THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 193» H IE RPTUNOFIELD NEW® SEED CROPS VITAL IN FARM ADJUSTMENT PAOB THRBB parasites are active ha b*en YOUNG EARWIGS READY a big help In control. NOW FOR POISON BRAN Unemployed W om en and Girls to Camp Probable Demand for Created Wheat Oraaa Saad May Open Large National Markat The poiaou moat effective la bran 12 pound», »odium Fluosilicate 1 pound, and flah oil 1 quart, mixed together without water. The halt la applied thinly over the yard and In large quantltiea around the base of building», tree» and fenced, avoiding lump» that might attract children Young earwig boats »re on the i march again In yards and garden» and Just at the beat atage tor ef­ fective polaonlng, says H E. Dim irk of the Oregon State college d* par’ment of entromology. In many j Inis I It lea the rank» of the earwigs ! hare been greatly depleted by the ravage» of the earwig parasites 1 that hare been liberated In Port land and many other cltlea of the I state, but some supplementary pot aonlng at thia aeaaon before the A prospective demand for mil Ilona of p< Hilda of .-reeled win-al grans seed, which can he rslse.l In Daughtar la Born— Mr and Mra. eastern Or. gon, to I»- u».i lo seed the 300.oOO acres Has Forest Place— Hobart Wil­ F. Barber and daughter. Joanne. I (he lime and plate for hearing ob taxon and Io a water right to Je.-tlons to anld final report and In the Columbia harln alone, using son left Monday for Yosemite Na are spending two weeks visiting Martha E Sidra. for the final settlem ent of the Ilona I park in California to spend with relatives at Bend. lad s One. Two. Three. Four, 10 pounds to the acre. eatato of »aid deceased the summer as a tor st ranger. Five and Twelve In Medowa' Ad “Of course there will be other WILLIAM CURTIS. Admlnla Returns from Portland — John dltlon Io l.ow ell In Lane County, u se. miidi- of the same land, and tralor. Cuts Foot W ith Axe T. J. Me Ketels returned Monday from Port Oregon, subject Io unpaid laxe« (M 2f> J 1 8 16 22) mid a mortgage of 3500.00 to the even If seeded to forage crops, not Cracken painfully cut his foot Tues land where he had spent -everal all will go Into created wheat grass, Slate I .amt Board. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S day morning while chopping wood. days. Said sale will take place nt the but the fart remains that If present Notice 1» hereby given that the law office of L. L Hay In the Miner Several stitches were required to uuderalgued haa been appointed ad llulldlug, Eugene, Lane County, plans continue there will tie a close the gash made by (be axe. Former Teacher Here — F. M heavy demand for year» to come mlnlalrator of the t-on for members of STACIIY I. SKINNER. Adinln THE NAME OF THE STATE OF latrutur of the Estate of Ben OREGON you are hereby required English rye gra s and other crops *vel,lng the Koxy Korn r Klub. to appear and answer the complaint of which seed la grown lo western )amln F Skinner, deceased. riled against you In the nbnve en­ Oregon. The cotton states will pro- 1 F orm er Resident Here — Mra. I Walterville People Here— Mr. and I ' d I Eli A. Il MI.EY. Attorio . Stella Lyharger. former Springfield titled »ult wltlUn four week» from fur Estate. Ihe date of the first publication of bably develop an unprecedented resident, visited with friends in Mrs. loiwrence Millican of Walter (J 8 15-22 28 Ju 6) thia summons and If you fall to »<> demand (or hairy vetch, crimson I this city Friday. She now lives at vllle were visitors in Springfield answer the plaintiff will npply to clover and Austrian peas. Saturday. Newberg. the court for a decree dissolving Ihe bonds of matrimony now eglat V isits at Crecwell — Miss Mary Home from Trip— Mr. and Mrs. Ing between plaintiff and defend­ HOW TO MAKE A LEFT Ann Louk Is spending the week at Hugh Jolliff and daughter, Mar­ ant above named and grnntlng unto Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN the plaintiff a decree of absolute TURN STICKS DRIVERS jorie. and Miss Helen Casteel, have the home of her grandparents, Mr Naturopathic Phyalclan divorce from the defendant: returned to their homes in Spring- and Mrs. E. L. Howe, at Creswell How to make a left turn and com This summons 1» published once field following a two weeks motor Phone »1J Attends Convention— Dr. W . N each wi-ek fur four consecutive ply with the Oregon vehicle code week» In (Jir Springfield New« by I seem s to be the one point that most trip to Spokane. Washington. Dow left Tuesday for Portland t o ' office lluura: l lu 5 P. M order of Fred Fisk Judge of the Returne from W e s tfir — M r . . attend the m eetings of the Oregon County Court of lame County, Ore­ m otorists do not und rstand or are 4 Fourth Street gon. made in the absence of G. F. < wrong about. Emma Olson returned the latter State Dental Assocation. Sklpworth Judge of the Circuit The munual Issued by the seer*- : part of last week from W estfir Gets Ashland Position— Miss Court, on June t*. 1833 directing j tary of state says In making a left where she has been visiting with ■ Naomi Carlton will leave Saturday that It be her daughter. Mrs. Bruce loinabery. I for Ashland where she has accept- Dated and first published June turn proceed as follows: 15th. 1*33 Extend Ihe hand and arm HORI­ JEW ELER and Mrs a P^’ KIon as nurse in the South- WHITTEN SWAFFORD, At- ZONTALLY from and beyond the | Visitors Sunday— Mr. Repairing a Specialty lotrney for Plaintiff. Residence left side of the vehicle, as you ap­ Andrew Campbell and daughter ,>rn Oregon Normal school. and P. O. Address: Eugene, Sptiiiglield, Oregon proach In Ihe left lane (each street from Dallas. Mr. and Mrs Kalle of ' vigit at Rai„b<>w— Mr. and Mrs Oregon. has four lanes) for traffic to the Amity, and Miss Virginia Engleson j Georgt. Carson. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs (J 16-22-2*—Ju 8 -13) right of and nearest the center line of Portland were visitors at the H. H. Myers and Mabel Siemsen General Law ITaetlce N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E of the highway, the turn shall be home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Flan- spent Sunday visiting with the C. I. M. PETERSON Notice Is hereby given that I have , made by passing to the right ol ery Sunday. L. Inman family at Rainbow. in my hands for service an execu ’ ¡such center line where It enters i Attorney al ljvw Clean Service Station— The en tlon Is-ued out of the Circuit Court A t Summer Home— Mrs. [.arson City Hall Building of the 8tate of Oregon for Lane the Intersection and upon leaving tjre | nter|„ r oj lbe loirson Service lM,,ng cteaBed , hi„ week Wright and children are spending Springfield, Oregon County, on the 22nd day of May, the Intersection by pssslng to the i 1*33, In a suit wherein Ira C. Parks right of the center line ol the high j ur|„g t|,e absence of Mr. Larson several days this week at tne and Della I. Parks are plaintiffs way or street then entered wh„ vacallonlnR ln Southern Wright cabin on Horse creek near and C. W. Traxler. H. N Trailer. In other words you now make a California. Ted Lenhart is manag McKenxie bridge. ^J II. Goldey, Fay B. Goldey and a corporation, are defendants, and left turn Just like som e mean mo |ng , h(1 gtat(on dur,ng h(g absence Visit at Blue River— Mr. and Mrs. which said execution ordered me to torlat I ibb “balled" you out for do- [ I. D. Larimer spent Sunday visiting sell the hereinafter specified real Ing In years back Instead of keep Gashes Arm — Curtis Carmony. with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vincent and personal property, to satisfy Ing to the extrem e right all of the ; Goshen youth, suffered a painful the personal decree due the plain at their Redsides camp above Blue of Pittsburgh, Pa. tiffs In the sum ot 32823.50 with In­ wayq around you cut across on the gash in his arm Sauirday afternoon terest thereon at 8% per annum Inside of the center of the Intersec when he fell while playing and River. from the 6th day of August, 1*32, tlon In making a left turn, (or In- caught hts arm on a cotter pin on Return From Medford— Mr. and until paid, and 3200 00 attorney s fee and costs and disbursements of side Of the button If there Is one „ piece of machinery. The cotter Mrs. Don Meakins and Mrs. R S. suit taxed at 327.40 and costa ot there» and when you have made p|„ penetrated deeply Into the flesh Johns have returned from Medford Represented By The Booth Kelly Lumber Company, the left turn you do not immediate an(| made a Jagged hole, where they have been visiting for sale, E. H. TURNER ly take the right haud side of the ' som e time. Notice Is further given That by road again until you are well clear Returns to Portland— Dr. Arthur 84« A Ht. Springfield, Ora. virtue of the foregoing I will on Jones returned to his home at W alterville Men Here — John Saturday the 24th day of JTOe, 1*33, of the Intersection. Portland Sunday after a week-end Fountain. Ed Schwerlng and Jay ¡at the hour of 11 o'clock In the j forenoon at Ihe Bide a Wee auto MANUAL TELLS WORK visit In Springfield. While here Dr. Schwerlng all of W alterville. were camp situated on the Pacific High Jones consulted with several patl- business visitors in 9pringfie4d POOLE - GRAY way about 2 miles north of Creswell OF NON-HIGH DISTRICT enlB ln Dr. Walker's office and de­ Saturday. In Lane County, Oregon offer for BARTHOLOMEW monstrated the creation of artlfl- . j sale and sell for cash to the highest A new manual entitled “The Ore­ bidder one counter and three tables. < ial (evers and their uses in restore- Bank Man Hare— Mr. and Mrs. And that on Saturday the 24th gon Non High Sch(H)| District Law" tlve work. , Lloyd Kelley of Silverton were Formerly Walker Poole i day of June, 1933 at the hour of 1 has been Issued during the past j business visitors In Springfield o'clock In the nfternoon at the front week by C. A. Howard, state sup­ Sliver In Side— Aaron Stevenson Wedne day. Mr. Kelley Is in charge and south door of the Lane County EUG EN E--11 tb SPRINGFIELD | Court House, In Eugene, Oregon of­ erintendent of public Instruction of Pengra narrowly escaped serious 1 o( ,h e liquidation of the First Na- slid Churnulton. 22» Main \ fer for sale and sell at public auc­ und copies sent to newspapers nnd tnjury Saturday when he ran a tlon Banks ln the two cities, Telephone 722 Phone 82-J tion to the highest bidder for cash, others Interested In this new school tough splinter Into his side Just ¡the following described real prop­ law. above his belt. Had the splinter , Return from Vacation — Miss erty, being registered title, to-wlt: Thep ubllcatlnn contains sugges- been much longer It would have 1 Clara Jones and Miss Altle Man- Lots 1, 2, 38 and 39 of the a very „erimu, injury. He wa- t-.lng returned late Friday evening Hawley Riverside Orchard Tracts lions and recommendations for use ns the same are laid down no the by hoards of education of non-htgi.' work|nR | be u PW|g Lumber com from a two-weeks' motor trip to duly recorded plat thereof, said school districts, school boaids ot pany at i>e nRra when the accident California. They went as far south land being in sections 1 and 2 Tp 19 8. It. 3 W. of W. M. In high school districts, und high happened He was unable to remove as Bakersfield and spent most of Lane County, Oregon together school districts, and high school the splinter and was brought to their time in the Bay region and with all the buildings and Im­ principals nnd superintendents. the office of a local physician. at Yosemite National park. provements thereon Including a Fairbanks Morse automatic elec­ tric pump now being used as part INVITATION TO WITNESS of the water supply system on GUARD REVIEW GIVEN said premises, also Including the hot water system consisting ot Cards of Invitation from the wood heating stove, coils, hot wnter tank and pipes and all pip­ Commanding General nnd Officers Come in for your favorite soft drink and you’ll ing and all remaining fixtures ex­ of the Command at Camp Clatsop cepting only the Junior Gasoline Inviting local people to witness Ihe notice the difference at once. T hey're richer, cream ­ Nothing wastes energy more Service outfit near highway and than straining your eye». Com­ which belongs to the Associated annual review and combat deomn- ier, more wholesome and m ore tem pting. mon canres of eye »train are Oil Co., and exceptltng the frlgtd- stratlon of the Oregon National nearsightedness, farsightedness, alre, all said fixtures not excepted Guard there on Saturday. June 24, W hether it is a sparkling drink or a milk shake astlgmatlam, and double vision. being a part and parcel of the at 2:30. The reviewing stand Is All of throe can be effectively real property. located west of the camp highway. Eggim ann’s way will meet your hearty approval. How and quickly remedied by the The snlo will Include all the right use of proper glasses. title and Interest of the afore do we know ? Well, we have been serving people for Visitor from Alvadora — Miss If your eyes are enuring you defendants nnd each and everyone of them In and to said property, discomfort you owe It to your­ Jean Morrow of Alvadore was a m any, m any years. self to have them examined. real and personal, and of all parties visitor In Springfield Saturday. claiming by or thru them or either Thin will coat you nothing at of them subject only to the right DR. ELLA MEADE of redeeming the real property In Here from Resort— I’. J. Daniels the manner specified by law. waa a visitor in Springfield Satur­ Optometrist C. A. 8W ART8, Sheriff of Lane day. He operates a resort near "Where the Service 1» Different' County, Oregon. 41 Waat 8th Kugana McKenxie bridge. (M . 26—Ja 1-8-16-22) TOWN AND VICINITY! found Albany Man Hare— Harry Ander son of the Mountain States Power company office at Albany waa a rlaltor In Springfield Friday N atural Ice still leads as the perfect refrigerant for pre­ serving the delicious flav­ ors of vegetables and delivery, fu ll meats. Prom pt weight, lowest price. Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for Maid O’ Cream Butter Springfield Creamery Co. R E X t e , I IS . JU N E ?. CPttOOC ofUu ▲IB/ 20c WKSON ■ M V S * ADULTS 10c kiddies SPENCER TRACY STUART ERWIN MARION NIXON IN “FACE IN THE SKY” Business Directory Edw. G. Privat Abundant Hot Water for Every Month with Superior Gas Water Heating Reliance Life Insurance Co. Funeral Directors Tired Eyes Waste Energy Best Soft Drinks in the Country E G G I M A N N ’S New Low Gas Rates for Water Heating Now Available— Investigate Our Special For Automatic Service 75C Down PLACES A “G A S” TANK HEATER IN YOUR HOME • Unusually Low PRICES and TERMS Given on The New Model “G” "REX" Storage Heater Northwest Cities Ges Co. Eugene, Springfield