LION PARTY SEES E T !IUHSDAY, JUNK 22, 11133 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE POI’H FORMER MERCHANT OF CITY DIES IN PORTLAND Tw o Extremes in Improving the Breeds Credit Plan bor barmers Starts Cherries Need bruit bly Spray CHURCHES UNITE IN PROHI DRAMA O liver W. Johnson. proni m ein h ard » art iiierihaiii of SurinRfteld som e y ears agii diet! at bis home Three Sprays Needed: Antici­ in P o rtlan d W ednesday arc, rdlng Organize Under 5 Divisions of Administration in Fed­ Convention Visitors Surprised *® * ord rixeiv.d here ills body pate Residue Problem If In­ Public Invited to Attend Pres­ at Magnitude and Beauty ’* br"u* h' ' ,>d*y eral Reserve Districts structions Art Unheeded entation at M. E. Church w here funeral service« will held • Next Monday Evening of Veterans Property and Interm ent made In the Id 1. Provision for farm production P i n t spray application for Ihe O. O P. cem etery. credit through regional production cherry fruit fly iu aeetioua of ihe Thti new S oldiers' Home at Rose C hurches of Springfield will uiilto cred it h a rk s and local production sla te w here this peal Is a problem th eir efforts Monday evening In burg may be opened shortly a fter d it associations i th e outstand is expected to be due about th llle presentation of th» first of July for public inspec­ Tile . Aflei ing featu re of a new law which hn middle Io latter pari of the week m ath". Thia Is a rellgloua. tem per tion, o r it may not be opened for passed congress, says Ihe Oregon j of Ju n e ID Io 24. according to oh nin e dram a debate dealing with many m onths, was th e statem en t A gricultural Extension service In aervatlon of apeelallata at th e tire pro «nt oondltlon» and played by of Colonel T andy, com m andant In a review of th e ag rlcu ltu ru l sltuu gon Experim ent station Thia flr-l Hall and Sum m ers, two loading charge of the project, to a party of lion just reiea ed. The circu lar also spray is lim ed according Io lime eb araclers. Il will ho given al Ihe S( riugfield Lion club m em bers gives an analysis of oth er farm cre­ of tuuergonev of tlie (lies, which Is M elhodlal church sta rlin g al M which he escorted about the nia’n i Efjtjpw Company of Radio d it and adju stm en t developm ents, usually about the lim e Royal Ann o'clock buildings Friday afternoon. A II ll III lie l of local people Drama of West of 1860 and the cu rren t trend of dem and, cherries a ttain good color. P our m enibers of th e Springfield will assist in Hie presentation prices and costs of farm products This Is one post w here Ihe pol Here Friday • Saturday club. W. P. W alker. John D. Pyle, T he two leading ch araclera. Torn The plan is to have five divisions I son spray Is directed tow ard Ihe O'Neil. In (tie liquor business, and I. M 1‘eterso n and T b elm er J. Nel­ of the new farm credit ad m ln istra The e n tire cast of Radio S tation adults, because the files have a Judge Wood, judge of Hie superior son, and one o th er lion m em ber handy hublt of spending consider court, a re .eated In (he Judge’s from Tigard com prised the in sp ect­ KOW's th rillin g serial dram a of tion. each with a comml »loner in iab le tim e flitting about (lie trees cham ber discusalug accident cases ing party. T hose men w ere the Ihe unclaim ed W e d of th e IS&O era ch arg e u n d er th e governor and the deputy governors. Each division ; sam pling any drops of m oisture reported In (he m orning new spaper only visitors at th e R oseburg Lions "Covered Wagon Day»," broadcast will handle one class of loans. The I they find. T he Idea Is Io huve some nt Hie atari of the show. gathering to be shown through th e every Monday night at S o'clock, Above is W interthur Gann«, a 7 year old Holstein owned by 11. B. credit com m issioner is to m ake a personal ap p earance production in terio r of th e buildings. , N ew spaper critics In various I jB ont of W interthur, Del. who has just set a new record by producing ) sw eetened poison "m o istu re" ready will be in ch arg e of tw elve produc­ at th e Rex T h eatre. Eugene on F ri­ This visit to th e new p roject had 1,004.8 pounds of butter fst in one year on a strictly twice a day milking, ! for them during th is period. parts of Ihe D ulled Hiatus have tion credit banks, one iu each F ed­ day and Saturday. Ju n e 23-24 it was exessim g the former world rts-ord by 145.H isiunds. She produced 23,444 (I been scheduled as a regular part Form ula la Oivan prat ed Ihe work of Ihese two meu ounds of milk Below A new animal called • • c a ttle '’ whirh is tiring of the afternoon program , but 'th e '<”«•>• by ■»«* O'Connell. eral Lank Bank district. T he spray used is mad« of lead III presenting (he argum ents of the ««loped by the Canadian government by rroaaing domestic rattle with Provides Supervision Springfield delegation were delay- Kl * niana*ter buffalo so they may better stand the severe winters. Its meal la truly (a rs e n a te one-half pound, m olasses null liquor forces. T he land bank com m issioner “ “ * * ’ j l l l i j « « It» t s l l l u : f I n f t . l * h * * g | A A . mMAal ed in sta rtin g for Ihe grounds and Nearly an hour of eu tertain m en t j 2 quarts, and enough w ater to make T h ere will Ini tin adililsaloil discovered th at the m ain body of ,b a * a ” *111 enjoy w ill be presented will su p erv ise th e tw elve federal 10 gallons. T rees a re never drench U iarge, hut an offering will hn land banks." th e circu lar sta te s the visitors had not topped a t tin and I - s tr o y will have an opportun ed w ith thia spray, Ihe Idea being taken durliig the evening Soldiers' Home m erely driving on ; »®® I” Person th eir favorite "T he in term ed iate credit com m is­ I m erely to sprinkle the foliage I VJ I • n enough m n to the golf tournam ent at the radio sta rs which will include sioner will supervise the tw elve to have plenty of the drop County Club. * I Nancy Applegate. N ate Applegate. in term ed iate credit banks. T h e Co­ on III» top side of th e leaves Tall, straig h t, and with a sp ark le T »»’ Ma. Kay. "C heers " Ream. Hal o p erativ e Bank Com m issioner will all files. Excellent resu lts have of steel in his eyes despite th e : Peler», "B eke" Pickens, "Colum ad m in ister th e C entral Bank for been had by spraying with any At Ihe annual school m eeting of w hite h air on his head. C o lo n elibine " HawAin», a new com er to th e C ooperatives and tw elve regional Red Cross Plans Series of so rt of a rig which will do t h a t the I'lessnnl Hill public school Mr, C ooperative Banks. And the Em er T andy, a New E nglander, who is ,, • ast a "d m any o thers. The "Cover Three sprays a re usuully needed Hammond was elected d irecto r for State Banking System to Be Fiv* Institutes for Workers him self, a veteran of both the f'd " agon Days Old Time Orehes- geney C redit C om m issioner will to give com plete control. The first years to tahn the pluco of Haul in Pacific Northwest Sought in 1934. To Enter Spanish-A m erican and W orld w ars. ,r a " wil1 also »PPoar and furnish supervise th e regional A gricultural la given, ns m entioned, when Ihe Baughiiinii sod Mra. K. G lustlna Political Investigation patiently explained every detail of tones rem em bered by all. T he stage C redit C orporations." Fifth of a series of Home Service , flies first em erge. The second fol was ciectod clerk. Local production credit asso cia­ the million and a q u arter dollar Presentation will take the audience In stitu tes for Red C ross w orkers ,o* a 1,1 seven days, ami (he third tions may be form ed l»y ten or more Vti&uimous disapproval of the A large crowd atten d ed ihe l'teaa- expenditure to his visitors. ba‘ k » “ evening sp en t by the at which tim e the new federal re-! • *«*h la te r Iu ca«e of a heavy Lobby Is Beautiful pioneers while encam ped for th e farm ers, and a p art of th e capital proposed sales tax now being re gulatlons governing veteran»' pan ra,n 1,1 betw een, th e spray is re ant Hill picnic which was held al (lie picnic grove Iasi Halurday a fte r One of the most beautiful sights night "on th e trail.' Music, corn- of local associations may be su b ferred to th e voters of O regon and »tons ami claim s will be explained ' peated. having been postponed (w ire lie- seen fo r a long tim e greeted th e edy, singing and a d ram atisatio n scribed by Ihe regional production upport for Ru.v W. Gill, s la te will tie held In E ugene on June 30 U ic Spray Sparingly grange m aster, in his opposition cause of rain A good program was party im m ediately as they stepped som e of th e happinings which credit bank. This ia on» of the moat econo Oregon P rices Up 40 P ercen t cam paign was voiced Iasi week at and July 1. II was announced this given in I be m nrnlug and sports into th e lobby of th e ad m in istratio n were a p art of th e daily life of these week by It E. Arne, d irecto r of mlcal sp ray s Io apply, as only a According to th e circu lar the the anuual G range m eeting in Ben building This, with its high ceil- trav elers will be included in th e w ar service, who will atlem l all ; pint io a q u art Is needed per tree, and I wo bail gam es held In Ihe ing em bracing a m ultitude of sm all sta .. . , «u , ... 1 ,, should do. Work on the bladder WARRANTS ARE CASHED dated Jan u ary 13, 1933 In terest <»n M cKenzie H ighw ay. A beautiful $45,000 steel bridge „„ ,, „ .. . , ,, , as casto r oil on th e bowels. Drive Call E ugene 2234-W, He ------------ ceases a fte r Ju n e 24. 1933 • now spans the riv er betw een the out im purities and excess acids H olders of county m ark et road w ard. C. F BARBER. Clerk. old and new homes, b u t failure of th a t cause irritatio n w hich resu lts w arran ts and special w arran ts are congress to ap p ro p riate money fot in getting up nights, frequent de- having them cashed by th e county this purpose prev en ts th e building i , . , ... , H're, burning, leg pains or back- this week, th ese funds being nearly of the necessary approaches mak o i - . . ache. BL-KETS (S gr. T ab lets) Is up to date. M arket road w arran ts ing the bridge usable. a pleasant bladder physic. Get a are being paid up to Ju n e 1 and No Dedication Planned ■m.. u u. . v . , . , 25c te s t ho» from your druggist. special w arren ts up to Ju n e 19. The old soldiers home, which is , ,, ,, i_____ _________ A fter four da>'« not relieved go according to G race Schiska. county a collection of w hite wooden build back and get your money. You will treasu rer. ings in contrast to th e new m odern T h e F; rlngfield Irish M urphy sto re sells at Ihe feel good a fte r this cleansing and As yet county general fund war-1 ones of red brick and m idw est lime­ sam e price as all o th e r Irish Cush sto res in o th e r cities you get your reg u lar sleep. Sold by ra n ts have not been cashed up to stone with red slate roofs, is still F lan ery 's Drug Store. ir. L ane county. Irish sto res are not undersold uny- Jan u ary 1. being nsed as q u a rters for th e Covered Wagon Cast Plays Rex S E SEIS IIP Veterans’s Act Io Be Explained^ Upper Willamette , I LOST Irish-Murphy Co. You Can’t Beat Our Low Prices veterans. T he property, which o ri­ ginally was a s ta te home, has been turned over to th e V eterans Admin­ istratio n by th e sta te of Oregon. T here will be no public dedic-a tion of th e home C'olon“l T andy as sured his visitors. W hen o rd ers are received to open th e borne 1 would like to have a very brief flag ra is­ ing cer niony before the main building and let th e people of O re­ gon spend the balance of th e ir tim e viewing th e buildings and th eir contents, he fated. I McKenzie Valley w liere in th is tra d e territo ry . You can buy y o u r g ro ceries in Springfield with confidence th at for quality and price th ey a re not s u r­ passed. And yau can SAVE y o u r gasoline bill and your tim e spent going elsew here. June Toilet Goods Sale R ight at th e tim e t»f the y ear w hen y o u r skin needs additional protection and care, we offer S avings in T oiletries. > $1.00 Body Powder 79c $1.00 Shari Powder 79c 50c Jonteel C ream s 33c J1.00 Rexall H air Tonic 69c 75c T h ea trical C ream 59c Mr. and Mrs. C harles Neal have sold th ir home n ear Blue River to C alifornia people. The Annual school m eeting was held In the various d istrict Mon­ day. At W altervllle O. H. H ardy was re-electeil directo r, C harles Jessen clerk At C edar Flat. Mrs. Ivy H art was re-elected d irecto r; H arry E ndicott, clerk. At Leaburg, W. Allen and 1 A. Vance were elected directors, a vacancy having arisen with the resignation of Lee Fountain. Sam Sw afford was re ­ elected clerk . At D eerhorn E. E. P o tter was elected d irector, Leland Shrode re-elected clerk At T hurs ton R. B. W bltbeek, d irecto r; Mr-. Flossie G ray clerk 25c Violet Talcum John Koozer had his tonsils re­ moved In Springfield T hursday m orning. See our line of picnic supplies. O ur paj»er plates, cups, Rev. W roof retu rn ed m issionary from the Philippine Islands will preach at W alterv llle the s. conil Friday night In July, the 14th. T he W altervllle D istrict Sunday School Union will hold Its annual convention a t L eaburg Ju n e 25. An all day m eeting with lia ket dinner. Returns from G0( Pompeian Powder 49c $1.00 B oquet R am ee P ow der 49c 50c M idnight Cream 39c 50c Klenzo Shampoo 33o J5c Kleenex 19c GOc Pompeian Ray SI.00 Lem on Cream 79c FREE! $1.0(1 C ara Nome C ream Free with the purchase of $2.00 Cara Nome Powder. 43c 50c Mi 31 S having Cream 25c Or. West P aste 2 T ubes 33c Tooth 19c 37 c $ 2 9 75 ------ IN LOVELY TWO-TONE VENEERS J u s t as show n above! T h re e pieces, all veneered in w alnut, with c o n tra s tin g overlays which add g re atly lo the rich a p p e ara n ce! We co n sid er th is to he one of o u r best Bedroom S u ite values. Axminster Rugs $21-50 up I' dll 9 x 12 size, in b eautiful colorings. T he p a tte rn s are in‘W and pleasing. Inlaid Linoleum $1-35 aq. yd. 59c Dr. W est Toot h Brush for 39c Gem inc Inlaid Linoleum — (lie p a tte rn s being blocked Ihioiigh lo th e hlirlap back. In lilc, block, allover o r geom e­ trical effects. dishes- napkins, an d doilies will sim plify the preparation of your lunch. And d o n ’t forget to lak e films with you. We do kodak finishing. Gold Seal Gongoleum Flanery’s Drug Store Portland — Mrs. K atie B runim elte retu rn ed Tue day from Bin I land win-re she lias been visiting with her son. 15c C ream 3-Piece Bedroom Suite THE REXALL STORE Springfield, ..................... Yd., 59c DON’T WAIT TO BUY FLO U R ! W rig h t & S o n s HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT Oregon T his large m odern sto re h as in stock any groceries th at you m ay w ant an d th e large tu rn -o v e r of o u r stock m ean s th at all goods a re fresh. T he federal g o v ern ­ m en t is placing a heavy p rocessing tax on flour in « few days. Money Invested will surely m ake you a big In flour and cereals now saving.