or the building of dykes. Black aa Indiana. Diane Beeson and ( In the classification with the leao- morning. Rev. Poindexter will The old bank signs on the -clock Successful bidders w ill deliver Hamlin emphasised the fact to the Betty Ixiu Tomseth aa flower« era In the league Those who preach. The evening message will will be removed and tbe spaces the wood to the three buildings I Commission members that the high- Children'a Wagon» — Billy W il­ watched Brewer pitch tor the Eu- be the experience of two lay people devoted to the emblems and names liam« and U iw ell Montgomery. | gene team declare him to be the at a great conference. Mra. Ida of Cascade Chapter O. E. S. and early this summer ln the amounts way ln the proposed realignment i designated by tbe board. sector was never flooded but that Tricycle«— Nadine Neet. Kathryn I smoothest pitcher In the Cascade Gantt and Phil Bartholomew will to Liberty Masonic lodge. A master the highway was also flooded at Moyer and Betty Qulney tied for league. relate a thrilling experience in the clock Inside of the building will H. E. Maxey, newly elected dl Cottage Grove and other placet first place. Jackie Barber. Fred and In the lower division of the ache- week spent at the Methodist An- control the larger outdoor time- rector, attended the meeting ar d i i north and south of Eugene, and Dorothy Hamlin. Billy Lyon«. sworn in as a member of the High Offices, Membership dule Junction City and W eatflr nual Conference In Portland The niece ----------------------------- board. He was fills the vacancy caused that th* b“ bway bad neT6r beeD Blcy^ea—Itonald Moyer. had to play 12 Innings before June- service will be at 8 o clock. Prize Captured By Spring- ' Impassible for more than one day Comic»— Aleta Bertsch and Jim ­ i with the expiration of F. B. Flan- tlon City finally took the game --------------------------- field Group at Salem my Bhearer a» Mickey and Minnie MRS. FULOP HOSTESS cry's term. Dr. W . H. Pollard la at a time. tty» EVANGELISTIC SERMON North Change Protested Mouse. • gypay group Including the FOR AENEAS MEMBERS ’ he new chairman. Another game which will prove AJ CHRISTIAN CHURCH Ml«a Grace ljui«bery. member of Service station and auto camp Apgar and Tate children. Shirley _______ very Interesting thia Bunday la the Iuka circle of Hprlngfleld, waa | operators north of Eugene protest­ Maxwell, and a group of negro Member of the Aeneas club were one between Hills Creek and Rev Veltle Pruitt wifi preach an elected registrar for the «tate of ed the change, aa they had done character». Dlnty's. Junction City will come evangelistic sermon at the Christ entertained Tuesday afternoon at and Mr» M yrtle Kgglmann earlier in the week to Commission­ Peta— Tommy Putman with rooa- Oregon, . . . _ .......... to Eugene to meet the Fruit Grow ian church Sunday evening at 8 the home of Mrs. Julius Fulop. Mrs. was chosen as one of the member» er Carl Washburne. on the grounds ter and hen. Joe Phase with molt . .. „ „ . er«, and W estfir will come to o'clock W ilm a Lewis and Dorothy M M. Peery of Eugene. Miss Edna of (he Council of Administration at that they had been Induced by the key. Ruaaell Gate« with a heifer. the closing cessions of the depart-) Wendllng. Withers w ill sing a duet. Regular Swarts and Mrs. Peters, mother of Eugene Chamber of Commerce and Billy Tate with hl» parrot. June morning services with special Mrs Fulop. were guests The next » t ----------------------------- had been given assurance that tbe Burkhart. Nelli« Prlndle and Kuth nient gathering In Salem l a music and a sermon by the pastor meeting will be held at the home Thursday afternoon. FAMILY REUNION HELD road was not to be moved. Keeler all with monkey». will be held at i l o'clock. of Mrs. N. W. Emery. Mrs. Wanda Barnes waa named pQR GRANDMA BLAKELEY Flower Winner« Named Widow and Two Daughters Suggest Flood Control Winner« In the floral display« one of the state delegates to H ip Leslie M Hcott, chairman of the Survive; Funeral Services One hundred and sixteen persons m>-mher»hlp gathering In Bt. Paul ware: highway commission, asked many attended the Blakeley family re­ to Be Held This Afternoon Bad«—first. Mr« C. E Wheaton, thia summer. questions of the visitors, and E. A prlxe for the circle showing the union held at Dilley's Riverside pink tJiurent P ari; «econd. Mr« Jospeh B Freeman. 57. died at B. Aldrich, third member of the Elate Pollard, pink Columbia: greatest Increase In membership park Bunday. June 18. In honor of I his home near Lowell Monday even- Commission urged the delegation to third, Mr«. D. B Bailsman, Lady was also won by luku members and the 90th birthday of Grandma J ing after a short illness. start a flood control investigation was presented by Mrs Fretda i Blakeley. Among those present Wellington. Mr. Freeman was born in Michl- wltb tbe «»«‘»‘»nee of state en- Group of two— Brat. Mrs. D. O Peterson, retiring patriotic Instruc­ were four of her children. 40 grand gan on July 18. 1875 and was mar- «¡neers who specialise in that work. children. 4« great-grandchildren, tor. This was a large steel etching Fisher, white Frau Drushl; «econd Note; Mr. Chapman's estimate ried to Mlgs M yrtle McDonald in The prolM)8ed hi